What is your iq. Raven IQ test

Take an accurate IQ test and find out your intellectual abilities.
IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a program that reflects the level of a person's mental development. For the first time, the task of determining this parameter, which was rather abstract for those times, was set before the Frenchman Binet at the end of the century before last, but this evaluation form reached its peak of popularity already on another continent, in the USA. The IQ test, first of all, was carried out in the army, then the two millionth contingent of the barracks began to be replenished with applicants and potential employees. The teaching staff and employers also wanted to know who they would have to train and with whom to go to the top of the business.

However, not all tests created by psychologists objectively reflected the actual state of affairs. For example, the popular Eysenck questionnaire was criticized by scientists for a number of gross errors in questions and building logical chains of answers to them. Nevertheless, the IQ test remains in demand and is often used in various fields of human activity.

Interpreting IQ Test Results

The ubiquitous statistics gathered by research suggests that an IQ test score of 50 may be indicative of a person's mental retardation. The most common result is 85-115 points, up to 125 are scored by those whose mental capabilities are above the average.

High intelligence is considered to be over 135 points, but everything that is more than this level indicates the signs of the genius of the subject. For example, the test results on the IQ of Hollywood stars are striking: James Woods, with 180 points, eclipsed Tarantino with his 160. The outsiders were Paris Hilton with 70 points and Sylvester Stallone with ... 54. For comparison, Obama's IQ is 120 points, and V.V. Putin leads him by 14 points. What position will you take in this company?

The level of intelligence is a delicate parameter. People tend to consider themselves smarter than others, and yet you want to check your level of intelligence to make sure and be rightfully proud. On the other hand, there is always a risk that the IQ test will not show a very pleasant result. How to be? How to check your aikyu without harming self-esteem? Try to do this anonymously so that you don't have to share your IQ test result with anyone. The Internet allows you to check your iq online without registration. But be careful and do not agree to pay for a test: look for free iq tests, which are also enough.

Modern technologies have significantly facilitated the work of psychologists, teachers, personnel officers who use tests for the level of intelligence in their professional activities. Specialists use methods to check the aikyu of children and adults, taking into account the level of education and other social characteristics. The average person does not need to go into such details. Popular intelligence tests allow you to both check your aikyu and compare it with average values ​​and indicators of other people in order to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits level of intelligence.

What is an intelligence quotient? How is intelligence measured?
To assess the level of intelligence, it is customary to use the so-called intelligence coefficient. IQ, or, in Russian transcription, aikyu, is its abbreviation, introduced into use for convenience. The popularization of the concept of aikyu has reached the point where many people misunderstand this characteristic and believe that you can simply check your aikyu once and for all. In fact, intelligence tests are arranged differently. For their use and interpretation of the results, certain features must be taken into account:

  • Initially, the IQ test was developed for medical purposes. With its help, the aikyu of children was tested to determine mental retardation. Today, more than a century later, a low level of intelligence is considered to be below 70 points.
  • An IQ below 70 is considered an indicator of mental retardation, but test results should not be taken as the final assessment of intellectual abilities. IQ test results are affected by fatigue, health status, and other temporary factors.
  • Objectively, the level of intelligence is affected by the state of health, heredity, the environment (the political situation in the country, the standard of living, etc.), as well as the presence of some specific genes, race and even gender.
Aikyu is relative, not absolute. It is necessary to perceive the level of intelligence in conjunction with the age of the test person, otherwise the results will be inadequate. For example, checking the aikyu of a child and an adult can result in the same number of points. This does not mean that a 5-year-old and a 25-year-old person are at the same level of development and / or have the same knowledge. IQ does not show erudition, but intellectual potential and compliance with the normal level of development in its age category. So, in order to test your aikyu and the aikyu of a child, you will have to pass different tests.

High and low intelligence. Types of IQ tests
There is no single universal iq test. But there are several test options that allow you to test your aikyu. They contain quite standard tasks for testing the level of intelligence. Tests are aimed at logical thinking and contain simple questions from different areas of knowledge: arithmetic examples alternate with letter puzzles and combinations of geometric shapes. To date, there are various tests for testing intelligence in the public domain:

  • Eysenck tests are the most popular. They include 8 verification options at once. All 8 Eysenck tests are designed for adults (18-50 years old) who have received at least a secondary education. Eysenck tests can be considered universal because they create a level playing field for people with a mathematical and humanitarian mindset. Despite the fact that Eysenck's intelligence tests are often criticized for their simplicity and bias, these tests are usually meant by the IQ test.
  • Intelligence tests developed by D. Wexler, J. Raven, R. Amthauer are newer, more accurate and more complex. For example, the Wechsler test contains 11 specialized subsections. They explore the general stock of knowledge, the ability for analytical thinking, concentration and abstraction, memorization, synthesis and other characteristics of mental activity. The Wechsler test is known worldwide under the acronyms WAIS and WISC.
  • Tests for the child's intelligence are built in the form of exciting puzzles and bright pictures. Child psychologists use them as a professional tool, but every parent can find a child aykyu test online or in the media to entertain the baby. Do not take seriously the test of the child's intelligence at home. Just let your child enjoy solving riddles and encourage his interest in such mind simulators.
It doesn't matter what grade in mathematics or grammar was on your school report card. Each test is planned in such a way that all skills are balanced. But for greater objectivity, it is advisable to pass not one, but several tests for aikyu. Then their average result can be considered more or less reliable.

How to check the level of intelligence? How to pass the IQ test?
It is better to check your aikyu alone, in a calm environment and in a good mood. You don’t need to specially prepare for checking the level of intelligence, on the contrary, try to relax and not attach too much importance to what is happening. Choose a free time when no one will distract you, sit comfortably at the computer and start checking. Using the Eysenck test as an example, we will show you how to effectively pass the IQ test:

  1. Start your iq test rested and healthy. At the end of the day, after hard work or early in the morning, waking up, the test results will be lower than the actual ones.
  2. The Eysenck test consists of 40 questions, the difficulty of which gradually increases. You can't skip questions, you have to answer each one. If you are not sure about the correct answer, choose the most likely option, in your opinion.
  3. Exactly half an hour is allotted to pass the Eysenck test. You have the right to complete the test faster, but you cannot spend more than 30 minutes on an intelligence test using the Eysenck method.
Despite the apparent simplicity, some questions can cause difficulties. If you are taking the test online, then the temptation to find ready-made answers to the aikyu test will be very great. Of course, no one will catch your hand and will not prevent you from using hints. But in this case, the results of the test will show only your level of cunning, but not intelligence.

How to find out your level of intelligence on the test? IQ test results
The results of the intelligence test will be shown as a two or three digit number. Most likely, an explanatory comment will appear next to them. And if not - focus on this interpretation:

  • The normal value of aikyu is about 100 points. On average, test scores for most people (which is about half of all test takers) fall in the 90 to 110 range.
  • An IQ score of less than 90 points is found in approximately 25% of test subjects. If we consider the sample as representative, then we can say that a quarter of people have a level of intelligence below average. However, do not forget about the possible errors and interference that distort the results of iq tests.
  • High level of intelligence - iq110 and above. Few outstanding personalities could boast of such a result. In particular, Stephen Hawking's iq 160, Einstein's iq 175, Garry Kasparov's iq 180. Try it, what if you can surpass their results?
Be aware that many of the available online intelligence tests inflate the results slightly to flatter users. In addition, Eysenck tests and similar questionnaires for self-checking aikyu are often criticized by scientists: they say that not all questions are formulated correctly, and some tasks do not have the right answer at all. Well, maybe that's the point of checking. Passing the test, you find yourself in non-standard conditions, where you have to use intuition, ingenuity and the deductive method, which is the best way to characterize not erudition, but just logical thinking. Good luck, extraordinary decisions and high test results!

Attempts to express human intelligence with a numerical value have been known since the beginning of the 20th century. In 1912, the German scientist William Stern first introduced such a thing as the IQ. This idea turned out to be very timely and already in 1916 was used in an earlier system of intellectual calculus, known as the Stanford-Binet scale.

These days, IQ tests have become very popular and relevant. The abbreviation IQ itself correctly stands for intelligence quotient, which in English means intelligence quotient. Accordingly, the IQ test determines the level of intelligence of a person, based on the obtained coefficient, the calculation of which also takes into account his age. The most popular is the test of Hans Jurgen Eysenck.

The mathematical formula for IQ is a fraction multiplied by 100, in the numerator of which is the mental age of a person, and in the denominator is his chronological age. Currently, the fourth edition of the IQ measurement scale is used in psychodiagnostics.

Today, many companies are engaged in IQ testing, checking employees applying for a particular vacancy. Even children can pass the intelligence test. Thus, the IQ test helps to determine the ability of people who have been tested to perform certain tasks.

An interesting fact is that this test is not an erudition exam and does not require special knowledge, but rather reveals the ingenuity and ingenuity of a person, which is intelligence in essence.

The proposed test consists of forty questions that must be answered in exactly thirty minutes. There are no pauses, time-outs and breaks. Since the IQ test is an important indicator, for its purity the conditions for all subjects are exactly the same. At the same time, more inattentive people will have less chance of high IQs, which, in fact, is quite fair.

Passing testing, it is best to skip questions that are not solved immediately. It is not difficult to calculate that, on average, the program allocates 45 seconds for each question. This time is, of course, conditional, since rarely anyone manages to solve all forty problems correctly, however, if you linger too long on difficult questions, then the chance of not having time to reach the tasks potentially solved by the test subjects increases.

It happens that a simpler task takes longer to solve a complex one. This may occur as a result of the individual characteristics of the person being tested, and will subsequently be reflected in his IQ. Skipping intractable tasks, the test-taker returns to them again, but having already answered all the "easy" questions. This approach is more rational and therefore effective.

It is interesting! It turns out that intelligence and intelligence tests were first developed ... in the 7th century by Chinese employers. At that time, based on the results, officials were divided into three classes: a public service official (one out of a hundred contestants), a mandarin - (one out of a hundred public service officials) and, finally, an inspector (one out of a hundred mandarins).

Intelligence gives a person the ability to think in any situation. And the higher the IQ, the faster a person finds a way out in a difficult situation for him. It is thanks to the intellect that we can think abstractly and perceive the complex ideas that surround us. Definition of I.Q.- this is one of the most interesting areas in the test genre. IQ is an abbreviation for the words "Intelligence Quotient", which translates as "Intelligence Quotient".

This is a standard set of puzzles for attentiveness, forcing you to look for patterns in tasks. As a result, we have an indicator of the mental abilities of a person. Of course, these abilities can be developed, and such tests will serve as a good simulator in this.

In total, 40 diverse tasks were collected in one test. You have 90 minutes to solve them. Of course, you are not faced with the task of determining your abilities right now and here. You can be distracted and return to the selected tasks. The main thing is to train your brain, make it move and find extraordinary connections between seemingly completely different objects.

For each correctly solved task, 5 points are awarded. Thus, the maximum result of this test is 200 points. This is exactly the figure that Albert Einstein had. Here Garry Kasparov stopped at an indicator of 190, and Leonardo da Vinci, as they say even lower - 180. But you should not be equal to them - these are exceptional people, although who knows, maybe among the readers of this article there are also unique personalities, about which we we'll find out soon. The answers can be found at the end of the article, but please, do not rush to watch them, give yourself the task of solving the largest number of problems, believe me, finding the right answers is so nice.

Remember that tasks not only help determine the level of intelligence, but also develop it. Really smart and creative people can always find an interesting job, work in a chic office and earn decent money.

Approximately your results can be judged according to this scale.:

180-200 - Exceptional results.

155-175 - Excellent results.

125-150 - Very good results.

95-120 - Good results.

70-90 - Satisfactory results.

0-65 - Bad result.

IQ task #1

Moving clockwise around the circle, read the sixteen-letter word. Letters are written through one, so you should fill in the gaps and find a starting point.

IQ assignment #2

What number should replace the question mark?

IQ assignment #3

Only one of these sets of letters can be made into a meaningful word. Which?





IQ Task #4

IQ assignment #5

What three-letter word forms two new words, not related to each other in meaning, with prefixes FOR and PRI (for example, TAKE: TAKE, BRING).

Hint: Lawlessness in the river bay.

IQ assignment #6

What is the excess number?

An IQ test can be used for many reasons. It allows you to determine your level of ability to learn, understand, form concepts, use information, apply logic and reason, in comparison with the population. It speaks volumes and can affect the characters that are not the norm in society, whether they are interpersonal, such as isolation, rejection and withdrawal, or intellectual, such as ease or difficulty in performing intellectual activities. On the other hand, it can also explain the successes achieved by individuals in a simpler way than by other people.

The effectiveness of this test

The IQ test offered by us was developed by a research group of specialists in the field of psychology. It is used worldwide by millions of users and new ones are added every day. The statistics established on the basis of the overall results allow one to test its reliability with respect to the IQ scales represented by the Gaussian curve.

over gifted

People with very high IQ levels, compared to the average (> 130), also called "super gifted", as a rule, have more opportunities for intellectual activity than others. The most well-known characteristics of the super-gifted are:

  • Curiosity and thirst for knowledge: They ask a lot of questions and are able to acquire knowledge on their own.
  • Self-improvement, the need to do something with precision and perfection.
  • Fear of himself, of his abilities, the consequences of his thoughts and emotions overflowing.
  • An interest that becomes obsessive in certain topics.
  • Hypersensitivity is often invisible from the outside.
  • Prolonged concentration and focus.
  • Metacognitive Awareness: They are able to identify and use plans, concepts, and strategies to solve problems.

mental disability

People with very low IQs

Our statistics

We accompany each IQ result with individual statistics, according to which candidates rank based on several parameters (population, age, education level, area of ​​expertise).