foreign universities. Free education in the best universities in the world is real! Where is the best place for children to adapt?

Most foreign universities, higher schools, colleges and universities work according to the generally accepted Bologna educational system. According to its principles, higher education abroad is divided into several stages:

  • Diploma programs, education certificates

Short programs (up to 1-2 years), providing for the acquisition of the basic foundation of theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities. Graduates of diploma and certificate courses can already start working (this is especially true for practical, working specialties). Also, a diploma course will be an excellent option if you have not fully decided on a profession: having received the necessary minimum of general knowledge, you will be able to transfer to the desired undergraduate program without losing time and money.

  • Undergraduate

The first and main stage of higher education - the stage is designed for 3-4 years. Usually (in particular, in the USA, Canada and the UK) there are main specialties (Major) and additional, secondary (Minor), with which the student can supplement his skills and classification.

A big plus (in particular, relevant for American universities): in many of them, a student can enter "in general", and not any specific specialty - there is even a special status of "undecided". Subsequently (after 1-1.5 years), the student can already choose the most interesting and priority faculty and profession for him. However, this rule does not work for complex specialties: law, medicine and pharmacology, veterinary medicine, dentistry, architecture, and some engineering sciences.

  • Master's degree

An additional stage of higher education, designed for 1-2 years. Many call it an analogue of Russian postgraduate studies, residency, internships - there are indeed common points between them, but there are also significant differences. As a rule, studying for a master's degree and obtaining a degree are chosen by students who want to occupy a prestigious, highly paid, managerial position, want to know all the subtleties of their chosen specialty. Also, the master's program is great for students who want to slightly adjust the chosen course, choose a narrower specialization and field of knowledge. For example, if a bachelor's degree was obtained in the specialty "Hospitality", then at the master's program the student can focus on the direction "Hotel management in the luxe segment".

Separately, it is worth noting such a variety of master's program as MBA - Master of Business Administration. Many students from Russia choose it abroad, not paying attention to other options for a master's degree. And such a demand is quite justified: today, almost any manager, top vacancy in the global labor market cannot do without the requirement of an MBA. The MBA diploma enables the graduate to work in a managerial position in almost any business segment (especially finance, commerce, personnel management and human resources) and in any country in the world.

  • Doctorate

The highest stage and stage of higher education, to which, of course, far from all students reach. Doctoral studies can add 2 or 5-6 years to your study period - it all depends on the chosen specialty. But obtaining a PhD degree abroad is quoted incredibly highly: this means an exceptional, deep level of knowledge and an unsurpassed level of training, a high level of ability.

As a rule, doctoral studies are chosen by those specialists who want to work in the scientific field: to be researchers, inventors, scientists, etc.

Of course, there are a large number of additional courses: advanced training, development of additional skills, acquisition of an additional specialty, preparation for language or professional exams, and much more. Our experts will help you choose the best option depending on your capabilities and desires.

List of leading universities abroad: how to quickly choose a university abroad

Smapse presents to your attention an expert list: the catalog contains the best educational institutions in the world - you can choose the best one in various ways.

Our directory provides the ability to sort information according to specific parameters. In this section you will find blocks indicating the countries in which training is available, types of educational programs. Direct sampling will sort technical and humanitarian institutions according to academic criteria.

Filter by type of program will optimize the time spent on finding an educational institution. Do you need special preparation for admission? Choose the appropriate program. In the search results of the directory, you will see all the universities in the world where a particular course is available.

You can also choose universities abroad by country. An extended form of information search is also available in the catalog. It allows you to add a priority language of instruction to the sample.

Foreign universities: types and features of universities abroad for Russian and foreign students

In the SMAPS catalog, universities abroad are presented in assortment. Each educational institution has its own characteristics. You can get acquainted with them, as well as the conditions for admission, living, studying, receiving scholarships and grants (if any are provided for by the chosen program) on the page of a particular educational institution.

The foreign institutions presented in the catalog can be divided into several categories, educational institutions are classified by size and level. Large educational institutions included in the world TOP, small private specialized universities offer their services to foreign students. In the catalog we have placed options, admission to which is absolutely real.

You can also classify options by the average price of training - the cost depends on many factors. One of the main ones is, of course, the rating. Studying at prestigious institutions of international level will cost more than those with lesser fame. The cost of the programs also varies depending on the country of study. So, studying at branches of prestigious universities in Asia, Latin, Central America is cheaper than on the main campuses in Europe, the USA, Canada.

Separately, we note the well-known groups of the legendary, most prestigious universities in the world, admission to which is very difficult, but the diploma of such an educational institution is a pass to the world of the business elite of our planet:

  • oxbridge

As the name implies, this is a symbol for the two most elite universities in the UK - Oxford and Cambridge. Still, it is impossible to call them a single group: for centuries they have been competing and trying to get around each other in all directions, but the term “Oxbridge” is used quite often.

  • Rusell Group

An association of the best British universities, which includes 24 institutions. These are Oxford and Cambridge, the universities of York and Birmingham, the Imperial College of London, the London School of Economics and Political Science, the universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow and others. According to statistics, Rusell Group universities account for 2/3 of all UK research grants, 56% of doctoral degrees awarded, and 70% of promising scientific potential.

  • Ivy League

The American analogue of the Rusell Group is not inferior in prestige, but includes only 8 of the oldest and most rated US universities: Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Brown, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, Cornell, Dartmouth College. Almost all of them are located in the north-east of the country, and almost all of them have an incredibly high cost of education.

  • Swiss Education Group

Professional association of the best Swiss higher schools of hospitality, tourism, hotel and culinary business. SEG includes Cesar Ritz Сolleges, Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland, School of Hotel Management (IHTTI), Hotel Institute Montreux, The Swiss Hotel Management School (SHMS). Studying here is a guarantee of successful employment in the promising global industry of the hotel and restaurant business.

Which university is better to enter: public or private?

Universities abroad: individual selection of an educational institution

Have you studied the collection of universities for applicants, decided, or Europe, but have not decided on the choice of an educational institution? SMAPS experts are ready to help you with professional advice. We offer a selection of establishments on an individual basis.

An online chat operator can recommend interesting universities to you online, taking into account the priority specialty and type of program (preparation for admission, undergraduate, graduate, doctoral studies). You can also get expert advice via Skype. We accept applications for the search for an educational institution and by e-mail.

SMAPS experts are also ready to advise applicants by phone. For you, dear customers, there is a multi-channel telephone (free of charge on the territory of the Russian Federation). The catalog presented on the site also provides the possibility of ordering a callback. Fill out a simple form and our managers will contact you shortly.

Studying at foreign universities is still a dream for many. It's time to turn it into a goal, take the first step towards achievement. Call or write to us, SMAPS experts will select for you foreign universities that meet the stated requirements for free.

Various forms of cooperation with foreign universities, Western companies, organizations and foundations, including internships and student exchange programs, are supported today by many Moscow universities. The main projects that provide students with ample opportunities to participate in international internships are TEMPUS-TACIS, Erasmus Mundus, British Council programs, YOUTH, Baltic Sea Region, EU transatlantic programs, EU framework programs for research and technological development.

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

The number of partner universities of the famous Russian university is more than 50. Among them:

  • In Italy - Universities of Bari, Bologna, Milan, Padua, Palermo, Rome, Florence
  • In France - University Paris-I; University. R. Schuman; Higher School of Philology and Humanities (Lyon); Paris X University; National School of Bridges and Roads
  • In Germany, the University Humboldts; Jena University. F. Schiller; University. M. Luther (Halle-Wittenberg); Universities of Kaiserslautern, Tübingen, Marburg
  • In the USA - State University of New York (SUNY)
  • In the Netherlands - Delft University of Technology
  • In Finland - the universities of Helsinki and Tampere
  • In Spain - University of Alicante
  • In Austria - Salzburg University
  • In Switzerland - University of Geneva
  • In Sweden - Stockholm University

In addition, various international student exchange programs are implemented jointly with universities in Poland, Macedonia, Lithuania, Serbia, Slovakia, Albania, Ireland, the Czech Republic and a number of other countries.

More detailed information about internships and grants can be obtained on the corresponding page of the Moscow State University website

National Research Technological University MISiS

First of all, we can note especially active cooperation with German universities and companies. MISIS partners in Germany:

  • Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg
  • Technical University - Dresden
  • Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg
  • Technische Hochschule Reutlingen
  • University of Stuttgart
  • University of Essen
  • Johannes Guttenberg University Mainz
  • Regensburg Technical University
  • University of the Bundeswehr, Munich
  • Jena High School
  • Association of German MISiS Alumni
  • Rhine-Westphalian Technische Hochschule
  • Freiberg Mining Academy
  • Technical University - Clausthal
  • University of Karlsruhe
  • Dresden University of Technology
  • Badische Stahl-Engineering GmbH
  • Technische Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz
  • Reinz Dichtungs GmbH
  • Technical University of Munich
  • University of Technology and Economics Dresden
  • Technical University of Munich
  • Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg
  • BWG Bergwerk- und Walzwerk-Maschinenbau GmbH
  • Technical University of Ilmenau
  • VDI Technology Center
  • European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company - EADS
  • Daimler-Chrysler Research and Technology
  • Frenzelit Co GmbH
  • Institute for Advanced Studies Zwickau
  • EKO Stahl GmbH
  • Yohann Wolfgang Goethe University

The partners of the Russian university in other countries include the following educational institutions and organizations:

  • In the USA - University of California (Fullerton); Air Force Research Laboratory; Civilian Research and Development Foundation; Alcoa Inc.; University of Illinois; Colorado School of Mines (Golden); University of Northern Iowa (Cider Falls); International Science and Technology Center; NATO Research Program; General Motors Corp.
  • In Canada - Montreal Polytechnic School
  • In the Netherlands - Netherlands Research Foundation; AKZO Nobel Aerospace Coatings; SKF Research & Development Company B.V.
  • In the UK - Imperial College; Royal Society; Universities of Cambridge, Nottingham, Sheffield
  • In Italy, the University of Udine; University of Rome "Tor Vergata"; National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Padua; Universitat Politecnica dele Marche; University of Ancona;
  • In France - the National Engineering School of Saint-Etienne; University of Paris Orsay Cedex; National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble; Arcelor Research S.A.; Metz National School of Engineering; National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine (Nancy); Aix-Marseille University of Law, Economics and Sciences; National Higher School of Arts and Crafts (Paris); CNRS
  • In Switzerland - ETH Zurich
  • In Spain, the University of Barcelona; Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla
  • In Belgium - Technical University of Brussels
  • In Austria - T Technical University of Vienna; Mining University Leoben

In addition, MISiS cooperates with universities in Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, the Czech Republic, Sweden, and a number of other countries. More information about international academic mobility programs can be found on the page

Internships in Western companies

As part of international educational projects, large transnational companies offer various internships to senior students or graduates of Russian universities. Potential employers especially appreciate graduates of such prestigious Moscow universities as Moscow State University, MSTU, MGIMO, MIPT, MESI.

Among the companies showing interest in graduates of Russian educational institutions are Procter & Gamble, Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Microsoft, Daimler-Chrysler.

It is important to note that Western companies are very scrupulous in the selection of candidates for internships. Applicants should prepare for the most serious competition. At the same time, those who have passed the selection, the chances of getting a permanent job are very high. So, for example, in Ernst & Young more than 95% of interns receive offers, in PricewaterhouseCoopers - more than 80% of interns.

Additional "intellectual emigration" from our country is an obvious negative side of such cooperation.

At the same time, interuniversity exchanges and internships in large Western companies are factors that create additional competition among Russian students and generally increase the level of students' preparation. For students, the undoubted advantages of cooperation between universities and companies at the international level are the possibility of obtaining a double diploma and additional employment prospects.

Alexander Mitin

Free education abroad is possible if a foreigner knows English very well or the language of the country in which he is sent to study. If knowledge of the language does not reach the ideal, then you can use various programs aimed at helping and supporting foreign students in learning English and the possibility of further admission to foreign universities.

Building of the University of Banking in Prague

Today, free education abroad is possible, however, you need to try very hard for this. And this does not mean at all that the student will receive education for free.

You still have to fork out for various textbooks, hostel fees, etc. Therefore, before going abroad to gain knowledge, you need to think carefully and weigh your options.

There are three reasons to go abroad to study:

  1. As a student in your home state or after graduation.
  2. After studying at several courses of his university.
  3. After graduating from your school.

At what age should a child be sent to study in another country?

You can, of course, study abroad from the first grade, if the parents do not mind.

In general, the European school system consists of three levels:

That is, it is not necessary to send a 6-year-old child to Europe. He can study in his home country until the age of 8 or 12 and then go to a foreign country to acquire knowledge.

Types of foreign schools

A child can study in Europe in one of the following schools, which his parents will choose based on the needs of their offspring:

Memo to parents sending offspring abroad to study

In order to successfully send children to study in foreign schools, it is important to remember the following recommendations:

Preparation for studying at a US university

Education in America for Ukrainians and Russians will seem difficult if they do not take courses. During their visit, students study the subjects necessary so that in the future they can easily enter the desired faculty.

There is a special program for foreign children "Pathway Programs".

The advantage of the program is that after its completion, the applicant can be enrolled immediately in the third year of the university, provided that he reaches the required level of knowledge.

Master's in the USA: ways and benefits of admission

Studying abroad is attractive, and getting a master's degree in America means gaining prestige in the global job market. If a person has an American master's degree, then he is most likely to get the profession that he dreamed of.

master's studies in the USA

There are two ways to enroll in a master's program at a United States university:

  1. Directly. However, at the same time, a person must be confident in his abilities, in impeccable knowledge of the English language, as well as academic training in a particular specialty.
  2. Through the international educational center. It includes well-known colleges and universities that provide excellent support to foreign applicants. To enroll in a master's program, a person must take special courses that will help him easily become a master's student and study abroad at one of the best universities in the United States.

Advantages of studying abroad for a master's degree:

Free universities in Europe

Free education abroad is real, however, you need to know in which countries you can get knowledge for free. In Germany, Denmark, France, the Czech Republic, Greece, Turkey, Austria and Italy, you can study for free in a master's program. However, an important condition for children is excellent knowledge of English upon admission, it will be even better to know the language of the country where you will study. Since not all state free universities and universities conduct training in English.

Free education abroad is a relative concept, since education is specifically free. But for support services, for example, for using books from the library, visiting the gym at the university, you need to pay. And such contributions can sometimes reach up to 300 euros per month.

Duration and process of studying in European universities

Studying abroad takes place according to the following scheme:

  • Bachelor's degree - 3–5 years;
  • Master - 2-3 years;
  • Doctor of Science degree - 2 years.

Such fuzzy terms for obtaining knowledge depend on a particular specialty.

Studying abroad is different from training in Russia or Ukraine. There, the daytime department resembles our correspondence department. Russian people studying in Europe are surprised and touched by the fact that they independently choose the disciplines they want to know, and in the future they themselves determine the timing of the exams.

However, this is where all the advantages of studying abroad end. The "cons" begin, which are expressed as follows:

Studying abroad, in European countries, does not begin in September, as in our country, but somewhere in the middle of autumn, and ends in July.

Education in the Czech Republic

It is realistic to enter one of the Czech universities for free, however, you need to know that education is free only if the foreigner knows the Czech language perfectly. Even English, not to mention Russian, does not make it possible to enroll in free education.

Russian applicants who wish to study in this country must come there and take preparatory courses, pass an exam, and only after successfully writing it can they have a chance to study abroad for free.

Study in Austria

And this country is loyal to foreign applicants. Here you can study for free and at the same time it is not necessary to know the language ideally. You can apply without a certificate of completion of preparatory courses.

Vienna University of Economics in Austria

That is, Ukrainians, Russians and citizens of other powers are enrolled in the university without problems, they are given the opportunity to study German for two years, go to lectures and enjoy various benefits for students.

Education in Greece

One of the ideal options for today in order to go to study for free in Europe, you can enter many specialties without entrance exams.

The country to which children adapt best

Russian psychologists have repeatedly conducted studies, the results of which made it clear that foreign children adapt best in Switzerland. And the thing is that all the schools in which Russian and Ukrainian schoolchildren study are international, and the children feel at home there. Unlike Germany or Italy, where the kids there are “like strangers” for everyone.

Therefore, from a psychological point of view, if a father and mother are worried about the emotional state of their children, then it is better to choose Switzerland in this case. However, it is worth considering that education here is the most expensive of all European countries.

University building in Zurich, Switzerland

American program for students "Global UGRAD"

It involves studying abroad on an exchange basis. Thus, only full-time university students can study in the USA. The program is spread across Europe as well as Central Asia. Therefore, Russians and Ukrainians can also take the opportunity to try their luck by going to the US and taking advantage of this program.

A competition for children is held to participate in Global UGRAD, and the winners get the opportunity to study for one year at a full-time department at one of the universities in the States.

The program is funded by the US authorities.

The program gives the participant the following privileges:

  • Contributes to;
  • The cost of travel is compensated, and in both directions;
  • The cost of education, meals, as well as accommodation in a hostel is compensated;
  • A monthly stipend is provided.

Students from Russia and the CIS countries can receive education abroad in any country. The most popular countries among Russian-speaking students are the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Holland, Czech Republic, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Every year, several thousand students leave to study at the universities of these countries.
With good academic preparation and a well-written application and portfolio, you can enter any university in the world, even one of the most prestigious ones like Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, Harvard or Stanford.
What requirements do foreign universities impose on foreign students, how to choose a university and program and prepare documents for admission - you can find answers to all these questions on the Education Index website.

How much does it cost to study at a foreign university

The cost of a semester at an educational institution abroad depends on the country you have chosen, the place of the university in the world university rankings and on the chosen specialty.
In countries where students receive financial support from the state, the cost of a year of study can be very low, you can find free programs. Such countries, for example, are Germany, the Czech Republic, France.
True, in most cases, the state finances only programs in the language of the country in which the university is located. Programs in English in non-English speaking countries are usually paid. But if you try, you can find free or budget options even for studying in English.
Education in the universities of the USA, Great Britain, Canada is paid. The most expensive foreign universities are US universities. A year of study in a master's program in the USA costs from $25,000. A master's degree in the UK can cost from $17,000 per year. Tuition for a master's degree in Canada starts at $6,000. Tuition fees in many European countries can be cheaper.
You also need to take into account living expenses: housing, transport, Internet, textbooks and other expenses. Also, a foreign university may require confirmation of the solvency of the student's family, that is, a bank statement with a certain amount in the account. You need to be ready for this.
Although it is possible to get a grant or scholarship for education, it is extremely difficult to get them. This requires brilliant success in academic and extracurricular activities. Therefore, it is better to prepare and carefully study the prices for studying at various universities abroad. You can use the program finder on the Education Index website for this.

Do I need to pass exams to enter a foreign university?

Foreign universities require confirmation of academic performance, that is, a translated and notarized certificate or certificate of previous education.
Additional exams and tests need to be taken for some programs and specialties and depend on universities and countries. Before taking such an exam, you need to determine what specialty you are applying to a foreign university, and study the requirements for documents at this university.
Of course, you need to pass an exam on knowledge of the language of the country of study. It is worth starting to prepare for them a year in advance. And even if you speak the right language perfectly, it is worth taking 2-3 months to prepare to get used to the exam format.

Which foreign university to apply to

When it became clear which country and which budget for studying abroad are the most attractive, it's time to come to grips with choosing a university. It is important to choose the best foreign university possible - the best in the chosen specialty, the closest to the top world university rankings, affordable, with the prospect of staying in the country or finding a prestigious job at home.

What to look for when choosing a foreign university?

Of course, there are universities known all over the world: Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Princeton. However, it is not only difficult to enter these universities, although it is possible with properly prepared documents. It's even harder to study there.
The good news is that there are a huge number of universities abroad with respected programs, excellent teachers and rich internship opportunities. How to choose such universities if they are not well known to students in Russia and the CIS countries?
To help future students, there are ratings - international ratings of educational institutions and internal ratings of countries. Hundreds of universities participate in the rankings, they are conducted by leading rating agencies, and the assessment methods are verified by reputable audit companies. The most famous rankings of foreign universities are the ratings of the European agencies QS and THE, the American agency U.S.News and the Asian agency ShanghaiRanking Consultancy. On our site you can study and compare all these ratings.
However, in order to choose a university specifically for your purposes, you should not blindly rely on a place in the ranking. Methods for evaluating foreign universities depend on the purpose of the study. Accordingly, universities occupy different places in different rankings. To understand which university for studying abroad is right for you, it is worth getting a little acquainted with the evaluation criteria for each specific ranking. The criteria are usually: the quality of teaching, the overall quality of programs and research, student satisfaction assessments and the percentage of graduate employment, technical equipment, difficulty of admission, the percentage of graduates and the average score of students. As you can see, there are many criteria and it will take some time to understand them.
Remember about the internal rankings of countries. Even if the university you like is not the highest in the world rankings, it can occupy a very high place in the country rankings and enjoy authority.
Depending on what you want from your study abroad and further career, you have the flexibility to choose an educational institution. Education Index consultants can also help you choose a university according to your criteria.
Now the whole world is open to future students. Studying at a foreign university is a difficult and very important decision in life. You will get the experience of living in another country, an excellent education will launch your career or scientific activity, and all over the world you will have connections and friends. If you decide to study abroad, the results are worth overcoming many difficulties. And the Education Index website and specialists will help you understand all the intricacies of entering a foreign university!

Every year, many of our compatriots receive education abroad. Even more applicants dream of studying in good foreign universities, but they are afraid of the high price for education for foreigners. But we will prove that studying abroad for Russians can be free if several important nuances are observed, which we will also discuss in this article.

First of all, it is worth clarifying that education abroad for free means the educational process, that is, a foreigner does not pay only for studying at a university. But food, accommodation, educational materials, library services and other expenses are not included in the financing program. Therefore, before you go to study abroad, you need to have some financial cushion for the entire period of study.

7 ways to study abroad for free

The main condition for studying abroad for Russians and other foreigners is proficiency in international English or the language of the state where they plan to study. If the level of language proficiency is insufficient to get free affordable education abroad, then it is worth using special courses to prepare foreigners for admission to foreign educational institutions.

So, there are several ways how a Russian can get a foreign education for free. However, all these methods are somehow based on financial assistance from the state, a private enterprise, an educational institution, a philanthropist, a public organization, etc.

Here are 7 ways to get free education abroad:

  1. Grants for free study abroad 2018 or the so-called social assistance to students from the state for the implementation of a professional project, educational expenses, courses, advanced training, training in summer or language schools, etc. The grant is issued in the form of an incentive for distinguished students , at a time, but it is possible to get it again.
  2. Scholarship from a university or state. A distinguished student may be awarded a scholarship from a foreign university, which will cover the cost of studying in whole or in part. To receive a scholarship, an applicant must write a good motivation letter and attach proof of their services to society. It can be creative, volunteer, scientific, sports activities or other achievements.
  3. Research fellowship. Such an incentive, as a rule, is issued by an interested person - a private or state enterprise, a public foundation that needs a specialist in a particular field. The research scholarship is intended for those who have graduated from a university and intend to pursue a master's program to carry out further research activities.
  4. Doctorate. Another type of education that an interested person can pay for is an institution or the state. Unlike a master's degree, a student, in addition to studying, will work as an assistant professor: read introductory courses in the specialty, participate in research projects, etc. This is a good chance to gain tremendous experience.
  5. Global Education Program. The customer of this program is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The state pays for education in another country, but the student, after completing his studies, is obliged to return to Russia and work for three years at the enterprise that he is assigned. Under this program, you can enroll in a master's, postgraduate or doctoral studies abroad, and upon completion of it, get a job in the Russian Federation.
  6. American exchange program Global UGRAD. This program allows higher education institutions from Europe and Central Asia to exchange full-time students who wish to study in the United States. Selection for participation in the Global UGRAD program is carried out on a competitive basis.
  7. Au Pair exchange program. This program allows Russian students to study on exchange not only in the USA, but in European countries for a period of 4 months to 1 year. Thanks to the Au Pair, students get the opportunity to learn the language, get acquainted with the culture and work abroad for free. This program allows you to live with a foreign family and attend language courses, helping in return for the “foster” family to look after the children or run the household.

As you can see, there are many ways to study in another country for free, but before you start preparing for such a process, you need to think carefully: how much you will have to spend on food, accommodation, transport, what documents will be required, what should be the level of language proficiency for admission to university.

Where can I go to study Russian for free? — 10 countries

It should be noted right away that you can study for free abroad only at state universities, since only such universities provide free education for foreigners. Education in private schools is paid. Unless there is a special agreement between a private Russian and a foreign university on a free exchange of students, but this rarely happens.

We list which countries Russians can go to for free study, and what requirements for admission they put forward:

  1. USA. Students who intend to enter American universities should know that it is impossible to do this without entrance exams. Mandatory testing for all applicants is the SAT exam to test the knowledge of the school curriculum in grammar and mathematics. In addition, you must pass an English proficiency test. At the same time, you can enter the “bachelor's” program after graduating from a school in Russia, and not after graduating from a Russian university.
  2. Canada. It is easy to enter Canadian universities immediately after finishing 11 classes, unless, of course, the applicant studied well at home. There is no need to take entrance exams for admission. If there is a certificate confirming proficiency in English or French, then the language proficiency test is also not necessary. Upon admission to universities in Canada, the certificate is evaluated, giving preference to those applicants who have high marks.
  3. Australia. If a Russian is fluent in English and has completed the first year of a Russian university, then he can go to study at an Australian university for free. The main thing is to confirm knowledge of the language with a certificate or passing a language test. If the applicant graduated only from school, then he will first have to undergo training at the zero preparatory course, after which he will receive a “bachelor's degree” in 3 years. But while studying in Australia, you can get two specialties at once.
  4. Denmark. A country with a very high level of education, in which various exchange programs are widespread. To enter free education in Denmark, you need a special agreement between universities, knowledge of English, confirmed by a certificate, a certificate of secondary education, as well as a certificate from the bank on the state of the account to confirm the ability to pay for living in this country.
  5. Austria. Teaching is conducted in two languages ​​- English or German. You can enter Austrian universities without entrance tests, but you still have to pass an exam for knowledge of one of the indicated languages. If the language level is insufficient for studying at universities in Austria, then you can take a preparatory course in one academic year to improve your knowledge, get to know the culture and enter the university without any problems in a year.
  6. Germany. Training also takes place in German or English at the student's choice; entrance exams are also not needed. However, foreigners without higher education in their native country are not admitted to German universities. Foreigners must complete at least two university courses in their home country in order to enter the first course in Germany or complete one course at home in order to enter the preparatory course at a German university.
  7. Belgium. Another European country that allows Russians to get foreign education. Teaching is conducted in English or French. Entrance testing for knowledge of the school curriculum is not carried out, but the language exam is mandatory. The main plus is that if there are good grades in the certificate, then you can enter immediately after graduation.
  8. Italy. The universities of this European country are open to foreign applicants who speak English or Italian. It is possible to enter without exams and a language certificate, depending on the availability of higher education and specialty. But, as in Germany, one cannot enter Italian universities without completing at least 1-2 courses of a Russian higher educational institution.
  9. France. Educational institutions can accept Russian applicants without exams immediately after they graduate from school. For admission, you only need a certificate with good grades, as well as a language certificate or a test in French or English.
  10. Finland. In this country, students can enter a higher educational institution only after passing exams and language testing. Due to the fact that education is conducted either in English or in Finnish, students who decide to enter a university in this country must confirm knowledge of the language. The college is accepted without exams.

It is worth noting that the educational institutions of Greece, the Czech Republic, Spain, China and other countries offer Russian students the opportunity of free education. But teaching in universities in this case is conducted in the language of the country in which he is located, i.e. Chinese, Czech, Spanish, and so on, and not in English. You can enter universities without passing exams immediately after graduation or after completing the 1st year of a Russian institute.

Elite education abroad

Studying abroad is now of interest to everyone who wants to get an elite, prestigious education. What is elite education? As a rule, this is education at the highest level, which includes highly qualified teachers, high technological equipment and other criteria. Today we are discussing the universities of Britain and the USA.

If you are interested in studying abroad, and would also like to master English perfectly, then prestigious universities and universities in the UK and the USA are waiting for you! Consider the most prestigious foreign higher education institutions.

Welcome to Oxford!

If you are interested in UK universities, then we will talk about them now. Oxford University is one of the visiting cards of England. Oxford is one of the oldest higher education institutions in Europe. This is one of the best universities in England, which gave the world about 50 Nobel laureates.

The history of this school is amazing. It was originally a monastery, the first mention of which dates back to 912. In 1117, it was decided to found the first Oxford University in England, so that the clergy could receive a more complete education. And only under King Henry II Oxford became a real university town, where not only clergymen, but also everyone could study.

In subsequent centuries, the kings of England invested resources in the development of the Oxford abode of science. Modern Oxford is not only an elite education, but also a whole complex of historical and cultural attractions.

In addition to the university itself, it includes the colleges of Christ Church, the chapel of Oxford Cathedral, Magdalen College, the monument to the poet Shelley, the Bodleian Library, which contains 6 million books, the Ashmolean Museum, where you can see the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt and other geniuses of painting. The botanical garden, indoor market, several other museums, world-famous pubs - all this can be seen in the famous Oxford.

The Bodleian Library is worth a separate discussion. This book storage disputes the right to be called the oldest in Europe from the Vatican Library. The founder of the Bodleian Library, Bishop Thomas de Cobham, who created a small collection of books and initially had to chain them to the wall to prevent the books from being stolen. A few centuries later, Sir Thomas Bodley took over this book depository, who turned it into a real library, for this purpose acquiring books from different countries, including Turkey and China.

As you can guess, this is not just a university, but a whole cultural town. It provides a wonderful opportunity to develop culturally and receive an excellent elite education.
Prestigious universities in the USA and England

If you are interested in Cambridge...

We continue to discuss universities in England, and our conversation about where you can get an elite education and what is studying abroad, and we present you another prestigious university in England. As you may have guessed, of course, this is Cambridge.

Cambridge, like Oxford, is one of the oldest university centers in Europe. There are 87 Nobel laureates associated with this university. In 1214, the basic university rules were drawn up in Cambridge. According to these rules, the rector and the program with final exams were appointed. Here they began to teach science, mathematics, philosophy, logic. Oxford and Cambridge have a long history of rivalry with each other.

Cambridge includes 31 colleges, a university library, an observatory, and a laboratory. Educational and scientific activities are organized in several faculties, in different areas: oriental studies, English, musicology, jurisprudence, pedagogy, economics, etc.

The universal library of Cambridge includes not only books, but also notes, manuscripts, drawings, maps. Every year its funds are replenished with copies of books and other materials. The library is open to both teachers and students.

If you are interested in an elite education in Cambridge, then there are grants for foreign students that partially cover the cost of studying in England. So keep it up!

You preferred Harvard...

Let's move on to prestigious US universities. If you are interested in the Harvard educational institution in the USA, then this is also a great opportunity to get an elite education. Harvard is not as ancient as the prestigious institutions of higher education in England, but the history of the United States itself is relatively new.

Harvard University was founded in 1636. Initially, it was a college and clergymen studied there. After the American Civil War, Harvard was transformed into a university. This university has graduated from 8 US presidents, and 75 Nobel laureates have been associated with it, as its students or teachers.

Harvard University in the USA includes 10 faculties: the Faculty of Medicine, Theology, Dentistry, Business, Design, etc., as well as the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

It is worth noting that the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study provides scholarships on a competitive basis as part of its program in various fields of study. This program is designed for scientists working in various fields, as well as for people in creative professions, such as video graphics artists, film artists, sound and video designers, etc.

All these universities are prestigious world universities. And these are not just universities, but real cultural centers in the USA and England, where world-famous professors teach. Residents of England and the United States are very proud of their oldest educational institutions, allowing you to get an elite education.

Studying abroad is a reality these days; The only question is the cost of education. In any case, if you are interested in these prestigious universities and want to get an elite education, then go for it, you will succeed!

What do you need to enter foreign universities?

Each university from abroad has its own requirements for foreign applicants, but almost all of them are identical. Students from Russia can enter foreign universities by fulfilling the following requirements:

  1. You must provide a high school diploma. This requirement is very important, since during the acceptance of documents, the school leaving certificate will be considered first.
  2. Documents in which the results of exams are indicated. Be sure to provide certificates of the exam or GIA. The scores in these documents can significantly affect the decision of the commission.
  3. In order to get a second higher education or to enroll in a master's or doctoral degree, a diploma from a Russian university is required.
  4. Knowledge of English. Since many universities teach in English, you need to know it. Basic knowledge of style, grammar, reading and spelling are all required to pass the test. For almost every university, one of the main points for admission is the TOEFL test, which takes place on a computer.
  5. Age also plays a big role in admission. You must be at least 18 years of age.
  6. Passing entrance exams. Most often, universities are accepted without exams, but in some countries of America they may require the passage of a standard SAT exam. Also, instead of exams, an interview can be conducted by phone or Skype.
  7. Those who wish to enter a master's program must also be prepared to take a standardized exam.
  8. It is necessary to complete 1-2 courses of a Russian university. Many foreign universities may not accept you for 1 course due to the fact that their school education system has 12 classes. In Russia, it is different and therefore foreigners need to complete several courses at their native university in order to enter.

The list of documents that are needed for admission to universities abroad for free education:

  1. A certificate confirming the completion of secondary education.
  2. Diploma certifying higher education.
  3. Resume or curriculum vitae in the form of CV.
  4. A copy of the Diploma Supplement or an extract from the transcript if the graduation document has not yet been received.
  5. Language certificate.
  6. Certificate of passing an exam or test.
  7. Questionnaire, which is filled in according to the requirements of the university. Some universities post it electronically on the website. It must be printed and submitted already completed in printed form.
  8. Recommendations from curators, teachers and the dean of the university. Their number is from 3 to 5.
  9. Motivation letter. Here you need to tell what prompted you to enter this particular university, what you like about their training program. It would not be superfluous to tell about your achievements and hobbies, this will allow you to fully reveal your personality and will place the members of the commission.

Every document matters. If you do not provide any commission may not enroll you in the university.

Useful experience: how a Ukrainian entered 10 US universities

A real sensation in 2017 was the student of the Kyiv Financial and Legal Lyceum Georgy Solodko, who was able to enter 10 US universities at once. According to the student himself, he applied to the top 20 American universities, but received a positive response from only half of them. They sent their offers to George, including Stanford and Harvard, but Solodko settled on the latter, where he is now studying with Obama's daughter.

A Ukrainian student managed to receive a $300,000 grant from Harvard University, which fully covers the costs not only for the entire period of study, but also for housing, food, transport, etc. But air tickets for flights home, participation in various scientific conferences and Georgy pays for study materials himself.

At the moment, Solodko is the only Ukrainian in Grvard, but he assures that any Russian, Ukrainian or Armenian graduate can become a stent of this prestigious university. To do this, you need to study well in your homeland, know English, participate in the life of society, be persistent, friendly and have an active life position.

In addition, when submitting documents to a foreign university, you need to provide academic recommendations from teachers in which they describe the success of their student, his hobbies, talk about his position in life, academic performance and leadership qualities. Moreover, just a dry theory is not enough: it is necessary to reveal the personality of your ward with specific examples.

In addition to recommendations from teachers, you need to pass the SAT - the main exam for knowledge of English, mathematics and other school subjects, as well as TOEFL. The higher the scores obtained for these tests, and the higher the score in the certificate, the more likely it is to enter an American university. Passing each exam costs the applicant about $ 100. You also need to pay about $20 to send your results to universities.

If the university management has any doubts about the applicant, then he will be assigned an additional interview - an interview via Skype. During this conversation, you should follow the dress code: appear in decent clothes - in trousers and a shirt or jacket. You should not go through an interview in an old T-shirt and shorts, drinking tea.

According to Georgy Solodko, the whole process of preparing for admission to foreign universities took him about a year. It took about three months to prepare for the tests. The path, of course, is long, but free study at a prestigious university is worth it!

Marina Mogilko also entered 5 US universities, two of which provided her with full funding for her master's degree and MBA. Today Marina provides how to prepare and apply for study programs at state universities and internships abroad.