The University of Chicago is the modern center of education in the United States. We are in social

In the world.

University of Chicago building

For the first few decades of its existence, the university could not fully function, but after the powerful financial support of the billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist John Rockefeller, it became one of the most rapidly developing in the United States. Today it is on a par with such elite universities in the country as, etc.

The University of Chicago is known as the first educational institution to admit women to the educational process. This American university, to one degree or another, includes 79 Nobel Prize winners, which corresponds to the 2nd place in the world after. Chicago economists, physicists, lawyers and sociologists are more famous than others. It was in this educational institution that the first nuclear chain reaction was carried out in 1942.

panorama of the University of Chicago

The size of this training center is amazing - it covers 211 acres and has 243 buildings. Each educational and laboratory complex is equipped with the most modern equipment, the building of the university library alone is estimated at $ 80 million. A notable feature of the library is the fact that visitors are served by a robot capable of independently searching for the right book on 15-meter shelves.

The campus itself, whose name sounds like "Lupa", leaves a double impression. Looking at the photos of the campus, it is hard to imagine that talented and promising students from other countries study in these old, somewhat harsh and gloomy-looking Gothic buildings. However, there are quite modern buildings and structures on the territory, because there is a constant development and expansion of the base.

Academic structure

Faculty of Law (photo by aimeedars)

Within the walls of the institution, more than 5000 bachelors and over 10 thousand masters and doctors annually acquire an impressive store of knowledge. The number of teachers working here exceeds 2200 people.

The educational institution has an impressive number of colleges, schools and academic departments, in each of which students and graduate students receive a very high-quality education. The main divisions of the university are the institutes of the humanities, biological, physical and general sciences. The most important schools are the School of Blessing, the School of Medicine, the School of Social Security Government, the School of Law, and the Graduate School of Business and Public Policy Studies.

library of the university of chicago

More in-depth directions of the educational process are multiple university faculties of all fields of knowledge. Students at their discretion study chemistry, biology, medicine, physics, history, law, mathematics, literature, business, management and many other sciences.

The educational process proceeds in close relationship with major research work. The university has a large number of research laboratories, an excellent library, its own observatory, a publishing house and a hospital.

Admission conditions

For admission, students are required to:

Robotic library at the University of Chicago (Photo by Luiz Gadelha Jr.)

  • document of international standard on secondary/higher education
  • GMAT and TOEFL language certificates
  • brilliant passing of entrance examinations (exams)

Foreign students for whom studying abroad means studying at the University of Chicago must provide letters of recommendation and other evidence of personal merit in a particular field of knowledge.

Cost of education

near the campus of the University of Chicago

According to the current academic year, the cost of studying at the University of Chicago costs students and their parents about $ 42,000, and this does not include the cost of living, meals and personal expenses. To create more affordable financial conditions for studying at the university, the system of grants and scholarships is widely used.

Video guide to the University of Chicago:

Year of foundation:


The University of Chicago is famous for its high level of training in the fields of law, economics, sociology and physics. It was here in 1942 that the world's first experiment with a nuclear chain reaction was carried out. The educational institution itself was founded with the support of the famous American millionaire John Rockefeller in 1890. Until the end of the 19th century, the university achieved recognition and found its place in the major league of universities in the United States. Now it is one of the leaders in the provision of educational services in the country.

The University of Chicago offers a quality curriculum with a choice of study programs at any level. All conditions for successful scientific activity and additional training programs are created here, which are encouraged by the university management. And the price for studying is quite comparable with the quality of educational services.

Features of the educational process:

The University of Chicago is constantly developing new connections with the world's leading educational institutions, so students are offered many exchange programs. The university has international students who offer some of the best language courses in the US for learning English. Guests from other countries will gain invaluable learning experience from world-class teachers, deepen their knowledge, and establish professional connections that are so important for further career advancement.

University achievements and scientific base:

Among the graduates of the University of Chicago are well-known American political scientists, scientists, Nobel Prize winners. Now more than 6,000 people receive a bachelor's degree here, and more than 10,000 students study at the magistracy, postgraduate and doctoral studies. More than 2,000 teachers work with them. The university owns several hospitals, publishing houses, laboratories, research centers and departments, schools, colleges, a huge library and an observatory. The university is active in social activities, stimulates innovation in various fields, supports start-ups, and also invests in discoveries in the fields of healthcare, education, economics and the arts.


The University of Chicago has four academic departments in the following areas:

  • biological sciences;
  • humanitarian sciences;
  • physical sciences;
  • social Sciences.

The university has:

  • school of divinity;
  • law school;
  • School of Management in the Social Sphere;
  • Harris School of Public Order;
  • Pritzker School of Medicine;
  • higher school of business.

With other donations, new buildings were built and new professors were hired. To date, donations received from alumni and university supporters total $7.82 billion. Some of this money is used to help financially needy students through scholarships from the University of Chicago. Thanks to generous donations, the University of Chicago boasts beautiful campuses. The main campus of the university is located in the city of Chicago, more precisely in Hyde Park and Woodlawn. The 217 acres of the campus are filled with beautiful gothic buildings and large trees. Over time, the constructed buildings became more modern, but their majesty was preserved. Additionally, there are campuses in Singapore, London, Paris, Beijing and New Delhi. Students studying under the scholarship programs of the University of Chicago will not only be able to study in America, they also have the opportunity to study at different university campuses located around the world.


Notable alumni include Microsoft CEO, Nadella; founder of Oracle, Allison; Governor of New Jersey, Kozin; and former COO of Goldman Sachs, Alper. There are many successful graduates of the University of Chicago in every field of activity, if you become a student of this university, you will have good opportunities to become like these graduates. At the moment, a total of 16,000 students study at the university, among them about 6,000 bachelors and 10,000 graduate students. The teaching staff of the university includes more than 2,000 honorary professors. At the University of Chicago, students study 51 specialties, of which 33 specialties are undergraduate.

Cost of education

The tuition fee for students is $53,292 per year and the fee does not change depending on the major. In addition to tuition fees, there are other expenses such as accommodation, meals, miscellaneous fees, books and study materials, and personal expenses. With all these expenses included, the average cost for an undergraduate student is $74,526 per year.
Unlike undergraduate tuition fees, postgraduate tuition fees differ in several factors. These factors include faculty choice, academic degree, and the number of courses taken.
At the same time, the average tuition fee is $ 100,000 per year, and may increase depending on the factors mentioned above. For exact information, see Graduate Tuition Fees.
For students with average incomes, these costs will seem huge. Because most students cannot afford tuition fees, these students are eligible for University of Chicago scholarships. These scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement and financial need. For more information, read this article to the end.

Undergraduate Scholarships

The University of Chicago does its best to ensure that the student's financial situation does not become an obstacle between him and a quality education.
To do this, the university introduces the practice of “No Barrier Commitment”. Under such conditions, the university states that the financial needs of students will be met by scholarships and grants. Students who apply for financial assistance will be covered for the costs of applying for admission, and may also be allocated funds for internships and research. Also, all students who are approved for financial aid will receive full coverage of tuition fees, room, meals, miscellaneous fees, books and study materials, and personal expenses. For more information, go to International Scholarships.

Undergraduate admission

All students must submit an online application, either the Common Application or the Coalition Application. In addition to these applications, you will need to complete the UChicago application which includes essays and additional questions. In addition, foreign students must submit additional documents.

First, they will need to submit a level of English proficiency such as TOEFL or IELTS.
If you have attended a secondary school in English for two or more years, then these requirements will be an exception for you.
Also, if you are applying for University of Chicago scholarships, then you will need to apply for ISFAA instead of FAFSA.
This page will guide you through the application process and also provide you with a list of required materials.

Postgraduate Scholarships

As mentioned above, the cost of tuition for graduate students is very high. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get a scholarship for a master's degree at the University of Chicago. Some faculties offer scholarships while others do not. For more information you can go here
Doctoral students who apply to study at this university have an order of magnitude more opportunities for scholarships. Most faculties offer scholarships that cover tuition fees, accommodation, meals for all five years of study. Scholarships are also offered by external organizations and companies. Because University of Chicago graduates are among the best, they have a high potential for scholarships offered by other organizations. For more information on University of Chicago scholarships, please visit the Doctoral Funding Page.

In addition, for both masters and doctoral students, there are special scholarships depending on the specialty and country of the student. This university has done a good job of compiling a list of such scholarships. To search this list, go to the Fellowship Page.

Postgraduate admission

Unlike undergraduate studies, the admission process for graduate studies is highly decentralized. Undergraduate admission is handled by one organization, the Admissions Committee. For graduate students, the admission process is carried out by individual faculties. This decentralization means that there are different application forms, required materials and documents, and different application deadlines. Therefore, it is difficult to describe the application process of all faculties in one article. However, you can access the Graduate Application Page for more information on your major.
Unlike domestic students, international students are required to submit TOEFL or IELTS scores. Due to certain specific circumstances, this requirement may not be considered.

That's all! Good luck with your admissions and scholarships!

USA, founded in 1857. From the 1st floor. 20th century major scientific center. In 1942, the first nuclear chain reaction was carried out here under the leadership of E. Fermi. In the beginning. 90s St. 6 thousand students ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

USA, founded in 1857. From the first half of the 20th century. major scientific center. In 1942, the first nuclear chain reaction was carried out here under the leadership of E. Fermi. In 1996, over 6 thousand students. * * * UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO (University of … encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Chicago State University) one of the largest institutions of higher education in the United States (Illinois). Founded in 1857 (in 1886 89 did not work, resumed activity in 1890 thanks to the financial assistance of J. D. Rockefeller, regular classes began with ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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