What kind of people can be faithful. Loyalty and fidelity - what is it? Interpretation of the concept of fidelity

Test on the comedy "Woe from Wit" Griboyedov

A 1. What is the name of Sophia's lover, with whom she secretly meets at night? a) Skalozub b) Chatsky c) Molchalin d) Repetilov

A 2. Which of the heroes was friends with Chatsky's father? a) Skalozub b) Famusov c) Molchalin d) Gorich

A 3. What does Chatsky demand in the finale of "Woe from Wit"? a) sleigh b) horse c) carriage d) cart

A 4. Who started the rumor about Chatsky's madness? a) Molchalin b) Sofia c) Famusov d) Skalozub

A 5. What is the name of Chatsky? a) Alexander Andreevich b) Alexander Sergeevich c) Alexander Ivanovich d) Alexander Petrovich

A 6. Famusov calls Chatsky a dangerous person because: a) Chatsky wants to steal Sophia b) Chatsky is a gossip c) Chatsky is a freethinker d) Chatsky is a cheater

A 7. Who is Molchalin really in love with? a) Sofia b) Khlestova c) Natalya Dmitrievna d) Liza

A 8. In what city does the action of the comedy "Woe from Wit" take place? a) Moscow b) St. Petersburg c) City N d) Pavlovsk

A 9. How many years has Chatsky been in Moscow? a) 2 years b) 3 years c) 4 years d) 5 years

A 10. Which of the heroes bears the rank of colonel? a) Molchalin b) Famusov c) Repetilov d) Sklozub
A 11. What is the name of Famusov's secretary? a) Repetilov b) Molchalin c) Skalozub d) Gorich

A 12. What club is Famusov a member of? a) English b) American c) French d) Italian

A 13. What estate does the Famusov family belong to? a) tradesmen b) merchants c) nobles d) clergy

A 14. Where and by whom does Famusov serve? a) a general in a regiment b) a manager in a public place c) a court physician d) an assistant minister

A 15. What is the name of Famusov's servant who walks around with a torn elbow? a) Filka b) Fomka c) Parsley d) Pavlushka

A 16. How old is Sofya Famusova? a) 17 years old b) 18 years old c) 19 years old d) 20 years old

A 17. How many actions does the comedy "Woe from Wit" consist of? a) 2 steps b) 3 steps c) 4 steps d) 5 steps

A 18. Molchalin hurt his hand when he fell: a) from the stairs b) from the horse c) from the bench d) from the porch

A 19. What is the name of the deaf prince in the comedy "Woe from Wit"? a) Slaboukhovsky b) Krivoukhovsky c) Bezukhovsky d) Tugoukhovsky

A 20. Who does Famusov want to marry Sofya to? a) for Chatsky b) for Repetilov c) for Skalozub d) for Molchalin

In 1 Finish lines : a) “I would be glad to serve…”; b) "Happy...".

В 2 Who from this list is not the hero of the comedy "Woe from Wit":

Gorich, Famusov, Lisa, Molchalin, Zagoretsky, Tugoukhovsky, Bobchinsky, Repetilov, Khlestova.

В 3 Who is in the comedy "and the golden bag, and marks the generals"?

Q 4 Indicate the type of conflict that unfolds in the play "Woe from Wit".

a) love, b) social, c) love and social, d) family

Q 5 Who owns the following words?

Bypass us more than all sorrows
And the lord's anger, and the lord's love.

C1 Write out five "winged" expressions from the text of A. S. Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit".

Answers to the test questions on the comedy "Woe from Wit"

A 1 - (c) Molchalin 2 - (b) Famusov 3 - (c) a carriage 4 - (b) Sophia 5 - (a) Alexander Andreevich 6 - (c) Chatsky - a freethinker 7 - (d) to Liza 8 - ( a) Moscow 9 - (b) 3 years 10 - (d) Skalozub 11 - (b) Molchalin 12 - (a) English club 13 - (c) nobles 14 - (b) manager in a public place 15 - (c) Petrushka 16 - (a) 17 years old 17 - (c) 4 actions 18 - (b) from a horse 19 - (d) Prince Tugoukhovsky 20 - (c) for Skalozub

In 1 - a) “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve”; b) “Happy hours are not observed”; 2 - Bobchinsky; 3 - Skalozub; 4 - in; 5 - Lisa

I will give you one hint for your final exam. One day, you will stand before God and He will evaluate your faithfulness. He will look at seven different aspects of your life to judge your loyalty. Therefore, you should be especially interested in how to develop these seven areas of your personal life and your ministry.

1. Do you have the right goals? A faithful person knows what is important in life and what is not. A faithful person knows how to rationally use the life given to him. The faithful man gives an account of his life. The faithful person distinguishes the significant from the insignificant.

In Prov. 28:20 it is written: “A faithful person is rich in blessings, and whoever is in a hurry to get rich will not go unpunished”. This verse contrasts fidelity with the desire to get rich quick. This is not about making money. This is about the need to understand that there is more to life than hoarding things. The Bible teaches that we should live in this materialistic world like a fish swimming against the current. Loyalty is proven by our refusal to accept the values ​​of a system that says the "almighty dollar" is the #1 goal in our lives. Loyalty is often confirmed by a person choosing a less expensive lifestyle in order to free up time for service.

2. Do you care about the interests of other people? The second criterion by which God will evaluate our faithfulness is our attitude towards the needs of others. Have we cared about the relationships of others, not just our own?

Loyalty swims against the current of modern culture, which asks: “What is there for me? What are my needs, ambitions, my desires, my goals, my pain, my values, my profit, my gain? But God says that our faithfulness is expressed in our focus on others, when we share our lives with others, focusing on the needs of other people, and not just our own.

3. Do you live worthy in front of unbelievers? In other words, the measure of loyalty is the quality of your testimony to the outside world. The Bible teaches that the pastor must be "blameless" in society and have a good reputation, not only among believers, but also among non-believers. When God evaluates your faithfulness, He will not look at your eloquence, He will be interested in how you have proven yourself to others.

4. Do you keep your promises? When God evaluates your faithfulness, He will remember all your promises. Proverbs 20:25 says: “A network for a person is to hastily make a vow, and after the vow to ponder”. It is much easier to get into debt than it is to pay off debt (which is a promise to return the money). It is easier to start a relationship than to end it. It is easier to write a schedule than to live by it. But the Bible says, "If you said it, do it." Keep your promises. The number 1 reason for resentment and indignation is the failure to fulfill promises.

5. Are you developing your God-given gifts? The Bible places great emphasis on using the gifts and talents God has given us. God has made an investment in your life and is waiting for a return. 1 Peter 4:10 says: “Serve one another, each with the gift that you have received, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God”. Notice it says that if you don't use your spiritual gifts, you become unfaithful. Loyalty is based on what we do with what we have.

6. Are you keeping God's commandments? In 1 Samuel 2:35 God says: "And I will appoint myself a faithful priest", and underlines "he will walk after my heart and after my soul". God determines loyalty as "obedience to the commandments of Christ." We may be gifted leaders and speakers, but disobedience disqualifies us from the ranks of the faithful by God's designation. It's simple, but very important.

7. Do you pass on your knowledge to others? The Bible teaches a lot about the principle of multiplication. You must pass on what you have received to the faithful, and so on. None of us would be here today if it weren't for the faithfulness of men and women for 2,000 years of the Church. We teach today because some faithful men and women have taken the time to write down the Scriptures, others have preserved the Scriptures, and still others have translated the Scriptures. We're sitting here because faithful people have testified to us.

If God has taught you any spiritual truth, it is your responsibility to pass it on to others.

How can I become faithful? Galatians 5:22-23 says: “The fruit of the spirit is faith (fidelity in some translations)”. This is one of the nine gifts. When the Holy Spirit is at work in my life, I will be faithful. How do you know that you are filled with the Spirit? What sign? Maybe some kind of emotional experience?


Not always. You can experience something and still not be filled with the Spirit. What sign? Fetus. How can I show that I am filled with the Spirit? I show this when I am faithful in what God expects of me.

Rick Warren is the founder of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, one of America's largest and most influential churches. Rick is the New York Times bestselling author of The Purpose Driven Life. His book The Purpose Driven Church has been cited as one of the Christian books that changed the world in the 20th century. He is also the founder of pastors.com, a worldwide community of pastors.

Translation - Sergey Karpenko for

People often talk about what it means to be faithful. Loyalty is steadfastness and immutability in feelings, relationships, fulfillment of one's duties, duty. Balzac once said: "Constancy is the basis of virtue." The meaning of his statement is that you need to value loyalty and try with all your might to show it. For me, loyalty is a concept that every person should know and honor.

After all, loyalty is a manifestation of will, consciousness and fortitude. We must be faithful to our family, loved one, Motherland and, of course, to ourselves.

Thinking about fidelity, I can't help but turn to I.A. Bunin. His novels are filled with sadness and sadness, because this writer believed that love is always unhappy. The heroine of the story "Dark Alleys" Nadezhda carried her love for Nikolai through her whole life and remained faithful to him. For him, relations with Nadezhda were a fleeting romance, and she has been devoted to this love for many years. Years later, a woman becomes independent, wealthy, devotes her life to her beloved work. Nikolai's life does not add up. His wife left him, his son grew up a dishonorable, unscrupulous person. Only many years later, Nikolai realized that he had betrayed Nadezhda when he forgot about her. Only now came the realization that this love was the main thing in his life. The heroine cannot forgive him for his betrayal, but loyalty to her beloved warms her heart and memories make her happy at least for a couple of moments.

Let's also recall the works of fiction by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". The main character of the novel, Margarita, is for me an example of dedication and loyalty to a loved one. She possessed great willpower and tolerance, even when the Master was going through a not the best period in his life, she remained by his side, supported and encouraged him. The young man voluntarily goes to a mental hospital, because he believes that in this state he will bring Margarita only sorrows and disappointments. The master was wrong. All this time, without her beloved, the girl suffers a lot, does not find a place for herself. To save her beloved, Margarita, without a shadow of a doubt, sells her soul to Woland and becomes a witch. It was only thanks to her that the Master was released from the clinic. Margarita remained faithful to her beloved to the end. Even Woland was able to appreciate the girl for her devotion. She followed her lover from beginning to end and shared his fate with the master. It was her image that became the personification of true love and fidelity in the literature of the 20th century.

Summing up, we can conclude that to be faithful means to love your neighbor more than yourself. And in joy, and in grief, to be close to your loved one, to take care and help him contrary to your interests.

  1. Determination

The ability to make decisions is a sure sign of smart people. These people know how to calculate the exact action, they believe in themselves and listen to their intuition. In life, we often find ourselves in a situation of choice: What to cook for dinner? What to do in your free time? What to buy for dinner? A smart person is able to comprehend the situation, determine the pros and cons, see the prospects and come to the right decision. All these features lead an intelligent person to success.

  1. Decent environment

As a rule, smart, educated people are surrounded by their own kind. They love to meet new people, but maintain relationships with a few, but only with those who are truly interesting to them. Such people do not have many friends, but they have a few real ones who will come to the rescue at any moment.

  1. Wise use of opportunities

Smart people are able to see and seize opportunities, in which such qualities as diligence, responsibility, attention and purposefulness help them. If many people often hope for luck, then smart people are well aware that nothing just happens in life. To get what you want, you need to make at least some effort. Smart people are not afraid of responsibility and difficulties, and therefore they know how to use the chance and achieve success.

  1. Unusual way of thinking

Yes, smart people think differently. They think differently and are always open to new ideas and suggestions. Smart people are always adequate and understand that there is no only black or only white in life, but there are many shades. Smart people are ready to listen to any opinion, even if it seems stupid to them. This happens because smart people are not limited in their thinking.

  1. Continuous development

Smart people learn throughout their lives. They are always aware of all world events, receive a variety of skills and abilities that are used. As a rule, their activities benefit themselves and others, that is, they do not waste time in vain. Thus, smart people are constantly evolving.

  1. Having a sense of humor

Smart people understand that without laughter and fun in our lives in any way. Joyful events give our everyday life bright colors and contrasts. Smart people often joke, even in the most difficult situations, they like to relax the atmosphere around them and create a cheerful atmosphere.

  1. Speech and movement

Measured speech and calm movements. The fact is that smart people always know what they say and what they do, and therefore their actions and speech are calm and confident.

We hope that all of the above can be said about you, and if, in your opinion, something is missing, it is never too late to fill in the gaps.

The concept of fidelity accompanies every person every day throughout his life in any area: love, friendship, work. Loyalty characterizes a person in terms of moral, ethical, spiritual qualities, upbringing, causes a sense of trust and respect for him.

People can be faithful not only to each other, but also to the Fatherland, the set goal, personal principles, rules of conduct, their dream, given word.

Interpretation of the concept of fidelity

According to the explanatory dictionary, the immutability and persistence of feelings in relation to something or someone is loyalty and devotion. The ability to firmly, unwaveringly fulfill one's duty, keep promises. This is the opposite of deceit, deceit. This quality does not expect anything in return, it is not agreed upon in advance, it follows a person as an unspoken rule in any of his undertakings, whether it is relationships with people or with his inner world, thoughts, judgments, religion.

A faithful person is, first of all, an honest, respectable, highly moral citizen and subject of society. People who know how to be faithful, who value this quality above all else, are never capable of betrayal and deceit. One of the main qualities that characterize a respectable person is loyalty. What is being built without sincere devotion, trust, the ability to rely on a firm shoulder, people who have seen betrayal, disappointment and lies are well aware.

devotion to friendship

People start making friends from early childhood. Quite still crumbs in kindergarten, they are already drawn to friendship, choosing kids that are suitable in spirit. On the school bench, stronger ones are tied up, consisting in joint rest, mutual assistance, and the ability to stand up for each other. Sometimes these relationships go through life, through many trials, becoming stronger and stronger. This is true devoted friendship, without self-interest and betrayal.

The ability to rejoice with a friend when things are going uphill for him, to help, to get him out of any trouble, to stand behind him like a mountain, to follow him wherever he asks, to be with him, even if everyone is against him - this is loyalty . without devotion? It’s not friendship at all, but relationships based on mutual benefit, flattery, which can end at any moment.

Male fidelity to a woman

Not every man is able to be faithful to the only chosen one. Most are looking for new love adventures, even if they have been married for a long time. Some men do not consider fleeting hobbies as adultery, and some wives silently close their eyes to the adventures of their husband so as not to destroy the marriage and not injure the psyche of the children.

A real man should be responsible for his actions. Having made a choice only once, carry it to the very end, without exchanging for trifles. The faithful and devoted to his understands the entire burden of responsibility entrusted to him after the conclusion of an alliance based on complete and mutual trust. All his love for his wife is manifested in caring for her, respect and sincerity, which is an inseparable part of the concept of fidelity.

Devotion to parents

Not all children, having matured and having their own family, can remain faithful to their old parents. What is one long-awaited call a month for the dearest people on earth who gave all their strength, put their whole soul into raising a son or daughter? Devotion to parents is an opportunity, despite being busy with work, to give them due attention and care.

A person faithful to his parents is obliged to repay them with kindness, a warm attitude for love. is to take care of their parents until their very last day, providing them with proper care and support, both moral and financial.

Loyalty to the Motherland

A special feeling for one's native land, readiness to serve for its benefit, to protect from invaders - this is also loyalty. What is devotion to the homeland, every soldier knows, defending his home, digging a trench, mercilessly killing enemies. Every mother knows this, furtively wiping her tears, letting her only son go to war.

Every soldier who has lost a comrade on the battlefield can tell about loyalty to the people of his country, obligations to them, duty. This is known to the surviving soldier, wounded, but retaining courage and courage to pull his friend out of the fire.

Loyalty is the quality of a real hero who is able to go through a lot, while maintaining the purity of thoughts and kindness towards all living things. This is the ability for the sake of a higher goal, sacrificing oneself for the sake of others, to go forward and not give up.

Loyalty and devotion is the basis of all sincere and real human relations, the main moral quality of a spiritually developed, decent, sincere person, incapable of deceit and betrayal.