Reconstruction of military operations in. Historical Reenactment as a Hobby - Festival of Historical Reenactment

Historical reconstruction

A group of reenactors (the territory of present-day Ukraine, XVII century), 2005

Historical reconstruction- a fairly young kind of hobby. It appeared in Russia in the early 90s and immediately became widespread among people who are fond of history, the romantic spirit of the Middle Ages and art. There are many directions in historical reconstruction, including sports. There are several federations of historical fencing in Russia. Sports tournaments are regularly held. Festivals and mass productions of battles are held mainly by historical fencing and reconstruction clubs with the support of the administrations of the regions and cities where the event is held. There are also events of national importance (for example, the reconstruction of the Battle of Kulikovo or the Battle of Borodino in Russia or the reconstruction of the Battle of Grunwald abroad).

  • Historical reconstruction- reconstruction of the material and spiritual culture of a particular historical era and region using archaeological, pictorial and written sources.
  • Historical reconstruction is a movement that sets itself scientific goals and uses the method of role-playing and scientific experiment to solve problems and study the issue in more depth.

The term "historical reconstruction" can be used in two senses:

  1. Restoration of the appearance and construction of an object, theoretical or practical, based on its surviving fragments, remains, and available historical information about it, using modern methods of historical science (including such a method as an archaeological experiment). The historical reconstruction of processes, events and technologies is defined similarly. Also - his (restoration) result.
  2. Activities aimed at restoring various aspects of historical events, objects, etc.

Historical reconstruction in the CIS countries

Historical reconstruction as a hobby appeared in the CIS countries (then still the USSR) in the late 1980s. As a rule, those who are keen on historical reconstruction are interested in creating a historical complex consisting of a costume, armor, weapons and household items for a selected region and historical period. Each element of the complex must be confirmed by some scientific sources (archaeological, pictorial, written). The main idea of ​​the reconstruction of such a complex of costume, armor, etc. is the practical application of this complex, including to confirm or refute scientific hypotheses regarding the possibilities of using certain items.

Directions of historical reconstruction

Currently there are two most popular directions:

  • living history;
  • tournaments (buhurts) - not present in the Napoleonic reconstruction.

In most cases, reenactors are united in the “Club of Historical Reconstruction” (KIR) or the “Club of Historical Reconstruction and Fencing” (KIRiF) and the “Military History Club” (VIK), which have their own training room, storage of equipment and clothes, workshop and etc. The number of the club is, as a rule, 10-30 people (possibly more). Large clubs may have branches in other cities. Within the clubs, there may be a hierarchy that to some extent repeats the hierarchical structure of the reconstructed period (say, the structure of an early medieval Slavic squad or an infantry regiment of the Napoleonic army). Members of the same club in most cases have certain distinguishing features that allow them to be identified at major events (shields of a certain color or with a certain pattern, uniform color, stripes, special shoulder straps, etc.).

In addition to participating in festivals, clubs can organize their own private events that reconstruct certain events, rituals, etc. (for example, feasts and balls). Members of KIRs are often invited to participate in various historical events, presentations, exhibitions, participate in the filming of historical films (a typical example is the film "Alexander. Neva Battle"). In addition to the "club" re-enactors, there are also re-enactors who do not belong to any particular club and do their own re-enabling. Among reenactors, such people are sometimes called Socialist-Revolutionaries(SSR - "Yourself Reenactor").

Photo gallery

    Reenactors depict French artillerymen on a historical field (Battle of Austerlitz), 2005

    Reconstruction of the Battle of Borodino, 2011

see also


  • Korobeinikov A.V. Historical reconstruction according to archeological data. (Russian). A monograph on historical reconstruction involving the methods of the exact sciences.. Retrieved September 16, 2010.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Historical reconstruction" is in other dictionaries:

    Reconstruction: Reconstruction is the process of changing objects of the present in order to give new properties in the future. Reconstruction, regardless of its content, is an integral part of planning. Reconstruction of reproduction processes, ... ... Wikipedia

    Reconstruction: Reconstruction alteration, radical restructuring of something, organization according to completely new principles. Reconstruction (film, 2003) Danish film directed by Christopher Boe. Reconstruction of the South period in US history ... ... Wikipedia

    - (German: Historisches Rathaus Münster) the building of the city administration of the city of Munster (North Rhine Westphalia). Along with St. Paul's Cathedral, the town hall is one of the most significant architectural monuments ... ... Wikipedia

The depth of reconstruction can be different. Beginning amateurs, as a rule, are limited to the general appearance of the costume, not particularly caring about its historical accuracy, the authenticity of the fabrics used, and the appropriateness of color combinations. Those for whom historical reconstruction has become a real hobby, they take equipment much more seriously. As a rule, a costume is made according to a “passport”, where each of its elements is carefully described: the fabric, the method of dyeing it, the source of the pattern (based on materials from archaeological finds, museum collections and works of art), the types of hand or machine seams used, the approximate time period for which clothes match. "Passports" are checked by a special commission, and if the sources are reliable enough, the applicant is allowed to festival of historical reconstruction as a participant, not a spectator.

If, as a rule, each reenactor can sew clothes himself, then it is difficult to cope with more complex products made of metal, leather, fur without special skills and equipment. Shoes, weapons and armor, belts and fasteners are bought by many in special workshops or at festivals.

The most enthusiastic reenactors practically reach the professional level: not only the appearance of the product is important for them, but also the thorough adherence to the historical traditional technology. They spin and weave on their own, dye the fabric with natural dyes, use historically reliable needles and thimbles. At their events, they recreate not only the costume, but also the everyday life of the chosen era: tents and tents, dishes, musical instruments.

From antiquity to the recent past: eras of reconstruction

The era chosen for reconstruction may be different. If the ancient world and antiquity on the territory of the CIS are represented by a very small number of clubs, then there are a lot of lovers of the early and late Middle Ages. Moreover, approaches to the reconstruction of the early Middle Ages, as a rule, are quite strict and gravitate towards a “deep” reconstruction. However, after the 13th and especially the 15th century, the costumes become too complex to require the majority of festival participants to fully correspond to the era. It is precisely because of the complexity of technologies and the inaccessibility of materials that so few are engaged in the reconstruction of the life of the 16th-18th centuries. Some enthusiasts practically professionally recreate the era of the Napoleonic Wars and the events of the Great Patriotic War, and here the requirements for historical authenticity are again greatly tightened.

However, the suit naturally moves historical reconstruction not limited to: hobby it would just be boring. A huge number of clubs are divided not only by era and depth of reconstruction, but also by specialization within the movement. Military history clubs pay a lot of attention to physical training and military history - it is their representatives who play historical battles or arrange jousting tournaments. Many groups perform medieval music or study dance. Craftsmen working on historical technologies are extremely valued among reenactors: gunsmiths, embroiderers, furriers. Some study ancient sources in search of authentic recipes for food, drinks or cosmetics.

Often this hobby becomes a profession. Reenactors are invited to the extras to shoot historical films, commercials, they arrange tourist attractions.

Where and when are historical reenactment festivals held?

Large festivals of historical reconstruction, gathering more than a thousand participants, are held annually in Vyborg (end of July), in the Crimean Sudak (first half of August), Ukrainian Khotyn (late April - early May), Belarusian Novogrudok (end of June). Famous battles are reconstructed in Borodino in early September, in the village of Samolva near Pskov (mid-April), in Dubrovno, Poland (the Battle of Grunwald in July). Smaller festivals are held almost every weekend of the season: in Izborsk, Mstislavl, Mamonovo near Kaliningrad, Drakino near Moscow.

Historical reenactment is a rather young kind of hobby. In Russia, it appeared in the early 90s and immediately became widespread among people who are fond of history, the romantic spirit of the Middle Ages and art. There are several federations of historical fencing in Russia. Sports tournaments are regularly held. Festivals of mass staging of battles are held mainly by historical fencing and reconstruction clubs with the support of the administrations of the regions and cities where the event is held. There are also events of national importance (for example, the reconstruction of the Battle of Kulikovo or the Battle of Borodino in Russia or the reconstruction of the Battle of Grunwald abroad).

Historical reconstruction is the reconstruction of the material and spiritual culture of a particular historical era and region using archaeological, pictorial and written sources.

Historical reconstruction is a movement that sets itself scientific goals and uses the method of role-playing and scientific experiment to solve problems and explore the issue under study in more depth.

The term "historical reconstruction" can be used in two senses:

Restoration of the appearance and construction of an object, theoretical or practical, based on its surviving fragments, remains, and available historical information about it, using modern methods of historical science (including such a method as an archaeological experiment). The historical reconstruction of processes, events and technologies is defined similarly. Also - his (restoration) result.

Activities aimed at restoring various aspects of historical events, objects, etc.

Historical reconstruction as a hobby appeared in the CIS countries (then still the USSR) in the late 1980s. As a rule, those keen on historical reconstruction are interested in the creation of a historical complex consisting of costumes, armor, weapons and household items for a selected region and historical period. Each element of the complex must be confirmed by some scientific sources (archaeological, pictorial, written). The main idea of ​​the reconstruction of such a complex of costume, armor, etc. is the practical application of this complex, including to confirm or refute scientific hypotheses regarding the possibilities of using certain items.

Currently there are two most popular directions:

living history;

tournaments (buhurts) - not present in the Napoleonic reconstruction.

Living history (or English living history) is a scientific discipline located at the intersection of such disciplines as "experimental archeology" and "museum pedagogy". Living history is the re-creation of the everyday life of the inhabitants of a place in a certain historical period, usually in the form of organizing a “living history museum” and / or holding a “living history festival”, as well as living history lessons in schools. Absolutely everything is important here, from the cut and appearance of the clothes worn to authentic cuisine recipes. Such events are of interest not only to the participants themselves, but also to spectators who can see with their own eyes the non-textbook history of their country, how their ancestors lived. This direction is very popular and developed in Western Europe, there are dozens of "open-air museums" where people live and work in the atmosphere of bygone times.

Tournaments (as well as buhurts - reconstruction of field battles) - the essence of this direction is the study and practical application of the military art of a certain era. Much is taken from the sources of that time, something is thought out by people based on common sense. The result is a spectacular performance, which will be interesting to watch for everyone, because close up everything is perceived especially sharply. Tournaments can be divided into staged (for spectators or just aesthetics) and sports, where people want to objectively assess their strengths and skills.

The most popular epochs of historical reconstruction:


Early Middle Ages (VII-XI century); High Middle Ages (XII-XIII centuries); Late Middle Ages (XIV-XV centuries); New time (XVI-XVII centuries); Napoleonic Wars; World War I; World War II; Cold War ( military conflicts of 1946-1991)

Recently, new directions have been actively developed.

This is a rather arbitrary division, reflecting only the most characteristic differences. Within each era, there is differentiation by region and certain historical periods (each era has its own), for example, for the High and Late Middle Ages, the recreated complex must fit within the time frame of 20 years, which, of course, is unacceptable for World War II.

Historical reenactors- fans of historical eras, ideology, spirituality.

Reenactors are people who recreate the life, crafts, traditions and martial arts of a particular era of a particular state. Reenactors study historical materials about the manufacture of weapons, clothing, household items in order to recreate these items according to the technologies by which they were made. Customs and mores are also researched and recreated. Many reenactors are engaged in recreating military history and making weapons for themselves. Many also practice historical fencing.

Due to the fact that many roleplayers are also often engaged in a kind of "partial reconstruction" of the historical realities of roleplaying games, reenactors often develop a biased, somewhat ironic attitude towards roleplayers as some kind of "under-reenactors". At the same time, however, many re-enactors are also roleplayers at the same time, or have been roleplayers in the past. Often, roleplayers, starting to take a serious interest in history, leave roleplaying games and switch to historical reenactment and fencing. The departure of reenactors into role players is a much rarer phenomenon. [Source not specified 1055 days] However, there are also extraordinary cases when role departments are organized in clubs of reenactors, which allows both role players and reenactors to mix their activities without much effort. Although, due to the same neglect on the part of the reenactors, internal conflicts arise, and such organizations easily fall apart.

Unlike role players, reenactors have not yet managed to fully take shape in a subculture, despite the existing prerequisites for this (historical reconstruction as the basis of a subculture, the presence of certain musical styles, specific chemical accessories of a historical orientation, such as historical rings and amulets, etc.). At the same time, historical reconstruction often does not imply that the reenactor has any specific worldview, religious or political views, etc. At the same time, this distancing is in some cases specially emphasized. This is especially true for reenactors who are restoring historically ambiguous organizations - such as the Wehrmacht troops.

In most cases, reenactors are united in the “Club of Historical Reconstruction” (KIR) or the “Club of Historical Reconstruction and Fencing” (KIRiF) and the “Military History Club” (VIK), which have their own training room, storage of equipment and clothes, workshop and etc. The number of the club is, as a rule, 10-30 people (possibly more). Large clubs may have branches in other cities. Within the clubs, there may be a hierarchy that to some extent repeats the hierarchical structure of the reconstructed period (say, the structure of an early medieval Slavic squad or an infantry regiment of the Napoleonic army). Members of the same club in most cases have certain distinguishing features that allow them to be identified at major events (shields of a certain color or with a certain pattern, uniform color, stripes, special shoulder straps, etc.).

In addition to participating in festivals, clubs can organize their own private events that reconstruct certain events, rituals, etc. (for example, feasts and balls). Members of KIRs are often invited to participate in various historical events, presentations, exhibitions, participate in the filming of historical films (a typical example is the film "Alexander. The Battle of the Neva"). In addition to the "club" re-enactors, there are also re-enactors who do not belong to any particular club and do their own re-enabling. Among the reenactors, such people are sometimes called SS (SSR - "Yourself Reenactor").

Role Playing Movement (RPG), Roleplaying, roleplayers- an informal community of people playing various role-playing games, primarily live action role-playing games. Akin to role-playing are the movements of historical reenactors, tolkinists, hardball players, airsoft players and paintball players. The role-playing movement is distinguished both as a hobby and as a subculture, which is characterized by its own jargon, its own music (see minstrels), its own literature (mainly fantasy) and other characteristic elements of a single culture.

The role-playing movement in Russia and the USSR arose in the 80s on the basis of the Clubs of Fans of Science Fiction.

In addition to role-playing games, role players gather for Role-playing Conventions - short-term meetings dedicated to informing players about the games of the next season, discussing past games, and informal communication. The conventions host historical fencing tournaments, photo and art exhibitions, concerts by songwriters, theatrical performances, and video screenings.

Currently, there are critics of this term. Based on the fact that the word "movement" in this context is understood as a community of people who have a certain goal, they say that this term brings the wrong meaning to the understanding of role-playing games by the public, since they are an end in itself and do not pursue any political, social or other purposes.

play polygon games and live action role playing games. This is a kind of theater where people transform into heroes of a book, legend, story, fairy tale or fictional characters and live their lives. Polygon games, as a rule, are held over several days, and all their participants during these days must organize a camp, a fortress (if necessary), plan a game and live, most often in the forest, during the game period.

In general, the beginning of the role-playing movement is considered to be the distant 1989, when members of the Science Fiction Club decided to stage the action described in one of the books by J.R.R. Tolkien. They liked the idea, and soon an annual festival arose, at which games were held based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Therefore, we can safely say that the first role players in the domestic expanses were Tolkienists. With the development of the role-playing movement, it became clear that in addition to Tolkien, there are still a great many writers whose works can be used to play games. Costumes for role-playing games were first made from improvised materials, but over time, the creation of role-playing costumes has reached a qualitatively new level. Today it is not a problem to find specialized sales outlets for reenactment weapons, jewelry, clothes and shoes. All these curiosities are made by hand in special workshops, the armor is made individually for each customer.

With the development of the role-playing movement, various role-playing clubs appeared, entire fencing schools were created. Now a standard has been developed for holding role-playing festivals, knightly tournaments and duels. Within the role-playing community, separate groups with their own specialization began to stand out. For example, someone is engaged exclusively in fencing and wrestling, participates in fights; someone is engaged in the reconstruction of a certain historical era and tries to accurately reproduce the clothes and life of their period, someone specializes in the reconstruction of only dances - dancers can show their art at thematic balls. Men fight at the games, learn fencing with swords, arrange fights. Women set up camp, cook and dance, some also participate in "battles" on an equal footing with men and often wield a sword just as well as they do. With specialization, everything is now clear, but who is directly involved in the organization of the game, thinks through the course of action and distributes roles? This is the work of a master. Here, too, everything is clear - the master "masters" the game. As a rule, the master belongs to the role players of the older generation, having played countless games in his time.

No role-playing event is complete without a man with a guitar. In the role-playing environment, folk (especially Irish and Scottish), medieval music, folk rock, art song and a little heavy metal are welcome. People who sing songs with a guitar (other instruments are much less common, but also have a place to be) are called minstrels. About a third of the minstrels are women and girls with big sad eyes. The role-playing theme is specific, and often the words of the songs are incomprehensible to the uninitiated listener. But mostly ladies and knights, elves and dwarves, fairies and dragons become the heroes of minstrel songs. Here it is necessary to observe the laws of the genre, otherwise the role-playing song turns into an ordinary bard song.

According to some reports, the number of role players in the post-Soviet space is approaching half a million, and this figure is steadily growing. What drives people to training grounds, tournaments and balls? Most likely, this is an escape from the gray everyday life, an opportunity to communicate with interesting people, meet old friends and find new ones, live the life of a fairy-tale hero, get new sensations in extreme conditions. There are many reasons for this, as there are many truly talented, different and interesting people among the role players. Here you can meet programmers, physicists and chemists, writers, factory workers (and there are some), teachers and doctors. All of them strive to plunge into the magical world, where there is magic and fairy-tale characters. Perhaps this is an escape from the real hectic world, or maybe the path to yourself, because we are all a little children at heart, who secretly believe in miracles and magic.


The unconditional passion for the Middle Ages and fantasy dominates, of course. Role players live where dragons, demons, elves, gnomes and other magical creatures live. This is their way of life, but do not think that reality has turned away from them. After all, such people perfectly find a job, friends, family ... Interestingly, according to statistics, most of the role players are either psychologists or programmers. Of course, any of them loves fires, forests, nature, songs with a guitar. The role-playing movement, first of all, is built on friendly relations - one cannot live without them in our world, so everyone knows that if he gets into a difficult situation, they will be happy to help him. Music. As the old saying goes: “Not every metalhead is a roleplayer, but every roleplayer is a metalhead”, It follows that all roleplayers, without exception, have a love for rock music, mainly heavy metal. And, of course, to folk-rock stylized as old music… In Russia, these are either Celtic, Irish or Slavic national melodies, as well as songs on role-playing themes, which are still accompanied by musical details of the Middle Ages and fantasy. Appearance.

First of all, of course, long hair. Regardless of gender, 90% of roleplayers wear long hair. They also have all sorts of attributes of a historical type - metal bracelets, rings, rings, the use of various runes, leather shoulder pads, a hair lace across the forehead, well, and everything related to their lifestyle. In everyday clothes, they are not much different from ordinary informals. But if wagering or training is carried out, then Old Russian shirts, chain mail, armor, raincoats, long beautiful dresses, fur and leather cuirasses are used, all this, coupled with weapons, such as a sword, bow, dagger, halberd, etc. Classification. First of all, I would like to say that there are traditional and technogenic roleplayers. The first stand for fantasy, the second for weapons and games of the XX-XXI centuries. Usually, there is a slight, almost imperceptible competition between them, even neglect of each other. This article is about the first type. As soon as it is not customary to divide them, but the main group are Tolkienists - they basically represent a peaceful class that simply plays on the books of J. Tolkien. Basic lessons. Usually, roleplayers are divided into clans (teams) in which their own hierarchy is built, there are pluses and minuses, a set of laws, a coat of arms, a charter, and a uniform uniform have been developed. Each team conducts training sessions, usually outdoors. They include exercises in combat on various types of medieval weapons. Those who do not have a professional sword or staff can go and cut a stick for themselves somewhere in the forest in order to practice their technique. From here come the constant grins at the role players, who, they say, run with sticks through the forest and beat each other. In addition to physical training, roleplayers also love to roleplay different worlds. For example, someone becomes a demon, to which the "master" (the person who monitors the implementation of the rules and determines the course of the game) has given the task of stealing the princess from one human settlement. Accordingly, the princess is guarded by other players - human warriors. Thus begins an exciting game with fights, showdowns, treaties, agreements. Everyone has pluses and minuses, magic and strength, dexterity and health. Another thing that role players are not in last place is the so-called DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) - a verbal role-playing game in which the player does not actively act physically, but verbally explains his actions, contacts with other players and from his actions depends on the course of the game, which actually leads the "master". Well, and, of course, any roleplayer will not miss a good flash mob! :) In general, the role-playing movement is now gaining momentum. And in general, it's great when people are distracted from everyday life and do something abstract and unusual.

The games are played as follows:

a large group of participants - with weapons, always in costumes - is going somewhere in the forest. There, according to the plot, invented by the master (or the master organizers of the game), roles are distributed. Games are held according to books, historical eras or according to a situation invented by the master. Role-playing games can go from several hours to several days. During this time, you can live a whole life, or even several - the life of a hero or a traitor, a king, a minstrel or a warrior. However, there is no script in role-playing games. The plot is only introductory information and more or less specific tasks for the players - teams or individuals. The game includes not only combat, but also economics and magic. According to the rules of the Numenorca game, the player must have a piece of cloth on his clothes, the color of which indicates belonging to one of the peoples of Middle-earth: blue - elves, red - people, green - dwarves, brown - orcs. Each team has several peasants and fighters (fighters), as well as artisans - weavers, blacksmiths, etc. and at least one aristocrat and possibly a mage. All have their own functions. For a normal life, they all need a certain amount of chips (from the English chip) - the game equivalents of food and drink. If agriculture is developed in the "country", then the Command Master issues the chips, if not, the chips are bought from the neighbors. For example, if the gnome village has only gardens, and there are no conditions for keeping livestock, then meat chips can be obtained as payment for the services of a skilled gnome blacksmith - at least for "strengthening" the armor. At the end of the cycle, each player is obliged to hand over to the Master the required number of chips, confirming that he did not die of hunger. In case of starvation (or death on the battlefield), the player goes to Mandos (colloquially speaking, the dead house), where he spends three hours, and then returns with a different character - which one, the Masters decide in agreement with the player. Each participant in the game has a certain number of hits (from the English hit) - lives. Armor and the level of military skills increase their number. The weapon must meet strict safety requirements and be certified by the Master. Each type of weapon has a striking power specified in the rules and, when struck, removes a certain number of hit points. A player is considered dead if all hit points are removed from him and he receives another hit. Any magical skill must also be certified by a certificate on the form. For example, a very useful gift is to ask questions in such a way that the answerer is obliged to tell the truth. True, other players may require a certificate. Taking a word is a possible right, but bluffing is not prohibited. A special place, and a very important one, in games is occupied by battles. Fights are of three types: a wall, when two groups of comrades converge in a military battle, a one-on-one duel, and, finally, a wolf. This is when more than two people gather and "wet" each other, while each for himself. Girls rarely participate in the walls and wolves, except perhaps the most formidable ones. But they do not refuse fights among themselves. Serious injuries, as a rule, no one inflicts on anyone. The worst thing is a finger injury followed by a bruise: in the party there is a holy rule - "Do not beat on the head." Tolkienists(from Tolkien) - a fandom (an informal (usually) subcultural community whose members are united by a common interest related to works of art - an addiction to a particular film, book, TV series, etc.) of book fansJ. R. R. Tolkien, which has a close connection with the subculture of role players.

Researchers believe that it is even possible to establish the exact time of the beginning of talkie mania: the summer of 1965, when the American audience did not have enough of a million copies of The Lord of the Rings. Harvard students got badges: "Long live Frodo!", "Gandalf for president!", etc. It was a time when even in newspapers there were titles of articles like "A little more Mordor!" - and people understood it!

Complete translations of Tolkien appeared for the first time in Russia only in the early nineties. It was then that the first Tolkienists began to appear in Russia. But this phenomenon gained mass character only in the middle of our decade. Then only a few went to the games in the forest. RHI (Regional Hobit Games) took place near St. Petersburg in Zakhodskoye, the participants of which were divided into several camps and lived like hippies who wanted to fight, someone just had a rest, there was also alcohol, but the spirit of the role-playing game hovered everywhere.

What was (and is) the goal of the Tolkienists? I would venture to suggest that, first of all, in communion. Role-playing game according to Tolkien does not just allow "to extend the space of the book", which, unfortunately, has been read, re-read, and memorized. Not only once again to meet with fellow comrades, the main thing - you can feel equal to the author.

Tolkienists are distinguished by:

A careful attitude to the game, to fantasy literature, up to a philological interest in the study of Elvish languages, a great interest in history, mainly of the early Middle Ages, martial arts, fencing, etc. arguing passionately and in all seriousness about the genealogies of hobbits, but after a minute the same hobbits will become the object of his ridicule - in general, that Tolkienist who always takes himself seriously is bad);

The Tolkienists themselves single out in the structure of their hangout several types of people who came here, in accordance with the reasons that led to Tolkienism. Firstly, these are people who, for some reason, have not been able to establish themselves in the big world, or have managed, but they don’t like what they did. They cling to the new world like polar explorers to a radio station, because loss means the final collapse of life. Over time, such people constitute the elite of Tolkienism; they close in their narrow circle, and here religion really grows, but directed inwards - therefore, the influx of a new flock is extremely undesirable, for the system is hermetic, fresh blood can destroy it. The other part of the Tolkienists are those who just like to play. A role-playing game allows a person to be in the shoes of another, while remaining himself at the same time - and this is an interesting emotional experience. Unlike the theatre, the game provides an almost unlimited opportunity for action. For the most part, such individuals lead a normal "civilian" life, and games are considered as a hobby, a means to take a break from the harsh everyday life. The third category is those who need to feel their otherness. Indeed, the Tolkienist, with his fancy costumes, armpit swords, medieval demeanor, really draws attention. As a rule, such individuals are carried away in parallel with a lot of other things and, in general, do not stay long in Tolkienist society.

Usually Tolkienists stand out from the crowd with exotic outfits. Many walk in cloaks, some in medieval outfits. Hairatniks (ribbons around the head, grabbing hair) are very popular here. Range - from simple to woven from threads with beads. An almost obligatory attribute is a sword. Swords - wooden or textolite - are not an empty decoration. Fights (or, as they are called, maniacs) occupy almost a central place in the life of Eglador. Some "creatures" prefer other types of weapons - spears, bows, flails, daggers, etc. All weapons are homemade or bought from local craftsmen. The arsenal also includes shields, chain mail and armor. Good chain mail is not cheap - up to several thousand rubles. You can make it yourself, having obtained a sufficient number of washers or wire. Tolkienists often meet at concerts. Concerts are organized by Tolkienist minstrels. As a rule, they perform their own songs, accompanying themselves on guitars. Sometimes there are studio recordings. The themes of the songs, as well as the interests of the performers, are diverse. Some of them are related to literary works, others to historical events, and others touch on pressing topics.

Thus, we can conclude that Tolkienism as a subculture has the right to exist and has a huge impact on modern culture and youth. We have looked at the beliefs, means of expression, and values ​​of the Tolkienists. It is difficult not to notice how strongly this culture influences the modern world, because it gave rise to many other works, both printed and cinematographic and musical, which in turn influenced the minds of people, educating several generations of people. Many members of society and public organizations already objectively cannot but recognize the existence of Tolkienism. Recently, even the Orthodox Church expressed its attitude towards Tolkienism (an interview of a priest near Moscow in the newspaper Pravoslavnaya Moskva): “The fairy tales written by Tolkien have the right to exist ... They can even be useful, because their meaning is evil. This may lead some to search for the meaning of life, to the question of the existence of God. If you use these works only as an excuse to hang out, then there is nothing to talk about .... In games, I also do not see anything bad. Even a believer, a serious person is not alien to the game, especially in his youth. True, there are some nuances to which special attention should be paid. Children get used to the role, most often evil. It is easier, because the awakening of the forces of good in oneself requires will. Sometimes young people identify with the dark forces - with the nine evil heroes - and even call each other by those names. Having played, they can remain in this role in life. It is difficult and difficult at times to bring them back to the real world...” But there are some problems here as well. Like many subcultures, Tolkienism changes with the arrival of new members. Many young people are now coming to this culture, following ever simpler and "lower" motives, and there is a threat of degeneration of Tolkienism, but the grounds for optimism still remain.

The youth subculture, which we classify as romantic-escapist, are Indianists. They study the cultures of the Indians, predominantly North American, striving for an accurate reproduction of their customs and rituals. According to T. Shchepanskaya, Indianists are something between a club of American Indian lovers and a religious and mystical movement. With all the "ethnographic" attributes of the Indianist subculture, its values ​​are: collectivism (community), environmentalism, cosmism.

They study the culture of the Indians, striving for an accurate reproduction of their customs and rituals. In the 70-80s. Kazan was one of the centers of the emerging Indian movement. Later, the initiative passed to more numerous groups of Indianists in Leningrad and Moscow. The peak of the Indian movement falls on the 90s. To date, this subculture is poorly represented.

The actors recreate the battle of Austerlitz, which was an outstanding example of military art.
All this military-historical reconstruction of the events of the past took place in the Moscow region, or rather in Khimki, where now there is a unique opportunity to buy an apartment without intermediaries. Moreover, in addition to the already equipped housing, there are schools nearby, and kindergartens, and medical centers, and a yacht club with its own pier, and a stadium, and a swimming pool, and a fitness club, and much more that is necessary for a comfortable stay.

Actors in military uniforms from the Hungarian and Austrian Habsburg dynasty reenact the first stage of the 1849 battle in Isaszeg, Hungary. The battle was part of the spring campaign of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 between the Austrian Empire and the Hungarian Revolutionary Army.

An 18th-century Maltese militiaman fires a musket at an enemy near the Verdala Palace near Valletta.
In the Middle Ages, militia was called auxiliary military formations of military monastic orders (Order of the Temple, Order of Malta, etc.), staffed not by knights, but by junior members of the order in status or, in general, by soldiers temporarily serving the order.

A man dressed as a samurai warrior runs screaming at his opponent during a reenactment of the mid-16th century battle of Kawanakajima in Fuefuki, Yamanashi Prefecture, northeast of Tokyo, Japan. A reenactment of a brutal battle between two famous warlords, Kenshin Uesugi and Takeda Shingen.

The samurai finished off the enemy during a reenactment of the battle of Kawanakajima (a field famous for having hosted five battles between the Takeda and Uesugi clans).

Matchlock shooting during Kawanakajima in Fuefuki (a city in Japan located in Yamanashi Prefecture).

A man takes part in a historical re-enactment of the Roman Games in Nimes, southern France. The priests of the imperial cult held a ceremony in honor of Emperor Hadrian. Publius Aelius Trajan Hadrian - Roman emperor from 117 to 138.

Girls in costumes near the Colosseum, the Circus Maximus and the Roman Forum during Christmas celebrations in Italy. Legend has it that Rome was founded by Romulus in 753 BC surrounded by seven hills.
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The actors, dressed in armor, staged medieval jousting in Eltham, England.

A man dressed as a soldier walks with a bicycle in the town of Courseul-sur-Mer. The picture was taken on June 6, 2013 during the celebration of the 69th anniversary of the Normandy landings.

Reenactment of the events when Washington crossed the Delaware River to attack the British camp on the night of December 25-26, 1776. Photo taken in Pennsylvania on December 25, 2012.

A burning plane of the Air Force of the Kuomintang - a conservative political party of the Republic of China. The Kuomintang waged an armed struggle against the generals of the Beiyang group and the Communist Party of China for the right to govern the country until the defeat in the Civil War in 1949, when the Communists completely took control of the country, and the Kuomintang government had to flee to Taiwan. Military-historical reconstruction in Shaanxi province in China, October 19, 2012.

An actor in a Japanese military uniform jumps up and kicks an actor in a villager's outfit. A reconstruction takes place at a cultural theme park in Shanxi province, China, on October 20, 2012. Chinese soldiers torment a villager in the scenario. The 8th Army is one of the formations of the National Revolutionary Army of China, controlled by the Chinese Communists.

Actors in military uniforms from the Hungarian and Austrian Habsburg dynasty reenact the first stage of the 1849 battle. The picture was taken in Isaszeg, Hungary on April 6, 2013.

Masked actors take part in the Cavalhadas Festival in Brazil on May 19, 2013. This three-day event, dedicated to the victory of the medieval knights over the Moors, is a tradition introduced in the 1800s by a Portuguese priest on the occasion of the ascension of Christ.

The actors are preparing for the reenactment of the battles for Berlin in 1945. The picture was taken in Germany on April 29, 2013.

Reconstruction of the famous battle of Napoleon at Austerlitz in 1805, near the southern Moravian town of Slavkov.
The decisive battle of the Napoleonic army against the armies of the third anti-Napoleonic coalition went down in history as the “battle of the three emperors”, since the armies of the emperors of Austrian Franz II and Russian Alexander I fought against the army of Emperor Napoleon I.

Actors from the theater Iere Productions play the roles of Indian laborers and British police during the reenactment of the Indian coming to Trinidad and Tobago. The country celebrates this holiday on May 30 every year.

A man dressed as a samurai on horseback shoots a target with a bow. The picture was taken at Sumida Park in Tokyo on April 20, 2013. An archer takes part in a yabusame during a samurai martial arts demonstration.
Yabusame is a type of archery in Japan where archers using special turnip-tipped arrows shoot directly from the saddle. This type of archery originated at the beginning of the Kamakura period (1192-1334), when Minamoto no Yoritomo became alarmed after noticing the lack of archery skills among his samurai and began to teach among them.

Reconstructions of the battle in the First World War. Bucharest, 15 June 2013.

Military-historical reconstruction of the famous Battle of Austerlitz in 1805. The picture was taken in a tent during a break from the actors.

Children take part in a military parade held at an amusement park in Pyongyang to mark International Children's Day on June 1, 2013.

British soldiers. Military-historical reconstruction of the Second World War.

The actors take part in the historical reconstruction of the Way of the Cross. Bucharest, 3 May 2013.

Pictured is Satan. Reenactment of the Passion of Christ in Mexico City.

Historical reconstruction of the Crucifixion. Manila, Philippines.

Fort Rinell is a Victorian-era structure. The British built the fort between 1878 and 1886 so that only one gun could fire from it - the 100-ton Armstrong gun! A 450 mm caliber cannon, more than 9 meters long and weighing more than 100 tons, easily destroyed ships at a distance of 2 kilometers, and its firing range was about 6 km. Valletta, Malta.

Military-historical reenactment of the Battle of Karbala, which took place between the detachment of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad Hussein ibn Ali and the forces of Caliph Yazid I on 10 Muharram 61 AH (10 October 680) in Karbala on the territory of modern Iraq.

Shia Muslims reenact the Battle of Karbala during the Ashura festival in the Shiite neighborhood of Sadr City in Baghdad, Iraq.

Cambodian students celebrated May 20 "Day of Wrath" - the day of remembrance for the victims of the genocide that took place there in the seventies of the last century.

Military-historical staging of the battle of 1812 on the Berezina, in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the battle, near the village of Bryli, about 115 km east of Minsk. Fights between the French corps and the Russian armies of Chichagov and Wittgenstein on both banks of the Berezina River during Napoleon's crossing during the Patriotic War of 1812.

Civilians fight back against Red Army soldiers during a re-enactment of the Battle of Berlin in 1945.

Military-historical reconstruction of the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The battle took place between the Anglo-Saxon army of King Harold Godwinson and the troops of the Norman Duke William. The battle lasted over ten hours. The army of King Harold was completely defeated: several thousand selected English soldiers remained on the battlefield, the king himself was killed, as well as his two brothers. England, 14 October 2012.

The actors walk past a row of portable toilets.