What is vdv decryption. Airborne Troops (VDV)

The Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation is a separate branch of the Russian armed forces, located in the reserve of the Commander-in-Chief of the country and directly subordinate to the Commander of the Airborne Forces. At the moment, this position is held (since October 2016) by Colonel General Serdyukov.

The purpose of the airborne troops is operations behind enemy lines, carrying out deep raids, capturing important enemy facilities, bridgeheads, disrupting enemy communications and enemy control, and conducting sabotage in his rear. The Airborne Forces were created primarily as an effective tool for offensive warfare. To cover the enemy and operate in his rear, the Airborne Forces can use landing - both parachute and landing.

The airborne troops are rightfully considered the elite of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, in order to get into this branch of the troops, candidates must meet very high criteria. First of all, it concerns physical health and psychological stability. And this is natural: the paratroopers carry out their tasks behind enemy lines, without the support of their main forces, the supply of ammunition and the evacuation of the wounded.

The Soviet Airborne Forces were created in the 30s, the further development of this type of troops was rapid: by the beginning of the war, five airborne corps were deployed in the USSR, with a strength of 10 thousand people each. The USSR Airborne Forces played an important role in the victory over the Nazi invaders. The paratroopers actively participated in the Afghan war. The Russian airborne troops were officially created on May 12, 1992, they went through both Chechen campaigns, participated in the war with Georgia in 2008.

The flag of the Airborne Forces is a blue panel with a green stripe at the bottom. In its center is an image of an open golden parachute and two planes of the same color. The flag was officially approved in 2004.

In addition to the flag, there is also the emblem of this type of troops. This is a flaming golden-colored grenada with two wings. There is also a medium and large airborne emblem. The middle emblem depicts a double-headed eagle with a crown on its head and a shield with George the Victorious in the center. In one paw, the eagle holds a sword, and in the other, a flaming grenada of the Airborne Forces. On the large emblem, grenada is placed on a blue heraldic shield framed by an oak wreath. In its upper part is a double-headed eagle.

In addition to the emblem and flag of the Airborne Forces, there is also the motto of the Airborne Forces: "No one but us." The paratroopers even have their own heavenly patron - Saint Elijah.

The professional holiday of the paratroopers is the Day of the Airborne Forces. It is celebrated on August 2nd. On this day in 1930, the first parachute landing of a unit was made to perform a combat mission. On August 2, Airborne Forces Day is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

The airborne troops of Russia are armed with both conventional types of military equipment and models developed specifically for this type of troops, taking into account the specifics of its tasks.

It is difficult to name the exact number of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation, this information is secret. However, according to unofficial data obtained from the Russian Ministry of Defense, it is about 45 thousand fighters. Foreign estimates of the number of this type of troops are somewhat more modest - 36 thousand people.

The history of the creation of the Airborne Forces

The birthplace of the Airborne Forces is the Soviet Union. It was in the USSR that the first airborne unit was created, this happened in 1930. First, a small detachment appeared, which was part of an ordinary rifle division. On August 2, the first parachute landing was successfully carried out during exercises at the training ground near Voronezh.

However, the first use of paratroopers in military affairs occurred even earlier, in 1929. During the siege of the Tajik city of Garm by anti-Soviet rebels, a detachment of Red Army soldiers was parachuted there, which made it possible to unblock the settlement as soon as possible.

Two years later, a special purpose brigade was formed on the basis of the detachment, and in 1938 it was renamed the 201st Airborne Brigade. In 1932, by decision of the Revolutionary Military Council, special-purpose aviation battalions were created, in 1933 their number reached 29 units. They were part of the Air Force, and their main task was to disorganize the rear of the enemy and carry out sabotage.

It should be noted that the development of the landing troops in the Soviet Union was very rapid and rapid. No expense was spared on them. In the 30s, the country experienced a real parachute boom, skydiving towers were in almost every stadium.

During the exercises of the Kyiv military district in 1935, a mass parachute landing was practiced for the first time. The following year, an even more massive landing was carried out in the Belarusian military district. Foreign military observers invited to the exercises were amazed at the scale of the landings and the skill of the Soviet paratroopers.

Before the start of the war, airborne corps were created in the USSR, each of them included up to 10 thousand fighters. In April 1941, by order of the Soviet military leadership, five airborne corps were deployed in the western regions of the country, after the German attack (in August 1941), the formation of five more airborne corps began. A few days before the German invasion (June 12), the Directorate of the Airborne Forces was created, and in September 1941, the paratrooper units were withdrawn from the command of the fronts. Each corps of the Airborne Forces was a very formidable force: in addition to well-trained personnel, it was armed with artillery and light amphibious tanks.

In addition to the landing corps, the Red Army also included mobile landing brigades (five units), spare regiments of the Airborne Forces (five units) and educational institutions that trained paratroopers.

The Airborne Forces made a significant contribution to the victory over the Nazi invaders. The airborne units played a particularly important role in the initial - the most difficult - period of the war. Despite the fact that the airborne troops are intended for offensive operations and have a minimum of heavy weapons (compared to other branches of the military), at the beginning of the war, paratroopers were often used to “patching holes”: in defense, to eliminate sudden German breakthroughs, to release of the encircled Soviet troops. Because of this practice, the paratroopers suffered unreasonably high losses, and the effectiveness of their use decreased. Often, the preparation of landing operations left much to be desired.

Airborne units took part in the defense of Moscow, as well as in the subsequent counteroffensive. The 4th Corps of the Airborne Forces was parachuted in the winter of 1942 during the Vyazemsky landing operation. In 1943, during the crossing of the Dnieper, two airborne brigades were thrown behind enemy lines. Another major landing operation was carried out in Manchuria in August 1945. In its course, 4,000 fighters were parachuted by landing.

In October 1944, the Soviet Airborne Forces were transformed into a separate Guards Army of the Airborne Forces, and in December of the same year, into the 9th Guards Army. Airborne divisions have become ordinary rifle divisions. At the end of the war, the paratroopers took part in the liberation of Budapest, Prague, and Vienna. The 9th Guards Army ended its glorious military career on the Elbe.

In 1946, the landing units were introduced into the Ground Forces and were subordinate to the country's Minister of Defense.

In 1956, Soviet paratroopers participated in the suppression of the Hungarian uprising, and in the mid-60s they played a key role in pacifying another country that wanted to leave the socialist camp - Czechoslovakia.

After the end of the war, the world entered the era of confrontation between the two superpowers - the USSR and the USA. The plans of the Soviet leadership were by no means limited only to defense, so the airborne troops developed especially actively during this period. Emphasis was placed on increasing the firepower of the Airborne Forces. For this, a whole range of airborne equipment was developed, including armored vehicles, artillery systems, and road transport. The fleet of military transport aircraft was significantly increased. In the 1970s, large-capacity wide-body transport aircraft were created, which made it possible to transport not only personnel, but also heavy military equipment. By the end of the 80s, the state of the military transport aviation of the USSR was such that it could ensure the parachute drop of almost 75% of the personnel of the Airborne Forces in one sortie.

At the end of the 60s, a new type of units that were part of the Airborne Forces was created - airborne assault units (DShCh). They were not much different from the rest of the Airborne Forces, but they were subordinate to the command of groups of troops, armies or corps. The reason for the creation of the DShCh was a change in the tactical plans prepared by Soviet strategists in the event of a full-scale war. After the start of the conflict, it was planned to “break” the enemy defenses with the help of massive landings landed in the immediate rear of the enemy.

In the mid-1980s, the USSR Ground Forces included 14 air assault brigades, 20 battalions and 22 separate air assault regiments.

In 1979, the war in Afghanistan began, and the Soviet Airborne Forces took an active part in it. During this conflict, the paratroopers had to engage in counter-guerrilla struggle, of course, there was no talk of any parachute landing. The delivery of personnel to the place of combat operations took place with the help of armored vehicles or vehicles, landing by landing method from helicopters was less often used.

The paratroopers were often used to guard the numerous outposts and roadblocks scattered throughout the country. Typically, airborne units performed missions more suited to motorized rifle units.

It should be noted that in Afghanistan, the paratroopers used military equipment of the ground forces, which was more suitable for the harsh conditions of this country than their own. Also, parts of the Airborne Forces in Afghanistan were reinforced with additional artillery and tank units.

After the collapse of the USSR, the division of its armed forces began. These processes also affected the paratroopers. They were able to finally divide the Airborne Forces only by 1992, after which the Russian Airborne Forces were created. They included all units that were located on the territory of the RSFSR, as well as part of the divisions and brigades that were previously located in other republics of the USSR.

In 1993, the Russian Airborne Forces included six divisions, six air assault brigades and two regiments. In 1994, in Kubinka near Moscow, on the basis of two battalions, the 45th Special Forces Regiment of the Airborne Forces (the so-called special forces of the Airborne Forces) was created.

The 1990s became a serious test for the Russian landing troops (as well as for the entire army, by the way). The number of the Airborne Forces was seriously reduced, some of the units were disbanded, the paratroopers became subordinate to the Ground Forces. Army aviation was transferred to the Air Force, which significantly worsened the mobility of the Airborne Forces.

The airborne troops of the Russian Federation took part in both Chechen campaigns, in 2008 the paratroopers were involved in the Ossetian conflict. The Airborne Forces have repeatedly taken part in peacekeeping operations (for example, in the former Yugoslavia). Airborne units regularly participate in international exercises, they guard Russian military bases abroad (Kyrgyzstan).

The structure and composition of the airborne troops of the Russian Federation

Currently, the Russian Airborne Forces consist of command and control structures, combat units and units, as well as various institutions that provide them.

Structurally, the Airborne Forces have three main components:

  • Airborne. It includes all airborne units.
  • Air assault. Consists of air assault units.
  • Mountain. It includes air assault units designed to operate in mountainous areas.

At the moment, the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation include four divisions, as well as separate brigades and regiments. Airborne troops, composition:

  • 76th Guards Air Assault Division, stationed in Pskov.
  • 98th Guards Airborne Division, located in Ivanovo.
  • 7th Guards Air Assault (Mountain) Division, stationed in Novorossiysk.
  • 106th Guards Airborne Division - Tula.

Regiments and brigades of the Airborne Forces:

  • 11th Separate Guards Airborne Brigade, stationed in the city of Ulan-Ude.
  • 45th Separate Guards Special Purpose Brigade (Moscow).
  • 56th Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade. Place of deployment - the city of Kamyshin.
  • 31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade. Based in Ulyanovsk.
  • 83rd Separate Guards Airborne Brigade. Location - Ussuriysk.
  • 38th Separate Guards Communications Regiment of the Airborne Forces. Located in the Moscow region, in the village of Medvezhye Ozera.

In 2013, the creation of the 345th Airborne Assault Brigade in Voronezh was officially announced, but then the formation of the unit was postponed to a later date (2017 or 2019). There is information that in 2019 an airborne assault battalion will be deployed on the territory of the Crimean peninsula, and in the future, a regiment of the 7th airborne assault division, which is currently deployed in Novorossiysk, will be formed on its basis.

In addition to combat units, the Russian Airborne Forces also include educational institutions that train personnel for the Airborne Forces. The main and most famous of them is the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, which, among other things, trains officers for the Russian Airborne Forces. Also, the structure of this type of troops includes two Suvorov schools (in Tula and Ulyanovsk), the Omsk Cadet Corps and the 242nd training center located in Omsk.

Armament and equipment of the Russian Airborne Forces

The airborne troops of the Russian Federation use both combined arms equipment and samples that were created specifically for this type of troops. Most types of weapons and military equipment of the Airborne Forces were developed and manufactured back in the Soviet period, but there are also more modern models created in modern times.

The most popular models of airborne armored vehicles at present are the airborne combat vehicles BMD-1 (about 100 units) and BMD-2M (about 1 thousand units). Both of these vehicles were produced back in the Soviet Union (BMD-1 in 1968, BMD-2 in 1985). They can be used for landing both by landing and by parachute. These are reliable vehicles that have been tested in many armed conflicts, but they are clearly outdated, both morally and physically. This is openly stated even by representatives of the top leadership of the Russian army, which was put into service in 2004. However, its production is slow, today there are 30 BMP-4s and 12 BMP-4Ms in service.

Also, the airborne units are armed with a small number of BTR-82A and BTR-82AM armored personnel carriers (12 pieces), as well as the Soviet BTR-80. The most numerous armored personnel carrier currently used by the Russian Airborne Forces is the tracked BTR-D (more than 700 pieces). It was put into service in 1974 and is very outdated. It should be replaced by the BTR-MDM "Shell", but so far its production is moving very slowly: today in combat units there are from 12 to 30 (according to various sources) "Shells".

The anti-tank weapons of the Airborne Forces are represented by the 2S25 Sprut-SD self-propelled anti-tank gun (36 units), BTR-RD Robot self-propelled anti-tank systems (more than 100 units) and a wide range of different anti-tank systems: Metis, Fagot, Konkurs and "Cornet".

The Russian Airborne Forces are also armed with self-propelled and towed artillery: Nona self-propelled guns (250 pieces and several hundred more units in storage), D-30 howitzer (150 units), and Nona-M1 mortars (50 units) and "Tray" (150 units).

The air defense means of the Airborne Forces consist of portable missile systems (various modifications of the Needles and Willow), as well as the Strela short-range air defense system. Special attention should be paid to the newest Russian MANPADS "Verba", which was only recently put into service and now it has been put into trial operation in only a few units of the RF Armed Forces, including the 98th Airborne Division.

The Airborne Forces also operate self-propelled anti-aircraft guns BTR-ZD "Skrezhet" (150 units) of Soviet production and towed anti-aircraft guns ZU-23-2.

In recent years, new samples of automotive equipment have begun to enter the Airborne Forces, of which the Tiger armored car, the A-1 Snowmobile all-terrain vehicle and the KAMAZ-43501 truck should be noted.

The airborne troops are sufficiently equipped with communication, control and electronic warfare systems. Among them, modern Russian developments should be noted: electronic warfare systems "Leer-2" and "Leer-3", "Infauna", the control system for air defense systems "Barnaul", automated command and control systems "Andromeda-D" and "Flight-K".

The Airborne Forces are armed with a wide range of small arms, among which there are both Soviet models and newer Russian developments. The latter include the Yarygin pistol, the PMM, and the PSS silent pistol. The main personal weapon of the fighters remains the Soviet AK-74 assault rifle, but deliveries of the more advanced AK-74M to the troops have already begun. To carry out sabotage missions, paratroopers can use the Russian-made Val Orlan-10 silent assault rifle. The exact number of Orlans in service with the Airborne Forces is unknown.

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Airborne Troops (Airborne Forces), a branch of ground forces designed to drop (land) from the air behind enemy lines and conduct combat operations. The Airborne Forces consist of airborne, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Airborne Troops (VDV)- a branch of the ground forces, intended for combat operations behind enemy lines. They are part of the Armed Forces of many states. They consist of airborne, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits, as well as units ... ... Dictionary of military terms

airborne troops- (VDV) a branch of the ground forces intended for dropping (landing) from the air behind enemy lines and conducting combat operations. The Airborne Forces consist of airborne, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

airborne troops- (VDV), a branch of the ground forces, intended for landing (dropping) from the air and conducting combat operations behind enemy lines. They consist of airborne, tank, artillery and other units and subunits ... Modern Encyclopedia

Airborne Troops- (VDV), a branch of the ground forces, intended for landing (dropping) from the air and conducting combat operations behind enemy lines. They consist of airborne, tank, artillery and other units and subunits. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Airborne Troops- Russian paratroopers in exercises in Kazakhstan ... Wikipedia

Russian Airborne Troops- Russian Airborne Troops ... Wikipedia

United States Airborne Troops- The airborne troops (VDV) are a highly mobile branch of the armed forces, quick response, designed to cover the enemy by air and conduct combat and sabotage operations in his rear. Military symbols and insignia of the airborne troops and ... ... Wikipedia

airborne troops- (VDV), a kind of ground forces designed to conduct combat operations behind enemy lines. The Airborne Forces consist of airborne, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits. They form the basis of mobile forces ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Airborne Troops- (VDV) a type of troops intended for combat operations behind enemy lines. It is part of the armed forces of all major states. The Airborne Forces consist of formations, units and subunits of parachute, tank, artillery, self-propelled ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Airborne Troops- (Airborne Forces) troops specially trained for landing from the air on the territory occupied by the enemy, to conduct combat operations there. Combat operations behind enemy lines are carried out by the Airborne Forces in cooperation with the ground forces, military ... ... Brief dictionary of operational-tactical and general military terms


  • , Vladimir Pershanin. The main movie premiere of the year! The best front-line action movie based on the movie "STALINGRAD"! Soviet paratroopers bleed in the decisive battle of the Great Patriotic War, true to the oath: "Beyond the Volga ... Buy for 249 rubles electronic book
  • Stalingrad. Paratroopers stand to the death, Vladimir Pershanin. The main movie premiere of the year! The best front-line action movie based on the movie STALINGRAD! Soviet paratroopers are bleeding in the decisive battle of the Great Patriotic War, true to the oath: "Beyond the Volga for ...

It is no secret that for many people the three letters of the Airborne Forces remain a mystery to this day. As a matter of fact, the abbreviation of the Airborne Forces, the decoding of which is actually very simple, entered our lives a long time ago thanks to the famous General Vasily Margelov, who during his lifetime enjoyed great respect from most of his fighters, who considered him their second father.

History of creation

Officially in our state appeared on August 2, 1930. It was on that date that paratroopers were used for the first time in exercises near Voronezh. In the rear of a mock enemy, 12 people armed with rifles, machine guns and other ammunition descended from heaven to earth. By and large, then the abbreviation of the Airborne Forces appeared, the decoding of which is simple and understandable to almost everyone.

The pre-war path of the troops

The paratroopers were actively involved even before the start of World War II. So, during the Soviet-Finnish war, the 201st, 204th, 214th airborne units fought on the front line, the fighters of which made rapid passes behind enemy lines, destroying its units, headquarters, warehouses, communication centers, strong points. To this day, the abbreviation of the Airborne Forces (its decoding is a very simple matter) inspires fear in many foreign military men.

Landing in Russia

Officially, this was recorded in 1992. At the time of 2015, there were 45,000 military personnel in the paratroopers. The landing structure provides for the presence of three main components:

  • air assault;
  • paratrooper;
  • air assault mountain.


Any abbreviation, including the abbreviation of the Airborne Forces (decoding: airborne troops), is fraught with a certain meaning. The landing fighters were no exception, having received a chevron in the form of a parachute with two aircraft as their symbol. Bocharova Zinaida Ivanovna came up with such a graphic designation.

It is a well-known fact that when Vasily Filippovich Margelov retired in 1978, he went to the draftswoman at her workplace, personally thanked her for her contribution to raising the morale of the paratroopers and called her paratrooper No. 2.

For many recruits of the Airborne Forces (the decoding of the abbreviation was indicated above) and today remain the troops desired for service. And all because the landing party has fully proved its viability with a variety of completed combat and training tasks, as well as the ability to adapt to absolutely any external and internal conditions.

Airborne Troops (Airborne Forces), a branch of ground forces designed to drop (land) from the air behind enemy lines and conduct combat operations. The Airborne Forces consist of airborne, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Airborne Troops (VDV)- a branch of the ground forces, intended for combat operations behind enemy lines. They are part of the Armed Forces of many states. They consist of airborne, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits, as well as units ... ... Dictionary of military terms

airborne troops- (VDV) a branch of the ground forces intended for dropping (landing) from the air behind enemy lines and conducting combat operations. The Airborne Forces consist of airborne, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

airborne troops- (VDV), a branch of the ground forces, intended for landing (dropping) from the air and conducting combat operations behind enemy lines. They consist of airborne, tank, artillery and other units and subunits ... Modern Encyclopedia

Airborne Troops- (VDV), a branch of the ground forces, intended for landing (dropping) from the air and conducting combat operations behind enemy lines. They consist of airborne, tank, artillery and other units and subunits. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Airborne Troops- Russian paratroopers in exercises in Kazakhstan ... Wikipedia

Russian Airborne Troops- Russian Airborne Troops ... Wikipedia

United States Airborne Troops- The airborne troops (VDV) are a highly mobile branch of the armed forces, quick response, designed to cover the enemy by air and conduct combat and sabotage operations in his rear. Military symbols and insignia of the airborne troops and ... ... Wikipedia

airborne troops- (VDV), a kind of ground forces designed to conduct combat operations behind enemy lines. The Airborne Forces consist of airborne, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits. They form the basis of mobile forces ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Airborne Troops- (VDV) a type of troops intended for combat operations behind enemy lines. It is part of the armed forces of all major states. The Airborne Forces consist of formations, units and subunits of parachute, tank, artillery, self-propelled ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Airborne Troops- (Airborne Forces) troops specially trained for landing from the air on the territory occupied by the enemy, to conduct combat operations there. Combat operations behind enemy lines are carried out by the Airborne Forces in cooperation with the ground forces, military ... ... Brief dictionary of operational-tactical and general military terms


  • , Vladimir Pershanin. The main movie premiere of the year! The best front-line action movie based on the movie "STALINGRAD"! Soviet paratroopers bleed in the decisive battle of the Great Patriotic War, true to the oath: "Beyond the Volga ... Buy for 249 rubles electronic book
  • Stalingrad. Paratroopers stand to the death, Vladimir Pershanin. The main movie premiere of the year! The best front-line action movie based on the movie STALINGRAD! Soviet paratroopers are bleeding in the decisive battle of the Great Patriotic War, true to the oath: "Beyond the Volga for ...

Airborne troops are one of the strongest components of the army of the Russian Federation. In recent years, due to the tense international situation, the importance of the Airborne Forces has been growing. The size of the territory of the Russian Federation, its landscape diversity, as well as the borders with almost all conflict states, indicate that it is necessary to have a large supply of special groupings of troops that can provide the necessary protection in all directions, which is the air force.

In contact with

As air force structure extensive, the question often arises of the Airborne Forces and the DSB are the same troops? The article analyzes the differences between them, the history, goals and military training of both organizations, the composition.

Differences between troops

The differences lie in the names themselves. The DShB is an air assault brigade organized and specializing in attacks on the enemy's close rear in the event of large-scale military operations. Air assault brigades subordinate to the Airborne Forces - airborne troops, as one of their divisions and specialize only in assault seizures.

Airborne Forces are landing troops, whose tasks are the capture of the enemy, as well as the capture and destruction of enemy weapons and other air operations. The functionality of the Airborne Forces is much wider - reconnaissance, sabotage, assault. For a better understanding of the differences, consider the history of the creation of the Airborne Forces and the Airborne Forces separately.

History of the Airborne Forces

The Airborne Forces began its history in 1930, when an operation was carried out near the city of Voronezh on August 2, where 12 people parachuted from the air as part of a special unit. This operation then opened the eyes of the leadership to new opportunities for paratroopers. The following year, based Leningrad Military District, a detachment is being formed, which received a long name - airborne and consisted of about 150 people.

The effectiveness of the paratroopers was obvious and the Revolutionary Military Council decides to expand it by creating airborne troops. The order saw the light at the end of 1932. In parallel, in Leningrad, instructors were trained, and later they were distributed to districts by special-purpose aviation battalions.

In 1935, the military district of Kyiv demonstrated to foreign delegations the full power of the Airborne Forces, arranging an impressive landing of 1200 paratroopers, who quickly captured the airfield. Later, similar exercises were held in Belarus, as a result of which the German delegation, impressed by the landing of 1,800 people, decided to organize their own airborne detachment, and then a regiment. Thus, The Soviet Union is rightfully the birthplace of the Airborne Forces.

In 1939, our landing troops there is an opportunity to show themselves in practice. In Japan, the 212th brigade was landed on the Khalkin Gol River, and a year later the 201st, 204th and 214th brigades will be involved in the war with Finland. Knowing that the Second World War would not pass us by, 5 air corps of 10 thousand people each were formed and the Airborne Forces acquired a new status - guards troops.

The year 1942 was marked by the largest airborne operation during the war years, which took place near Moscow, where about 10 thousand paratroopers were dropped into the German rear. After the war, it was decided to attach the Airborne Forces to the Supreme High Command and appoint the commander of the Airborne Forces of the USSR SV, this honor falls to Colonel General V.V. Glagolev.

Big innovations in airborne troops came with "Uncle Vasya". In 1954 V.V. Glagolev is replaced by V.F. Margelov and holds the post of commander of the Airborne Forces until 1979. Under Margelov, the Airborne Forces are supplied with new military equipment, including artillery mounts, combat vehicles, and special attention is paid to work under the conditions of a surprise attack by nuclear weapons.

Airborne units took part in all the most significant conflicts - the events of Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Nagorno-Karabakh, North and South Ossetia. Several of our battalions carried out UN peacekeeping missions in Yugoslavia.

In our time, the ranks of the Airborne Forces include about 40 thousand fighters, when conducting special operations - paratroopers form its basis, since the Airborne Forces are a highly qualified component of our army.

The history of the formation of the DShB

Air assault brigades began their history after it was decided to rework the tactics of the Airborne Forces in the context of the unleashing of large-scale hostilities. The purpose of such air defenses was to disorganize opponents by mass landings close to the enemy, such operations were most often carried out from helicopters in small groups.

Toward the end of the 60s in the Far East, it was decided to form the 11th and 13th brigades with helicopter regiments. These regiments were involved mainly in hard-to-reach areas, the first attempts at landings took place in the northern cities of Magdachi and Zavitinsk. Therefore, in order to become a paratrooper of this brigade, strength and special endurance were needed, since the weather conditions were almost unpredictable, for example, in winter the temperature reached -40 degrees, and in summer there was abnormal heat.

The location of the first DShB not just because the Far East was chosen. It was a time of difficult relations with China, which became even more aggravated after the clash of interests on the island of Damascus. The brigades were ordered to prepare to repel an attack from China, which could attack at any time.

The high level and significance of the DSB was demonstrated during exercises in the late 80s on the island of Iturup, where 2 battalions and artillery landed on MI-6 and MI-8 helicopters. The garrison, due to weather conditions, was not warned about the exercises, as a result of which they opened fire on the landers, but thanks to the highly qualified training of the paratroopers, none of the participants in the operation was injured.

In the same years, the DSB consisted of 2 regiments, 14 brigades, about 20 battalions. One brigade attached to one military district, but only to those who had access to the border by land. Kyiv also had its own brigade, 2 more brigades were given to our units located abroad. Each brigade had an artillery battalion, rear and combat units.

After the USSR ceased to exist, the country's budget did not allow the mass maintenance of the army, so there was nothing left to do but to disband some parts of the DSHB and the Airborne Forces. The beginning of the 90s was marked by the withdrawal of the DSB from the subordination of the Far East and the transfer to full subordination to Moscow. Air assault brigades are being transformed into separate airborne brigades - 13 OVDbr. In the mid-90s, the plan to reduce the Airborne Forces disbanded the composition of the 13th Airborne Brigade.

Thus, from the foregoing, it can be seen that the DSB was created as one of the structural divisions of the Airborne Forces.

Composition of the Airborne Forces

The composition of the Airborne Forces includes the following units:

  • airborne;
  • air assault;
  • mountain (which operate exclusively on mountain hills).

These are the three main components of the Airborne Forces. In addition, they consist of a division (76.98, 7, 106 Guards Air Assault), brigades and regiments (45, 56, 31, 11, 83, 38 Guards Airborne). In Voronezh, a brigade was created in 2013, which received the number 345.

Personnel of the Airborne Forces prepared in educational institutions of the military reserve of Ryazan, Novosibirsk, Kamenetz-Podolsk, in Kolomenskoye. The training was conducted in the areas of paratrooper (airborne assault) platoon, commanders of reconnaissance platoons.

The school produced about three hundred graduates annually - this was not enough to satisfy the personnel requirements of the airborne troops. Consequently, it was possible to get into the military personnel of the Airborne Forces by graduating from the landing faculties in special areas of such schools as combined arms and military departments.


The commanders of the DSHB were most often selected from the Airborne Forces, and the battalion commanders, deputy battalion commanders, company commanders from the nearest military districts. In the 70s, due to the fact that the leadership decided to repeat their experience - to create and staff the DShB, the planned enrollment in educational institutions is expanding who trained future officers of the Airborne Forces. The mid-80s were marked by the fact that officers were issued for service in the Airborne Troops, having been trained according to the educational program for the Airborne Forces. Also in these years, a complete rearrangement of officers was underway, it was decided to replace almost all of them in the DShV. At the same time, excellent students went to serve mainly in the Airborne Forces.

To get into the service in the Airborne Forces, as in the DSB, you must meet specific criteria:

  • height 173 and above;
  • average physical development;
  • secondary education;
  • without medical restrictions.

If everything matches, then the future fighter begins training.

Particular attention is paid, of course, to the physical training of airborne paratroopers, which is carried out constantly, begins with a daily rise at 6 in the morning, hand-to-hand combat (a special training program) and ends with long forced marches of 30–50 km. Therefore, each fighter has a huge endurance and endurance, besides, guys who were engaged in any kind of sport that develops that very endurance are selected into their ranks. To check it, they pass an endurance test - in 12 minutes a fighter must run 2.4-2.8 km, otherwise there is no point in the Airborne Forces service.

It is worth noting that it is not for nothing that they are called universal fighters. These people can operate on various terrains in any weather conditions absolutely silently, can disguise themselves, own all types of weapons of both their own and the enemy, manage any type of transport, means of communication. In addition to excellent physical fitness, psychological training is also required, since the fighters have to overcome not only long distances, but also “work with their heads” to get ahead of the enemy throughout the entire operation.

Intellectual fitness is determined using tests compiled by experts. It is mandatory to take into account psychological compatibility in the team, the guys are included in a certain detachment for 2-3 days, after which the old-timers evaluate their behavior.

Psychophysical training is being carried out, which implies tasks with increased risk, where there is both physical and mental stress. Such tasks are aimed at overcoming fear. At the same time, if it turns out that the future paratrooper does not experience, in general, a feeling of fear, then he is not accepted for further training, since this feeling is quite naturally taught to control him, and not completely eradicated. The training of the Airborne Forces gives our country a huge advantage in the face of fighters over any enemy. Most of the VDVeshnikov lead an already familiar lifestyle even after retirement.

Armament of the Airborne Forces

As for the technical equipment, combined arms equipment and specially designed for the nature of this type of troops are involved in the Airborne Forces. Some of the samples were created during the USSR, but the bulk was developed after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The machines of the Soviet period include:

  • landing combat vehicle - 1 (the number reaches - 100 units);
  • BMD-2M (about 1 thousand units), they are used both in ground and in parachute landing methods.

These techniques were tested over the years and took part in multiple armed conflicts that took place on the territory of our country and abroad. In our time, in conditions of rapid progress, these models are outdated both morally and physically. A little later, the BMD-3 model came out, and today the number of such equipment is only 10 units, since production has been discontinued, they plan to gradually replace it with the BMD-4.

The Airborne Forces are also armed with armored personnel carriers BTR-82A, BTR-82AM and BTR-80 and the most numerous tracked armored personnel carrier - 700 units, and it is also the most outdated (mid-70s), it is gradually being replaced by an armored personnel carrier - MDM "Rakushka". There are also anti-tank guns 2S25 "Sprut-SD", an armored personnel carrier - RD "Robot", and anti-tank systems: "Competition", "Metis", "Fagot", and "Cornet". air defense represented by missile systems, but a special place is given to the novelty, which not so long ago appeared in service with the Airborne Forces - the Verba MANPADS.

Not so long ago, new models of technology appeared:

  • armored car "Tiger";
  • Snowmobile A-1;
  • truck KAMAZ - 43501.

As for communication systems, they are represented by locally developed electronic warfare complexes "Leer-2 and 3", Infauna, system control is represented by air defense "Barnaul", "Andromeda" and "Flight-K" - automation of command and control.

Weapon represented by samples, for example, the Yarygin pistol, the PMM and the PSS silent pistol. The Soviet Ak-74 assault rifle is still the personal weapon of the paratroopers, but is gradually being replaced by the latest AK-74M, and the silent Val assault rifle is also used in special operations. There are both Soviet and post-Soviet parachute systems that can parachute large batches of soldiers and all the military equipment described above. Heavier equipment includes automatic grenade launchers AGS-17 "Flame" and AGS-30, SPG-9.

Armament DShB

DShB had transport and helicopter regiments which included:

  • about twenty mi-24s, forty mi-8s and forty mi-6s;
  • the anti-tank battery was armed with a mounted anti-tank grenade launcher 9 MD;
  • the mortar battery included eight 82mm BM-37s;
  • in the anti-aircraft missile platoon, there were nine Strela-2M MANPADS;
  • also included several BMD-1s, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers for each airborne assault battalion.

The armament of the brigade-artillery group consisted of GD-30 howitzers, PM-38 mortars, GP 2A2 cannons, the Malyutka anti-tank missile system, SPG-9MD, and the ZU-23 anti-aircraft gun.

Heavier equipment includes automatic grenade launchers AGS-17 "Flame" and AGS-30, SPG-9 "Spear". Aerial reconnaissance is carried out using the domestic Orlan-10 drone.

One interesting fact took place in the history of the Airborne Forces, for quite a long time, thanks to erroneous information from the media, special forces soldiers (SpN) were not rightfully called paratroopers. The fact, what is in the Air Force of our country in the Soviet Union, as well as in the post-Soviet Union, there were no special forces troops, but there are units and units of the Special Forces of the GRU of the General Staff, which arose in the 50s. Until the 1980s, the command was forced to completely deny their existence in our country. Therefore, those who were appointed to these troops learned about them only after they were accepted into service. For the media, they were disguised as motorized rifle battalions.

Airborne Forces Day

Paratroopers celebrate the birthday of the Airborne Forces, like the DSB since August 2, 2006. This kind of gratitude for the effectiveness of the air units, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was signed in May of the same year. Despite the fact that the holiday was declared by our government, the birthday is celebrated not only in our country, but also in Belarus, Ukraine and most of the CIS countries.

Every year, veterans of the Airborne Forces and active soldiers meet in the so-called "meeting place", in each city it has its own, for example, in Astrakhan "Brotherly Garden", in Kazan "Victory Square", in Kyiv "Hydropark", in Moscow "Poklonnaya Gora", Novosibirsk Central Park. Demonstrations, concerts and fairs are organized in large cities.