Bronchitis psychological causes. Psychosomatics of bronchitis in children and adults

Psychosomatics of bronchitis is an alternative, psychological approach to the causes of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial tree or diffuse lesions of the bronchial tree with the formation of a large amount of sputum, as well as coughing.

As we know, modern medicine considers infections (viruses or bacteria) as the main causative agents of bronchitis, as well as long-acting non-infectious pathogens (such as dust or allergens). But, a number of psychologists have come to the conclusion that the causes of recurring, "persistent" bronchitis can be negative attitudes and.

The psychological conditionality of recurring bronchitis can be associated with two important points: what is called "", and what can be called "the ban on breathing deeply."

In the first case, coughing is a kind of protest that suppresses verbally expressed “uncomfortable” thoughts or emotions that we do not dare to express. In the second case, a person puts a ban on such a comprehensive life that he would like to realize. Why this happens - it is worth understanding individually.

So, Louise Hay positions that the psychosomatics of bronchitis in adults is directly related to emotional negativity in family relationships. Stormy clarifications, scandals, screams and insults, as well as acute outbursts of negativity that have been suppressed in oneself, can lead to chronic or constantly recurring acute bronchitis.

V. Zhikarentsev pays special attention to such family quarrels, in which a person feels an “explosion” or “boiling” inside himself. At the same time, noticing even similar turns of Russian speech, for example, “do not bring to a boil”, “brought to a white heat”. Such states of emotional involvement will certainly cause “responses” of the body: a change in complexion, trembling in the hands. In some patients, a similar reaction affects the internal organs. In this case, the bronchi.

Worst of all, the sick child in this way “runs to regret and treat” all the household members, stopping the strife for a while. This involuntarily reinforces the chosen strategy of the child's body. That is, the subconscious mind decides: it is right to react with bronchitis to family scandals, because they also stop. The "vicious" scheme is fixed very quickly, and the child actually constantly gives such reactions.

The main signs of psychosomatic bronchitis in adults can be persistent obsessive bronchitis, which tend to recur every month. Moreover, a person “manages to become infected” even in the warm season.

Doctors in this case can make diagnoses in the form of acute allergic bronchitis or talk about very poor immunity. But immunostimulants are powerless and bronchitis does not recede.

The second option is chronic, sluggish bronchitis, which tend to worsen during stress and anxiety. Most often, such phenomena are also attributed to poor immunity or they suggest looking for the “source” of the problem in the form of harmful things or odors at work or replacing all household detergents at home.

But, all activities do not lead to the desired result. Bronchitis won't go away. This is the main sign to try to find a psychologist, not a doctor.

Signs of psychosomatic bronchitis in adults

Psychosomatics of bronchitis in children is closely related to a specific experience. Important traumatic events can be clearly traced, after which the manifestations of bronchitis begin. Often this is a special grandiose scandal or the moment the child is involved in the scandal process. That is, those moments are especially terrible when the baby is offered to “choose” or is required that he take sides.

Often psychosomatic bronchitis is characterized by restful sleep. The kid does not worry about coughing, he "turns off his experiences." But awakening can cause major seizures. Another indicative moment is when the child practically does not cough, playing fun outdoor games with children on the street. When you return home, everything repeats.

Ways of healing from psychosomatic bronchitis

Ways of healing lie in developing a strategy for overcoming negative attitudes. For example, Louise Hay spoke about declaring peace and harmony around her.

V. Zhikarentsev wrote that the most important stage is the feeling of harmony. He talked about the need to find peace within yourself and solve problems for this.

Liz Bourbo wrote that in order to cure bronchitis, it is necessary to treat life more joyfully. Some family members may express their vision of the situation. This does not mean that you should not defend your living space and not express your disagreement. There are no ideal families and conflicts are inevitable. Respect the right to the opinions of others, but do not kill your own completely. After all, even if these are close people and family members, you should remain yourself.

As for the healing of children, most of the responsibility falls on adults. It is they who need to learn to live in harmony, or at least not to involve the baby in the existing conflict. Yes, mother-in-law or mother-in-law can be wrong. But, after all, this is your child, and you need to start changing your behavior with yourself.

Prevention methods

It is very important to solve problems in family relationships. If you accumulate innuendo, nothing good comes of it. Stand up for your opinion, but respect the opinions of others. Prevention of bronchitis is an opportunity to live in harmony with yourself, in psychological comfort.

If it concerns a child, it is worth making every effort so that “family showdowns” do not take place before his eyes. Of course, this is difficult to do, especially if several generations are involved in the conflict. But, most likely, everyone wants the best for the baby, so if you see that the situation is heating up, just transfer it to a place where it will go unnoticed by the child.


The ideal approach for dealing with bronchitis in adults would be family therapy. It will help you understand each other better. In addition, it is often on it that the spouses understand that they are a separate family, in which grandparents should not be allowed too much. Even if they sincerely want the best. After all, they, of course, are also close and dear, but not those + who should impose their guidelines and values.

Also, family psychotherapy well helps to realize one's responsibility to the baby, and the possible consequences of “public scandals”. However, children are good at relieving their stress with the help of art therapy. The same technique helps them generally establish contact with a psychotherapist.

If the main problem is related to the inability to defend one's personal space, then other methods can come to the rescue: cognitive therapy and symbol drama.

Of course, psychological intervention does not preclude rejection of medications prescribed by the doctor. Especially if the person is in the acute stage of the disease. But, you see, it is quite acceptable to try psychological methods along with traditional therapy. After all, they, unlike medicines, cannot cause a side effect. And, perhaps, solve the problem once and for all.

The pathological condition, implying an inflammatory process occurring in the bronchi, is called bronchitis. It can take an acute form. In the absence of a proper therapeutic effect, it has the peculiarity of taking a chronic course.

The list of causes provoking the manifestation of pathologies of the respiratory tract is a sufficient number. We should not forget about the risk of penetration into the body of certain infections, which can be bacterial and viral.

Of course, such a pathogen does not always create prerequisites for the development of an inflammatory process, but its activity often leads to a decrease in immune functions.

The manifestation of bronchitis may be associated with the presence of foci of chronic inflammation:

  • pathological processes occurring in the sinuses;
  • damage to the tonsils;
  • untreated caries.

An equally common cause of bronchitis in a patient is heredity. The disease manifests itself in patients with hereditary deformities of the bronchial tree. Due to violations of the natural structure, human lungs become more susceptible to any damaging factors.

Attention! Decreased immunity is an equally common factor provoking the development of the disease in children.

It is not excluded the manifestation of bronchitis for the reasons discussed in the table:

The reasons against which a predisposition to the manifestation of bronchitis is formed
Cause Explanation Feature image
Smoking Tobacco smoke inhaled daily by a smoker contains caustic, poisonous substances. Therefore, these segments of the population are more prone to the manifestation of bronchitis. The risk of a chronic process for them increases: this is due to the fact that many do not give up addiction during the period of the disease.

Work in hazardous production Daily contact with caustic substances and poisonous gases for several years is a sure step for the manifestation of bronchitis. The photo shows acrid smoke coming from the work of a chemical plant. It is safe to say that a disease called bronchitis can manifest itself in patients living in industrial regions.

Climatic conditions People living in conditions of high humidity and low temperatures are more likely to be diagnosed with bronchitis, which is why it can be concluded that bronchial inflammation is directly related to hypothermia.

However, adverse physical factors are not the only reason for the development of the disease, at least many experts say this. Considering the main factors provoking the manifestation of the disease, one should not lose sight of the psychosomatic causes. Bronchitis and psychosomatics can be closely related.

Psychosomatic factors in the development of pathology

The physical factors that provoke the manifestation of inflammatory processes associated with damage to the respiratory tract have been studied quite well, but looking for the prerequisites that determine the basis for the disease, one should not forget about psychosomatics. Not always a pulmonologist or therapist can determine the true cause of inflammation, in such cases there is a need to contact a psychologist.

Attention! According to Liz Burbo, psychosomatics has a more destructive effect on the systems of the human body than viruses and bacteria.

The complexity of identifying pathologies created on such a basis is associated with difficulties in determining the initial cause of the disease. The video in this article will tell patients about the main factors that are the basis of psychosomatics.

Many patients complain of problems in the functioning of the respiratory system, it is literally more and more difficult for a person to take each subsequent breath. It is not possible to relax.

The main causes of psychosomatics

There are several theories about the fact that psychosomatics acts as one of the possible causes of the development of bronchitis. Some specialists are closely working on this idea and suggest that modern doctors do not focus only on the main causes.

It is necessary to consider the problem in depth, that is, to study the psychological aspect of the disease.

Doctors say that the following algorithm has the right to exist:

  1. Periodic or persistent bouts of severe coughing are not always a symptom of a chronic process in the bronchi. Such a defeat can occur against the background of a serious emotional failure.
  2. Most often, such a cough does not disappear while taking immunomodulators. A qualified psychologist will help to cope with this problem.
  3. The elimination of the pathology that manifested itself against the background of an emotional disorder should begin with determining the main cause of the disease.
  4. Experts who determine the root of psychosomatic causes say that it is possible to defeat such an ailment only after changing one's own attitude to the current situation.
  5. The cause of the manifestation of bronchitis in a child often lies in violations of family relationships. The fact is that the family for a child is a powerful source of positive emotions, and illnesses often manifest themselves when they are negative.

Doctors say that the manifestation of psychosomatic bronchitis is not uncommon in the modern world. This problem is faced not only by children living in complex families, but also by adults.

There are several more reasons for stressful situations in adults:

  • complex relationships;
  • problems at work;
  • constant fatigue and overwork.

The only advice from a psychologist is not to close yourself in. Against the backdrop of instability, other, more serious problems may emerge.

Fact! Bronchitis for psychosomatic reasons can manifest itself cyclically. This is due to the fact that a person is more prone to traumatization by psychological factors in the autumn-winter period.

In order to determine the main cause of the disease, a person needs to deal with all the situations that manifest themselves at the time of the first relapse of bronchitis.

Works by Louise Hay

Painstaking work in this direction was carried out by Louise Hay. The psychologist claims that every disease, regardless of its nature, has a psychosomatic basis. Psychosomatics of bronchitis has a powerful basis.

To combat the pathology, the help of a specialist is needed. Louise Hay declares with confidence that the main cause of bronchitis is family problems, quarrels, scandals, constant depression. It is possible to cope with pathology only if the atmosphere in the family is normalized. A person should plunge into the world of harmony and tranquility.

The psychologist claims that inflammation of the bronchus is most often encountered by people who feel fear for their own lives. The feeling of insecurity creates a certain discomfort for a person.

For reference! Affirmation is a formula that allows you to tune in to a positive wave. Instructions for working with this technique implies awareness of the phrase "affirmations" and its meaning. The patient must not only pronounce the sentences, but also be aware of their effectiveness.

In his own work, the psychologist uses certain affirmations. This is a way of self-hypnosis. A person who wants to cope with bronchitis needs to prove to himself that life is safe in all manifestations.

Opinion Liz Bruno

Liz Bruno also conducted a number of studies and only confirmed the opinion of Louise Hay that airway inflammation often manifests itself in patients with problems in the family. Constant discomfort in family life leads to psycho-emotional exhaustion.

The patient can be in a constant depressed state - this becomes the main impetus for the development of bronchus pathologies.

Advice! Liz Bruno's recommendations are as follows - for the prevention of chronic bronchitis, it is enough to create a fertile environment in the family. Close people should be the basis and lend a helping hand to each other in difficult life situations.

Judgments of Valery Sinelnikov

The third theory about the psychosomatic causes of the manifestation of bronchitis was put forward by Valery Sinelnikov, a modern psychologist and homeopath. His opinion is somewhat different from his predecessors.

The psychologist says that the causes of bronchitis are the manifestation by the human body of unexamined claims and not splashed out anger.

The scientist says that the manifestations of any disease should be treated with some love. Such an attitude will help overcome the negativity inside. Frequent bronchitis in children is the merit of parents. Often, official medicine fails to determine the true causes of the disease.

This is due to the fact that relationships in the family in which the child lives can be extremely difficult. To eliminate the pathology in this case, parents should reconsider their relationship with the baby and their own relationships.

Ignoring such problems and hoping that the pathology will go away on its own as the child grows up is not an option. Such actions will lead to the fact that with this problem the child will enter adulthood. As he encounters serious factors in the form of life's troubles, the disease can progress, causing fatal complications.

Psychosomatic causes of bronchitis are no less common than physical factors that provoke pathology. Unfortunately, modern medicine has not established psychosomatics in the category of generally accepted areas of therapy.

However, the likelihood of bronchitis for these reasons should not be missed. Periodic relapses and annual exacerbations of pathology are not always a factor indicating the development of a chronic process. In such cases, the patient should contact a psychologist and try with him to find the true cause of the manifestation of the disease.

One of the most common psychosomatic causes of bronchitis is a lifestyle when a person overworks, overstrains himself, experiencing a long period of stress. A person carries a large amount of guilt, regret or resentment in himself, cannot let go of them and clings to them.

Perhaps the person in this case even believes that all his negative life experiences have made him stronger. This "survivor strength" based on how much hardship you've endured is just an illusion of strength. In fact, for such a "power" comes a retribution in the form of a huge surge.

Also, a person with bronchitis psychosomatics has difficulties with. For him, to forgive someone means to give up his power. And then forgiveness is seen as weakness.

This picture is often accompanied by the fact that the person feels overwhelmed by the difficulties of life. He tried so hard. He gave his all to his projects and goals. And at the same time, in reality, he felt a great need for praise and recognition. But instead of praise, he met with rejection or a very unsatisfactory neutral reaction. The person feels emotionally drained and unappreciated. He feels like he can't do anything right and is ridiculed for not living up to the expectations and demands of significant people.

A person whose psychosomatics gives rise to bronchitis does not allow himself to explore his emotions. Instead, the person represses sadness and the need for acceptance. A person suffering from bronchitis fears that if he allows himself to feel emotions, he will lose control of himself and, instead of an even character, will demonstrate to people the volcano that boils inside him and which he hid from people for a long time.

His attitude is to express himself and express his needs and receive punishment from people.

If bronchitis arose, a person raped himself long and hard because of an unconscious need to be loved and alleviate chronic grief. This is the result of self-punishment and self-sabotage.

Bronchitis often appears after a long period of conflict between the sufferer and the person who brought him a lot of grief, stress, anger and rage.

What to work on first of all with the psychosomatics of bronchitis:

  1. Explore events, traumas associated with sadness. Work on letting go / living with sadness.
  2. Explore periods of life in which there was powerlessness and the inability to change circumstances.
  3. Get rid of the habit of suppressing emotions. Start expressing them. Allow yourself to cry.
  4. Explore current and past regrets.
  5. Consider whether there is self-punishing behavior. Is there an excessive load of projects and cases?
  6. Work through birth trauma.

Today I will tell you about the reasons why children get sick. Parents continue to watch videos of doctors on the Internet on how to cope with the symptoms, but, in fact, the reasons are completely different. Let us examine on the shelves such a condition as the psychosomatics of bronchitis in children.

Psychosomatics is based on such basic emotions as fear, anger, anxiety, shame, guilt and others. And if we talk about our case, then such a reason is the state of anxiety, the expectation of something unknown.

You have probably heard that when children get sick, you need to pay attention to the parents. But which way to look?

In a situation with bronchitis, it is a relationship with each other. Tensions and swearing in the family.

When a person is small, he is chained to his parents with his psyche and very subtly reads their condition. Any disagreement, any nit-picking - all this does not go unnoticed.

Causes of bronchitis in children

It is very important for a child to feel calm. The need for security is high.

But what kind of security can we talk about when mom and dad are constantly arguing? They pick on each other.

It remains only to create a situation in which this security will come. A wise organism listens to the psyche and offers the best solution. A solution that brings peace and tranquility to the house.

This is exactly what you need!

The most interesting thing begins later, when the reaction of the body is assigned to the psychological reaction. Then the unconscious mechanism begins to reproduce in other situations.

If a child goes to school and cannot find a common language with classmates, it is difficult for him to immerse himself in the work process, then bronchitis may worsen again. In this case, we are not talking about a weakened immune system, but about a psychosomatic ligament. Anxiety - bronchitis.

This symptom allows you to cope with your condition for a while, so as not to experience it.

When we talk about the reasons, we do not mean the event itself from life (for example, an angry dog ​​attacked), but an emotion, the degree of its severity, how much a person coped with it, or, conversely, suppressed it. But the origins are in relationships with the family. And then situations can be different.

This is how the psychosomatics of bronchitis in children appears. Mom is perplexed why the child has bronchitis again ... It seems to have been ill recently, but cough and fever begin again.

Some people add another word, “obstructive,” to this diagnosis. Obstructive - this is flowing with a violation of the patency of the bronchi. And lately, such a diagnosis has been made quite often.

What happens if you do not treat psychosomatics in children

Usually all this smoothly flows into the fight against the consequences.

Cough, fever, home regimen. Attempts to explain this by weak immunity. Medicines, antibiotics. This is exactly what most couples do.

Managing the symptoms is essential! Psychology does not replace medicine, it complements it.

As soon as a disease occurs, only medicine can bring relief in acute cases. Do not try to bring down the temperature by the efforts of the psyche. But so that the symptoms no longer recur - psychology will help with this.

Such a reaction suggests that a person still has a reason for a huge number of other diseases. This reason is anxiety.

An anxious person is more likely to experience the following conditions:

  • stress,
  • neurosis,
  • constipation and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

If you paid attention to lung diseases in childhood, this is an occasion to work with anxiety. Because they can only be the beginning.

How psychosomatics of bronchitis in a child is related to adults

Parents create the whole world. A world where the little ones have a great need for security.

This feeling is disturbed if verbal skirmishes take place in the house. And, of course, when authoritarian adults suppress the behavior of the little ones. However, in this case we are talking about fear.

The conclusion is simple: neither medicines, nor folk remedies, nor strengthening the immune system will give a complete recovery, because there are psychological reasons for that.

It is difficult, because communication is largely an unconscious process, and each of us has our own set of automatic reactions (anger, resentment). We communicate not only the conscious to the conscious, but also the unconscious to the unconscious.

Our psychological experience shows that so far only a few parents and adults are thinking about psychosomatics. Chronically ill, as a rule, is not treated at all. So he lives with the disease until the next exacerbation. Then he will drink the course and will not come for a second appointment. People put up with their condition and get used to living like that.

But with the help of effective techniques and work on yourself, it is absolutely possible to improve your health. Psychosomatics of bronchitis in children is a solvable issue! And in adults solvable.

How to deal with psychosomatics faster?

Two points are important: to get to the exact cause and to choose the right psychological techniques. If you break down all the work into stages, then it is more expedient to go this way:

  1. determine the starting situation
  2. specify the root emotion (anger, guilt, shame, grief - everyone has their own),
  3. select appropriate psychological techniques,
  4. check the correctness of their implementation,
  5. correct emotion (develop new reactions to provocations).

Example: you can read for a long time about constipation - that these are mental blocks, dislike for yourself. But in 95% of cases, he appears in a state of choice, in limbo. If you also have basic distrust and anxiety, constipation develops into chronic and worsens during the selection period.

Therefore, situations with a choice will never end, but the attitude towards them can be changed in psychotherapeutic ways.

What is the majority doing?

They study the theory, but do not achieve improvement.

The fact is that independent work with your unconscious requires a lot of preparation.

Is a specialist needed?

It will just be faster with him. You can cope on your own, but it turns out in units and for a long time.

In my practice, the terms ranged from 1 consultation to a year. The most common cases are:

  • headache,
  • gynecological problems,
  • lungs,
  • childhood illnesses through parents and others.

You can learn about working with me.

Health to you and psychological comfort.

The psychosomatics of bronchitis is the best illustration of the popular belief that all diseases are caused by nerves. In medicine, there is a large section that studies how the psychological state of a person affects his physical well-being. Many diseases begin their existence in the head - gastritis, dermatitis, diabetes, heart attack. In recent decades, these ailments have rapidly "rejuvenated". And a busy, stressful lifestyle plays an important role here.

Bronchitis has traditionally been considered a purely somatic (bodily) disease. However, if medical treatment fails, the attending physician may assume that bronchitis is psychosomatic in nature and suggest appropriate treatment.

The causes of bronchitis may be psychosomatic in nature.

There is absolutely nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. The presence of psychological problems does not label a person abnormal. This has long been understood in the West, and our society is gradually coming to the same opinion. No one will register a patient with a psychiatrist, report him to work, or hide him in a dispensary. These attributes of healing mental problems are long gone.

Psychological causes of the disease

The factor that triggers bronchitis is external influences: a pathogenic virus, hypothermia, an unfavorable environment.

A strong body will quickly cope with the misfortune if external irritants are eliminated and a little help is given to it with medicines, and a weakened one will get a disease in a chronic form, when medicines only alleviate the symptoms. This scheme is valid for almost all ailments, because the main role in the recovery process is played by internal reserves.

A person subject to stress, living in constant tension, having a bouquet of domestic or social fears, internal defense mechanisms begin to “break down”. The hormonal background is disturbed, the immune system is suppressed. By the way, cases of allergic bronchitis result from problems with the immune system: cells designed to protect the body from harmful influences begin to actively attack everything in a row, even that which does not harm a healthy person.

Constant stress at work can lead to bronchitis

The psychological causes of bronchitis include:

  • loss of loved ones, loneliness, fear of life circumstances;
  • chronic professional stress - in the conditions of active development of corporations with their stringent requirements and internal competition, this factor is almost the main one in the development of psychosomatic diseases;
  • unfavorable home environment - frequent quarrels without constructive solutions, a scandal for the sake of a scandal;
  • objectively uncomfortable or unsafe living conditions;
  • personal psychological characteristics: increased suspiciousness, anxiety, the habit of placing blame on oneself for everything that happens (low self-esteem).

Unfortunately, cases of psychosomatic bronchitis occur not only in adults. A chronic illness that has psychological roots often develops in children:

  1. Children's grievances are a common phenomenon, which is often dismissed, they say, what problems he may have there. Parents rarely think about the fact that their petty grievances - an unfulfilled promise or an undeserved punishment - a child experiences much deeper than an adult. The child's psyche is not yet tempered enough, it is not used to coping with disappointments and stress, therefore it reacts more sharply to chronic injustice.
  2. Conflicts in the family - even if they do not seem to affect the child, the child's body is sensitive to a tense, nervous atmosphere. At the same time, the child is often inclined to take the blame for what is happening on himself, even if there are no objective reasons for this. It's just that the upbringing process consists of 90% prohibitions and teachings: the child gets used to the fact that he always did something wrong. In a healthy psychological atmosphere, this does not leave a negative imprint, and screaming, swearing in a conflict situation leads to a stable sense of guilt, stress and, as a result, to a psychosomatic illness.
  3. Excessive loads - an in-depth school curriculum, various circles and sections where the child is required, required and required: to try, to be better than he is, to achieve more. Again, everything depends on a sense of proportion: an overabundance of demands leads to fatigue, aversion to work, and dissatisfaction with oneself.
  4. Malevolence: from neighbors, teachers, peers, parents. In an atmosphere of constant fear, it is difficult even for an adult to maintain psychological stability, and the child's psyche will react much faster with the onset of diseases.
  5. Reflection effect - a receptive child's personality can easily "pull" the symptoms of a sick close relative onto itself.

Main features

Psychosomatic bronchitis begins and proceeds in the same way as a common illness caused by smoking, a complication after SARS or a pathogenic virus.

The main symptom of psychological bronchitis is the ineffectiveness of drug treatment. If the patient has excluded all external irritants and conscientiously fulfills the doctor's prescriptions, and inflammation of the bronchi cannot be defeated. In bronchitis on psychological grounds:

With psychosomatic bronchitis, there is a dry cough and chest pain.
  • relapses return more and more often;
  • bronchitis takes an obstructive (with pulmonary edema) form;
  • cough becomes dry, spasmodic, unproductive (does not bring relief);
  • in the chest, pain and a feeling of squeezing, tightness are often felt;
  • attacks are accompanied by fear and a feeling of lack of air.

If these symptoms are present, it makes sense to try psychotherapeutic treatment.

In both children and adults with psychosomatic bronchitis, a cough often appears during moments of excitement, anxiety: stress causes spasms of the pulmonary system, sore throat.

Features of the approach to treatment

Doctors are aware of cases when frequent bouts of bronchitis flow into bronchial asthma - a chronic inflammation of the bronchi, accompanied by suffocation and spasmodic cough.

The treatment combines medical and psychological therapies

Asthma, which develops from psychosomatic bronchitis, is especially common among children. The famous work of S. King "It" describes a vivid case of psychosomatic asthma that appeared after a respiratory disease: a shy, withdrawn boy almost died of suffocation, accidentally left without a cure. Meanwhile, his inhaler was always filled with plain water with a drop of camphor oil for a medicinal taste.

Of course, this is a literary work, therefore, it is impossible to conduct such experiments on yourself, or even more so on your children. Psychosomatic bronchitis is often accompanied by a real inflammatory process that the oppressed organism cannot cope with.

A feature of the treatment of psychosomatic bronchitis is the combination of psychological and drug therapy. Along with taking medication, the patient must work out his fears, anxieties, play stressful situations, learn to avoid them or respond correctly to adverse circumstances.

The peculiarity of human psychology is such that the very fear of the disease can provoke the return and exacerbation of seizures. The patient must learn to accept psychosomatic bronchitis not as a heavy cross and a constant threat, but as a serious condition, but completely controlled by his will.

Prevention measures

The main thing that a patient can do to alleviate his condition is to realize that he is physically healthy, and illness should not arise in response to excitement; gradually wean yourself from waiting for an attack of bronchitis in every unpleasant and disturbing situation.

People who are often exposed to stress, it is advisable to always have sedatives with you.

Perhaps, at the peak moments of life, it is worth taking sedatives, but only as directed by a doctor. Uncontrolled intake of sedatives often only worsens the patient's condition.

To help overcome childhood illness, parents should reconsider their child's regimen, perhaps change schools, and most importantly, constantly make it clear to their children that they are not alone, help them cope with difficulties.

It is known that many childhood psychosomatic illnesses arise as a response to a lack of attention. When a baby is sick, they entertain him, pity him, give indulgences. It is important to understand that the disease is not a pretense, not an "inflammation of the cunning." The child really needs protection and attention. The main thing is not to fall into the opposite extreme - hyper-custody.

Even with full confidence that bronchitis is psychosomatic, it is not recommended to treat it on your own. Only a doctor can identify the type of disease and prescribe adequate treatment.