Famous bridges of America. The largest and most beautiful bridges in the world

The American Golden Gate Bridge is not just a famous and original architectural structure, but also one of the most mysterious, mysterious and mystical man-made objects.

A bridge was built over the US Golden Gate Strait, and in honor of the strait got its name.

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is the most important thoroughfare and the most visited attraction in Northern California.

History and facts

During the Gold Rush, the population of Northern California increased rapidly. For the development of San Francisco, transport links with other regions of the state were necessary. But for now, the only possible way to travel was by ferry, and building a bridge between San Francisco and Oakland seemed like an impossible task.

The width of the strait is more than 2 kilometers, the depth exceeds 100 meters. Such huge size, as well as the presence of strong currents and nebula, made the design and construction process difficult.

However, the bridge was necessary, and the idea of ​​its creation was periodically returned. Among the enthusiasts was Joseph Strauss, a civil engineer who managed to develop a design design. After a long period of consideration and approval, the city authorities did not accept the project.

Officials have formulated additional requirements, including: the bridge in California must be built suspended. Strauss, having suffered the first failure, did not abandon his plan, but attracted other highly qualified specialists to help. Among the architects involved in the new project was Leon Moiseev, one of the creators of the Manhattan Bridge in New York City. A peculiar art deco style was proposed by Irving Morrow, as a result of which the Golden Gate Bridge acquired its memorable orange-red color. All labor-intensive and complex construction calculations were carried out by Charles Ellis.

Supporters of the construction constantly faced problems and serious opposition. Here are just a few of them:

  • The United States Navy expressed concern about a possible disruption or accident, which, according to their representatives, could lead to blocking the port of San Francisco;
  • The ferry companies did not approve of the plan, fearing competition from other vehicles;
  • Trade unions put forward tough demands regarding the employment of local construction workers;
  • The Great Depression began, which could nullify all efforts - there was a threat of lack of funding.

However, in early 1933, the contractors began to implement the project, and in April 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge was already towering over the strait.

It is interesting that the builders of this grandiose object did not go beyond the planned deadlines and budget money, having spent less than a million dollars.

The procedure for the grand opening of the Golden Gate took place in May 1937. Approximately 200,000 spectators turned out to look at the big bridge and walk along it, the mayor of San Francisco personally participated in the festive ceremony. The movement of cars was allowed after a conditional symbolic signal, which was received by telegraph from US President Franklin Roosevelt.


  • The length of the object as a whole is more than 2,700 m;
  • The length of the main span is 1,280 m;
  • Height above the water level to the road surface - 67 m;
  • Width - 27 m;
  • The height of the supporting structures from the water is 227 m;
  • Cable length - 129,000 km.

Mysterious and grim statistics

The Red Bridge in America has long held the record as the longest in the world.

But recently he has gained fame of a different nature - records for the number of suicides. Approximately with a frequency of 2 weeks here they want to commit suicide. Wikipedia provides data that when falling from such a height, the impact on the water surface occurs at a speed of more than 100 km / h. In addition, strong currents and often icy water leave little chance of survival. Death can occur instantly from damage to internal organs or hypothermia.

According to unofficial data, approximately 1,300 suicides occurred in this place. Official statistics were closed so as not to shock the public.

Of all those who rushed down and survived, the number 26 is called. These people cannot be called lucky - they were left with numerous broken bones and other serious injuries.

The only precedent is known when a person who jumped down by some miracle did not receive significant damage. 16-year-old suicide after the jump he was able to get to the shore. Eyewitnesses claim that his first exclamation was: "I am not able to do anything properly!".

In 1979, there was an incident when a young man accidentally surviving changed his mind about dying, swam to land and himself reached the hospital. But he suffered quite seriously - the unfortunate vertebrae cracked from hitting the water.

A sad story happened in 1988 with a resident of Piedmont, California. After an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide, the girl was taken ashore and sent to the hospital, but after treatment she tried again, and this time with a fatal outcome.

Despite the sad statistics, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is considered one of the symbols of America. Every year, more than ten million tourists come to see the unique architectural structure with their own eyes, admire the wonderful landscapes, and take their own photos.

From various points in San Francisco, you can see the Golden Gate from all possible angles. For example, visiting the National Park of the same name, there is an opportunity to capture the opening view of the bridge.

Beautiful videos about the Golden Gate Bridge

Nowadays bridges are not something amazing and supernatural. They have long become a convenient tool for movement, and allow you to achieve your goals in the shortest possible time. Once bridges were trees, boards and ropes. Today, these are amazing designs that now and then compete in perfection and strength.

After everyone appreciated the convenience of these structures, bridges began to be perceived as a certain kind of art, they actually look impressively beautiful and represent a great creation of mankind. Many specially go on a trip in order to see and visit the most beautiful bridges in the world.

In this article, we will introduce you to longest bridges in the world and tell about the construction process, history and many interesting cases that are inextricably linked with them.

1. Danyan-Kunyshansky viaduct. China. This is longest bridge in the world, 164.8 kilometers long. It was built as part of the Beijing High Mountain Railway. Its construction took only 2 years. It is located in Jiangsu province, between Shanghai and the city of Nanki. The largest reservoir that crosses the bridge - yangcheng lake. The lake, in turn, is known for the fact that mitten crabs live here, the meat of which is a great delicacy.

2. Tianjin viaduct. China. Second longest bridge, also located in China and also took 2 years to build. Its length reaches 113,700 meters, which stretch from the Beijing South Railway Station to the city of Tianjin.

It is not surprising that and third longest bridge in the world located in China. Its total length is 79,732 meters and connects the cities of Zhengzhou and Xi'an. The bridge got its name because it crosses the Wei River twice.

4. Bang Na Highway. Thailand. There is a bridge in the city Bangkok, and its total length is 54 kilometers. The construction of this elevated structure lasted 5 years, and the cost of the entire project was more than 1 billion US dollars. Bridge traffic paid, this is due to the fact that there is a ground free road. The bridge was created in order to unload highways from traffic jams.

And again, China is the country with the record for the longest bridges. Its length is 42.5 kilometers and extends the city of Qingdao with the Huangdao district, and also crosses the northern part of Jiaozhou Bay.

The construction of the bridge took 4 years and cost China 60 billion Chinese yuan, the same as almost 10 billion US dollars. Every day, 30,000 cars pass through the bridge, saving only 20-30 minutes, which is clearly not worth such a waste of the state budget.

6. Bridge (dam) over Lake Pontchartrain. USA. It has another name, which is better known to Americans - bridge between Mandeville and Metairie, since the lake connects these two cities. It is located in the state of Louisiana, and the length is 38.42 kilometers.

If we compare it with other similar buildings, the bridge is particularly stable and resistant to various elements. True, during its existence (since 1948), either one or several barges periodically crash into the bridge.

7. Bridge over Hangzhou Bay. Despite the fact that this bridge is the seventh on our list, it is actually the first longest transoceanic bridge in the world.

In turn, it crosses the ocean and connects the cities of Shanghai and Ningbo. The length of the bridge is 36 kilometers, its estimated service life is 100 years, despite the fact that it was built in China.

8. Bridge named after the Louisiana paratroopers. USA. From the name, it is obvious that the bridge is located in the state of Louisiana, namely between the cities of Baton Rouge and Lafayette. The bridge crosses the Atchafalaya Basin and has a length of 29.29 kilometers, making it second longest bridge in the US. Near the guest center at mile 121 of Highway 3177 is a monument dedicated to the memory of soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States.

9. King Fahd Bridge. Saudi Arabia. It is rather a whole complex of bridges, the total length of which is more than 25 kilometers. The task of the complex is to connect the city of El Hubao in Saudi Arabia and the island state of Bahrain. Construction began in 1982 when the heads of state King Fahd and Isa laid the first stone.

10. Bridge - a tunnel through the Chesapeake Bay. USA. Have you ever seen how a bridge turns into an underwater tunnel? Not? Then you have a great opportunity to ride underwater. It is located in Virginia and was built back in 1964.

The bridge, if it can be called that at all, consists of two underwater tunnels (1600 meters each), 4 artificial islands, 2 bridges, more than 3 kilometers of dam roads and 9 kilometers of access roads. And all this is done so that the ships of the US Navy can safely go to the open sea. The total length of all these structures is 24.14 kilometers.

That's how creative people can be. Once you see one of these hulks, it will be difficult to call her just a bridge, in fact, this is a real work of art, resourcefulness and talent.

In fact, this is not the limit of human capabilities, and given how quickly our planet is populated by more and more people, soon it will be covered with many layers of bridges, highways and tunnels.

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Bridges are not an easy connecting element of different parts of the earth. They attract tourists, help develop diplomatic relations and trade. These are interesting engineering structures that can shock and surprise. Bridges in the USA are very beautiful and historically significant. They form an integral part of the surrounding landscapes. Let's take a little tour of them.

The Golden Gate Bridge is considered not only an American symbol, but also, so to speak, an icon of San Francisco. He is very widely known.
In 1933, the foundation for construction was laid. Then they planned to connect the San Francisco Peninsula with Marin County. They built it with a total complexity of 4 years. After the opening, it became available for transport.

A colossal amount for those times was spent on the construction of the bridge - 25.7 million dollars. But this investment paid off. More than a hundred thousand cars withstand the bridge every day. The total length of the bridge is two thousand seven hundred and thirty seven meters and until 1957 it was the first in this category.

The Brooklyn Bridge is located in New York City. It connects Manhattan Island to Brooklyn. In one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, the bridge was opened, therefore it is recognized as the oldest in the world. The length of the bridge is 1843 meters. On both sides there are towers made in the Gothic style. This bridge has been designated a National Historic Landmark.

He often appears in various films, which makes him especially famous. The view that opens from the wide pedestrian part is very impressive. Manhattan and the East River are visible in all their glory.

The George Washington Bridge, or "Bridge over the Hudson", was created to connect Manhattan to Fort Lee. It was under construction for four years. Previously, of all the suspension bridges in the world, it was the largest.

He seems to act as a symbol of engineering. The architect who worked on the bridge project believed that the automotive industry would develop intensively. And he created the bridge so that with heavy traffic, if necessary, it would be possible to complete the construction of additional traffic lanes without rebuilding the entire bridge. The traffic congestion is very high: about three hundred thousand cars pass through it every day.

The Mackinac Bridge is the third longest in the world. Its length is eight thousand thirty-eight meters. Thanks to him, the upper peninsula of Michigan will be connected to the lower one. Built from 1954 to 1958. Travel on it is paid.

The small Navajo Bridge is famous for its beautiful panorama. Its length is only 250 meters. It is located in the state of Arizona and passes over the Colorado River. It was built for two years from 1927 to 1929. Sixty years later, the bridge was opened exclusively for cars. And the Navajo Bridge itself became completely for pedestrians.

Each of these bridges has its own attraction and is worth seeing with your own eyes. If you are planning a trip to the USA, try to visit at least one of them. It's worth it and surprise with delight is guaranteed.

On the territory of the United States of America, thousands of bridges have been built along which people pass, cars and trains pass. Each bridge has a number of unique features. The site "" brings to your attention the 20 most interesting bridges in America. When selecting bridges, we were not guided by any specific criteria, but we took into account the age of the bridge, its architecture, length and height. You will know which tallest bridge in the usa, longest bridge in the usa, most beautiful bridge in the US and also see magnificent pictures of famous bridges in america. Having become acquainted with the twenty most beautiful bridges in the USA, you will surely mark some of them as the next destination of your trip.

Sunshine Skyway Bridge Bob Graham Sunshine Skyway Bridge - Florida State

Reinforced concrete cable-stayed bridge Sunshine Skyway them. Bob Graham passes through Tampa Bay. The total length of the bridge is 21877 feet (6668 m), the length of the main span is 366 meters, the height of the bridge structure is 131 meters. The bridge is part of Highways I - 275 (SR 93) and US 19 (SR 55) and connects the cities of St. Petersburg and Terra Seia. Construction of the bridge began in 1982 and was completed on February 7, 1987. The total cost of the bridge was $244 million. The name of Bob Graham, Governor of Florida, was added to the name of the bridge in 2005.

Delaware Memorial Bridge New Castle, Delaware - Pennsville Township, New Jersey

The Delaware Memorial Bridge consists of two equal spans. The bridge was opened in 1951, at that time the bridge consisted of one span. In 1968, another part was added to the bridge. The length of the bridge is 3281 meters (eastern span) and 3291 meters (western span), width - 18 meters, both eastern and western spans.

George Washington Bridge - New York, New Jersey

The George Washington Suspension Bridge is the second most visited bridge in New York after Brooklyn. The bridge crosses the Hudson River and connects New Jersey with Manhattan. The bridge is two-level, although at the time of opening in 1931, it had only 1 level. The length of the bridge is 1450 meters, the length of the main span is 1067 meters, the width is 36 meters, the number of lanes is 14.

Royal Gorge Bridge - Canon City, Colorado

The Royal George Suspension Bridge or Royal George Bridge is a tourist attraction in Canon City, Colorado. The bridge is built 955 feet (291 meters) above the Arkansas River and is the tallest bridge in the United States. From 1929 to 2001, the Royal Bridge was considered the highest in the world, until this title passed to the Chinese Liuguanghe Bridge. The bridge is 1260 feet (380 meters) long and 18 feet (5.5 meters) wide. The cost of building the bridge was $350,000.

Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge - New Hampshire

The Kontukuk covered railway bridge is located in the Kontukuk Valley. The railroad line runs across the river in the village of Contukook, New Hampshire. The bridge is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The bridge was built in 1849-50 and is the oldest railroad bridge in the United States.

Frankford Avenue Bridge - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Frankford Avenue Bridge, built in 1697, is located in Northeast Philadelphia and is the oldest automobile bridge in the United States. The bridge is 73 feet (22 meters) long.

Brooklyn Bridge - New York, New York

The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the US. Built in 1883, the bridge spans the East River and connects Manhattan to Brooklyn. Until 1903, the Brooklyn Bridge was the longest suspension bridge in the world. Since its opening, the bridge has become a symbol of New York, and in 1964 it was given the status of a National Historic Landmark. The length of the bridge is 1825 meters, the main span is 486 meters, the width is 26 meters. Read more about the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Devil's Elbow Bridge - Pulaski City, Missouri

The Devil's Elbow Bridge is one of the landmarks on the legendary Highway 66. The famous bridge got its name because of its characteristic elbow-like bend. Construction of the bridge began in 1923. The bridge is currently closed and is in disrepair.


Navajo bridges cross the Colorado River in the Marble Canyon region. The 1st bridge was built in 1929, and the second 66 years later - in 1995. Currently, the twin bridges are the only crossing of the Colorado River within a radius of 500 kilometers. The length of the bridges is 254 meters (1st bridge), 277 meters (2nd bridge). The width of the bridges is 5.5 meters (1st bridge), 13 meters (2nd bridge).

Mackinac Bridge - Mackinac City, Michigan

The Mackinac Bridge is the third longest suspension bridge in the world and the longest suspension bridge in the Western Hemisphere. The total length of the bridge is 26372 feet (8038 meters), the length of the suspension part of the bridge (including anchorages) is 8614 feet (2626 meters). Because As suspension bridges move (wobble) under the influence of wind and temperature changes, the center deck of the Mackinac Bridge can deviate up to 35 feet (10.6 meters) from its standard position. Mackinac Bridge is also called "Big Mac" and "Mighty Mac". The construction of the bridge began in 1954, and the opening took place on November 1, 1957.

Washington DC

The Francis Scott Key, better known as the Key Bridge, is a six-lane reinforced concrete arch bridge spanning the Potomac River. The bridge connects Roslyn and Arlington, Virginia. Key Bridge completed in 1923. Key Bridge is the oldest bridge in Washington. The length of the bridge is 1701 feet (518.5 meters).

Claiborne Pell Bridge - Newport, Rhode Island

The Claiborne Pell Suspension Bridge, also known as the Newport Bridge, connects the cities of Newport and Jamestown. The total length of the bridge is 11248 feet (3428 meters), the width is 48 feet (15 meters).

Seven Miles Bridge - Florida

The Seven Mile Bridge connects the Florida Peninsula with the Florida Keys. This bridge is very popular among tourists. The construction of the bridge took place from 1909 to 1912, and in 1982, after reconstruction, the bridge was opened to traffic. Today, the bridge is primarily used as a fishing pier. It's a shame, but the bridge is falling apart faster than the state of Florida can afford to repair it. The bridge is 6.76 miles (10887 meters) long and 11.5 meters wide.

Golden Gate Bridge - San Francisco, California

The Golden Gate Suspension Bridge crosses the Pacific Ocean known as the Golden Gate. The bridge links San Francisco and Marin County. The bridge is one of the most famous symbols not only of San Francisco, but also of the United States. The length of the bridge is 2737 meters, the height of the supports is 227 meters. Construction of the bridge began in 1933, and the opening took place on May 27, 1937. The bridge has been recognized as one of the marvels of engineering. The Golden Gate Bridge attracts not only travelers, but also suicides, according to unofficial data for the 78-year history of the bridge, more than 1,300 people have jumped off it.

New River Gorge Bridge - Virginia

The New River George Bridge crosses the river of the same name. The opening of the bridge took place on October 22, 1977. The bridge is the 3rd tallest in the United States of America. This bridge is also known for hosting bungee jumping competitions. The bridge is 924 meters long and 21.1 meters wide.

Coronado Bridge - San Diego, California

The Coronado Road Bridge can be considered the hallmark of San Diego. The bridge connects the city of San Diego and Coronado Island. The height of the bridge is 61 meters, which allows huge liners to pass under it. The bridge was opened on August 3, 1969. The bridge is 2.1 miles (3.4 km) long. The cost of the bridge was $48 million.

Verrazano-Narrows Bridge - New York, NY

The Verrazano two-level automobile bridge is considered one of the largest suspension bridges in the world. The bridge connects the New York districts of Brooklyn and Staten Island. The construction of the bridge lasted for 5 years from 1959 to 1964. The opening of the bridge took place in 2 stages, on November 21, 1964, the opening of the upper level took place, and 5 years later - on June 28, 1969, the second level was opened. The bridge is named after Giovanni da Verrazano, the first European to set foot on New York City. The length of the bridge is 4260 feet (1298 meters).

Woodstock Middle Bridge - Woodstock, Vermont

The Middle Bridge is located in Woodstock, Vermont. The bridge opened in 1969. The bridge is 139 feet (42.3 meters) long and 14.3 feet (4.35 meters) wide.


Two road bridges across the Chesapeake Bay connect the Eastern and Western Shores of Maryland. In 1952, the 1st bridge was opened, on which traffic is currently moving in an easterly direction. In 1973, a second bridge was built to carry traffic to the West. The length of the bridges is 22790 feet (6946 meters), the width of the eastern bridge is 28 feet (8.5 meters), the width of the western bridge is 38 feet (11.6 meters).

Astoria-Megler Bridge - Oregon, Washington

A huge bridge crosses the Columbia River and connects the two states of Oregon and Washington. The opening of the bridge took place on July 29, 1966. The bridge is 21474 feet (6545 meters) long and 28 feet (8.5 meters) wide.

If you ever visit the West Coast of the USA, in the glorious city of San Francisco, then you cannot miss this bridge.

America's most famous bridge! A bridge called the Golden Gate or Golden Gate Bridge! Here he is in all his glory

Last year, in 2012, he turned exactly 75 years old, about which leaflets were pasted all over the city! At first, I saw it from the water of the bay, and then I went on a sightseeing tour, which of course included viewing and getting to know the bridge closer.
What is this giant of engineering famous for? This is one of the most recognizable bridges in the world, you have probably seen it in the American films Sweet November, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, The Rock and many others too. For a long time, the bridge was the largest suspension bridge in the world, its length is 1970 m, the height of the supports is 230 m above the water,

weight - 894 500 tons. The bridge connects the city of San Francisco

with a suburb - the city of Sausalito

From Sausalito, entry is paid - $ 6, exit is free, as it is arranged there on all the bridges of the country, entry into the city through the bridge is paid.
The bridge was built for about 4 years and the construction was designed by our former compatriot, a Jew from Odessa, Lev Moiseev

Pedestrians cross the bridge for free, we didn’t risk it, it’s very cold there, the Pacific Ocean begins behind the bridge

The Pacific Ocean brings terrible fogs to the city, and such that sometimes you can’t even see the bridge!!! here

These photos are on the information stand for tourists. There are many tourists around, this object attracts everyone like a magnet!



In the bridge area there is a park with the same name, I already wrote about part of the park, the Japanese garden!
Well, what else is he famous for? Not many people know! This place is one of the most popular among suicides in the world, more than 1200 people tried to commit suicide by jumping off this bridge. For these people, this is a kind of fetish! The temperature in the bay is always +8 degrees, a fall from a height of 75 meters always ends with a strong blow to the water, those who do not break into the water die of hypothermia, but whoever manages not to freeze here is carried into the ocean, under the bridge by strong currents. They say that one girl swam out, and after a couple of years she tried again, but was no longer saved.
The bridge is depicted on badges, T-shirts, magnets. And I have a plate from the glorious San Francisco as a keepsake, and of course the bridge is depicted on it, how could it be without it!. This one
