Russia horde on the eve of the decisive clash plan. Russian armed forces on the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo

From 1362, you can start counting the movement of Russia to the Battle of Kulikovo, this is the year when Dmitry Ivanovich established himself in the great reign and then the chroniclers noticed the temnik Mamai in the Horde.

No one then could have imagined that in the future they would have a clash - one of the largest in the history of the Middle Ages, that one would lead the liberation struggle of the Russian people, the other would come to the defense of the kingdom created by Batu. Dmitry sought to unite North-Eastern Russia, Mamai - to end feudal strife and to

restoration of unity. The whole question was whether Dmitry Ivanovich would have time to unite the lands of North-Eastern Russia and the Russian people around Moscow before Mamai could mobilize the Horde forces to suppress the Moscow "sedition".

In 1367 Dmitry founded the stone Kremlin in Moscow. Construction was carried out very quickly, stone walls grew before our eyes. In 1371 Dmitry was only 20 years old. To prepare such an army that the Horde considers it dangerous is not a matter of one day and not one year. There is no doubt that in adolescence and youth, Dmitry was surrounded by wise advisers, whom Simeon ordered to listen to. One of Dmitry's brilliant virtues was the ability to listen to advisers, to choose the right and useful, regardless of ambitious advisers. One of the most important was Dmitry Volynsky-Bobrok, the hero of the Battle of Kulikovo, but for now the military adviser to the prince.

To Dmitry Ivanovich Volynsky came to the service with two adult sons, therefore, a man of age and with considerable military experience. After marrying the prince's sister, the governor became even more dear to the prince.

The development of military affairs in Russia would have been impossible without the development of trade and industry. Judging by this, the Horde was digging a hole for itself, since with its constant requisitions it forced Russia to develop crafts and trade. In order to pay the khans, the Russian princes also encouraged crafts and trade. That is, the Mongol-Tatar yoke, having at first defeated the economy of Russia, indirectly began to encourage the revival of the economic life and power of North-Eastern Russia.

By the 14th century in Europe, the strength of the infantry, forgotten in the early Middle Ages, was fully appreciated. However, this is not just about oblivion. The feudal lords in every possible way removed the plebeians from participating in military affairs for fear that armed commoners would rise against their power. The infantry revived in the cities on the initiative of the city authorities and against the feudal lords.

The pre-Kulikovskaya era in Russian military affairs was largely reformatory. In order to develop tactics for a fight with the Horde, it was necessary, first of all, to know its tactics and weigh what to oppose to the military art of the Horde. The first tactical task is, of course, to repel a shooting strike, it was solved simply: shooters must be put up against the shooters. By the beginning of the 14th century, the crossbow in Russia became widespread, there is also indirect evidence that in Russia in the 14th century the crossbow became the main small arms. Here the question arises of arming and training the Moscow army with crossbows, this issue is closely linked with the development of Moscow crafts.

However, following a small-arms strike, in the event of unrelenting resistance, the Horde proceeded to a frontal attack in cavalry formation; this means that it is necessary to prevent a horse fight and impose a foot fight on the Horde. Cavalry regiments acting here in the role of guarding the flanks, sentry and reserve regiments.

Dmitry needed time to process all the tactics. Russia was preparing to overthrow the Horde yoke, and in the Horde this could not go unnoticed. In 1373, Mamai attacked Ryazan for reconnaissance purposes. On September 1, 1375, Tver was finally pacified. In the winter of 1377, Dmitry Volynsky went on a campaign against the Bulgar. Everything indicated that the decisive battle was at hand. In the winter of 1377-1378, Dmitry struck at the Mordovian princes, allies of Mamai. The situation in the Horde was favorable. Mamai found 2 strong competitors: Tokhtamysh and Tamerlane.

For Mamai and Dmitry, the time has come for responsible decisions, it was impossible to wait any longer. But Mamai still underestimated the strength of Moscow, otherwise he would have raised the entire Horde on a campaign, instead of first sending Begich and five more temniks, who were defeated on the Vozha River by the combined forces of North-Eastern Russia under the command of Dmitry Ivanovich. As soon as Mamai found out about the defeat of Begich, he immediately gathered all the forces that were at his disposal at that moment on a campaign.

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2.6 Russia and the Horde on the eve of the Great Battle

From 1362, you can start counting the movement of Russia to the Battle of Kulikovo, this is the year when Dmitry Ivanovich established himself in the great reign, and then the chroniclers noticed the temnik Mamai in the Horde.

No one then could have imagined that in the future they would have a clash - one of the largest in the history of the Middle Ages, that one would lead the liberation struggle of the Russian people, the other would come to the defense of the kingdom created by Batu. Dmitry sought to unite North-Eastern Russia, Mamai - to end feudal strife and restore autocracy. The whole question was whether Dmitry Ivanovich would have time to unite the lands of North-Eastern Russia and the Russian people around Moscow before Mamai could mobilize the Horde forces to suppress the Moscow "sedition".

In 1367 Dmitry founded the stone Kremlin in Moscow. Construction was carried out very quickly, stone walls grew before our eyes.

In 1371 Dmitry was only 20 years old. To prepare such an army that the Horde considers it dangerous is not a matter of one day and not one year. There is no doubt that in adolescence and youth, Dmitry was surrounded by wise advisers, whom Simeon ordered to listen to. One of Dmitry's brilliant virtues was the ability to listen to advisers, to choose the right and useful, regardless of ambitious advisers. One of the most important was Dmitry Volynsky-Bobrok, the hero of the Battle of Kulikovo, but for now the military adviser to the prince.

To Dmitry Ivanovich Volynsky came to the service with two adult sons, therefore, a man of age and with considerable military experience. After marrying the prince's sister, the governor became even more dear to the prince.

It must be said that the development of military affairs in Russia would have been impossible without the development of trade and industry. Judging by this, the Horde was digging a hole for itself, since with its constant requisitions it forced Russia to develop crafts and trade. In order to pay the khans, the Russian princes also encouraged crafts and trade. That is, the Mongol-Tatar yoke, having at first defeated the economy of Russia, indirectly began to encourage the revival of the economic life and power of North-Eastern Russia.

By the XIV century in Europe, the strength of the infantry, forgotten in the early Middle Ages, was fully appreciated. However, this is not just about oblivion. The feudal lords in every possible way removed the plebeians from participating in military affairs for fear that armed commoners would rise against their power. The infantry revived in the cities on the initiative of the city authorities and against the feudal lords.

The pre-Kulikovskaya era in Russian military affairs was largely reformatory. In order to develop tactics for a fight with the Horde, it was necessary first of all to know its tactics and weigh what to oppose to the military art of the Horde. The first tactical task is, of course, to repel a shooting strike, it was solved simply: shooters must be put up against the shooters. By the beginning of the XIV century, according to A.N. Kirpichnikov, the crossbow in Russia became widespread, there is also indirect evidence that in Russia in the XIV century the crossbow became the main small arms. Here the question arises of arming and training the Moscow army with crossbows, this issue is closely linked with the development of Moscow crafts.

However, following a small-arms strike, in the event of unrelenting resistance, the Horde proceeded to a frontal attack in cavalry formation; this means that it is necessary to prevent a horse fight and impose a foot fight on the Horde. Cavalry regiments, acting here in the role of guarding the flanks, sentry and reserve regiments.

Dmitry needed time to practice all tactical techniques. Russia was preparing to overthrow the Horde yoke, and in the Horde this could not go unnoticed. In 1373, Mamai attacked Ryazan for reconnaissance purposes. On September 1, 1375, Tver was finally pacified. In the winter of 1377, Dmitry Volynsky went on a campaign against the Bulgar. All about the fact that the decisive battle is near. In the winter of 1377/78, Dmitry struck at the Mordovian princes, allies of Mamai. The situation in the Horde was unfavorable. Mamai found 2 strong competitors: Tokhtamysh and Tamerlane.

For Mamai and Dmitry, the time has come for responsible decisions, it was impossible to wait any longer. But Mamai still underestimated the strength of Moscow, otherwise he would have raised the entire Horde on a campaign, instead of first sending Begich and five more temniks, who were defeated on the Vozha River by the combined forces of North-Eastern Russia under the command of Dmitry Ivanovich. As soon as Mamai found out about the defeat of Begich, he immediately gathered all the forces that were at his disposal at that moment on a campaign.

2.7 Battle on the Kulikovo field

Dmitry, thanks to his fearless "watchmen", was well aware of the state of Mamai's troops and his plans. He also had very accurate information about Mamai's allies - the Lithuanian Grand Duke Jagiello and the Ryazan Prince Oleg. And, trying to prevent the connection of the Ryazan and Lithuanian regiments with the Horde army, Dmitry accelerated his advance towards the Don towards Mamai.

On August 15, 1380, Dmitry appointed the gathering of all the regiments in Kolomna, as soon as it became clear that Mamai was planning his invasion at the end of the summer. Khan at this time pitched a camp on the Beautiful Sword River.

In Kolomna, regiments were ordered, and an inspection of the troops was carried out. Chronicles note that the Russian land has not seen such a huge force for a long time. From Kolomna, the path of the united army lay through the Oka, outside the Ryazan principality, this was Dmitry's strategic plan. The Moscow army moved in complete silence, on August 30 the crossing over the Oka was completed, on September 6 the army approached the Don, where Dmitry planned to meet Mamai. At the military council, at the insistence of the Moscow prince, it was decided to cross the Don and take the battle on the Kulikovo field at the confluence of the Nepryadva River with the Don. Leaving the Don and deep ravines in their rear, the Russian army was forced to fight to the last, it was impossible to retreat under the onslaught of the enemy behind the Don.

According to legend, on the eve of the battle, Dmitry visited the Trinity Monastery and received the blessing of Father Sergius of Radonezh to fight the invaders. Many monks of the monastery were sent to the militia, among them the heroes Peresvet and Oslyaba stood out.

On the night of September 7-8, Russian troops crossed the Don and stood in battle formation in the watershed between Smolka and Nizhny Dubyak.

Dmitry arranged his troops in the following order: in the center he placed the Big Regiment, all the city regiments were brought together in it, in front of the Advanced Regiment, still ahead of the Guard Regiment, his task was to start a battle, on the flanks of the regiments of the Right and Left hands, and behind the regiment of the left hands reserve in the forest-Ambush Regiment. He decided to crush the main enemy forces with a stubborn defense of the Guard, Advanced and Large regiments, and then complete the defeat of the Horde with strikes from the regiments of the Right and Left Hands and the Ambush Regiment. Such an arrangement of Russian troops and the surrounding area made it difficult for Mamai's cavalry to maneuver. Dmitry himself, dressed in the armor of a simple warrior, became the head of the Big Regiment.

On the morning of September 8, a thick, impenetrable fog hung over the Kulikovo field, which dissipated only at twelve o'clock. A fierce battle unfolded on the Kulikovo field. The battle began with a duel between the heroes of the Mongolian Chelubey and the Russian Peresvet. Dispersing their horses, with spears at the ready, the riders grappled in a deadly fight and both fell dead. After the duel, the Mongol cavalry rushed to the Guard and Front regiments. The regiments suffered heavy losses, but none of their soldiers retreated. It was the turn of the Great Regiment to fight. Despite the frenzied onslaught of the Horde, the regiment held out. Then Mamai transferred the blow to the regiment of the Left Hand, and at the cost of heavy losses he managed to push him out. Continuing the onslaught, the Horde began to bypass the Big Regiment, exposing their flank and rear to the Ambush Regiment. Choosing the most opportune moment, the Ambush Regiment, led by voivode Dmitry Bobrok and Serpukhov Prince Vladimir Andreevich, rushed at the enemy. The Horde did not expect the appearance of fresh forces from the Russians and began to hastily retreat. Soon, the rest of the Russian regiments went on the offensive and accelerated the defeat of the hordes of Mamai. The Horde commander was the first to flee from the battlefield. The Russian cavalry pursued and finished off the remnants of Mamai's troops for 50 miles from the Kulikovo field. The victory of the Russian army under the command of Grand Duke Dmitry over the Horde army was complete and brilliant. In honor of this victory, the people called Dmitry Donskoy, Serpruchov Prince Vladimir - Brave.

The defeat of Mamai, and the ensuing turmoil of the Horde, which led to the final collapse of the predatory state, a demonstration of the superiority of Russian military art over the military art of the enemy, the strengthening of state power in Russia are noticeable consequences of the battle on Kulikovo field. At the same time, the Battle of Kulikovo marked the beginning of the revival of the national identity of the Russian people.

Dmitry Donskoy played a huge role in this victory. This is a historical figure who managed to understand the aspirations of the people and unite all Russian people to achieve them and, before the decisive battle with the oppressors, reconcile the most acute social contradictions. This is his merit in domestic politics. But he not only revived the best traditions of military art, he enriched it with new principles of strategy and tactics, and in incredibly difficult conditions he managed to arm and train the army. Also, his associates in all his affairs were Metropolitan Alexei and hegumen of the Trinity Monastery Sergius of Radonezh. These people were able, under the auspices of the Russian Church, to gather all the persecuted people under a single banner of liberation. One of the most significant commanders of Ancient Russia was Dmitry Volynsky, not at all on a whim, the prince gave him an ambush regiment and leadership of the entire battle. Isn't that the highest rating?

The Kulikovo victory created a qualitatively new political situation in Eastern Europe, in which the artificially restrained unification processes were given room for their development. The steady rise of Moscow, the capital of the Russian lands, began with the Kulikovo victory. Now there were also signs of the increased personal influence of Dmitry Donskoy.

By cold. Akhmat went with his army to the Volga. Soon he was killed by his rivals. Thus, the unification of Russian lands into a single centralized state led to the liberation of Russia from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. The Russian state became independent. His international contacts have expanded significantly. Ambassadors from many countries of Western Europe came to Moscow. Ivan III began to be called ...

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At least briefly describe the Golden Horde itself, its formation, state structure, the main stages of its political history and conquests. These points are important for a correct understanding of the nature of the Tatar-Mongol invasion of Russia and its consequences. The Golden Horde was one of the ancient states of the Middle Ages, whose extensive possessions were located both in Europe and in Asia. Her...

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On the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo, the main opponents of North-Eastern Russia were the Golden Horde and the Principality of Lithuania. Lithuania waged a struggle with the Livonian Order, which propped it up from the west, and with the principalities of North-Eastern Russia, through which it sought to expand its possessions. Lithuania, not without success in its struggle with the Moscow principality, attracted Tver to its side. Lithuania entered into a military-political alliance with the Principality of Tver. However, she did not have enough strength to defeat the Moscow principality. Therefore, Lithuania entered into an alliance with the Golden Horde. Lithuania bordered on the Golden Horde in the southeast.

The principality of Tver considered Moscow its main adversary. It sought to lead among the principalities of North-Eastern Russia. Therefore, he needed military-political alliances with both Lithuania and the Golden Horde. Mamai gave the label for the great reign to the prince of Tver Mikhail. Moscow Prince Dmitry opposed this. He gathered an army of 17 principalities and went to Tver. In 1375, he forced Prince Mikhail of Tver to agree to the primacy of Moscow among all Russian principalities. The prince of Tver was forced to give up the competition for a great reign and pledged to always act together with the prince of Moscow. The Tver Chronicle says: “If the Tatars go against us or against you, then we fight with you at the same time against them; if we go against them, then you and I will go against them at the same time.

In the campaign against Tver, the Moscow prince was supported by the Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod principalities. The allies of Tver, the Lithuanians, did not dare to take part in the battle. They "ran back". So the Moscow Prince Dmitry made the first attempt to unite the Russian principalities into a single state.

The Golden Horde could not but respond to such a challenge. Mamai sent his troops to Nizhny Novgorod. He turned through his ambassadors to the Moscow prince with the question: “Why did you eat and go to the army against the Grand Duke Mikhail of Tver?” The Nizhny Novgorod principality was devastated, "and with much fullness" Mamai's troops returned to the Horde. Along the way, the Tatar detachments also ravaged the Novosilsk principality. The chronicle says: "Novosilsk land is all empty of the thief." Naturally, the Moscow prince Dmitry expected that the Tatars would go to Moscow. Therefore, in 1376 he went "behind the Oka - the river, guarding the Tatar rati from Mamai." At the same time, part of the Moscow army operated in the Middle Volga region. Under their influence, part of the Volga Tatar and Bulgar feudal lords transferred to the service in Moscow. The army was commanded by Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Bobrok Volynsky.

In 1377, there was a shameful defeat of the Russian troops by the Tatar-Mongol detachments of Mamai. The reason was the usual slovenliness, drunkenness and irresponsibility.

Mamai sent an army on a campaign against Nizhny Novgorod. The commander was Tsarevich Arab Shah (in the Russian chronicles Arapsh), who shortly before that had defected from the Blue Horde to the Golden Horde. Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich with an army went to defend Nizhny Novgorod. But he was far ahead of the Horde troops. There, the prince assessed the situation and decided to leave part of his troops in Nizhny Novgorod, and withdraw part of the troops back to Moscow. That is, Dmitry returned to Moscow with part of his troops. He ordered the Moscow, Vladimir, Pereyaslav and Murom regiments, as well as the Yuryevsky and Yaroslavsky detachments, to be sent towards the Tatars. It is clear that this is in addition to the troops of the Nizhny Novgorod principality.

The military commanders received intelligence, from which it followed that the Tatars were far away. So they allowed themselves to relax. They believed that "no one can stand against us." Therefore, everyone “began to walk and ride in ohabneh and sarafan, but their armor for carts and skutash bags, horns and sulits and spears were not prepared, and the bushes had not yet been planted, so both shields and sholoms ...” So it is said in Tverskaya annals.

The enemy appeared suddenly. He was led in secret ways by the Mordovian princes. There was no one and nothing to resist the enemy. The destruction was complete. The Tatars defeated the army, captured most of it, and ruined the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The Tatars defeated the Russian army on the Pyan River on August 2, 1377. Not only soldiers were taken prisoner, but also many civilians of Nizhny Novgorod. The city itself was burned.

An easy victory inspired Mamai. The following year, he undertook a campaign against the Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan and Moscow principalities. The Trinity Chronicle says: “The same summer, filthy Mamai, having collected all the many, sent Prince Dmitry Ivanovich’s ambassador to us and to the whole Russian land.” And this time Nizhny Novgorod was taken. The Horde began to ravage the Ryazan land and headed for the borders of the Moscow principality. Moscow Prince Dmitry met the Tatars south of Kolomna on the Vozha River. Under the command of Dmitry were Moscow, Ryazan, Pronsk and Polotsk squads. Opponents stood opposite each other on opposite sides of the Vozha River. This confrontation continued for several days. The Russian army occupied a hill on the northern bank of the Vozha River. From here, the entire upcoming battlefield was clearly visible. Dmitry Ivanovich deployed the army as follows. In the center of the battle line was the Big Regiment. On the flanks were regiments of the Right and Left hands. The general command was carried out by Dmitry himself. Prince Daniil Pronsky commanded the regiment of the Left Hand, and Prince Andrei of Polotsk and the devious Timofei Velyaminov commanded the regiment on the right flank. The Tatars did not doubt their victory. They decided to start fighting. But for this it was necessary to cross the river. With such a maneuver, the troops are attacked by the enemy and are often easy prey for the enemy.

Dmitry gave the main enemy forces the opportunity to complete the crossing. The flank units still continued to cross. Dmitry pushed his flanks forward. When the Tatars went on the attack, the Russian troops attacked them from three sides. The Horde were thrown into the river. Who could, he fled. K. Marx wrote about this battle as follows: “On August 11, 1378, Dmitry Donskoy completely defeated the Mongols on the Vozha River (in the Ryazan region). This is the first proper battle against the Mongols won by the Russians.”

Mamai appreciated the enemy in the person of the Russian army and began to strengthen his military-political alliance with Lithuania. Mamai established a direct relationship with the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jagiello. All this did not hide from Dmitry Ivanovich. In the winter of 1379/80, he and his troops undertook a campaign against Lithuania in its southern part, where it bordered on the Horde. Mamai sent his troops to the Ryazan principality. The Ryazan prince, as was often the case with Russian princes, "did not prepare and did not stand against them for battle." He simply ran away for the Oka. The chronicle says that "the Tatars came and the city of Pereyaslavl and other cities took, and burned with fire." Oleg was so frightened that in the Battle of Kulikovo he took the side of the Tatars. And the prince of the repeatedly devastated Nizhny Novgorod principality took up the same policy. The position of the princes in Novgorod and Smolensk has not yet been determined.

Mamai was well aware that if he remained inactive, then the principalities of North-Eastern Russia could generally get out of subordination. This meant losing huge profits. He could not allow this. He decided to undertake a general campaign against Russia in order to strengthen his position and completely subjugate the Russian lands. Mamai counted on the military assistance of Jagiello, who was an ardent opponent of Russia. Mamai sent ambassadors to Oleg Ryazansky and Jagiello. This is stated in the annals as follows: “And they began to send to Lithuania, and the filthy Jogail, and the flattering, devilish adviser, Olgou Ryazansky, the champion of Besermensky, the deceitful prince ...”. In the end, Lithuania and Ryazan agreed to oppose the Moscow principality together with the Horde. Jagiello expected to profit from the Russian lands.

It must be borne in mind that at that time a significant number of Russian principalities were part of Lithuania. Therefore, Lithuania was called the Lithuanian-Russian state. In addition, the troops of Jagiello also included military detachments of the Belarusian and Ukrainian principalities. Jagiello asked himself the question whether the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian detachments would go against the Russian troops. The question was not idle. Therefore, Jagiello was forced to act very carefully. Moreover, Dmitry Ivanovich had the princes of Bryansk and Polotsk at hand. Smolensk also did not support Lithuania unconditionally.

Mamai sought to increase the size of his army. An army of 50 - 60 thousand soldiers Mamai considered insufficient. He attracted to his side "many countries of the Tatars", detachments of the peoples of the Volga region ("Besermens"), as well as detachments of the peoples of the Caucasus - Armenians, Circassians, Ossetians. In addition, he hired infantry from the Genoese colonies of the Crimea ("Fryazes").

Strategic partners of the Horde Jagiello and Ryazan prince Oleg appeared in the Horde with gifts and letters. There the issue of strategic cooperation in the struggle against the combined forces of the Russian princes was decided. The time and place of the meeting of the military detachments of the allies was determined. They were supposed to meet on September 1 (on Semyonov Day) on the Oka River. Prince Oleg could not help feeling that this was a betrayal, and wanted to make amends for his guilt. He warned the Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich about the place and time of gathering all the enemy forces. The time of the start of the military campaign - September 1, was not chosen by chance. Mamai wanted to kill two birds with one stone at the same time - to defeat the Russian army (which he did not doubt at all) and grab the crop, which by that time should have ripened on Russian lands. Therefore, Mamai ordered not to take care of the creation of winter stocks (“he did not order bread to sip”). He expected to use Russian bread.

The forward detachments of the Tatars in the border areas appeared long before the scheduled time of the campaign - already at the end of June. Oleg gave his information much later. Border guards reported the concentration of the Horde cavalry in the area of ​​the Voronezh River. Here the Horde cavalry settled in nomads and waited for the approach of mercenaries from the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Having received this information, the Moscow prince Dmitry convened a council of boyars in Moscow. Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky was invited to the council. Dmitry threw a cry to all the princes and governors with a call to repulse the Horde ("sent to all the princes of Russia and to the governors and to all the people"). The appeal was also addressed to those Russian principalities that, on a contractual basis, were part of the Lithuanian-Russian state. The gathering of all anti-Horde forces was appointed in Kolomna. It was here that stocks of fodder and foodstuffs were concentrated. After a short time, those who were to fight the Tatars on the Kulikovo field began to flock to the Kolomna region. The specific princes brought their military detachments. The boyars arrived with city regiments "each of their cities." A large number of foot troops flocked from all the lands and cities of the Russians (“a lot of foot troops came, a lot of people and merchants from all lands and cities”). In Kolomna, the princes of Rostov, Yaroslavl and Belozersky gathered with their detachments. Prince Andrei Olgerdovich was at the head of the Pskov detachment. The detachment from Bryansk was headed by Prince Dmitry Olgerdovich. The Yermolinsky chronicle reports that the princes of Novosilsky, Smolensk, Obolensky, Molozhsky, Starodubsky and Kashirsky took part in the Battle of Kulikovo. According to the Nikon Chronicle, detachments of the Meshchersky, Yelets, Kholmsky, Murom, Kemsky, Ustyug, Yaroslavl and Kargopol princes took part in the Battle of Kulikovo. Princes Ivan and Fedor Tarussky also took part in the battle. This is also mentioned in the Ermolin Chronicle. The city regiments under the leadership of the governor and boyars also took part in the battle. These were the regiments of Vladimir, Suzdal, Pereslavl, Rostov, Kostroma, Murom, Dmitrovsky, Mozhaisk, Zvenigorod, Uglitsky and Serpukhov. A large number of ordinary ("black") people, as well as artisans, took part in the battle.


  1. To form an idea of ​​the political situation in Russia under the descendants of Ivan Kalita, to continue formulating an idea of ​​the regularity of the unification of Russian lands around Moscow and the main directions of the policy of Moscow Prince Dmitry;
  2. On the example of the activities of Metropolitan Alexy and Sergius of Radonezh, show the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the unification of Russian lands and the struggle against the Mongol-Tatar yoke;
  3. Contribute to the formation of chronological, cartographic, figurative abilities of schoolchildren, the manifestation and development of their individual, creative features
  4. Continue work on developing students' skills in research, comparison, analysis and evaluation of historical events;
  5. Contribute to the education of schoolchildren of pride in their people, who stood up for the defense of the Motherland.

Lesson type: combined.


  1. “The struggle of the Russian people against foreign invaders in the XIII-XV centuries”;
  2. Painting by A. Vasnetsov “Moscow Kremlin under Dmitry Donskoy”

Advanced homework: Prepare a report on Metropolitan Alexy.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Repetition.

III. Learning new material

A. The reign of Semyon Proud and Ivan the Red.
B. Moscow's struggle for political supremacy.
V. Russia and the Horde on the eve of the decisive clash.

During the classes

Introduction by the teacher.

In this lesson, we will get acquainted with the events that were of great importance for the future fate of the Russian state. You will learn what events prepared the great victory on the Kulikovo field, how and why the Moscow prince's policy towards the Golden Horde changed.


  1. Repetition of terms: patrimony, yoke, Baskaki, label, exit.
  2. Repetition of dates: Mongol-Tatar yoke; Batu's campaign in North-Eastern Russia; Batu's campaign in South Russia; Battle on the Ice, the Battle of the Neva, the transfer of the Metropolitan's residence to Moscow, the reign of Ivan Kalita.
  3. Show on the map the lands that were annexed to Moscow under the princes Danil Alexandrovich and Ivan Kalita.
  4. Write on the board the reasons for the rise of Moscow.
  5. Describe the reign of Ivan Kalita.

Learning new material.

A. The reign of Semyon Proud and Ivan the Red.

Question: Look at the map and answer the question, with which states did the Russian lands border by the middle of the 14th century? (Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Golden Horde).

Teacher. The Muscovite state was faced with the task of not only maintaining strength in this environment, but also getting stronger in order to be able to resist the enemies.

Question. After listening to the teacher's story, answer the question whether we can call Semyon Proud and Ivan Krasny the successors of the work of I. Kalita, argue your opinion.

Semyon the Proud (1340-1353) - a strong and powerful ruler, did not get such a nickname from his contemporaries for nothing. He continued the policy of his father Ivan Kalita to strengthen the Moscow principality. He emerged victorious from the wars with the Horde and Novgorod. The prince understood perfectly well that diplomacy was his main tool, since Moscow did not yet have the strength to openly fight against the Horde yoke. He managed to get a label for a great reign. Semyon "made peace" with Tver. He attached Kaluga to the Moscow Principality, the land along the Protva River and others. Silence was established on the Russian land, the Horde raids stopped. It seemed that a few more quiet years and the hated yoke would be asked.

Students answer the question.

But from Europe came a pestilence (plague epidemic). In Europe, this time it claimed the lives of 24 million people. The trouble came unexpectedly, unexpectedly, through Pskov, Novgorod, Smolensk. People died by the thousands, in Smolensk only 4,000 people survived, Belozersk was completely extinct. Death did not spare anyone, neither commoner nor boyar. Trouble also came to Moscow. The Metropolitan, Grand Duke Semyon, his brother Prince Andrei, and their children died.

Russia was depopulated and weakened. Everything that Daniil Alexandrovich, Ivan Kalita, Semyon Gordy had achieved was in danger of disintegration.

Dying, Semyon the Proud leaves a spiritual letter (testament) in which the following is written: “By the blessing of our father, that he ordered us to live for one; don't listen to bad people! I am writing this word to you so that the memory of our parents and ours does not cease, so that the candle does not go out.

Question: Do you remember what order of inheritance existed in the Russian lands since the time of Yaroslav the Wise? What did he lead to?

Semyon left the principality to his brother as a fiefdom, and after his death - to his heirs.

Question: How did the order of inheritance change? How important was the factor in the transfer of the throne from father to son?

Question. Can we call Semyon Proud the successor of the work of I. Kalita, justify your opinion.

Ivan Ivanovich Red (Merciful) (1353-1359) (continuation of the teacher's story)

Ivan tried to avoid military conflicts, improved relations with Novgorod, secretly strengthened the Moscow principality: he gathered people, residents from the Ryazan, Kyiv, Chernigov, and Galician lands flocked to Moscow. New settlers mastered the Northern Volga region, the Belozersky Territory, Uglich and Ustyuzhna.

Metropolitan Alexy and the abbot of the Trinity Monastery Sergius had a special influence on Prince Ivan.

Student's report about Metropolitan Alexy. (Materials for the message can be taken from the encyclopedia for children "History of Russia". Moscow, "Avanta-plus", 1995).

For a hundred years of complete silence of the Russian Orthodox Church, the old monasteries were destroyed, new ones were not built. Sergius was the founder of the Trinity Monastery, he created a cenobitic monastery charter, which was a bold innovation.

Monasteries were a refuge of faith, economic centers. Life was reborn.

Question. Can we call Ivan Krasny the successor of the work of I. Kalita, justify your opinion.

B. Moscow's struggle for political supremacy.

But in 1359 pestilence fell upon Russia. Grand Duke Ivan died. Two boys remained in the princely house - Dmitry (son of Ivan) - nine years old, and Vladimir (son of Andrei) - seven years old. It seemed that all efforts to strengthen Moscow were in vain. But at the call of Metropolitan Alexy, the Moscow boyars rallied around the young prince Dmitry, and with their support he managed in 1362 to obtain a label in the Horde for the Great Vladimir reign.

Question. Who did Dmitry have to face in the fight for the label? How did this fight end?

Students read textbook on p. 147, paragraphs 2-5

(with the prince of Nizhny Novgorod, he renounced his claims to the great reign and gave his daughter to Dmitry as a wife; with the prince of Tver and Lithuania. Lithuania was defeated, the prince of Tver recognized the Great Vladimir reign as the patrimony of the Moscow prince, and himself as a younger brother).

Teacher. The treaty of the princes contained the following entry about the Horde: “And the Tatars, there will be peace for us, according to the thought. And it will give us a way out, according to the same thought, but it will not be given, according to the same thought. And the Tatars will go against us or against you, and fight us and you from one alone against them. Or we will go to them and then with us to drink on them alone.

Guys, what does this record show? What important changes in relations between Moscow and the Horde are evidenced by the agreement signed between Mikhail and Dmitry?

(The military power of the Moscow principality was strengthened, as evidenced by the “Moscow-Tver completion” of 1375).

(Open preparation for the fight against the Horde).

V. Russia and the Horde on the eve of the decisive clash.

Teacher. From the end of the 50s of the XIV century, a “great turmoil” began in the Golden Horde: in 20 years, 25 khans were replaced on the throne. The prosperity of the Horde state began to wane. The Golden Horde split into two parts, the Volga became the border between them. The weakness of the Horde allowed the peoples under its rule to begin the struggle for their liberation. In 1362, the Lithuanian army defeated the Horde in the battle near Blue Waters. The Horde lost control over the Kyiv, Chernigov, Volyn principalities.

The temnik Mamai becomes the actual ruler of the Horde, due to his natural intelligence, cunning, deceit and cruelty. Mamai stopped the strife, strengthened the military power of the Horde state. But he was not Genghisides and therefore could not become a khan. Mamai hoped that the campaign against Russia from which he would return victorious would prove to everyone that he was the successor to the work of Genghis Khan and Batu and would allow him to take the throne.

So, Moscow was preparing for an open confrontation with the Horde.

Exercise. Read textbook on p. 148-149. to prove that Moscow was preparing for an open confrontation with the Horde.

But the Horde was strong. In 1377, Mamai defeated the Russian troops on the Pyan River, and the Arab Shah took and plundered Nizhny Novgorod.

Dmitry Ivanovich learned a lesson from the defeat. And the year 1378 brought the long-awaited victory to the Russian squads. Her Moscow army defeated the Horde on the Vozha River. There, the Russian foot formation withstood the Horde cavalry. There is evidence that the Russians used crossbows.

Dmitri refused to pay the Horde output. Mamai's new raid did not bring success. He realized that it was necessary to raise the entire Horde.

(Intelligence activities, in 1377 they took the city of Bulgar, victory on the Vozhzha River, refusal to pay the way out.)

So, an open clash between Moscow and the horde became inevitable.

Homework. § 18 (textbook A. Danilov. L. Kosulina. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 16th century.), Questions No. 1, 2; message about Dmitry Bobrok-Volynets.


  1. Serov B.N., K.A. Solovyov. Pourochnye development on the history of Russia. :Class. - M.: VAKO, 2006
  2. Nabatova O.G. Summaries of lessons on the history of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 16th century: 6-7 cells: Method. allowance.-M .: VLADOS-PRESS Publishing House, 2001

"Culture of Russia" - Old Russian aphorisms. Having received good, remember, and having done, forget. Literature. Songs, legends, epics, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales. School lecture. Russian history lesson in 10th grade. Cross-domed style. What is culture? Domes of Sophia Cathedral. Consolidation. Lesson type: A wound from a true friend is more worthy than a kiss from an enemy.

"Games about Russia" - Why did the Russian dislike False Dmitry I? Which metropolitan supported the policy of Ivan the Terrible at the beginning of his reign? What was the name of the Mongol state - Tatars? What was the title of the first rulers of Ancient Russia? Name the heirs of Ivan Kalita? Vladimir Monomakh. Alexander Nevskiy. What are the years of the reign of Dmitry Donskoy?

"USSR on the eve of the war" - The balance of power on the eve of the war. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War. USSR on the eve of the war. Plan "Barbarossa" (4 army groups). The first days of the Great Patriotic War. Goals. Defense of Leningrad Battle for Moscow "I want to know everything!". Defense of the USSR (formation of fronts). June 22, 1941.

"Rus IX century" - Points of view. Writing -. Define the term "civilization". What theory did the authors of these documents support? Igor - Grand Duke from 913. Remember: Anti-Normanists Lomonosov M. V. Gedeonov S. A. Ilovaisky D. M. Rybakov B. A. State tasks: establishing order in the Russian land; strengthening of princely power.

"Golden Horde and Russia" - Also, great attention was paid to equipment. Could the Golden Horde defeat Russia? Target. Organization level. The structure of the organization of troops in Russia. Compare the difference in the organization of the military of Russia and the Golden Horde. military innovations. And the army of the Golden Horde represented a clear distribution by the number of soldiers.

"Russia and the Horde" - Storming the city. Black Sea. Golden Horde (Ulus Jochi). The system of power of the Golden Horde over Russia. Grand Duke. Consequences of the invasion: Nevryuev's army Dudenev's army. Labels. What would you do? "Orda Exit". Baskaki Numerals. Andrei Yaroslavich. Russian lands. Russia and the Golden Horde in the XIII century. From the Russian Chronicle.