Composition on the topic: selfless act. Selfless



SELFLESS, selfless, selfless; selfless, selfless, selfless.

1. Sacrificing himself, personal interests for the common good, for the good of others (about a person). Selfless revolutionary. Selfless scientist. Selfless character.

2. Full of selflessness, heroic (of human actions). The party demands from its members active and selfless work to implement the program and the charter of the party ... The charter of the AUCP(b). “Communism begins where the selfless, overcoming hard work, concern of ordinary workers to increase labor productivity appears ...” Lenin. Selfless act. Selfless struggle. Selflessly (adv.) to work.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


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    SELF-DISCHARGING, oh, oh; wives, wives. Sacrificing his own interests for the sake of others, for the common good. C. character. C. deed. S. labor. | noun selflessness, and, wives. and self-denial, i, cf. (outdated). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu.… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

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The personal quality of selflessness is manifested in the voluntary sacrifice of one's own interests in the name of the interests of other people, the achievement of ideals and common goals.

The desire to sacrifice oneself is an impulse of nobility of the soul. It is based on kindness, love, empathy. Self-sacrifice is true love. Friendship is also selflessness. A friend who is ready to give up his interests is not often found, for this reason, there is little true love and friendship now. This trait is found along with honesty and openness.

What is selflessness

To answer the question of what selflessness is, let's turn to the definition of the Internet encyclopedia. So, it is called a positive social and moral personal quality, which is manifested in the ability to subordinate one's own interests and sacrifice them for the sake of others.

This trait of a person is based on a person's awareness of his own duties, on feelings of friendship and love, patriotism, faith in just goals. Self-interest is sacrificed in the name of this.

This property is the primary psychological and moral trait for the military. During the war, selflessness is expressed in the ability of a military man, in steadfastness and faith in the correctness of his deeds, readiness to consciously lay down his life to fulfill a common goal or save others.

Selflessness is selfishness overcome. To sacrifice one's own interests, one must steadfastly stand on the side of conscience, disinterestedness, and moral and ethical standards. Along with this, there are morally condemned types of this quality. They are based on systematic coercion of the self and violence against the personal nature. Fanatics, terrorists, sects - all this provokes gullible individuals to show immoral and destructive selflessness, which becomes the cause of harshness and violence.

The selflessness of fanatical personalities is an argument for justifying evil deeds towards others. Such self-sacrifice is not based on love for humanity, but on a proud desire to become a savior of the world or a missionary.

But if voluntary observance of morality and unselfishness are typical of any morally justified position, then self-sacrifice is required in a special case and under emergency circumstances, when a person is required to exceed his own obligations that are imposed on a person in everyday life. In such a case, selflessness is closer in moral assessment to heroism. For this reason, it is not an indispensable rule of morality, which requires the individual to completely abandon personal interests in the name of others.

In this regard, selflessness, although necessary to increase the moral value of actions, cannot be imposed on a person and does not act as an absolute requirement and rule. This also comes from the fact that morality is a method of self-regulation of behavior based on a personal desire to act in emergency situations at the limit of one's own capabilities.

In essence, selflessness is the other side of the awareness of morality and duty, which requires for the sake of dignity actions that will not lead to profit. On the contrary, they are associated with overcoming threats and difficulties, with a demonstration of courage and for the sake of high values ​​- the preservation of goodness and peace. Because of this connection of selflessness and unwillingness to achieve personal gain, its focus on humanistic goals, a minimal demonstration of the desire to sacrifice oneself is enough to evaluate actions from a position of high morality.

Examples of selflessness

The best example of selflessness is a mother's love for a baby. Almost every mother, without a second thought, will sacrifice herself when necessary. Not because her own life has no price for her, but because her feeling is so powerful that the happiness of a child fills her with special energy. A woman does not think that this will elevate her, because for her self-sacrifice becomes a natural quality. To a certain extent, it brings happiness.

Another is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his beloved, and this impulse is a demonstration of the power of love. Firefighters put themselves in danger, but for them, self-sacrifice is not ahead. For them, this is a job where a person acts,. In the same state, surgeons perform long complex operations.

Despite the fact that we consider self-sacrifice, morality and honor to be noble qualities, this trait has a logical interpretation. In nature, there is an analogue of this act in bees that die, stinging the enemy. But the meaning of this death is to cause the victim to tremble before the rest of the species and save the hive. Similarly, the female, dying for the baby, saves her own genes.

In the course of the development of life, love has undergone evolution. If not all representatives of the animal world experience sincere love for mothers, then a human child certainly loves his mother. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the origins of the willingness to sacrifice oneself lie in caring for posterity. The rest of the branches are a kind of "side effects".

Self rejection

But let's ask a strange question, is self-sacrifice considered a positive trait? What does this concept mean?

At first glance, it may seem that self-sacrifice is a demonstration of the highest humanistic qualities, a desire to sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of others. Similar in meaning to this concept are “altruism” and “sacrifice”.

But at the same time, the meaning of this concept is the phrase "rejection of oneself." If life is considered an incredible gift, then how can it be so easily discarded? If a person does not value himself, is there a chance to give others his love? And isn't this feature considered one of the manifestations of masochistic egoism, the desire to put oneself above the rest?

It often happens that a person puts himself on the line in the name of the interests of others, even if no one asked him about it. Often such a sacrifice turns into a burden, but one who has decided to give his own life to others stubbornly goes to its depreciation. If you think about it, then such a rejection of one's own destiny is nothing but deprivation. But at the subconscious level, a person is sure that he is higher than others. He feels the joy of conscious devaluation.

In such a situation, self-sacrifice is not justified from a biological point of view and from the side of morality and ethics. This is self destruction. His encouragement will end in a mental breakdown. Only respect for yourself and others will help improve the world.

Florence Nightingale. Selflessness of a woman

As historical facts testify, self-sacrifice of great women often contained a destructive element for the representatives of the weaker sex themselves. But it also happened when it turned out the transformation of the victim into a great idea. Then love is transformed and directed to the salvation of others or the whole world. In this case, the energy of compassion accumulates in a person. It helps the development not only of one's own personality, but of all people. This is a difficult mission.

An example of such self-sacrifice is Florence Nightingale. She was one of the best brides in Britain, who boasted an excellent level of education, refined behavior. But after she once visited a beggarly orphanage, her desire to start a family and have children faded. In her thoughts, another purpose clearly manifested itself.

High society regarded the impulse to work as a nurse for the poor in a hospital as a whim of an aristocrat who had not seen life. No one understood the powerful spiritual impulse, but the perseverance of the young beauty helped her. Over the next 7 years, Nightingale, who had a deep knowledge of natural sciences, independently created a way to care for the sick, including reasonable quarantine requirements. Refusing to create a family completely, the woman spent her own life on compassion.

As a result, she became the main expert of the commission that controls the situation of military hospitals in England. She founded a nursing school, created a charity award.

Such an example convincingly shows that selflessness has the right to its own manifestations. At least for the reason that people have different feelings of happiness and understanding of it. Florence Nightingale lived a long and happy life in harmony with herself. This once again confirms the fact that her willingness to help was a true manifestation of a voluntary sacrifice of her own interests.

March 28, 2014, 18:55

We offer you a selection of some of the best deeds of selfless people who helped save someone's life.

Teenagers save little girl from kidnapping

In July 2013, five-year-old Jocelyn Rojas was playing in her backyard in Lancaster, Pennsylvania when she suddenly disappeared. Rojas's parents feared the worst, so they alerted the police and began extensively searching the area. Instead of waiting for the police to find the little girl, fifteen-year-old Temar Boggs and his friend decided to start looking for her themselves. They soon spotted Rojas in a car with a man, so they followed the car on their bikes. The teenagers chased the car for fifteen minutes while the man behind the wheel tried to hide from them. Finally, he apparently gave up, slowed down and threw the child out of the car. “She ran up to me and said she wanted to see her mother,” Temar said.

The act of kindness that led to a woman risking her life to shelter a Jewish family

In 1941, Zofia Banya, a poor woman on a Polish farm, found that she did not have enough money to buy the supplies her family needed from the village store. The store owner, Israel Rubinek, told her to take the things she needed and pay for them when she could. This act of kindness was literally unheard of in war-torn Poland, and Banya has not forgotten it.
Two years later, the Nazis sought out Jews in Poland and sent them to concentration camps. Fearing for the life of the kind young man who helped her, Banya, risking her life, hid Rubinek and his wife in her house for two and a half years. Seven times German soldiers came to Bani's farm looking for Jews in hiding, and each time Sophia's family hid them in the tiny underground. One night, Nazi soldiers slept in Bani's living room, just inches from where Rubinek and his wife were hidden.
Decades passed, and the Rubinek family met with the woman who sheltered them from the Nazis. Their granddaughter says: “One incredibly good deed in an impossibly difficult situation changed everything. The depth of the human soul cannot be measured or explained. These poor Polish farmers feared for their lives, yet they decided to help two people they barely knew."

The kind words of the boss kept the man from suicide

Tim Sanders is a personal development coach and former Head of Marketing at Yahoo!. Sanders encourages all of his employees to communicate with their colleagues and subordinates, and praise them for their work. He often tells the story that he did just that: talking to his subordinates personally and praising them for their work, and also telling them that he personally and the company as a whole appreciated their efforts. Sanders recalls how he once told one person that he was glad that this person appeared in his life and that he appreciated him.
After Sanders visited the man's team, he was shocked that the man showed up a few days later and gave him an expensive gift - an Xbox game console. As it turned out, the employee bought this game console in exchange for a revolver with which he wanted to kill himself. After he heard kind words from his boss, the man decided to move on and recover from his depression. Just a couple of kind words kept him from committing suicide.
“Sometimes people just need to see how people treat themselves,” Sanders says.

21-year-old organ donor saved seven lives

Organ donors are heroes who do the most selfless deeds imaginable. When Henry Mackaman, a University of Wisconsin-Madison student, died of bacterial meningitis in May 2013, his family found little comfort in the fact that he made the decision to donate his organs.
McMan's simple decision to check the "Organ Donor" box on his driver's license proved to be an invaluable act that would go on to save the lives of seven people. His mother wrote the following on the CaringBridge website: “We are all proud that Henry has made the decision to be an organ donor. His generosity does not surprise anyone who knew him. Thanks to his decision, up to 54 people will have a chance to improve their lives thanks to a piece of the incredible life that Henry lived."

A man jumped on the tracks to save a stranger

In January 2007, twenty-year-old Cameron Hollopeter was waiting for a train on the New York subway when he had a seizure and began to convulse. Trying to get up, he fell onto the tracks just at the moment when the train left the corner and rushed in his direction.
Fifty-year-old builder and Navy veteran Wesley Autrey was talking to his two daughters when he saw a man fall. In a split second, he made up his mind and jumped onto the tracks to help Hollopieter. Autry covered Hollopeter with his body, pushed him and moved him so that they lay together between the rails. The driver honked and tried to stop, but it was too late and the train passed over both men.
Five wagons swept over the pair of men, literally inches from Autry's head. When the train finally stopped, he told the screaming people that they were all right. Autry, who was hailed as a hero, later said: “I don't feel like I did anything special, I just saw a person who needed help. I did what I had to do."

A 10-year-old boy stood up to bullies to save a cat

Standing up to bullies isn't easy, but that's exactly what Wendell Overton did when he saw a group of kids torturing a stray cat in the area. Overton had spotted the cat in the area several times before, but one day he saw a group of bully kids, aged between five and thirteen, running over the poor animal with bicycles, tossing it into the air, and splashing energy drinks in its muzzle. Fearing they would kill the cat, Overton bravely intervened and took the cat home to his mother, who called the Outer Banks Humane Society.
When the news of Overton's compassion and kindness became public, he received a huge number of laudatory and encouraging letters from all over the world.

Strangers lined up to save a drowning boy

On a sunny afternoon on a beach in Napier, New Zealand, 12-year-old Josh McQuoid was standing knee-deep in water playing with friends when a dangerous current swept him off his feet and carried him far from the shore. The boy tried to keep his head above the water, struggling with the raging waves.
Another beachgoer and two police officers noticed the boy struggling with the waves and rushed into the water to help him, but the waves were too strong. After Constable Bryan Farquharson realized he couldn't get to the boy without falling prey to the waves himself, he organized a line of men to get to the child while remaining tethered to the shore.

A kiss from a stranger saved a man who tried to commit suicide

In Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province of China, a 16-year-old boy stood on a bridge threatening to jump off and commit suicide. Hundreds of onlookers watched in horror as he refused to move back to the safe side of the railing. The police arrived at the scene and began to negotiate with him, but no one could get through to him.
At that moment, Liu Wenxiu, a nineteen-year-old waitress working at a hotel, was returning home from work, noticed the guy and realized that she must do something to help him. Wenxue herself once wanted to commit suicide, so she knew exactly how the guy felt. After telling the police that she was his girlfriend, Liu got close enough to him to talk. She shared with him her sad story about a difficult life and showed him the scar on her wrist left after she tried to commit suicide by cutting her wrists.
“He said he was hopeless and that I shouldn't waste my time trying to save him. But I told him, “I'm not trying to save your life, I just want you to understand how stupid you are. Look at me, I was in the same position as you, but now everything has changed,” Wenxue said.
Finally, the girl was able to lean over and hug him, and then she suddenly kissed him. The cops were then able to take the knife the guy was holding and bring him to the safe side of the bridge railing. Retired police sergeant Michael Newman needed a kidney to survive, so his former employees desperately appealed to the people through local means. media to find a donor. Michael, who lives in Phoenix, Arizona, did not have much hope that someone would want to become his donor. However, a local woman named Kellie Boff printed out the article and set it aside. Boff says she kept coming back to the article, being drawn to it for no reason. Eventually, she picked up the phone and called the Mayo Clinic.
It turned out that Boff was the perfect donor. So she agreed to donate one of her kidneys to Sergeant Newman, whom she had never even met.

On a sunny meadow covered with thick grass, a Flower was born. He very long and diligently reached up. And finally, one day, he opened his purple petals towards the sun's rays. When he saw the beautiful world that surrounded him, he gasped with delight and felt truly happy. Herbs and wonderful flowers exuded subtle smells and aromas.

The trees shook their branches affably, as if welcoming the whole world and all living things in it. And how beautiful was the sky with unique bizarre clouds! But most of all, Flower liked to meet the sun, when early in the morning at dawn the sky was painted with the most delicate and wonderful colors, and then the sun rose solemnly and majestically. It seemed that all nature was frozen in anticipation of the first rays. At that moment, the Flower also froze, and from the joy that overwhelmed him, he wanted to sing and fly like a bird into the sky.

– What could be better than the sun and the sky?! Flower thought. - How good it is for birds, because they can fly high in the sky next to the sun, sing their sonorous songs to him and swim in the clouds. Ah, if only I could wave my leaves and fly!

Once a little Bird flew up to the Flower. She knelt beside him and admired his petals.

“How beautiful you are, how gentle and pleasant your fragrance is, how delightful the color of your petals is,” said the Bird to the Flower. - Can I fly to you every day now?

The flower shook its petals in agreement, and their friendship began from this meeting. They now watched the sunrise together, Bird often sang songs for Flower, and in hot, dry weather she brought water in her beak to give her friend a drink. They were good together and they were happy.

Once, when Flower was saying goodbye to Bird and she was supposed to fly to her home, a hawk suddenly flew out from behind the trees. He began to rapidly approach, and Flower realized that now he could lose his friend forever. His heart screamed: "I will save you," and he covered his friend with himself and his leaves. The hawk swooped down on Flower and broke him. He looked for the Bird, but, not noticing her, soared up and disappeared. A living weeping Bird and a broken Flower remained on the ground.

Suddenly the sun directed its bright ray directly at the Flower lying on the ground, and he heard a gentle voice addressed to him:

“For the fact that you selflessly, not sparing yourself, helped your friend, I asked the heavens that you be born a bird and the heavens decide to fulfill your long-cherished dream. You will soon be born again, but now as a bird. You will grow in the nest of the Bird you saved and she will definitely teach you how to fly in the sky.

Two months after this incident, Ptichka had chicks. They all looked alike, and only one of them had one feather on his head of an amazing purple hue ...

[? ] - What do you think, did the Flower perform a real feat and a heroic deed or not""

- Can someone small and very weak perform a real feat and become a hero?

- Did you like the dedication with which the Flower, not sparing himself, rushed to help?

Will a person in the distant future be rewarded for his beautiful deeds?

– Can someone who loves only himself and thinks only of himself accomplish a feat?

Every year, as soon as summer comes and school ends, my parents send me to my grandmother, who lives in the village, not far from the forest. There is very clean air, beautiful nature, and a lot of tasty and healthy vegetables and fruits grow in the garden. Not far from the village flows a clean and fast river. My friends and I often go swimming and sunbathing. Once, when we were swimming in the river, an incident occurred that at first frightened everyone very much, but after that we remembered it not without admiration.

And here's what happened. We played, sunbathed, swam near the shore. And then someone suggested swimming in a race. The boys gladly agreed, and the girls looked at this idea with apprehension. The guys were mostly from the village, besides a little older than us. They all swam wonderfully. And so the competition began. The girls stayed on the beach and watched the competition.

Suddenly, away from us, a faint cry was heard, and we saw that a girl of six years old was in the water. She thumped the water with her hands in fear, trying to swim to the shore. But the swift current did not allow her to do so. The boys had already sailed quite far and there, around the bend of the river, they went ashore to rest. They didn't see what was happening. We were terribly scared and didn't know what to do. The girl barely floated on the water, the current carried her farther and farther away. We understood that she needed help quickly, but she was very far away. In addition, we were frightened by the fast current, which in that place even resembled a whirlpool. They called for help, but there was no one around.

And then there was an unexpected splash, and we saw that someone had jumped into the water and was swimming towards the girl. Then we saw that it was a boy from a neighboring village. He sometimes went with us to the river. We were very surprised: in that place there was a very high cliff, and snags stuck out below. No one would have dared to jump into the water from this shore, although everyone understood that it was impossible to swim from a gently sloping beach to a sinking one: the current takes it in the other direction. The boy jumped a little to the side, and he had to swim against the current. Overcoming the resistance of the seething water, he quickly approached the girl, who in the meantime managed to somehow reach out to a branch sticking out of the water and grabbed it. We watched with bated breath. The Savior had almost reached the girl, when suddenly a new strong wave covered her and tore her from the branch. The boy was not taken aback and tried to intercept the poor thing. But he did not succeed. Then he rushed to swim after her again. Since he swam quickly and now with the flow, he was able to soon catch up with the baby. She immediately grabbed him, and they safely reached the shore. The girl was saved.

At this point, we all ran up to her, began wrapping her in towels, asking how she felt. Having learned where she lives, we decided to bring her straight to the house. And the savior modestly stood aside, wiping his wet hair. We all looked at him with admiration. Still, in our time, brave, selfless people who are ready to take risks in order to save the life of another person have not disappeared!