What does punctuation mean. Punctuation analysis of a simple sentence

In the study of punctuation parsing, it is important to highlight the basic principles:

  • search for a grammatical basis;
  • search for participial or adverbial phrases;
  • search for introductory structures.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main steps in the algorithm for punctuation parsing a sentence:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence. By whether there is a period, a question mark or an ellipsis at the end of the sentence, the reader determines the emotional coloring of the statement. It is necessary that the student could explain in detail and clearly why this particular punctuation mark was chosen.
  • The next step is to define the sentence structure. The number of punctuation marks depends on whether a simple sentence is in front of us or a complex one. In order for students to easily distinguish a simple sentence from a complex one, they must be able to independently determine not only the grammatical basis of the sentence, but also the type of the subordinate clause.
  • Next, analyze the functions of each punctuation mark; we remind you that they can be separating and highlighting.

Students should understand the difference between the use of dividing and emphasizing marks.

To distinguishing marks include dashes, colons, commas, quotation marks, and brackets. With their help, separations, definitions and generalizations, etc. are distinguished.

To separating marks include comma, semicolon, dash, colon. Signs are intended to separate homogeneous members of a sentence, parts of a compound sentence, etc.

  • Immediately before the punctuation analysis, teachers recommend analyzing the sentence by composition with the obligatory allocation of the grammatical basis, homogeneous members of the sentence, definitions and circumstances.
  • The graphic scheme of the sentence, compiled on the basis of the analysis of the sentence by composition, will greatly simplify the punctuation analysis.
  • The final point is punctuation analysis.


We propose to consolidate the information received in practice. Students need to have an accurate understanding of what the teacher is asking them to do, so it is important to provide them with a sample debrief.

Example 1

[A trapezoid of sunlight was pushed into the opening of the half-open window], 1 (the top corner of which touched the edge of the mirror cabinet).(D. Rubina)

  • Grammatical bases: the trapezoid is pushed in, the angle touches.
  • The main clause and the subordinate clause are separated by a comma.

[The boys looked at each other and, 1 |without taking their eyes off me|, 2 began to back away slowly and cautiously]. (K. Paustovsky)

  • Grammatical basis: the boys looked at each other and began to back away.
  • There is a period at the end of the sentence, because the sentence is narrative and is a complete statement.
  • In the sentence, two commas highlight the adverbial turnover.

| Straining and turning purple |, 1 (the sun plopped down behind the stanitsa cemetery), 2 (and twilight swirled blue over the brushwood behind me). (M. Sholokhov)

  • Grammatical bases: the sun plopped down, twilight swirled.
  • There is a period at the end of the sentence, because the sentence is narrative and is a complete statement.
  • The sentence has two punctuation marks. In the first case, a comma separates two homogeneous gerunds, and in the second case, a comma separates parts of a compound sentence.

It should be summed up. If the student is able to remember this simple algorithm, then he will master the punctuation analysis of the sentence to perfection.

How to do a punctuation analysis of a sentence in order to once and for all insure yourself against ridiculous mistakes while writing? If you remember the simple rules of the Russian language once and for all, you can not worry about your reputation as a competent copyist. How to do punctuation analysis, children learn in the fifth or sixth grade, but over time, the lessons are forgotten and you have to restore knowledge.

What is sentence punctuation?

In fact, the answer to this question lies in the very name of the term. This is the division of a sentence into certain segments, which are separated from each other by punctuation marks, as well as finding out exactly which punctuation marks are suitable in a particular case. This is a detailed analysis of all punctuation marks in a single sentence.

Correctly performing punctuation analysis of a sentence means not only correctly placing punctuation marks, but also explaining why this sign is right here. In order not to get confused and do everything in order, you must follow a certain sequence of actions.

Action plan

Punctuation analysis of the sentence is done according to the following scheme:

Every student knows how to make a punctuation analysis of a sentence, but as they grow older, incoming information sometimes crowds out such elementary knowledge, and we forget about the simplest things. To restore past experience, try to parse punctuation using various examples of text. Thus, you can always be sure of your impeccable literacy.

Occur in the analyzed . Traditionally, they are grouped as distinguishing and separating signs. The first group of signs (selective) serves to indicate the boundaries of the syntactic construction introduced into the sentence to explain its members. It can also be used to semantic highlight any part of a syntactic unit and to limit constructions that are not grammatically related to other members (for example, appeals, introductory words). This group includes paired characters: two commas, brackets, quotation marks, two dashes. The second group of characters serves to distinguish between independent sentences, or simple sentences as part of a complex one, or members. Suggestion marks also belong to this group. The dot, question mark, exclamation point, colon, dash, ellipsis, and dot c form a group of separating characters.

Start punctuation by explaining the choice of punctuation mark at the end of a sentence. To do this, determine what the sentence is for the purpose of the statement. If it contains a complete message, then this is a declarative sentence, a question is an interrogative sentence, an incentive to action (a request or an order) is an incentive. Also, consider the emotional nature of the proposal. If there is an exclamatory intonation, an exclamation mark is put at the end, if a break in speech or understatement is indicated, an ellipsis is used.

Determine which syntactic construction is being parsed, simple or complex. In a complex sentence, “count” the number of parts and determine the type of connection between them: subordinating, coordinating or non-union. Thus explain the choice of signs of separation.

Determine what function the signs that occur inside a simple sentence or each syntactic unit in a complex one perform. To do this, find out what constructions the author uses to convey additional semantic shades. Thus, explain the choice of distinguishing signs (for isolated members of the sentence) and separating (for example, for rows of homogeneous members).

Helpful advice

Do punctuation analysis of the sentence according to the model.

I looked and could not tear myself away; these mute lightnings, these restrained flashes, seemed to respond to those mute and secret impulses that also flared up in me. (I.S. Turgenev).

A period is put at the end of the sentence, because. this sentence contains a complete message and is narrative in terms of the purpose of the statement, non-exclamatory in terms of intonation.

This is a complex sentence that consists of three simple ones. Between the first and second - an allied relationship, between the second and third - subordinating. A semicolon with an allied connection is put, because. the second and third sentences are a single semantic whole. A comma is used to separate the relative attributive clause from the main clause.

Inside the second sentence there is a separating sign - a comma, which is used when listing homogeneous subjects. There is also a construction that is not grammatically related to other members of the sentence - an introductory word that stands out with paired characters - two commas.

Punctuation analysis of a sentence is quite easy to do if you know the scheme and master the basic rules of grammar. In essence, this language analysis is based on finding and explaining the use of certain punctuation marks using knowledge of syntax.

Parsing scheme

There are differences between the analysis of simple and complex sentences, but the algorithm of actions itself remains the same. To understand how to do punctuation parsing, you need to know in what order to do it.

  1. Place numbers above all punctuation marks.
  2. Explain the sign (punctogram) that stands at the end. It can be a period, an exclamation mark, or a question mark. The ellipsis is rarely used.
  3. Analyze the presence of commas or dashes. If the sentence is complex, talk about the use of punctograms, which in total make up the construction.

How to parse correctly

When you have put down all the numbers, we proceed directly to the analysis. In order to correctly explain the use of a sign at the end of a sentence, you need to determine the purpose of the statement and its general emotional tone. A full stop is used to show a complete thought. Such a sentence is called a narrative sentence. If the goal is to ask a question, there will always be a question mark at the end, and if it is an order or an incentive to act, an exclamation mark is placed after the last word, and the sentence itself is called an incentive. If the thought is not finished or requires a long pause, put an ellipsis at the end.

We define the structure of the proposal. To explain the choice of signs in a complex statement, determine how many parts it consists of and how they are interconnected. The connection can be coordinating, subordinating, allied or non-union.

In simple sentences, we explain the functions that this or that sign performs. Commas or dashes can be inserted words or phrases, appeals, separate definitions and applications, as well as clarifying terms designed to attract the reader's attention.

Also, a comma separates homogeneous members. The direct speech of the author also requires commas and dashes.

At the end of the analysis, it is preferable to draw a diagram where the places where certain punctuation marks are placed will be graphically displayed.

Let us give an example of parsing a complex sentence. Based on it, you can analyze and simple.

Talk about the grammatical functions of signs.

Of course, (1) the modern Russian language differs from that (2) spoken and written by Pushkin, (3) Gogol, (4) Karamzin and Turgenev. (6)

  • 6 - dot at the end of a declarative sentence with a complete thought.
  • 2 - a comma between parts of a complex sentence and separates the subordinate part from the main one.
  • 1 - A comma separates the introductory word from the rest of the sentence.
  • 3, 4 - homogeneous members are separated by signs, in this case the subjects, which are connected without union.

As we can see, it is quite easy to perform punctuation analysis of a sentence, but for this you need to be able to analyze the structure of the construction and explain the use of punctuation marks from a grammatical point of view. Therefore, it is worth studying not only the rules of writing, but also being able to divide words in a sentence into members.

When a sentence is written on the board and all spellings in words are explained, the student usually proceeds to perform oral punctuation analysis.

How to do it right? What is the order of punctuation conditions? These and many other questions are relevant for middle and high school.

Punctuation parsing differs significantly from syntactic parsing, which has a symbol familiar to schoolchildren under the number 4. It is unacceptable to confuse them! The purpose of parsing is to characterize the sentence, its structure and meaning.

Why is punctuation needed? It helps to apply punctograms, find the boundaries of semantic segments, follow the rules of punctuation. For parsing, sentences that are already punctuated are suitable. To complicate the analysis, the teacher offers texts with omissions of punctuation marks.

When performing punctuation analysis, they pay attention to the structure of the sentence. It is important not only the presence of main and secondary members, the number of grammatical bases and parts of the sentence, it is also important to determine the ways of expressing the secondary members of the sentence and their sequence, to find out the intonational features of the sentence.

Here are two proposals, let's analyze them.

1) Once Seryozha and Petya met in the yard, they raked the snow on the bench and sat down. 2) What to do?

In the first declarative sentence, only two signs are used: a comma separating homogeneous predicates, and a period. The second has only one question mark, since there is a question word at the beginning of the sentence.

When there are no punctuation marks inside a sentence, is it necessary to pay attention to it? Yes, it is necessary to clarify the conditions for the absence of signs. Consider an example.

Aunt Tanya treated skates like a family heirloom.

In this sentence, except for a dot, there is no sign inside. But it was possible to mistakenly put a comma before the union AS. Why is the sign not posted? Because there is a condition that forbids a comma: the semantic segment AS TO A FAMILY RELIC has the meaning "as".

The punctuation parsing plan involves only a few points. This analysis is usually performed orally, therefore, for the convenience of a written description, we number all punctuation marks and explain their setting. We took all the suggestions for examples from the works of Lyudmila Ulitskaya.


I. Place of punctuation (end of sentence, simple sentence, complex sentence): punctuation marks are numbered.

II. Conditions of the punctuation norm (rules for setting / not setting punctuation marks).

III. Punctuation feature.


Example 1

The birches and aspens set on fire in the autumn hit the eyes with bright colors.

1 - a sign of completion in a declarative simple sentence.

Explanation: there is no comma between homogeneous subjects connected by a single union AND, there is no comma after the participial turnover FIRED IN AUTUMN, standing before the definitive word BIRCH AND ASPEN.

Example 2

Skating was,1 of course,2 the number one event during those holidays.3

1 and 2 - commas highlight the introductory word with the meaning of confidence,

Example 3

On the ninth of January, 1 at the end of the holidays, 2 celebrated Sanin's birthday. 3

1 and 2 - commas highlight the clarifying member of the sentence, expressed by the circumstance of time,

3 - a sign of completion in a declarative simple sentence.

Example 4

Anna Alexandrovna called the girls 1 "young ladies" 2.3 boys 4 "young people" 5 ... 6

1, 2 and 4, 5 - the character's statements are marked with quotation marks (a way of formalizing someone else's speech),

3 - comma separates homogeneous additions,

6 - a sign of completion in a declarative simple sentence (ellipsis indicates the incompleteness of the statement).

Example 5

Everything around seemed unusually clear and incredibly beautiful: 1 and white trunks of birches, 2 and bright leaves, 3 and pale blue, 4 like a faded sky.5

1 - we put a colon before a series of homogeneous members, since there is a generalizing word EVERYTHING,

2, 3 - commas separate homogeneous subjects connected by repeating unions.

4 - a comma highlights a comparative turnover with the union BUDTO,

5 - a sign of completion in a declarative simple sentence.

Example 6

One morning,1 going out into the yard,2 Sergey saw the barn roof whitened with hoarfrost,3 gray ground,4 frozen in frost,5 hardened grass,6 covered with rare snow,7 as if with salt.8

1, 2 - commas highlight a separate circumstance, expressed by the adverbial turnover GOING OUT INTO THE YARD,

3, 5 - commas separate homogeneous additions,

4, 5 - a comma highlights a separate definition, expressed by the participial turnover CLOSED BY FROST, after the defined word EARTH,

6, 7 - a comma highlights a separate definition, expressed by the participial turnover COVERED WITH RARE SNOW, after the word GRASS being defined,

7 - a comma highlights a comparative turnover with the union LIKE,

8 - a sign of completion in a declarative simple sentence.

Example 7

Poetry -1 is the heart of literature,2 the highest concentration of all the best,3 that exists in the world and in man.4

1 - a dash separates the subject and the predicate, expressed by the noun in the First case,

2 - a comma separates homogeneous predicates,

3 - a comma separates the subordinate part of a complex sentence from the main one,

4 - a sign of completion in a declarative simple sentence.

Explanation: there is no comma between homogeneous members connected by a single union I.

Example 8

The beauty of the earth disturbed Sergey's heart,1 reminded him of the past days,2 so vividly imprinted in his memory.3

1 - a comma in the middle of a simple sentence separates homogeneous predicates,

2 - a comma highlights a separate definition, expressed by the participle turnover SO BRIGHTLY IMPRINTED IN MEMORY, after the word being defined DAYS,

3 - point completes the declarative sentence.

Example 9

The trees ended at the level of the fifth floor,1 from the balcony only the finely curly tops of two ash trees were visible,2 and the ground under them was barely translucent.3

1 - a comma in the middle separates parts of a complex sentence (union-free connection),

2 - a comma separates parts of a complex sentence (coordinative connection),

3 - the point completes the declarative complex sentence.

Example 10

There was such silence in the forest1 that the chirping of tits2 jumping along the branches3 seemed unusually sonorous.4

1 - a comma in the middle separates parts of a complex sentence (subordinating relationship),

2 and 3 - paired commas distinguish in the subordinate part of a complex sentence a separate definition, expressed by the participial turnover JUMPING ON THE BRANCHES, after the defined word TITTS,

4 - the point completes the declarative complex sentence.

In some sentences, there may be several punctuation marks, in which case you need to decide in what order to do the punctuation parsing. It is logical to go from the end to those punctuation marks that are inside the sentence. But a consistent approach is also possible - in the order of the signs.


1. Bednarskaya L.D. Classification of spelling and punctuation errors made by students in written work / Russian language at school. - 2008. - No. 8.

2. Blinov G.I. Punctuation analysis / Russian language at school. - 1985. - No. 3.

3. Nikerov A.I. On the full punctuation analysis in the lessons of the Russian language / Russian language at school. - 1989. - No. 6.