Where is the Lyubertsy authority Lazarev Sergey Alekseevich buried. Lyubertsy organized criminal group made its move: Yukhnov is under investigation, and Golovkin submits a resignation report

In Lyubertsy they called him Papa... Kindly, respectfully, without any hint of something criminal.
The unthinkable happened yesterday. Former physical education teacher, and now the director of the famous "Gagarin" lyceum, honored teacher of the Russian Federation, deputy of the district council and corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences, 62-year-old Vladimir Menis was shot at close range right on the threshold of his native lyceum. Several more people were injured.
Correspondents "MK" immediately went to the scene.
Execution From above, Yuri Gagarin looked wistfully at the bustle of the people. The Moscow region police cordoned off all the entrances to the lyceum on Oktyabrsky Prospekt so tightly that the famous monument standing at the entrance, for the first time, probably in its entire history, was completely alone.
The tragedy happened in the morning. At about 7.40-7.50 Vladimir Menis drove his black General Motors jeep into the backyard of the Lyceum (he was driving). There is a small parking lot for the cars of the lyceum employees and customers of the auto repair shop located on its territory. Valentin Kotlyarov, his deputy for economic affairs, walked towards the director. They said hello. Kotlyarov arrived at the Lyceum early in the morning. The heating was turned off the day before, it got cold outside, and the business executive decided to check the pressure in the basement.
- Why are you so early, Vadim Grigorievich? he asked Menis
- Yes, I always come like this, - the director answered. And Kotlyarov went to the basement to check the pressure.
Suddenly he heard shots and a scream. There were 4 or 5 shots.
- I immediately back - says Kotlyarov. - I run out, and they are already there, all three of them. In addition to the director of the lyceum, driver-mechanic Vladimir Lavrenkov and plumber Alexander Egorov suffered. Alexander's bullet touched on a tangent. But Lavrenkov, as they say, he himself rushed to the killer, who threw him to the ground and shot him. It was already 7.55 - I remember the time.
The lyceum employees were at first in the security booth.
The killer entered the yard from Oktyabrsky Prospekt. They saw him: one guy was warming up the car at that time, and when the shooting started, he hid behind it. He is now giving evidence to the police and describes the criminal as a man of short stature, about 30 years old.

Shooting was carried out from the PM. Menis got 3 bullets, including a control one, in the head. Driver Lavrenkov and plumber Egorov (he was just about to go to the director's office to feed his animals - a boa constrictor, an iguana, two falcons and a South African toad) jumped out of the booth at the shots and immediately received a gunshot wound to the stomach. Both of them are hospitalized. Lyceum Yesterday in the professional lyceum №10 named after. Gagarin canceled classes. Shocked by what had happened, the teachers were unable to work. The children were crying.
Friends called Vladimir Grigoryevich Menis Vadim. Mom called him diminutively Vadichka - that's why such an unusual abbreviation of the name. Menis became the director of the school in 1985. “Gagra” - this is how all Lyubertsy call professional lyceum No. 10 - they are famous primarily for their graduates.
In 1951 Gagarin graduated from the then vocational school, after whom the lyceum now bears his name. Later - the famous jock, crime boss Sergei Zaitsev and the leader of the Lube group Nikolai Rastorguev. Many believed that for this “stardom” the director Menis was showered from the sky with a golden rain. In fact, during his long years in the Communist Party, he received several - including severe - reprimands. And above all - for their pedagogical innovations. For example, the last reprimand was slapped for the “Academy of the Spirituality of Working Professions” created at the vocational school. “It smells like Zagorsk!” - were indignant in the regional committee of the CPSU. “I'm sorry, but I'm a Jew and I can't smell Zagorsk,” the director replied.
At one time, the premises of the school were rented out as a car dealership. He burned out. But a decent auto repair shop remained, where the lyceum students did their practice.
Classes at the lyceum start at 9 am, but the students are going to line up by 8.45. Truancy is punished with “occupational therapy”: for example, they are required to wash the floors or remove the leaves in the yard. Therefore, the guys almost never skip.
Everyone loved the directors, everyone respected them. Menis regularly attended the weddings of his alumni. He could easily come to the lesson and kiss the birthday girl on the cheek. The students behind his back called him Chef. Menis was a friend of the former mayor of Lyubertsy, Yuri Kozlov, but managed to find a common language with the current head of administration, Igor Akkuratov. Menis has a certificate of honorary citizen of Lyubertsy No. 6. (Certificate number 1 is kept in the Gagarin family.)
On July 21, Vladimir Grigorievich turned 62. In total, Menis, a former athlete, master of sports in volleyball, an international referee, worked in the education system for 43 years.
The Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region is shocked by what happened.
- He was one of the best directors of the Moscow region, - said the press secretary of the minister Andrei Finogenov to MK. - Back in 1991, Menis was awarded the title of Honored Teacher of Vocational Education of the RSFSR. And last year, he was the recipient of the Governor's Award for Educators. He also teaches "difficult children" who are expelled from ordinary schools.
Twice a month, Vladimir Grigorievich gathered pensioners in the dining room of the lyceum, celebrated their birthdays together. They even arranged concerts for them.
In the house next to the lyceum, the entire entrance was poured onto the stairs. Grandmothers cried, said that they knew the director, loved him very much and voted for him in the elections. Menis has a daughter, Margarita, who just the day before, on October 9, turned 27 years old. Margarita graduated from the University of Management. The eldest son lives in Israel. Versions Well, why can you kill the director of an ordinary - albeit famous - lyceum, the recent SGPTU? A person who was known and loved in Lyubertsy by literally everyone, even crime bosses? After all, for Menis they were just students! A few years ago, the director was reproached for taking part in the funeral of the local criminal leader Zaits (Vladimir Zaitsev in the world) (even being summoned to the Prosecutor General's Office). And they came across a harsh rebuke: "He was my student."
Indeed, he treated all his former students as if they were his own children. It is no coincidence that he was jokingly called Pope and Luber No. 1. The old director did not take part in any criminal showdowns. He was first and foremost a teacher and always remembered that.
And yet the murder happened. On the central avenue of the city, with witnesses. So, there must be very good reasons for this. Let's try to consider possible versions.
First - household. In recent years, the lyceum has become an elite, prestigious one, and it cannot be ruled out that someone's father or the negligent offspring himself, who studied at the top ten, took offense at the director for some reason. So much so that I “ordered” it.
Family business. The fact is that Vladimir Menis himself and his son are the founders of several companies. Including construction and related to the repair of machines and the construction of roads. This type of business today remains one of the most criminal and dangerous. It is possible that in this way they decided to remove a rather tough and confident competitor (or “warn” his son).
Another reason for the murder could be a car service located on the territory of the lyceum. In addition to permanent service workers, lyceum students also worked in it. It is unlikely, of course, that it could be one of the dissatisfied customers of the service, but here is the applicant or potential buyer ...
But other versions look the most real.
A commercial. According to the police, Vladimir Menis was a co-founder of the Lyubertsy market. This is more than a tasty morsel. It is known that Menis was also a co-owner of a number of city parking lots and a car service. In addition, he owned a large stake in the plant. Ukhtomsky.
On September 25, in the center of Lyubertsy, a certain Vladimir Kuzin was killed late in the evening, whom the operatives considered to be “watching from thieves” outside the city. They killed him in the classic gangster way. His "BMW" blocked the road "seven", and from the "Zhiguli" of the eighth model standing nearby, fire was opened from AKM. A whole horn was fired at the passengers of the BMW. Kuzin died on the spot. Typically, such killings serve as a signal for the division of territory and business. Some of our experts directly link this to Menis' murder.
And finally political version. At the beginning of next year, regular local elections of deputies should be held in Lyubertsy. Menis was already a member of the Lyubertsy District Council and was going to run for a second term. His authority was so great that there was no doubt about his victory. Perhaps his candidacy did not suit someone very much ...
Two facts point to the fact that a professional worked. First, the impudence and cold calculation of the killer: the choice of a crowded place and the surprise factor. As well as the choice of weapons - a classic for a killer: a PM pistol with a silencer. Even the staff of the lyceum did not stop the killer. He wounded both and quietly disappeared, sowing panic among bystanders.
Some observers also mention that Vladimir Menis was a member of the expert advisory council under the chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. But this is more of a nominal position, which decides little.
In Lyubertsy - shock. To whom such an authoritative person crossed the road, we tried to find out from several well-known and significant people in the city, who asked not to mention their names and surnames. They believe that the murder is connected with the professional activities of Menis. He had no obvious enemies, but he often expressed his point of view on a number of issues, which did not please certain people. For example, the deputy of the Lyubertsy City Council Menis actively advocated the preservation of the integrity of the district. He was a fierce opponent of the transfer of the district's land to the separated city of Dzerzhinsky. Governor Boris Gromov took control of the investigation into the murder of Vadim Menis.

In the late 80s in Russia there was a change of formations in the criminal world. The traditional "thieves" were replaced by a new generation of bandits who did not obey the laws of thieves, had no prison experience, many were former athletes or "Afghans". There were especially many such groups in the Moscow region.

One of the largest, most famous and influential Russian criminal groups of the 1990s is the Lyubertsy OPG. According to some reports, the organized crime group included 18 small brigades.

Group history

Like most domestic criminal groups, the Lyubertsy organized criminal group was born in the second half of the 1980s. The founder of the group is considered to be a well-known athlete and bodybuilder in the city Sergey Zaitsev, known in criminal circles as the Hare. Another leader of the group was a certain Ivan Oglu (Vanya Lyuberetsky), who was killed on November 23, 1987.

Also, according to some reports, the brigade included former representatives of the "Lubers" - the youth movement of the 1970s and 80s, which appeared in Lyubertsy. These guys promoted power sports, a healthy lifestyle, patriotism and love for the Soviet system, regularly engaged in underground "rocking chairs", staged fights with local and metropolitan subcultures: metalheads, punks, hippies, neo-Nazis.

The heyday of the group came in the late 80s and early 90s. During this period, the gang achieved almost undisputed leadership in their area. During this period, the list of participants in the Lyubertsy organized crime group consisted of more than 500 names.

Subsequently, the organized crime group was pushed back by law enforcement agencies and competitors. According to available data, already in 1990-91. things in the brigade were so bad that the bandits began to "protect" prostitutes, which was always considered not a very honorable occupation in a criminal environment. In the same period, the Lyubertsy had a conflict with the Chechen group because of the Riga market. Many members of the organized crime group moved to other brigades.

The Lyubertsy group had close ties with the Izmailovo organized crime group and its leader Anton Malevsky (died under mysterious circumstances in November 2001), the Balashikha organized crime group. There is also information about the connections of the leaders of the group with the well-known authoritative businessman Otari Kvantrishvili (shot dead in April 1994).

Dashing 1990s for the Lyubertsy

The group managed to restore its former authority and power, largely thanks to the activities of the thief in law Oleg Shishkanov. At one time, the war of the Lyubertsy and Ramenskaya organized crime groups thundered throughout the region. A number of Lyubertsy bandits died at the hands of the killers:

  • On August 6, 1993, five people were killed in the office of one of the firms on Dimitrova Street in Moscow, among them four members of the Lyubertsy organized criminal group. One of them was Fedor Ishin (Fedya Besheny), one of the leaders of the group. The fifth killed was Otari Kvantrishvili's brother, Amiran.
  • On April 1, 1994, Valery Avilov (Avilov), an authority figure, was shot dead in Lyubertsy.
  • On June 14, 1994, at the entrance of a house on Lev Tolstoy Street in Lyubertsy, Vladimir Kovalev was shot from a machine gun.
  • In December 1994, Viktor Levchuk (“Dzhavdet”), who was responsible in the group for control over the business structures of Bronnitsy, was shot from a machine gun.
  • On May 17, 1995, Lyubertsy authority Sergey Abramov was kidnapped and subsequently shot dead in Korolev.
  • On the morning of May 22, 1996, in Kraskovo on Shkolnaya Street, "Lyubertsy" Kostyuk and Doronin were shot from a machine gun.
  • On September 6, 1998, at 11:00 p.m., the authority of the Lyubertsy organized criminal group Dmitry Poluektov was shot dead near his entrance in Malakhovka.
  • On May 19, 1999, Vitaly Roshchin, an active member of the Lyubertsy, was shot dead in Saab near Ramenskoye.
  • On September 25, 2002, one of the most high-profile murders took place in Lyubertsy. The victim of the killers was Vladimir Kuzin, chairman of the city's sports committee and concurrently one of the leaders of the Lyubertsy group.

This is far from a complete mortyrology of the victims of the criminal wars in Lyubertsy. Members of the Lyubertsy organized crime group Tokha, Markel, Utyug and many others were killed. Even in the well-fed zero Lyubertsy, like many other groups near Moscow, suffered combat losses. The last such case was noted on December 10, 2014, when Dmitry Verkholomov, the director of the Ochag cafe, was shot dead in Lytkarino, and in the 1990s he was part of the Lyubertsy organized criminal group.

Leaders of the Lyubertsy organized criminal group

According to reports, the main leaders of the Lyubertsy brigade include the following individuals:

  • Sergei Zaitsev ("Hare");
  • Oleg Shishkanov ("Shishkan");
  • Sergei Aksenov ("Aksen");
  • Oleg Mukhametshin ("Fly");
  • Vadim Voronin ("Crow");
  • Sergey Lazarev ("Lazar").

Sergey Zaitsev

The world champion in powerlifting Sergey Zaitsev was the most famous figure in the Luber movement. He also became one of the first leaders of the Lyubertsy organized crime group. On December 18, 1993, he was shot from a Kalashnikov assault rifle through the door of his house in the village of Tomilino. His killer, a drug addict who shot Hare for no apparent reason, survived his victim by only six months and is buried in the same cemetery with him.

Oleg Shishkanov

Shishkanov is today one of the most authoritative thieves in the law of the Slavic wing. He was born in Ramenskoye on July 19, 1964. On July 7, 1982, he was sentenced to 10 years for a murder he did not commit, but he specifically took the blame of people who could have been shot. He was released on November 25, 1991. Subsequently, he traveled a lot to prisons, trying to get closer to authoritative lawyers.

In 1992, in the Moscow hotel Izmailovo, he was crowned by thieves in law Valery Dlugach (Globus) and Maharbek Kargaev (Ruslan). In the 1990s, he was repeatedly detained by law enforcement officers during preventive raids in haunted places, but he did not return to prison bunk beds and was soon released. In 1999, employees of the RUBOP visited his mansion with a search and found weapons and ammunition, as well as huge sums of money. Law enforcement officers could not talk on this topic with Shishkan himself - he was on vacation in Spain.

He oversees the Lyubertsy organized criminal group from the thieves' world. Under his leadership, the group was engaged in racketeering in Ramenskoye, Malakhovka and other cities. Initially, the governor of Shishkan in Lyubertsy was a certain Klyuev, who was later killed during a showdown with Caucasians. After that, at the suggestion of Oleg in Lyubertsy, the authority from the Solntsevo organized crime group Chava was explained, but he did not develop relations with local bandits. As a result, in September 1996, Yanovsky and Elovsky, the Lyubertsy authorities, were shot dead.

In the late 1990s, Shishkan had a conflict with the Ramenskoye organized criminal group, during which on October 13, 1999, in Ramenskoye, a certain Fedyaev, nicknamed Fizik, tried to blow up Oleg's 500th Mercedes, but the bomb exploded in the hands of an unfortunate bomber, and he died. Unknown people also set fire to Shishkanov's house.

For the period of 2017, he is considered one of the promising candidates for the position of the leader of the Russian mafia, which became vacant after the arrest of kingpin Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy) in August 2016.

Sergey Aksyonov

Sergey Aksyonov (born 1966) is known as Aksyon in criminal circles. In the 1980s, he was one of the leaders of the Lubers, and later joined the group. He was a participant in one of the first showdowns in Moscow involving firearms. It happened on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street in 1987, several people were injured in it. After the shootout, Aksen was convicted of extortion and possession of firearms. Crowned thieves in law in Moscow in 1996.

According to some reports, it is related to the organization of the assassination attempt on Zakhary Kalashov on March 26, 1996 in Moscow, during which Shakro and two of his friends were wounded. He has extensive connections in the business structures of Germany, the USA, and Israel.

Oleg Mukhametshin

Oleg Mukhametshin - a native of Kazan, was born on July 4, 1960. Thief in law since 1994, crowned by Andrei Isaev (Painting) and Vladimir Savoskin (Savoska). In the first half of the 1990s, he was one of the leaders of the Lyubertsy organized crime group, later he joined the Kazan group. We judge three times. Repeatedly detained by law enforcement agencies, including for theft, forgery of a passport, etc.

Vadim Voronin

Vadim Voronin, nicknamed the Crow, was a native of Dzerzhinsk, in his city he was a famous athlete. He was an active participant in the gang wars of the 1990s on the part of the Lyubertsy group. Today he is one of the richest and most influential people in the Moscow region. He was one of the defendants in the murder of Dzerzhinsky Mayor Viktor Dorkin in March 2006.

Sergey Lazarev

Sergei Lazarev was born in 1957 and lives in the city of Lyubertsy. In the early 1990s, he held a formal position as a freight forwarder in the Nika cooperative. He was repeatedly tried for theft, rape, carrying knives, robbery, hooliganism.

Location and specialization of organized crime groups

The zone of control of the organized crime group included the city of Lyubertsy, as well as a number of nearby cities and towns - Dzerzhinsky, Bronnitsy, Lytkarino, Kraskovo, Malakhovka, in addition, the Lyubertsy had their own interests in Moscow. The group specialized in murders, kidnappings, robberies, racketeering, arms trafficking, etc. According to unconfirmed reports, there was a connection between the Lyubertsy organized criminal group and the head of Kraskovo Vladimir Volkov.

The Lyubertsy OPG is an organized criminal group that existed in the Lyubertsy district of the Moscow region in the 1990s.

Valery Karyshev, a criminal lawyer and author of the book “Lyuberetsky: rocking chairs, racketeering, a roof”, claims that representatives of the Luber youth movement were at the origins of the organized criminal group, although, according to other sources, neither racketeering nor the accompanying gangs contributed to the Luber movement. have nothing to do, they were born later, when the movement itself was no longer ..

One of the first leaders of the organized crime group was Sergey Zaytsev, nicknamed "Hare", a Lyubertsy bodybuilder, whose portrait still hangs in the Titan sports club, popular among the "Lubers".

As the writer Sergei Dyshev argued in the late 1990s in his book Bandit Russia:

The first OPG leaders left the bodybuilding team in 1991. At the best of times, the Lyubertsy had 150 active bayonets, which, if necessary, could collect five more young jocks once again. But after several operations carried out by the internal affairs bodies, the arrest and trial of the most influential members of the organized crime group, the Lubers no longer represent such an impressive force. Ravil Mukhametshin (Mukha), Vadim Voronin (Vorona) served their sentences, Sergei Aksenov (Aksey) for extortion, Sergei Zubritsky (Zubr) for attempted murder. Today, the Lyubertsy organized crime group is about a dozen small brigades, some go under the wing of other groups - Izmailovo, Balashikha, with which traditionally close ties have been established.

In 1990, reporters from the Kommersant newspaper stated:

The Lyubertsy team, defeated by the police as a system, has lost its former glory. The two remaining groups share the Riga market with the Chechens and another not very honorable industry - the racket of prostitutes (most of the brigades, according to organized criminals, consider it shameful to "collect money from b ... dey"). The rest of the other groups wander from team to team

In 1992, representatives of the Lyubertsy and Dolgoprudny organized crime groups - one of the strongest and most authoritative at that time in the Moscow region - met in the Dagomys health resort in Sochi for a thieves' gathering, where they divided Moscow into zones of their influence. However, according to Rossiyskaya Gazeta journalist Timofei Borisov, this influence did not last long: both the Lyubertsy and Dolgoprudnensk groups soon had to make room due to the growth of other organized crime groups.

According to the media, the organized crime group consisted of 18 brigades with a total of up to 500 people. The bandits controlled some enterprises and commercial firms in the southeast of the Moscow region, in particular, located in the cities of Lyubertsy, Lytkarino, Dzerzhinsky, Bronnitsy.


According to the Federal Investigation Agency website, in the 1990s the leaders of organized crime groups were:

Sergey Aksenov (nickname "Aksey")

Sergey Zubritsky (nicknames - "Zubr", "Zubok")

Sergey Lazarev (nickname - "Lazar")

Vadim Voronin (nicknames "Vadik", "Crow")

Ravil Mukhametshin (nickname "Fly") - crowned as a "thief in law". According to the Kommersant newspaper, in the early 1990s he belonged to the Lyubertsy organized crime group, later joined the Kazan organized crime group. In September 2001, he was detained on Nikoloyamskaya Street in Moscow and was charged with robbery and robbery.


According to the writer and journalist Sergei Dyshev, the curator of the Luberetskaya organized criminal group was the thief in law, the leader of the Ramenskaya organized criminal group Oleg Shishkanov (nicknames "Oleg Ramensky" and "Shishkan"), who controls criminal communities in the southeast of the Moscow region, as well as in the city of Dolgoprudny. The governor of "Shishkan" in Lyubertsy, a certain Klyuev, was wounded in a clash with Caucasian crime, and then died under unclear circumstances in a hospital in the mid-1990s. In place of the deceased authority in 1996, a representative of the Solntsevo organized crime group, nicknamed "Chava", was put. Authorities Yanovsky and Elovsky were also killed.

In the 1980s, at the age of 18, Oleg Shishkanov was convicted of murder and served 10 years, taking on the guilt of other people who were threatened with execution. After his release in 1992, at a meeting in the Izmailovskaya Hotel, Shishkan was crowned by the famous thieves in law Globus and Ruslan. The newly-minted leader of the underworld was nicknamed Oleg Ramensky, but his friends, out of habit, called him Shishkan. He was instructed to control commercial structures in the suburban cities of Zhukovsky, Ramenskoye and the village of Malakhovka.

In December 1995, Shishkanov, along with sixteen other participants in a thieves' gathering in the capital's cafe "Reporter" on Gogolevsky Boulevard, was detained by MUR operatives.

In 1997, police officers visited one of the gatherings of thieves in law, among the participants of which was Shishkan

According to investigators, Shishkan declared its support for the Saturn football club from Ramenskoye and declared all the team's successes, including its entry into the big leagues in 1998, to its merits.

In the late 1990s, the Lyubertsy brigades came into conflict with the Ramenskaya organized crime group and their former curator Shishkanov, during which a car driven by Shishkan was blown up on the territory of the dispensary of the Saturn sports club, and then the mansion of the criminal authority located there was burned down .

In 1999, employees of the RUBOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation conducted a search in the house of “Shishkan” in the village of Pervomaika, during which weapons and ammunition were seized, as well as large sums of money. The authority itself was not at home - according to investigators, he is hiding in Spain.

The basis of the organized crime groups are "brigades" stationed in the cities of the Lyubertsy district: in Lyubertsy, Lytkarino, Malakhovka and Dzerzhinsky. According to S. Dyuzhev, the organized crime group specializes in the arms trade, according to the media - in robbery attacks.

Banda Kapuschu

In the 1990s, a criminal gang operated in the city of Lyubertsy and its environs, which was notable for its particular cruelty. Among the proven crimes of the gang is the murder of three children in the village of Upper Myachkovo. The gang was led by a resident of the Lyubertsy region, an ethnic Bulgarian, a native of Kazakhstan, who served 7 years in prison for murder in Tashkent, Nikolai Kapuschu, and a Moscow drug addict Vladimir Nikitin, nicknamed "The Bespredelschik", or "Volodya the Little". The connection between this gang and the brigades of the Lyubertsy organized criminal group has not been established.

Since the autumn of 1986, a group from Lyubertsy ("Lyubera") has become famous. At first, the Lyubertsy fellows specialized in beating up hippies, punks, and just other youth. In January 1987, an article by Vladimir Yakovlev ("Office of Lubers") was published in the Ogonyok magazine, where he spoke about a certain "Office" that organized groups of teenagers engaged in banditry and other criminal activities. In 1987, fights between Lubers and Muscovites began By the 1990s, Lyubertsy had acquired a corresponding reputation, so that in 1995-1996, during the trial of Vyacheslav Ivankov (USA), Lyubertsy appeared exclusively as a "robber land" that was used to intimidate an American sworn layman. Lyubertsy was the formation of "Lyubertsy lads".

The Lyubertsy organized criminal group, once considered one of the most influential in the Moscow region, ceased to exist as a single entity by the mid-90s. With more than 150 active members, the grouping was divided into 10 (according to other sources 12-13) independent formations. The most influential of them are the Lyubertsy proper and criminal groups in Lytkarino, Dzerzhinsk, and Malakhovka.

The "Lyubertsy" actively interact with the leading Moscow organized crime group - the Izmailovo (leader Anton Malevsky), the "Balashikha", the "central" Moscow (its Taganskaya branch). The leaders of the organized crime group, like many former athletes, also maintained close relations with Otari Kvantrishvili.

After the collapse of the whole "Lyubertsy" organized crime group, individual "militants" even became mercenaries to the Chechens, although in 1988-89 they had armed clashes with them due to the division of spheres of influence in the South Port and some other areas of Moscow.

OCG specialization

Theft, robbery, robbery, extortion, manufacture and sale of drugs (conflicting data), trade in firearms, fraud.


Having started their activities in hooligan youth companies - "lubers", the leaders of organized crime groups have now moved into legitimate business. All the leaders of the authorities of the "Lyubertsy" have their own legal business.

All the leaders came from the first team of jocks, organized in Lyubertsy in 1981. Since then, almost all of them have been in places of deprivation of liberty, they have gained thieves' traditions.


Sergey Aksenov (Aksey) - was imprisoned for extortion, close relationship with Otari Kvantrishvili

Sergey Zubritsky (nickname - Zubr, Zubok) - jailed for attempted murder

Sergey Lazarev - on the run;

Vadim Voronin (Vadik, Vorona);

Ravil Mukhametshin (Fly) - recently crowned as a thief in law.

Ramen thief in law Oleg Shishkanov (Shishkan), "authority" Alexander Bobylev (Raul, Papa), Alexei Negodyaev (nickname Scoundrel) act as "godfathers".

Spheres of influence

Lyubertsy, Lytkarino, Dzerzhinsk, part of Malakhovka, part of Ramenskoye, Voskresensk, Kolomna, Zhukovsky.

Under their control, in particular, the 19th Moscow taxi depot, part of the casino in Ramenskoye and Zhukovsky, all the stalls in these regions, the Ramenskoye car service, in Moscow - the Rita casino and restaurant, the Viktor casino (M. Preobrazhenskaya), the cooperative " Nika".

There is no single thieves' common fund.

Armed with the latest technology, mobile, all of them have several foreign cars.

International relations - the USA, Germany (together with the Chechens they control the trade in used cars for export to Russia and other CIS countries), Israel, Hungary (buying up land and real estate).

According to a long-standing sports tradition, the favorite gathering places are the Lyubertsy stadium "Torpedo" and the Lyubertsy careers.

The Lyubertsy organized crime group, once considered one of the most influential in the Moscow region, has now ceased to exist as a single entity. However, as before, the "Lyubertsy" actively interact with the "Izmailovo", "Balashikha", "Taganskaya.

"Authority" Bobylev Alexander Ivanovich-born 1944 Nickname "Raul". The grouping consists of 18 brigades, with a total number of up to 500 people. On the first "roles" in the group - Kuzin Vladimir Ivanovich. Bobylev and Kuzin coordinate the work of the organized criminal group in the city of Lyubertsy.

Levchuk Mikhail Zinovievich, nickname "Dzhavdet" - controls the city of Bronnitsy, "Fabus".

Voronin, nicknamed "Crow", a protege of "Shishkan" (organized criminal group numbering 10-15 people), controls the "Oryol Trading House, Lyubertsy winery, maintains close contacts with the board of the branch of the Menatep Bank." Voronin created the following companies with the money of criminals:

- "Russian roulette" (Lytkarino)

- "Aquarius" (settlement Zhukovsky)

Vagiulin Vladimir, nickname "Mage", "Mowgli" controls the village. Harvest.

Dedov Alexander Valentinovich- officially heads the security service of the Lyubertsy carpet factory.

1 Lyubertsy organized crime group

The first group consists of 5 criminal groups:

- "Lytkarinsky"

- "Panfilova",

- "Javdeta",

- "Crows"

- "Seagulls "

2 Lyubertsy organized crime group

Active members:

Avilov P.P.,

Anashkin V.S.

Bylich O.N.

Bobylev A.I. ("Raul", "Daddy"),

Zavadsky L.V.,

Zaitsev S.V. ("Hare")

Zorin Yu.G.

Karataev O.G.

Kopeiko R.I. ("Gypsy", "Roma", "Roma-Georgian),

Kuzin V.V. ("Kuzya")

Lazarev S.A. ("Lazarus"),

Matveev I.V.,

Neklyudov O.I.,

Neklyudova T.N.,

Ogoltsov A.V.,

Oglu I.S. ("Gypsy member"),

Solovyov G.I.

Trofimov V.V. ("Chok", "Chuk").

Number: -

Connections: - "Podrezkovskaya", "Lyubertskaya-1", "Dolgoprudnenskaya"

Armament: -

Specialization: - Robbery attacks.

Region of action:-

Reference points: - SKK "Rus" " Mozhaysky district

Until 1994, this group was patronized by Kokan I., Gurnov F.A., Geltman L.Kh. Then - the brothers Kvantrishvili and Karataev O.

In the city of Lyubertsy there is a security association "Legal Order". The association was organized by former police officer Popov. The activities of the organization are not related to crime, however, the methods of finding customers and imposing services on them in the field of personal protection, offices, warehouses, delivery and escort of goods, etc. is made obsessively with ambiguous allusions to the further security of the company's activities in the future. The source does not rule out that a number of illegal actions against firms in the city and the region (threats by phone, setting fire to warehouses) did not take place without the participation of the association.

At present, the association "Pravoporyadok" provides its services to companies throughout the city and district of Lyubertsy, as well as the territory of the Moscow region of the Ryazan direction. The founder of the association - Popov since 1996 is a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Using his position, he castrates the personnel apparatus of the city administration with his "proteges", maintains friendly relations with the head of administration.

Since the autumn of 1986, a group from Lyubertsy ("Lyubera") has become famous. At first, the Lyubertsy fellows specialized in beating up hippies, punks, and just other youth. In January 1987, an article by Vladimir Yakovlev ("Office of Lubers") was published in the Ogonyok magazine, where he spoke about a certain "Office" that organized groups of teenagers engaged in banditry and other criminal activities. In 1987, fights between Lubers and Muscovites began By the 1990s, Lyubertsy had acquired a corresponding reputation, so that in 1995-1996, during the trial of Vyacheslav Ivankov (USA), Lyubertsy appeared exclusively as a "robber land" that was used to intimidate an American sworn layman. Lyubertsy was the formation of "Lyubertsy lads".

The Lyubertsy organized criminal group, once considered one of the most influential in the Moscow region, ceased to exist as a single entity by the mid-90s. With more than 150 active members, the grouping was divided into 10 (according to other sources 12-13) independent formations. The most influential of them are the Lyubertsy proper and criminal groups in Lytkarino, Dzerzhinsk, and Malakhovka.

The "Lyubertsy" actively interact with the leading Moscow organized crime group - the Izmailovo (leader Anton Malevsky), the "Balashikha", the "central" Moscow (its Taganskaya branch). The leaders of the organized crime group, like many former athletes, also maintained close relations with Otari Kvantrishvili.

After the collapse of the whole "Lyubertsy" organized crime group, individual "militants" even became mercenaries to the Chechens, although in 1988-89 they had armed clashes with them due to the division of spheres of influence in the South Port and some other areas of Moscow.

OCG specialization

Theft, robbery, robbery, extortion, manufacture and sale of drugs (conflicting data), trade in firearms, fraud.


Having started their activities in hooligan youth companies - "lubers", the leaders of organized crime groups have now moved into legitimate business. All the leaders of the authorities of the "Lyubertsy" have their own legal business.

All the leaders came from the first team of jocks, organized in Lyubertsy in 1981. Since then, almost all of them have been in places of deprivation of liberty, they have gained thieves' traditions.


Sergey Aksenov (Aksey) - was imprisoned for extortion, close relationship with Otari Kvantrishvili

Sergey Zubritsky (nickname - Zubr, Zubok) - jailed for attempted murder

Sergey Lazarev - on the run;

Vadim Voronin (Vadik, Vorona);

Ravil Mukhametshin (Fly) - recently crowned as a thief in law.

Ramen thief in law Oleg Shishkanov (Shishkan), "authority" Alexander Bobylev (Raul, Papa), Alexei Negodyaev (nickname Scoundrel) act as "godfathers".

Spheres of influence

Lyubertsy, Lytkarino, Dzerzhinsk, part of Malakhovka, part of Ramenskoye, Voskresensk, Kolomna, Zhukovsky.

Under their control, in particular, the 19th Moscow taxi depot, part of the casino in Ramenskoye and Zhukovsky, all the stalls in these regions, the Ramenskoye car service, in Moscow - the Rita casino and restaurant, the Viktor casino (M. Preobrazhenskaya), the cooperative " Nika".

There is no single thieves' common fund.

Armed with the latest technology, mobile, all of them have several foreign cars.

International relations - the USA, Germany (together with the Chechens they control the trade in used cars for export to Russia and other CIS countries), Israel, Hungary (buying up land and real estate).

According to a long-standing sports tradition, the favorite gathering places are the Lyubertsy stadium "Torpedo" and the Lyubertsy careers.

The Lyubertsy organized crime group, once considered one of the most influential in the Moscow region, has now ceased to exist as a single entity. However, as before, the "Lyubertsy" actively interact with the "Izmailovo", "Balashikha", "Taganskaya.

"Authority" Bobylev Alexander Ivanovich-born 1944 Nickname "Raul". The grouping consists of 18 brigades, with a total number of up to 500 people. On the first "roles" in the group - Kuzin Vladimir Ivanovich. Bobylev and Kuzin coordinate the work of the organized criminal group in the city of Lyubertsy.

Levchuk Mikhail Zinovievich, nickname "Dzhavdet" - controls the city of Bronnitsy, "Fabus".

Voronin, nicknamed "Crow", a protege of "Shishkan" (organized criminal group numbering 10-15 people), controls the "Oryol Trading House, Lyubertsy winery, maintains close contacts with the board of the branch of the Menatep Bank." Voronin created the following companies with the money of criminals:

- "Russian roulette" (Lytkarino)

- "Aquarius" (settlement Zhukovsky)

Vagiulin Vladimir, nickname "Mage", "Mowgli" controls the village. Harvest.

Dedov Alexander Valentinovich- officially heads the security service of the Lyubertsy carpet factory.

1 Lyubertsy organized crime group

The first group consists of 5 criminal groups:

- "Lytkarinsky"

- "Panfilova",

- "Javdeta",

- "Crows"

- "Seagulls "

2 Lyubertsy organized crime group

Active members:

Avilov P.P.,

Anashkin V.S.

Bylich O.N.

Bobylev A.I. ("Raul", "Daddy"),

Zavadsky L.V.,

Zaitsev S.V. ("Hare")

Zorin Yu.G.

Karataev O.G.

Kopeiko R.I. ("Gypsy", "Roma", "Roma-Georgian),

Kuzin V.V. ("Kuzya")

Lazarev S.A. ("Lazarus"),

Matveev I.V.,

Neklyudov O.I.,

Neklyudova T.N.,

Ogoltsov A.V.,

Oglu I.S. ("Gypsy member"),

Solovyov G.I.

Trofimov V.V. ("Chok", "Chuk").

Number: -

Connections: - "Podrezkovskaya", "Lyubertskaya-1", "Dolgoprudnenskaya"

Armament: -

Specialization: - Robbery attacks.

Region of action:-

Reference points: - SKK "Rus" " Mozhaysky district

Until 1994, this group was patronized by Kokan I., Gurnov F.A., Geltman L.Kh. Then - the brothers Kvantrishvili and Karataev O.

In the city of Lyubertsy there is a security association "Legal Order". The association was organized by former police officer Popov. The activities of the organization are not related to crime, however, the methods of finding customers and imposing services on them in the field of personal protection, offices, warehouses, delivery and escort of goods, etc. is made obsessively with ambiguous allusions to the further security of the company's activities in the future. The source does not rule out that a number of illegal actions against firms in the city and the region (threats by phone, setting fire to warehouses) did not take place without the participation of the association.

At present, the association "Pravoporyadok" provides its services to companies throughout the city and district of Lyubertsy, as well as the territory of the Moscow region of the Ryazan direction. The founder of the association - Popov since 1996 is a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Using his position, he castrates the personnel apparatus of the city administration with his "proteges", maintains friendly relations with the head of administration.