English learning child adult at sea. Language schools in Malta

Hello dear readers! Every summer, parents face the question of where to send their children so that they do not just spend their holidays idly, but rest with benefit. In this sense, children's language camps in Malta are ideal. Here your children will not only have a great rest, but will also be able to significantly improve their English or even start learning it from scratch and bring their knowledge to a decent level.

A trip to this beautiful Mediterranean island will forever remain in childhood memories as an unforgettable, brightest trip. In addition to the course itself, the standard program of the children's language camp in Malta includes exciting walks and excursions around the cities of the island, tasting national dishes, a swimming pool and other water activities. Moreover, your children are not left unattended, all the time their safety is monitored by teachers.

When studying English in Malta, students not only learn in the classroom, but also constantly practice spoken English outside of the children's camp. The benevolent, friendly and cheerful local population, which speaks at least two languages ​​- Maltese and English, will never refuse any help and will be happy to prompt you with the necessary information. Therefore, young students feel completely safe in Malta.

Benefits of learning English in Malta

It is not for nothing that most of the children who have visited one of the Maltese camps enthusiastically talk about their journey and dream of going there again. After all, Malta is truly a paradise island with huge benefits of learning English for both teenagers and their parents.

Let's list the main advantages of children's language camps in Malta:

  • Teaching English to children is conducted all year round
  • High quality education
  • Relatively low price of courses
  • A wide range of language camps by price and intensity
  • Mild climatic conditions will allow you to relax and study all season
  • Availability of vacation courses and programs: from two weeks to several months
  • The number of children in the class does not exceed 15 students
  • Classes start in the morning and continue until lunch, the rest of the time the child can relax and have fun
  • The focus is on reading, writing and developing speaking and listening skills.
  • Children's camps in Malta have experienced teachers who help children achieve tangible results in mastering the English language
  • All students receive relevant international certificates upon completion of training.

The fact that children will have an exciting cultural and entertainment program, new interesting acquaintances and a lot of positive impressions, I think, is not worth talking about. But the fact that the sea climate also improves the health of children is worth noting. See also the article Rest and study English in Malta, which will tell you in detail about which schools and English courses the Maltese education system offers.

Children's language camps in Malta

Now let's find out what the Ministry of Education of Malta has to offer for teaching English to children. A large number of schools and children's camps have been created in the country, in which classes are conducted at the highest level. Educational institutions are focused on various programs that are adapted to the age and individual characteristics of students.

Children are taught English classes by qualified teachers who professionally organize each lesson. The standard course of study includes approximately 20 lessons per week. For example, one of the best schools in IELS Malta will ask for 1300 to 1700 euros for 2 weeks of study. It will be more economical and efficient to order a longer course. So for 8 weeks of intensive classes at IELS Malta you will pay from 4100 to 5500 euros for children from 13 to 17 years old.

What other children's English courses and camps are there in Malta:

  • IELS/LAL Malta for 8-12 years old. Students are accepted for a period of 2 to 4 weeks. 20 lectures per week. Possibility of additional lessons. There are 10-12 people in a class. Accommodation in a room for 3-4 students in a student residence. The price also includes round-the-clock supervision, educational material, visa support, three meals a day and a cultural and entertainment program. The program starts on July 13
  • Sprachcaffe for 13-17 years old. The camp is located near the capital on the coast of the Bay of Sao Paul. In addition to the standard English course, students are offered the opportunity to get scuba diving lessons. At the disposal of teenagers - a swimming pool, round-the-clock support, a reading room, a library and three meals a day. Opportunity to stay with a Maltese family
  • Sprachcaffe for 14-21 years old. The school, located in the heart of entertainment and recreation in the St. Julians area, offers a youth program for teenagers and young adults. Classes are held before lunch, and after doing homework, free time can be devoted to relaxing at sea under the hot sun, excursions and parties. Full support for all infrastructures
  • RBSM International Boarding School for 7-18 years old. An elite boarding house will give your child an excellent secondary education with an emphasis on knowledge of the English language. The RBSM school conducts training according to the Russian program. The territory of the boarding house, where students study and live, is guarded 24 hours a day. The camps also have the opportunity to study in various studios, where students can show and develop their creative abilities.
  • Malta Crown for 7-16 years old. Short holiday courses and an academic year of study are offered. In addition to learning the language, the course also includes a wellness program. If you choose a full year of study (9 months), then your child will study according to the Russian program, but with in-depth study of English. Teachers also focus on the development of creative abilities.

On my own behalf, I can advise you not to let the children go themselves, pay for the trip, at least for one of the parents. Although the school administration monitors the students, the parent is still better. There are a lot of temptations in Malta, especially for teenagers.

But mainly for learning the language - Malta is a great island!

I wish you a great vacation! About your impressions, please write in the comments.

Malta offers a unique opportunity to combine learning English with seaside holidays and a rich excursion program. This will help you fully immerse yourself in the language environment, communicate with peers. There are many English language schools in Malta.

Attention! When booking a course without accommodation, a mandatory supplement of 24 euros per person


Education in schools. Prices for 2019

San Julians

School Description

Programs for adults, price

Programs for children, price

ESE for Junior and Teens (8 - 17 years old)
Young Adults Program (17 - 20 years old)
Milan Junior Camp (10 - 16 years old)


School Description

Programs for adults, price

Programs for children, price



English Junior(5 - 12 years old)

English Active Teens(13 - 17 years old)

English Total Teens(13 - 17 years old)

Berlitz Malta School is one of the world leaders in teaching English. More than a hundred years ago, the German and American linguist and educator Maximillian Berlitz developed his own special method of teaching a foreign language. Now this method is considered the most natural method for learning a new language and a means of improving and improving current knowledge.

The school is located in the center of San Julians, in the Paceville area. The main bus terminal is located 100 m from the school. Modern methods in addition to using the latest technologies give high efficiency in the process of learning a foreign language. Thanks to this system, students will quickly begin to make progress, speak and think in English after the first lesson. The learning process takes place in a pleasant environment, quickly and efficiently. All teachers of the school are native speakers of the language and receive special training in the method proposed by the Berlitz school.

Before the start of classes, a thorough testing is carried out, according to the results of which students are distributed into groups of the appropriate level, and upon completion of training, students are awarded a certificate recognized in most educational institutions in the world. The school provides its students with all the necessary educational materials. Students are issued a student card, with which they can receive discounts in many shops, clubs, bars and restaurants.

In parallel with the learning process, cultural and sports programs are held.

The school has: air conditioning, Internet and e-mail, a cafe.

Accommodation options:
- accommodation with a local family
- accommodation in the school residence

The school also offers accommodation in the Berlitz 3* residence, which is located in the same building as the school, only floors above. Basic residence in the residence - no meals. For an additional fee, any of the three boarding houses is offered (one, two and three meals a day).

EC Malta
EC Malta is located 20 minutes from the airport in St. Julian's, Malta's most popular resort, providing a wide choice of accommodation (residences, apartments, hotels, local families) and a wide range of entertainment.

The school was founded in 1991, and in 2001 it was rebuilt in accordance with European safety standards. The school consists of 2 blocks located across the road from each other. The blocks consist of 62 bright, air-conditioned classrooms, 13 of which are designed for small group or individual lessons. The school Internet cafe has 47 computers with Internet access and e-mail. There is also a multimedia room with TV, DVD and an auditorium.

During the summer months, EC Malta students enjoy the resort's 5* Beach Club and EC Fitness Center, which is just minutes from the school.

In their free time, students have the opportunity to see the most interesting sights of Malta. Most of the entertainment and recreation is connected with the sea. Therefore, the program includes visiting the many sandy beaches of Malta and exploring the Blue Grotto. On one of the Saturdays - an excursion to the picturesque Blue Lagoon, Maltese historical harbor. And another Saturday can be spent traveling around the island of Malta, seeing the Maltese watchtowers, picturesque fishing villages. You can get acquainted with the history of Malta during the historical show. The history of Malta goes back over 6,000 years. A few days will be free from extracurricular programs.

EC organizes parties on the beach where you can play volleyball, football, swim and taste food cooked on an open fire. Outdoor picnics are also organized.

Attention! New ESE School Cancellation Conditions
Penalties are now set not before the date of arrival, but from the date of booking.

Cancellation without penalty is possible within 7 days from the date of booking.

For example:
If the reservation was sent on May 17, and the tourist's departure date is August 04, then the reservation can be canceled without penalty until May 24.

If the cancellation is sent later than 7 days from the date of booking, the school will charge a fine of 100 euros.

If the cancellation is sent from 1 to 7 days before the date of arrival, then a penalty of 1 week (tuition + accommodation) and plus a registration fee is taken.

In case of "no show" a 100% penalty is set.

Children's language camps in Malta annually attract more than 25,000 young students aged 13 to 17 and about 3,000 children under the age of 12. According to experts, it is children who make up the majority (about 40%) of all foreigners who come to the island to study. What is remarkable about language schools in Malta for children?

Mediterranean holidays: why should you go to a camp in Malta?

What is the first thing parents pay attention to when sending a child on vacation? On safety, benefits for development - physical and intellectual, diversity and fascination of the leisure part of the program. All this is fully ready to offer language camps in Malta for children and teenagers.

The small island country of Malta is safe - there is practically no crime, and the local population is friendly to foreigners. In addition, teachers and educators constantly monitor the children who come to the Maltese camps: the children are under the supervision of their elders around the clock. And the last argument - Malta has such a chamber territory that it is physically impossible to get lost here.

Mild climate, sea air and sun - the perfect trio to improve your health! And for the development of the intellectual abilities of young students, English camps in Malta offer an extensive program: these are directly language classes in classes, which are allocated 10-30 hours a week, and extracurricular activities - competitions, creative workshops, sports and excursions. Much attention is paid to the entertainment of children, because it is in such a playful form, when children communicate in an informal setting, that learning English takes place at ease. Trying to find a common language with peers from other countries, children easily overcome the language barrier, begin not only to speak fluently, but also to think in English.

Holiday camp programs in Malta

Malta, with its warm climate, welcomes young students all year round, but most often courses for children are held during school holidays - autumn, spring and the longest - summer. Programs vary depending on the age and goals of the students.

For children of the younger age category - from 7 to 12 years old, the best option is to study for 10-20 hours a week (lessons are held in the morning), teenagers can choose an intensive course and increase the number of classes up to 30 hours a week. In this case, another lesson awaits them after lunch. There are also unique offers in Malta, for example, the ESE Milan Junior Camp, which is held in conjunction with the Italian Youth Football Federation. Children will not only learn English, but also learn to play football professionally under the guidance of experienced coaches.

Accommodation for children under 14 is organized on the basis of camps. Teenagers can choose to stay with a host family.

The cost of studying in the Maltese language camp

Prices in language camps in Malta compare favorably with most offers in other English-speaking countries. Compared to the exemplary UK, you can save more than 50% on a trip. The average cost of a 1-week stay in a children's camp in Malta, including food and accommodation, will cost less than 100,000 rubles. This amount does not include airfare and out of pocket expenses.

Most people associate Malta with resorts and sunny beaches. However, people come to this country not only on vacation. A very popular service is studying in Malta, because the level of education here is not inferior to many leading countries. There are also English courses for children on the islands, which parents from different countries, including Russia, are willing to use.

If you want your child to enjoy their summer holidays, English in Malta for schoolchildren will be a great adventure. It has everything you need for both leisure and study. The excellent level of organization of leisure and education of children in Malta, combined with adequate prices and the opportunity to relax with parents, makes this country one of the most attractive in terms of learning a foreign language.

Why choose Malta?

English courses for children in Malta are a great solution. This option has a number of advantages, which, in fact, lie on the surface:

  • simplified procedure for obtaining a visa. Despite the fact that the country is a member of the Schengen Agreement, here you can get entry documents much easier and faster than in other countries offering foreign language courses;
  • price. English in Malta for schoolchildren will cost an average of 30% cheaper than in the same England or Switzerland;
  • good attitude towards foreigners. Malta is a resort country, where they are accustomed to a large number of tourists from abroad. They treat people here very kindly, and you can adapt to the islands in a short period;
  • wonderful climate. Due to the fact that it is always warm in the country, English for children in Malta will also be a wonderful holiday. Here is the cleanest sea with white sandy beaches;
  • mandatory accreditation. Schools offering to study English in Malta for teenagers and children are accredited by the Ministry of Education of the islands. So here you will get a wonderful education;
  • travel opportunities in Europe. By receiving the Maltese Schengen, you have the opportunity to freely travel to various countries. So, you can spend the weekend walking around France, Italy, Greece, Portugal and other countries located near the islands.

In addition, another important advantage should be noted. English is the official language in the country, approved at the state level. Therefore, a language environment has been formed here, which will give the student an excellent practice. Thus, studying in Malta for schoolchildren is an excellent solution from all sides.

In addition, children from many countries of the world learn the language or receive education on the islands. Thanks to this, the child can make a huge number of new friends. He will also get acquainted with the culture and traditions of Malta, will be able to visit many attractions that the islands are very rich in.

What training programs are available in Malta

English courses for children in Malta can be both seasonal and year-round. Parents can send their child to the islands at any time of the year, not necessarily just for the summer holidays. There are also plenty of educational programs for children. Let's consider the main ones.

General program

Involves learning English for children in Malta from 8 years old. This opportunity is offered by the vast majority of educational institutions. This option is good for beginners. In total, the course has 20 lessons, the duration of which varies from half an hour to 45 minutes. The standard number of students in a group is no more than 15 people. Some schools offer language learning in a group of 6 people. The courses involve the development of all four basic speech skills. The focus is on the spoken language: better understanding of spoken language and the rapid formation of sentences. The standard duration of the general program can reach 2 months.


If you are looking for a more in-depth program for teens or children, you can choose the Intensive. In this case, the program already includes 30 lessons, the duration of each of which is 45 minutes. The duration of intensive language learning is from two weeks or more.


This educational program is designed for teenagers aged 12 and over. Children are also divided into groups according to their level of knowledge, and 20 general lessons + 10 individual lessons with a teacher are held with them. The duration of such a program is also from two weeks.

Language + diving or sailing

Some schools immediately include all kinds of entertainment in the program. For example, the European Center Classic Coastal Malta school provides an opportunity not only to study English in Malta for schoolchildren, but also to take a PADI diving course. The program includes up to 30 language lessons in a general course, and in addition, children are taught to sail a sailboat and go in for scuba diving. In this case, both preparation from scratch and options for already experienced ones are possible.

Exam Preparation Programs

Here you can also prepare for international language exams to obtain IELTS, TOEFL, FCE and other certificates. Such an opportunity is offered, for example, by ACE Junior and European Centre. For a separate fee, students are invited to take a language exam directly at the school. The exam takes the form of a test, based on which a decision is made to issue a certificate of completion of training.

This program is offered for children aged 13 and over. The number of lessons per week is up to 30. Of these, up to 4 hours are taught daily according to the general program, and another 2 hours are devoted to specialized preparation for the exam. Such a course is also at least 14 days.

What the cost of studying?

The cost may vary and depends on the length of stay in the country, the season, the type of accommodation and meals, the location of the educational institution, as well as the educational, cultural and entertainment program.

In Malta, there is such a thing as seasonality. The cost of the trip also depends on it. The summer months are in the high season, the rest are in the low season. Consider how this parameter affects the cost of living. International students have several options:

By paying the course fee, you can only study and pay for accommodation. However, one should also take into account the additional costs that everyone who wants to study in Malta bears. The first expenses are organizational services of the company. After the conclusion of the contract, the company will reserve a place for study, help to draw up the necessary documents, provide legal support and much more. Also, the cost of services does not include a visa and an insurance policy. Doing without insurance will not work, because it is prerequisite to obtain an entry document. The price of the policy may vary. After completing the paperwork, you will also need to pay for airfare to and from the islands.

The second expense is out of pocket. The amount depends on the individual needs of each student and is determined solely by the parents. Most often, the stay of children in Malta is associated with the following costs:

How to choose a program

If you want to organize education in Malta for your child, do not forget that a trip to the islands is not only a business trip. It is also a holiday in one of the best resorts in the world. Therefore, pay attention to what leisure services the school offers. If the program is rich enough in terms of recreation, it is better to consider it than more “dry” options in this sense. And there is plenty of entertainment in Malta. These are the mentioned diving and sailing, as well as other types of outdoor activities, excursions, sightseeing, parties, water park. Thanks to this, in addition to classes, you can practice directly outside the classroom. This is a great opportunity to improve your skills and get new experiences.

Schools also offer a variety of accommodation options. Most make it possible to live in a residence directly on the territory of an educational institution. However, for a short trip, homestay accommodation is the best solution. It will allow you to practice throughout the day. Therefore, consider schools that also offer a variety of accommodation options.

Why you should trust the company "Chancellor"

The Chancellor company offers the organization of educational services and language courses abroad for residents of Moscow and other cities of Russia. Our employees have been working with Maltese educational institutions for a long time. Rich experience of cooperation and well-established business connections allow us to offer a huge number of language programs for you and your child.

Each proposed educational institution was visited by our employees. Therefore, we are personally familiar with the conditions in which your child will study and live. We also provide full support for children and parents during the period of departure. For any question, you can call the Chancellor's office, and our staff will do everything to help you.

The company's specialists will offer a variety of programs. Also, our consultants will help you choose the best solution for your child. English courses in Malta from the Chancellor company can be of different duration and intensity, so you can choose the right option.

Pupils go to Malta clearly on the set day. The Chancellor company takes care of all the main tasks of organizing the trip. We will help you obtain visas, purchase round-trip air tickets, arrange a meeting at the airport in Malta, study and accommodation on the islands. Our staff will do their best to solve any domestic problems that may arise during your stay in the country. With our help, your child will learn the language in a comfortable environment.