What does personality degradation mean? The problem of personality degradation and the fight against it

The concept of personality degradation is widely known to everyone, but few have thought about what leads to such a state, how to help a loved one. After all, he completely loses the ability to develop and improve. It is so important to establish the root cause and try to eliminate it (of course, if this is possible).

In a broader sense, this concept means a person's loss of mental calmness, efficiency, a sober mind and the ability to think logically. Moreover, not the best character traits are shown outside: irritability, passivity, and often aggressiveness. The ability to concentrate attention gradually fades away, feelings become dull, and a person lives some kind of his own life, only understandable to him. The degradation of the personality can cause a complete loss of ties with the outside world, and the most severe consequence is dementia.

How to recognize degradation?

It is very important to notice any deviations in behavior in time in order to be able to help a loved one. Signs of personality degradation relate to both external appearance and internal state. In this state, less and less attention is paid to how a person looks, what he says. Speech becomes rather simplified, no one tries to convey their idea in public words (this also requires quite active brain activity). The social circle is getting narrower, those who bring trouble simply disappear from life. The main phrase becomes “I want”, detachment from everything, family, children develops. A person does not want to think about and take care of someone, he seems to fade and plunge into himself, moving away from his loved ones.

Causes of personality destruction

It is not only important to notice the signs of personality degradation, but also to understand the reasons. Undoubtedly, a serious tragedy can cause such a state. Depression, mental anguish can completely change consciousness and lead to the destruction of moral principles and principles. Often, retirement is the trigger for this disorder. After all, for a long time a person was needed, was in a team, and now he is forced to rest. Feelings of guilt, apathy and even banal laziness can make changes in consciousness. In the modern world, where money plays a significant role, material values, the struggle for them and the opportunities that they give, often lead to spiritual destruction. And, of course, drug addiction, alcoholism - these are the main causes of mental disorders. Alcoholic personality degradation is a fairly common occurrence, and it becomes a serious danger. The human appearance is completely lost, thoughts are directed only to where to get the poison. You need to know that the degradation of the personality in alcoholism is irreversible, there are no drunkards who have not lost their normal moral character. It does not matter the type of alcoholic drink, even beer that is light at first glance can become a source of personality destruction.

If the degradation of the personality is caused by depression, strong emotional experiences, then the following stages are observed. First, a person loses his ideals, his purpose in life. Then moral principles and internal norms are lost. He becomes unable to overcome the difficulties that arise on the path of life. Envy, aggressiveness, apathy predominate among feelings. Then the ability to actively act and think, to understand others disappears. A person simply repeats other people's thoughts and actions. And, finally, everything ends with a complete loss of a sense of reality. The main argument of such people is a dispute for any reason; in order to achieve their short-term goals, they are capable of vile acts. Very often they try to live at the expense of others, but the relationships that such people are able to create are pathological and destructive. The one who ceases to value and respect himself is not able to appreciate the other. Interestingly, women are less at risk of completely degrading, they are saved by maternal instinct.

Alcoholism and the stages of the destruction of moral character

For the preservation of moral character and normal life, alcohol is a serious danger. The degradation of personality occurs quite quickly. At the initial stage, there is a psychological dependence on alcoholic beverages, it is more comfortable, more fun, easier to find a common language with them. A characteristic feature is that large doses of drinks are tolerated quite easily, so their amount is poorly controlled. But the quality requirements are reduced. The second stage is characterized by the development of physical dependence, a hangover syndrome appears. In addition, temporary loss of memory is possible. Very often at this stage, all kinds of injuries occur in a drunken state, professional qualities deteriorate, quarrels do not stop in the family (and often it simply breaks up). Aggressiveness increases, psychoses are possible. The maximum level of alcohol degradation reaches the third level. Binges, amnesia, reduced tolerance for strong drinks, nervous disorders - these are the symptoms that a person is losing his normal appearance. Over time, the ability to work is completely lost.

How to help?

Personal degradation can stop. First of all, it is worth taking a critical look at yourself from the outside and adequately assessing your actions. To distract from heavy thoughts, you need to spend as much time as possible with people, go to the cinema, to exhibitions, read more books. You shouldn't be alone with yourself. Help people - good deeds add value, you will experience the pleasure that someone needs you. An active life position, a favorite job, a lot of hobbies - this is the guarantee that the destruction of the personality will bypass. Do not be shy to ask loved ones for help, they will gladly surround you with warmth and attention.

Alcoholism treatment

With alcohol degradation, things are somewhat more complicated. After all, a person does not recognize that he is sick and needs help. In addition, there are often times when there is no one to help him. The greater the dependence, the more often all social ties are destroyed. At the last stage, a huge intoxication of the body is added to the problems with the psyche. Therapy should be carried out by both a narcologist and a psychotherapist. At the same time, it is very important to ensure that the patient is aware of the destructive effect of alcohol and changes his attitude towards its use. And, of course, help to remove toxic substances from the body, get rid of the withdrawal syndrome. It also matters gender, the amount of alcohol consumed, mental state. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the likelihood that a person will return to a normal lifestyle. And even reasonable doses of alcohol drunk in the future will not cause hard drinking and other negative reactions.

It is known that the behavior of a heavily drinking person is inappropriate. Anyone who is familiar with such people can see the limitations of their thinking. The more a person drinks, the more his character and mentality change. The degradation of the personality in alcoholism is a serious complication of dependence that has become chronic. The drinker is not interested in anything, loses moral values, communication with him becomes impossible. Noticing the symptoms of personality change, you should immediately take measures to save the person.

The degradation of a person's personality under the influence of alcohol is characterized by a pronounced decrease in mental abilities and the loss of life values. Such consequences are caused by prolonged exposure to toxic substances contained in ethyl alcohol on the cerebral cortex. This pathology develops in people who have been drinking for several years. The result is mental and physical disorders in the body and complete asociality of a person.

The word "degradation" is translated as "reverse movement; backward development. In relation to personality, this means that a person rolls back from the stage on which he was originally. Even people with high intelligence, as a result of alcoholism, cease to think adequately and logically. Their memory deteriorates, their behavior becomes sharply negative.

The degradation of the personality of men and women changes their worldview, overturns the system of values. A person ceases to be interested in the life of relatives and friends, to listen to their opinion. The circle of his communication is greatly narrowed due to the fact that normal people do not want to interact with him. An alcoholic starts dating other drunkards like him, who can only think about drinking.

The human brain is destroyed. He has psycho-emotional disorders, depression, insomnia. The person becomes rude, inattentive, irritable. A distinctive feature of an alcoholic is that he does not take responsibility for his actions and blames others for all the troubles.

Mental disorders are also manifested in appearance. A person suffering from a chronic dependence on alcoholic beverages ceases to take care of himself, loses shame. He loses his sense of duty to his family, work team, does not fulfill his daily and professional duties.

The problem with the alcoholic is that he is not aware of the changes taking place in him. It seems to him that he remains an honest and decent person, while others treat him badly. Chronic drunkards are distinguished by familiar behavior, importunity, false promises that he makes to his loved ones.

Noticeable changes in personality are observed after about 6-8 years of systematic drinking. After 2-3 years, these violations can no longer be hidden, deterioration is seen by everyone around.

It has been observed that people with a low level of intelligence degrade faster than individuals with a high IQ. This is due to the fact that a person with a high degree of awareness until the last tries to control himself.

It is a generally accepted fact that in women degradation develops faster than in the male half of the population.

Stages of change

The degradation of the personality of a chronic alcoholic begins gradually, developing in several stages. There are three main stages of disease progression:

  • initial;

  • average degree;
  • final decline of personality.

Moving to the first stage of the disease, a person begins to drink more often, motivating this by severe physical or psychological fatigue. Many turn to chronic drinking, starting with one beer after work. A man or woman explains his actions by the need to relax after a hard day's work.

A person drinks more and more often, and the habit develops into addiction. He does not perceive criticism, the questions of those around him anger him. It seems to an alcoholic that he drinks a little and can easily quit. At this stage, changes in mentality relate to the inability to soberly assess the situation.

At the second stage, a person begins to lose sympathy for loved ones, loses responsibility to them. He becomes callous and soulless. The drunkard regularly meets with drinking companions to spend time in their company. All attempts by friends to convince him of the wrong actions are in vain.

The alcoholic begins to lie to relatives, trying to cover up his drinking. He makes promises that he cannot keep. There is a loss of self-control. Many people at this stage try to stop drinking, but a weak will prevents them from doing so.

At the final stage, the addiction completely absorbs the person. He no longer manages his life, his thoughts are only occupied by booze. Alcoholics develop such qualities as cruelty, aggression. He may begin to raise his hand to his family members, friends.

A completely degraded person cannot perceive the suffering of loved ones, he does not think about them. At this stage, the patient completely loses himself as a person. Irreversible changes may begin in his psyche.

Causes of degradation

It is well known that alcohol negatively affects the entire body. Alcohol, consumed in large quantities, adversely affects many systems and organs. The brain is the most damaged. This explains the change in the personality of a person with alcoholism.

When ethanol is absorbed by the walls of blood vessels in the body, the process of hematopoiesis is disrupted. In normal functioning, erythrocytes (red blood cells) should bounce off each other. Due to friction in the vessels, electrification occurs. Red bodies, having a negative charge, repel each other, producing movement.

Ethanol, when released into the blood, dissolves the protective layer that covers the walls of red blood cells. The electric charge disappears, the cells stick together. There is a blockage of blood vessels, blood circulation is disturbed.

The brain is entangled in a network of capillaries through which it is supplied with oxygen. Since the blood vessels are clogged, the cells do not receive the necessary substances and die. Oxygen starvation develops. This leads to gradual atrophy of the cerebral cortex.

At the physical level, a person feels relaxation. Intoxication is expressed in a pleasant feeling of euphoria. An alcoholic is unaware that nerve cells are dying in his brain. With a large number of destroyed neurons, extensive dead areas appear. The brain shrinks and may develop cysts and ulcers.

Scientists have found that the reflex functions of the body return to normal only 7-12 days after drinking alcohol. They are considered a manifestation of the lower forms of brain activity. Higher functions can fully recover in 15-20 days. These include:

  • sensory perception;
  • ability to learn;
  • emotions;
  • mental activity;
  • memory.

That is, within two to three weeks after ethanol enters the blood, there is a weakening of these functions in the body.

Ethyl alcohol also removes beneficial substances from the body. Alcoholic compounds wash out the B vitamins that are vital to humans. This causes a violation of the intercellular metabolic process. Vitamin deficiency adversely affects the functioning of the nervous system.

degradation symptoms

There are a number of signs that determine the deterioration of a person's condition. It is possible to identify changes both in his character and in his way of thinking. The former are expressed in the following states:

  • unwillingness to monitor their appearance;
  • neglect of other people, inability to empathize;
  • tactless behavior;
  • increased selfishness;

  • intrusiveness, attracting undue attention to oneself;
  • pathological lies;
  • self-confidence, expressed in attributing to oneself fictitious virtues;
  • the desire to justify drunkenness with supposedly good reasons.

Due to the destruction of the brain of an alcoholic, his thinking changes. The following negative conditions may indicate this:

  • apathy for everything that happens;
  • lack of goals in life;
  • decrease in intellectual abilities;
  • inability to make a connection between cause and effect;
  • memory impairment, the inability to recall recent events.

If these signs are found in a loved one, it is necessary to start taking measures for his treatment. Further ignoring the disease will lead to irreversible consequences.

Types of alcohol degradation

Negative personality changes in people who have become addicted can manifest themselves in different ways. This is influenced by the individual characteristics of a person, his ability to withstand destructive actions. The higher the degree of awareness of a person, the more time passes before his degradation. Some people are able to rethink their lifestyle and give up alcohol in the first or second stages.

There are several types of personality degradation:

  • astheno-neurotic;
  • alcoholic;
  • alcohol-organic;
  • psychopathic.


This type is expressed in the states of a person characteristic of its name. Under asthenia understand the weakening of the body due to neuropsychic reactions. It is also called chronic fatigue syndrome. A person constantly feels depressed, exhausted.

The slightest movement makes him overtired. The individual does not have any desire to do daily work, to perform any duties. This leads to excessive nervousness, irritability. A person, coming home in the evening, feels great fatigue, which he tries to get rid of by drinking alcohol.

Signs of personality degradation of a neurosis-like type of disease:

  • emotional instability;

  • fast irritability;
  • deterioration in performance;
  • inability to concentrate on anything;
  • forgetfulness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • doubts about the good attitude of others;
  • decrease in libido;
  • frequent migraines.

A distinctive feature of astheno-neurotic patients is that many of them understand the perniciousness of their habit. They have a desire to recover from alcoholism. Some visit the clinic on their own and try to get rid of the addiction. It is important for such people to get the support of others.


This type of disease is also characteristic of people with nervous disorders, but it is somewhat different from the previous one. A person with an alcoholic type of degradation may feel that he is inadequate, but he has no desire to change anything. He is more aggressive towards others. Signs are expressed in the following states:

  • narrow circle of interests;

  • absolutely irresponsible behavior;
  • lack of understanding of the life process;
  • cynical judgments;
  • swagger, lack of shame;
  • commercialism;
  • inability to think critically.


Personality changes of this type are observed in people with brain diseases. This may be facilitated by past trauma to the skull. Also, this pathology develops in people with atherosclerosis and encephalopathy (death of neurons) of the brain. The characteristic features are:

  • inability to think normally;
  • delayed reactions;
  • apathetic state, immersion in oneself;
  • empty chatter about nothing;
  • memory losses;
  • excessive sentimentality;
  • lack of self respect.

A person in this state can confuse fiction and reality. Patients of the alcoholic-organic type often invent events that did not actually happen, fantasize. From the outside, they give the impression of absolutely inadequate people.


This type mainly includes young people who abuse alcohol. They are distinguished by aggressive behavior, increased irritability. On the other hand, there is an indifferent attitude towards relatives, indifference to their feelings.

When sober, the patient is usually withdrawn and uncommunicative. In a state of intoxication, he becomes cheerful, talkative. However, as the amount of alcohol consumed increases, he begins to show signs of aggression. The young person may lash out at others or injure himself. These people are potentially dangerous to society. Therefore, their loved ones should pay attention to such behavior and take drastic measures.

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It becomes clear if we connect this phenomenon with the loss of balance on the mental level. Also, the working capacity decreases, the activity of a person is weakened.


The degradation of a person implies that the traits and abilities inherent in him earlier are weakening, losing their strength. If earlier he had his own judgments, qualities and talents, they are becoming less and less. A person gets irritated more easily, remembers less, and concentrates more difficultly.

In this case, we can say with certainty that a degradation process is taking place. The circle of interests becomes much more modest, the individual shows careless behavior, loses complacency and the will to overcome obstacles.

We are witnesses, and perhaps participants

It is regrettable to note that in our time the degradation of society is actively taking place. But what's the matter? After all, people have been carefully fighting for a place under the sun for so many centuries, making more and more new discoveries.

What are the reasons for this?

There are several reasons that lead to the degradation of a person and society as a whole:

  • The reasons for degradation may lie in the excessive simplicity of life that young people face in our time. They just don't need to develop. Machines do everything for a person, the benefits of civilization are available to absolutely everyone, and you do not need to make significant efforts to get them.
  • People do not think about something significant, but become simple consumers, which is somewhat stupefying. Everything is twofold. So we can clearly see what degradation is, against the backdrop of growing opportunities and the progress of science.
  • For many, it is not the achievement of certain heights that is of primary importance, but the receipt of benefits. It becomes more important to have than to create. After all, only the creative mind is aimed at development.
  • Instead of the joy of discovery and creation, many other pleasures appeared - substitutes. The goal of going to work is not the work itself, which satisfies our self-esteem with its usefulness, but the money that is ultimately spent on absolutely unnecessary things. As they say, choose an activity that you like, and it will seem to you that you are relaxing.
  • Education and the work process have become not stepping stones to development, but a yoke that a person puts on himself in exchange for material goods, which modernity has proclaimed necessary, although this is absolutely not the case. Brands are created and promoted, for which they pay unreasonably large amounts of money. So how then does biomass differ from the peoples of the past, blindly praying to a wooden idol, not really knowing whether it possesses those qualities that are worth such attention?

So people, not convinced that they really need this or that thing, strive for it because it is considered right in society. It is worth asking the question of who benefits from this. Are we?

Should we fight and how?

What is degradation in its essence? A natural process or a plague to be fought? To do this, we must first consider evolution, during which deviations from the norm are formed, which are not always positive.

In this process, it is not the smartest who survives, but the fittest. So another question is whether we can consider intelligence as a measure of development. After all, in fact, a member of the herd, pouring into the environment, may have a much better chance of survival.

In order for educated people to appear, the system that lays the foundation of knowledge must be properly organized. After all, a good tree grows only from safe soil. As we can see, universities and institutions are in an increasingly deplorable state every year.

What is degradation? First of all, it is the lack of conditions for development. At one time, Soviet educational practice had the highest level of quality. There is still something left of it, but, apparently, not for long, because institutions are being abolished, they are no longer sponsored by state funds. Schools have also greatly simplified their programs.

Perverted attitude to knowledge

A separate issue is corruption. Teaching is no longer the goal of sitting on a bench in an auditorium. More and more people want to seem, not to be. Possess, not be able to. Many have heard the phrase "I need a diploma for a crust." It's stupid. Why, then, do they require this document at work if there is nothing behind it? The worst thing is that in our society we are accustomed to calmly treat illogical, stupid things. They just entered our way of life, and no one is surprised by them.

Since man is a herd creature, then, probably, if everyone ate soup with a fork, he would also not ask many questions and would make attempts to learn this important art. The rest do it too. For good reason, it must be.

Is the smartest one eating with a spoon? As if millions of people on earth had not lived before him. If it made sense, they would have been doing this a long time ago. Degradation begins where the individual refuses to analyze, delve into the essence, draw his own conclusions, and bear responsibility for his judgments. When instead he just relaxes and flows in a given direction, not paying attention, not wanting to think about what stones are waiting in the depths of the sea. And when there is a blow against those barriers that we ourselves refused to notice, a lot of questions arise. Why is this and who is to blame? Yes, it's our fault. She is in voluntary blindness.

Who benefits?

It is not only about simplifying the thought processes of ordinary people, there is a degradation of the elites. This term is associated with negative selection, which means the purposeful stupefaction of people, instilling in them more base goals and ideals, the creation of a consumer society.

No matter how regrettable it may sound, it is not uncommon for those managers to come to power whose primary goal is not to create favorable conditions for the life of their people, but to raise funds for their own pockets. You need to play with people very carefully, because this is a great elemental force. Long gone are the days when it was possible to influence a person by intimidating him directly. Pseudo-democracy is being created these days, poison is slowly being poured into our glasses.

We don't even notice how it happens.

A rather apt comparison: if you throw an animal into boiling water, it will suffer and experience unbearable pain, and if you heat the boiler gradually, you will not notice anything. Nobody will allow themselves to be pushed into hot water, but when in some way everything is presented under the guise of freedoms, opportunities and care from the ruling elite, it is hard to resist the temptation and refuse.

People begin to become like animals that are lured into a trap by a path of neatly laid out pieces of food. How to avoid becoming the prey of tyrants? Analyze, think.

There is nothing wrong with questioning everything. This is our life, and no one can say that giving up on it is normal. Freedom starts in the head.

The degradation of personality is the loss of human appearance, the ability to think logically and soberly.

There are changes in the character trait of the person himself: passivity, increased irritability, then it can turn into aggressiveness.

Degradation of the personality signs: the ability to concentrate on the main thing is lost, which fades over time, feelings are inhibited, a person lives apart, his own life. Dementia can be a severe consequence of personality degradation.

It is important to notice changes in actions in time and help your close relative, which can manifest themselves either in the external or in the internal state.

Conversational speech becomes primitive, unrelated, while entrepreneurial employment decreases. The social circle is shrinking. There comes apathy, about something to think and show care. Gradually there is a process of withering, and immersion in oneself.

Degradation is a person, in the words of Abraham Maslow

An American psychologist managed to note the qualities inherent in people with personality degradation:

  • Subject refers to himself as a "pawn". According to him, his actions depend on external forces. “Learned helplessness” is the name given to this phenomenon.
  • The priority in life for them is food, survival.
  • The society is divided into two categories: "alien" - bad; "their" are good. Sometimes he is ashamed of himself.
  • He reads that his opinion is not subject to discussion and criticism, they are unshakable.
  • The word saying is poor. The brain does not expend effort on the verbal function.

What is personality degradation

this is a loss of mental stability, balance, lack of efficiency and activity.

Personal degradation is characterized by increased nervousness, memory and attention disorders, a decrease in interests, lack of will and carelessness.
His inherent skills and qualities are accompanied by a narrowing of feelings and talents.

Marasmus senile refers to a particularly hopeless type of personality degradation. The evolution of the disease is gradual. At first, the patient becomes uncollected, inattentive, greedy, quarrelsome and selfish. Symptoms of the disease come on brighter. There are no previous events in the memory, fictional memories arise. Then he does not recognize his relatives well. Self-care skills are lost. Requires daily support and supervision.

Marasmus refers to a progressive disease, due to an irreversible psychological disorder, brain atrophy, changes in blood vessels.

Continuity plays an important role.

Personal degradation due to alcoholism. This disease is acquired, but heredity is not excluded.

Deep contempt for the environment and the loss of contact with it, maintains a carefree and indifferent life activity. The main need of a drunkard is alcoholic beverages.

Symptoms in a sick person appear immediately. The personality becomes emotionally unstable, touchy, tearful. The attitude clearly turns into excitability, rage and irritability. Unexpected and abnormal actions, feelings of understanding and guilt are absent. Life difficulties are not evaluated.

Signs of personality degradation

  • Loss of human form;
  • Lack of desire: to wash, change clothes, get a haircut;
  • Constant use of alcohol, drugs;
  • Loss of vital interest;
  • Disregard for the laws of morality;
  • Inability to give up base instincts;
  • Loss of a place in society, unwillingness to restore one's "I";
  • Lack of understanding of decent behavior.

In the process of personality degradation, a healthy young (age) personality can turn into a humanoid creepy animal.

Only strong personalities survive, do not undergo personality degradation, and weak ones vegetate or die out.

Undoubtedly, the environment, the environment, have a great impact on the human body. Rotation with descending personalities will pull you along, and the degradation of the personality will be ensured.

The parable of a fresh cucumber is appropriate.

The cucumber was placed in a jar where there were pickles. He really did not want to be like them, he wanted to look green, while maintaining his freshness. But the pickle played its role, the fresh green cucumber became similar to its counterparts. He loved the brine, pickles neighboring cucumbers. And I told myself how convenient it is not to be different from others.

The reasons for the degradation of the personality can be attributed: gambling, cocainism, drunkenness, ferocity, abulia, ruthlessness.

What is personality degradation? In what cases does it appear?

There is a process - the degradation of the personality, usually in a mature person.

As usual the person is approaching retirement age. He is escorted to rest, the so-called "deserved". But what is going on in the soul of a pensioner is not clear. Some believe that life is over and no one needs him. Personal relaxation occurs. Sometimes an amorphous position is equal to training for physical death (death). But this doesn't happen to everyone. Only the more active, purposeful older people are spared by degradation.

Lonely people or who have experienced the loss of a loved one are also subject to the problem of personality degradation. Subjects plunge into decline, lightning-fast individual weakening occurs, a slow, peculiar suicide occurs.

Feelings of guilt, laziness can lead to personality degradation. Superfluous in society, in the family, a person is characterized by the collapse of the personality. Defeat after defeat haunts a person for a long time. The possibility is immeasurable, degradation will overtake suddenly.

Is it possible to avoid the degradation of personality

Of course it's allowed. Your desire, efforts and work on yourself are needed:

1. Read More.

In books you will find smart advice, wisdom. The brain in the process of reading develops, not shrinks. If you feel that your memory is disappearing, learn poetry.

2. Love yourself, your appearance.

Do not succumb to provoking yourself with all sorts of troubles, failures, bad habits.
Watch the purity of the body, the figure. Wear trendy clothes.

3. The best is yet to come.

Everything in life is great. The first candidates in the line of personality degradation are pessimists, dull ones.
Remember, any mother gave birth to a child for joy, for the continuation of the human race. But in no way in order to be foolishly guided by one's own life, to expose oneself to the degradation of the personality.

4. Love comes first.

Love life, friends, loved ones, parents, spouse, animals. Only lovers are not subjected to signs of personality degradation.

5. Self-development.

Trainings, video courses, educational institutions will provide an opportunity to be aware of all events and increase self-development.

6. Don't backbite.

Uncensored words, mats ruin the soul. The worst thing is that they take money out of the wallet. Remember, mats, when used frequently, turn your personality into a humanoid ape.

7. propriety rule.

Loud yawning, genital scratching, champing, nose brushing are a sign of personality degradation.

8. Calm response.

Be calm about other people's tragedies. If you can, help. But do not perceive everything in dark colors, that everything in the world is bad, the high cost is stifling.

Stages of development of personality degradation

Degradation is caused by complete depression, constant worries. The subject loses ideals, forgets about goals in life. Morals and norms are lost. He is no longer able to overcome obstacles, difficulties. There is hostility, envy, indifference. He loses the ability to enterprisingly think and work, to listen carefully to others. The subject copies other people's actions and ideas. And finally, there is a loss of feelings of real life. Disputes to achieve their own goals, even the smallest is the main argument.

It is important to timely detect the prerequisites for the degradation of the individual, to find the causes of their occurrence. It may not be too late to fix everything and live a full healthy life.

Lately, do you feel like you've gone crazy? We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main signs of degradation and determine how justified your fears are.

This is how a person works - he must constantly develop and strive for new heights: personal, spiritual, intellectual and social. As soon as we stop developing, our brain turns on the program… no, not self-destruction, but degradation. Of course, it's nice to lie on the couch all day, looking at the ceiling, but degradation is too high a price for idleness!
Note that from time to time we still need some unloading. Soak up a month on the beach, sleep off for a week and not read any smart literature is useful if you have experienced a lot of stress or are tired to the point of exhaustion. But such rest should be alternated with vigorous activity.

Signs of personality degradation

The American psychologist Maslow identified several qualities inherent in people with personality degradation:
- Treat yourself like a screw. When a person believes that nothing depends on him, that he is just a pawn that cannot change anything: neither in his life, nor in the life of society.
- A minimum of desires. All actions come down to satisfying purely physiological needs - to eat, sleep, satisfy sexual hunger. Such people go to work only for money, and meet people of the opposite sex only for sex.
- Black and white world. The environment for such people is divided into "us" and "strangers". These people are trying in every way to protect themselves from "strangers", they have a very narrow circle of friends.
- Categorical. A degrading personality considers his opinion to be the only correct one and considers disputes and discussions a waste of time.

Poor vocabulary. A person uses only elementary speech turns, it is difficult for him to find words to describe something, it is especially difficult to find adjectives - it is this part of speech that expresses our emotions and feelings. In general, such people try not to speak, they do not want to spend extra effort on verbal functions.
- Dependencies. Alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling are very clear signs of degradation. It is difficult to say whether they are a cause or a consequence of degradation, but the fact remains that if a person has an addiction, there is a great risk that he will degrade.

How not to degrade?

The advice, on the one hand, is very simple, but on the other hand, it is difficult to implement. Especially if you're not used to making the effort. However, it's worth the effort!
- Read! This is universal advice to anyone who does not want to go down intellectually. Read not only fiction, but also books from a field that you have never been interested in. This allows our brain not to "stale".
- Take care of yourself! Yes, taking care of your appearance is not a whim, but one of the elements of self-respect. Make sure you look aesthetically pleasing.
- Discuss. Try not to take statements for granted. Argue, discuss, defend your point of view - and be able to change it if the opponent's arguments are convincing.
- Be moral. The norms of society are invented for a reason, they have a deep meaning. Therefore, the postulates that you cannot lie, steal, fornicate, and so on help you integrate into society. And do not become spiritually corrupt.
- Think high. What is the meaning of your life? What is your purpose? What are you striving for and what is valuable to you? From time to time think about such things, it is even more useful to look for answers to your questions in spiritual practices.
- Get creative. Creativity is the most effective way for self-development and self-realization. No matter in what area you manifest it, it will not let you degrade. Look for new ways to solve common problems, be creative at home and at work.
- Meet. Expand your social circle, try to meet and make friends with people who are engaged in an unfamiliar business for you.