Kruglov Customs Committee. How the chief customs officer of the circles earned his millions


Customs officers love to tell each other jokes about their hard work. The last one is my favorite. Comes to Moscow on tour David Copperfield. A customs officer comes up to him: “A magician, you say you know how to fly ... Do you want me to show you a trick? You see, two wagons with aluminum? - He takes out invoices, puts a seal. “Now it’s two wagons with stew.”

From an analytical note on the subject of "methods of work of the State Customs Committee":

“During the period of active development of foreign trade, the activities of the State Customs Committee of Russia attracted particular interest of the criminal business. Knowing its "necessity", the State Customs Committee soon degraded to the level of the medieval system of "feeding from outside". The principle of operation of customs was primitively simple: what and to what extent really passed through the border, it does not matter, as long as the planned tasks were completed and the reporting was drawn up on time. Between stable groups in the customs sphere, spheres of influence are clearly divided, ensuring the regular flow of illegal income.

Surrounded by frames

In May 1998, the "active" customs officers suddenly had a serious problem. The post of chairman of the State Customs Committee was taken by Valery Draganov, who during all the years of his work at the State Customs Committee was, as it were, aloof from the stormy activities of his colleagues. As the saying goes, “I didn’t interfere, but I didn’t participate either.” Now, at the post of "owner of customs", Draganov suddenly began to "interfere". The unsociable behavior of the chairman provoked fierce resistance from the customs "cones" and brought them into an unspoken "anti-Draganov" coalition. Valery Gavrilovich feels that his "opponents" can go to any extreme, but at this stage he can do nothing.

Judging by the fact that the house where the Draganov family lives is carefully guarded by mobile squads and technical means, up to and including radio intelligence, Draganov's life is in serious danger. According to the chairman of the State Customs Committee, they have already tried to "get" his eldest son - by compromising evidence and influencing the student environment (he is a student at the Law Academy). “Alas, today the chairman of the State Customs Committee is valued at many millions of dollars,” said Valery Gavrilovich in an interview. - Hands fall from the realization of this fact. You ask: how is this possible in our country? I have and do not have an answer to this question. How to avoid this, I don't know. Do they respect me in a criminal environment? I use not only official information, but also data “from the other side” and therefore I know for sure that they respect me. Then: who does it? I know who does it..."

So far, only light hints are given to the boss in the form of an old tried and tested method - sabotage. So, in a conversation recorded by the operational units of the State Customs Committee, a conversation between one of the deputy chairmen of the committee and the head of a large foreign trade company, the customs head advises the businessman to delay deliveries until September, assuring him that by that time “everything will return to the previous one” - that is, it will be possible to import goods, evading payment customs duties. The main thing in the "customs" business is to warn in time. Isn’t it for this reason that on the eve of the August crisis at the customs “Terminal on Dobrolyubovsky” (constituent documents were issued to the wife of the deputy chairman of the State Customs Committee V. Shpagin), the flow of goods dropped sharply - no more than ten trucks went through “customs clearance” on the day, although usually the terminal “named after Deputy Chairman Shpagin "passed up to two hundred trucks with goods daily.

And the high-profile story with the arrest of the circulation of Russian publications printed abroad! As soon as Draganov went on a business trip to Africa, two of his deputies accused publishers, previously exempted from VAT by presidential decree, of evading value added tax. A scandal erupted. Draganov urgently returned to Moscow, where Yeltsin gave him a "puzzle". The arrest was lifted. And Draganov took advantage of the moment - Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee Kruglikov lost his lucrative chair. But the rest of the activists of the "anti-Draganov" coalition escaped with a slight fright.

Kruglov family business

Until June 1998, the State Customs Committee was headed by Anatoly Sergeevich Kruglov - a person completely "open" to law enforcement agencies. During the six years of his leadership, Mr. Kruglov became so convinced of his impunity that he managed, with an average salary of five million non-denominated rubles, to purchase and register ten very solid cars for his family members.

According to the traffic police, these are two BMW-325s, a Mitsubishi Pajero jeep, a Volvo-360, an Audi-100, a Mercedes-420, a Mercedes-300 and others. The total cost of the family fleet is almost a third of a million US dollars. Not bad.

In addition to a luxurious apartment in the same house as Chubais, Mr. Kruglov has a dacha - a modest house in the village of Svistukha-2, Dmitrovsky District, Moscow Region, on an area of ​​​​one hectare, which, according to experts, costs about two million dollars.

Where does such abundance come from with a very modest salary? The answer is simple. The fact is that eight companies are registered for the children of Anatoly Sergeyevich, which are a rather serious organization.

So, Margarita Anatolyevna Nerodnenkova-Kruglova is the founder and head of Grand-Service CJSC, Sikarb LLP and Kerlis LLC. Her husband and, accordingly, Kruglov's son-in-law Andrey Nerodnenkov heads LLC "Groun-Holding", CJSC "Manservis" and LLC "Egrid". In addition, Margarita and Anatoly, together with Kruglov's second daughter Anna, created CJSC Granit-12 and CJSC Soyuzvneshbrokservis. These firms are engaged in ... customs work. In other words, they clear the goods and draw up documents.

Idyllic family run. The father manages the Russian customs, and the children provide customs services to businessmen. By the way, Andrei Nerodnenkov and his colleagues are witnesses in three criminal cases on the smuggling of valuables worth $50 million through customs (copies of the cases are available at the editorial office).

Ask why we are talking about a man who was fired from a high government post five months ago?! Yes, because the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation has not yet conducted a final check of the legality of the actions of Mr. Kruglov and members of his family.


Our next "hero" is Vladimir Ivanovich Meshcheryakov, Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation. You can write a detective novel about him, but we will focus only on the most interesting moments.

On September 7, 1995, Meshcheryakov "accidentally" went into a certain firm "Naftam" and bought, on occasion, a three-room apartment at the address: Moscow, st. Malaya Tulskaya, 2/1, building 2. At the same time, according to the purchase agreement, he immediately paid 741,673,200 (seven hundred forty-one million six hundred seventy-three thousand two hundred) rubles, which at the then exchange rate was equivalent to 170 thousand US dollars .

As representatives of Vladimir Ivanovich informed us, “housing at the address of st. M. Tulskaya, 2/1, building 2 "he received from the State Customs Committee. But the documents say otherwise.

The contract for the purchase of an apartment was by no means drawn up with the State Customs Committee, but directly with a private individual "... citizen Vladimir Ivanovich Meshcheryakov, passport XVIII-MJ No. 623848." Further, the contract states: “...4. The "Seller" sells the above apartment to the "Buyer" for 741,673,200 rubles, which amount the "Buyer" pays when signing this agreement." And below is the handwritten signature of Mr. Meshcheryakov, and even certified by a notary. That is, there is no smell of any customs committee!

The question arose: what does Naftam JSC, which sold the apartment to the Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee, do? It turned out that the main specialization of Naftam is not housing, but trade with neighboring countries. And it was then that we "quite by chance" remembered that Vladimir Meshcheryakov oversees the customs benefits for cargo from the former Soviet republics at the State Customs Committee. Or just a coincidence?

In the process of studying the activities of Vladimir Ivanovich Meshcheryakov, we found several documents signed by him.

“Document No. 1” reports that a certain company “Had-Soft” is exempt from value added tax (VAT), importing bottles for baby food with nipples to Russia in the amount of 57,880 US dollars. Such colorful bottles are sold in commercial baby stores and pharmacies at very high prices. Meshcheryakov allows Hud-Soft not to pay tax, since "bottles with nipples" are "medical equipment, raw materials and components for its production."

"Document No. 2" is a permit order No. 01-45 / 14771, which provides VAT exemptions for goods imported by Genesis Ent., which it plans to contribute to the authorized capital of a certain limited liability company "Afina ltd." in the amount of... ONE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND US DOLLARS. For this considerable amount, more than three hundred sets of office tables and chairs were imported tax-free, in which Afina LLC allegedly really needs.

The good Mr. Meshcheryakov "entered" the situation and exempted "Athena" from the value added tax, which could amount to about 300 thousand US dollars.

Unfortunately, Meshcheryakov and Kruglov are not alone. At the beginning of October 1998, we received an anonymous letter from an employee of the State Customs Committee. The author named, from his point of view, the names of the corrupt top leaders of the customs committee: “... head of the Indirect Taxation Department K.A. Kovalchuk, deputy chairmen I.A. Mezhakov, G.M. Anufriev, head of the surveillance service of the State Customs Committee S. A. Seliverstov ... ".

Anonymous, of course. But why not check it out. And we turned to competent persons in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Prosecutor General's Office. We have been informed.

The Moscow transport prosecutor's office is now investigating a criminal case on the fact of the disappearance of a large number of excise stamps. All issues related to excise stamps are under the jurisdiction of the head of the UKN State Customs Committee K.A. Kovalchuk.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is now preparing operational measures to illegally receive money from participants in foreign economic activity at the Jutland customs terminal. In the developments, the name of the Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee I.A. Mezhakov.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the structures headed by the Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee G.M. Anufriev, the squandering of financial resources on an especially large scale was allowed. More than 16 million US dollars are mentioned.

The General Prosecutor's Office is engaged in the head of the external surveillance service of the State Customs Committee S.A. Seliverstov in connection with the case of the murder of Dmitry Kholodov, as well as in the case of the explosion of the car of the former Deputy Minister of Finance Vavilov, whom Seliverstov, for unknown reasons, established surveillance.

On October 16, Interfax reported that Militia Major General (!!!) Mikhail Yegorov had been appointed First Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee. According to Interfax, Yegorov is "Berezovsky's man" and is ready to take Draganov's place at any moment. There is one interesting moment in the biography of Mr. Yegorov. It turns out that the respected Major General was once removed from the post of First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in connection with the “wrong” leadership of the headquarters for the release of hostages taken by Chechen terrorists in Budennovsk.

How long the chairman of the State Customs Committee Valery Draganov will have to clean the Augean stables of the Russian customs, only the Lord God and President Yeltsin know. Most likely, Valery Gavrilovich will be "eaten". With appetite and alive. Undercover fighting has become a normal phenomenon for Russian ministries and departments. There are countless examples of this. And the general public is offered to study the erotic adventures of the American president and not ask too many questions.


The British court again reveals the secrets of Russia in the 90s. But this time they do not concern the oligarchs, but the highest Russian officials. During the proceedings in the High Court of London, with the participation of the former head of the State Customs Committee of Russia, Anatoly Kruglov, it became known about his multi-million dollar fortune.

At the same time, the court decision refers to the dubious sources of this wealth. About how customs worked in the 90s, our economic observer Lev Parkhomenko.

Parkhomenko: The dispute, during which interesting facts from the biography of Anatoly Kruglov were revealed, concerned a loan of 37.5 million dollars. This money belonged to the former head of Russian customs. He transferred them to the management of an investment banker, who issued a loan from them to the well-known businessman Shalva Chigirinsky. Anatoly Kruglov is now trying to recover these 37.5 million dollars from Chigirinsky. English judge Peter Roth took the side of the former Russian customs officer, but in the text of his decision he mentioned the dubious origin of his fortune. This is what the statement says: “He was able to use his position during the collapse of the Soviet Union to profit from the reorganization of customs, both through his family members who controlled the operation of customs terminals, and by providing consulting services for companies that tried to cope with rapidly changing conditions. During the interrogation about the origin of his money, there was a clear hint that he did not receive this money quite honestly.

Anatoly Kruglov began his service in the Soviet customs in the early 70s and by the 90s he had risen to the rank of head of customs at Sheremetyevo Airport, then the main air gate of the Soviet Union. At the same time, he actually entered the federal level: in 1992, he founded and headed the State Customs Committee. The first customs in the new Russia was actually an independent body, its head was directly appointed by the president. Kruglov was at the head of the Customs Committee until 1998. All this time, Valery Draganov was his deputy and main opponent within the department. He also headed the committee after the resignation of Kruglov. Here is what Draganov tells about some of the methods of customs work in those years.

Draganov A: This is a game on the customs value, a very wide corridor within the collection of customs duties and taxes, this indication is not in its name, false declarations, double declarations, forgeries. It was all covered up, under a roof. For them, the unwritten laws were higher than the written ones. I guess it is, I know a lot, naturally.

Valery Draganov can be suspected of some bias towards his former boss, given their hardware confrontation. However, a negative assessment of the work of customs is also given by those who have come across it in the course of their business. The founder of Rolf, one of the largest car dealers in Russia, Sergey Petrov says that relations with officials in those years were so difficult that he preferred to delegate communication with them to his subordinates.

Petrov: Unfortunately, I have a very bad attitude towards all this bureaucratic brethren. I don’t know how to talk to them, a kind of contempt for them immediately shines through in my eyes. I used to send one of my employees to talk to them. I tried not to get involved directly in this matter. Any state institution is problematic, it only does what creates problems.

There were, in a sense, positive aspects in the methods of work of the Russian customs in the 1990s. Thanks to her, the development of the confectionery industry in Russia received a powerful impetus.

Andrey Korkunov, businessman: I was asked such a question why I decided to build a factory in Russia, and not to carry confectionery from abroad. Because the customs got me, they caught me all the time. All this service, which was headed by Mr. Kruglov, exhausted all my nerves. Moreover, I drove honestly, and they told me, you can’t declare it, nuts should cost 2 dollars. I say they cost six. "And we have two of them." Therefore, the creation of all the firms that were around them brought them, probably, big dividends. Thank you very much to Mr. Kruglov for building a factory and becoming a famous businessman.

The High Court of London has confirmed that Anatoly Kruglov, the former head of the Russian Customs Committee, has $37.5 million. However, what is the actual size of his fortune, we are unlikely to know. The statute of limitations on possible facts of customs abuses has long passed, and besides, today the Russian law enforcement system has much more hot topics, for example, the Ministry of Defense.

Kruglov, Anatoly Sergeevich

President of the National Association of Customs Brokers since October 1999; former chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation (1992-1998), acting state adviser to the customs service of the Russian Federation; was born on March 25, 1951 in the village of Ulyanki, Moscow Region; graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute; 1973-1984 - Inspector, Senior Inspector, Head of Department, Deputy Head of Customs at Sheremetyevo International Airport, Moscow; 1984-1987 head of customs at Chkalovsky airport (Moscow region); 1987-1990 - Head of Department, Deputy Head of Department of the Main Directorate of the State Customs Control under the Council of Ministers of the USSR; 1990-1991 - head of customs at Sheremetyevo International Airport; has been a member of the Commission of the Russian Federation on the International Civil Aviation Organization since 1992, the Interdepartmental Commission on Children's and Special Nutrition since 1993, the Government Commission of the Russian Federation on Cooperation with International Financial Organizations and Technical Assistance since 1993, the Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation on Operational Issues (1994-1996), Commission on Highest Military Positions, Highest Military and Highest Special Ranks of the Council on Personnel Policy under the President of the Russian Federation since 1994, Interdepartmental Commission for the Development of Cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Region since 1994, Governmental Commission on financial and monetary policy since 1994, Temporary Extraordinary Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for strengthening tax and budgetary discipline since 1996, member of the Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation on operational issues since 1997; since 1995 he headed the Council of Heads of Customs Services of the CIS countries; in July 1996 he received gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation as an active participant in the organization and conduct of the election campaign of B. Yeltsin; awarded the Order of Honor; married, has two daughters; enjoys skiing.

Big biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .

See what "Kruglov, Anatoly Sergeevich" is in other dictionaries:

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Kulikov. Anatoly Sergeevich Kulikov ... Wikipedia

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Dmitry Dmitrienko

Information that Anatoly Kruglov, who founded and headed in 1992-1998. The State Customs Committee of Russia, which owns a fortune of several tens of millions of dollars, distributed among several offshore companies, became public during a trial in the High Court of London at the suit of the former official himself. In a London court, he demanded from the structures of a businessman Shalva Chigirinsky return of more than $ 37.5 million, issued without his knowledge by a trusted banker, and a villa bought on them on the Cote d'Azur of France. Although Kruglov's answers to questions about the origin of money did not fully satisfy Judge Peter Roth, he satisfied the claim of the former official against the bankrupt businessman.

According to a court decision issued on Tuesday, the translation of which is quoted by Interfax, Kruglov made his fortune by managing to “use his position during the collapse of the USSR to profit from the reorganization of the customs administration, both through family members who operated private customs terminals, and through providing advisory services to companies in a rapidly changing environment.” During cross-examination, there was a "clear hint" that the legality of the origin of the Kruglov family's funds was doubtful, and this caused indignation of the ex-head of the State Customs Committee, the judge writes. His answers to questions on this topic, however, did not seem quite frank to the judge, the document says.

It states that shortly after his resignation - in 1999 - Kruglov turned to the banker Urs Hoehner, who then headed the Moscow office of the British bank HSBC, with a request to help him "without attracting attention" to invest his family's money abroad. Hoener advised Kruglov to register several funds in Liechtenstein, a little more than $31 million was credited to their accounts, and Hoehner received all the authority to invest them.

As it turned out, Hener was a banker not only for Kruglov, but also for Chigirinsky. The latter approached Hoehner in 2001 with a request to arrange funding for Purchase of Villa Maria Irina on the Azure Coast. And the banker gave him a loan in the amount of $ 13 million at 10% per annum from the Kruglov family for these purposes. The villa was purchased by Delaware-registered Tatik, whose shares served as collateral for the loan. In 2002-2008 Hener gave Chigirinsky several more loans from Kruglov's money, as a result of which the businessman's total debt to the funds of the former official grew to more than $40 million. At the same time, Kuglov knew nothing about the identity of the borrower, since he was not interested in the details of the investment process, paying attention only income. It follows from Kruglov's testimony that if he had known who the family money was being lent to, he would not have approved these transactions. “We [Chigirinsky] are people made of different dough,” the judge quotes the former official's response to a request to argue this position.

During the crisis of 2008, Chigirinsky's financial position worsened, primarily due to a drop in the capitalization of Sibir Energy, whose shares he pledged as collateral for loans. In 2009, Sibir Energy started legal proceedings against Chigirinsky on charges of illegal withdrawal from the company, of which he was a major shareholder, about $400 million. Hener, who was on the board of directors of Sibir, could also become a defendant, but entered into a pre-trial agreement with the company. In exchange for a waiver of claims, he, in particular, agreed to provide Sibir, which was trying to return the withdrawn money, the necessary information and documents. In January 2010, Sibir entered into an agreement with Chigirinsky, one of the points of which was the sale of a French villa by Tatik, a businessman's company, for 70 million euros (the deal was closed in the spring of that year).

Shortly before this, Hener's wife informed Kruglov about the proceedings between Sibir and Chigirinsky and advised, using her connections, to put pressure on the company so that information about him as an offshore beneficiary did not surface during the process. Kruglov asked his friend (in the court materials he is referred to as "Mr. Motylev"; perhaps we are talking about Anatoly Motylev, the former owner of Globex Bank, whose board of directors at one time included Kruglov, Interfax suggests) to help sort out the situation . In early 2010, Kruglov and Motylev met with Hoehner in Zurich. Realizing that the loan issued from his money is now virtually unsecured, Kruglov deprived the banker of the right to sign in all his companies.

In the lawsuit, Kruglov's offshore companies demanded 37.5 million euros from Chigirinsky's Tatik company, plus interest at a rate of 15% per annum. The plaintiffs also asked the court to order Maritime Villa (the company that acted as the buyer of the villa under the settlement agreement between Chigirinsky and Sibir) to return the property to Tatik. The judge made an ambiguous decision: on the one hand, he rejected the demand to cancel the sale of the villa to Maritime, on the other hand, he considered that the object should be pledged to Kruglov's companies. At the same time, the judge recognized all the requirements of Kruglov's offshore companies as justified.

Credit history of Kruglov and Chigirinsky

The original of this material
© "RAPSI", 05.12.2012, The London court left the former villa of Chigirinsky to the "daughter" of Sibir Energy

[...] The lawsuit was filed by Cyprus-registered companies Derbent Management Ltd (Derbent) and Slocom Trading Inc. (Slocom) ex-Chairman of the State Customs Commission of Russia Anatoly Kruglov and his business partner, Swiss citizen Ursu Hener. It follows from the case file that Hener, who previously headed the Moscow branch of the HSBC bank, disposed of the assets of the Kruglov family, investing in various projects. Initially, he helped Kruglov open several funds in Liechtenstein, and then transfer funds to Cypriot offshores. [...]

Vasily Levin

[…] The history of the villa, standing on a picturesque cliff top at the very border of France and Monaco, chills the blood and excites at the same time. In the 70s of the last century, French President Valerie Giscard d'Estaing presented it to the Emperor of the Central African Republic, Bokassa I. The dictator arranged orgies in the villa, and after each lady gave a diamond. At dinner parties and dinners, which the African liked to arrange for the beau monde vacationing on the Cote d'Azur, meat of an unusual sweetish taste was served at times. Later, when Bokassa was overthrown, kidneys, liver and cuttings from his political opponents were found in the refrigerators of the residence.



The first head of Russian customs Kruglov turned out to be a multimillionaire

The first head of the State Customs Committee of Russia, Anatoly Kruglov, has the right to demand the return of 37.5 million dollars from the structures of businessman Shalva Chigirinsky. The decision in favor of Anatoly Kruglov was taken by the High Court of London.

As it turned out during the proceedings, Kruglov, who headed the Russian customs from 1992 to 1998, is a dollar multimillionaire and the owner of several offshore companies.

According to a court decision issued on Tuesday, quoted by Interfax, Kruglov made his fortune by being able to “use his position during the collapse of the USSR to profit from the reorganization of the customs administration, both through family members who operated private customs terminals, and by providing advisory services to companies in a rapidly changing environment.”

What is customs

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the post of head of the State Customs Committee. Firstly, the Customs Committee, which by its administrative status falls short of a run-down ministry, actually stands apart in the structure of the government. For a long time, he generally had an indirect relationship with the government. For example, long-lived customs Anatoly Kruglov, who headed the State Customs Committee from the end of 1992 to May 1998, was supervised not so much by Viktor Chernomyrdin as by the leaders of the Yeltsin administration.

Customs was then considered the presidential "patrimony". So the “defamatory ties” with Roman Abramovich and Alexander Mamut, for which Vanin is now not very favored in the Kremlin, are a tribute to the customs of the Yeltsin era. After all, once the mentioned entrepreneurs really stood close enough to the leaders of the state.
link: 10223.htm

Suspicious cards

As it became known to Vedomosti, the Prosecutor General's Office considered illegal the order of the State Customs Committee on payment of customs duties through microprocessor cards. Thus, the project "Customs Card", launched at the beginning of the year by the former head of the State Customs Committee Anatoly Kruglov and Rosbank, was in jeopardy.

Birthday Customs

In October 1993, the first multilateral checkpoint built at the level of Western European standards began to operate on the western section of the state border of the Russian Federation. The Ivangorod checkpoint was opened by Anatoly Kruglov, chairman of the State Customs Committee of Russia, and Sergey Rusak, head of the Kingisepp customs.
link: php

Customs summed up the year.

The STATE Customs Committee (SCC) of the Russian Federation in 1997 exceeded the annual target for the formation of the revenue side of the federal budget by 13
trillion rub. In total, 66.5 trillion were transferred to the treasury. rub. This was announced last week by the chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation Anatoly Kruglov.

iron broom

However, the old-timers of the State Customs Committee say that Draganov was never in honor of his immediate boss Anatoly Kruglov, he was not allowed to do big things.

Imports fall, budget revenues rise

As yesterday's press conference showed, despite the government's increased attention to the activities of the State Customs Committee (SCC), criticism from the Cheka, personnel changes in the committee, and the appointment of Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Kulikov as the curator of the State Customs Committee, the chairman of the State Customs Committee, Anatoly Kruglov, of self-confidence does not lose. In a conversation with journalists, he spoke more about the successes of the customs than about problems and shortcomings. Customs officers once again overfulfilled the planned task of the government to transfer customs payments to the budget. According to the results of the first quarter, the plan was fulfilled by 108.7% - the budget received 13.9 trillion rubles from the customs authorities.
link: 176031/print

Warehouse licenses will be issued in a new way. The State Customs Committee for the first time delegated part of its powers to a self-regulatory organization

However, as Anatoly Kruglov, president of NATB, former chairman of the Customs Committee, told Vedomosti, the owners of temporary storage warehouses have nothing to fear. “All industries have their own public organizations that determine the order of doing business in their sector,” says Kruglov. He notes that the association's services are free for warehouse owners, and claims that the State Customs Committee's order on a new licensing procedure will appear in the very near future.
link: php?id=2426&table=bmV3c19nbGF2

Press conference of the customs committee

The press conference was opened by Anatoly Kruglov, chairman of the Russian Customs Committee, who said that the adoption of the code marks a turning point in the radical reform of the Russian customs system. According to him, now the relationship between the state and entrepreneurs engaged in foreign trade operations will be built on new principles. At the same time, the state refuses unnecessary interference in economic activity, and entrepreneurs receive complete freedom of action.

Customs masters WTO rules

The AGREEMENT on cooperation was signed on November 17 by the head of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) Alexander Zherikhov and the president of the National Association of Customs Brokers (NATB) Anatoly Kruglov during the First All-Russian Conference of Customs Brokers in Moscow. As Alexander Zherikhov stated, “making business in Russia civilized, transparent, predictable is the most important task, but the FCS team cannot solve it alone, and therefore we rely on loyal and highly professional allies - customs brokers.”
link: asp?id=49341&full_mode=1

The Federal Customs Service of Russia and the National Association of Customs Brokers signed an agreement

On November 17, 2005, the first All-Russian Conference of Customs Brokers began in Moscow, organized by the National Association of Customs Brokers (Attorneys) (NATB) with the assistance of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. During the conference, the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Alexander Zherikhov, and the president of NATB, Anatoly Kruglov, signed a Cooperation Agreement.
link: php

Contact only registered customs brokers

“A customs broker is a legal entity with its own reporting and balance sheet. This structure is completely transparent, - says the head of NATB Anatoly Kruglov. - Unfair competition to him now is a specialist in customs clearance, who acts by proxy of a foreign economic activity participant.
link: taxes/23805876.html

Customs and Chamber of Commerce want to create a council

The State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) applied to the Government of the Russian Federation with the initiative to create a Council on Customs and Tariff Policy. This was announced by the President of the National Association of Customs Brokers (NATB) Anatoly Kruglov. He noted that the customs tariff policy should be formed by the state. Today, according to him, the main thing is to define the concept of customs and tariff policy for the near future. NATB General Director Igor Konkov noted that today customs brokers provide up to 30 percent of customs payments. The volume of payments transferred to the federal budget through customs brokers increased from 17 to 30 percent.