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I started doing personal growth at the age of 13. And already at the age of 14 I was very captivated by the topic of subconscious programming - I realized that I could set myself up for success, happiness and wealth. Book after book I read and learned how to program the subconscious mind. And, of course, the first was visualization and gratitude. They were also mentioned in the movie "The Secret". I thought that everything is very simple: give thanks for the present, visualize your future, and everything will go as you want.

But nooooo!

One of the key and most common mistakes is to visualize the distant future, that is, the future for 2-3-5, or even 10 years ahead. Of course, I stepped on this “rake” more than once: I visualized, imagined, dreamed, but in reality everything only got worse. I couldn't figure out why, what am I doing wrong??? When things got really bad, I gave up visualization and, frustrated, engaged in the present. Everything was getting better! Then again I turned on the visualization and again the decline ... I took on the present - everything was getting better. And so I ran in circles.

One day I sat down and wondered what was going on? Well, the programming of the subconscious cannot not work!!! Books can't lie! And I began to sort out my feelings and emotions step by step, which were during the visualization.

During the visualization itself, when I imagined my future - everything was amazing - a lot of energy and delight. After the end of the visualization, I really did not want to open my eyes and return to the material world. Hm strange! But I did not attach any importance to this. For a few hours after the visualization, the brain occasionally returned to the pictures that I imagined during the visualization. In reality, I felt a certain relaxation and lack of concentration - I was far from here and now - I was in the future! But I felt very good and comfortable. I felt harmony, calmness and confidence. Familiar?

I liked my state during the visualization, but I didn't like my state after the visualization. Instead of motivation, I seemed to have my head in the clouds.

Then I compared my state to when I gave up visualization and started working only on the present. There was motivation, there was determination, there was some kind of aggression and a strong desire to get out of the hole where I climbed! I did a lot during the day and I was effective! Definitely, I saw that even in a slightly negative state I create reality much faster!

And one day it dawned on me: you need to program the subconscious mind not to create a future reality, but to create today's reality!!! That is, to visualize not the future, but my feelings in the present.

So I came up with the “feel the feeling” method of programming the subconscious mind, which a year later I called “concentrations”! It was strange to me that no one wrote about this. Everyone was talking about visualizations and gratitude. But, none of them wrote about the side effect that I encountered.

Maybe I'm the only "stupid" one? But, no, I see other people are also far from successful, although they say: “We are using the film“ Secret ”!

Concentrations are the focus and concentration of thoughts and feelings on one single feeling in the present! And I started trying them!

During the concentrations, the energy was as strong as during the visualizations, but after the concentrations there was a state of determination: “I am ready!”, “I want!”, “I will do it no matter what!”, the mind worked very quickly and efficiently and at the time came the right ideas.

Here is the drive! Here is this energy! And with this energy it was possible to achieve excellent results! With results came faith, and faith further accelerated the creation of the desired reality. Somehow I even forgot about my dreams, and then I look - they were realized imperceptibly. Here is a shock! This is what it means to fulfill dreams on the machine.

With gratitude, I fell into another trap: I thought that if I thanked the Universe would make my dreams come true. Well, they say, I'm grateful, I'm so good, so the Universe will do everything for me.

Strangely, when I spent a month in a state of gratitude, I noticed that I did not get one step closer to my dream. In the second or third month - not a single step.

And I realized: “gratitude alone does not create the future.” Gratitude brings you into a wonderful state in which it is easy and comfortable to act in order to create the future.

When You act in the present, You spend a lot of energy and strength, overcome problems and difficulties, and grow. Often things don't work out and you get upset. So gratitude helps to restore positivity and faith. You pay attention to what you have achieved and it becomes easier.

Therefore, no matter how thankful you are, you won't attract a million dollars. For a million you need to work!

Instead of gratitude, I began to use another practice and so I called it “Joy”. In terms of energy, it is much more powerful and just like after concentrations, you want to immediately get up and run to do something, create an even better reality. After concentrations and “joy”, you feel that you can move mountains! And so it happened - I acted despite the fear, despite the fact that I did not know how. I'm just like a tank, lane forward! That is why I have achieved what I have achieved.

I am writing this article because I again went into the future for a week and felt how the results fell and life slowed down. When you go into the future, you forget about what you have achieved in the present. There is a feeling of lack and dissatisfaction. And again it turned out that I flew into the future!

Subconscious programming is no joke.

I teach people to program the subconscious for money. We analyze all the nuances, all the mistakes and you will understand how to program yourself correctly, otherwise you will go in circles and endlessly look for what you are doing wrong. Someone prefers to "buy" experience, someone prefers to pay with years of life.

“I worked with Sasha in the VIP block and as a result: instead of the planned 134,000 in June, my earnings amounted to 359,000!!!”

Learning to live by books and personal growth without a coach is the same as losing weight by a textbook. You know everything, but you can’t do it and there are no results.

The future is created from the present! It is foolish to forget about the present and focus only on the future.

Do you know why it is easier for people to deal with the future than with the present? You have to work in the present, but not in the future. Therefore, of course, it is much easier to lie on the couch and dream, instead of doing what you are afraid of right now and going out of your comfort zone.

Of course, I have goals for the year, dreams for 2-3-5 years - they are just written down and they just exist! And I work and think only about today and the near future (this month). Month after month, the future of dreams is being created!

The beauty of your subconscious. Program yourself for success and positive Angelite

Programming the subconscious with the help of life matrices

Please do not be surprised, dear reader, but the entire previous text was just an introduction to our main topic of programming through our matrices. In my books and in practice, I mainly use the Life Matrix model, which gives the most complete picture of external circumstances and the internal situation of a person. When working on the topic of subconscious programming, I could not do without this model for obvious reasons. Thanks to the discovery of the matrices and their precise characteristics, each of us can use our potential more effectively and quickly change our lives for the better. In a certain sense, this is a panacea for all ailments based on a misunderstanding of oneself, one's desires, as well as incomprehensible reactions and behavior of people around.

The purpose of programming should be our exclusively positive intentions. Recently, a lot of technologies have appeared that allow manipulating human behavior without his knowledge. These are techniques of psychological influence that take into account forbidden desires or taboos hidden in the subconscious.

For example, a person wants to take the money that is available to him on duty, but does not allow himself to even think about it. He simply does not realize this desire, although he feels some pressure from the depths of the subconscious. We will not look for the roots of such desires, the fact itself is important to us. So, if someone needs to morally put pressure on such a person, he will simply encrypt in his appeal to him that he knows about the intentions of this person. As a result, the “guilty” will feel confused, because subconsciously he has already committed theft, because there, in the subconscious, desire is perceived as an action. And this confusion can already be used by threatening to reveal everything, while demanding to do anything. And if you offer a solid reward at the same time, then here's an example of how a law-abiding citizen sells classified materials to spies.

It often happens that you don’t even need to encrypt anything, a person gives himself away when his secret thoughts and desires slip through his speech. Once I was talking to a man who was not interested in psychology and thought only about how to provide for his family and live in abundance. Our conversation went too far from his current topic, so he was a little nervous, but continued to communicate. I talked about inner freedom, the importance of life goals and self-realization. To which this person constantly asked questions like “what about the family” or “is it not necessary to earn money”, etc. I was not against a well-paid job, it was just that the accents in my idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmy life were placed a little differently. And at some point, I very carelessly stated that a person should be free to do what he wants, and work and salary are somewhere in second place. At this moment, my interlocutor boiled

and, no longer able to restrain himself, he loudly indignant: “What is it, while I’m lying on the sofa with a newspaper, my wife will go to prostitutes ?!” I was surprised aloud why it was necessary to lie on the sofa, but then I caught myself, guessing that he had discovered his secret desire, which he suppresses in himself. However, he was so tired of working that he could hardly contain his indignation at the fact that he still had to do it. Our conversation ended in nothing, because then I had not yet come to understand the processes of our subconscious. I continued my studies, but that person nevertheless plunged completely into work, began to travel a lot on business trips. As a man, he allowed himself only one liberty - to make mistresses away from his wife. I am sure that this is not the result of the influence of our conversation about freedom on him, because in the end everyone lives the way he wants, although he hides it even from himself. But I did not understand only one thing: why the wife had to go exactly the way that he was so afraid of.

Such random phrases in psychology are called "Freudian slips". This means that hidden desires and unfulfilled dreams are often hidden in the hidden motives of behavior. If, in a conversation with a person, you utter a phrase that awakens some secret desire in him, or he suspects that you know more about him than he does, his reactions may become slightly inadequate. Knowing what exactly we can awaken in a person, at least in general terms, we can be more careful, but if necessary, more convincing for a particular person. And the point is not to harm someone, but rather, on the contrary, to help where a person feels insecure. After all, not even the person himself often suffers from this, but those who depend on him.

Officials who make decisions for months and do not put their signatures on documents, not at all because they are waiting for a bribe, but simply because they do not understand the reason for their slowness, are an example of this. Well, imagine for yourself that someone buys a hectare of land in order to build a house, having funds for this. And the official seems to be a good person, even an honest one, but he also has a dream to build a house, why someone can do it, but he can’t. And so he thought about it so deeply that he forgot to put his signature, put the document aside and for a long time cannot remember exactly where he went. A very common situation. And then the rich man comes and says: they say, brother, you can also build a house for yourself, here is my contribution for new housing. And then it dawned on the bureaucrat: well, how could I forget, here is this document!

Do not think that we are going to joke about this, everything will be serious with us. After all, jokes are bad with the subconscious, even if you can influence another person without changing yourself, then the whole situation as a whole will have an impact on you. What did you think! After all, our matrices already have their own programs that we can awaken without knowing what is happening. It is more difficult to look into yourself than to see the hidden world of another person. Soon you will see for yourself.

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Chapter III

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Is our subconscious- this is such a subtle substance that it is not so easy to explain its essence. Moreover, no instruments and methods of human examination can confirm its presence. However… it exists. Moreover, the subconscious mind is able to exert a tremendous influence on the person himself - on his thoughts and actions, his desires and goals, as well as the ways to achieve them.

This is what is inside us, but is not realized by us. These are certain mental processes that we are not able to control. These are our unconscious thoughts and programs, so to speak, that make us act one way or another, give some incentive to perform certain actions and build our lives. Yes, surprisingly, but the subconscious controls us, throughout our lives, gives invisible orders, directs vital energy in one direction or another.

But the most important thing is that with the help of our subconscious we can make adjustments in our own lives. After all, at its core, the subconscious is a kind of program that is recorded by our parents - unconsciously, of course, because any word or action of mom or dad is perceived by the child as an axiom that does not require proof, the ultimate truth. It is in early childhood that real programming takes place, tuning into certain behavioral stereotypes, habits and outlooks on life are formed, an optimistic or distrustful attitude towards the surrounding reality and people, and consequently, further success in life.

But after all, even despite the already existing installations laid down in our subconscious by our parents, we ourselves are able to program ourselves for a happy life and good luck. How? Yes, it’s very simple - with the help of simple and affordable programming methods or that will completely change our lives, our worldview, they will force us to achieve our goals at all costs. In a word, the subconscious is capable of real miracles - but only with your participation.

How to achieve this, in what ways can program your subconscious? In fact, a great many different methods and technologies have been developed, some of them are widely known and available to everyone, such as self-hypnosis and. But let's talk about everything in order.

The first method is visualization, or simply playing vivid, realistic scenes and life situations that you would like to realize. At the same time, the more believable your images are, the more you believe that this is not only possible, but will definitely happen to you, the more likely it is to succeed. subconscious programming and completing this task.

The second programming method is associated with self-hypnosis, the repetition of the same statements aimed at. For example, you can tell yourself every day that you are the most intelligent, beautiful, strong, successful or lucky person - believe me, your subconscious mind will definitely pick up this thought, enter it into its algorithm and the result will not be long in coming. The main thing is to really believe in it.

Subconscious programming hypnosis is a well-known method of tuning your life program, effective and allowing you to completely change your life in a short time. However, you should be careful and trust only graduates in the field of psychology to carry out hypnosis. Independent hypnotic influence can not only not bring the desired result, but also worsen the situation, which will then be very problematic to correct, even for experienced hypnologists.

And finally, meditation. This way subconscious programming has the greatest power, but requires your diligence and the ability to concentrate your thoughts. However, if desired, the technique of meditation can be mastered by anyone who seeks to make adjustments to the program of the subconscious, direct mental processes in the right direction and make reality correspond to your desires. Through lulling, calmness and balance during the time, the subconscious opens up and allows you to make the necessary changes, rewrite its program code.

And in conclusion, we note that subconscious programming is as simple and accessible to everyone as everyday hygiene procedures, visits to sports centers and beauty salons. After all, we know how to keep our body in good shape, so why can't the subconscious mind obey us? The main thing is not to be lazy and believe in the result!