The meaning of the name Anastasia, the origin, character and fate of the name Anastasia. Anastasia: name, origin, meaning

Short form of the name Anastasia. Nastasya, Nastasia, Anastasya, Nastasya, Nastya, Nastya, Nasya, Nasa, Nata, Nana, Naya, Nyura, Nyusya, Nastya, Tyona, Nastya, Nastusya, Tusya, Tasya, Stazka, Staza.
Synonyms for the name Anastasia. Enesteysha, Anastasi, Nastasia, Nastasia, Anastasia.
Origin of the name Anastasia The name Anastasia is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Anastasia is the feminine form of the male name Anastasia. Translated from Greek means "return to life", "resurrection", "resurrected", "reborn", "immortal". Folk Russian form - Nastasya.

Among the Orthodox, saints with the name Anastasia are especially revered - the Great Martyr Anastasia (Anastasia the Destroyer), who is the patroness of pregnant women and prisoners, and Anastasia Rimlyanina (Anastasia the Elder) - the patroness of livestock. For the name Anastasia, Orthodox name days are indicated.

Anastasia has been desired children since childhood. Nastya is very trusting, kind and completely forgiving. Little girl Nastya loves fairy tales very much, she has a well-developed imagination, she knows how to come up with both a game and fun. Diligence is an integral feature of the owners of this name, but in childhood you need to stubbornly instill it in a girl, as she loves to dream, and this constantly distracts her. Over time, it is these qualities - diligence, diligence, perseverance, brought up in childhood - that will play an important role in her life.

Anastasia is a good craftswoman - she knows how to sew and knit, and cooks well. Having matured, she will strive to keep her house clean, she will be strict, but fair in this respect to both her husband and children. She does not like to keep anything extra in the house. Everything that has already become unnecessary, she will either give without regret, if it can be given, or throw it away. Nastya loves to surround her comfort with flowers, paintings, carpets. In her house you can always find a beautiful box and an unusual trinket. But with Nastenka, all these things will be useful, serve her in the household.

Nastya is philanthropic, she is a very sincere and sympathetic person, pity and mercy are not alien to her. Many devote her to their own secrets, she knows how to keep secrets. Most often, Anastasia chooses those professions where she can help people, can give her warmth, take care of someone. She can become a nurse, a kindergarten teacher, a psychologist. Also, fantasy continues to live in adult Anastasia, therefore, it happens that Nastya chooses romantic, and sometimes dangerous professions. They can become artists, circus performers, rescuers, climbers. Anastasia is always ready to sacrifice her desires, her time in favor of another person.

Anastasia is a very strong-willed person, unbending, firm. She cannot be bribed, forced, she can only be convinced that she is necessary, but only if this is really so. Nastya will not run for you to collect cranberries in the swamp if you are able to do it yourself, but she will pick up cranberries, and bring mushrooms, and bring water, and cook porridge for the old woman, even if she does not ask for anything.

Anastasia always wants to be protected, she is dependent on the one she loves. And that is why she only marries a strong man who can support her and her family. Most often, Anastasia gets married early. Women named Nastya are caring, faithful wives and loving mothers.

sound. Anastasia is a rather long name, consisting of five syllables. Almost everyone pays attention to its beauty. Many also note tenderness (90%), majesty (87%) and strength (86%) of the sound of the name. Some hear in him a certain femininity (85%). The most similar names in terms of phonosemantic profile are Natalya, Ksenia and Nelly.

Name day Anastasia

Anastasia celebrates name days on January 4, March 23, April 5, April 28, May 10, June 1, June 9, July 4, July 17, August 10, November 11, November 12, December 26.

Famous people named Anastasia

  • Anastasia Vertinskaya (actress)
  • Anastasia Liukin (gymnast)
  • Anastasia Ermakova (4-time Olympic champion in synchronized swimming)
  • Anastasia Volochkova (Russian ballerina)
  • Anastasia Romanovna (first wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible)
  • Anastasia Tsvetaeva (writer)
  • Anastasia Tatareva ((born 1997) Russian gymnast. At the 1st European Games in 2015, she twice took first place, has gold and silver medals at the World Championships of the same year.)
  • Anastasia Vyaltseva (Russian pop singer)
  • Anastasia Mintskovskaya, usually just Anastasia (Russian pop singer)
  • Nastya Poleva (Russian rock singer, soloist of the Nastya group)
  • Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (Honored Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter)
  • Enestecia (American pop singer)
  • Stacey Keenan (American film actress)

The name Anastasia, beloved by the Slavs, has a very unusual meaning: “resurrected”, “reborn” or “returned to life”, as well as “immortal”.

Name origin

Nastya is a very ancient name, originally from Greece in antiquity. It was there that parents often called the boys the nickname Anastas (the second option is Anastasius), later a female version appeared, which came down to contemporaries.

general characteristics

Nastasya is an impressionable, fragile and vulnerable girl. Little Nastenka loves fairy tales, so when choosing this name for your daughter, get ready: every evening you will have to read a story that is fascinating for the child, and possibly more than one.

Nastya's imagination is very well developed, she herself comes up with game scenarios in which other children participate with pleasure. The girl will find fun for herself, even when there are no friends around.

The fate itself tells the girl with the name of the main characters common in folk tales to be the most beautiful, smart and talented.

Positive character traits

By nature, Nastya is a kind person, incapable of lying and committing vile acts. Since childhood, she is sociable, has many friends. And in a preschool institution, and at school, she is reputed to be a universal favorite.

Nastasya is not deprived of her talents either. She cooks beautifully, she is unrivaled in needlework. Charismatic and creative, the girl will easily succeed in the creative profession. Learning acting, dancing, or other arts is given to a dreamy nature with ease.

Nasten will marry early, but young age will not interfere with family happiness. Such a wife will become a wonderful companion in life to her husband. She is not conflicted, copes well with household duties and is devoted to her chosen one.

Negative character traits

Anastasia is characterized by a sharp change in mood, she often enters a state of melancholy. In difficult life situations, when it is necessary to get together and show perseverance, Nastya often gives up. From excessive gullibility to people, she often gets burned, becoming a victim for insidious and prudent people. If in childhood Nastya was spoiled too much, she grows up lazy, capricious and uncollected. This characteristic is clearly not conducive to a successful career.

Zodiac sign

The positive characteristics of the name will be embodied in a girl born under the sign of Scorpio. The patron of a dreamy nature will be Pluto - the arbiter of destinies, which, like her name, symbolizes rebirth.

From jewelry Nastya should choose products with malachite, this mountain fossil will bring her good luck and sharpen her intuition.

Among the variety of colors of women's clothing, preference should be given to rich green, and preferably dark green. Anastasia will also wear a red dress (dress, blouse) with a blue stripe print. And the combination of dark pink with yellow-red shades will emphasize her youth and beauty of her face.


There are plenty of options for the affectionate form of the name for the universal favorite: Nastya, Nastenka, Nastusya, Nastena, Nastunya, Stasya.

Name Variations

In English, the name is read as Anesteysha, and in Russia, when the kings ruled, instead of the full word Anastasia, they named their daughters - Nastasya, Stacy, Stasya, Anastasia

Historical figures

    1530-1560 - Nastasya Romanovna, the first dear wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

Our days:

  • Anastasia - Vertinskaya (actress), Volochkova (ballerina), Zavorotnyuk (actress), Tsvetaeva (writer), Anastasia Nemolyaeva, Anastasia Stotskaya Ballet prodigy Anastasia Meskova;
  • Anastasia (American singer).

The meaning of the female name Anastasia. What suits the name Anastasia?

The name Anastasia is quite popular in our country. In almost all people, it is associated with a tender and fragile girl, and almost no one suspects that it is another form of the male name Anastas.

Perhaps that is why Anastasia's character almost always clearly manifests seemingly opposite character traits that make her a rather interesting and extraordinary person.

What does the name Anastasia mean according to the church calendar?

The meaning of the name Anastasia

As already mentioned at the very beginning of our article, the name Anastasia is nothing more than a derivative of the name Anastas, meaning resurrected, resurrected, coming back to life. In ancient times, this name was given to girls who had health problems from birth. Our ancestors believed that if God knew her under that name, she would be able to overcome all difficulties and live a happy and long life.

Saint patron named Anastasia

The patron saint of Anastasia, depending on the month of her birth, can be Anastasia the Destroyer, the Monk Martyr Anastasia of Rome, Righteous Anastasia. You can find out which of these Saints will protect you from all adversity in any temple, or you can find the necessary information in the Saints. In this church book, you can find the exact dates for the veneration of these women and it is on these days that you go to church and ask for blessings for yourself or the one who bears the name Anastasia.

The secret of the name Anastasia

The secret of the name Anastasia

Most sources associate the appearance of this name with the legend of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia. This woman lived in Ancient Rome, but at the same time she was very sympathetic to Christians. If she met a person of a different faith, she tried to help him in every possible way. Moreover, contrary to all prohibitions, she went to prisons for Christians and treated sick people.

After some time, the Roman emperor found out about her sympathy and ordered his soldiers to plant her in the basement. There she spent the rest of her life, and died without being born from torture and disease. Already after her death, people, remembering her spiritual kindness, canonized her as a saint and began to ask for healing from illnesses and for easy childbirth.

What nationality is the name Anastasia?

It is believed that the name Anastasia has Greek roots and, translated into Russian, means resurrecting. And more precisely, it is the female form of the male name Anastas, which translates as Sunday.

In ancient Greece, only men were called by this name, as it was believed that only a strong and courageous person was able to be reborn after his body and soul were wounded. Most often, they were called warriors who defended the territory belonging to Greece.

Name Anastasia, Nastya: popularity

Although modern parents prefer to call their children Diana, Liza or Alice, it is impossible to say that the name Anastasia is not very popular at the moment. If you look at the statistics, you can see that more and more people prefer old Russian names, which they most often associate with something kind and beautiful.

That is why the name Anastasia or Nastya has become increasingly common lately. And what is most interesting is that the trend towards the return of old names is most visible in big cities. But in towns and villages, people continue to call their children more exotic names.

Name Anastasia, Nastya in English, German in different languages

Such a familiar and beautiful name Anastasia (Nastya) sounds more exotic and original in other languages. In view of this, if you want your child to have a unique name, then name it in English, French or American manners.


  • English- Enestecia, Stacey
  • Deutsch- Stazi, Stasi
  • French- Anastasi, Nazi, Nadine
  • Spanish- Tacha, Tacho
  • Portuguese- Anashtasya, Nashtasinya, Nastasinya, Nana
  • Italian- Anastasia, Anastasio
  • Romanian- Anastasia, Nasta, Tesia, Nastasika
  • Greek- Anastasios, Tasia, Sula
  • Belorussian- Nastassia, Anastassia, Nasta, Nastsyuha
  • Polish- Nastusya, Anastasia, Nastka

How is the name Anastasia spelled in the passport?

Correct spelling of the name in the passport

According to generally accepted rules, all Russian names, when entered into a passport, are written in Latin transcription. This is done so that the name of a person can be easily read in any country in the world.

True, you should take into account that the Latin alphabet is slightly different from the Cyrillic alphabet that we are used to. as such letters I they do not, so the end of the name will consist of two characters IA. Russian name Anastasia in the passport will be written as Anastasia.

Anastasia: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Probably, you will agree that Anastasia sounds somehow too formal and strict. That is why affectionate forms of this word were invented, helping to call a person more warmly.

Abbreviated and affectionate forms of the name:

  • Anastasiyushka
  • Nastya
  • Nastya
  • Nastka
  • Nastyunya
  • Nastenka

Anastasia: the meaning of the name character and fate

Most often, Anastasia has a rather restrained character, although at the same time she can express her opinion rather violently. The main distinguishing feature of all Nasten is a highly developed intuition. On a subconscious level, they understand whether they should take on some business or better, in general, not to waste their time and effort on it. In addition, women and girls bearing this name are prone to adventurism. They can literally change their minds in a matter of minutes and do what no one expects from them.

But this does not mean that Anastasia is not able to finish what she started. If they are very interested in something, they will spend hours painstakingly doing one thing, and they will try to do everything as perfectly as possible. As practice shows, the fate of Anastasia is developing quite well. Thanks to their openness, perseverance and ability to work, they achieve a certain status in life and, as a rule, live in abundance.

Name Anastasia: sexuality, marriage

Anastasia: sexuality, marriage

At first glance, Anastasia seems to everyone to be a very modest and calm girl. But in fact, behind the external calm lies a real hurricane. Everything that concerns relationships with the opposite sex calls out a storm of different emotions from such ladies. They know how to conquer men, and they do it so unobtrusively that the representatives of the stronger sex do not even notice how they begin to fulfill all the whims of their chosen one.

But such hidden sexuality does not make the owners of this name fatal women who change men like gloves. If they choose a man, then they give themselves to him both in soul and body. As practice shows, Anastasia makes faithful and loving wives who know how to please a man.

Name Anastasia: health and psyche

As for health, Nastya has had problems with it since childhood. The weak point of the owner of this name is the throat, nose and ears. For this reason, she does not part with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, runny nose and sinusitis all year round. As a child, such excessive soreness prevents her from regularly attending kindergarten and school. But as soon as she crosses the teenage milestone, her health improves a little and she begins to lead a normal life.

Another weak point of such girls is the nervous system. As a rule, they are very phlegmatic, so the slightest stressful situation infuriates them. Most often, after this, they cannot suppress the feeling of anxiety for several days, which pushes them to do not quite the right things. But at a conscious age, they cope with this problem, and begin to react more calmly to stress and trouble.

What middle name suits the girl's name

In principle, Anastasia can wear any patronymic, but as practice shows, there are combinations that significantly enhance the energy of the owners of this name. For example, if a girl has a patronymic Vladimirovna, then confidence and assertiveness will be more clearly expressed in her character. If she has a patronymic Alexandrovna, then it will make her softer, more docile and friendly.

The following patronymics will strengthen the energy of the name:

  • Vasilevna
  • Valentinovna
  • Evgenievna
  • Dmitrievna
  • Stanislavovna
  • Romanovna

Anastasia: compatibility with male names

Compatibility with male names

If Anastasia wants to have a faithful and reliable companion near her, then she should take his choice as seriously as possible. Indeed, in this case, there are names that are better than others for the owners of this name. The most ideal couple for Nastya is Bogdan.

A man with that name has a similar energy, but unlike her, he knows how to keep everything under control and does not get upset if obstacles appear in his path. Most of all, the owners of this name are not suitable for Alexandra. Men bearing this name are very freedom-loving and prone to betrayal. And since Nastya does not accept such a relationship, such an alliance almost always breaks up.

Suitable names:

  • Dmitry
  • Andrei
  • Sergey
  • Alexei
  • Evgeny
  • Vladislav
  • Pavel
  • Vladimir

When is the name day, Anastasia's Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

As mentioned a little above, the name Anastasia was very popular in ancient times. That is why during the year the Holy women named by this name are revered quite a lot of times.


  • Winter Nastya- December 17 and 26, January 4
  • Spring Nastya- March 23, April 5 and 28, May 10 and 28
  • Summer Nastya- July 4 and 9, June 1 and 17, August 10
  • Autumn Nastya- November 11 and 12

Congratulations on Angel Day Anastasia

Congratulations #1

Congratulations #2

Congratulations #3

When choosing a congratulation for Nastya, remember that she has a very subtle and vulnerable nature, so you need to congratulate her with the sweetest, most beautiful-sounding words. If you try to make fun of her or add vulgar words to the congratulations, then with a high probability you can say that she will not like it.

Tattoo with the name Anastasia, Nastya

Tattoo Idea #1

Tattoo Idea #2

Tattoo Idea #3

The simplest tattoo for Anastasia is a beautifully applied name, for example, on her hand, made in letters with curls. Depending on the size, it can be placed either on the wrist or slightly higher, as long as it is done on the inside of the arm. In general, it is believed that such tattoos are best placed in such a way that they are not put on public display.

If you wish, you can supplement such an inscription with small butterflies, roses, peonies or stars. Such figures will divert attention to themselves, not allowing strangers to take away the positive energy of the name.

Pendant with the name Anastasia made of gold: photo

Pendant with the name Anastasia gold №1

Pendant with the name Anastasia made of gold №2

Pendant with the name Anastasia made of gold №3

As for personalized pendants, in this case it is best to give preference to simple, concise products of small or medium size. As practice shows, too massive pendants look alien on Anastasia and this makes them slightly vulgar. In the photos posted above, you can see examples of ideal gold jewelry suitable for Nastya.

Name Anastasia: intuition, intelligence, morality

As mentioned a little higher, the intuition of the owners of this name is very well developed. They always subtly feel when it is necessary to agree to this or that offer, and when it is better to wait for the next one. It is intuition that allows Anastasia to always be in the right places and avoid major troubles.

If we talk about morality, then these representatives of the fair sex are all right with her. They never allow themselves too much in public and try to behave correctly even when they want to do something bad. I would like to pay special attention to the intelligence of girls with that name.

From the outside it may seem that they are too slow and stupid. But most often it is this slowness that develops perseverance and the ability to analyze in them, which allows them to achieve good results in the scientific field.

Name Anastasia: hobbies, activities, business

Name Anastasia: hobbies

As a child, little Nastya cannot decide what she wants to do. For this reason, she can simultaneously take up dancing, needlework and cooking. But growing up, she is still determined and, as a rule, chooses hobbies of a calm nature, for example, she devotes a lot of time to reading poetry or tries to get to know the computer as thoroughly as possible.

Growing up, Anastasia become doctors, computer scientists, teachers or translators. Some owners of this name find it difficult to work within certain limits, so they decide to go into their own business, and most often they try to open their own food outlets or sew clothes to order.

True, it is impossible to say that they make good businessmen. Since they are not particularly attracted to wealth and money, they do not try to increase their finances and, as a result, after some time their small business inevitably ceases to exist.

What zodiac sign does the name Anastasia fit?

Compatibility with zodiac signs

As you know, the signs of the zodiac have a great influence on the fate of a person. It is they who show the positive and negative traits of the human character and guide our actions. The correct name can help to slightly correct the negative sides of the zodiac sign. Since it also carries encoded energy, it can quite gently nullify all unpleasant manifestations.

Anastasia is ideal for Aquarius and Sagittarius. As a rule, such a combination helps a person to endure all the blows of fate and confidently move towards his goal. Anastasia also goes well with Libra and Taurus. In this case, the union helps to better develop the intellect and move up the career ladder.

Stone talisman to the name Anastasia

Magic Malachite

Malachite is considered an ideal stone as a talisman for Nastya. If the fair sex, bearing this name, will carry it with her all the time, then she will be able to nullify all the negativity that surrounds her. It is believed that it is malachite that is able to remove energy plugs that prevent a person from interacting with the environment as correctly as possible.

True, you must remember that a talisman is not an easy decoration, so wearing it flaunting is undesirable. If you really want it to protect you, then hang it on a chain and wear it around your neck hiding under your clothes.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Anastasia

You probably already know that in addition to talisman stones, there are trees and plants that can help a person reduce the negative impact of the environment. The most suitable flower for Anastasia is a white or pink orchid.

If you put such a flower in the room where the owner of this name lives, then he will do everything so that problems and troubles bypass her. Jasmine has the same energy. If this tree-like bush grows near Nastya's dwelling, then she will feel its powerful protection even at a great distance from him.

Totem animal named Anastasia

Siamese cat

A totem animal, like other talismans, is able to absorb the negative that inevitably appears in the life of every person. Knowledgeable people claim that it is it that is able to ward off damage and the evil eye from its owner and restore peace to a person. If Anastasia wants her life to be more peaceful, she should get herself a purebred Siamese cat.

Numerology Of The Name Anastasia

The numerological number of this name is two. Since she is a peacemaker, people of this name almost always have a diplomatic character, which helps them find a common language with individuals who have a completely opposite character.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Anastasia Shcheglova

Video: ANASTASIA (NASTYA). Meaning Interpretation of the name

Nastenka, Nastya, Stasya.

Name Nastya in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 娜斯佳 (Nà sī jiā). Ukrainian: Nastya. Yiddish: נאַסטיאַ (nastia). English: Nastya (Nastya).

Origin and meaning of the name Nastya

Origin of the name Nastya The meaning of the name is Return to life.

The nature of the name

You can rightfully be called a charming personality, because you are an excellent friend, well-mannered, witty, kind, always ready to help and able to behave with dignity. Your talents and successes are admired by everyone.

You have an ebullient sexual and emotional energy, but you know how to perfectly control yourself. Therefore, you are not afraid of loneliness or asceticism. Such restraint of feelings often gives your character bizarre features.

You are very picky about your surroundings and choice of friends, often building a "wall" of alienation and secrecy around yourself until you are sure that there are no personalities that you don't like. However, when communicating with people close to you, you show all your natural charm and charm.

However, there is something of a "lone wolf" in you. This creates some difficulties for others in communicating with you - you seem to them somewhat alienated and detached from the "worldly fuss".


You are a closed person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one's own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the outside world.
Over time, this "shell" becomes thicker, and the opportunity to "go outside" becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the most durable shell may one day not withstand external pressure, burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intellect nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant they are, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of "interpenetration", without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a commodity that can be “sold”, but as a tool for teamwork. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot”, but the location of others is not a trifle.


From the owners of the name Nastya, as a rule, trendsetters for a narrow circle are obtained. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, representatives of which, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can "afford not to follow fashion." The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body looks on its own, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for a long time, each time appearing in a new guise, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Numerology Of The Name Nastya

Owners of the name number 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. "Sixes" value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and a good name are more valuable than momentary benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. "Sixes" do not differ in leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied "sixes", but for most of them the main guideline in life is the family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


The planet Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Colour: Fiery red, bloody, glandular.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lappish blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

The name Nastya as a phrase

N Our (Our, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
C Word
T Firmly
I (YA = A) Az

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Nastya

H - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
C - common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own way in life.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.
I am self-esteem, the desire to achieve respected and the love of the environment and the ability to receive them.

Have you decided to name your future daughter Anastasia? Do you know what the name Nastya means? We recommend reading it, we think you will find it very interesting.

With the advent of new life, they say, a star lights up in the sky. But every star in the sky needs to be given a name. Likewise, a new life, a new person who has come to this earth, must be given a name that designates something, carries something. And you need to approach the choice of a name very carefully and seriously, because this can affect the future of the child, his place in society and happiness.

Since ancient times, people have been named by their date of birth. The baby was born on the day of St. Paul - so they called him Pavlik. Today, this tradition is slowly fading into the past, and many parents begin to choose a name for their unborn child in advance, re-read a lot of literature, study horoscopes and forecasts. We want to simplify their task a little and in this article we will tell you what the name Nastya or Anastasia means.

What does this gentle name carry? Translated from ancient Greek, Anastasia means "resurrected." Girls with this name are very tender and vulnerable. They have an uncommon appearance.

As a child, Anastasia looks like a girl from a fairy tale. She is simple, sweet, which attracts the attention of others. All little Anastasias are dreamers and believe in good fairy tales with a bright ending, and therefore it is very easy to upset them with a bad word or news. They are very vulnerable and trusting. Their heart can be won with pity. Anastasia can easily burst into tears, her heart is easily hurt. But despite this, Anastasia is very cheerful. They enjoy every day and are ready to bring happiness to it.

Interesting to know: Anastasia's future husband can only be envied. You will not find a more faithful wife. She easily finds a common language with her husband's relatives and his mother, devotes herself entirely to children, and will never seek adventure on the side. In addition to her husband, children and relatives, there is no one for Anastasia. This fidelity, like an impenetrable wall, is inherent in all girls with this name.

What does the name Nastya mean for a girl? Anastasia's husband is usually a military man or just a very courageous man. Next to her loved one, she wants to feel like behind a stone wall. He must give her exquisite gifts, love, cherish, treat her like a crystal vase. In turn, all Anastasias have a delicate taste and are happy to make interesting gifts to their loved ones and close people.

But Anastasia's life is not always easy, rather, it does not look like a landing. If you do not overcome the next step, you will fall down. Therefore, one has to go one step after another, overcoming certain difficulties. But fortunately, such women know how to adapt to life circumstances.

The profession of a flight attendant, psychologist, nanny, teacher, doctor is perfect for Nastya. Despite their vulnerability, the girls who carry this name are very strong. They have analytical skills and are always ready to deal with a difficult situation.

It is interesting that the energy and meaning of the name Nastya manifests itself more strongly with age. As an adult, Anastasia must have a purpose. Without a purpose, she simply withers. Anastasia always looks to the future and firmly goes step by step.

Winter and autumn Nastyas are restrained, carry all emotions in themselves, smart, a little stingy. Spring Nastyas are very amorous, full of romance. Summer - sociable, more open, friendly. As for intuition, they have a deep, quiet intuition, which at different times can prompt them in solving certain life problems. But these girls tend to be very indecisive. Often, without having enough confidence, Anastasias miss important events in their lives. Just as quickly perceive information, Anastasia quickly take everything to heart. Their reaction speed is sometimes surprising, in principle, as is the reaction to accidentally thrown touchy words.