3 class themes of class hours. Working with a poem

Theme of class hours

3rd grade

Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren

  1. Class hour number 1. Topic: " Holiday of all and everyone"(competitive game program for the Day of Knowledge)
  1. introduce students to the world of knowledge, briefly introduce them to future educational activities;
  2. develop the intellectual abilities of younger students, instill an interest in acquiring knowledge
  1. Class hour number 2. Theme: Friends Planet (RPG)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. determine the principles (rules) of life in the class team and the team in general;
  2. to develop the communicative abilities of students, the skills of proper communication in society
  1. Class hour number 3. Topic: "Teaching and labor will grind everything"(oral journal)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. to cultivate love for work, respect for the book, for nature, for the people around;
  2. develop students' spiritual and moral qualities and citizenship;

Cultivating Healthy Habits

  1. Class hour number 4. Topic: "Clean room is the key to health"

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. instill healthy lifestyle habits;
  2. introduce the basic rules for maintaining cleanliness in the classroom and living room;
  3. to acquaint with the duties of the duty officer, to teach how to draw up a duty schedule;
  4. to form beliefs that a clean room in which people are located is a guarantee of health.
  1. Class hour number 5. Topic: "Be able to say:" Not! » » (workshop conversation with training elements)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. educate the need for a healthy lifestyle;
  2. to introduce the concepts of "support" and "self-support", to help students develop the skills to support others when they make mistakes, and support themselves;
  3. To acquaint students with the rules of abandoning bad habits.
  1. Class hour number 6. Topic: "The composition of tobacco smoke and its impact on the human body"(conversation)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. to introduce students to the chemical composition of tobacco smoke, to show its toxicity and the effect of nicotine on the human body;
  2. To acquaint students with the system of self-purification of the respiratory tract of the human body.
  1. Class hour number 7. Topic: "Passive smoking"(conversation - correspondence instruction to smoking parents)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. bring students to the conclusion that - smoking is not a private matter of a smoker, that it has a detrimental effect on the health of the people around it, worsens the environmental situation, and leads to losses in production;
  2. to acquaint students with the laws of different countries that restrict smoking in public places;
  3. to draw the attention of parents to the harm of smoking for people around the smoker.

Ecological education of schoolchildren

  1. Class hour number 8. Theme "Journey through the natural areas of our Motherland"(in the form of KVN)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. to check the natural history knowledge of students, to develop their intelligence, memory, logical thinking, skills and abilities;
  2. to develop the emotional-moral, practical-activity attitude of children to the environment.
  1. Class hour number 9. Topic: "We know the world around us"(in the form of KVN)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. to summarize the knowledge of children about minerals, the water cycle in nature, to form the ability to navigate the terrain;
  2. to cultivate a sense of responsibility for all living things that surround us.
  1. Class hour number 10. Topic: "Journey through the solar system"(conversation - correspondence space travel)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. introduce the planets of the solar system;
  2. develop figurative and abstract thinking of younger students, create a positive motivation for learning and interest in astronomy.
  1. Class hour number 11. Theme: "A Miracle Beside You"(conversation - dialogue)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. to develop a cognitive interest in nature, a sense of surprise and admiration, to teach to see the unusual in the familiar;
  2. to cultivate love for the world around and the need to maintain the ecological balance in nature.

Ethical education of schoolchildren

  1. Class hour number 12. Topic: "Behavior"(conversation-dialogue)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. to acquaint children with the behavior of a cultured, well-mannered person;
  2. to inculcate ethical norms of behavior in society.
  1. Class hour number 13. Topic: "Let's talk about politeness"(conversation - dialogue)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. to consolidate and deepen students' knowledge of politeness, to teach children to use various verbal forms of politeness;
  2. inculcate ethical behavior in children.
  1. Class hour number 14. Subject: "I can be a wizard"(conversation - dialogue with game situations)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. help children understand themselves and learn to better understand other people;
  2. to educate students in ethical norms of behavior in society, communication with each other.
  1. Class hour number 15. Topic: "On a conscientious attitude to work"(conversation - reflection)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. to instill in children the need for learning, a conscientious attitude towards it;
  2. inspire confidence in the need for knowledge in modern society.
  1. Class hour number 16. Topic: "Caring for people"(conversation - reflection)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. to bring up the most valuable qualities of a person: kindness, responsiveness, modesty;
  2. to instill in children the ethical qualities of the individual and the norms of behavior in society.
  1. Class hour number 17. Topic: “Know how to defend your opinion if you are sure of its justice”(conversation-thinking)

Goals and objectives of the classroom:

  1. to bring students to the idea that justice, truth, goodness must be fought for, that it is necessary to defend the right opinion even if you find yourself in a minority.
  1. Class hour number 18. Topic: "Be intolerant of rudeness and callousness, do not be indifferent"(conversation-dialogue)

Goals and objectives of the classroom:

  1. to bring up an active life position, unity of word and deed;
  2. instill in students the ethical standards of behavior in society.

Education of information culture of students

  1. Class hour number 19. Topic: "The Red Book - a book of memory of the Motherland"(thematic information and educational hour)

Goals and objectives of the classroom:

  1. to acquaint students with the history of the appearance of the Red Book;
  2. show the role and significance of the Red Book for saving nature;
  1. Class hour number 20. Topic: “Why do people need dictionaries and encyclopedias?”

Goals and objectives of the classroom:

  1. to acquaint students with the history of the appearance of dictionaries;
  2. promote the development of interest in reading the dictionary as a necessary assistant on the path to knowledge;
  3. stimulate intellectual and creative activity, develop a culture of working with a dictionary.
  1. Class hour number 21. Theme: “One day in the life of our country. Through the pages of newspapers and magazines(overview information and educational hour)

Goals and objectives of the classroom:

  1. to acquaint students with the materials of newspapers and magazines under the heading "One day in the life of the planet";
  2. show the role and importance of owning information for the development of their intellectual abilities;
  3. contribute to the formation of the information culture of schoolchildren, the ability to listen, understand and extract information, reflect and draw conclusions.
  1. Class hour number 22. Topic: "Names and people"

Goals and objectives of the classroom:

  1. to acquaint students with the history of the appearance of names on earth;
  2. show the role and significance of traditions and customs in determining the name of a person;
  3. contribute to the formation of the information culture of schoolchildren, the ability to listen, understand and extract information, reflect and draw conclusions.
  1. Class hour number 23. Topic: “Theatrical meetings. To the International Theater Day»(thematic information and educational hour)

Goals and objectives of the classroom:

  1. to acquaint students with the theater encyclopedia;
  2. show the role and importance of theater in the life of every person, adult and child;
  3. contribute to the formation of the information culture of schoolchildren, the ability to listen, understand and extract information, reflect and draw conclusions.


1. To teach students to understand the concept of "fairness" (to other people and to themselves).

2. Contribute to the formation of this quality in the child.

Equipment: pens and paper for the game "Good gnome"; cards describing certain situations.

Class hour progress

Introductory speech of the teacher

What is justice and injustice? (Children answer.)

From the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova: fair - acting impartially, corresponding to the truth. Give examples of justice and injustice.

(Children give examples from their lives.) There are moral and legal relations. In moral relations, a person is guided by moral rules of conduct, and in legal relations, by laws, business etiquette, etc. Accordingly, moral and legal justice are distinguished.

To be morally fair to classmates means to show one's own virtues without interfering (not preventing) others from showing their virtues. By performing certain actions and deeds, one cannot harm others, limit or belittle their dignity. (Virtues are positive moral qualities, habits, hobbies, desires, plans, etc.)

I will give examples of moral justice to classmates, other people and to myself. Kind words should be answered with verbal gratitude, and good deeds should be answered with a favor. For serious help (kindness) - pay with kindness. It is fair to reward classmates for their good deeds with respect and disposition (sympathy). It is fair to apologize to a classmate who has been treated unfairly, whether unintentionally or intentionally. Hence the rule: "Do not interfere with others and do not let yourself interfere unnecessarily." To be fair means to be responsible, ready to answer for one's actions.

Working with a poem

Teacher. Listen to the poem and discuss as a group how you understood the meaning of these lines.

Mom teaches not to hide insults from the heart,

It is difficult for the heart and so, why does it need such a heaviness?

If you gave the word - this is the word forever, granite,

If you go uphill, go up without pushing others.

S. Ostrovoy

(Children in groups discuss the poem. The teacher listens to the opinion of each of the groups.)


Teacher. What is justice to classmates, other people, to yourself? To be fair means to use your rights without violating the rights of others.

Every student has the right to normal study conditions and rest during recess. It is unfair to classmates to interfere with their learning in class. It is unfair to take other people's things without permission. It is unfair to oneself, having the legally enshrined right to study, not to fulfill one's academic duties.

First-grader Maxim, put in a corner at home as a punishment, says to himself: “Can I leave the corner? No, stop, Maxim! Why did you beat the girl?

Why did the boy not come out of the corner, but continued to stand? (The boy considers the punishment for a hooligan act, for violating the girl's right to the inviolability of her personality, to be just.)

What fair or unfair deeds have you read, heard about, seen or done yourself? (Children tell their stories.)

Making sense of relationships in the classroom

Teacher. Let's try to answer the questions.

1. What good deeds of your classmates did you observe at the lesson, recess, after school?

2. What can you learn from your classmates around you?

3. What can we learn from you?

4. Do other students interfere with you in class?

5. What bad things do your classmates do you see at recess or outside of school? How do you act in these situations?

(These questions can be discussed in groups, or you can ask them to the whole class, listening to the opinions of students in turn.)

Game "Good gnome"

Each student writes their name on a piece of paper and folds the piece of paper.

The teacher shuffles the sheets and distributes them to the students, and it is impossible for the child to get a sheet with his name, it is also impossible to tell who got which sheet.

Rules of the game: for the one who got you, you are a good gnome. This means that you have to do something nice for a certain period of time, such as a week, without drawing attention to yourself. Who was a good gnome for whom, everyone will find out later. One of the main conditions is that money should not be spent on good deeds. In this game, it is very important that every child gets a pleasant surprise. But a problem can arise if someone actively dislikes the comrade he inherited and refuses to be a good gnome for him.

Situation Games

Teacher. I have in my hands an envelope with a description of various situations. Break into groups and try to act out these situations. Remember, you need to do what is right.


1. Your friend did not do his homework and asks for a notebook to write it off.

2. Your friend uses bad words and expressions.

3. Your friend does something bad (pushing, bullying girls, fighting).

4. Your friend suggests that you do something bad.

5. Your friend did something bad and you got hurt for him.


Teacher. What new things did you learn from this class hour?

(Children express their opinions.)


1. Teach to observe hygiene standards.

2. Develop creative abilities.

Equipment: handkerchiefs; paints; brushes; iron; fruit; needles; threads.

Class hour progress

Teacher. Guys, look what's in your pockets. If it's not a secret, then show everyone.

(Children put the contents of their pockets on the table.)

I am very glad that almost every one of you has a place in your pocket for a handkerchief. After all, this is a very important and necessary thing.

The handkerchief has a long history, but in the old days it was not at all the handkerchief that we carry in our pocket. The ancient Romans used handkerchiefs to wipe off sweat. And blowing your nose in front of strangers was not accepted and was considered bad form. In the 3rd century AD, they wiped their mouths at the table with a handkerchief. In Byzantium, the scarf was a symbol of honor and nobility, in the Renaissance it was part of the bride's dowry. Ladies often held ornate handkerchiefs in their hands to attract the attention of gentlemen. These scarves were very expensive and cost a fortune. At the French court in the 16th century, a handkerchief for wiping tears, as well as a handkerchief for blowing your nose, appeared. The shawls were decorated with lace and embroideries, they were heavily choked, because instead of washing hands, it was customary to wipe the fingertips with a damp handkerchief. When the fashion for snuff appeared, ugly spots began to remain on scarves and decorative scarves disappeared from everyday life. They were replaced by the most ordinary scarf, similar to the one we use today. Already in the 18th century, the handkerchief became a mass product.

Nowadays, the handkerchief is used for hygienic purposes. You should understand the meaning of a handkerchief when brought to the mouth or nose. However, not everyone knows how to use this simple subject correctly.

The scarf should be large enough. It must be folded in at least four layers and when coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with it. After use, the handkerchief should be folded so that the surface contaminated by coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose is inside.

In addition to cloth handkerchiefs, there are paper handkerchiefs on sale. The paper handkerchief is intended for single use. It is thrown away immediately after use. An ordinary cloth handkerchief must be changed every day, and with a runny nose or cough - several times a day.

On the bus, in the store, at school every now and then someone coughs, sneezes. And often, as they say, into space, not paying attention to others. So the disease is transmitted from one to another. So, a handkerchief can protect those around you from spreading the disease.

Guys, tell me how you can call the owner of this scarf. (Pulls out a crumpled, dirty handkerchief. The children answer.)

That's right, slob. A handkerchief can tell about the personal qualities of its owner.

And the scarf can become the subject of a game or entertainment. I suggest you play.

Scarf games


Everyone present is playing. Players stand in a circle, tightly pressed shoulder to shoulder. The driver stands in the center. Music is playing.

1. Players quietly pass a handkerchief behind their backs.

2. The task of the driver is to guess who has the handkerchief by pointing to one of the players.

3. He raises both hands up, showing empty hands.

4. When a handkerchief is found, the “caught” one takes the place of the driver.

"Drop the handkerchief"

One of the players leads, the rest stand in a circle. The leader picks up a small handkerchief and begins to slowly go around the circle from the outside (the children stand with their backs to it). The children then say:

Miracles, miracles - that's a green basket.

I wrote a letter to my dear friend

I dropped it on the way and now I'm looking for it.

Miracles, miracles - that's a yellow basket.

And the kid picked up the letter and put it in his pocket.

When these words are spoken, the host drops the handkerchief behind some player and immediately starts to run away. The one near whom the handkerchief fell, quickly picks it up and runs after the leader, trying to touch him with the handkerchief.

If the leader is taunted, he leads the second con. If he managed to run around the circle and take an empty place, the player with a handkerchief in his hands becomes the leader.


Many mothers embroider initials on their baby's handkerchief so that the handkerchief can be identified. In this game, participants are given handkerchiefs, needles and threads. The task is to embroider your initials as quickly and clearly as possible.


The teacher has prepared different fruits. He puts one of them in the center of the handkerchief and ties it so that the fruit is not visible. By smell or touch, participants must determine what kind of fruit is in the handkerchief-pouch.

Teacher. Now I suggest you come up with and hold some kind of contest or game.

(Students play their games.)

And the scarf can act as a gift, especially if you paint it with your own hands.

(Children are given simple white handkerchiefs, paints and felt-tip pens. The task is to draw something original on the handkerchief. This task can be done in teams or individually. When the handkerchief is ready, you need to put it between two damp rags and iron it with a warm iron. Thus, paint will be fixed.)

The gift giving itself can be unusual. Here, for example, presenting a gift to my grandmother.

Handkerchief with a knot

Monday is a hard day

You are full of worries.

Put a handkerchief on your forehead

Wipe your work sweat.

On Tuesday, the grandson jumped in a puddle!

This is where the scarf comes in handy.

Wipe your own face,

Say: "Let me kiss you!"

On the third scarf

Knots for memory.

Wednesday to buy something

The scarf will not let you forget.

Watch movies on Thursday

Yes, wipe a tear with a handkerchief,

Although the Brazilian series

Got everyone in order.

To a suit on Friday this scarf,

An empty corner sticks out of the pocket.

It goes very well with the white blouse.

No one takes his eyes off the owner.

If you yawn tired on Saturday

(After all, there is so much housework!)

With a sixth handkerchief you cover your mouth,

And don't let your yawn confuse anyone.

And on Sunday, dance with friends,

To the sounds of Kalinka, wave your handkerchief.

Remember, a scarf is a very necessary thing,

Applying it is a big science!

I hope that from tomorrow each of you will have a handkerchief with you.

Class hour in 3rd grade

Theme: "Resentment"

Target: 1. Expand the concepts of "Impatience", "Intemperance", "Resentment". Help children understand feelings of resentment and the actions associated with it.2. Form an adequate assessment of negative actions associated with the manifestation of feelings of resentment.Tasks: 1. Explain the impact of resentment on relationships.2. Identify the reasons for unforgiveness.3. Encourage students to forgive wrongs and build relationships with each other.Introduction The game "Roly-Vstanka"The teacher asks questions, and the students stand up if they answer positively, and sit down if they answer negatively.Who loves jokes?Who has ever played a joke on their friend?Who doesn't love being teased?Who got nicknames?Who knows the continuation of the phrase: "Put up, put up and more ..."?Who ever asked for forgiveness when someone offended?Who at least once turned out to be wrong in a dispute?Who agrees that “they carry water on the offended”?Who responds to malicious words with a joke?Who forgave when he was offended?

Course progress.

- Today's class hour I would like to start with a parable. -Who knows what a parable is? If you don't know, I'll tell you.

(Slide 2)
- Listen to her carefully and think about what we will talk about today?

The Parable of the Nails

Once upon a time there was a very quick-tempered and unrestrained young man. And then one day his father gave him a bag of nails and punished him every time he could not restrain his anger, to drive one nail into a fence post.On the first day, there were several dozen nails in the post. Then he learned to restrain his anger, and every day the number of nails hammered into the post began to decrease. The young man realized that it was easier to control his temper than to drive in nails.At last the day came when he never once lost his composure. He told his father about this, and he said that this time, every day, when his son managed to restrain himself, he could pull one nail out of the post.Time passed, and the day came when the young man informed his father that not a single nail was left in the post. Then the father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence:- You did a good job, but do you see how many holes there are in the column? He will never be the same again. When you say something evil to a person, he leaves the same scar in his soul as these holes. And no matter how many times you apologize after that, the scar will remain.Who understands what will be discussed? (It will be about irascibility, intemperance, resentment(Slide #3)
-Guys, why didn’t the father explain to his son in words what it means to offend a person, but gave him nails? (Guys argue, argue, come to a consensus, draw a conclusion)What are the most important words in the parable? (When you say something mean to a person, he leaves a scar just like these holes. And no matter how many times you apologize after that, the scar will remain.)- What does it mean to offend a person? (Hurt him, leave a scar in his soul)- How can you offend? (You can offend by actions, physical force, with a word you can even kill a person)What does it mean to apologize to someone? (it means admitting one's guilt and realizing that this will not happen again, giving a person an honest word, looking straight into his eyes).- If you did not keep your word? (it means you lied, chickened out, did not realize your mistake)- Why do you think some people do not want to apologize to the person they offended? (He is probably a coward, an insecure person who is not aware of his actions)Guys, has this happened to you?(Students talk about the situations they got into and how they were able to get out of them)(Slide number 4)
What feelings is experienced by the person who was offended?-What is the conclusion from this? (Before offending a person, think a hundred times, realize, be able to restrain yourself, your ardor).Each person always has a choice how to act. Give antonyms for the words that I will read:

Bad - good
Evil is good
War is peace
Greed - generosity
Rudeness - politeness
Cruelty - kindness
Lie is true

Betrayal - devotion

(Slide number 5)

- Guys, during the period of study at school you will have situations, the result of which will be hurtful words said to you, reproaches, disputes. - What do you think, what can resentment develop into? (into a fight, conflict) and whatever happens, listen to another parable:Parable about potatoes and resentment The student asked the teacher:
- You are so wise. You are always in a good mood, never angry. Help me to be like that too.
The teacher agreed and asked the student to bring potatoes and a transparent bag.
- If you get angry with someone and hold a grudge, - the teacher said, - then take this potato. On one side, write your name, on the other side, the name of the person with whom the conflict occurred, and put these potatoes in a bag.
- And it's all? - the student asked in bewilderment.
- No, - the teacher answered. You should always carry this bag with you. And every time you take offense at someone, add potatoes to it. The student agreed.
Some time has passed. The student's bag was replenished with a few more potatoes and became already quite heavy. It was very inconvenient to always carry it with you. In addition, the potatoes that he put at the very beginning began to deteriorate. It was covered with a slippery, nasty coating, some germinated, some bloomed and began to emit a sharp unpleasant odor.
The student came to the teacher and said:
- It is no longer possible to carry with you. Firstly, the package is too heavy, and secondly, the potatoes have gone bad. Suggest something else.
But the teacher answered: - The same thing happens in your soul. When you are angry at someone, offended, then a heavy stone appears in your soul. You just don't notice it right away. Then the stones become more and more. Actions turn into habits, habits into character, which gives rise to fetid vices. And it is very difficult to forget about this load, because it is too heavy to carry it with you all the time. I gave you the opportunity to observe the whole process from the outside. Every time you decide to be offended or, conversely, offend someone, think about whether you need this stone. (Slide number 6.)
Kirill Rybin reads a poem by Emma Moszkowska "Resentment"I left in my offense
and said that I would not leave.
I will never go out!
I will live in it all the years!
And offended
I did not see
no flower, no bush...
And offended I offended
both puppy and cat...
I am offended
Ate a pie
and offended
I lay down
and slept in it for two hours.
I open my eyes...
And she's gone somewhere!
But look
did not want /

We are all different, each has its own characteristics, not to mention the inner world. We must respect the individuality of each person, because we are all human. We have differences, but each of us is unique and needed by others.- Let's remember the rules that will help people overcome such qualities as irascibility, intemperance, the desire to offend a person: (Slide number 7)
Rules for unrestrained and quick-tempered people

    Hold back your emotions Do not be capricious, do not grumble, do not spoil the mood of others Always be friendly, don't be rude, don't shout Say hello when you meet
(Slide number 8)
    Behave in a way that makes others feel good about you.
    Said do it.
    Not sure - don't promise I made a mistake - admit your fault, apologize Promised, but forgot to do - ask for forgiveness Think first, then speak Can't tell the truth - explain why;
(Slide number 9) -AkakieDo you know the rules of kindness? (The guys offer their options, discuss)
1. Good can be done always and everywhere, everyone needs it! 2. Do not brag about the good you have done. 3. We must do good disinterestedly, not expecting rewards and gratitude. 4. Do good in time and discreetly. 5. Good is never enough! Create! -To overcome your shortcomings, you need to become a little kinder. Your friends, parents, teachers, and most importantly, books will help you with this.-Hurry to do good!Alena Tokareva: Come look into my eyesAnd gently touch his shoulder.There's a tear on his cheekAnd resentment in the soul of the fire.His pain was divided into two,Help him, he is your friend.Put a star in the palm of your handAnd give this star to a friend.Let her have it with youWill lead to a beautiful distance.(Work in pairs.) There are triangles on the tables. Connect them so that you get a star. Pair up and glue the star together.Share the star with the guests who came to our class.(Slide show) Conclusion (slide number 10).
Reflection.Express your opinion about our today's conversation.
    This meeting attracted me….. This meeting made me think... This meeting made me think….
I thank everyone for their active participation. I see that our conversation left a deep imprint on the soul of everyone, helped us all to understand that only respect for each other, mutual understanding, tolerance will actually save the world. We cannot overnight make tolerant either our own behavior or the behavior of other people. However, even the smallest step in this direction is important.

With curiosity and excitement, Grade 3 is going to her first class hour in the new academic year. Third-graders are serious and extremely inquisitive people. Lessons alone are not enough for them, they absorb knowledge like a sponge. It is impossible to limit the flow of information, and it is not necessary, but it is simply necessary to correctly direct it. It is no secret that preparing for lessons takes a teacher a lot of time, and class hours in the 3rd grade are often left aside and are used to solve organizational and everyday issues.

Significantly increase the educational value of extracurricular meetings with the children and avoid the routine will help the teacher to present the 3rd grade and develop class hours for the 3rd grade. In the original works of creative teachers, presentations on many topics for grade 3 have already been embodied. Optimizing them for a particular team is not difficult. We invite you to download from our collection the most interesting lesson notes and presentations, informational and entertaining class hours for grade 3 for free. Fun and imperceptibly to bring up curiosity, responsibility, friendliness - the main task of a class teacher. A voluminous, diverse, continuously updated collection of topics for class hours and presentations in grade 3, presented on the site, will allow you to build educational work competently and rationally.