Essay plan for literature admission to the exam. First you need to write an essay plan

2018-2019 academic year

Minister of Education of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva announced five areas of the final essay topics for the 2018/19 academic year

  • Fathers and Sons
  • Dream and reality
  • Revenge and generosity
  • Art and craft
  • Kindness and cruelty

As in previous years, the final essay is the admission of graduates to the state final certification. At the same time, students with disabilities have the right to choose the writing of the presentation. Within the framework of open areas for the topics of the final essay, specific topics of the final essay are developed (texts of presentations are selected) for each time zone separately. Specific topics of the final essay (texts of presentations) are delivered to the local education authorities on the day of the final essay (statement).

The final essay is held on the first working Wednesday of December, February and May. The dates for the current academic year are: 05.12.2018; 06.02.2019; 08.05.2019.

Commentary on the open thematic areas of the 2018/19 academic year, prepared by the specialists of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FIPI"

1. Fathers and children
This direction is addressed to the eternal problem of human existence, associated with the inevitability of generational change, harmonious and disharmonious relationships between "fathers" and "children". This topic is touched upon in many works of literature, where various types of interaction between representatives of different generations are considered (from conflict confrontation to mutual understanding and continuity) and the causes of the confrontation between them are revealed, as well as ways of their spiritual rapprochement.

2. Dream and reality
The concepts of "dream" and "reality" are in many respects opposed and at the same time closely related, they aim at comprehending various ideas about the world and the meaning of life, at thinking about how reality gives rise to a dream and how a person's dream raises him above the ordinary. There are many heroes in literature who have different attitudes to the dream: some are inspired by noble aspirations and are ready to realize them, others are captivated by beautiful-hearted dreams, others are deprived of lofty dreams and are subordinated to base goals.

3. Revenge and generosity
Within the framework of this direction, one can talk about diametrically opposed manifestations of human nature associated with ideas of good and evil, mercy and cruelty, peacefulness and aggression. The concepts of "revenge" and "generosity" are often the focus of attention of writers who explore human reactions to life's challenges, to the actions of other people, analyze the behavior of heroes in a situation of moral choice, both in personal and socio-historical terms.

4. Art and craft
The topics of this direction actualize the graduates' ideas about the purpose of works of art and the extent of the talent of their creators, provide an opportunity to reflect on the mission of the artist and his role in society, about where the craft ends and art begins. Literature constantly refers to the understanding of the phenomenon of creativity, the image of creative work, helps to reveal the inner world of the character through his attitude to art and craft.

5. Kindness and cruelty
This direction aims graduates to think about the moral foundations of the relationship to man and all living things, allows you to think, on the one hand, about the humanistic desire to value and protect life, on the other hand, about the inhumane desire to cause suffering and pain to others and even to yourself. The concepts of "kindness" and "cruelty" belong to the "eternal" categories, many works of literature show characters gravitating towards one of these poles or going through the path of moral rebirth.

  1. Recommendations on the organization and conduct of the final essay (statement) for the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that carry out public administration in the field of education
  2. Recommendations on the technical support of the organization and conduct of the final essay (statement)
  3. Collection of reporting forms for the final essay (statement)
  4. Criteria for evaluating the final essay (statement)
  5. Rules for filling out the forms of the final essay (statement)
  6. Guidelines for the preparation and conduct of the final essay (statement) for educational organizations implementing educational programs of secondary general education
  7. Guidelines for preparing for the final essay (statement) for participants final essay (statement)
  8. Guidelines for experts participating in the verification of the final essay (statement)

Methodological materials to help graduates and teachers are posted


The final essay (statement) as admission to the Unified State Examination of graduates of educational organizations implementing programs of secondary general education was first introduced in the 2014-2015 academic year in pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation in order to identify students' ability to think, analyze and prove their position based on their own selected works of domestic and world literature.

The following categories of persons may write the statement:

  • students with disabilities or disabled and handicapped children;
  • students studying in educational programs of secondary general education in special educational institutions of a closed type, as well as in institutions executing punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty;
  • students studying at home, in educational organizations, including sanatorium-resort ones, in which the necessary medical, rehabilitation and recreational activities are carried out for those in need of long-term treatment based on the conclusion of a medical organization.

The final essay, if desired, can also be written by graduates of previous years to present its results when entering universities.

Writing time - 3 hours 55 minutes.

The examination set includes 5 essay topics from a closed list (one topic from each open thematic area).

The topics of essays themselves will be known to graduates 15 minutes before the start of the exam. The result of the final essay (statement) will be “pass” or “fail”, however, only graduates who have received a “pass” will be allowed to pass the unified state exam and the state final exam.

Topics, as in the past year, will be formed by time zones.

The essay is evaluated according to five criteria: relevance to the topic; argumentation, attraction of literary material; composition; speech quality; literacy.

They check the essays (statements) of the Commission of educational organizations or expert commissions created at the municipal / regional level.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, students in grade 11 will have to write a final essay - a kind of admission to the exam. This work is being written in December. There will be five main thematic areas. About what these directions will become known in August-September 2017. Therefore, graduates and current tenth graders should pay great attention to reading fiction, from which arguments will be taken both at the final essay on literature in the 11th grade in December 2017, and in the summer of 2018 at the Unified State Examination in Russian language and literature.

Topics from previous years

Students will learn the specific wording of the topics of the final essay only at the exam itself.

So, in 2015, the following topics were proposed for writing:

  • Time.
  • Love.
  • Way.
  • Year of Literature in Russia.

And in 2016, the developers of the exam compiled topics that included two opposing concepts:

  • Mind and feeling.
  • Experience and mistakes.
  • Honor and dishonor.
  • Victory and defeat.
  • Friendship and enmity.

Why was the final essay necessary?

Since 2014, eleventh-graders have been writing a final essay. The question arises: why introduced this type of exam?

  • To educate the personality of the student.
  • To expand the boundaries of the graduate in the study of the Russian language and literature, to teach them to correctly formulate and express their thoughts.
  • Allow the future applicant to submit the results of the December essay to the university and receive additional points to the rest obtained on the USE.

How to write an essay correctly?

You need to know the order of writing the parts of the essay.
Composition of the final essay:

  • Introduction.
  • Main part.
  • Conclusion.
  1. The introduction introduces the essay. Here you can talk about the topic of the essay, ask yourself why this particular topic was chosen, why you want to write about it. You can talk about the problem that is inherent in the topic.
  2. After the introduction, everything that was said in the first part must be disclosed in the second, main part of the work. The main part is an analysis of a problem or a literary work, if the text is written on the topic of a literary work.

In the main part, it is important to maintain competent transitions between paragraphs. Each paragraph consists of a pair: a thesis plus an argument. That is, every statement, every fact must be argued.

Arguments, in turn, must be supported by the text of a literary work.
It is desirable to quote, you can approximately use indirect speech.

It is important not to jump to the retelling of the text. It is necessary not to retell, but to analyze!

As little water as possible

No need to write in formulaic phrases, complex phrases. For example, don't say, "This is of great importance." If this topic is raised in the essay, then its importance is already clear. Or a praise for a writer: "Pushkin is a great writer." Naturally great. Everyone knows this, including examiners. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about it.

The third part is the conclusion. This is a conclusion, a generalization of what was said in the main part. If a question was asked in the introduction, then the answer to this question should be formulated in the conclusion, but briefly.

The shortest part is the conclusion.

The largest is the main part. It should be approximately 2/3 of the entire composition.

How to choose a topic?

11th grade students are offered 5 topics. How to choose the right one? Often graduates get scared and think they don't know anything. At this point, you need to get together and look:

  • which work of art is best remembered;
  • what critical literature and what work do you know about;
  • the wording of the topic should be clear;
  • make a choice in favor of a topic.

Operating procedure

The essay is first written in draft form. You also need to make a plan. This is the main thing in writing this type of work. The plan should include a complete introduction and conclusion. The main part can not be written in detail - it is important to write the thesis and evidence, the main phrases of the essay.

The bulk of the writing time should be spent on the draft.

After that, you need to rewrite it cleanly, avoiding mistakes and clichés.

Pay attention to keep the phrases simple. The simpler the essay, the easier it is to read and the fewer errors there will be in the work.

At the end of the work, you need to re-read the essay several times. Wrote - handed over. You don't have to do that! Be sure to check at least 2 times:

  1. For the first time, read in full and ask yourself the question: is the given topic covered? When writing an essay, you must constantly check with the topic, ask yourself the question: am I talking exactly about this, giving answers to the right questions?
  2. The second time to check for literacy, using the spelling dictionary allowed for the exam.

Criteria for evaluating the final essay

The final essay must meet five criteria:

If 0 points are received for the first and second criteria, then the work is not subject to further verification.

Also, for this type of creative work, there are requirements for the volume (from 250 to 350 or more words) and for the independence of writing the work.

About the time and results of the exam

The graduation essay is given 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes). Works are checked in the same educational institution where students of grade 11 study and write an exam, by independent experts (teachers who do not teach the subject of graduates of the current year).

You can find out the results of the creative exam at your school after checking the work. If the student received "failed" for the essay, then he can rewrite it in February and May of the current year.

Examples of essays can be found on various educational sites on the Internet. And general recommendations for writing the final essay can be found here:

Going to the exam, you need to believe in yourself and remember that a well-prepared student can do everything!

2017-2018 academic year

Council for the conduct of the final essay in the graduating classes, chaired by N.D. Solzhenitsyna identified 5 open areas for the topics of the final essay for the 2017/18 academic year. On the air of the Russia 1 TV channel, the directions of the topics of the final essay were announced today by the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva and Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation V.I. Tolstoy.

5 open areas of topics for the final essay of the USE for the 2017/18 academic year:

1. Loyalty and betrayal

2. Indifference and responsiveness

3. Ends and means

4. Courage and cowardice

5. Man and society

As in previous years, the final essay is the admission of graduates to the state final certification. At the same time, students with disabilities have the right to choose the writing of the presentation. The result of the final essay is "pass" or "fail". If the graduate received an unsatisfactory result for the final essay, he is given the opportunity to retake it.

Within the framework of open areas for the topics of the final essay, specific topics of the final essay are developed (texts of presentations are selected) for each time zone separately. Specific topics of the final essay (texts of presentations) are delivered to the local education authorities on the day of the final essay (statement).

Commentary on the open thematic areas of the 2017/18 academic year, prepared by the specialists of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FIPI"

1. "Loyalty and betrayal."
Within the framework of the direction, one can talk about fidelity and betrayal as opposite manifestations of the human personality, considering them from a philosophical, ethical, psychological point of view and referring to life and literary examples.
The concepts of "fidelity" and "treason" are at the center of the plots of many works of different eras and characterize the actions of the characters in a situation of moral choice, both in personal relationships and in a social context.

2. "Indifference and responsiveness"
The topics of this direction aim students at comprehending different types of a person’s attitude to people and to the world (indifference to others, unwillingness to spend mental strength on someone else’s life or sincere readiness to share his joys and troubles with his neighbor, to provide him with disinterested help).
In literature, we meet, on the one hand, heroes with a warm heart, ready to respond to other people's joys and troubles, and on the other hand, characters embodying the opposite, selfish, personality type.

3. "Ends and means"
The concepts of this direction are interconnected and allow us to think about the life aspirations of a person, the importance of meaningful goal setting, the ability to correctly correlate the goal and the means to achieve it, as well as the ethical assessment of human actions.
Many literary works feature characters who deliberately or mistakenly chose unsuitable means to implement their plans. And it often turns out that a good goal serves only as a cover for true (lower) plans. Such characters are opposed to heroes for whom the means to achieve a lofty goal are inseparable from the requirements of morality.

4. "Courage and cowardice"
This direction is based on a comparison of opposite manifestations of the human "I": readiness for decisive actions and the desire to hide from danger, to evade the resolution of complex, sometimes extreme life situations.
On the pages of many literary works are presented both heroes capable of bold actions and characters demonstrating weakness of spirit and lack of will.

5. "Man and society"
For the topics of this direction, the view of a person as a representative of society is relevant. Society largely shapes the personality, but the personality is also able to influence the society. Topics will allow us to consider the problem of the individual and society from different angles: from the point of view of their harmonious interaction, complex confrontation or irreconcilable conflict. It is equally important to think about the conditions under which a person must obey social laws, and society must take into account the interests of each person. Literature has always shown interest in the problem of the relationship between man and society, the creative or destructive consequences of this interaction for the individual and for human civilization.


The final essay (statement) as admission to the Unified State Examination of graduates of educational organizations implementing programs of secondary general education was first introduced in the 2014-2015 academic year in pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation in order to identify students' ability to think, analyze and prove their position based on their own selected works of domestic and world literature.

The following categories of persons may write the statement:

Students with disabilities or disabled and handicapped children;

Students studying in educational programs of secondary general education in special educational and educational institutions of a closed type, as well as in institutions executing punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty;

Students studying at home, in educational organizations, including sanatoriums and resorts, in which the necessary medical, rehabilitation and recreational activities are carried out for those in need of long-term treatment based on the conclusion of a medical organization.

The final essay, if desired, can also be written by graduates of previous years to present its results when entering universities.

Essay writing time - 3 hours 55 minutes.

The examination set includes 5 essay topics from a closed list (one topic from each open thematic area).

The topics of essays themselves will be known to graduates 15 minutes before the start of the exam. The result of the final essay (statement) will be “pass” or “fail”, however, only graduates who have received a “pass” will be allowed to pass the unified state exam and the state final exam.

Topics, as in the past year, will be formed by time zones.

The essay is evaluated according to five criteria: relevance to the topic; argumentation, attraction of literary material; composition; speech quality; literacy.

They check the essays (statements) of the Commission of educational organizations or expert commissions created at the municipal / regional level.

Three years ago, graduates of Russian schools were given a new test and a new headache - the so-called final essay, the results of which lead to admission to the Unified State Examination. The idea of ​​the final essay is to test the graduate's ability to think and analyze, as well as to formulate his thoughts, proving his own opinion based on the literary works of the school curriculum. In principle, there is nothing particularly terrible in such a test - the assessment is made according to the “pass” and “fail” system, that is, in fact, it is enough to write an essay for a triple to get access to the exam. The results of the essay do not have any influence on the scores in the exams. With the help of the composition, only the most incapable students are eliminated. Final essay of the 2017-2018 academic year: directions of topics announced by FIPI, dates when the final essay will take place, features of its conduct.

When graduates will write the final essay in the new academic year

All information on the final essays was announced on Knowledge Day on September 1 on live television, it is also posted on (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements).

Final essay dates: December 6, 2017, February 7 and May 16, 2018.

In principle, most school graduates will successfully write an essay in December and will be able to continue preparing for the Unified State Examination. The two remaining dates are reserved, they are designed for those who, for some valid reason, will not be able to attend the writing of the essay in December or will fail and will be forced to retake this test.

In each time zone of Russia, different topics of compositions will be offered based on the directions of topics already announced (more on them below). Specific topics will be announced 15 minutes before the essay starts., they will be a surprise for both students and their teachers.

It is clear that different topics for different time zones are offered so that no one would have a head start, having received information about topics from the eastern regions of the country.

Students with disabilities, as well as those who study in certain educational institutions (special schools, schools in places of deprivation of liberty, etc.) have the right to write a summary instead of an essay.

To write an essay 3 hours 55 minutes time.

Directions of the topics of the final essay of the 2017-2018 academic year

So, in the new academic year, school graduates are offered the following five open areas for essay topics:

  1. "Loyalty and betrayal" - these opposite manifestations of the human personality are proposed to be considered from philosophical, ethical and psychological positions, based on examples from literature, when the hero makes one or another moral choice on this topic.
  2. “Indifference and responsiveness” is another contrast that can exist in people's attitudes towards what is happening around them. Also relying on literature, graduates will be able to talk about how some people look indifferently at the problems and troubles of others, while others devote their lives to the fight against injustice.
  3. "Aims and Means" - within the framework of this direction, one can consider the relationship between goals and means to achieve them, discuss how good goals only serve as a cover for base human manifestations, as well as the consequences of incorrectly chosen means for the goal itself.
  4. "Courage and cowardice" - again opposite manifestations of human character, which can be analyzed on the basis of classical and modern literature.
  5. "Man and society" – on the basis of literature, graduates can make a reasoning about how society affects the individual, and the individual affects society itself. A person can live both in harmony with society and be in conflict with it. A lot of literary works are devoted to this, so the basis for a good essay among schoolchildren will be huge.

Official comments to each of the thematic areas of the final essays of 2017-2018

All about the final essay (statement) 2018-2019

Details about each direction: plan, arguments, list of references, topics, quotes, etc.


  • Exam topics will be available 15 minutes before the start of the final essay.
  • In the 2018/19 academic year, the final essay will be held on December 5, February 6 and May 8.
  • The result of the final essay is "pass" or "fail".
  • If a graduate received a “failure”, he can retake it.

Minister of Education of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva announced five areas of topics for the final essay for the 2018/19 academic year.

  1. Fathers and Sons
  2. Dream and reality
  3. Revenge and generosity
  4. Art and craft
  5. Kindness and cruelty

As in previous years, the final essay is the admission of graduates to the state final certification. At the same time, students with disabilities have the right to choose the writing of the presentation. Within the framework of open areas for the topics of the final essay, specific topics of the final essay are developed (texts of presentations are selected) for each time zone separately. Specific topics of the final essay (texts of presentations) are delivered to the local education authorities on the day of the final essay (statement).

Commentary on the open thematic areas of the 2018/19 academic year, prepared by the specialists of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FIPI"

1. Fathers and children

This direction is addressed to the eternal problem of human existence, associated with the inevitability of generational change, harmonious and disharmonious relationships between "fathers" and "children".
This topic is touched upon in many works of literature, where various types of interaction between representatives of different generations are considered (from conflict confrontation to mutual understanding and continuity) and the causes of the confrontation between them are revealed, as well as ways of their spiritual rapprochement.

2. Dream and reality

The concepts of "dream" and "reality" are in many respects opposed and at the same time closely related, they aim at comprehending various ideas about the world and the meaning of life, at thinking about how reality gives rise to a dream and how a person's dream raises him above the ordinary.
There are many heroes in literature who have different attitudes to the dream: some are inspired by noble aspirations and are ready to realize them, others are captivated by beautiful-hearted dreams, others are deprived of lofty dreams and are subordinated to base goals.

3. Revenge and generosity

Within the framework of this direction, one can talk about diametrically opposed manifestations of human nature associated with ideas of good and evil, mercy and cruelty, peacefulness and aggression.
The concepts of "revenge" and "generosity" are often the focus of attention of writers who explore human reactions to life's challenges, to the actions of other people, analyze the behavior of heroes in a situation of moral choice, both in personal and socio-historical terms.

4. Art and craft

The topics of this direction actualize the graduates' ideas about the purpose of works of art and the extent of the talent of their creators, provide an opportunity to reflect on the mission of the artist and his role in society, about where the craft ends and art begins.
Literature constantly refers to the understanding of the phenomenon of creativity, the image of creative work, helps to reveal the inner world of the character through his attitude to art and craft.

5. Kindness and cruelty

This direction aims graduates to think about the moral foundations of the relationship to man and all living things, allows you to think, on the one hand, about the humanistic desire to value and protect life, on the other hand, about the inhumane desire to cause suffering and pain to others and even to yourself.
The concepts of "kindness" and "cruelty" belong to the "eternal" categories, many works of literature show characters gravitating towards one of these poles or going through the path of moral rebirth.

general information

The final essay (statement) as admission to the Unified State Examination of graduates of educational organizations implementing programs of secondary general education was first introduced in the 2014-2015 academic year in pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation in order to identify students' ability to think, analyze and prove their position based on their own selected works of domestic and world literature.

The following categories of persons may write the statement:

  1. students with disabilities or disabled and handicapped children;
  2. students studying in educational programs of secondary general education in special educational institutions of a closed type, as well as in institutions executing punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty;
  3. students studying at home, in educational organizations, including sanatorium-resort ones, in which the necessary medical, rehabilitation and recreational activities are carried out for those in need of long-term treatment based on the conclusion of a medical organization.

The final essay, if desired, can also be written by graduates of previous years to present its results when entering universities.

Time of writing3 hours 55 minutes.

  • The examination set includes 5 essay topics from a closed list (one topic from each open thematic area).
  • The topics of essays themselves will be known to graduates 15 minutes before the start of the exam. The result of the final essay (statement) will be “pass” or “fail”, however, only graduates who have received a “pass” will be allowed to pass the unified state exam and the state final exam.
  • Topics, as in the past year, will be formed by time zones.
  • The essay is evaluated according to five criteria: relevance to the topic; argumentation, attraction of literary material; composition; speech quality; literacy.
  • They check the essays (statements) of the Commission of educational organizations or expert commissions created at the municipal / regional level.