Extracurricular activities in German. Extracurricular activities in the German language at school: scripts, notes, presentations on the fgos

Entertaining trip to Germany

Extracurricular activity in German

4th grade

Grishchenko Dina Viktorovna

German language teacher

State Institution "Secondary School No. 1"


Akmola region

Purpose of the event: the formation of general cultural and regional competence in the process of introducing children to the customs, literature, folklore, music of Germany; development of students' artistic taste, artistic abilities;educating them in a positive attitude to the culture and history of another nation, to its traditions.

Conduct form: travel game

Equipment: multimedia equipment(computer, interactive whiteboard/screen, projector)

Literary series: fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, W. Gauf

Music line: backing tracks for songsGutenMorgen» , « GutenTag», "Wozu sind unsere Hande da", "Es war eine Mutter", "Wozu sind unsere Hande da", "Es war eine Mutter", musical accompaniment to the dance"Mein Kopf macht so und so".

Audience: responsible for the event - 4th grade students; spectators - students of 2nd - 3rd grades.

Preliminary work: reading the works of German storytellers, learning songs, poems and staging a fairy tale in German, learning dance, preparing children to act as fairy-tale characters. Development of a script for the event and an electronic summary of an "Entertaining journey through Germany".

Event progress

Slide 1 "Entertaining trip to Germany"

Teacher: Hello dear guys! Today we have an unusual meeting. In our lesson, we will go on a trip to one of the oldest states in Central Europe, to Germany.

This is a country of beautiful landscapes, a country where modernity and ancient history are organically intertwined. But first, we will plunge into the world of the language, which is spoken not only by the inhabitants of Germany - the Germans, but also by the inhabitants of such European countries as Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. What language do they speak?

Grade 4 students have been studying German for several years now and will be happy to show you what they have learned.

Teacher: Early morning, everyone is still sleeping, and the sun is already peeking through the window, the wind and birds greet everyone.

Song « Guten Morgen »

Work day starts , our children go to school . ( Children pronounce chorus ):

1, 2, 3, 4 in die Schule gehen wir,

1, 2, 3, 4 alle, alle lernen wir,

1, 2, 3, 4 alle, alle turnen wir,

1, 2, 3, 4 alle, alle springen wir.

Our children are polite guys, they are used to saying hello to everyone they meet.

Song " Guten Tag »

And this is how we have fun at recess. The children sing songs.

Song "Wozu sind unsere Hande da"

Song "Es war eine Mutter"

In our classes we have learned a lot:(children translate words into German in chorus) write - schreiben , read - lesen , draw - malen , think - rechnen , sing - singen . And now you will find out what we love to do the most.

Song "Was mőchtest du denn machen"

What do you think it meanstanzen ? Well, dance, of course.

Dance "Mein Kopf macht so und so".

III . Acquaintance with Germany

Slide 2-10 "The unique look of Germany"

At reader: And now we will begin our correspondence journey.

1 student: Germany is one of the most interesting and most developed countries in the world. The richest culture, an abundance of historical monuments, many beautiful cities with a unique look, a diverse culture, excellent roads, excellent service - all this makes Germany extremely attractive for travelers. Traveling in Germany is easy and pleasant.

Slide 11-14 "Political and geographical characteristics"

2student: Germany is located in the very center of Europe and borders on 9 states: Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, has access to the Baltic and North Seas. Germany is administratively divided into 16 federal states. In Kazakhstan, these are regions. Each land has its own constitution, parliament and government. The Bundeschancellor, Angela Merkel, rules the country.

Slide 15 "Flag of Germany"

The national flag of Germany is a tricolor with black, red and gold horizontal stripes. The emblem depicts a black single-headed eagle with red paws. Tongue and beak on a golden shield.

Slide 16-19 "Symbols of Berlin"

1student: The capital of Germany is Berlin. Its symbols are the Brandenburg Gate, Alexanderplatz, the Reichstag building and the famous TV tower 36 8 m high with a cafe and an observation deck at a height of 203 m.

With slide 20 "National currency"

2student: The monetary unit of Germany is the Euro.(Introduced in 2002, from 1945 to 2001 the national currency was the German mark)

Slide 21 "Automotive industry"

1 student: The automotive industry is very well developed in Germany. What brands of German cars do you know? Brands of German cars are in demand throughout Europe due to their reliability and comfort.

With layd 22 "Shepherd dogs, dog ..."

2 student: The Germans are very fond of dogs. Germany is the birthplace of such breeds as Doberman, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Great Dane. But the most popular breed here is the dakel (wire-haired dachshund ), which has a very docile and calm character.

1 student: The idea of ​​the Germans is formed as hardworking, prudent, very diligent and punctual people. In communication, they are polite and courteous.

IV . Fairy tale road.

Teacher: Traveling in Germany is very interesting. But now we will make an unusual - fabulous journey along the road of fairy tales, which passes through some cities of Germany. But how will we navigate in an unfamiliar area, so as not to miss something interesting? Who will show us everything and tell us everything! We urgently need guides.

V . Journey to the world of fairy tales

To the music “We came to you for an hour”, the Bremen Town Musicians come out:

hallo! To inder! GutenTag! Did you recognize us? We are the Bremen Town Musicians - residents of a fairy-tale country. We came from Germany.

A princess: I came to you from the world of fairy tales,

I brought a wreath with me.

The wreath has the power of magic -

He gives miracles to people.

He will revive the pages of books,

Heroes of fairy tales will resurrect.

Troubadour: None of us grew up without fairy tales. Fairy tales are the first thing children are told. These are the first books they read. Fairy tales are loved by everyone, because they teach good, teach to see in life what is good and what is bad.

Dog: All peoples inhabiting our huge planet have fairy tales. And from them you can learn a lot of interesting things: how the characters of fairy tales live, what they eat in different parts of the world, what animals and birds live next to the heroes of fairy tales, how trees and flowers grow there.

Cat: There are many sad and funny tales in the world,

And we can't live without them.

Rooster: Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth.

May good forever triumph over evil.

Donkey: What storytellers do you know? (Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Wilhelm Hauff ).

Slide 23-24 "Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Wilhelm Hauff"

German writers gave us many fairy tales. You certainly remember the heroes and their adventures. What fairy tales of German writers have been translated into Russian?

(Children guess the heroes of fairy tales)

Slide 25-30 "Tales"

« FrauHolle"-" Mrs. Metelitsa "

"Das tapfere Schneiderlein" - " Brave little tailor »

"Vom Fischer und seine Frau" - " Tale of the fisherman and his wife »

"Der Wolf und sieben jungen Geisslein" - " The wolf and the seven Young goats »

"Hansel and Gretel" - " Hansel and Gretel »

"Rapunzel" - " Rapunzel »

« ZwergNase" - "Little Longnose"

Rooster: These tales are so popular that films are made based on them, plays, ballets, and operettas are written.

A princess: We invite you to take a trip along the famous road of German fairy tales. This road passes through places associated with famous authors and their fairy tales.

Troubadour: Our first fabulous city is called Hanau. It is the birthplace of the brothers Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. Those entering the town are greeted by a sign by the road - "Hanau - the city of the Brothers Grimm", and on the central square in front of the town hall there is a bronze monument to the great storytellers. Now in the house where the great collectors of fairy tales lived, there is a museum. Here, directly in the museum, you can go through the ceremony of marriage and create your own fairy tale for a lifetime for two.

Dog: In the city of Steinau, the childhood years of storytellers passed. Steinau has been around for over 1300 years. The locals are surprisingly friendly and greet every passerby. The most interesting thing happens here in August. By tradition, the whole city is filled with characters from various fairy tales. On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Jacob Grimm, the Fountain of Fairy Tales was built on the market square. On the 4-meter column crowned with a castle, you can see many heroes loved by children around the world. One of the most popular fairy tales here is The Frog King.

Slide 31-42 “Fairy tales. Monuments»

To from: Another monument to the Grimm brothers was built in Kassel, where both brothers studied at the local gymnasium of King Friedrich. In Kassel, the memory of world-famous storytellers is honored. In the palace buildingPalaisBellevueThe Brothers Grimm Museum is located. There is an extensive collection of historical editions of fairy tales.

Rooster: And half an hour north is the charming medieval town of Trendelburg with the castle of the same name towering above it. It turns out that the same Goldilocks lived in it. In the castle of Sababurg, in the tower of which there are no windows and doors, the Sleeping Beauty lay in oblivion for a century. In the German way, this tale is called "Rose Rose".

Donkey: At the entrance to Gammeln is the small town of Bodenwerder, and in it is the family estate of the greatest liar of all times and peoples. Baron Munchausen is not only the hero of famous books and films. In Germany in the 18th century, there actually lived a nobleman with the same surname and a rather similar biography. Carl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen was born on May 11, 1720. He earned the fame of an unsurpassed inventor with his countless stories of adventures in different countries. In Bodenwerder, the Munchausen house has been preserved, and now it houses a small museum. And besides, sculptures are installed throughout the town: a baron on a flying cannonball, pulling himself out of the swamp by his hair. On the half of a leaking horse.

Enter Baron Munchausen.

Baron Munchausen: I am the greatest of the greatest! The famous of the famous! I am the smartest and most beautiful! I am Baron Munchausen! Hello kids, girls and boys! I just arrived from France. Imagine the Eiffel Tower fell there! What grief! (chuckles) I want to test your knowledge of German fairy tales:

Tell me, is it true that there were 6 Bremen Town Musicians? (no: cat, donkey, rooster, cat).

Is it true that in the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" there were 8 goats? (yes: mother goat is the eighth).

Is it true that Hansel threw shiny pebbles on the road to come back home? (Yes ).

Is it true that the Brave Little Tailor killed seven giants "in one fell swoop"? (no: 7 flies )

I see you are well versed in German fairy tales. I have to go, I'm going to China. Everyone there is so funny!Tschus!

Dog: One of the main stops is, of course, in Gammeln. Hence, according to legend. He took away all the rats, and then all the children of the rat-catcher with a pipe. It was a long time ago - in 1248. But even today the legendary character is a symbol of the city. The Concert Hall was built here. The Pied Piper Trumpeter, a modern sculptural group next to the fountain opposite the town hall, a city clock with moving figures, bas-reliefs in the garden and, finally,Rattenfangerhaus- Rat-catcher's house. Everything is dedicated to him, beloved, even the gingerbread in the confectionery. Not to mention the corresponding museum. For a town with almost a hundred thousand people, this is "all of them."

Troubadour: And we will complete our journey along the fabulous road in the city of Bremen. This is our hometown. It is known as one of the oldest cities in the country. In this city there is a famous sculptural group dedicated to us - the Bremen Town Musicians!

Teacher: I think that the guys present here learned a little about Germany, about its cities, touched the world of German fairy tales. And we know them thanks to the translation into Russian. Well, we did the opposite: the Russian folk tale "Turnip" was translated into German. And here's what we got out of it.

V . Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip" in German

Slide 43 "Entertaining journey through Germany"

Teacher: Our journey has come to an end. We look forward to meeting you again in German lessons.

Performance of the song"There is nothing better in the world."


Encyclopedia for children . T. 13. Countries. Peoples. Civilizations. Mysterious Germany. / Head. ed. M.D. Aksyonova.- M.: Avanta +. 2001. - 432 p.: illustration.

Interesting facts about Germany. - www.ckatt.ru

Interesting facts about Germany : Site for children and parents. - repetitions. en

The material can be used in the elective classes at the middle and senior levels. Various idioms are considered. The exercises are provided with illustrations that develop the language conjecture. The lesson develops the language competence of students. The list of sources is attached.

Objectives: to acquaint students of different grades (8-11) with the best examples of English-language poetry; develop the communicative competence of students and their poetic abilities. The preparatory stage consists of working with students on poems, sonnets, songs and poems by English authors. The Literary Salon is a joint product of the work of all teachers of the Methodological Association of English Teachers.

This material can be used for extracurricular activities in English. The club meeting was attended by students of grades 8-9. In advance, students in grade 9 prepare their messages about Mark Twain. Year 8 students prepared a dramatization of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
 To acquaint students with the biography of the writer and the history of the creation of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
 Develop listening skills, monologue and dialogic speech, working in pairs and groups (multi-level training)
 Develop memory and logical thinking
 Foster respect for foreign culture and interest in literature

The purpose of this extracurricular activity is to introduce students in grades 5-7 to the main holidays in Germany (Christmas), to the national and cultural heritage of the German people. The script is based on the story "Als der Weihnachtsmann streikte" ("When Santa Claus went on strike"), published in the supplement to the newspaper "First of September" "German Language" in 1995. Scenes, Christmas poems, songs, games, collected by the author of the script over the years of work as a German language teacher, are logically woven into the outline of the story. The story told by Karin Donnerstag smoothly turns into a demonstration of the traditions of celebrating Christmas in Germany. Answering the questions of Santa Claus (questions in German), children will learn about preparations for the most important holiday, where the Christmas tree, Christmas pyramid, angel came from; about the day of St. Nicholas, beloved by German children, and the traditions associated with this day. The scenario was successfully tested by the teacher in the 6th grade.

This development contains a detailed lesson plan - the quiz "Happy Halloween!" and a computer presentation for the lesson. The material can be used both in elementary school and for grades 5-6 of a secondary school. Lesson - a quiz includes a variety of tasks that increase the motivation of students to learn the language.

Extracurricular work in English for grades 8-9. The rules of the game resemble the game of the same name on television. Students are divided into two teams, trying to earn as many points as possible. The game consists of five rounds, each of which has 5 categories of 5 questions of different value. The fourth round is called "Pig in a Poke" in this round there are 4 questions, two for each team. In the final competition, there is one question, for which each team makes its own bid, from the amount of points earned.

MOU SOSH with. Dry Elan Extra-curricular event in German The game "Erudite" (Das Spiel "Erudit") German teacher Zhivotenkova Tamara Olegovna 2012.

Theme: The game "Erudite" (Das Spiel "Erudit").

Purpose: - to promote language acquisition in an entertaining (playful) form, to develop memory, attention, intelligence, interest in the language being studied; show how, through the German language, it is possible to activate the mental activity of students and increase motivation to study the subject.

Equipment: - prizes for the winners, task cards, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, emoticons.

Game progress:

Participants of the game are divided into two teams, which take turns asking questions and tasks. If the answer is correct, the team receives a smiley. If the answer is wrong, the opposing team can offer their own version of the answer, if the answer is correct, they receive an additional emoticon.

Before the start of the game, teams must:

1. Choose a captain.

2. Make a team emblem. Game play:

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. The teams are given a written text of the question and four possible answers. After a minute, which is given to think about the task, the team captains raise cards with the letters of the answers: A, B, C. The team that answered the question correctly receives a smiley. 1) Wie nennt man den größten Fluss Deutschlands? a) der Rhein b) die Spree c) die Donau 2) An welchem ​​Fluss liegt Dresden? a) an der Spree b) am Rhein c) an der Elbe

COMPOSE THE WORD. The teams are presented with a list of German nouns. It is necessary to choose a word for them (common to all) to get a complex noun. 1) Sport- 2) Lese- Fach- Lehr- Musik- Wörter- ( die Schule ) ( das Buch )

Choose and write down antonyms in pairs: jung - rechts - richtig - klein - traurig -

COLLECT A PROVERB. The teams are given the beginning of the proverb, the teams must finish it in a minute. 1) Es ist nicht alles Gold, ………. A – seine Zeit B – was glänzt C – der beste Koch D – Schweigen ist Gold 2) Wer zuletzt lacht, ……. A - seine Zeit B - was glänzt C - Schweigen ist Gold D - lacht am besten

There was a strong wind and the petals got mixed up, write down what word it was

a) Today there is a celebration of balloons in the yard. Color the balls with the specified color. grun

b) Continue the rhyme. Wir wiederholen Farben. (Star for the correct answer) Strawberry bush here Red in German ... (rot) The blue cat meowed meow Blue in German ... (blau) The grasshopper was terribly dunn Green in German ... (grün) The suit was bought by Frau For her husband gray ... (grau ) Frau bought a brown dress yesterday We know very precisely: brown ... (braun)

FIND AN EXTRA WORD. Teams are offered cards on which words with mixed letters are written. One of these words is superfluous, it must be found and crossed out. 1) das Ostb, der Kliu, der Beisttilf, die Stednu (das Obst, der Kuli, der Bleistift, die Stunde) 2) melan, nehnem, rtichig, sinegn, (malen, nehmen, richtig, singen)

WHEN IT HAPPENS The facilitator gives the teams cards with riddles, which they must translate, as well as say the answer in German. 1) Die Sonne glüht, die Linde blüht, das Korn wird voll. Wanna ist das wohl? ( Im Sommer ) 2) Die Felder weiss, auf Flussen Eis. Es weht der Wind. Wann ist das, Kind? (im Winter)

SAY YES OR NO". (BLITZ) Teams must give their answer to the questions posed by the moderator. 1) Die Hauptstadt Deutschlands ist Dresden. (nein) 2) Ein Antonym zum Wort dick ist dunn. (ja) 3) Ein Synonym zum Wort dort ist hier. (ja) 4) Berlin liegt am Rhein. (nein) 5) Die Brüder Grimm wurden im Köln geboren. (nein) 6) Deutschland besteht aus sechzehn Bundesländer. (ja)

Christmas letter. Your friend sent a letter, but some words in it disappeared. Children receive cards - a letter with a secret font. Who will read first? Christmas letter. (In the letter, the underlined letters should already be with symbols). EIN WEIHNACHTSBRIEF Lieber Onkel! Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut! Zu Weihnachten wünscht sich Anne ein Buchüber Tiere. Ich mochte ein Kartenspiel. Für dich haben wir auch kleine Geschenke: Eines ist aus Papier, das andere besteht aus Stoff. Beide sind selbst gebastelt! Alles Liebe! DeinMichael. T - K - £ D - J Lieber On £el! Ich hoffe, es geh∆ J ir gu∆! Zu Weihnach∆en wünsch∆sich Anne ein Buch über ∆iere. Ich möch∆e ein £ar∆enspiel. Für Jich haben wir auch £leine Geschen£e: Eines is∆ aus Papier, Jas anJere bes∆eh∆ aus S∆off. BeiJe sinJ selbs∆ gebastel∆! Alles Liebe! JeinMichael. T-K-£D-J

Summing up the game.

The team that gets the most emoticons wins. She is awarded a diploma of the winner and the main prize, Erudite”.

Material for the game II 1) Sport- 2) Lese- Fach- Lehr- Musik- Wörter- ( die Schule ) ( das Buch ) III jung – rechts – richtig – klein – traurig – IV Es ist nicht alles Gold, …….. A-seine Zeit D-Schweigen ist Gold B-was glänzt C-der beste Koch Wer zuletzt lacht, ….. A-seine Zeit C-Schweigen ist Gold B-was glänzt D-lacht am besten V S

VII 1) das Ostb, der Kliu, der Beisttilf, die Stednu 2) melan, nehnem, der Manot, sinegn, VIII Die Sonne glüht, Die Felder weiss, die Linde blüht, auf Flussen Eis. das Korn wild voll. Es weht der Wind Wann ist das wohl? Wann ist das, VI grün

X Lieber On£el! Ich hoffe, es geh∆ J ir gu∆! Zu Weihnach∆en wünsch∆sich Anne ein Buch über ∆iere. Ich möch∆e ein £ar∆enspiel. Für Jich haben wir auch £leine Geschen£e: Eines is∆ aus Papier, Jas anJere bes∆eh∆ aus S∆off. BeiJe sinJ selbs∆ gebastel∆! Alles Liebe! JeinMichael. T-K-£D-J