The relevance of the topic adaptation to the cold. Adaptation to the action of low temperature

To strengthen bones, muscles, cartilage and ligaments, a whole complex of vitamins and minerals is needed. Getting enough of them from food is difficult. Their deficiency, especially in the elderly, leads to diseases of the musculoskeletal system and spine. In pharmacies, you can buy vitamin complexes that will replenish the supply of nutrients in the body as much as possible. To maintain healthy joints, bones and muscles, it is allowed to take nutritional supplements for athletes. They contain the perfect balance of substances for the development and operation of the motor apparatus.

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    Vitamins and trace elements for joints, bones and muscles

    Currently, diseases of the bones, joints and ligaments are quite common. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle and a lack of useful trace elements and vitamins for the body. At the same time, the pathologies of bones and joints have become younger in recent years. However, before the onset of pain and a decrease in the quality of life, patients do not think about prevention.

    To maintain the body in a normal state and prevent diseases of the joints, muscles and bones, you need to take vitamins. In most cases, it is not possible to get enough nutrients from food, so they must be replenished by using special supplements or vitamin complexes.

    The consequences of a lack of vitamins in the body

    Insufficient saturation of the body with the necessary substances may be due to:

    • food consumed with a low content of vitamins and microelements (canned, refined, frozen, stored for a long time foods);
    • the period of pregnancy and feeding;
    • age over 55 years (vitamins begin to be absorbed worse by the body);
    • high physical activity;
    • diseases of the stomach or intestines;
    • chronic pathologies of various origins;
    • food containing antivitamins.

    The constant use of non-vitaminized food leads to a weakening of the body. Diseases of the bones, joints and muscles begin to develop. Vitamin deficiency often leads to:

    • pain in the joints;
    • decrease in range of motion;
    • deformation and destruction of bones;
    • muscle wasting;
    • cartilage ossification;
    • curvature of the spine;
    • delayed physical development in children;
    • deterioration of cell regeneration.

    As a result, arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, myasthenia gravis and similar diseases develop. All these pathologies significantly reduce the quality of life.

    Essential Substances

    To strengthen bone structures, the body needs the following vitamins:

    Vitamin AThe normal formation of cartilage, etipelial and bone tissue is impossible without vitamin A. If it becomes insufficient in the body, osteoporosis develops, the bones weaken, and the risk of fractures of the limbs or spine increases. Immunity decreases, it becomes easier for infections to penetrate bone tissue and joints. With a sufficient amount of vitamin A, the aging process of the body slows down. Joints remain healthy and mobile for a long time, bones are strong, quickly grow together after fractures
    Vitamin E (tocopherol)Youth vitamin. Slows down the aging of tissues, increases their ability to quickly recover from damage. If vitamin E is always present in sufficient quantities in the body, then the joints remain mobile even in old age. It is recommended to take it for diseases of cartilage and ligaments. It helps to restore them due to the activity of interleukins. Preparations with tocopherol are prescribed for muscle dystrophy, bone fragility, instability of the nervous system
    Vitamin CSufficient content of vitamin C in the body protects it from joint diseases caused by infections. It also reduces the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin C stimulates the natural function of collagen production in the joints and epithelium. This has a beneficial effect on the range of motion, flexibility of the musculoskeletal system.
    Vitamin BIt is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of bones and joints. It has an analgesic effect, relieves inflammation. Its sufficient content in the body is the prevention of arthrosis and arthritis.
    Vitamin B1 (thiamine)Participates in the normalization of metabolism in the body. Essential for bone and muscle growth. Slows down tissue aging. A permanent deficiency of thiamine can provoke paresis of the limbs, muscle atrophy, pathological development of joints, tendons, ligaments. The body is not able to independently produce the vitamin, it comes only with food. Thiamine is found in foods such as beans, soybeans, peas, potatoes, spinach, cabbage, carrots, as well as kidneys, liver, brain, beef, pork
    Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)Vitamin stimulates the production of glucocorticoids in the body. This is the best therapy for the development of arthritis. Vitamin deficiency is expressed in the appearance of muscle and joint pain. In humans, it is produced by Escherichia coli. Found in: peas, green vegetables, yeast, garlic, nuts (hazelnuts), cauliflower, milk, egg yolk
    Vitamin B6It retains magnesium in the body, which is necessary for calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Strengthens bone tissue and the collagen layer on it. Balances salt and mineral metabolism in the body
    Vitamin DIn combination with the minerals phosphorus and calcium, it prevents the destruction of cartilage and joints. Promotes the absorption of these elements by the body. With a lack of vitamin in children and the elderly, rickets develops. Necessary in the rehabilitation treatment of fractures and injuries of the locomotor apparatus. It is prescribed for pregnant women for the normal development of the fetal skeleton
    Vitamin KIncreases bone density, reduces the possibility of serious injury to the joints, cartilage when struck. Reduces the likelihood of age-related bone destruction
    Vitamin PPIncreases the mobility of the joints of the limbs. A sufficient amount of vitamin in the body reduces the risk of inflammation of the synovial bag and the accumulation of fluid in it

    All vitamins are divided into water- and fat-soluble. The former are easily absorbed by the body, but are quickly excreted from it. Some of them are lost during the cooking process. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish their level in the body every day. These vitamins include C, B.

    Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble. These compounds are not produced by the body on its own. They are able to accumulate in it. Fat-soluble vitamins are found in foods from which vegetable or animal fats can be obtained, but there are exceptions: vitamin A is present in brightly colored vegetables such as bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, and pumpkin.

    In order for the skeleton to be strong, the bones not to break, the joints to provide mobility, and the muscles to perform their functions, the body also needs minerals. Their deficiency leads to growth retardation, early destruction of joints, tooth loss, and decreased muscle tone. Required:

    NameBenefits for the body
    CalciumThe most important element for the development and growth of bone and cartilage tissues. Needed by people with chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Its absorption occurs only in the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin D. It must be prescribed for bone injuries to restore
    SeleniumSelenium, together with vitamin C, controls the absorption of other trace elements, enhances the action of antioxidants, and reduces the risk of osteomyelitis in case of bone tissue damage. Deficiency of the substance leads to a violation of the antioxidant defense of the body. The trace element has an anesthetic effect. When taking selenium for a long time, pain in the spine and joints decreases, sometimes disappears completely.
    CopperFor the normal functioning of the joints and ligamentous apparatus, copper is needed. Together with vitamin C, it enhances the production of collagen in the body, preventing the destruction of cartilage. Copper contributes to the saturation of cells with oxygen, eliminates excess amounts of free radicals from tissues
    MagnesiumRegulates muscle and nerve activity, normalizes muscle tone with its increase. Almost half of the total amount of magnesium in the body is found in bone tissue. The lack of a microelement leads to a weakening of the skeleton and muscles. Fractures, sprains, dislocations occur more often, healing is more difficult. You can increase your magnesium content by eating green leafy vegetables, nuts, and bananas.
    PhosphorusTogether with calcium, it is responsible for the integrity and density of bones. Phosphorus is a basic element for the structure of bones. Participates in cell division and growth. Interacts with many enzymes, enhances the action of vitamins A and D
    ManganeseDelivers oxygen to intervertebral discs and cartilage
    SulfurProvides flexibility and elasticity to cartilage tissue. Needed for the production of collagen in the body
    SiliconQualitatively improves the structure of collagen, increases the elasticity of joint tissues, the lack of silicon leads to a decrease in the absorption of calcium in the bones

    Bone, cartilage and muscle tissues in the body are updated throughout life. Bones are restored after injuries and damage. Cartilage is erased in the process of movement, then new ones grow. Therefore, for recovery, in addition to vitamins and minerals, active substances are needed to build tissues:

    • Chondroitin is the basis of cartilage tissue in the body. With its help, cartilage, tendons, joints are created and ligaments are strengthened.
    • Collagen is the main component of the connective tissue of the body. It is a fibrillar protein that provides strength and elasticity to tendons, bones, cartilage, and muscles.
    • Glucosamine - one of the main components of cartilage, has the function of cushioning and shock absorption in the joints. Can be produced naturally in the human body.


    Often with the products that a person consumes, an insufficient amount of essential vitamins and minerals enters the body. Especially acutely their lack affects the musculoskeletal system. Experts in such cases advise taking vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen bones and ligaments, prevent and treat diseases associated with the destruction of the skeleton.

    Do not use drugs without consulting a doctor. An excess of minerals and vitamins is just as dangerous as their lack.


    The drug contains vitamin C, B3, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, magnesium, zinc, manganese, chloride, boswellia, boron, glucosamine sulfate. It is prescribed by therapists, surgeons, traumatologists and orthopedists with the development of inflammatory diseases of the joints and degenerative bone pathologies. Accelerates the growth of cartilage tissue. It has a positive effect on the preservation and restoration of limb flexibility, provides the body with a complex of essential vitamins and microelements.

    The drug is taken 2 capsules with meals, 2 times a day.


    This is a biologically active additive (BAA). It is used for degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the joints, arthritis and gout of infectious origin. Used as a prophylactic for arthritis, osteoporosis and gout. SustaNorm is recommended for people who are constantly associated with high physical stress on the joints, as well as those involved in sports or shaping.

    How to use: 1 tablet with food, 2 times a day.

    Collagen Ultra

    The basis of the composition of the drug is collagen. The easily digestible form of the substance contains a balanced source of natural amino acids that are present in cartilage, tendons, nails and bones. Lack of collagen leads to pain and inflammation of the joints. Therefore, it is prescribed for prevention in order to strengthen the articular apparatus and to restore cartilage surfaces after injuries and diseases.

    The drug is produced in the form of a powder. The recommended dose per day is 8 g. It is diluted with 200-250 ml of water and drunk during meals, 1 time per day. Treatment can last up to 3 months. At 3-4 weeks, patients notice significant improvements.


    The main function of the mineral-vitamin complex is the regulation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. It saturates the body with calcium, vitamin D3 and other trace elements. Helps strengthen bones and joints. It is widely used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    The drug is approved for children from 5 years. They are prescribed 1 tablet, 1 time per day - during a meal, patients over 12 years old - 1 in the morning and in the evening.

    Orthomol Artro plus

    The tool is made in Germany. It is recommended for use by people already suffering from arthrosis, athletes, the elderly. This is a vitamin remedy that supplies cartilage with nutrition, restoring their functions. It is often prescribed in the postoperative period for the speedy fusion of bones, the growth of bone callus. Thanks to a specially selected combination of glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, collagen hydrolyzate and hyaluronic acid, when taking the drug, motor activity increases, pain symptoms in the joints decrease.

    The product is available in the form of a powder with capsules. The daily norm for an adult is 1 sachet and 2 capsules. The powder is diluted with water (150 ml) and washed down with capsules during or after meals.


    It is an additional source of vitamins for the body. Produced with additives of zinc and selenium.

    Antioxycaps is not recommended for use by persons under 14 years of age. In order to prevent vitamin deficiency, take 1 capsule per day. The course of treatment lasts from 2 to 3 months. You can increase its duration only on the recommendation of a doctor.

    Bodyflex Combi

    The manufacturer of this drug is Hankintatukku Oy (Finland). The complex is a mineral and plant extract. It is a dietary supplement to restore and maintain the function of joints and connective tissues. The composition includes 7 active substances for bones, ligaments and muscles: nettle and ginger extract, green mussel shell extract, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), magnesium, calcium and vitamin D.

    Take 2 tablets, 1-2 times a day. The drug should not be used during pregnancy or when using anticoagulants. Tablets are washed down with a large amount of liquid, swallowed without chewing.

    Before taking medications, be sure to consult with your doctor. Food supplements may have contraindications for use.

    Sports nutrition to strengthen ligaments and bones

    Any sports training puts a strain on the joints, bones, ligaments and muscles. The components contained in conventional nutrition are not enough to make them stronger and more resilient. Therefore, people involved in sports additionally use supplements specially designed for the musculoskeletal system.

    The most popular and effective substances in the composition of such vitamin cocktails are chondroitin, glucosamine and methylsulfonylmethane. These are natural components that make the ligamentous apparatus whole, strong and elastic and maintain the strength of the bone tissue. Also improves joint function and gelatin. There are a huge number of sports nutrition complexes (sport nutrition), for example:

    1. 1. Animal Flex. Complex for ligaments and joints. It contains glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals. The complex strengthens bones, cartilage and other connective tissues, prevents inflammatory reactions. It is available in the form of a powder or sachets. Use 1 dose of the drug per day, during meals. You can split the package into several steps. If the mixture is presented in powder, dilute one scoop in any drink (300 ml) and drink throughout the day.
    2. 2. VP laboratory Absolute Joint Vplab. The basis of the supplement is collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid. Additionally, it is enriched with vitamins and minerals. Substances help support the health of the musculoskeletal system. Strengthen connective tissues, help cartilage remain elastic, control the sufficient level of synovial fluid in the joints. When using Vplab Absolute Joint, motor functions are restored faster after injuries, pain and inflammation are reduced. Daily dose - 10 g of powder, which is diluted in 200 ml of water.
    3. 3. Weider Gelatin Forte. Ingredients: gelatin, collagen hydrolyzate, biotin and vitamin B6. Promotes the restoration of cartilage tissue. Scientists have proven that it is gelatin that is the basis for the formation of cartilage. With its lack, joints begin to hurt, nails break and hair falls out. It is recommended to use the drug in courses of 3 months with the same breaks. A cocktail is prepared from 10 g of powder and 200 ml of water. Taken at one time at any time of the day.
    4. 4. Olimp Kolagen Active Plus. Ingredients: collagen, ascorbic acid, B6, calcium, magnesium. The tool restores and strengthens cartilage and other tissues. Easily digestible collagen, which is part of the supplement, is the main substance of connective tissue - cartilage, ligaments, joints. This ensures their strength and resistance to stress. Collagen also helps maintain the elasticity of muscles and joints. The deficiency of the substance is externally manifested in the fragility of nails and hair, the premature appearance of wrinkles, the appearance of cellulite, and stooping of the back. Indicated for use by women and the elderly. Take 4 tablets, twice a day - a few (1-2) hours after a meal.
    5. 5. Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM. Designed to strengthen ligaments and joints. The complex includes chondroprotectors based on glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM. Glucosamine is a building material and is involved in the restoration of connective tissue and cartilage. It forms the basis for tendons, membranes and bones. Chondroitin sulfate, being an indispensable element for the synthesis of proteoglycans, performs an important function of attracting synovial fluid to the proteoglycan molecule and increases the volume of joint lubrication. Chondroitin increases the production of collagen in the body, a substance that is involved in the development of shock-absorbing structures at the ends of the joints. Restores cartilage. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Take the composition 3 times a day, 1 tablet.
    6. 6. Labrada ElastiJoint. It contains a large amount of collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM in powder form. Restores and strengthens cartilage tissue and ligamentous apparatus. Relieves inflammation, pain. Labrada ElastiJoint benefits those who have reduced joint mobility and pain due to age-related wear and tear. The ElastiJoint formula is very effective. Most patients suffering from various forms of arthritis, after using it, feel an improvement in their condition. Take 1-2 servings per day.

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Diseases of bones, joints, ligaments are quite widespread among the modern population. However, few people think about the health of their body before the appearance of pain, discomfort and a tangible impact on the quality of life.

You can restore the normal state of the body and prevent the occurrence of diseases of the bones, joints and cartilage by taking vitamins.

The importance of vitamins for joints and bones

Bones, joints, cartilage and ligaments are part of the body, and need vitamins no less than all other organs. The skeletal system provides motor and support functions. It retains macro- and microelements. Provides protection of internal organs from damage and injury.

Wrong lifestyle, abundance of stress, malnutrition, sedentary work lead to problems and diseases of bones and joints in fairly young people. In old age, vitamin deficiency and bone fragility can be quite dangerous due to slow regeneration processes. Inadequate bone strength and elasticity of joints and ligaments can lead to serious injury and potential disability.

It is possible to provide strength to bones, joints, cartilage with the help of fortification. Some vitamins are produced by the human body itself. However, they are clearly not enough for normal functioning. The missing vitamins enter the body with food consumed, or in the form of vitamin complexes, special supplements.

Consequences of vitamin deficiency

The lack of vitamins in the body can occur for a number of reasons:

  • low content of vitamins in consumed food;
  • during pregnancy, during lactation, in old age, with great physical exertion and illness;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and dysbacteriosis disrupt the process of assimilation of vitamins;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • violation of the process of biosynthesis in the intestinal microflora;
  • food rich in antivitamins.

Lack of vitamins can lead to the following negative consequences for joints, bones and cartilage:

What vitamins are most necessary for joints and bones?

Vitamin A (Retinol)

Necessary for oxidative and reduction processes in the body, normalizes the functioning of plasma membranes, promotes the development of new cells, slows down the aging of the body. Vitamin A is required for the process of bone formation, the normal functioning of human immunity. Slows down the processes of degeneration in the joints, cartilage and ligaments.

With a lack of vitamin A, a general decrease in the body's immunity occurs, the process of cell regeneration, in particular joints and ligaments, slows down. Due to changes in the joints and cartilage, the development of and is possible.

Vitamin A is found in foods:

  1. vegetable origin. Green and yellow vegetables (carrots, sweet peppers, green onions, parsley, hops, broccoli, pumpkin), fennel, legumes, peaches, nettles, grapes, rose hips, apricots, watermelon, melon, burdock, apples, kelp, sea buckthorn, cherries.
  2. Animal origin. Fish oil, liver, caviar, whole milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, butter, egg yolk.

B1 (Thiamin)

Takes part in the normalization of metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism. Promotes the growth of muscles and bones, slows down the aging process in the body.

With a deficiency of thiamine, muscle atrophy occurs, the development of paresis of the limbs is possible. The consequence of this is the development of pathologies of the joints and ligaments.

The human body does not produce vitamin B1, so you need to consume it with food.

Plant foods: beans, soybeans, peas, potatoes, spinach, cabbage, carrots. Animal products: kidneys, liver, brain, beef, pork.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Stimulates the production of glucocorticoids in the body, this property of the vitamin is used for therapy.

With a deficiency in the body, muscle pain and pain in the lower extremities can occur. The vitamin is produced in the human body by Escherichia coli.

Found in: yeast, peas, green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, garlic, cereals, hazelnuts, kidney, heart, caviar, egg yolk, milk.

B6 (Pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 stimulates metabolism, promotes the absorption of protein, the processing of amino acids. Lack of pyridoxine leads to numbness in the limbs, arthritis.

Products: cereal sprouts, hazelnuts, potatoes, walnuts, carrots, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, cherries, strawberries, oranges, lemons, legumes, cereals, dairy and meat products, fish, eggs.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

Necessary in the synthesis process, which contributes to the strength, firmness and elasticity of ligaments, joints and cartilage.

Prevents viral diseases of the joints.

Products with vitamin C: rosehips, red bell peppers, black currants, citrus fruits, apples, kiwi, dill, sea buckthorn, parsley, Brussels sprouts.

A lack of vitamin C makes ligaments and cartilage vulnerable and prone to injury, fracture, and disease. There is a possibility of developing arthritis.

D3 (Cholecalciferol) and D2 (Ergocalciferol)

Vitamin D is produced by the human body when exposed to sunlight. Animal products: egg yolks, fish oil, caviar, butter, cheese. Vegetable vitamin is found in horsetail, parsley, nettle.

Vitamin E

It is an active antioxidant, protects the tissues of the body from the destructive effects of active radicals. Helps strengthen joints and ligaments.

With a lack of vitamin E, the aging process is disinhibited, the regeneration of tissues of the joints and ligaments worsens.
High content of vitamin E in sea buckthorn, egg yolk, beets, celery, carrots, rose hips, spinach, peanuts.

Vitamin K

Participates in the production of osteocalcin protein, is needed for normal metabolism in bones and connective tissues. Promotes the absorption of calcium, the interaction of calcium and vitamin D. Synthesis affects the strengthening of ligaments.

With a lack of vitamin K, cartilage ossification and deformation of bones that are in the process of formation are possible.

Vegetable products: spinach, cabbage, lettuce, nettle, wheat bran, cereals, pumpkin, kiwi, banana, avocado, soy, olive oil. Animal products: meat, eggs, cow's milk, dairy products.

Trace elements are also food for joints and bones

For the health of joints, bones, cartilage and ligaments, the following elements are necessary:

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Often there is not enough food rich in vitamins. In this case, to strengthen the joints and bones, it is recommended to use complexes of vitamins and minerals:

An insufficient amount of trace elements and vitamins in the body has a negative effect on bones, joints, ligaments and cartilage. However, their excessive amount can also lead to the development of pathologies.

It is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, balance your diet, eat foods rich in vitamins and microelements, use vitamin complexes.