How to give yourself everything. Self-hypnosis techniques

In this article, we will get acquainted with the rules for constructing suggestion formulas for practicing self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis.

There are many rules, but we will consider five basic ones that cannot be dispensed with.

Positive wording

The first rule for constructing suggestion formulas is that any formulation of suggestion must sound affirmative. You must exclude suggestions from your formulations, or be careful about constructions that contain particles "not", "no", opposition and avoidance formulations ("from", "against", "without", "quit", "get rid of ", "exclude", etc.), because the subconscious in most cases does not perceive particles of denial, such as "not", "no".

If, for example, a person is troubled by pain or insomnia, then the form of suggestion must be constructed in such a way that it displaces unwanted experiences, states. If the symptom is insomnia, then a possible formulation of the suggestion may sound like "Sleep is deep, sound, I fall asleep quickly, easily." If the symptom is headaches, then the suggestion is "My head is clear, fresh, I feel well, my condition is improving."

Multiple repetitions

The second rule for constructing the form of suggestion is that any suggestion must be voiced many times. At least three, five or more times. In this case, it is desirable to use as many synonymous words as possible, describing the desired state with keywords that are close in meaning.

For example, a person feels insecure in a particular situation. The goal in this case is to replace the current state with the desired one. The suggestion may be: "I feel confident, comfortable, free; in any situation I feel confident and calm."


The third rule for constructing the form of suggestion is the gradual realization of the desired goal. In most cases, it is important to inspire not the end result, but a certain process of achieving a particular goal.

This is especially important when suggesting any long-term changes. There is such a conditional concept of "inertia" or "latent period" i.e. the moment when changes have already taken place, but have not yet entered a person’s life steadily and clearly. And at this very moment, and better in advance, you need to set yourself up for a gradual change. Instant miracles do happen, but they don't always happen. As they say, everything has its time, and you just need to wait a bit. Therefore, if we, for example, try to inspire ourselves with good health as a fact that has already happened - "I have good health" - and instantly and momentarily health changes extremely rarely - then inside, in response to your suggestion, it will sound "lying, lying, lying", after all, subjectively or objectively, health at the time of suggestion may not be all right. That is, in response to affirmative suggestions that state what is desired as accomplished, protests may arise.

In this case, suggestions are best built according to the following scheme. For example, the goal is to improve health, then the suggestion is "every day, every hour my health improves, I feel better and better."

Motivation, active position

The fourth rule is motivation. It is important to inspire not just a passive expectation of achieving certain goals, but some internal motivation, desire, intention to achieve these goals. It is useful to build the wording of the suggestion by adding phrases such as "I try", "I can", "I achieve", "I realize".

On the example of improving memory: the goal is a good memory, the suggestion is "every day, every hour, I try, I can, I train my memory, my memory is getting better and better."

Binding to context

The fifth rule for constructing suggestion formulas is binding to the context, contextual situations, events. Where this wording is most relevant. For example, a person feels confident at work when communicating with colleagues, partners, clients, with an audience, but when driving a car, he is uncomfortable. Here it will be useful to inspire a sense of confidence not in a general context, but with reference to a specific situation, circumstances.

For example: the goal is confidence in driving, the suggestion is "every time I sit behind the wheel of a car, I feel comfortable, confident, calm, focused."


Any self-hypnosis requires relaxation. Take a bath with fragrant foam, listen to pleasant music, and only then start talking to yourself. In this way, you will achieve a positive result faster than if you set yourself up for a positive one while standing in a traffic jam or in a huge line at the store.

Practice self-hypnosis regularly, try doing this procedure daily in front of a mirror for 10-15 minutes.

The selection of phrases is considered especially important, you can read them in books, listen to them on audio media, but most importantly, keep in mind that you must understand every word you utter. If you didn’t like one thing, replace it with a synonym, your goal is to feel peace of mind, and not think about what you say. The duration of the text is selected individually. Maybe you perceive short self-suggestions better, and perhaps texts 2-3 pages long will work for you.

Remember that in any self-hypnosis it is forbidden to use the words “no” and “no”. Any denial can only cause negativity in your subconscious. Self-hypnosis is helping the subconscious (and not action) in the formation of certain images. So do not pronounce self-hypnosis phrases thoughtlessly, just blankly reading them from a piece of paper. Let some images and situations appear in your mind. Imagine yourself the sound of the sea, the singing of birds, etc. Imagine yourself floating in a warm ocean or riding a convertible. Positive thoughts will add effect to the spoken words. And all this taken together will set you up to believe that everything in your life will be fine.

Don't expect changes in yourself straightaway. Let the inner mood in a good way become a tradition and a good habit. And stop seeing the bad in everything. Maybe while you inspire yourself that everything will be fine with you, in fact, everything has long been adjusted.

“Today you are where your thoughts of yesterday took you” - this aphorism of James Allen is often used to show how thoughts affect your position and condition. Therefore, it is true that, inspiring yourself good, you are at least creating the conditions for realizing the best part of your life.


Be sure to control your thoughts every minute. Every negative thought you have must be nipped in the bud and replaced with a positive one. Force yourself to think positive, especially if everything is seen in black. Look then at the sky, at the animals, at the beautiful pictures, remember the good books, i.e. specifically and purposefully look for the beautiful in life and rejoice in it.

Stop complaining if you have had such a habit. The pity of others and even the help offered will not bring you tangible benefits, they will not teach you anything. It is only in your power to change your own worldview and your own situation, so become independent, responsible for your thoughts and feelings, learn to believe in your own strength.

Start yourself the habit of meditating three times a day, from 5 to 30 minutes. Learn to relax completely and in this state to inspire yourself good, positive statements, represent what you want. Many have proven that in a state of deep relaxation, the frequency of brain functioning changes. This allows you to expand its abilities and include in the work the reserve capabilities of the body.

Bet yourself goals and achieve them, think about them constantly and make efforts, act so that there is no time or energy left for bad thoughts. Think about your hobby, and be sure to set aside time for it every day. Even 5 minutes of your favorite thing a day can change your attitude.

Do good and kind deeds for others. Think about how you can help other people and start helping. This will improve your faith in your own strength, give you a sense of the fullness of life and, perhaps, the fulfillment of your mission. This recommendation does not at all mean embarking on the path of altruism and selflessly improving the lives of all people around. It's always best to strike a balance and stick to common sense. But if you can improve the lives of loved ones - do it, if you can lend a helping hand - lend.

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Try to buy fewer products than usual, filling the refrigerator only with healthy and approved products. With a strong desire to eat something tasty, a person often opens the refrigerator and if he finds his favorite treat there, he immediately takes it for him, despite any prohibitions. This desire will gradually disappear if you stop buying too much. Also, buy products on . If you come to the store with a feeling, you will definitely buy a lot of unnecessary and harmful things.

Set a clear goal. Write down on paper

» Self-hypnosis

© S.V. Umansky

Practical guide for beginners

With self-hypnosis, you can:

  • cope effectively and successfully with stress;
  • restore and strengthen your health;
  • improve sleep;
  • learn to fully and deeply rest;
  • eliminate depression and fears;
  • get rid of neurotic disorders;
  • quit smoking;
  • get rid of addiction to alcohol or drugs;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • easier to overcome life shocks and crises;
  • develop self-confidence;
  • get rid of shyness;
  • improve family relationships;
  • develop intelligence, memory, intuition;
  • develop creative abilities;
  • form positive thinking;
  • find meaning in life.

Methodological recommendations are devoted to the use of self-hypnosis to overcome crisis situations, solve psychophysiological problems and enhance the therapeutic effect of traditional drug therapy for various psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases. The manual describes in detail the techniques of self-hypnosis, provides specific formulas for suggestion.

The Guidelines are intended for psychiatrists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists interested in teaching their patients psychological self-help methods, as well as all those who are interested in mental health problems.

Professor, doctor of medical sciences, psychotherapist of the highest category, chief psychotherapist of the UZO of the Kurgan region. He has published more than 100 scientific papers on the study of borderline mental disorders, psychotherapy of psychosomatic disorders and alcoholism, group psychotherapy. He is the author of 5 monographs: "Clinical Hypnosis", "Synergistic Psychotherapy", "Introduction to Psychological Counseling", etc.

From the author

These methodological recommendations are designed both for specialists (psychiatrists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists interested in teaching their patients methods of psychological self-help), and for people who want to learn how to manage their internal state, to comprehend the secrets of self-management.

When I started psychotherapy more than 30 years ago, the main method of mental self-regulation was autogenic training. The basic elements of the methodology were muscle relaxation training and self-hypnosis. However, the duration of training in this procedure, its emotional unattractiveness, combined with the monotonous pronunciation of suggestion formulas, and the intellectual complexity repelled patients from it. The desire to give a sick person a method of quick psychological self-help drew our attention to the method of self-hypnosis. The new technique quickly gained popularity and was accepted and recognized by the majority of patients, and a quarter of a century of experience in using this technique confirmed its high efficiency.

self hypnosis

self hypnosis- this is a conscious, controlled ability of a person to immerse himself in a hypnotic state, as well as the ability to realize various phenomena inherent in a hypnotic state. In the technique of self-hypnosis, there must be a component called self-hypnosis.

self-hypnosis- this is the introduction into the brain of oneself figuratively imagined commands or installations against the background of a hypnotic state of consciousness.

Self-hypnosis is absolutely safe for health and is the most effective method of self-influence and mental self-regulation.

With the help of self-hypnosis, you can learn to manage the physical and mental processes of your body, overcoming crisis situations, resolving psycho-physiological problems, getting rid of psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases.

crisis situations

Using self-hypnosis, a person can mobilize his internal reserves and resources to overcome crisis situations. The hypnotic state is useful, first of all, by opening up opportunities for making changes in the psyche. By putting yourself into self-hypnosis, a person can focus their attention much more deeply on a problematic situation, thinking about its different sides. Remaining calm and confident in crisis situations, he is able to clearly control his emotions and his behavior.

Another feature is the psychological effect of self-hypnosis, which changes the perception of a person, giving new meaning to an old situation.

Self-hypnosis can be successfully used by insecure people before performances in large audiences or at concerts.

Psychophysiological problems.

Self-hypnosis can be used to work with yourself, effectively solving problems of fatigue and increasing efficiency.

Using self-hypnosis, athletes can successfully program "winning states" in themselves. People of the artistic and intellectual type, using self-hypnosis, can increase their creative abilities.

Psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases.

Psychosomatics(from the Greek Psyche - soul, Soma - body) in a broad sense - a term adopted in medicine to refer to such an approach to explaining diseases, in which special attention is paid to the role of mental factors in the occurrence, course and outcome of somatic diseases.

Psychosomatic disorders are understood as a wide range of diseases in which there is an interconnection and interdependence of neuropsychiatric and somato-neurological pathology and in which psychosocial problems and the accompanying emotional stress are significant factors in the occurrence or exacerbation of the disease process.

Chronic (long-term) diseases are almost always a psychosomatic condition.

For patients with psychosomatic disorders and chronic diseases, the technique of self-hypnosis has proven itself well in practice. Optimal results are achieved with regular use.

We must be aware that we do not always set ourselves the goal of curing a serious illness. In chronic disease, the goal may be sustained remission or maintenance of remission without medication. For "chronicles" this is ideal. If, in the process of such treatment, remission drags on for years and decades, this is a very good result. For psychosomatic disorders, a complete cure may be ideal.

Self-hypnosis is a psychological technique, always pursuing some specific result.

Self-hypnosis includes the following steps:

1. Making a decision to independently make certain changes in oneself (with a clear formulation of goals and objectives), using the technique of self-hypnosis;

2. Neuromuscular relaxation;

3. Introducing yourself into a hypnotic state;

4. Implementation of the therapeutic program through:

  • autosuggestion of verbal formulas;
  • visualization (mental visual representation) of one's own image, endowed with the desired qualities;
  • visualization and color manipulation;

5. Exit from the state of self-hypnosis and consolidation of new qualities by real actions in the post-hypnotic period.

Making the decision to independently make certain changes in yourself.

In crisis situations or emerging psychophysiological problems that do not reach the degree of illness, the person himself can decide on the use of self-hypnosis. In such situations, he must analyze his condition, psychophysiological resources and clearly define goals: change behavior or emotional reactions to various situations, get rid of obsessive thoughts or actions, etc. etc.

When using self-hypnosis for therapeutic purposes, one must be very careful. Without a medical education, you cannot diagnose yourself. Even if you know that you have a psychosomatic disorder or chronic illness, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Using self-hypnosis, a person must rely on the conclusion of the attending physician about the presence of a particular disease. It is desirable that the doctor approves the use of self-hypnosis and conducts dynamic monitoring of your state of health.

Neuromuscular relaxation.

To use the state of self-hypnosis more effectively, a person must learn to relax well. The ability to relax the muscles of the body, to feel muscle tone comes to some immediately, others need training. The essence of neuromuscular relaxation is to relax all the muscles as much as possible. A little independent practice, as a rule, gives a good result and a person learns to relax quickly and deeply.

If you can’t relax on your own, you can use a method called progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson. It is based on the fact that with the help of concentration of attention, the ability to capture the feeling of muscle tension and relaxation is first formed, and then the skill of mastering the voluntary relaxation of tense muscle groups is developed. Muscle tension and relaxation exercises are done sequentially, starting from the muscles of the upper limbs and successively moving to the muscles of the lower limbs. First, a short-term tension of a group of muscles is produced, which are then completely relaxed, and attention is focused on the feeling of relaxation in this area. After complete relaxation, they move on to the next muscle group. This is done until all muscles are relaxed.

Introduction to the state of self-hypnosis.

To introduce yourself into a hypnotic state, we recommend that you follow the following instructions.

Take a comfortable position (comfortable sitting in a chair or lying on a sofa with arms extended along the body).

The first stage of self-hypnosis is "closing the eyes". This refers to a state in which, being awake, you will not be able to open your eyes.

1. Say to yourself "one" and at the same time think: "My eyelids are getting heavy." Think only about it, focus on this thought, feel it, believe in it while you think about it. Drive away any other thought, such as: "I wonder if this will work." Focus on one thought: "My eyelids are getting very, very heavy." If you only have this one thought, if you focus on it, feel it and believe in it at the same time that you think about it, your eyelids will begin to get heavy. Don't expect them to become very heavy; when they start to get heavy, move on to the next phase.

2. Say "two" to yourself and at the same time think: "My eyelids are now very heavy, they close on their own." As in the first phase, think only about this, concentrate on this thought, believe in it. Do not forcefully close your eyes or try to keep them open, but focus on the single thought, “My eyelids are now so heavy that they close themselves,” and at the same time, while you repeat this single thought, let your eyelids act on their own. If you enter into this thought, focus on it to the exclusion of all others, if you enter into it and believe in it while you are thinking about it, your eyelids will slowly close. When the eyelids close, leave them in this state.

3. Mentally say "three" and at the same time think: "My eyelids are tightly closed, I can not open my eyes, despite all efforts." As before, mentally repeat this, think only about this, focus on this thought, feel it and believe in it. But at the same time try to open your eyes; you will notice that you cannot do this until you say "open" and then your eyes will instantly open. Don't be discouraged if your first attempts at self-hypnosis fail. Most often, when learning self-hypnosis, the first two or three attempts end in failure, since usually there is still no ability to focus on only one thought, to the exclusion of all others.

Failure does not at all indicate insufficient mental abilities. To focus on a single thought to the exclusion of all others requires a new skill that requires perseverance in practice. And if you fail the first time, you have to try again. If you are able to control thought processes, you will be able to focus on one thought; and once you can do that, self-hypnosis becomes available to you.

Then, when your eyes close, you will move on to the next phase and think: "My eyelids are tightly closed, I cannot open my eyes despite my best efforts." You have to keep coming back to that thought, the only thought, and while you are thinking, try to open your eyes. As long as you focus on this single thought, the eyelids will remain closed. Your eyelid muscles will tense to open your eyes, but they will remain closed until you say out loud or mentally, "Open."

4. Now move on to acceleration. Carry out the first phase as before, and at the moment when your eyelids become heavy, move on to the second phase. While you say "two", think of the said thought once (twice at the most), but exclude all other thoughts. When your eyes are closed, say "three" and again think about the indicated thought once (or at most twice), but exclusively about it. Your eyelids will remain closed. Open them with the "open" command.

Now start all over again what you were doing, but instead of saying "one", "two" and "three", confine yourself to thinking about these numbers in the same order. Finally, do the whole exercise without numbers, but repeat once the thought of the first, then the second and third phases. With sufficient training, you will be able to close your eyes almost instantly and keep your eyelids closed with just one thought of the third phase thought.

Soon you will notice that you have gained speed and are able to control yourself more and more confidently. Once you have mastered the ability to focus on only one thought (Phase 1 or 2), you will be able to move almost instantly to Phase 3, which is a complex thought. The touchstone of success in self-hypnosis is the ability to quickly close your eyes. When you achieve this, you will be able to achieve the depth of trance that is necessary for fearlessly facing the problems that disturb you.

When you achieve closing of the eyes and relaxation, which will increase simultaneously with the closing of the eyes, you will reach the first stage of the trance of self-hypnosis. Now you are able to perceive the suggestions that you will give yourself.

As with closing the eyes, where rapidity is achieved by repeated repetition, practice is required to complete the following phases. The secret of success lies in the ability to focus on only one thought, to the exclusion of all others, to be imbued with it and believe in it.

Try some simple suggestions first. For example: squeeze the index finger of your left hand with your right hand. Think, "I can't free my finger." As before, focus on this one thought, feel it, believe in it and at the same time try to release your finger. He will be shackled until you think, "Now I can free him."

For the state of self-hypnosis, as well as for the usual hypnotic state, hypnotic and post-hypnotic effects are characteristic.

It is easier for a person who has previously attended hypnosis sessions and was in a hypnotic state to induce a state of self-hypnosis. The memory of the past hypnotic state is able to refresh and restore the sensations that were during hypnosis. At the initial stages of learning self-hypnosis, the patient is recommended to reproduce the situation of a hypnotic session at home 1-2 times a day (muffled light, specific music, body position, etc.).

In the future, if you follow certain, clearly established rules and regularly practice self-hypnosis, you can learn to put yourself into a state of hypnotic trance, sometimes even deeper than it was during hypnosis sessions with a psychotherapist.

Recommendations for persons who were previously in a hypnotic state caused by a psychotherapist. “Sit comfortably and relax with a few deep breaths. Remember the hypnosis session. Try to relax, as it was when you were hypnotized. When you relax, tell yourself mentally that you will now enter a state of deep hypnosis. Take three deep breaths, and as soon as you take the third breath, you will fall into a very deep hypnotic trance. During hypnosis, you will be able to think and maintain complete control over yourself. You can make any suggestion to yourself while you are under hypnosis and manifest all the hypnotic phenomena you wish. To wake up, all you need to do is tell yourself that you are waking up. Then you will count from ten to one and at the count of "one" you will finally wake up. If a critical situation arises while you are hypnotized, you will instantly wake up to take all necessary measures.

Implementation of the therapeutic program.

To implement a therapeutic program is to imagine a pre-made script, plot, verbal suggestion formula or color based on the requirements of the final goal. If you are capable of imaginative thinking, you need to concentrate on the plot and decompose it into frames from the initial state to the desired one.

Having chosen the image or formula of suggestion, you should concentrate on them as much as possible. But in practice, it can be quite difficult to keep attention on them for a long time. There is a series of extraneous thoughts and images. After you realize that you have left the original image, you need to return to it, but not immediately, but through the entire chain of thoughts and images in reverse order.

Being engaged in self-hypnosis, modeling various images, you can create individual images-symbols of health for yourself.

In case of skin diseases, it is recommended to imagine the affected areas of the skin, on which balsamic dressings are applied. You can imagine how, when a bandage is applied, itching and burning from the affected area of ​​the skin go away, and a pleasant coolness appears. Slowly removing the bandage, you can see healthy delicate skin.

If you tend to abstract from images, correlating the desired state with a certain color, then you should concentrate your attention on a certain color, holding it and enhancing its brightness.

Suffering from chronic headaches, the following figurative-color combination can be recommended: “Concentrate your attention inside the head. Figuratively-visually imagine the intracranial space in the form of black. Then gradually roll the black color into a lump so that outside it the color is discharged, brightened. Gradually, slowly, replace the black color with a light one (preferably blue or green), relaxed, inseparably watching the color change. When there is a complete change of color, the headache will pass.

With psoriasis or any other skin disease, visualize the affected areas with some color that is unpleasant for you. After you visualize this clearly, change the color of the affected areas to another color that you prefer. When performing this operation, make sure that the color change occurs gradually. Step by step, you will see new skin sprouting right before your eyes. Do this slowly and visually.

Positive images of the past can be effective: you swim in the sea, bask in the sun, lie in a warm bath with aromatic additives, etc. The discomfort that disappeared after these procedures is an objective indicator of the success of self-hypnosis.

One of the most common problems patients seek medical attention for is sleep disturbance. Long troubled falling asleep, disturbing sleep, unpleasant dreams, sleep that does not give rest and much more. Self-hypnosis helps to cope with some of these conditions. With the above problems, it is good to use self-hypnosis just in the evening before going to bed, transferring the state of self-hypnosis to sleep. To do this, you can use images of a soundly sleeping person, warm and soft colors. Suggestion formulas may sound like this: “I easily and quickly plunge into a pleasant slumber, which envelops me more and more. My sleep is calm, deep, with joyful, bright dreams. In the morning I wake up refreshed and well rested.

A dream is a product of the unconscious workings of the brain. However, this does not mean that a person cannot control his dreams. Maybe. Moreover, a person can order dreams for himself. Learn to manage your dreams: erase unnecessary and disturbing images, fill them with black paint, stop dangerously developing plots, etc.

The formation of healing dreams is another way a person acts on himself when he edits or rewrites the script of his life in his dreams.

The use of suggestion formulas has its own specifics. Suggestion formulas (SW) during self-hypnosis can be short, consisting of one sentence, and long, included in some context.

EF in alcohol dependence: “One kind of alcohol is disgusting to me, the smell of alcohol disgusts me. Nowhere and never a drop of alcohol.

EF in toxicosis and vomiting of pregnant women: “Any food is pleasant to me. I have a great appetite. I eat well and enjoy it."

EF with anxiety: “I am not afraid of anxiety. There are many sorrows in life, and I will endure them all. It is not necessary to get rid of everything unpleasant in order to feel confident. From now on, I will be able to control my emotions. I don’t want to worry too much about everything, because there is no sufficient reason for this. I will try to stay calm even in difficult situations. I own myself." These suggestions can be associated with certain post-hypnotic cues (see below). For example: “I am in control and can relax by focusing on my breathing. I deliberately slow down my breathing. I remember that I can deal with feelings of anxiety. After all, this has happened to me before. Everything will be fine, I close my eyes for a moment and imagine a peaceful environment. Now, as soon as I feel anxiety approaching, I will breathe deeper. It’s like I turn the light on and off or slowly turn it off and on with the help of a relay ... I regulate my state ... from the depths of the subconscious ... from the inside ... I am confidently moving towards the goal.

Rules for compiling self-hypnosis formulas:

1. Positive wording. You should talk about what you want to get, and not about what you want to get rid of: “Every day I become more confident”, “When I get out of the hypnotic trance, I will have a great mood and feel great.”

2. In the formulas of suggestion, the particles "NOT" and "NOR" should be absent. Negative particles are often not perceived by our consciousness. If you say to yourself, "I don't want to be upset," the command will be taken as "I want to be upset." Therefore, the formula of suggestions in this case should be: "I want to be calm in any, the most difficult life situations."

3. Brevity. In long phrases, the meaning often disappears. Therefore, the formula should be as short as possible.

4. Uniqueness. The self-hypnosis formula must be unambiguous. The ambiguity of the interpretation of the suggestion formula is reflected in the result.

5. Environmental friendliness. The suggestion formulas that are being realized should not harm you or make you worse. Remember that the realization of desire has many consequences, and not always these consequences are what can benefit you.

Suggestion formula examples:

I can easily deal with problematic situations.

Every day I become more and more cheerful.

Color, images and suggestion formulas can be combined.

Exit from the state of self-hypnosis and consolidation of new qualities by real actions in the post-hypnotic period.

When you have fully worked out the therapeutic program, you will mentally give yourself a command to open your eyes. Not everyone does it quickly. Most people do not immediately return from a state of self-hypnosis. Overcome by intense drowsiness. Slowly and gradually, normal feelings and sensations of your body return. No need to rush. You can get out of this state for as long as you need it.

There is no need to worry even if you fall asleep during the self-hypnosis procedure. Most often, in such situations, self-hypnosis turns into normal sleep. Awakening occurs after 20-30 minutes, after which a well-rested person returns to his ordinary world.


For beginners in self-hypnosis, our recommendations may seem too complicated. But every student will soon be convinced that in practice everything looks simpler. Remember that your self-suggestion and actions should come from your goals. One needs only to calm down, the other to improve sleep, the third - to overcome self-doubt. Start small, gradually turning classes into a system.

Everything will be fine if you act methodically, consistently, with a gradual increase in demands on yourself. Enter new images and suggestion formulas in small fragments and carefully. Do not demand the impossible from yourself. Small setbacks in the beginning should not confuse you.

I wish you the best in your self hypnosis!

Be healthy!

Self-hypnosis is hypnosis without a hypnotist.

"Self-hypnosis will give you the opportunity to act in your own interests, to solve your own problems, which is the basis of independence and self-respect."(R. Tims)

Remission- weakening of the disease process, accompanied by the disappearance of severe symptoms.

© S.V. Umansky, 2012
© Published with the kind permission of the author


Self-hypnosis: how to do it right so that it works?

I printed this article for myself a long time ago ... and years later I found it in a box with other articles and books. Unfortunately, I don’t know who wrote this text, but it’s clear that the person understands the topic ( upd: source is at the end of the article). I suspect that the article was written somewhere in 2011 and it describes 10 rules on how to do self-hypnosis correctly.

Attention! Self-hypnosis is just one of the tools in achieving goals. Full

How to do self-hypnosis: 10 rules

What is self-hypnosis, I think many of you know. If not, then I will briefly remind you that self-hypnosis is the repetition of certain phrases aloud or to yourself in order to inspire yourself with the desired qualities of character, become richer, lose weight, or achieve any other goal.

An analysis of the use of autosuggestion in my life led me to the conclusion that sometimes it works well, and sometimes it does not work at all, despite months of repetition of a certain suggestion.

In this article, I summarized my diary entries over several years and the conclusions about when self-hypnosis works and when it doesn't.

1 rule of self-hypnosis: yes to the word no

I often read that in self-hypnosis you can’t use the word “no and you can’t.” I didn't notice that auto-suggestion doesn't work when using these denial particles. It works and pretty well. Therefore, if you want to achieve something, but do not know how to formulate a suggestion without negation, then use it. This is especially true if you want to give up some habit, for example, eat a lot, smoke, etc.

Rule 2 of self-hypnosis: in your own words

The choice of phrases for yourself is extremely important. Often in books you can see self-hypnosis for the development of confidence, money thinking, memory, etc. But it is not at all necessary that these auto-suggestions will work for you.

Some words you do not fully understand, for some words you do not have a single association. There are words that for some reason cause you rejection. Therefore, it is necessary to spend some time on the selection of words. You won't save time here. Try one or the other self-hypnosis. Do you like it, do you understand it, do you have at least a few associative images in your head when you pronounce it, is there any discomfort in your soul or body?

The phrase “I am a confident person” may not work for you if you do not have associations with it. What is it for you, a set of words, or do you have many images? What is self-confidence for you? If you know what "I'm sure (a)" is, then feel free to use it. If not, then maybe “I speak loudly” or “I look people straight in the eye, I don’t look away” or something else is better.

For some purposes, short auto-suggestions are better suited, for others a little more detail is better. It happens that self-hypnosis works well for a whole page of text that you read aloud.

Rule 3 of Self-Suggestion: Relax

Self-hypnosis requires at least minimal relaxation. Once I tried a self-hypnosis formula that I used for 2 months on my way to work and back. Twice a day, for 15 minutes, it seems to be enough to feel the effect. But there was no effect.

And only when I began to pronounce it at home, in a calm atmosphere, having previously relaxed, did it begin to act.

Therefore, I am somewhat skeptical about the recommendations to use self-hypnosis on the way to work, while walking, sitting in a car in traffic jams, etc. Worse of course will not be, except for the loss of time. Although, of course, all people are different.

Rule 4 of Self-Suggestion: Daily Practice

Self-hypnosis requires daily practice, at least twice a day. All of my successful autosuggestions have occurred when I have been doing enough intense exercise. Approximately twice a day for 15-30 minutes.

Skipping at least one class is bad for achieving the effect. Skipping one day of classes is very, very bad and greatly undermines the effect of classes. Skipping a couple of days of classes, for example on weekends, raises the question that everything you do is useless.

It’s much better to work out intensively for two months and then quit altogether than to work out with weekend passes for a whole year.

Important! If your work or life schedule is such that you cannot practice twice a day, then it is better to postpone the training until better times, do not repeat other people's mistakes. You will spend a lot of time, get frustrated, and say that this method does not work, although it works, and not bad. And to that

5 rule of self-hypnosis: form an image

Self-hypnosis is more of an assistance to the subconscious in the formation of images, rather than a direct action. Therefore, do not just say mindlessly self-hypnosis phrases. Let some images and situations corresponding to self-hypnosis rush through your mind. As soon as the consciousness began to go aside again, repeat the self-hypnosis again.

Rule 6 of Self-Suggestion: Watch for Changes

If no changes in your life occur within 2-3 weeks, then you are doing something wrong. Review your training, go through the points of the secrets of self-hypnosis.

Rule 7 of self-hypnosis: a good phrase

And vice versa, if self-hypnosis works, do not try to change the phrases of auto-suggestion. It is also desirable to save the time of classes, frequency, etc. Some well-functioning phrases can be used for years. If they become annoying, then sometimes it is better to add a phrase than to remove it altogether.

Rule 8 of Self-Suggestion: Use Aids

Sometimes aids are good for self-hypnosis. For example, recording text on a tape recorder and listening to this recording, or self-hypnosis in front of a mirror.

Self-Suggestion Rule 9: Check Negative Attitudes

Sometimes a more basic belief gets in the way of realizing your goal and desire. It could be parenting programs or other persuasion. For example, if you study how to earn more money, how to increase income, then another suggestion that the rich are bad can completely or partially neutralize the effect of the studies. How to determine that there is another suggestion?

If you start to practice and there is a rejection of the sensation in your body, too strong disbelief, reaching aggression, excessive laziness, etc., then there may be another suggestion that is opposite to the one you are now suggesting to yourself.

If you work out for several days and analyze the images that arise in your head, then be sure to identify it. Turn the opposite suggestion into
lesson program. Everything will get better little by little.

Rule 10 of self-hypnosis: specific or non-specific?

Well, the tenth remark, again, in some books they write that it is necessary to formulate goals as specifically as possible. That is, I do not want a car, but I want a BMW 5 series, gray, on such and such a date, etc. I dealt with both specific suggestions and general ones. On this occasion, I can say the following: at the beginning of work, you, as a rule, cannot clearly articulate your dream, and even more so the deadlines, etc.

The specifics at the beginning of the work only hinder the work. As you get closer to the goal, of course, you can and should specify it.

Therefore, when you started to study, it is better to pronounce the phrase “I am rich”, and as you progress, you can formulate “By such and such a number, through such and such a business, I easily earn money by such and such a number, etc.” Again, the main thing here is that the desire is only yours, and not inspired from outside.