Aromamarketing: who needs it and why? Clothing and footwear stores. by color scheme


Do you know how to increase customer loyalty, keep them in front of the shelves longer and convince them to buy more? How to hide unpleasant odors inherent in specific products (construction or medical)?

And how to make sure that at the same time customers leave happy and confident in the right decision and choice? The answer exists. Scent marketing is a subtle and elegant way to improve the atmosphere in the room, purify the air and make a profit from the business.

Pleasant aromas have a positive effect on people, calm them down and make them friendly. A person, when he is well, becomes more generous and is ready to buy much more than he originally intended. It is easier and more pleasant to work with clients in a good mood.

Fragrances for business purposes are selected by marketers individually, taking into account the peculiarities of the premises, goods and preferences of the client audience, as well as the image of the enterprise.

The set of measures involved in aromatizing a retail space in order to increase sales is called aromamarketing.

1. What is aromatization for?

Using pleasant aromas in business is a very simple and effective way to attract customers, a kind of product advertising.

The possibilities of smell are much wider than it might seem at first:

  • High company image. Pleasant aromas are very important when selling perfumes and cosmetics, products, flowers and even furniture, as well as services. If a customer looks at a product and feels something good, they want to purchase the product and keep the wonderful feeling.
  • Sales are on the rise. Each line of products is able to emphasize its flavor. A pleasant smell by itself leads the client to the bakery or to the department with expensive branded perfumes. Doing a manicure is much more pleasant in a room that smells of flowers and fruits than chemicals.
  • Air purification. The room becomes clean and safe, the conditions for storing goods improve
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As early as the 4th century BC, it is described how the Egyptians identified fragrances for domestic and public use. During the passage of important state events, the Egyptians smoked incense, it was believed that its smell opens the soul. Frankincense has become an aroma brand in religion with over 2,400 years of history.

During the construction of temples in India, essential oils prepared according to secret recipes were added to the mortar, this created an atmosphere of coolness, conducive to reflection, peace, meditation and contributed to the disinfection of the room. Smoking sticks were constantly burning inside the temple.

The attitude of the Chinese to aromas can be judged from the letters of the famous Chinese philosopher Wang Wei of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) to his student: “Aromas have a cleansing and regenerating effect on you, strengthening your energy and filling your thoughts with peace and tranquility.”

In ancient Russia, treatment with aromas was traditional. Arranged the so-called Chepuchin seat. A small wooden chamber ("chepuchina"), saturated with the aroma of steamed herbs, helped to get rid of many diseases. Women from the bourgeois class loved geraniums, it was believed that its smell creates an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility in the house.

These are just a few examples that convince us that the effects of aromas have been noticed by people since ancient times, but the mechanism for recognizing and remembering smells has remained a mystery until recently. In the West, A. Hirsch (an American psychiatrist) was the first to study smells in modern psychology. Hirsch determined that certain smells evoke specific behaviors and actions in a person. He started with a profitable and simple business for business - he distributed a special essence in retail departments. After this experience, it was found that the sale of goods increased in those departments where the essence was distributed.

As a result of a series of experiments, American scientists Linda Buck and Richard Axel won the 2004 Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology. Scientists have explained how the human olfactory system functions. They found genes that provide for the development of certain types of olfactory receptors. Such receptors are localized on receptor cells located in the upper part of the nasal epithelium. Each receptor can identify a limited number of odorous substances. Further, olfactory receptor cells send signals to specific formations of the olfactory bulb, after which the impulses enter the cerebral cortex, where information received from various types of olfactory receptors is combined into a specific set characteristic of each odor. The combination of the received codes forms a pattern resembling a mosaic. These scent maps underlie our ability to recognize, analyze and store approximately 10,000 different odors.

Aromatization came to Europe from America and Japan, where aromas have always been of great importance. Suffice it to recall the art of "kodo" (the art of incense) popular in Japan. In the “kodo” for a poetic fragment, it is important to choose the flavor that accurately reflects the nature of the poems, their emotional atmosphere, to achieve complete harmony in the trinity: the hieroglyph is for sight, the word is for hearing, the aroma is for smell. Thus, all three channels of information perception are involved: visual, auditory and olfactory. As for the first two analyzers, they are overloaded for modern consumers. In a day, a resident of a big city is faced with such a huge amount of audiovisual information that he is no longer able to digest it. As for the third olfactory analyzer, according to scientists, under conditions of general overload it is much more promising for conveying information to the client. In the European market, which discovered aromatization twenty years ago, its importance is growing every year. To some extent, this is due to fierce competition. In order to interest the buyer today, it is no longer enough that the product is simply of high quality. For many, sales have become one of the entertainments to which people devote a considerable part of their free time, and this process should give them pleasure, evoke pleasant emotions, and remain in memory. Flavoring technologies are able to meet the expectations of customers.

All about fragrances

Aroma structure

All fragrances have a pyramid structure. And only through professional equipment all notes are revealed simultaneously.

Associating a fragrance with a room

- by clients

From the beginning, we determine for which price category the product or service is calculated. If low and medium, then choose a popular flavor. For high - choose a fragrance from the "Premium" series.

Example: if you fill the store with an expensive fragrance in a low price category, then the value of the product will increase and a certain part of the customers will be able to scare away. Likewise and vice versa.

More by gender. In the women's store - women's fragrance, men's - masculine, so that the client feels comfortable. Universal only unisex. For a mixed assortment, choose the main buyer. It rarely happens that the main customers are 50/50 and cannot be divided by fragrance, but we still recommend women, because women are more emotional, they are more influenced by their emotional state when choosing, and they are more often involved in helping men choose.

And by age group. Let's take an example from clothing stores: When it comes to a children's clothing store, we deal with both adults and young customers. And here it is important to take into account the fact that purchases can be made both under the influence of the desires of the child, and the decision to purchase this or that thing is strictly an adult. And often our client is still not a child, but parents. And here emotional memories from childhood come to the rescue! And what was so good in childhood cheered up any of us, no matter how sweets, all kinds of goodies and sweets! Aromas of toffee or fruit candies, vanilla or caramel will create that unique atmosphere of childhood for an adult, and, of course, will attract the attention of little buyers!

Youth or teen clothes. In this case, the aromas should be bright and daring, and these are fruity-citrus or fruity notes. The main thing is a great mood!

Age clothing store. The client is a person who has already taken place and achieved life goals. Accordingly, the aroma is calm and restrained. For a store of this age group, aromas with floral, woody, musky notes are suitable.

- by name

The choice of aroma can also be directly related to the name of the store, and here it is enough to give an example when the aroma of a juicy mango reigns in a store with an identical name. If this is a denim store with a clear American name, then the Coke flavor would be very useful. The Belarusian name of the store can be emphasized by the characteristic, colorful aroma “Blue Flax Flower” (“Eden”), or the aroma “Lakeland” (“Westland”), which combines the unique notes of meadow greenery, lake air and wildflowers of Belarus, or the aroma - "Blue-eyed country" ("Paradox"), in the composition of which there are notes of lake ozone, green glade, meadow freshness and flowering ferns.

- by color scheme

Selection of aroma in accordance with the color scheme of the interior. For rooms decorated in cool colors, fresh aromas will harmoniously suit, and for warm colors, warm aromas will suit.

- at the request of the client

And another important point when choosing a fragrance, when the choice falls precisely on the fragrance that, it would seem, is not related either thematically or by any other factor determining the choice, while I really want the store to be dominated by this scent and no other. As they say, everything is possible! Let us give an example with the choice of the “Coffee” fragrance in a store where far from coffee is sold, but clothes, while the color scheme in cold colors and the name are not related to the choice made. In this case, visualization in the design comes to the rescue, when posters with the image of a fashion model with a cup of aromatic coffee are placed in the interior.

Perception of aroma by different groups

A little history of aromatization in our country. In the second half of the 1980s, Western manufacturers of cleaning and detergents began to actively penetrate the Soviet market: SC Johnson, Procter & Gamble and others. But unexpectedly for such "promoted" brands, people did not buy Western bleaching liquids and washing powders, which was very strange, since the products of transnational corporations were far superior in quality to the products of the "socialist national economy."

To find out the reason, companies have spent huge amounts of money on market research. The psychology of Soviet buyers was studied, cross-cultural studies of the preferences of Western and Soviet housewives were made, dozens of opinion polls were conducted, thousands of questionnaires were filled out. Everything was in vain. Some of the possible reasons called the innate patriotism of the Soviet people.

The answer was found quite by accident. The answer turned out to be a complete surprise for foreigners spoiled by everyday amenities. Our housewives lacked the smell of chlorine in their window cleaners and toilet cleaners, with which the products of Soviet chemical plants were habitually associated. Therefore, foreign liquids with a pleasant smell of needles, apples or lemons did not inspire any confidence. They were perceived as "fake". “Since it doesn’t smell of bleach a mile away and your eyes don’t water, it means that the remedy cannot be effective, it’s a fake,” - approximately such a stereotype existed among our customers. The smell of chlorine was strongly associated with "reliability" and good cleaning properties. Especially for the USSR, Western companies urgently developed additives that gave their products a flavor familiar to Soviet people. During the year, sales increased by 5-7 times. The market has been conquered.

As everyone knows, you learn about many important aspects of work, including in the field of marketing, only with the acquisition of sufficient experience in cooperation with many clients. This very experience allows us to avoid the typical mistakes of beginners in our work, to be proud of the successes achieved, and also, which is very important, to share this experience with other marketers. It is useful to know that many foreign aromatization technologies, with their inherent features and methods, are not effective and simply not applicable here. The reason is simple and deep: we have our own mentality and our own - Belarusian - perception of aroma.

For centuries, characteristic national flavors have been created that can only be felt in our country, and with them our feelings, “aromatic memory”, inextricably linked with these flavors, have evolved.

We have our own unique national cuisine in Belarus. Each of us has our own pleasant "fragrant" memories from childhood, such as the smell of grandma's pie or mom's homemade dinner. Everyone can, closing their eyes, imagine a clearing in a familiar forest and feel only their own memorable aroma, since it is in this clearing that those plants grow and in the combination that are not found anywhere else in the world. Our traditions are only our flavors!

After the recent release of a television program about the success of professional flavoring abroad, there were requests: “Give us a lemon!”. But the fact is that in America, citrus smells are mostly associated with pleasant associations (lemon pie, cocktails with lemon, freshly squeezed juice in the kitchen in the morning, cheerfulness of awakening, etc.). One more example: the fragrance of fresh mowed grass, reminiscent of a mowed green lawn near the house, combining the freshness of lush greenery and a delicate floral trail, has become a truly hit of the season in Belarus this year. And in America, this fragrance cannot be used, because in the minds of the average American, it is associated with "labor service" for mowing the grass around the house, catching up with melancholy and fatigue. Popular flavors abroad are ylang-ylang, ginger, walnut, lime, walnut, blueberry (and other exotic) pies. And what associations do they evoke in us?.. None. Unfamiliar exotics are rather alarming for our Belarusian consumer and cannot evoke such pleasant and vivid sensations and memories as native aromas familiar to all of us since childhood. Just remember: the smell of Easter buns at grandma's, fresh bread, the first wild strawberry, linden blossom, meadow clover, fragrant lard, mowed meadow... This is ours!

Brightness and tenderness of aroma

In practice, we are faced with one issue. Under equal conditions - different filling with aroma. It has been noted that fruity scents smell much brighter and cover a much larger area than delicate floral or aquatic scents. It can be compared, for example, as a color: purplish red with bed pink.


We cease to notice the smells with which we are constantly surrounded. This happens in the form of rapid and long-term adaptation. Let's take perfume as an example. Rapid adaptation occurs immediately after a few breaths of your perfume, you stop noticing shortly after you have scented. It seems to you that he has weathered, but this may not be so.

Due to long-term adaptation, you may get the impression that the perfume you use every day is getting weaker, and then you willy-nilly begin to pour more and more of them on yourself and, finally, obviously a lot. We often hear from women about perfume: "Yes, it's good, but it fizzles out. You won't have time to reach half of the bottle, but there is no smell anymore." This is pure illusion - or adaptation.

Sensitivity to odors is affected general state body, even if a person is full or hungry ... In old age, a person's olfactory sensitivity decreases. It has also been found that sensitivity to certain odors depends on gender. The smell of exaltolide (from the Latin exaltatio - an enthusiastic state). It is a very valuable fragrant substance and is widely used as a component of perfume compositions, fragrances for soap and cosmetic products, and only women feel it. Specialists also studied the phenomenon of so-called "smell blindness", when a person with normal olfactory sensitivity does not feel any one or group of odors. At the same time, the person himself does not suspect that he is not allowed to feel any one smell.

Sometimes there is a complete loss of sensitivity, a violation of the recognition of smells - anosmia.

Temperature dependence on filling the room with aroma

We meet this dependence mainly in the off-season, when there is a sharp decrease in the temperature of the room, the brightness of the aromas in the room drops significantly. Knowing from the lessons of chemistry Van't Hoff's rule: "For every 10 degrees increase in temperature, the rate constant of a homogeneous elementary reaction increases by two to four times."

In practice, there was a case when equipment was installed opposite open refrigerators and there was practically no smell. The service replaced the fragrance cartridge several times, replaced the equipment. But they couldn't figure out why it didn't smell right away. The issue was resolved quite by accident, the serviceman took the equipment to another outlet, as he thought that it might be an issue with electricity. And literally in 10 minutes, almost the entire store was filled with aroma.

Flavor quality

All components of our fragrances are used in accordance with all the regulations of IFRA (The International Fragrance Association - the International Association for Aromatic Substances, which controls the admissibility of the use of fragrant substances and essential oils in perfumery and cosmetics on the basis of biomedical tests). Every year, the list of oils allowed for use is reduced to create safe products.

All fragrances have a State Registration Certificate. Testing, analysis and verification took place in Belarus. The Republic of Belarus is famous for one of the most stringent safety and quality requirements compared to the European Union.

Change of flavor or seasons and holidays

In the use of professional aromatization, you can go in two ways, in the first one you can choose and find, as they say, “your own fragrance”, which will eventually become an aroma brand. And you can change every season. For example: in spring you can create a bright mood, in summer you can refresh in the heat, in autumn you can soothe and warm, and in cold winter you can fill it with a warm aroma. On holidays: on New Year's holidays - "Green tea with tangerines", "Cinnamon", "Vanilla with cinnamon", "New Year's"; on February 23 - purely masculine fragrances: "Harley", "Paradox", "Dunhill"; on March 8 - floral: "Rose", "Rose Glamor", "Spring Blossom"; for Easter - "Biscuit", "Vanilla".

Scent for your business

Hits by destinations and customer reviews

Grocery stores, Cafes and Restaurants:

1st place - "Biscuit"

Seductive aroma of freshly prepared biscuit with delicate caramel. The fragrance contains natural vanilla oil. Vanilla will help to calm down, relax and relieve nervous tension. This oil is the most effective aphrodisiac.

Experience: Currently, "Biscuit" is the most popular flavor. It has been successfully used to increase the average bill for flavoring in cafes, restaurants and grocery stores.

In the summer of 2015, for three months, a marketing experiment was conducted. Aroma "Biscuit", a small device for professional aromatization PPAm, was aromatized in the entrance area of ​​a small grocery store. The result is an increase in turnover by 12-16%. For all the time, 4 experiments were carried out - revenue growth from 9 to 17%.

2nd place - Creamy Vanilla

Well-known since childhood, the delicious aroma of condensed milk returns to the sweet and carefree world of kindness and joy. The fragrance contains natural vanilla oil. Vanilla will help to calm down, relax and relieve nervous tension. This oil is the most effective aphrodisiac.

Experience: This fragrance is one of the most striking fragrances. By doing research in grocery stores, revenue increased by 7 - 11%. There were more positive reviews in cafes and restaurants, which undoubtedly affected the average bill.

3rd place - "Vanilla"

Delicate and appetizing aroma of vanilla will fill you with warmth and comfort. The fragrance contains natural vanilla oil. Vanilla will help to calm down, relax and relieve nervous tension. This oil is the most effective aphrodisiac.

Experience: Vanilla is currently one of the most popular fragrances. It has been successfully used to increase the average bill for flavoring in cafes, restaurants and grocery stores.

Clothing and footwear stores:

1st place - "Noah Super"

Floral Woody.

A sensual fragrance, dazzlingly bright, enchantingly pure and innocent, like a white lily.

Sends on a romantic journey through old Europe, full of joy, delight and exciting experiences.

The fragrance contains natural oils of sandalwood and rose. Sandalwood oil will help improve focus and concentration. Rose oil increases efficiency, relieves overwork, prevents the development of stress reactions and stimulates creative and intellectual development.

Experience: This fragrance is one of the most popular and versatile fragrances. It successfully creates a wonderful atmosphere in restaurants, shops, hotels and offices. This fragrance was able to combine business style and gentle comfort.

2nd place - "Burbina".

A fruity-musky fragrance with a powdery note. Notes of juicy berries and fruits cheer up and give joy, while musk makes the fragrance refreshing and invigorating. And the composition is completed by a note of bright sweet aroma of powder, giving piquancy and completeness. The fragrance contains natural oils of bergamot and sandalwood.

Experience: This fragrance creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

3rd place - "Polynesia"


1st place - "Burbina"

A fruity-musky fragrance with a powdery note. Notes of juicy berries and fruits lift the mood and give joy, while musk makes the fragrance refreshing and invigorating. And the composition is completed by a note of bright sweet aroma of powder, giving piquancy and completeness. The fragrance contains natural oils of bergamot and sandalwood.

The sweet-citrus aroma of bergamot eliminates unpleasant emotions, anxiety, despondency, melancholy, apathy and depressive states, liberates and amuses, promotes an optimistic mood and positive emotions. It is believed that this aroma oil will make even the most inveterate pessimist smile. Sandalwood is able to soothe and relax everyone.

Experience: To date, Burbina is the number one fragrance for hotels. This fragrance gives hotels warmth and comfort, something that is so expected and appreciated by guests.

2nd place - "Aquamarine"
3rd place - "Fresh tree"

Our description of the essence of aromatization can be completed with a phrase that reflects the deep meaning of aromatization. It is said every day by our employees - from beautiful Brest to foggy Vladivostok and from cold Murmansk to luxurious Sochi - “Breathe deeply. Feel better. It works. Let our fragrances work for your business too”

It has been known since time immemorial.

But only at the end of the twentieth century, marketers came up with the idea to use them to promote various products and brands.

So, a new direction appeared in marketing - aroma marketing, and in business - new opportunities to increase sales.

Studies show that the correct flavoring of a point of sale can increase sales by an average of 15%.

Pretty good, right? We are sure you would not refuse such a result either. If so, then the following information is just for you.

6 areas of aroma marketing - 6 opportunities to earn more

Aromacleaning. Elimination of unpleasant or simply extraneous odors in the room. We don't need to convince you that the musty, heavy air in a retail outlet is not conducive to shopping.

But the aroma of Sicilian pizza from a nearby pizzeria is unlikely to contribute to sales, for example, in a shoe boutique.

Sometimes you just need to get rid of an inappropriate smell so that sales skyrocket. Simple fragrance.

Odorizing the air in a retail outlet or office with a single scent. This approach usually solves one business problem.

For example, it can be attracting more visitors to the store, stimulating impulse purchases, increasing the time spent by the client at the outlet, etc.

Aromadesign. It implies an integrated approach to the aromatization of premises. In this case, several flavors are developed, each of which performs its task.

So, the fragrant design of a clothing store will include at least 4 different perfume compositions:

For the entrance area (to lure visitors inside)
for a separate group of goods (for example, to draw attention to promotional offers)
for fitting rooms (to neutralize unpleasant odors)
for the checkout area (to help customers overcome the stress of parting with money)

Yes, yes, all this can be done with the help of special flavors 🙂

Seasonal air aromatization. It is carried out only for a certain period of time.

For example, during the sales of old collections or, on the contrary, the presentation of new ones.

Also, this type of flavoring works well during the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Flavoring French Auchan confectionery departments with the smell of holiday pudding before Christmas increases revenue by about 60%

Here's seasonal flavoring in action 🙂

Flavoring events. Exhibitions, fairs, presentations and other professional events are more fruitful if you use flavored stands and showcases instead of ordinary ones.

It grabs attention and sets the company apart from the competition. Moreover, a pleasant aroma improves the subjective perception of the quality of the product, which means that they will be much more willing to buy it.

Aromabranding. for a specific product (group of products) or company.

The main goal of this method is to build a strong relationship between fragrance and brand in the minds of consumers, so that potential customers can quickly and accurately distinguish this brand from other competitors.

The salon of a brand new BMW has its own unique aroma, which motorists will not confuse with any other.

As well as the owners of Mercedes, even blindfolded, can accurately identify the brand of their favorite car by its unique smell.

As you can see, the possibilities of aromamarketing are quite extensive.

We are sure you will find application of this information in your business. Good luck!

Aromamarketing for the Russian market is a strange and unusual phenomenon. Domestic entrepreneurs are still apprehensive about the idea of ​​winning over customers with the help of pleasant smells and branded aromas, while abroad the weaknesses of the consumer's sense of smell bring considerable profit to companies.

Today, even Russian society, which tasted the fruits of the advertising fever much later than the capitalist countries, is already languishing and moaning plaintively under the looming oppression of the attacking “Buy!”. At risk of exploding at the sheer volume of ads crammed into it, the consumer's brain has found a simple solution: ignore the excess. In such a situation, farsighted Russian marketers showed originality and realized in time that smells can attract or scare away customers. The range of use of aromamarketing turned out to be very, very wide - through fragrant manipulations, inexperienced customers can be attracted to restaurants, souvenir shops, car gas stations and hairdressers.

In foreign markets, the presence of an aroma logo (a fragrance specially invented for a certain company) has already become a sign of good taste, but Russian companies are not yet ready for the widespread penetration of aroma marketing. There are many reasons for this: elementary ignorance in this matter, disbelief in the result, cost savings. Like it or not, even a wonderful fragrance cannot guarantee a certain percentage of the probability of purchase. The impact of aroma design and aroma merchandising is milder than, say, terrorizing the consumer with bright billboards, but no less effective. If a customer who sees a colorful sign can buy juice and never return, then due to the sharpness of the perception of the aroma and its long-term effect (this, by the way, happens deep on an unconscious level), the buyer will rather return to where his nose caught the smell of his mother's pie.

fragrance technology

What to do in order to benefit from aromaculture, which came to us not so long ago from the West? Suppose you are the owner or owner of a small coffee shop. Often, when coffee is ground, a breathtaking aroma is in the cafe, attracting more and more customers to your establishment. But you won’t grind coffee for the sake of creating a wonderful aroma. This is where dispensers with fragrant liquid (aroma marketing equipment) will rush to the rescue. Installed in a few secluded places, they will exude the desired aroma of ground coffee throughout the working day. Or a couple of hours a day. The principle of their operation is unpretentious: somewhere in the room or directly into the ventilation system, an aroma device is built in (where the specialist recommends). In addition, often in some rooms aroma cleaning is required - air purification from odors. This service may be needed, for example, in the fish department of a hypermarket or a paint shop.

The power of smell in action

There are two main types of influence on the consumer in aromamarketing. The first, direct type of influence involves the aromatization of the room where the client comes: this is the use of aroma in a hotel, cafeteria, retail space, souvenir shop, etc. Direct impact increases customer loyalty, encourages them to spend more time in the room and come back to this place again.

Under the indirect type of impact is meant the formation of the brand and increasing awareness in general. For example, a client is given a fragrant business card, offered to buy a car, the interior of which smells of leather for an incredibly long time, they give a souvenir soaked in a branded smell. After participating in such aroma events, we recognize the manufacturer almost instinctively.


Through the organs of vision, a person receives only seventy percent of information, marketers also do not forget about the remaining thirty. Almost every supermarket has its own bakery. Usually it is located in the opposite corner from the entrance. The smell of freshly baked bread stimulates the appetite and the customer is inevitably directed towards the addictive aroma and makes unplanned purchases along the way. This super focus has been adopted not only by supermarkets, but also by non-food stores (although today not many people know what aroma marketing is). For example, in the shoe department, there is usually a slight but very pleasant smell of leather. The buyer is sure that there are no tricks here, but not everything is so simple. " Leather shoes, in addition to the smell of leather, have a number of specific odors. For example, the smell of glue. And when in the same room is a large number of shoes, there is a persistent smell, unpleasant for buyers. That's why we use fragrances”, - says the administrator of one of the Moscow shoe stores.

The aroma diffuser is a small unit that does not attract attention. It performs an important function - it neutralizes unpleasant odors and fills the room with a subtle, barely perceptible aroma.

There is no secret that delicious smells affect a person in a predictable way. To attract a buyer, sellers turn to odorology (the science of smells, their perception and influence on human behavior). Numerous studies by odorologists have proven that environmental odors can affect people's behavior - the more pleasant and subtle the aroma, the more emotional uplift a person experiences. Many smells are remembered even at the level of conditioned reflexes. When a person encounters a familiar aroma, previously experienced emotions wake up in him.

The smell is recorded immediately by two parts of the brain. The first is the smell itself. That is, responsible for conscious analysis and what it belongs to. The second - for the memories and associations that arise when inhaling the aroma. Such subconscious associations reinforce impressions.

« In our store we try to put on pleasant music, and also use aroma diffusers, thanks to which our store has a pleasant fresh smell. Customers like to feel summer freshness in winter- says the administrator of one of the clothing stores. So psychology helps to turn the ordinary process of buying into a pleasant leisure.

"Fragrant" invasion of the Russian market

Domestic aroma-marking is a little more than ten years old, but only the last three or four years have come to grips with it. During this time, a number of companies offering relevant services have appeared on the market (aroma marketing is a profitable business). And while the competition is small, they managed to take a "warm place". However, according to representatives of these companies, this state of affairs is a temporary phenomenon. Not by leaps and bounds, but with confident steps, aromamarketing is moving towards Russian business.

Among the reasons hindering the success of aromamarketing in our market, Andrey, the representative of Aromastyle, names, first of all, the focus of businessmen on profit: “ The main obstacle to the development of aromamarketing in our country is the mentality of owners and management companies. We faced such a problem: the level of service provided by organizations in Russia is not as important as the amount of revenue. Therefore, entrepreneurs often refuse to create a pleasant atmosphere in their premises.

In attracting the consumer and gaining his trust, aroma marketing plays an important role, however, it cannot be effective if the service and service are at a low level. Accustomed to instant and guaranteed results, domestic businessmen are distrustful of the marketing novelty. However, the most daring of them still take risks and, I must say, do not lose at all. With due observance of other elements of the service, the benefits of using aroma design are extremely high. According to newly minted customers, guests and customers really began to stay longer, while staying in a great mood. Of course, this could not but affect increase in sales and on the overall profit of the companies.

Nose in the wind: aroma marketing perspectives

Now it is time for the domestic aroma business to develop, but in a couple of years, businessmen inspired by positive examples will be convinced of the need to use aroma marketing. Its significant advantage is that such an approach, in contrast to visual and auditory methods of influencing the consumer, will become boring not so soon. In addition, it is not so difficult to achieve the uniqueness of your fragrance. The increased level of aromaculture will soon lead to a powerful surge in demand, thanks to which the players who have taken the first positions in this segment today will reap huge profits.

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You are walking down the street, your head is busy with your thoughts, about work, family, plans for the weekend, etc. Around you there is vanity, problems, and suddenly, passing by some bakery, you smell the smell of freshly baked pastries. You immediately return fleetingly to childhood, when your mother brought home fresh bread, and with great pleasure you wrapped up a still warm, insanely delicious bread bun. You seem to have returned to your childhood.

Why is this happening?

You smelled a pleasant smell that triggered memories. The fact is that smell plays a very important role in our life along with other senses of perception. If you enter a restaurant and smell an unpleasant smell, you will immediately want to leave it, no matter if it has an unusual design or it is the most popular place in the city. And if you go into a small cafe, which will have a small room and will have the most ordinary furniture, but in it you will smell real, ground coffee, you will certainly want to stay and drink at least one cup.

When I studied at the institute, I, like most students, lived in a hostel. Everyone had the same rooms, but there was one that everyone wanted. It was the second floor, under the window of this room there was a dining room, so the aroma of some goodies always hovered in it. I think everyone will agree with me that if it were not for this circumstance, this room would be the same as all the others, ordinary. And it's not even about the fragrance itself, but about the atmosphere that this fragrance created.

Okay, that's sorted out, smells play a huge role in our lives, etc. etc. So what? You don't have a dining room under your house!! Or coffee houses, or something else that would create a special, unique atmosphere around with its smell. For this, perhaps, there is such a direction in marketing as aromamarketing.

Aromatization premises has been known to mankind for a very long time. In ancient Egypt, at meetings where important political issues were decided, incense was smoked, the smell of which opens the soul. In ancient India, during the construction of temples, according to secret recipes, essential oils were added to the solution, which created an atmosphere of coolness for reflection and meditation. And these are just a couple of examples that show that the art of flavoring has been used by people since ancient times. All smells are emotionally colored. They can return us to the "past", attract or, on the contrary, repel us.

In 1998, a study was conducted in Germany, the subject of which was the effect of smell on the behavior of buyers. First, through a survey, they selected a pleasant smell, the most suitable for a particular store. This smell was used for a certain time, after which the specialists analyzed the behavior and feelings of the store's customers, before and after aromatization. As a result, the following data were obtained:

  • the assortment seemed 47% more attractive to customers,
  • staff - 39-59% more competent and friendly;
  • cleanliness and freshness in the store is 27% higher;
  • concentration increased by 18%;
  • customer willingness to make a purchase increased by 15%;
  • the duration of customer stay in the store increased by 14%;
  • there was a 6% increase in turnover.

As you can see flavors can truly work wonders. Everything can be flavored. Starting from individual shelves in small shops and ending with huge shopping centers. This requires flavoring equipment and aromatic components. The equipment is selected individually for each store, depending on the area. It can be installed in the ventilation system, where no one will see it, or, based on interior solutions, you can choose equipment that fits into the overall look and install it directly on the trading floor. It all depends on the intensity of flavoring and on how well the flavor is chosen for the target audience.

For example:

Are you the owner of a small bakery and want to significantly increase the average income from the business? To create a unique, homely atmosphere of coziness and warmth indoors and thereby attract a potential client, simply install equipment in front of the store that will spread the smell of fresh baked goods. We guarantee that success is guaranteed. People passing by, not even thinking of stopping, will definitely come in and make a purchase. For a travel company, you can use the scents of coconut, sea freshness and other tropical scents. And I can give endless examples. The main task of aromamarketing is to popularize the brand, attract more customers and create loyalty among them. Don't believe me? - a few more examples:

Company JACOBS scented the streets in front of coffee shops. The result was not long in coming - the number of visitors increased by 80-150%.

Company TCHIBO at the entrances to the stores of her trading network, she installed equipment that diffuses coffee aroma into the street. Visits increased by 72-134%

In France, the smell of cedar forest is associated with the name of the company that produces pencils and children's cosmetics. Crayola

German company SCHWARZKOPF&HENKEL used 4 body care fragrances Fa. Sales growth was almost 330% during the promotion and 157% 2 weeks after its completion.

In French "Ashanah" before Christmas, the pastry departments were flavored with the smell of Christmas pudding, sales of which jumped by 60%!

Popcorn vendors at the theme park Disney World we know for sure: if popcorn sells poorly, it is enough to turn on the popcorn smell device, and immediately a line of people who want to buy this delicacy forms.

Companies Woolworth's the UK is also aware of this. In preparation for the festive season, the company's twenty department stores are sprayed with the smell of mulled wine and dishes prepared for Christmas dinner.

These and many other facts confirm that aromamarketin is the future of sales! Just for it to really work, when choosing a fragrance, you need to have a clear understanding of the goals you are trying to achieve.

And we will gladly help you in this case! We will select a fragrance based on the specifics of your products, which will best fit into the interior of your store. We offer you European quality, our equipment is supplied from such countries as Germany, France, Spain.