The psychology of a slave as mass consciousness. The Depth Psychology of a Slave

Therefore, stand in the freedom that Christ has given us, and do not again be subjected to the yoke of slavery.

In this part of the essay, we will briefly consider the possible pathopsychological consequences of the influence on a person of two factors that seem to be of different origin: Soviet ideology and television. They are united by the final result of the impact - the formation of a dependent, cowardly, irresponsible and, at the same time, aggressive person.

One of the horrifying consequences of the fall is disharmony between the components of human nature, once subject to a single meaning. In modern man, in addition to this, intrapsychic discord is progressing. Apparently, this is the result of the impact of destructive information technologies, as well as the complete lack of spiritual control over life. 68

Probably, everyone has seen people who, realizing themselves as deeply believing Christians, and thinking that they serve God, did things that contradicted their own way of thinking, while managing to feel and want completely opposite to his mind and deeds. And all this at the same time! An attempt at dialogue with such people sometimes leads to a state of bewilderment: who is in front of you - one person or several in one person?

In one parish known to the authors, there is a group of wonderful old women who have found mutual understanding on the basis of such a division within themselves. They are distinguished by purely pious behavior in the church, Komsomol-volunteer enthusiasm in the affairs of the parish and despotic-tyrannical manners in dealing with their loved ones and, in general, with everyone who depends on them. Their contribution to the restoration of the temple is so great that they consider themselves entitled to lead the life of the parish, changing the priests at will. It got to the point that the temple, located five kilometers from the city, is considered by the priests as a "link".

The phenomenon of "grandmothers" is especially characteristic of our time, since it is the result of the activities on Russian soil of various organizations such as "young Leninists", future pioneers and "schools of communism", where it was common to "drown" one's comrade who disagreed with a just cause. Invasion of privacy was taken for granted. The organizations that brought up treacherous and fanatical fighters for a brighter future of the organization have sunk into oblivion after the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia. But their pupils have found shelter in churches opening all over the country, replacing Komsomol badges with crosses, "moral codes" with "Philokalia", and bandaging red ties from neck to head.

"The most terrible legacy of Bolshevism- not in the destruction of temples and not in the hunt for religious thinkers and preachers. There was a change in the image of the saint, a change in the ideal of the righteous. It is not the Leskovsky cathedrals who are now righteous and examples of life, but dissident fighters... From A. Galich and V. Vysotsky, Ginzburg and V. Osipov, a new standard of the righteous has been adopted. From now on the righteous- the one who correctly manages to answer the question: "Can you go to the square at the appointed time?" This ideal- pure and tall. But he- another, not "Holy Russian". And the life of the Church is now judged by this criterion. What did the Patriarch do in August 1991? And in October 93rd? How did the Church in the notorious "seventy years" bring closer "the dawn of the long-awaited day"? How dare Solzhenitsyn remain silent during the putsch? The "people's conscience" can no longer quietly pray and repent in the forest, as St. Sergius or St. Seraphim. It should thunder in the newspapers and in the squares,- bitterly writes a modern apologist. 69

We should not forget about the enormous influence that the seventy-year reign of godlessness had on people. Significant consequences of his impact on minds and souls will be felt even in the third and fourth generations that have grown up after his fall.

Today, many people brought up on communist values ​​and ideals actively criticize such numerous modern problems as immorality, commercialization, cynicism. At the same time, they point to such obvious positive features of people who lived in the Soviet era as enthusiasm, sacrifice, simplicity, and much more (This is especially noticeable in the example of the 30s, the Great Patriotic War and post-war devastation). However, we should not forget that sociology attaches great importance to the experience and influence of previous generations in the formation of modern views. Therefore, in our time, we see the result of the long impact of atheistic ideology on the minds and souls of people. And the people who lived at the dawn of Soviet power and defeated fascism had their roots in pre-revolutionary times and, at the very least, were brought up on Christian morality.

In fact, the totalitarian state created in 1917 combined an idolized system of power that owned the sphere of distribution of goods, the apparatus of violence and totally controlled ideology on the one hand and a huge army of ordinary people with a slave psychology on the other.

The psychology of forced slavery is close to the psychology of a neurotic personality. In both cases, it is based on fears, which in in large numbers produced a great and powerful state apparatus. As is known, "The slave is afraid of punishment, the senseless whims of the master, but most of all he is afraid of losing his mercy". 70

In order to maintain and cultivate fears in the minds and society as a whole, people were constantly intimidated by something: physical violence, psychological coercion, made completely dependent on the will of the party, as well as creating and maintaining images of the enemy - external and internal.

At the same time, as I.A. Ilyin, in order to acquire an active, creative faith, external freedom is also necessary. “Not the freedom to do whatever one wants, so that other people do not dare to interfere with anyone, but freedom of belief, beliefs and beliefs, into which other people would not have the right to interfere with violent prescriptions and prohibitions, in other words, freedom from non-spiritual and anti-spiritual pressure, coercion and prohibition, from brute force, threat and persecution", 71

One may object: what about the martyrs, who, in conditions of absolute lack of freedom and rough physical pressure, confessed themselves to be Christians? But martyrdom is a supernatural, transcendental act, a gift from God. One cannot become a martyr without being called to it. It is no coincidence that in the Beatitudes, which many theologians call the stages of ascent, 72 martyrdom refers to the highest achievements of the human spirit.

A person standing on the outskirts of the ladder of beatitudes, having found himself in conditions of cruel lack of freedom, may be broken by fears and not retain an effective, transforming faith in his soul. Subsequently, he will transfer these complexes into parish life, demonstrating dependent behavior, conformism, and an unhealthy search for authority.

In those days, a whole system worked on the consciousness of a person from his very birth, trying to replace Christian values ​​with his attitudes, ugly copying them in form. As a result, we see several generations of people who do not know how to be responsible for their lives, who do not know how to live in conditions of freedom of choice, since the state provided education, arranged jobs, and treated, if necessary, and suggested how to act in difficult situations.

But not only intimidation and external coercion played a role. The assimilation of distorted moral and social guidelines had an even more serious effect. Sometimes it is easier to resist the compulsion to directly renounce one's beliefs than to endure a long psychological attack, as a result of which a person gradually loses true values, quietly assimilating the opposite ones. No wonder folk wisdom says: "There are many martyrs in the Church, but few saints." The motivational link of a human act can become hyper-dependent on the total control of the state, public opinion, economic and personal ties. Then we will act not as the Gospel prescribes, but as the party ordered, as "accepted by people," as beneficial for business or so as not to offend Aunt Manya. But the Apostle Paul had a different attitude to "public opinion": "It means very little to me how you judge me or how other people judge me"(1 Cor. 4:3). It can be assumed that it is precisely the levers listed above that will be used during the time of the Antichrist to incline the will of people to renounce Christ. And only the most resistant will be subjected to rough measures, including physical impact.

When considering various issues of psychology, including neuroses, typologies of characters and accentuations, as well as sociological phenomena in line with the Orthodox approach, the authors have always been interested in the problem of time perception by an individual or a group of people. Earlier we have already written about some aspects of the psychology and philosophy of time. Now let's talk about the difference in the understanding of time by the Orthodox consciousness and in the communist ideology.

The Orthodox Church teaches us to live today, perceiving every moment, every hour as a gift from God. 73 In fact, this means to prohibit the mind from wandering in time, to pacify life, to "calm down." This means being satisfied with your external situation, striving to improve your internal position through the acquisition of Christian virtues.

Despite this, the consciousness of a Soviet person resembled a driven horse: "I need to finish school... When I go to college... I'll retire..." Bright tomorrow, its tense, neurotic expectation has become a kind of caricature of the aspiration of the Kingdom of Heaven, inherent in Christians. But the difference between these concepts is very profound. "The kingdom of God is within you"(Luke 17:21), says Christ, and not in a specific historical space and time. The Christian Is Called "don't worry about tomorrow"(see Matt. 6:34). It would be useful to recall the words of the Apostle James: "Now listen to you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and we will live there one year, and we will trade and make a profit"; you who do not know what will happen tomorrow: for what is your life? steam, appearing for a short time and then disappearing instead of saying to you, "if the Lord pleases and we live, we will do this or that"(James 4:13-15).

Individuals neuroticized in this way combine conflicting feelings: a craving for communication, the search for like-minded people, defenders and at the same time fear of people, hidden hostility, fear of responsibility for oneself, especially for others.

"Prohibition and coercion, threat and fear can only force hypocritical 'love' and hypocritical 'faith' from a person; and these forced, ostentatious, insincere manifestations hide behind them either outright slyness, or a frightened, dying heart..." 74 There are many such people in churches today. Those who sincerely wait for healing receive it. Others continue to live with their fears, transferring them to parish life without changing internally.

Now a little about the role of television in the life of a church person. Even a superficial look at the problem allows us to assert that a person in modern society is not guided by moral law or love, and not even by the notorious common sense, but by phenomena related to the psychology of the crowd, such as group suggestibility, high authority of means mass media, "herd instinct" (to be like everyone else), the search for a charismatic leader who can solve all problems. The TV in this game of life plays the role of a shaman of a primitive tribe, able to plunge his fellow tribesmen into a trance, giving them target settings. The crowd itself is looking for trance states (Believe me, all our thoughts on this subject are not telephobia, we recognize some positive aspects behind television. What has been said is undeniably confirmed by psychological science. So, Prof. L. Grimak writes a lot about this).

The authors had to experience first hand the hypnotic influence of television. Agree that, being in the reception room of high authorities, you are in a collected state, mentally scroll through all the problems of your organization, finally honing the presentation of the issue. An Orthodox Christian, in addition, intersperses all this with short prayers. In the reception areas, a television is usually on for the entertainment of visitors. And as soon as you divert attention from your thoughts and become interested in a TV show, after a few minutes you notice that the tension of expectation goes away, problems fade, consciousness, albeit barely noticeable, but still becomes clouded, and prayer disappears altogether.

The release of endorphins, which we talked about above, is especially intense in altered states of consciousness. “Moreover, some authors in this connection speak of a person’s “natural fascination” with altered states of consciousness, as a result of which he has learned to call them voluntarily (hallucinogens, alcohol, rhythmic influences)” 75 Thus, television has a noticeable transogenic effect, causing increased suggestibility. The person enters "pleasant passive states". sixteen

The main psychopathological factor of teletrans can be considered a decrease in the level of criticality in relation to what is happening on the screen. If a person who knows for sure that adultery is a serious sin calmly looks at the “box” as a hero he likes flirts with ladies, dragging them into a TV bed, therefore, he considers this an acceptable behavior model, even if he never does it himself. But why clog your eye? (Matthew 6:22-23). Let's not forget that when watching TV, we load our memory with extraneous and by no means harmless images that will certainly emerge from the subconscious at the most crucial moment, more often at prayer. As a result - the loss of "feeling" for sin, untruth. Is it not too often at the moment of spiritual choice that we turn from warriors of the spirit into miserable deserters?

The habit of watching television also affects the perception of time, as we begin to live in the rhythm of a "screen clock" that differs from real and internal clocks.

TV habit of a Christian "weakens relationships by reducing and sometimes eliminating normal opportunities to talk, socialize", 11 and from ourselves we will add: and pray. We unconsciously move our loved ones, relatives, all the people we meet into the virtual world behind the glass of the TV, habitually taking the role of a passive spectator. This is contrary to the Christian ideal, which "for everyone must become everything"(see 1 Corinthians 9:22).

It is known that telehypnosis can have extremely negative consequences for people with hidden mental defects, causing outbursts of anger, aggression, etc. 78 And for a "healthy" person, this is not in vain. The actually true statement that the increase in the number of violent crimes, especially among children and adolescents, is directly related to the viewing of related television and video films has set the teeth on edge. In a person who is not prone to external manifestations of aggressiveness, sensitivity to someone else's pain, the ability to understand the problems of their neighbors, becomes dull. We are stale, sitting at the blue screens. There is also a process of formation in the viewer of the image of the surrounding world as very dangerous, filled with fear and violence.

The irrepressible desire of some people to create difficulties for themselves, and then successfully overcome them, is based on a psychological phenomenon, which E. Berne called "thirst for conflict." 79 Well, if you have been taught for so many years to fight, search, cling and not let go, then it is difficult to rebuild your psychology, even if you understand with your mind that "perestroika must begin with oneself"(A sacred phrase from the time of Gorbachev's perestroika). So dialectically opposite things are combined in one person (We mean the law of unity and struggle of opposites.) but essentially the same things: "serial" rigidity and viscosity of thinking and periodically arising explosions of aggressive activity. We have introduced the term "serial thinking" to emphasize another powerful factor that shapes spiritually disabled people. Wanting to increase the number of episodes of their soap operas, their directors deliberately lengthen the dialogues, making them uninformative and monotonous in meaning. A barely noticeable trifle of life causes lengthy discussions on the screen. The emerging feeling or experience is sucked in for 5-10 minutes of screen time. This accustoms the viewer to a special, obsessive (i.e., thinking that gets stuck on secondary details.) type of thinking, which is characterized by rigidity, getting stuck on trifles, loss of reality, when life can long time revolve around subjective experiences. As a result, a whole army of TV series fans begins to think like accentuated personalities.

Against the background of inhibited thought processes, a certain critical mass of negative psychic energy accumulates, requiring an outlet through conflict. Unctuous piety, constant talk about "spiritual" subjects, sprinkled with pious phrases for the connection, more reminiscent of a violation of the Second Commandment, and at the same time fanatical aggressiveness directed at the chosen victims - sad eclecticism (Eclecticism is an inorganic, purely external connection of the incompatible.) these souls.

Well, one's ideas about God are often stronger for a person than the gospel image of Christ. This leads to a wrong view of yourself and others and, ultimately, prevents you from moving on the path to salvation. Man is known to "called to the path. The path is possible only if there is a distance between the starting point and the goal. To set off on the path, I must know and feel that here and now I do not possess and, in principle, cannot possess what awaits me in another place, and between "here" and "there" lies the path that I must go". 80. It is necessary to clearly know the direction of the upcoming journey. Even before each road, a "reserve of silence" and a firm determination to overcome all difficulties are needed.

And - "we shall run by repentance"!

Chapter: Psychology and Psychopathology of Spiritual Guidance

Christianity is taught with such certainty that there is no excuse for those who do not know it.

St. Ignaty Brianchaninov

There is no doubt that we are on the verge of a third world war, which is why we have written this work called The Revolution of Dialectics.

The times have changed, and we begin a new Era in the rumbling grandeur of thought. Now we need a revolutionary Ethics based on a revolutionary Psychology.

Without deep Ethics, the best social and economic formulas will turn into dust. The individual cannot change unless he tries to dissolve his "I".

Psychological slavery destroys a life together. Psychologically dependent on someone is slavery. If our way of thinking, feeling and acting depends on the way of thinking, feeling and acting of those in whose environment we are, then we are enslaved.

We are constantly receiving letters from many people who wish to dissolve "I", but at the same time they complain about their wives, children, brothers, family, husbands, bosses ... These people require certain conditions in order to dissolve "I". They demand amenities so they can start destroying ego. They demand superior behavior from those they interact with.

The funny thing about all this is that these poor people are looking for all sorts of excuses. They want to run away, leave their home, their work, etc., ostensibly for deep self-realization.

Poor people... Naturally, their adorable torments are their masters. These people have not yet learned to be free, their behavior depends on the behavior of others.

If we want to follow the path of chastity but hope that the woman will become chaste first, we are already failing. If we want to stop being drunks, but agree to drink when offered because we are afraid of what they will think of us or that our friends will be angry with us, then we will never stop being drunks.

If we want to stop being angry, irritable, angry, but as an initial condition for this we demand that those who communicate with us be nice and calm with us, so that they do nothing that can annoy us, then we endure complete defeat, because others are not saints and at any moment they will end our good intentions.

If we want to dissolve "I" then we need to be free. He who depends on the behavior of another cannot dissolve "I". Our behavior should be our own and should not depend on anyone. Our thoughts, feelings and actions must flow independently from within to the outside.

The worst difficulties provide us with the best opportunities. In the past, there were sages surrounded by every comfort, without any difficulty. Wanting to destroy "I", these sages had to create difficult situations for themselves.

In difficult situations, we have excellent opportunities to study our internal and external impulses, our thoughts, feelings, actions, our reactions, expressions of will, and so on.

Living together is a full-length mirror in which we can see ourselves as we are, and not as we seem. Living together is wonderful. If we are very attentive, then at every moment we will be able to discover our most secret defects. They show up, pop up when we least expect it.

We know a lot of people who say, "I don't have rage anymore." However, at the slightest provocation, they rumble and sparkle like thunder and lightning. Others say, "I'm not jealous anymore." However, one smile of their spouse or spouse of any good neighbor is enough to make their faces turn green with jealousy.

People protest because of the difficulties that come with living with others. They do not want to understand that it is these difficulties that provide them with all the opportunities they need to dissolve "I". Living with others is a wonderful school. The book of this school consists of many volumes. This school's book is "I".

We must be truly free if we really want to dissolve "I". The one who depends on the behavior of others is not free. Only the one who truly becomes free knows what love. The slave does not know what the real is love. If we are slaves to what others think, feel and do, then we will never know what love.

Love is born in us when we put an end to psychological bondage. We need to understand very deeply, in all areas of the mind, this whole complex mechanism of psychological bondage.

There are many forms of psychological slavery. If we really want to dissolve "I", then it is necessary to study all forms of psychological slavery.

Psychological slavery exists not only internally, but also externally. There is a private, hidden, secret slavery that we are far from being aware of.

The slave believes that he loves, but in reality he is afraid. The slave does not know what the real is love.

A woman who is afraid of her husband believes that she adores him, when in reality she is simply afraid of him. A husband who is afraid of his wife believes that he loves her, when in reality he is simply afraid of her. He may be afraid that she will leave for another, or that her character will become unbearable, or that she will refuse him a bed, etc.

An employee who is afraid of his boss believes that he loves him, that he respects him, that he cares about his interests, and so on. No psychological slave knows what love is. Psychological slavery is incompatible with love.

There are two types of behavior: the first comes from outside and goes inward, the second comes from inside and goes out. The first is the result of psychological bondage and is caused by reaction. For example, they beat us - and we beat, they insult us - and we answer with an insult. The best behavior is the second behavior, the behavior of a person who is no longer a slave, a person who no longer has anything to do with the thoughts, feelings and actions of others. This kind of behavior is independent. This is correct and fair behavior. If we are beaten, we respond with a blessing. If we are insulted, we are silent. If they want to give us a drink, we do not drink, although our friends will be offended.

Now our readers will understand why psychological freedom brings what is called love.

09:19pm - The psychology of a slave.

This problem has been occupied for a long time, after having encountered in discussions with the accusation of each other in the not obsolete psychology of a slave. The signs of "slave psychology" among the accusers were different, sometimes mutually exclusive. They mainly concerned diligence, submission to superiors and a tendency not to conflict. My thoughts on this subject lasted for years. :)

The conclusion so far is this.
The psychology of a slave is the overwhelming predominance of the desire to fit into society, to consider the demands of society, really heard, guessed, or falsely guessed, not entirely important in this context, as one's desires. It does not matter whether you become a six or a leader, a slave or a slave owner by social status. If the totality of social roles, and only it, is the essence of the I, then this is the psychology of a slave.
Where social roles end, such a person has emptiness. More precisely, even a psychological vacuum, because the Void is sometimes filled with an elusive meaning :), there is no vacuum, it tears the psyche, and with it the living body, if this psyche is outside social roles.
Emptiness filled with elusive meaning - is this my fantasy? :)


Here is another disgusting side of the slave nature: when they meet free people, the slaves begin to hate them earnestly, often unconsciously. I know this for myself. My mother-in-law, a downtrodden Estonian, unloved by my husband, kept trying to squeeze me into her own framework. She was infuriated that I was going to do scientific work after the institute, I live interestingly. She knew only dirty dishes in the kitchen and a drunken, foul-smelling husband. And divorced us. Yes, time has put everything in its place. The only pity is Ruslan, her son. Well, he is now with her - without a job, his own home and family. TERRIBLE AMONG SLAVES! - OA Filatova, psychologist.

Have fun.

I'm in the singular ;-) Just the psychology of slavery in recent times has become my obsession, I try to identify all aspects of slave behavior, primarily in myself. Well, I wanted to push you to similar actions in relation to yourself personally :-)

"You" is the singular of a stranger. :)
An aphorism was born.
Only slaves strive for freedom.
And the free seek to perpetuate slavery.

With a single number, I just hinted that I needed "you" :-)
In fact, slaves, if they really are slaves, will run as far away from freedom as possible. This is a terrible burden for slaves - freedom.

If you need it, then you need it.
Although, first of all, you need to figure out then who are the slaves and who are the free?

Slaves are those who are deprived of the right to free choice. Free - those on whom the burden of initiative.

The trick is that there is always a choice. It's just how life works. But this is a choice between a limited number of possibilities. The number of possibilities is fundamentally not equal to infinity. That is, there is always a choice and always this choice is limited by external circumstances. Therefore, either there are no slaves or free. Whoever likes it. Who will choose which vector for himself.
True, in your wording we are talking about "right". That is, about some formal permission to choose. Probably, you can share it like that, but what will it give?

This is a very interesting and necessary topic. I like your conclusion and do not contradict what I think. If possible, my observations. Slave psychology exists in two forms - the fear of freedom of choice (passive form) and the desire to be a slave owner (active form). Therefore, a slave owner (a tyrant, a despot, a person who seeks to suppress the personalities of others, etc.) always has a slave psychology himself.

Yes, it is and it is clear. And in a primitive society (in fact, probably a bandit one), where the "slave owner" is bursting with pride that he is a slave owner, not like slaves, in fact, both are slaves. You have described everything correctly. The slave is active and the slave is passive.
I tried to understand what slave psychology is in more complex scenarios, when people are not boors and feel free and independent. Is it possible to talk about slave psychology here and how does it manifest itself? Is it possible to find a model in which the primitive slave-slave-owner relationship is only a special case of slave psychology.
He suggested that the point is subordination to the layers of social roles, social stereotypes and values ​​that are perceived as I, it seems that I live and make a free choice, but in fact there is just an automatic switching between roles in different environments.
And there are people who prove that this is real human life, but I do not believe in it. :)

Certainly. And I don't believe. But it seems to me that for this you don’t even need to believe, but to KNOW that a person’s life is more than the life of his body, and moreover, more than the life of an individual in societies. And the most important thing is not external and internal compliance with changing social roles, but responsibility to oneself. My opinion - there is only one duty - the development of oneself. I understand this development very broadly. In this sense, a hermit in a cave and an enlightened (uh, where can I get such a) ruler, and a "physicist", and a "lyricist" are equal for me.
Distraction to other goals and tasks is a consequence of manifestations of slave psychology. I understand that this conclusion is too categorical. But we are theorizing. :) And one more thing. This very slave psychology, already at the pillory, nevertheless objectively exists in the material world, and without it we cannot know freedom...

Yes, you are right, we are simply theorizing here, moreover, fruitlessly theorizing, because it is not enough to know, our knowledge is mainly about "objects", that is, about something outside of us, this is the nature of knowledge, apparently, but at the same time we believe that I myself am quite remarkable and, if we talk about the topic of conversation, I’m just the only one not a slave, well, maybe someone else back and forth, but I’m for sure. :) For I think and act, I know and feel (I know for sure about this), I achieve success, I overcome obstacles, but the rest is a question. And it's very funny when you suddenly discover, in some places, in something that is simply carefully, thoughtfully, energetically, perhaps even beautifully, you play the role assigned to you in a given system of values. I'm not saying it's bad or good. It just is. And then the question arises, what is I outside of social roles? Or am I just not out of social roles? :)

Let's theorize further. :). I agree that "our knowledge is mainly about "objects", that is, about something outside of us." And when I talk about self-development, I also talk about the accompanying process. The process of KNOWING oneself, outside of social roles. There is a well-known expression that a true gentleman is only one who is a gentleman alone with himself. OH! I'm afraid I don't fit...:). So, in order to know themselves, they become hermits, or ... let's remember Daniel Defoe and his Robinson. But these are extremes, of course. In practice, in life we ​​are always given trials or temptations... and freedom of choice. And then there is a very, very fine line. Our choice may be outwardly ethical (it is clear to me what you are talking about, apparently so myself), but made on the basis of the psychology of a slave in the form of dependence on pride. When not you, but your pride wants you to be moral, courageous, honest and the very best, exceptional, in everything, in everything. And it seems to me that the main thing here is to come to an understanding of the possibility of such a development "it would seem to be oneself." And if you came to understand this, then maybe you stepped over it and became really "I".
Or maybe my pride gently whispers to me?!?!... :))

Yes, it looks like we understand each other. :)
And precisely because a mental dead end arises, purely theoretically, this argument about postmodernity:

Perhaps this should be the way out of the impasse. At least theoretically. :)

Gentlemen, you are philosophers! :)))
In my opinion:
The essence of slavery is quite simple - it is in the rejection of the right to be called a person, the right to one's own dignity. I propose to take for the key term - "own dignity". When you, in a hurry to get to work, where you receive a salary of 10,000 rubles, run into a Gazelle minibus and, for lack of seating (and it is forbidden to stand), squat at the front door, thinking, wow, I had time ( a) how lucky I am, who are you??
Loss of self-esteem is the main thing. Humiliation in front of everyone for the sake of a goal ... Ah, for the sake of a goal, then you can! What an excuse! Nicholas II remained tsar even in Tobolsk, even in the basement of the Ipatiev House... This is at the level of upbringing, the ability to be ashamed of one's actions, moral COMPROMISES before one's ancestors...
And everything is simpler with us - no one saw, so it was not ...
Bandits, by the way, have a term - "low man" ... Very intuitively loyal and close to a slave ...

Gentlemen, you are philosophers! :)))

you the same end.

Humiliation in front of everyone for the sake of the goal.

Even if you do a worthy deed through humiliation? Let's say you save someone and this is the only possible price?

as Al Pacino used to say in the movie "The Devil's Advocate": let's start negotiations!
That's the question! It is always important to draw a line - when we have humiliated ourselves enough for the sake of the goal, and when we can still do it a little, because the goal is so tempting ... Yes, in fact, even for the sake of salvation ... but it didn’t occur to you that the saved person’s response phrase: it’s better I would die (die) than to see your humiliation...

Psychologists Answers

Hello Elena. The psychology of a slave is a metaphor. You have masochistic tendencies. irrational guilt dominates, making you weak and vulnerable. Therefore, you are on the sidelines from time to time. Download Ellis's book Humanistic Psychotherapy and make it a desktop. to a medical psychologist-psychotherapist for long-term course work. Then changes in your character will begin to occur, and a convex feeling of guilt will lose its strength. Instead, new, effective adaptation strategies will appear that will be beneficial, make you strong and give you an effective perspective on life. Without working with guilt -you will not get serious changes. I am also working in this direction ii. Contact me, I will help.

Karataev Vladimir Ivanovich, psychologist of the psychoanalytic school Volgograd

Good answer 1 bad answer 2

Elena, let's clarify: slave psychology is a person's desire exclusively for material values ​​​​(money and power for the sake of power) and his assessment of the world around him from the generally accepted positions of good and bad (all the rich are good and cool, all the poor are trash and insignificance). Also, the psychology of a slave necessarily includes a desire to constantly receive physical pleasures and indifference to spiritual pleasures and values. In fact, we are talking about a typical representative of the consumer society, whose fifth point does not fit on a chair because of the daily fast food and constant sitting in front of the TV and dreaming that soon he will be handsome and fit, unrealistically rich, and everyone around will fall on their faces. I would not dare to call it a diagnosis, it is just a lack of desire to do anything, associated with the absence of unmet needs. A person does not set goals for himself and does not strive for them, at most - strives for his favorite sofa with sandwiches. And of course, this person will never turn to a psychologist - everything suits him in life, it’s good for him to live the way he lives, and he is so afraid of change that any novelty is subjected to severe criticism up to hysteria.
If a client with a "diagnosis of the psychology of a slave" gets an appointment, then he is easily "cured" - since he came, then he is not a "slave". The main difference is that a non-slave knows how to set goals and is ready to spend energy to achieve them (the leader will break into a cake for the sake of the goal). This is what therapy is about: we train ourselves to set ourselves a task and fulfill it. This must be done every day. For example, the first goal is to get up at 6 in the morning and go for a run (if you don’t want to run, walk, at least a couple of kilometers); the second goal is not to eat after 20.00; the third goal is to remove fried foods from the diet; the fourth goal is to do a good deed (to be a volunteer in an orphanage); the fifth is to arrange general cleaning at home; the sixth is to get a part-time job somewhere .... Every day you set yourself a task and fulfill it, the habit of living like this is gradually developed, and then you can’t live without it. Of course, you need willpower, but not as much as when moving towards one, the most important goal in life. What is yours? Husband and kids? Parents health? Career ? Own restaurant? Life on a Greek island? Elena, you have your goal, define it for yourself, formulate it (if you can’t yet, then calmly set mini-goals and achieve them). Your unwillingness to do anything is due to the uncertainty about what exactly should be done and, most importantly, why. The psychologist will not do morning exercises for you, but together with you he can see or show you this goal. You are quite self-critical, quite subtly and clearly define the situation (it’s not clear where the word “diagnosis” came from), which means that you are still far from being a “slave”, and you, having already taken the first steps, will be able not to look at the current past life, and live it.
In general, start small: for example, after reading this answer, do ten squats - it only seems to be irrelevant, but in fact, every step of your willpower brings you closer to what you really want. Get well and be happy!

Davedyuk Elena Pavlovna, psychologist in St. Petersburg

Good answer 4 bad answer 1

Hello, Elena!

You have no desire to change anything, so nothing changes. You haven't reached your psychological bottom yet. When you get there, you will feel that you don’t want to live like this anymore and you can’t. After that, motivation will appear, and change will begin. Only after pushing off from the bottom, a person begins to rise. Wait for your bottom or work on its approximation.

Stolyarova Marina Valentinovna, psychologist-consultant, St. Petersburg

The psychology of the victim. I have been trying to understand for a long time why it is so difficult for a person to get rid of the psychology of a victim or a slave psychology, and quite recently I realized that this is sewn into the Russian people or into the Slavic people at the genetic level. I was prompted to such thoughts by watching the film Leviathan, in which the main character is trying to change something in his life, but is faced with a huge force that has one goal to deprive him of all rights, make his life unbearable and eventually completely destroy. And if you look at our entire classical culture, you can see that it is all permeated with these sentiments. The mood of complete hopelessness, the complete insignificance of an individual and the impossibility for him to change anything in the world. We are brought up from school years on literature that proclaims sacrifice, helplessness and defeatism. Thus, the psychology of the victim is sewn into us and our children at the genetic level, and it becomes almost impossible to eradicate it from ourselves.

Another option is Western culture, which, of course, can be criticized endlessly, but the whole world has been guided by it for a very long time! And it is no coincidence that it has one indisputable plus: the importance of individuality and the opportunity for an individual to change at least the whole world! Recently I caught the eye of the film "Stepping Tall", in which a huge black man returns after a long absence to his hometown, and everything rots there: prostitution, drugs, bribes and, in general, complete decline! And in order for everything to change in this city for the better, for everyone to become happy again and in general everything to bloom, one fiery speech of the protagonist was enough! One man with one speech changed the life of an entire city! Do you understand how this is a diametrically opposite approach to life? Our Leviathan and other masterpieces of culture demonstrate the complete insignificance, helplessness and psychology of the victim of an individual, and Western culture demonstrates the boundless possibilities of an individual and the psychology of winners.

Let's see which option is closer to the truth. Is man a slave and a victim, or is man a creator and conqueror?

How many people would it take to have electric light bulbs in every house? One! Edison! Only his one was enough for the whole world to change and began to use electric lighting. Any change in the world starts with one single person! To make the same mobile phone, at the beginning an idea appeared in one head, only then this head infected other people with its idea and the world changed! That is, the truth is that any change in the world begins with one person and each person is able to change the world if he wants it and believes in his idea!

And if we do not start to rise and change ourselves and the world around, our children will continue to live in a prison of slave psychology!