E moon between need and want. Between need and want

His own path inspired the author to write a manifesto about the difference between “need” and “want”, which was shared by 5 million Twitter users and read by hundreds of thousands of people. “I wanted to send it to all my employees,” wrote one executive who read the article, “but realized that a third of them would leave if they read it. But you know what? If they don't want to work here, they need to quit - that's why I sent out this article."

Now Elle's ideas about the difference between "need" and "want" are presented in this inspiring bright book, which will be useful for both the student and the artist, and any person who is looking for his calling and wants to change his life for the better.

From the author

These pages are written in support of your inner voice that says that you can give this world something special. They are designed to remind you that although you do not know where this road will lead, many people have already walked along it. They let you forget everything necessary do to remember what you want to make.

Who is this book for?

For anyone who wants to change their career and life, find their true calling and the courage to follow it.

A vibrant book that will inspire you to find and follow your true calling.

Who among us has not wondered, “How can I find my true calling?” El Luna characterizes it as a crossroads between "must" and "want". "Should" is what we think we should do, or what others expect us to do. “I want” is what we dream about deep down.

His own path inspired the author to write a manifesto about the difference between “need” and “want”, which was shared by 5 million Twitter users and read by hundreds of thousands of people. “I wanted to send it to all my employees,” wrote one executive who read the article, “but realized that a third of them would leave if they read it. But you know what? If they don’t want to work here, they need to quit – that’s why I sent out this article.”

Now Elle's ideas about the difference between "need" and "want" are presented in this inspiring bright book, which will be useful for both the student and the artist, and any person who is looking for his calling and wants to change his life for the better.

From the author

These pages are written in support of your inner voice that says that you can give this world something special. They are designed to remind you that although you do not know where this road will lead, many people have already walked along it. They let you forget everything necessary do to remember what you want to make.

Who is this book for?

For anyone who wants to change their career and life, find their true calling and the courage to follow it.

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Before quitting, the artist and designer El Luna managed to work at IDEO, Mailbox, Medium and Uber, but, choosing between creativity and career opportunities, she preferred the first. The MIF publishing house published a Russian-language version of her book “Between Need and Want” - an illustrated collection of tips, quotes and personal observations, which became a bestseller, about what is purpose and how to find it. T&P have chosen some of them.

Know necessary

If you want to live life to the fullest and be free, you must first of all understand why you are not free, what is stopping you. The word prison (“prison”) comes from the Latin praehendere, which means “to seize”, “grab”, “catch”. A prison is not necessarily a place in space; it can be any idea created by your mind. What caught you? The natural process of socialization requires that a person succumb to the influence of various you need thus functioning as part of society. However, growing up, it is useful to be aware of those necessary that you got genetically or through upbringing. Some necessary can be valued and preserved, while others should be discarded. If you want to know how to live by the principle want learn the principle necessary. It's a hard work. Really heavy. We unconsciously imprison ourselves to avoid our most basic fears. We choose necessary because choose want scary and incomprehensible. Our prison is built on the principle necessary from countless situations of choice to which we have unwittingly agreed, from "walls" that take us away from our real selves. But necessary leads to want. You create your own prison and you can free yourself.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

When you look at your necessary you are consciously choosing to face your personal prison - other people's expectations, belief systems you have accepted without faith, and everything you have agreed with without realizing it. Bringing up the list of your necessary, you are at risk of facing your deepest fears, and it is wise to find support. This is a job for professionals - psychotherapists, counselors and professionals trained to deal with these issues. Working with a psychotherapist in everyday life is similar to working with a trainer in the gym, except that the psychotherapist does not work with the muscles, but with the organ that considers itself the main one (the brain) and the source that really controls everything (the soul).

Remember yourself

The very idea that you have a calling or purpose (your want) - that you should have it - can be confusing. It's unbearable. Believing that your destiny will emerge fully formed is akin to believing that you can only write a book by desiring it and thinking about it. But if you do one little thing every day - pick up a pen, write a paragraph of text, make a list of words - then your purpose will manifest. Destiny is never stronger than in childhood. What were you like as a child? What did you love to do? Were you a loner or did you prefer company? Were you independent or did you choose cooperation? Were you an organizer or a dreamer? If you don't remember, call your mom or someone who knew you well as a child. Ask about who you were. Take notes during the conversation and save them: there are the earliest seeds of your future destiny.

Look for recurring motifs

Look for recurring motifs, themes, and connections. Do you like working in pairs? Hate sitting in one place all day? Is sensory stimulation important at work? Pay attention to those cases when seemingly disparate activities become connected. When new ideas come up, add them to your list. When assumptions come up, don't let them go. Then start experimenting and playing with what you learn. Share your thoughts with those you trust. Consider their opinion and continue until you start the path home - to your destination.

Get ready to riot

When we discover what we want to do, the brain's most basic defense centers raise the alarm. The signal to riot is turned on. Defense mechanisms begin their work. Because the choice is yours want raises very important and terrible questions. Let's be practical. People have four basic questions about finding their true purpose. The first is money. The second argument against purpose is time. Space is the third stumbling block to finding your purpose. But while money, time, and space are the most common reasons we use for not following the path of our destiny, there is another fear that scares a lot more and is talked about a lot less. Once you've chosen your destination, you'll have to face some formidable fears. You will feel vulnerable. You might ask yourself questions: will the people you love leave you, will the places remain the same, will you not have to spend your life alone. You may be asking yourself why this is necessary at all. An unfathomable dream? Children's fantasy? A fleeting feeling that can neither be understood nor explained? It is here, standing at the crossroads between what we want and what we need, that we feel how real our fears are, and this is the very moment when many decide to go against their intuition, turning away from a path in which there are no guarantees, in which nothing is known and everything is possible.

Do something

Choosing want you must act. You must do something. This is a small but important moment that can take days, years or a lifetime. When you're ready, you choose it by doing anything, whether it's a big step or a small one. So you begin to walk on the path of your destiny. This path requires you to let the unknown happen, but it does not ask you to endanger yourself or loved ones. Choosing want, you should not become a trickster who announces that he is going to do the unheard of. It's not a spectator sport. The vocation is too important, extremely important, to be chosen out of a whim, out of passion, out of intoxication. Most faithful want are realized slowly, thoughtfully and quietly. They do not come impulsively, but they line up based on sober, sound intentions. Every decision you make matters. Ten minutes of privacy. One time installation choice want instead of necessary. Organization of your space. Your wishes, written and pinned to the wall. Your want, your destination is not a distant land where you hope to someday arrive, it will not happen tomorrow or some other time. You have to live your destiny today, in this moment.

Inspire others

It is a constant effort, hard work (and inexplicably life-affirming activity) to acknowledge yourself, your beliefs, and your purpose on this Earth. Choosing the path of your destiny is the most significant, because this harmonious and fulfilling lifestyle will be reflected in everything you do. Your sacred space and daily steps will become even more meaningful. You will build a wonderful world for your destiny. And over time, it will seem like a tempting idea to stay forever in this magical place you created and never return to everyday life. But the full and most important journey requires you to come back, share your purpose and thus inspire those around you.

Think of this search as a journey

This journey is not new; perhaps it is one of the oldest undertakings of mankind. In some Inuit and Native American tribes, members of the community went on a visionary quest to gain enlightenment. They would go into the wild for days at a time, often refusing to eat. The purpose of the journey was to reconnect with nature and the spirit world and experience dreams or waking visions that give guidance through this immersion. At a certain period of life, Australian Aborigines went on a roam, sometimes for several months - these were journeys that marked the transition to adulthood.

Available in formats: epub | PDF | FB2

Pages: 176

The year of publishing: 2017

Language: Russian


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The artist and designer El Luna wrote the book "Between Need and Want" especially for those who have long been unable to decide to change something in their lives.

Often all our “wants” are broken into daily adamant “musts”. How to solve this contradiction, and what way to follow to the goal and to the realization of one's potential?

Who is this book for?

This book is for those who cannot say with certainty that they have found themselves and are doing what they love. For those who want to realize their destiny and follow it. Most of us have forgotten our childhood dreams: to become a musician or a poet, a ballerina or an astronaut, an artist or a writer. What now prevents us, independent adults, from taking a step towards our dream?

According to El Luna, it's never too late to start. She gives very convincing examples, one of which is the story of the artist Anna Mary Robertson Moses, who was on the cover of Times magazine at the age of one hundred. And Grandma Moses started drawing only after she stopped crocheting due to arthritis.

One thing is enough for you - the understanding that everything is not going at all the way you would like. Then you will find yourself at the crossroads between “I want” and “I need”, from here you can start the thorny path to your dream. And inspiring examples from the book and colorful design will encourage you to take action and give you courage.

What is this book about

The author does not call the reader to revolution, does not advise to quit everything and run to his dream, headlong. On the contrary, he gives advice on how to achieve the goal without making global changes in life, without coming into conflict with relatives and with oneself.

The book is divided into 4 chapters, which sequentially list all the obstacles on the way to our “want” and possible ways to overcome them. Everything sounds very reasonable, and you understand: yes, I have 10 minutes for my dream every day.

Of course, the book does not contain answers to the question "What do I want?" However, the reader will find in it the "right" questions that should be asked to oneself in order to understand one's desires. Also, the author offers a number of interesting exercises that will help you understand your purpose. El Luna advises: call your mother, ask about what you liked as a child. Were you a loner or a company lover, an organizer or a dreamer, did you try to be independent or sought cooperation? After all, the purpose is most evident in childhood, when we are not yet limited by the framework of public opinion and thousands of "shoulds".

Will all these exercises help to achieve success, recognition and self-realization? Either way, you won't know until you try. Some exercises may seem strange (for example, talking out loud to yourself), others are fun and interesting. You will definitely succeed in enjoying the process, namely, in the process, gradually, as the author assures, your idea of ​​​​the destination will form.

How the book is made

The design of the book itself inspires and encourages action. In support of her words about “I want,” El Luna makes the book exactly the way she wants. All headings are written by hand, on each page there are illustrations made with multi-colored paints, motivating posters, painted from the heart. There are no restrictions here, the reader, if he pleases, can finish drawing anything he likes without spoiling the books.

You can leaf through the book over and over again during difficult periods of a creative crisis, and it will not fray: a reliable hard cover will allow the book to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time.


Many of us lack the courage to make decisions. The book "Between Need and Want" will not only help you realize your dreams, but also encourage you to take action. Bolder! It's time to realize your purpose and act. Many have already done it. You will get it too.

Buy the book "Between Need and Want"

You can buy El Luna's book "Between Need and Want" in paper form in the Ozon online store at a price of 780 rubles or electronic for 350 rubles.