The problem of helping poor countries in English. Topic Global Problems of Today

Globalization is a controversial issue for business and governments throughout the world. We recognize globalization mainly through its effects. It "s a bit like electricity - we can not it, but we certainly observe what it does.

Globalization can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. This process is a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural and political forces. It "s a movement of people, goods, capital and ideas due to increased economic integration.

Globalization is a controversial issue mainly because different groups interpret it in different ways. For its opponents globalization is a threatening word. It prompts visions of large multinationals dominating the world in pursuit of ever-higher profits. Many pressure groups fear that globalization threatens the environment as well as national cultures - they predict that it will make the rich nations richer and the developing countries even poorer than they are. But its supporters have another point of view. They believe that increasing and freer trade between nations will offer prosperity and economic growth for all countries and businesses.

So globalization is likely to be a hot potato for the twenty-first century. As far as the benefits are concerned there it "s possible to name next statements:

1. An opportunity to get acquainted with cultures of different nations;

2. A variety of choice for consumers: when they can buy in their local stores and supermarkets not only home-produced goods but also foreign ones;

3. Transnational corporations create additional work places for local people, at the same it is convenient for these large corporations as well: they may locate the labor-intensive part of their production process in countries with a relative abundance of labor in order to minimize their costs;

4. Another point is risk-sharing. It "s more reasonable to invest money not in one company but to create an international company with a great amount of subsidiaries in various countries, so it won't have so serious consequences if one of them will not stand cut-throat competition;

5. This cut-throat competition in the local markets between domestic and foreign producers leads to the production of high-quality goods.

The disadvantages of globalization are:

1. Pollution of the environment (and there one peculiarity should be admitted - developed countries try to locate their harmful for the environment factories and works not in their own countries but in developing countries);

2. Globalization destroys cultural identity, for example Europeans usually try to impose their customs and traditions on Asian people;

3. Multinational corporations prefer to use cheap labor-force of developing countries for instance in Asia. And at the same time they provide their workers with bad and sometimes even awful working conditions;

4. It's difficult for domestic producers to compete with multinational corporations especially if it's an infant industry;

The last but not least is that we don't actually know to what globalization can lead, we don't realize its consequences.


Globalization is a contentious issue for business and government around the world. We learn about globalization mainly through its consequences. It's a bit like electricity - we don't see it, but we certainly see what it does.

Globalization can be described as the process by which the people of the world come together in a single community and function together. This process is a combination of economic, technological, socio-cultural and political forces. It is the movement of people, goods, capital and ideas due to increased economic integration.

Globalization is a contentious issue mainly because different groups interpret it differently. For opponents of globalization, this is a threatening word. She sees it as the pursuit of ever higher profits by the large multinational corporations dominating the world. Many groups are under pressure from the fear that globalization is threatening the environment as well as national cultures - they predict that it will make rich countries richer and developing countries poorer. But proponents of globalization have a different point of view. They believe that increased and free trade between countries will be the key to prosperity and economic growth for all countries and businesses.

So globalization is likely to become a hot topic of the twenty-first century. As for its advantages, we can name the following:

1. The opportunity to get acquainted with the cultures of different peoples;

2. Diversity of choice for consumers: when they can buy in local stores and supermarkets not only domestic goods, but also foreign ones;

3. Transnational corporations create additional jobs for the local population, this is convenient for these large corporations too: they can transfer labor-intensive parts of their production process to countries with a relatively large labor force in order to minimize their costs;

4. Another point is the distribution of risks. It is more reasonable to invest in not one company, but to create an international company with a large number of branches in different countries, it will not have such serious consequences if one of them is not subject to fierce competition;

5. Fierce competition in the local market between domestic and foreign manufacturers leads to the production of high quality products.

The disadvantages of globalization are:

1. Pollution of the environment (one feature should be recognized - the developed countries are trying to locate factories and factories that are harmful to the environment not in their own countries, but in developing countries);

2. Globalization destroys cultural identity, for example, Europeans usually try to impose their customs and traditions on Asian peoples;

3. Multinational corporations prefer to use cheap labor in developing countries, such as Asia. And at the same time they provide their workers with poor and sometimes terrible working conditions;

4. It is difficult for domestic producers to compete with multinational corporations, especially if it is a new industry;

Last but not least, we do not actually know what globalization can lead to, we do not understand its consequences.

Poverty and Richness Corrupt People's Souls

There is a lot of injustice in the world. When some countries are regarded wealthy (such as the United States, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Norway, Japan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, South Korea, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, and many others), other countries and their people live in poverty. They are deprived of common necessities such as food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water. They also suffer from the lack of access to opportunities such as education, information, health care and employment.

There are many different factors that cause poverty such as unemployment, overpopulation, some historical factors (imperialism, colonialism), war, discrimination, erosion, deforestation, drought, water crisis and many others. Poverty may be explained by geographic factors, for example access to fertile land, fresh water, minerals, energy, and other natural resources, presence or absence of natural features helping or limiting communication, such as mountains, deserts, navigable rivers, or coastline. Historically, geography has prevented or slowed the spread of new technology to areas such as the Americas and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Those living in poverty and lacking access to essential health services, suffering hunger or even starvation, experience mental and physical health problems which make it harder for them to improve their situation. One third of deaths are due to poverty-related causes. Those living in poverty suffer lower life expectancy. Every year nearly 11 million children living in poverty die before their fifth birthday. In Kenya malaria kills one in five children every year. Poverty increases the risk of homelessness. There are over 100 million street children worldwide. Increased risk of drug abuse may also be associated with poverty.

Those living in poverty in the developed world may suffer social isolation. Rates of suicide may increase in conditions of poverty. Low income levels and poor employment opportunities for adults in turn create the conditions where households can depend on the income of child members. More that 200 million children aged 5 to 17 are in child labor worldwide, excluding child domestic labor. Areas strongly by affected poverty tend to be more violent.

Many people argue that poverty statistics measure inequality rather than material deprivation or hardship. All people are born equal. So why should they live in different conditions? It is not fair that the rich live in luxurious houses and drive expensive cars while the poor die from starvation. Many writers touched upon the problem of poverty and inequality in their works. Many people fought for the rights of the poor. But this problem still remains very urgent and continues corrupting people's souls.

There are many poverty reduction programs attempting to help people of developing countries. In politics, the fight against poverty is usually regarded as a social goal and many governments have institutions or departments dedicated to tackling poverty. Most developed nations give development aid to developing countries.

Sometimes celebrities organize benefit concerts to fight hunger in developing countries. In 1984 there was a terrible famine in Ethiopia, when more than 1 million people died. The sight of thousands of weak, starving children on TV reports inspired rock singer Bob Geldof to launch a campaign to fight hunger in Africa. The biggest stars in British pop music (Paul McCartney, Sting, George Michael and many others) gathered in a London studio to record Do they know it's Christmas? The charity single raised 8 million pounds and a year later inspired Live-Aid, the global pop concert which raised more than 60 million pounds.

1. Complete each sentence (A-H) with one of the endings (1-8):
A. There are many different factors that cause poverty such as
B. Historically, geography has prevented or slowed down
C. Those living in poverty suffer
D. Power increases
E. Low income levels and poor employment opportunities for adults in turn create the conditions where
F. Many governments have institutions or departments dedicated to
G. Most developed nations give
H. Sometimes celebrities organize

1. the risk of homelessness.
2. tackling poverty.
3. unemployment, overpopulation, some historical factors, war, discrimination, erosion, deforestation, drought, water crisis and many others.
4. development aid to developing countries.
5. benefit concerts to fight hunger in developing countries.
6. the spread of new technology to areas such as the Americas and Sub-Saharan Africa.
7. lower life expectancy.
8. households can depend on the income of child members.

2. Give the definitions of the following words
developing country developed country
justice life expectancy
poverty starvation
discrimination famine
malaria drought

3. Say if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Comment on your answer
1) There is a lot of injustice in the world.
2) Poverty starts violence.
3) Poverty statistics measure inequality rather than material deprivation or hardship.
4) All people are born equal.
5) Developed nations must give development aid to developing countries.
6) Poverty and richness corrupt people's souls.

4. Read the following proverbs. Find their English equivalents and explain what they mean
Poverty breeds strife.
Poverty is no disgrace, but it is a great inconvenience.
Beggars cannot be choosers.
He that is warm thinks all so.
Necessity knows no law.
A hungry man is an angry man.
Hunger finds no fault in cookery.

5. Answer the questions
1) What are developing countries usually deprived of?
2) What are the factors that cause poverty?
3) What are the consequences of poverty and inequality?
4) What do you think of child labor?
5) Do you know any people who are fighting or fought for the rights of the poor? Say a few words about them.
6) Why is it so important to reduce poverty?
7) Is it possible "to cure" poverty? how?

6. Read the quotations below. Choose any statement and comment on it
Poverty is a great enemy to human happiness; it certainly destroys liberty, and it makes some virtues impracticable, and others extremely difficult." (Samuel Johnson)
Poverty is everyone "s problem. It cuts across any line you can name: age, race, social, geographic or religious. Whether you are black or white; rich, middle-class or poor, we are ALL touched by poverty." (Kathleen Blanco)
"We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty." (Mother Teresa)
"Poverty must be reduced not only for reasons of moral and justice, but also of security." (Anna Lindh)
"You can" t get rid of poverty by giving people money. "(P. J. O" Rourke)
"Poverty is the mother of crime." (Marcus Aurelius)

Read the article below. Explain the meaning of the words in italics. Summarize the contents of the article and discuss the major problems touched in it.
In a world of wealth, poverty has become a necessity

Poverty is not a static condition which people may be rescued from or "raised out of. Poverty has as many guises as the words that describe it...

As western governments never cease to affirm, poverty is relative. (They do not state what it is relative to: whether to neighbours, to the rich, or to those whose personal fortunes outstrip the GDP of whole countries.) If anyone with below 60% of median income is said to remain in poverty, a significant proportion of the people will always be poor. It should not be imagined that poverty in the rich countries is a mitigated or sheltered experience, as the existence of gun and violent crime, a knife culture, gang warfare and a drug economy testifies.

There is an even more compelling reason why poverty is destined to remain a spectre at the global feast. Poverty will not be eliminated for the very reason that the global developmental paradigm gives priority to the market over government, and even to the market over society. Governments everywhere have more or less voluntarily withdrawn from responsibility for distributive justice; and since free markets distribute their rewards according to their own promiscuous and capricious laws, this ensures that wealth flows unevenly. ...
Of course governments routinely express their desire to create a more equal society, and make provision to alleviate the worst sufferings of the poor. But their capacity to do so is far behind the adroit effects of markets to lavish prizes on those they favor. ...
Perhaps the most astonishing obstacle to the removal of poverty from the world has been the transformation of the super-rich. These have ceased to be regarded as the greedy devourers of the substance of the poor, the ugly monopolists of resources: no longer the exploiters and bloodsuckers of 19th-century industrial lore, they have been turned into philanthropists, the virtuous possessors of fabulous fortunes, by whose grace and charity alone the dire poverty of the destitute will be relieved. ...
Poverty is not a question of the laggards and the left-behind of globalization, but remains an inescapable structural necessity - required to justify continued growth and expansion beyond sufficiency. Natural scarcity gives way to human-made impoverishments: this is recognized in the word "deprivation" which, like many terms in the lexicon of poverty, betrays its meaning. "Deprivation" means something is taken away from people, in order to maintain them in a state of poverty to which they will never become accustomed; thereby justifying a system that lays waste a world without meeting more than a fraction of human need.
Jeremy Seabrook The Guardian, Thursday 27 July 2006

A. The problem of poverty is very urgent nowadays. What do you know about poverty in the modern world? What countries are more affected than others?

B. Read the text "Poverty and Richness Corrupt People"s Souls" and be ready to speak about its leading ideas.

From the tutorial "Opening the world with English. Modern topics for discussion. Getting ready for the exam" Yuneva S.A. 2012

Musin Alexander. Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Perm, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination People and society.

Social Problems of the Russian Society

As it is known, there is no an ideal society, it is utopia. Every society has its problems and weak points. The Russian one is not an exception.

Unfortunately, our country's development was always unstable and erratical. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian economy found it unable to enter the world’s economy though the necessity in intergovernmental relationship and the transition to the market economy following the example of highly-developed countries was evident.

First of all it is the people of our country who suffered from the damage as immense sums weredirected to the elaborating of a new economic mechanism and the government decided to limit social expenses. And the first social problem countries try to overcome we can divide as a consequence of this fact, and it is a demographic crisis. People have no sufficient means to have large families. The found issue was the following, - it is better to have one child and to raise him in relative prosperity, than to have some children and to raise them having no sufficient means and food products. The government turns its attention to this problem. It begins to adopt different federal target programs such as “Children of Russia”, the duration of which was marked for the period of 2007-2010. At that time the mothers giving birth to the second or to the third or to the next following child receive the Mother`s Certificate has increased in size as it passed with the birth allowance. And indeed these measures helped, the birth rate has increased.

But the death rate is also rather high in our country. Naturally, it is provoked by the general level of living as well as by the ecology condition, and by addictions. The state carries different federal laws into effect which ban noxious emissions and bind the factories to be equipped with cleaning filters. The state tries to fight the citizens' bad habits. For instance, today all tobacco enterprises have to indicate the slogans about the harm of tobacco use, and its awful consequences. Another measure to fight smoking was contained in increasing of the VAT rate and excise tobacco tax.

One of the most important problems related to the world economic crisis is unemployment. To solve this a special anti-crisis fund was created, for the problem financing the banks were given noninterest earning loans. Persons who have lost their jobs received a chance to start an own business, the employment centers pay lump-sum allowances to every registered unemployed citizen until he finds a new job. The micro-entrepreneurship is also actively supported.

The last but not the least is the problem of our system of education. It lacks teaching personnel, educational level in schools is low enough and some other problems. Country schools suffering from the teachers’ lack have no at all some disciplines, or these subjects are taught by the personnel having little competence for this. Besides, the remuneration of school teachers is low enough. The Russian education practically has no value abroad. Despite all difficulties the Russian system of education changes too, and different educational reforms are initiated such as the Unified State Examination.

In conclusion, it should be mentioned that many social and economic mechanisms of our state are far from its efficiency. We have many other problems to solve within perhaps some decades. But the first positive steps towards the citizens’ lives improvement are evident.

As you know, an ideal society is a utopia, in everyone's life there are problems and weaknesses. Russian society is no exception.

Unfortunately, the development of our country has always been unstable and uneven. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian economy turned out to be incapable of integrating into the world economy, although there was a need to maintain interstate relations, to move to a market economy following the example of developed countries.

First of all, the population of our country suffered, since most of the funds were directed to the creation of a new mechanism for the economy, and the state decided to reduce its expenses for the population. From here we can single out the first social problem, which they are trying to fight with various methods to this day - the demographic crisis. People did not have enough money to support a large family. They found a way out - it is better to have one child, but for him to grow more or less in prosperity, than several children will grow up in poverty and hunger. The state does not ignore this problem. Various federal targeted programs are being developed and adopted, such as "Children of Russia", the validity period of which was determined in 2007-2010. For mothers who have given birth to a second or more child, the maternity certificate has increased in size, as well as the one-time allowance for the birth of a child. Indeed, to some extent, these events helped, the birth rate began to increase.

But the death rate in our country is quite high. Of course, this is influenced by the general standard of our life, and the state of the environment, and addictions. The state enforces various federal laws on the prohibition of harmful emissions, on the mandatory building of cleaning filters in factories. Even with the bad habits of citizens, the government is trying to fight. For example, now all firms that produce tobacco products are required to indicate on cigarette packs slogans about the dangers of smoking, about its terrible consequences. Also, another measure in the fight against smoking is an increase in VAT rates and excise taxes on tobacco.

One of the main problems associated with the global economic crisis is unemployment. To combat this problem, a special anti-crisis fund was created, banks were provided with interest-free loans for lending. For people who lost their jobs, they were given the opportunity to start their own business, a lump sum payment from the employment center, which each registered unemployed person receives every month until he finds a new job. There is also active support for small businesses.

I would also like to note as not the last problem of education. Lack of teaching staff, low level of knowledge among schoolchildren and some others. In rural schools, where there are not enough teachers, some subjects are either not taught at all, or it is taught by a teacher who teaches a completely different subject. In addition, the salaries of school teachers are quite low. Education received in Russia is practically not valued abroad. There are very few such scientific institutions in our country, after which you will be gladly accepted for the same specialty in foreign countries. Despite everything, everything possible is being done in the field of education, various educational reforms are being developed, such as the Unified State Examination.

In conclusion, I would like to note that many social and economic mechanisms of our state are far from perfect. We still have many other problems that will have to be solved for a decade. But the first, confident, firm steps are being taken towards improving the lives of citizens.

People have lived in our planet Earth for centuries and global problems have always existed. (People have been living on our planet Earth for centuries, and global problems always exist.)

In ancient times the biggest global problem was wars. (In ancient times, wars were the biggest global problem)

People have been fighting with each other since the beginning of the civilization mostly to get new territories and more land. (People have been fighting each other since the beginning of civilization, mainly to gain new territories and more land.)

Today, there are more global problems which can be divided into two categories: ecological problems and social, economic and political issues. (Today there are many global problems that can be divided into two categories: environmental problems and social, economic and political problems/issues)

The first category includes issues relating to ecological destruction, pollution and global warming as the result. (The first category includes questions related to environmental destruction, pollution, and global warming as a result.)

The climate is changing and many people agree that climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet. (The climate is changing, and many people agree that climate change may be one of the biggest threats the planet has encountered.)

Global warming has already been killed off some types of animals and plants. (Global warming has already destroyed some species of animals and plants)

Rising sea levels are threatening whole nations on islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. (Rising sea levels threaten entire peoples on islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans)

The second category of global problems deals with social, economic and political issues. (The second category of global issues concerns social, economic and political issues/topics)

They include global terrorism, poverty, human rights, health issues, racism and many others. (They include global terrorism, poverty, human rights, health issues, racism and many more)

We are faced with the problem of global terrorism. And more and more countries are suffering from it. (We are facing the problem of global terrorism. And more and more countries are suffering from it.)

It is difficult to catch terrorists and prevent their acts. (It is difficult to catch terrorists and prevent their actions)

The most terrible terrorist attack took place on September 11, 2001 in the USA. (The worst terrorist attack happened on September 11, 2001 in the USA)

The World Trade Centre, one of the symbols of New York City, was destroyed completely and thou¬sands of people died. (The World Trade Center was completely destroyed and thousands of people died.)

The world was shocked and most countries decided to fight against terrorism. However, new terror-ist attacks have been committed. (The world was shocked and most countries decided to fight against terrorism. However, new terrorist attacks are being committed.)

Poverty is another global problem. The worst situation is in Africa where people (mostly children) die every day of hunger. (Poverty is another global problem. The worst situation is in Africa, where people (mainly children) die every day from hunger.)

The poor also have less access to health, education and other services. (The poor also have less access to healthcare, education and other services)

Incurable diseases and epidemics are also a global challenge for humanity. (Incurable diseases and epidemics are also a global challenge/problem for humanity.)

Another global problem is racism, when people of different races and different skin colors are humiliated and even killed. (Another global problem is racism, when people of different races and skin colors are humiliated and even killed.)

There are many organizations that fight social global problems, but this battle has lasted for a long time and it will take much time for the solution of all of them. (There are many organizations that are fighting social global issues, but this struggle has been going on for a long time and will take a long time to solve all of them)

We live in the 21st century and humanity has made a great progress in technology, so I think that it is strange that we still have global problems, especially the ones that deal with social, economic and political issues. (We live in the 21st century and humanity has made a lot of progress in technology, so I think it's strange that we still have global problems, especially those that have to do with social, economic and political issues.)

I am sure that they can be solved completely without any conflicts or wars. (I'm sure they can be resolved without any conflict or war.)

The problem of poverty in many countries has been and remains a hot topic among all segments of the population. But for Russia, it is especially relevant. In order to fight poverty and try to eradicate it, you need to know its causes. Sociological surveys have been conducted more than once, which revealed the opinion of the population about the causes of poverty in Russia, among them are: the government, corruption, laziness, national mentality, drunkenness, mafia, monopoly. I would like to consider the main causes of poverty in Russia.

The problem of poverty in many countries has been and remains a hot topic among all segments of the population. But for Russia, it is especially relevant. In order to fight poverty and try to eradicate it, you need to know its causes. Sociological surveys have been conducted more than once, which revealed the opinion of the population about the causes of poverty in Russia, among them are: the government, corruption, laziness, national mentality, drunkenness, mafia, monopoly. I would like to consider the main causes of poverty in Russia.

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Results (English) 1:

The problem of poverty in many countries has been and remains an acute topic among all segments of the population. But for Russia it is particularly relevant in order to fight poverty and try to eradicate it, it is necessary to know its causes. Times polls were conducted, which revealed the public opinion on the causes of poverty in Russia, among them notes: Government corruption, laziness, national mentality, alcoholism, mafia, monopolism. I would like to address the main causes of poverty in Russia.

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