System of special educational services. Modern system of special educational services

2.1.1. Medical-social-pedagogical patronage Patronage is a special kind of assistance to a child, his parents, teachers in solving complex problems related to survival, rehabilitation treatment, special education and upbringing, socialization, with the formation of a growing person as a person. Medical-social-pedagogical patronage involves a wide range of long-term measures of comprehensive rehabilitation assistance focused on the family of a child with developmental disabilities and carried out in the process of coordinated ("team") work of specialists in various fields. It is a unity of diagnostics, information retrieval and assistance in choosing an educational route, designing individual rehabilitation programs, and primary assistance in implementing plans. Comprehensive medical-socio-pedagogical (SME) patronage is carried out by psychological and pedagogical medical-social institutions and services created both in the structure of the state system of education and social protection, and outside them with the involvement of the capabilities of non-state sector institutions: public associations, associations, charitable foundations . Complementing the work of state structures, they initiate new approaches to organizing a social space for helping children with developmental disabilities, which is focused on creating long-term measures of social service for their families on an interdisciplinary basis. The basic basis of SME patronage is psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (consultations), psychological, medical and social centers, diagnostic and rehabilitation centers, speech therapy centers, early and home education services. The system of SME patronage is being formed as part of the system of special education, designed to influence the improvement of conditions for the development of children with limited potential, as well as children whose development is conditioned by the action of multiple risk factors. Comprehensive medical, social and pedagogical patronage involves the coordination of its activities with scientific and methodological institutions and other educational structures, as well as with institutions of healthcare systems and social protection of the population. The SME patronage system implements its own activities in the following areas: assistance in choosing an individual educational route with the involvement of the capabilities of all existing educational structures, both state and non-state education systems; development and implementation of correctional and developmental programs in work with children who are outside the educational space; implementation of special programs for training parents and including them in the correctional and pedagogical process; ensuring a holistic multidisciplinary approach to the education and socialization of a child based on the relationship between individual aspects of assistance (medical, psychological, social pedagogical) that make up a single complex and, at the same time, are independent components; promoting the development of educational systems within the framework of joint projects aimed at creating innovative innovative forms of education and socialization of children; implementation of modern pedagogical technologies in the field of special education institutions; support for social and pedagogical initiatives aimed at improving legal guarantees for the free development of the child in accordance with his capabilities; engaging the media to highlight innovative approaches to special education that help raise the status of a person with disabilities in the structure of modern society. The formation of a system of medical, social and pedagogical patronage in our country is today one of the signs of the development of a system of special education, the formation of a new model of comprehensive support for a child with developmental disabilities in a family environment, which involves the active (subject-subject) participation of all family members in the rehabilitation process.

The main criteria for the effective operation of the institutions of the SME patronage system are the following: an increase in the demand for patronage services from parents, teachers, and children; an increase in the list of problems for which qualified assistance can be provided; qualitative growth of child development indicators, regardless of the degree of disability (disability); normalization of family relations; a qualitative increase in the competence of not only teachers and other specialists in the field of solving the problems of modern childhood, but also parents.

2.1.2. Medical and social prevention and early comprehensive care The most important component of the process of medical, social and pedagogical patronage is early diagnosis and early comprehensive assistance, the effective organization of which largely determines the prevention of disability and (or) the reduction of the degree of disability and disability. The Standard Rules for Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 20, 1993, define the process of prevention (prophylaxis) of disability that is complex in its essential content. Disability prevention refers to the implementationcomplexmeasures aimed at preventing the occurrence of physical,mental,mental and sensorydefects(prevention of the first level) or to prevent the transition of the defect topermanent functional limitationordisability(preventionsecond level). Disability prevention may include not only the implementation of medical measures, in particular, the provision of primary health care, prenatal and postnatal care, but also early stimulation of the child's development in order to prevent the occurrence of secondary abnormalities in the process of developing psychophysical functions. Early diagnosis and early educational assistance are topical problems of modern correctional pedagogy both in Russia and around the world. At present, practically in all countries of the world there are scientifically based and practically tested programs for early diagnosis and early pedagogical assistance to children with developmental disabilities.

The theoretical basis for these programs is the fundamental work of L.S. Vygotsky about the importance of practical activity for the activation of thought processes. The provisions of his theory on the zones of proximal and actual development and on the prevention of secondary defects - "social dislocation" - today have a significant impact on modern research in the field of special education for children with developmental disabilities and the creation of methodological support for working with them.

2.1.3. Early Intervention Programs World-famous early intervention programs: Connecticut Test "Survey of development of newborns and children under 3 years of age", Carolina Curriculum for children from birth to 5 years, the Hawaiian profile of early education, Munich functional diagnostics, the Program for early developmental diagnostics (“Tandem” (Holland), the Program for early pedagogical assistance to children with developmental disabilities “Macquarie” (Australia) - characterize one of the successfully developing areas of activity of scientists and educators of the latter a quarter of our century.In Russia, there are also a number of methodological developments of domestic scientists (E.M. Matyukova, E.A. Strebeleva, K.L. Pechora, G.V. Pantyukhina, E.L. early diagnosis and psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with developmental disabilities and which are the basis for practical application in psychological, medical and social centers, psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations (PMPC).But if in our country the system of early diagnosis and correction of developmental disabilities is on stage of formation, then abroad there is a fairly rich scientific and practical experience in the application of various programs of "early intervention" tva”, which allows us to conclude that they are highly effective. First of all, this is evidenced by the amazing progress in changing the level of independent living of people with various physical and mental disabilities. Thanks to the use of early intervention programs, people with intellectual and physical disabilities now live incomparably more fully in Western countries than they did 20-30 years ago. Comparative studies of foreign scientists have shown that systematic early pedagogical assistance to a child in a family with the involvement of parents in the process of correctional and pedagogical work not only allows bringing the process of child development to a new qualitative level, but also largely determines the progress of integration into society of a person with special needs. its needs as an equal member. One consequence of this progress is that the vast majority of children with disabilities in Western countries are being raised in family settings rather than in institutions outside the home. They can, just like their healthy peers, study at school, actively rest and work. The work of early intervention services operating in modern Russia is based on a multidisciplinary approach to the organization of practical activities and the gradual formation of a correctional and pedagogical environment in a family. Both domestic and foreign experience convincingly indicate that the optimal situation for the full development of the child is his stay in the family, provided that the parents are actively involved in the habilitation process organized by the specialists of the early intervention service. They not only stimulate the development of the child in the course of special classes in the family and monitor the dynamics of development, but also purposefully teach parents how to specifically interact with the child in the daily life of the family. During regular visits to the family, service specialists conduct special classes with the child and educate parents, fix various parameters of the child’s development, help create a special developmental environment in the family, and, if necessary, connect parents with relevant medical and educational institutions, and also correct the system of family relationships. This type of activity is innovative for the domestic practice of education and involves a different type of organization of the correctional and pedagogical process, based on the involvement of paraspecialists (assistant teachers and psychologists) represented by parents. The formation in our country of a system of early diagnosis of developmental disorders and early comprehensive care occurs through the development of a system of medical, psychological and pedagogical patronage and is carried out on the basis of existing PMS centers and PHC consultations and services. The institutions operating today in Russia that implement programs for early diagnosis and early assistance to children with developmental disabilities are extremely few in number, often work as experimental sites, but the real positive results of their work make it possible to predict the transition from local centers of experiment to broad socio-pedagogical practice. The development of an entire Russian program for the development of a system of early diagnosis and early comprehensive care for children with developmental disabilities in a family environment, as well as the design and implementation of new training and retraining programs for personnel, the creation of a unified information system for supporting the activities of educational institutions, social services, and teachers is also a matter of the near future. and parents raising children with limited developmental potential.

Questions and tasks 1. What is the purpose, objectives and content of medical, social and pedagogical patronage as an integral part of the system of special education? What services and specialists are involved in this work? 2. What is medical and social prevention? Z. What are the functions of a psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation? 4. Tell us about the nature, content and experience of organizing early comprehensive care for children with developmental disabilities and their families.

1. AksenovaL.I.. Small steps leading to a big life // Defectology. - 1999. - No. Z. 2. Teaching children with developmental problems in different countries of the world: Reader / Comp. and scientific ed. L. M. Shipitsina. - SP6., 1997. Z. PitersiM. etc. Small steps. - Sydney (Australia): Macquarie University, 1998. 4. Problems of infancy: neuro-psychological-pedagogical assessment of development and early correction of deviations. - M., 1999. 5. Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation: Guidelines / Nauch. ed. L. M. Shipitsina. - SP6., 1999.

2.2. preschool education for children with disabilities The process of establishing the state system of special education in our country began in the 1920s. By the beginning of the 70s. a fairly wide, differentiated network was built preschool institutions for special purposes: nursery-kindergartens; kindergartens; preschool orphanages; preschool groups at nurseries, kindergartens and general-purpose orphanages, as well as at special schools and boarding schools. In the course of the formation and development of the network of special preschool institutions, scientists and practitioners developed principles, methods and techniques for identifying, correcting and preventing deviations in the development of children, laid down many traditions of correctional education and upbringing of preschoolers, on which the system of special preschool education is built in general and is currently time. The following organizational principles for the construction of special preschool education were laid down. Acquisition of institutions according to the principle of leading deviations in development. Thus, preschool institutions (groups) were created for children: with hearing impairments (deaf, hard of hearing); with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired, for children with strabismus and amblyopia); with speech disorders (for children with stuttering, general underdevelopment of speech, phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment); with intellectual disabilities (mentally retarded); with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Less occupancy of groups compared to mass kindergartens (up to 15 pupils). Introduction to the staff of special preschool institutions of such specialists-defekotologists as oligophrenopedagogues, deaf teachers, tiflopedagogues, speech therapists, as well as additional medical workers. The educational process in specialized preschool institutions is carried out in accordance with with special comprehensive training and education programs, developed for each category of preschool children with developmental disabilities and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Redistribution of types of occupations between educators and defectologists. So, classes on the development of speech, the formation of elementary mathematical representations, design, the development of gaming activities in the part of special preschool institutions are conducted not by educators, but by teachers-defectologists. Organization of special classes, such as the development of auditory perception and correction of sound pronunciation, the development of visual perception, physical therapy, etc. There are similar areas of work in ordinary kindergartens, where they are included in the content of general developmental classes and, as a rule, are not distinguished structurally in the curriculum. Free. It is known that parents pay some fees for the stay of their children in a regular kindergarten. For children with developmental disabilities, an exception was made - no fee was charged from their parents (see letter from the Ministry of Education of the USSR dated 04.06.74 I 58-M “0 maintenance at the state expense of children with defects in physical or mental development”). This right is still regulated by this document. All work in special preschool institutions was subordinated to a single goal - to help families in the upbringing of "problem" children, their potential was realized to the maximum. A characteristic feature of the Soviet education system were rather strict rules for admitting children with developmental disabilities to preschool institutions. Firstly, such children were not admitted to mass kindergartens. If a pupil of a mass preschool institution had developmental deviations later, in the course of training, then the question of his withdrawal from this institution and transfer to a specialized institution or group was decided rather harshly. As a result, experts, including foreign observers, evaluating Soviet education, noted the extreme closeness, isolation of institutions for children with developmental disabilities, the artificial alienation of pupils from normally developing peers and from society as a whole. Secondly, a rather extensive list of diagnoses was established, which excluded the possibility of receiving public preschool education. Thus, children with combined, complex developmental disabilities were not admitted to special preschool institutions. For example, deaf-blind, mentally retarded children were not subject to admission to preschool institutions for children with hearing impairments. At the same time, deaf and hard of hearing children were not admitted to institutions for children with visual and intellectual disabilities. Assistance to such children was carried out in individual educational institutions and not in every region of Russia. In addition, children suffering from epilepsy, schizophrenia, psychopathic behavior, children with mental retardation in the degree of imbecility and idiocy, children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system requiring individual care were not subject to admission. Families raising such children had to make do with their education on their own and were often limited to medical measures. We also note that it was possible to identify a child in a nursery-kindergarten only from the age of 2, and to a kindergarten - from 3 years. Young children were the object of public health attention and had practically no psychological and pedagogical support. Thus, the established network of specialized preschool institutions made a huge positive contribution to the organization of the universal preschool education system, but turned out to be insufficiently flexible in relation to a large group of children with special needs that do not fall under the selection and staffing standards of these institutions. Adopted in 1992, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and in 1995 the Federal Law “On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” introduced new state principles for organizing education in Russia, a new typology of educational institutions, made changes and in a number of organizational and legal aspects of special education. Approved in subsequent years, the relevant model provisions for each existing and new type of educational institutions opened up new opportunities for the functioning of a wide network of educational institutions in which preschool children with special needs, as well as their families, receive the necessary psychological, pedagogical and medical care. social assistance. First of all, these are preschool educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as preschool educational institutions). For parents of a normally developing child, kindergarten is a place where he can socialize, play with other children, have fun while the parents are at work, and learn something new. For families raising children with developmental disabilities, a kindergarten may be practically the only place where the conditions necessary for the full development of such children are created. In accordance with the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.07.95 Z 677, the preschool educational institution provides education, training, care and rehabilitation of children aged 2 months to 7 years. Children with developmental disabilities are admitted to preschool educational institutions of any kind, provided there are conditions for corrective work, only with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) based on the conclusion of the PMPK. Most children with developmental disabilities are raised in kindergartens of compensatory type and in compensatory groups combined kindergartens. Education and upbringing in these preschool institutions are carried out in accordance with special correctional and developmental programs developed for each category of children with developmental disabilities. The occupancy of groups is set depending on the type of impairment and age (two age groups: up to 3 years and older than 3 years) and is respectively for children: with severe speech disorders - up to 6 and 10 people;

with phonetic and phonemic speech disorders only over the age of 3 years - up to 12 people; deaf people - up to 6 people for both age groups; hearing impaired - up to 6 and 8 people; blind - up to 6 people for both age groups; visually impaired, for children with amblyopia, strabismus - up to 6 and 10 people; with disorders of the musculoskeletal system - up to 6 and 8 people; with intellectual disabilities (mental retardation) - up to 6 and 10 people; with mental retardation - up to 6 and 10 people; with deep mental retardation only over the age of 3 years - up to 8 people; with tuberculosis intoxication - up to 10 and 15 people; often ill - up to 10 and 15 people; with complex (complex) defects - up to 5 person for both age groups; with other deviations in development - up to 10 and 15 people. For children with developmental disabilities who, for various reasons, cannot attend preschool institutions as usual, short-stay groups are organized in the preschool educational institution. The tasks of these groups are to provide timely psychological and pedagogical assistance to such children, consultative and methodological support for their parents (legal representatives) in organizing the upbringing and education of the child, the social adaptation of children and the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities. In such groups, classes are conducted mainly individually or in small subgroups (2-3 children each) in the presence of parents at a time convenient for them. This new organizational form includes sessions with various PEI specialists, the total duration of which is limited to five hours per week. (Reason: instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 29.06.99 No. 129 / 23-16 “0b organizing short-stay groups for children with developmental disabilities in preschool educational institutions.”) These kindergartens and groups fall under the modern definition used in regulatory documents - "Special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils, with developmental disabilities." Many changes in the sphere of domestic education are taking place under the influence of foreign experience. Thus, in developed countries, in relation to children with special needs, different models of integration into the environment of normally developing children are widely used. In the conditions of Russian preschool education, integrated learning is being introduced into practice slowly and carefully, since for its implementation children'sgeneral gardens should have a lot of conditions - special personnel and material and technical support for conducting correctional-pedagogical and health-improving work with children. The most realistic application of integrated learning is now seen in relation to children who, despite the presence of one or another developmental disorder, have a level of psychophysical development close to the age norm and psychological readiness for joint learning with normally developing peers. Specialists who spread the ideas of integration believe that at present such conditions are easier to create: a) in general developmental groups kindergartens of a combined type, where compensatory groups also function; b) c child development centers where the implementation of corrective work with all pupils of the preschool educational institution should initially be laid down in the charter. Preschoolers with developmental disabilities can attend educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age. The foundations for the functioning of such institutions are laid down in the relevant Model Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1997 No. 1204. Educational institutions of a general type are created for children from 3 to 10 years old. The main goal of the institution is the implementation of the educational process by ensuring continuity between preschool and primary general education, optimal conditions for the protection and promotion of health, physical and mental development of children (see diagram 1).

Educational institution for children of preschool and primary school age

Primary School - Kindergarten

Elementary school - a compensatory type kindergarten with the implementation of a qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils and students

Progymnasium with priority implementation of one or more areas of development (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.)

It is known that for every child the period of transition to schooling is a crisis. The child is faced not only with a new type of activity - with educational activity, but also must get used to a new team of children and adults, and to a new regimen, and to a new environment. For children with special needs who experience difficulties in learning, communication, social adaptation, experiencing such a crisis is especially difficult. These children are in particular need of a gentle approach during the transition from kindergarten to school. Therefore, the educational institution "elementary school - kindergarten" can be considered as the most comfortable organizational form for the education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities. The child has the opportunity to start school life in a familiar, familiar environment, along with most of those children who attended the same preschool group. In addition, primary school teachers, as a rule, are well acquainted with pupils of preparatory groups for school and have the opportunity to carry out an individually differentiated approach to each "problem" first grader practically from the first days of schooling. Another type of educational institutions where the upbringing and education of children with special needs is organized is an educational institution for children in need of psychological and pedagogical and medical and social assistance, the standard provision on which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 1998 No. 867. Here we are talking about various centers: diagnostics and counseling; psychological, medical and social support; psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction; curative pedagogy and differentiated education, etc. These institutions are designed for children from 3 to 18 years old. The contingent of these institutions is specific - these are children: with a high degree of pedagogical neglect, refusing to attend general educational institutions; with violations of the emotional-volitional sphere; subjected to various forms of mental and physical violence; forced to leave the family, including due to the minority of the mother; from families of refugees, internally displaced persons, as well as victims of natural disasters and man-made disasters, etc. It is obvious that among the listed groups of children there are many children with mental or physical developmental disabilities. Pedagogues-psychologists, social pedagogues, teachers-defectologists, teachers-speech therapists, medical personnel work with them.

The main activities of such institutions in relation to children of preschool age: diagnostics of the level of psychophysical development and deviations in the behavior of children; education of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, the state of somatic and mental health; organization of correctional-developing and compensatory training; psychocorrectional and psychoprophylactic work with children; carrying out a complex of medical and recreational activities. In our country, there are also various sanatorium-type health-improving educational institutions for children in need of long-term treatment (sanatorium boarding schools, sanatorium-forest schools, sanatorium orphanages for orphans and children left without parental care). These institutions are created to assist the family in raising and educating, carrying out rehabilitation and health-improving activities, adapting to life in society, social protection and the all-round development of children in need of long-term treatment. In accordance with the Model Regulations approved by Government Decree No. 1117 of August 28, 1997, groups for preschool children can be opened in such institutions. It is not uncommon for children with developmental disabilities before the age of 5 to 6 to be brought up in a preschool institution. To prepare such children for schooling, a number of organizational forms are envisaged. For children with severe developmental disabilities, preschool departments (groups) are created at special (correctional) schools and boarding schools. Educational programs in them are designed for 1-2 years, during which the child forms the prerequisites for learning activities in the necessary correctional and developmental environment. The contingent of such departments (groups) consists mainly of children who have late revealed developmental disabilities, or children who did not previously have the opportunity to attend a specialized educational institution (for example, in the absence of a compensatory kindergarten in the place of residence of the family). In addition, according to the instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 22.07.97 1 990 / 14-15 “On preparing children for school”, favorable conditions for preparing children for school can be created for children 3-6 years old on the basis of a preschool educational institution, and for children 5- 6 years - on the basis of general educational institutions (schools). For conducting classes, groups can be completed that are focused on the comprehensive development of children in accordance with the tasks of preschool education, advisory groups for children who can attend separate classes with a speech therapist, psychologist, speech pathologist. The number of classes depends on the age of the child. The selection of children with developmental disabilities in all types and types of educational institutions is carried out by the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission. Parents can independently apply for admission to the PMPK. But usually they come here already with a referral from a medical institution (polyclinic, children's hospital, audiology center, etc.). The commission gives an opinion on the state of the child's psychophysical development and recommendations on further forms of education.

Questionsand tasks 1. Describe the current opportunities for preschool education for children with special needs. 2. Compare the current network of preschool educational institutions (groups) for children with developmental disabilities with the network that had developed by the beginning of the 70s. 3. How can the problem of preparation for schooling and the continuity of preschool and primary general education of children with developmental disabilities be solved in the modern system of educational institutions? 4. In what cases can a preschool child with developmental disabilities not attend an educational institution permanently? What organizational forms of preschool education can be provided for such children? 5. Based on the analysis of literary sources, compare the system of organizing special preschool education in Russia with similar systems in one of the foreign countries (optional).

1. Children with developmental disabilities: A manual for teachers, educators of mass and special institutions and parents / Comp. N.D. Shmatko. - M., 1997. 2. Preschool education of abnormal children: A book for teachers and educators / Ed. L. P. Noskova. - M., 1993. 3. preschool education in Russia. Current legal documents and scientific and methodological materials. - M., 1997. 4. Correctional education as a basis for the personal development of abnormal preschoolers / Ed. L. P. Noskova. - M, 1989. 5. Mastyukova E.M. A child with developmental disabilities. - M., 1992. b. Sorokova M.G. Modern preschool education: USA, Germany, Japan-M., 1998. 7. Handbook of preschool education / Ed. A. I. Shustova. - M., 1980. 8. Federal Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

2.3. Special education school system School-age children with special educational needs receive education in accordance with special educational standards in various educational institutions or at home. During the twentieth century. a system of special (correctional educational institutions) was formed, which are mainly boarding schools and in which the vast majority of school-age children with special educational needs studied in the USSR and Russia. Currently, there are eight main types of special schools for children with various developmental disabilities In order to exclude the inclusion of diagnostic characteristics in the props of these schools (as it used to be: a school for the mentally retarded, a school for the deaf, etc.), in the legal and official documents these schools are called according to their species serial number: special (correctional) educational institution of type I (boarding school for deaf children); special (correctional) educational institution of type II (boarding school for hearing-impaired and late-deaf children); special (correctional) educational institution of type III (boarding school for blind children); special (correctional) educational type IV institution (boarding school for visually impaired children); special (correctional) educational institution of the 5th type (boarding school for children with severe speech disorders); special (correctional) educational institution of the VI type (boarding school for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system); special (correctional) educational institution of type VII (school or boarding school for children with learning difficulties - mental retardation); special (correctional) educational institution of the VIII type (school or boarding school for children with mental retardation). The activities of such institutions are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 1997 Z 288 “06 Approval of the Model Regulations on a Special (Correctional) Educational Institution for Students, Pupils with Developmental Disabilities”, as well as a letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On the specifics of the activities of special ( correctional) educational institutions II I - VIII types. In accordance with these documents, special educational standards are implemented in all special (correctional) educational institutions. An educational institution independently, on the basis of a special educational standard, develops and implements a curriculum and educational programs, based on the characteristics of the psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children. A special (correctional) educational institution may be established by federal executive authorities (Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation), executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (administration, committee, ministry) of education of a region, territory, republic) and local (municipal) self-government bodies. a special (correctional) educational institution may be non-state. In recent years, special educational institutions have been created for other categories of children with disabilities in health and life: with autistic personality traits, with Down syndrome. There are also sanatorium (forest) schools for chronically ill and weakened children. Special (correctional) educational institutions are financed by the respective founder. Each such educational institution is responsible for the life of the pupil and ensuring his constitutional right to receive free education within the limits of a special educational standard. All children are provided with conditions for education, upbringing, treatment, social adaptation and integration into society. Graduates of special (correctional) educational institutions (with the exception of schools of the VIII type) receive a qualified education (that is, corresponding to the levels of education of a mass general education school: for example, basic general education, general secondary education). They are issued a state document confirming the level of education received or a certificate of graduation from a special (correctional) educational institution. Education authorities send a child to a special school only with the consent of the parents and on the conclusion (recommendation) of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. Also, with the consent of the parents and on the basis of the conclusion of the PMPK, a child can be transferred within a special school to a class for children with mental retardation only after the first year of study in it.

In a special school, a class (or group) can be created for children with a complex defect structure as such children are identified in the course of psychological, medical and pedagogical observation in the conditions of the educational process. In addition, in a special school of any kind, classes may be opened for children with severe intellectual disabilities and other accompanying disabilities. The decision to open such a class is made by the pedagogical council of a special school, provided that the necessary conditions and specially trained personnel are available. The main tasks of such classes are to provide elementary primary education, create the most favorable conditions for the development of the child's personality, for him to receive pre-professional or elementary labor and social training, taking into account his individual capabilities. A student of a special school may be transferred to study in a regular general education school by the education authorities with the consent of the parents (or persons replacing them) and on the basis of the conclusion of the PMPK, as well as if the general education school has the necessary conditions for integrated education. In addition to education, a special school provides medical and psychological support to children with disabilities, for which there are appropriate specialists on the staff of a special school. They work in close cooperation with the teaching staff, carrying out diagnostic activities, psycho-correctional and psychotherapeutic measures, maintaining a protective regime in a special school, participating in vocational counseling. If necessary, children receive medical and physiotherapy treatment, massage, hardening procedures, attend physiotherapy exercises. The process of social adaptation, social integration helps to implement a social teacher. Its role especially increases at the stage of choosing a profession, graduation by graduates from school and transition to the post-school period. Each special school pays considerable attention to labor. Pre-professional training of their students. The content and forms of training depend on local characteristics: territorial, ethno-national and cultural, on the needs of the local labor market, the abilities of pupils, their interests. A purely individual labor profile is chosen, which includes preparation for individual labor activity.

special schoolIkind, where deaf children study, conducts the educational process in accordance with the level of general education programs of three levels of general education: 1st stage - primary general education (for 5-6 years or years - in the case of training in the preparatory class); 2nd stage - basic general education (during 5-6 years); 3rd stage - complete secondary general education (2 years, as a rule, in the structure of an evening school). For children who have not received full pre-school training, a preparatory class is organized. Children from the age of 7 are admitted to the first grade. All educational activities are permeated with work on the formation and development of verbal oral and written speech, communication, the ability to perceive and understand the speech of others on an auditory-visual basis. Children learn to use the remnants of hearing to perceive speech by ear and auditory-visual with the use of sound amplifying equipment. To this end, group and individual classes are regularly held to develop auditory perception and the formation of the pronunciation side of oral speech. In schools operating on a bilingual basis, equal teaching of verbal language and sign language is carried out, but the educational process is conducted in sign language. As part of a special school of the 1st type, classes are organized for deaf children with a complex defect structure (mental retardation, learning difficulties, visually impaired, etc.). The number of children in a class (group) is no more than 6 people, in classes for children with a complex defect structure up to 5 people. Special School II kind, where hearing-impaired (having partial hearing loss and varying degrees of speech underdevelopment) and late deaf children (deaf at preschool or school age, but retaining independent speech) study, has two departments: first branch- for children with mild speech underdevelopment associated with hearing impairment; second branch- for children with profound underdevelopment of speech, the cause of which is hearing loss. If in the process of learning it becomes necessary to transfer a child from one department to another, it is difficult for a child in the first department or, conversely, a child in the second department reaches such a level of general and speech development that allows him to study in the first department), then with the consent of the parents and on the recommendation PMPK is undergoing such a transition. Children who have reached the age of seven are admitted to the first grade in any of the departments if they attended kindergarten. For children who, for whatever reason, do not have appropriate pre-school education, a preparatory class is organized in the second department. The occupancy of the class (group) in the first department is up to 10 people, in the second department up to 8 people. In a special school of type II, the educational process is carried out in accordance with the levels of general education programs of three levels of general education: 1st stage - primary general education (in the first department 4-5 years, in the second department 5-6 or 6-7 years); 2nd stage - basic general education (6 years in the first and second departments); 3rd stage - secondary (complete) general education (2 years in the first and second departments). The development of auditory and auditory perception, the formation and correction of the pronunciation side of speech are carried out in specially organized individual and group classes using sound-amplifying equipment for collective use and individual hearing aids. The development of auditory perception and automation of pronunciation skills continue in phonetic rhythm classes and in various activities related to music. Special Schools III and IVspecies are intended for the education of blind (III type), visually impaired and late-blind (IV type) children. Due to the small number of such schools, if necessary, joint (in one institution) education of blind and visually impaired children, as well as children with strabismus and amblyopia, can be organized. Blind children, as well as children with residual vision (0.04 and below) and higher visual acuity (0.08) in the presence of complex combinations of visual impairments, with progressive eye diseases leading to blindness, are admitted to a special school of type III. In the first class of a special school of the III type, children are accepted 6-7 years old, and sometimes 8-9 years old. Class (group) capacity can be up to 8 people. The total period of study in a type III school is 12 years, during which students receive a secondary (complete) general education. Visually impaired children with visual acuity from 0.05 to 0.4 in the better seeing eye with a tolerable correction are admitted to a special school of type IV. This takes into account the state of other visual functions (field of view, near visual acuity), the form and course of the pathological process. Children with higher visual acuity can also be admitted to this school with progressive or often recurrent eye diseases, in the presence of asthenic phenomena that occur when reading and writing at close range. Children with strabismus and amblyopia with higher visual acuity (over 0.4) are admitted to the same school. Children 6-7 years old are admitted to the first grade of the IV type school. There can be up to 12 people in a class (group). For 12 years of schooling, children receive a secondary (complete) general education. special schoolVkind is intended for the education of children with severe speech disorders and may include one or two departments. The first department trains children with severe general underdevelopment of speech (alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, aphasia), as well as children with general underdevelopment of speech, accompanied by stuttering. In the second department, children with a severe form of stuttering with normally developed speech study. Within the first and second departments, taking into account the level of speech development of children, classes (groups) can be created, including pupils with homogeneous speech disorders. If the speech disorder is eliminated, the child can, on the basis of the conclusion of the PMPK and with the consent of the parents, go to a regular school. Children 7-9 years old are admitted to the first class, 6-7 years old to the preparatory class. For 10-11 years of schooling, a child can receive a basic general education. Special speech therapy and pedagogical assistance is provided to the child in the process of education and upbringing, in all lessons and in extracurricular time. The school has a special speech mode. A special school of the VI type is intended for the education of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (motor disorders that have different causes and varying degrees of severity, cerebral palsy, congenital and acquired deformities of the musculoskeletal system, flaccid paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, paresis and paraparesis of the lower and upper limbs). Type VI school carries out the educational process in accordance with the levels of general educational programs of three levels of general education: 1st stage - primary general education (4-5 years); 2nd stage - basic general education (6 years); 3rd stage - secondary (complete) general education (2 years).

Children from the age of 7 are admitted to the first class (group), however, admission of children and older than this age by 1-2 years is allowed. For children who have not attended kindergarten, a preparatory class is open. The number of children in a class (group) is not more than 10 people. A special motor mode has been established in the VI type school. Education is carried out in unity with complex correctional work, covering the motor sphere of the child, his speech and cognitive activity in general. special schoolVIIkind designed for children with persistent learning difficulties, mental retardation (MPD). The educational process in this school is carried out in accordance with the levels of general education programs of two levels of general education: 1st stage - primary general education (3-5 years) 2nd stage - basic general education (5 years). Children are accepted to the VII type school only in the preparatory, first and second grades, in the third grade - as an exception. Those who started studying in a regular school from the age of 7 are admitted to the second grade of a VII type school, and those who started studying in a regular educational institution from the age of 6 can be admitted to the first grade of a VII type school. Children who have not had any pre-school training may be admitted at the age of 7 to the first grade of a Type VII school, and at the age of 6 to a preparatory class. The number of children in a class (group) is not more than 12 people. Students in a type VII school retain the opportunity to move to a regular school as deviations are corrected, in development, gaps in knowledge are eliminated after receiving primary general education. If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, the child can study at a school of type VII during the year. Children receive special pedagogical assistance in individual and group correctional classes, as well as in speech therapy classes. SpecialschoolVIIIkind provides special education for children with intellectual underdevelopment. Education in this school is not qualified, having a qualitatively different content. The main attention is paid to social adaptation and vocational training when students master the volume of educational content available to them in general subjects. Studying at the school of the VIII type ends with an exam in labor training. Schoolchildren may be exempted from the exam (attestation) for health reasons. The release procedure is determined by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. A child can be admitted to a school of the VIII type in the first or preparatory class at the age of 7-8 years. The preparatory class allows not only to better prepare the child for school, but also provides an opportunity to clarify the diagnosis during the educational process and the psychological and pedagogical study of the child's capabilities. The number of students in the preparatory class does not exceed 6-8 people, and in the remaining classes - no more than 12. The terms of study in a VIII type school can be 8 years, 9 years, 9 years with a vocational training class, 10 years with a vocational training class. These terms of study can be extended by 1 year by opening a preparatory class. If the school has the necessary material base, then classes (groups) with in-depth labor training can be opened in it. Students who have completed the eighth (ninth) grade pass to such classes. Those who have completed the class with in-depth labor training and successfully passed the qualification exam receive a document confirming the assignment of the corresponding qualification category. Classes for children with severe mental retardation can be created and function in schools of type VIII. The number of children in such a class should not exceed 5-6 Human. Children can be sent to a preparatory (diagnostic) class. During the school year, the preliminary diagnosis is specified, and depending on this, the next year the child can either be sent to a class for children with severe forms of intellectual disability, or to a regular class of a VIII type school. Classes for children with a severe form of intellectual underdevelopment are completed at three levels: 1st level - at the age of 6 to 9 years; 2nd level - from 9 to I2 years; 3rd level - from IZ to I8 years. Children under the age of 12 can be sent to such classes, their stay in the school system until the age of 18. Expulsion from the school takes place in accordance with the PMPK Recommendations and in agreement with the parents. Children with psychopathic behavior, epilepsy and other mental illnesses requiring active treatment are not accepted into such classes. These children may attend advisory groups with their parents.

The mode of operation of the class (group) is established by agreement with the parents. The learning process is carried out in the mode of passing by each pupil of an individual educational route, determined by specialists in accordance with the psychophysical capabilities of a particular child. For orphans and children left without parental care and having special educational needs, special orphanages and boarding schools are created in accordance with the profile of developmental disorders. Mostly these are orphanages and boarding schools for children and adolescents with intellectual underdevelopment and learning difficulties. If a child is not able to attend a special (correctional) educational institution, he or she is educated at home. The organization of such training is determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the procedure for the upbringing and education of disabled children at home and in non-state educational institutions" dated July 18, 1996. 3861. Recently, schools of home education have begun to be created, the staff of which, consisting of qualified defectologists, psychologists, works with children both at home and in the conditions of partial stay of such children in a school of home education. In the conditions of group work, interaction and communication with other children, the child masters social skills, gets used to learning in a group, team. The right to study at home is given to children whose diseases or developmental disabilities correspond to those specified in the special list established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The basis for the organization of home training is the medical report of the medical institution. A nearby school or pre-school educational institution is involved in helping children learn at home. For the period of study, the child is given the opportunity to use textbooks and the school library fund free of charge. Teachers and psychologists of the school provide advisory and methodological assistance to parents in the development of the child's general education programs. The school provides intermediate and final certification of the child and issues a document on the appropriate level of education. Teachers-defectologists, additionally attracted to conduct correctional work, also take part in the certification.

If a child with special educational needs is homeschooled, the educational authorities will reimburse parents for the cost of education in accordance with state and local regulations for funding the child's education in the appropriate type and type of educational institution. For the education, upbringing and social adaptation of children and adolescents with complex, severe developmental disabilities, with concomitant diseases, as well as to provide them with comprehensive assistance, rehabilitation centers of various profiles are being created. These can be centers: psychological, medical and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction; social and labor adaptation and career guidance; psychological, pedagogical and social assistance; social assistance to families and children left without parental care, etc. The task of such centers is to provide correctional and pedagogical, psychological and career guidance, as well as the formation of self-service and communication skills, social interaction, work skills in children with severe and multiple disabilities. A number of centers conduct special educational activities. Classes in rehabilitation centers are based on programs of individual or group education and training. Often, the centers provide consultative, diagnostic and methodological assistance to parents of children with special educational needs, including informational and legal support. Rehabilitation centers also provide social and psychological assistance to former pupils of educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. Rehabilitation centers help educational institutions for mass purposes if children with special educational needs are trained and brought up there: they conduct correctional and pedagogical work and counseling. To provide speech therapy assistance to children of preschool and school age who have speech development disorders and study in general educational institutions, there is a speech therapy service. This may be the introduction of the position of a speech therapist in the staff of an educational institution, the creation of a speech therapy room in the structure of the education management body, or the creation of a speech therapy center. The speech therapy center at a general educational institution has become the most widespread form. The main objectives of its activities are: correction of violations of oral and written speech; timely prevention of academic failure caused by speech disorders; dissemination of basic speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents.

Classes at the speech therapy center are held both in their free time and during lessons (in agreement with the school administration). Children with an established diagnosis of mental retardation and students in classes of correctional and developmental education receive speech therapy assistance from a speech therapist attached to this class. Responsibility for the mandatory attendance of speech therapy classes at the speech therapy center lies with the teacher-speech therapist, the class teacher and the school administration. In modern conditions of intensive development of the system of special psychological and pedagogical assistance, there is a search for models of special educational institutions that best meet the modern socio-cultural and economic conditions of the country's life and the special educational needs of students, and models that could function effectively in remote regions of the country, in conditions shortage of staff of special teachers and psychologists, satisfying all the existing educational and rehabilitation needs of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. New models of special educational institutions are being developed, built on the basis of the above-mentioned typical ones. Thus, such a model of a special educational institution is in demand, which, along with the function of education (preschool and school), performs the functions of a psychological and pedagogical consulting center, as well as a center for social services for the poor, a center for educational services in obtaining primary vocational education. Such models of special educational institutions function today in the European territory of Russia (for example, in Moscow, Novgorod, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg), and in the south (in Makhachkala), and in Siberia, and in the Urals (in Magadan, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg) . The needs of children and adolescents in health-improving work are met by the conditions of a special (correctional) health-improving boarding school, where pupils are offered a comprehensive program that includes a differentiated personality-oriented educational process, carried out in close connection with individualized medical and rehabilitation support and socio-pedagogical assistance, as well as a favorable psychological climate is provided and the socio-cultural environment of education as a whole is comfortable (Moscow, boarding school No. 65). There is a model of a modern educational institution for children and adolescents with severe and multiple developmental disabilities. Ten years of experience in the work of such an educational institution (Pskov Medical and Pedagogical Center) has shown the possibility and necessity of including children and adolescents with severe and multiple developmental disorders in the educational space. There are other options for special educational institutions, created today by enthusiasts of special pedagogy in accordance with the possibilities of local socio-cultural conditions, national and regional characteristics.

Questions and tasks 1. Describe the modern school system of special education in Russia. 2. In what directions is the development of new types and types of special (correctional) educational institutions taking place? 3. Visit some special (correctional) educational institutions available in the city for different categories of children with special educational needs. Describe your observations.

Literature for independent work 1. Innovations in Russian education. Special (correctional) education.-M, 1999. 2. Teaching children with developmental problems in different countries of the world: Reader / Comp. L. M. Shipitsina. - St. Petersburg, 1997. 3. On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions of I-VIII types: Instructional letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 48, 1997. 4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1997 No. 288 "Model regulation on a special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with developmental disabilities." 5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 No. 867 "Model regulation on an educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance." 6. Standard provision on a speech therapy center at a general educational institution // Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation. Guidelines / Nauch. ed. L. M. Shipitsina. - SPb.. 1999.

2.4. Vocational guidance, system of vocational education, professional adaptation of people with limited ability to work Life self-determination of a person with limited opportunities for life and with limited opportunities in choosing a profession, types and forms of work. The right to vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation", adopted on November 24 1995 d. This law determines the activities of the State Service for Medical and Social Expertise and the State Service for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled. In accordance with articles 10 and 11 of the law, a federal basic rehabilitation program and an individual rehabilitation program for persons with limited working capacity (disabled) are provided. The content of the federal basic rehabilitation program and the procedure for its implementation are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. An individual rehabilitation program is a set of measures (medical, psychological, pedagogical, social) aimed at restoring, compensating for impaired or lost body functions and restoring (or forming) the ability to perform certain types of activities, including professional labor. As part of an individual rehabilitation program, a professional orientation of a person is carried out, taking into account his other, special working capacity. An individual rehabilitation program for each person with limited ability to work is advisory in nature, not mandatory. In other words, a person can refuse both the entire program and its individual components. One part of the individual rehabilitation program is free, the other part can be paid for by the person himself, by the institution or organization where he works, or by a philanthropist. An individual rehabilitation program is drawn up by specialists of the State Service for Medical and Social Expertise after a comprehensive examination of a person with limited working capacity. Physicians, psychologists, teachers, social workers, representatives of the employment service take part in the preparation of the program. Preliminarily, the institution of medical and social expertise, after conducting a survey, determines the disability group, in accordance with which an individual rehabilitation program is built. First group disability is assigned to persons who have a persistent and significantly pronounced disorder of body functions, which can be caused by a disease, the consequences of injuries or developmental defects. As a result, the ability to self-service, movement, orientation in the surrounding space, the ability to communicate and control one's actions can be significantly impaired. To the second group disability can be attributed to those persons who have a persistent, pronounced disorder of body functions due to illness, injury, developmental defects. Violation of health leads to limited opportunities for learning and work, self-service, movement, orientation, communication, control over one's actions. For adults, the establishment of the second group of disability in connection with learning difficulties is assumed in cases where these difficulties are associated with some other disability (for example, movement). For children, this combination is not required. Third group disability is assigned if, as a result of diseases, injuries or developmental defects, there is a persistent, but slightly or moderately pronounced disorder of body functions, leading to some limitation in the ability to learn, work, self-service, movement, orientation in the surrounding space and communication. Thus, disabled people of the second and third groups can study and work. For children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, who have a disability in the future, vocational guidance and vocational counseling work begins even during the period of schooling. Depending on the nature and severity of the violation, the content and methods of career guidance work are different for different categories of young people with disabilities. At the same time, there are general patterns in the organization and conduct of such work. The ability of a person with limited ability to work to a particular activity depends on internal and external factors, which should be identified and studied by specialists. The technologies for such work have been created abroad for several decades, and domestic specialists have also made a certain contribution to the scientific and practical solution to the problem of vocational guidance for people with disabilities (the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the St. ).

It is often difficult for a teenager or an adult with disabilities to choose a field of activity that interests him on his own, so teachers and psychologists come to the rescue. First of all, it is important to establish the nature and severity of violations of various body systems, intellectual and psychophysiological characteristics and capabilities of an adult or adolescent in order to determine the types of work available to him, to identify his personal interests and inclinations in choosing one or another activity, professions. It is important to obtain information about the state of mental and physical capacity for work in connection with the ability to engage in one or another type of labor; about the state of the emotional-volitional, sensorimotor, intellectual sphere; about the development of speech and communication skills that are significant for professional activities; about the nature of changes in the psychological and socio-psychological status of a person associated with a disease, injury or developmental disorder. Psychologists have established that people with congenital or early acquired developmental disorders (childhood disabilities) are often psychologically traumatized. Awareness of the presence of a developmental defect and the limitations associated with it leads to inadequate self-esteem, vulnerability of the psyche, marginalization, and limited communication with others. An important role in strengthening and reinforcing negative stereotypes of social interaction and communication is played by the negative experience of communication between a child, a teenager and peers or adults who demonstrate the superiority of healthy people, emphasizing the inferiority of a person (rejection or pity), excluding him from society. There is an effect of social isolation of a person with disabilities. Disability in adulthood also causes significant psychological trauma, as a person is often forced to change the environment and lifestyle, social circle. His dependence on others increases, often a change of work activity is necessary, associated with material and moral damage. It is known from the practice of career guidance that a person makes his final professional choice only in adulthood. Making a new professional choice at this time is very difficult. It is especially difficult for a person with a disability to correct the wrong professional choice. Therefore, already at school age, highly qualified career guidance is important, excluding a superficial approach to choosing a profession.

Computer technologies have been created for career guidance and professional fitness diagnostic services (for example, an automated system for expert assessment of the psychological characteristics of a person has been developed), which make it possible to quickly and efficiently conduct vocational guidance and organize the employment of persons with limited ability to work in the conditions of individualization of rehabilitation programs (S.N. Kavokin et al. .). The computer system contains a list of professions and their coding according to the factors of labor restrictions. Indicators of the psychological assessment of the capabilities of a person with limited ability to work correlate with the psychological requirements for a particular profession included in the list. Accordingly, a specific workplace in relation to the corresponding profession is evaluated in terms of the requirements for the functions of the body. Correlation of the psychophysiological capabilities of the subject with the parameters of a particular profession and workplace allows you to accurately select a group of professions that best suit his capabilities for a person with limited working capacity to choose. The system is supplemented with information about job vacancies in the given region. This technology is based on the principle of partnership and allows solving the problem of employment through dialogue with all interested parties. Depending on the nature and severity of the violation, a person with limited ability to work can receive different types of vocational education - from primary to higher vocational education. In the presence of an intellectual norm, it is possible to talk about equal learning opportunities for persons with limited ability to work in higher and secondary vocational educational institutions. Modern foreign practice shows that for persons with disabilities who do not have intellectual disabilities, it is possible to create special educational conditions and a special living environment that remove barriers and restrictions for these people in obtaining higher and secondary specialized education (special re-equipment of the urban environment - transport, architecture, life support and movement in urban environments, technical and other means of support and maintenance in the process of education, special correctional and rehabilitation programs, the availability of assistants, translators, etc.). Persons with limited ability to work in this case have truly equal opportunities for education and subsequent employment. There is no attitude towards a person with limited ability to work as an inferior and weak being. A person with limited working capacity receives equal rights and has equal responsibilities both as a student and subsequently as an employee of an institution or enterprise. In our country, people with limited ability to work do not always have equal opportunities to receive vocational education. So, among the hundreds of thousands of students currently studying in Russian universities, students with disabilities make up only about a thousand people. Many of them do not have the opportunity to enter universities due to poor-quality school education or the lack of the necessary living environment and educational conditions in universities. At the same time, a tradition of special higher education for students with disabilities is being formed in the form of specialized higher educational institutions. These are the Moscow Boarding Institute for Disabled Persons with Musculoskeletal Disorders and the Institute for Social Rehabilitation of the Novosibirsk State Technical University of the Ministry of Education of Russia, the State Specialized Institute of Arts of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Correspondence Institute for the Rehabilitation and Vocational Training of the Blind of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled (Volokolamsk, Moscow Region). These universities not only solve the problems of vocational education, but also provide socio-economic and medical-psychological protection for students with disabilities. In addition, there is an experience of including groups of students with disabilities in the general educational flow of the university in the form of a separate group or faculty. The tradition was founded back in the 30s, when for the first time in the USSR, deaf students began to study at a university (MVTU named after N.E. Bauman). Today Moscow State Technical University named after M.V. N. E. Bauman is a leader among universities in organizing a special educational environment for students with disabilities, providing the opportunity for their education in a single stream with the rest of the university students. Groups of deaf and blind students study today in pedagogical universities (RGPU named after A.I. Herzen, St. Petersburg; MIGU, Moscow). A few decades ago, an experiment on university education for the deaf-blind was successfully carried out: several graduates of the orphanage for the deaf-blind (Zagorsk, now Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region) entered the psychology department of Moscow State University. Today one of the graduates of this group is Doctor of Psychology, Professor A. Suvorov. The system of secondary vocational education is more accessible to people with disabilities. There is a small selection of professions for people with hearing, musculoskeletal, and vision impairments. These are technical specialties, specialties of culture and education. In the process of obtaining professional education, young people with special educational needs need special psychological and pedagogical support. There is a need to carry out corrective work, to provide specialized assistance in mastering those subjects that are difficult due to the specifics of limiting the capabilities of a particular group of students. Thus, deaf students experience difficulties in understanding a professional dictionary, in mastering verbal models of teaching educational material. To provide special assistance, auxiliary support systems are being created, including those based on the use of modern computer technologies. Compared to European countries, Russia has a sharply narrowed list of professions that people with limited working capacity can really master, and those that are traditionally offered in many special schools are not only not attractive to students, but also have no demand in the modern labor market. Today, only 11% of the total number of disabled people work in Russia, although according to foreign experience, about 2/3 of the total number of people with disabilities are willing and able to work. Therefore, the school system of vocational guidance, initial vocational training is being rebuilt, finding new models for organizing vocational guidance and vocational training, in order to provide graduates with work in modern market conditions, it masters training in specialties that are in demand on the labor market: hairdresser, massage therapist, printing house worker, dental technician, programmer, worker farmsteads, a florist, a plumber, a shoemaker, etc. This is facilitated by new models of special schools that combine not only educational, but also career guidance structures that have divisions for students to receive primary vocational education, and sometimes their employment. A great contribution to the development of this direction was made by practicing teachers from different cities of Russia (G. V. Vasenkov, Yu. I. Popov, E. I. Kaplanskaya - Moscow; U. M. Murtuzalieva - Makhachkala; T. P. Trubacheva, L. P. Ufimtseva - Krasnoyarsk, N.A. Plakhova - Magadan, a number of pedagogical teams of the cities of S. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Yekaterinburg). In developed countries, a person with any form and degree of disability is given a real right to a full-fledged professional education and the development of professions and types of work that minimally restrict the interests of disabled people. If a person is unable to participate in productive labor due to his abilities, he is given the opportunity of employment at the level of his abilities and interests.

Questions and tasks 1. What is an individual rehabilitation program? What are the conditions and possibilities for its implementation? 2. Name the main groups of disability and describe the essence of disability in each case. 3. Describe the process of vocational guidance for people with disabilities: what are its goals, objectives, content, organization. 4. What are the current opportunities and problems of obtaining higher professional education for persons with limited ability to work in Russia?

Literature for independent work 1. Employment and professional rehabilitation of disabled people / Ed. S.N. Kavokin. - M., 1995. - No. 2. 2. Employment and professional rehabilitation of disabled people / Ed. S. N. Kavokina.- M., 1995.- No. 4. 3.Kavokin S. N. Vocational rehabilitation and employment of the disabled. - M., 1997.

4. Nikulina G. AT. The problem of socio-psychological and professional adaptation of students and graduate students with visual impairment in a modern university // Innovations in Russian Education. Special (correctional) education. - M., 1999. 5. Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1 of September 26, 1996 "Regulations on vocational guidance and psychological support for the population in the Russian Federation." 6. Vocational orientation of the disabled: Educational and methodological manual. - M., 1997. 7. SarkisyanL. BUT. Status and concept of higher professional education of supporters with disabilities // Innovations in Russian education. Special (correctional) education. - M., 1999.

2.1. Medical-social-pedagogical patronage. Medical and social prevention and early comprehensive care

2.1.1. Medical-social-pedagogical patronage
Patronage is a special kind of assistance to a child, his parents, teachers in solving complex problems related to survival, rehabilitation treatment, special education and upbringing, socialization, with the formation of a growing person as a person.
Medical-social-pedagogical patronage involves a wide range of long-term measures of comprehensive rehabilitation assistance focused on the family of a child with developmental disabilities and carried out in the process of coordinated ("team") work of specialists in various fields.
It is a unity of diagnostics, information retrieval and assistance in choosing an educational route, designing individual rehabilitation programs, and primary assistance in implementing plans.
Comprehensive medical-socio-pedagogical (SME) patronage is carried out by psychological and pedagogical medical-social institutions and services created both in the structure of the state system of education and social protection, and outside them with the involvement of the capabilities of non-state sector institutions: public associations, associations, charitable foundations . Complementing the work of state structures, they initiate new approaches to organizing a social space for helping children with developmental disabilities, which is focused on creating long-term measures of social service for their families on an interdisciplinary basis.
The basic basis of SME patronage is psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (consultations), psychological, medical and social centers, diagnostic and rehabilitation centers, speech therapy centers, early and home education services.
The system of SME patronage is being formed as part of the system of special education, designed to influence the improvement of conditions for the development of children with limited potential, as well as children whose development is conditioned by the action of multiple risk factors.
Comprehensive medical, social and pedagogical patronage involves the coordination of its activities with scientific and methodological institutions and other educational structures, as well as with institutions of healthcare systems and social protection of the population.
The SME patronage system implements its own activities in the following areas:
assistance in choosing an individual educational route involving the capabilities of all existing educational structures, both state and non-state education systems;
development and implementation of correctional and developmental programs in work with children who are outside the educational space;
implementation of special programs for training parents and including them in the correctional and pedagogical process;
ensuring a holistic multidisciplinary approach to the education and socialization of a child based on the relationship between individual aspects of assistance (medical, psychological, social pedagogical) that make up a single complex and, at the same time, are independent components;
promoting the development of educational systems within the framework of joint projects aimed at creating innovative innovative forms of education and socialization of children;
implementation of modern pedagogical technologies in the field of special education institutions;
support for social and pedagogical initiatives aimed at improving legal guarantees for the free development of the child in accordance with his capabilities;
engaging the media to highlight innovative approaches to special education that help raise the status of a person with disabilities in the structure of modern society.
The formation of a system of medical, social and pedagogical patronage in our country is today one of the signs of the development of a system of special education, the formation of a new model of comprehensive support for a child with developmental disabilities in a family environment, which involves the active (subject-subject) participation of all family members in the rehabilitation process.

The main criteria for the effective operation of institutions of the SME patronage system are the following:
growing demand for patronage services from parents, teachers, children;
an increase in the list of problems for which qualified assistance can be provided;
qualitative growth of child development indicators, regardless of the degree of disability (disability);
normalization of family relations;
a qualitative increase in the competence of not only teachers and other specialists in the field of solving the problems of modern childhood, but also parents.

2.1.2. Medical and social prevention and early comprehensive care
The most important component of the process of medical, social and pedagogical patronage is early diagnosis and early comprehensive assistance, the effective organization of which largely determines the prevention of disability and (or) the reduction of the degree of disability and disability.
The Standard Rules for Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 20, 1993, define the process of prevention (prophylaxis) of disability that is complex in its essential content.
Disability prevention is understood as the implementation of a set of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of physical, mental, mental and sensory defects (first level prevention) or at preventing the transition of a defect into a permanent functional limitation or disability (second level prevention).
Disability prevention may include
only the implementation of medical measures, in particular,
provision of primary health care, prenatal and
postpartum care, but also early stimulation of the child's development with
in order to prevent the occurrence of secondary deviations in
the process of formation of psychophysical functions.
Early diagnosis and early educational assistance are topical problems of modern correctional pedagogy both in Russia and around the world. At present, practically in all countries of the world there are scientifically based and practically tested programs for early diagnosis and early pedagogical assistance to children with developmental disabilities.

The theoretical basis for these programs is the fundamental work of L.S. Vygotsky about the importance of practical activity for the activation of thought processes. The provisions of his theory on the zones of proximal and actual development and on the prevention of secondary defects - "social dislocation" - today have a significant impact on modern research in the field of special education for children with developmental disabilities and the creation of methodological support for working with them.

2.1.3. Early Intervention Programs

Well-known early intervention programs worldwide:
Connecticut Developmental Survey of Newborns and Children Under 3 Years of Age, Carolina Curriculum for Children Birth to 5 years, the Hawaiian profile of early education, Munich functional diagnostics, the Program for early developmental diagnostics (“Tandem” (Holland), the Program for early pedagogical assistance to children with developmental disabilities “Macquarie” (Australia) - characterize one of the successfully developing areas of activity of scientists and educators of the latter quarter of our century.
In Russia, there are also a number of methodological developments of domestic scientists (E.M. Matyukova, E.A. Strebeleva, K.L. Pechora, G.V. Pantyukhina, E.L. Fruht and others), representing programs for early diagnosis and psychological - pedagogical assistance to children with developmental disabilities and which are the basis for practical application in psychological, medical and social centers, psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations (PMPC).
But if in our country the system of early diagnosis and correction of developmental deficiencies is at the stage of formation, then abroad there is a fairly rich scientific and practical experience in the application of various "early intervention" programs, which allows us to conclude that they are highly effective. First of all, this is evidenced by the amazing progress in changing the level of independent living of people with various physical and mental disabilities. Thanks to the use of early intervention programs, people with intellectual and physical disabilities now live incomparably more fully in Western countries than they did 20-30 years ago. Comparative studies of foreign scientists have shown that systematic early pedagogical assistance to a child in a family with the involvement of parents in the process of correctional and pedagogical work not only allows bringing the process of child development to a new qualitative level, but also largely determines the progress of integration into society of a person with special needs. its needs as an equal member. One consequence of this progress is that the vast majority of children with disabilities in Western countries are being raised in family settings rather than in institutions outside the home. They can, just like their healthy peers, study at school, actively rest and work.
The work of early intervention services operating in modern Russia is based on a multidisciplinary approach to the organization of practical activities and the gradual formation of a correctional and pedagogical environment in a family.
Both domestic and foreign experience convincingly indicate that the optimal situation for the full development of the child is his stay in the family, provided that the parents are actively involved in the habilitation process organized by the specialists of the early intervention service. They not only stimulate the development of the child in the course of special classes in the family and monitor the dynamics of development, but also purposefully teach parents how to specifically interact with the child in the daily life of the family.
During regular visits to the family, service specialists conduct special classes with the child and educate parents, fix various parameters of the child’s development, help create a special developmental environment in the family, and, if necessary, connect parents with relevant medical and educational institutions, and also correct the system of family relationships. This type of activity is innovative for the domestic practice of education and involves a different type of organization of the correctional and pedagogical process, based on the involvement of paraspecialists (assistant teachers and psychologists) represented by parents.
The formation in our country of a system of early diagnosis of developmental disorders and early comprehensive care occurs through the development of a system of medical, psychological and pedagogical patronage and is carried out on the basis of existing PMS centers and PHC consultations and services.
The institutions operating today in Russia that implement programs for early diagnosis and early assistance to children with developmental disabilities are extremely few in number, often work as experimental sites, but the real positive results of their work make it possible to predict the transition from local centers of experiment to broad socio-pedagogical practice.
The development of an entire Russian program for the development of a system of early diagnosis and early comprehensive care for children with developmental disabilities in a family environment, as well as the design and implementation of new training and retraining programs for personnel, the creation of a unified information system for supporting the activities of educational institutions, social services, and teachers is also a matter of the near future. and parents raising children with limited developmental potential.

Questions and tasks
1. What is the purpose, objectives and content of medical, social and pedagogical patronage as an integral part of the system of special education? What services and specialists are involved in this work?
2. What is medical and social prevention?
Z. What are the functions of a psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation?
4. Tell us about the nature, content and experience of organizing early comprehensive care for children with developmental disabilities and their families.

1. Aksenova L.I. . Small steps leading to a big life // defectology.- 1999.- No. Z.
2. Education of children with developmental problems in different countries of the world: Reader / Comp. and scientific ed. L. M. Shipitsina. - SP6., 1997.
Z. Pietersey M . etc. Small steps. - Sydney (Australia): Macquarie University, 1998.
4. Problems of infancy: neuro-psychological-pedagogical assessment of development and early correction of deviations. - M., 1999.
5. Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation: Guidelines / Nauch. ed. L. M. Shipitsina. - SP6., 1999.

2.2. preschool education for children with disabilities
The process of establishing the state system of special education in our country began in the 1920s.
By the beginning of the 70s. a fairly wide, differentiated network was built preschool special purpose institutions:
nursery gardens;
preschool orphanages;
preschool groups
at nurseries, kindergartens and general-purpose orphanages, as well as at special schools and boarding schools.
In the course of the formation and development of the network of special preschool institutions, scientists and practitioners developed principles, methods and techniques for identifying, correcting and preventing deviations in the development of children, laid down many traditions of correctional education and upbringing of preschoolers, on which the system of special preschool education is built in general and is currently time. The following organizational principles for the construction of special preschool education were laid down.
Staffing of institutions according to the principle of leading deviation in
Thus, preschool institutions were created
(groups) for children:
hearing impaired (deaf, hard of hearing);
visually impaired (blind, visually impaired, for children with
strabismus and amblyopia);
with speech disorders (for children with stuttering, general underdevelopment of speech, phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment);
with intellectual disabilities (mentally retarded);
with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
Less occupancy of groups compared to mass kindergartens (up to 15 pupils).
Introduction to the staff of special preschool institutions such
defekotologists, such as oligophrenopedagogues, deaf teachers,
tiflopedagogues, speech therapists, as well as additional medical
The educational process in specialized preschool
institutions is carried out in accordance with special comprehensive training and education programs, developed
for each category of preschool children with developmental disabilities and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
Redistribution of types of occupations between educators and defectologists. So, classes on the development of speech, the formation of elementary mathematical representations, design,
the development of gaming activities in terms of special preschool
institutions are carried out not by educators, but by teachers-defectologists. Organization of special classes, such as the development
auditory perception and correction of sound pronunciation, development
visual perception, physiotherapy exercises, etc. Similar
areas of work are also available in ordinary kindergartens, where they
are included in the content of general developmental classes and, as a rule, are not distinguished structurally in the network of classes.
Free. It is known that parents pay some fees for the stay of their children in a regular kindergarten. An exception is made for children with developmental disabilities - their parents are not
no fee is charged (see letter from the Ministry of Education
USSR dated 06/04/74 I 58-M“0 maintenance at the state expense of children with defects in physical or mental development”). This right is still regulated by this document.
All work in special preschool institutions was subordinated to a single goal - to help families in the upbringing of "problem" children, their potential was realized to the maximum.
A characteristic feature of the Soviet education system were rather strict rules for admitting children with developmental disabilities to preschool institutions. Firstly, such children were not admitted to mass kindergartens. If a pupil of a mass preschool institution had developmental deviations later, in the course of training, then the question of his withdrawal from this institution and transfer to a specialized institution or group was decided rather harshly. As a result, experts, including foreign observers, evaluating Soviet education, noted the extreme closeness, isolation of institutions for children with developmental disabilities, the artificial alienation of pupils from normally developing peers and from society as a whole.
Secondly, a rather extensive list of diagnoses was established, which excluded the possibility of receiving public preschool education. Thus, children with combined, complex developmental disabilities were not admitted to special preschool institutions. For example, deaf-blind, mentally retarded children were not subject to admission to preschool institutions for children with hearing impairments. At the same time, deaf and hard of hearing children were not admitted to institutions for children with visual and intellectual disabilities. Assistance to such children was carried out in individual educational institutions and not in every region of Russia. In addition, children suffering from epilepsy, schizophrenia, psychopathic behavior, children with mental retardation in the degree of imbecility and idiocy, children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system requiring individual care were not subject to admission. Families raising such children had to make do with their education on their own and were often limited to medical measures.
We also note that it was possible to identify a child in a nursery-kindergarten only from the age of 2, and to a kindergarten - from 3 years. Young children were the object of public health attention and had practically no psychological and pedagogical support.
Thus, the established network of specialized preschool institutions made a huge positive contribution to the organization of the universal preschool education system, but turned out to be insufficiently flexible in relation to a large group of children with special needs that do not fall under the selection and staffing standards of these institutions.
Adopted in 1992, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and in 1995 the Federal Law “On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” introduced new state principles for organizing education in Russia, a new typology of educational institutions, made changes and in a number of organizational and legal aspects of special education.
Approved in subsequent years, the relevant model provisions for each existing and new type of educational institutions opened up new opportunities for the functioning of a wide network of educational institutions in which preschool children with special needs, as well as their families, receive the necessary psychological, pedagogical and medical care. social assistance.
First of all, these are preschool educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as preschool educational institutions).
For parents of a normally developing child, kindergarten is a place where he can socialize, play with other children, have fun while the parents are at work, and learn something new. For families raising children with developmental disabilities, a kindergarten may be practically the only place where the conditions necessary for the full development of such children are created.
In accordance with the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.07.95 Z 677, the preschool educational institution provides education, training, care and rehabilitation of children aged 2 months to 7 years. Children with developmental disabilities are admitted to preschool educational institutions of any kind, provided there are conditions for corrective work, only with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) based on the conclusion of the PMPK.
Most children with developmental disabilities are raised in kindergartens of compensatory type and in compensatory groups combined kindergartens. Education and upbringing in these preschool institutions are carried out in accordance with special correctional and developmental programs developed for each category of children with developmental disabilities.
The occupancy of groups is set depending on the type of impairment and age (two age groups: up to 3 years and older than 3 years) and is, respectively, for children:
with severe speech disorders - up to 6 and 10 people;

with phonetic and phonemic speech disorders only over the age of 3 years - up to 12 people;
deaf people - up to 6 people for both age groups;
hearing impaired - up to 6 and 8 people;
blind - up to 6 people for both age groups;
visually impaired, for children with amblyopia, strabismus - up to 6 and 10 people;
with disorders of the musculoskeletal system - up to 6 and 8 people;
with intellectual disabilities (mental retardation) - up to 6 and 10 people;
with mental retardation - up to 6 and 10 people;
with deep mental retardation only over the age of 3 years - up to 8 people;
with tuberculosis intoxication - up to 10 and 15 people;
often ill - up to 10 and 15 people;
with complex (complex) defects - up to 5 person for both age groups;
with other deviations in development - up to 10 and 15 people.
For children with developmental disabilities who, for various reasons, cannot attend preschool institutions as usual, short-stay groups are organized in the preschool educational institution. The tasks of these groups are to provide timely psychological and pedagogical assistance to such children, consultative and methodological support for their parents (legal representatives) in organizing the upbringing and education of the child, the social adaptation of children and the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities. In such groups, classes are conducted mainly individually or in small subgroups (2-3 children each) in the presence of parents at a time convenient for them. This new organizational form includes sessions with various PEI specialists, the total duration of which is limited to five hours per week. (Reason: instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 06.29.99 No. 129 / 23-16 “On the organization of short-stay groups for children with developmental disabilities in preschool educational institutions.”)
These kindergartens and groups fall under the modern definition used in regulatory documents - "Special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils, with developmental disabilities."
Many changes in the sphere of domestic education are taking place under the influence of foreign experience. Thus, in developed countries, in relation to children with special needs, different models of integration into the environment of normally developing children are widely used. In the conditions of Russian preschool education, integrated learning is being introduced into practice slowly and carefully, since for its implementation kindergartens of a general developmental type should have a lot of conditions - special personnel and material and technical support for conducting correctional-pedagogical and health-improving work with children. The most realistic application of integrated learning is now seen in relation to children who, despite the presence of one or another developmental disorder, have a level of psychophysical development close to the age norm and psychological readiness for joint learning with normally developing peers. Specialists who spread the ideas of integration believe that at present such conditions are easier to create: a) in general developmental groups kindergartens of a combined type, where compensatory groups also function; b) c child development centers where the implementation of corrective work with all pupils of the preschool educational institution should initially be laid down in the charter.
Preschoolers with developmental disabilities can attend educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age. The foundations for the functioning of such institutions are laid down in the relevant Model Regulation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1997 No. 1204.
Educational institutions of a general type are created for children from 3 to 10 years old. The main goal of the institution is the implementation of the educational process by ensuring continuity between preschool and primary general education, optimal conditions for the protection and promotion of health, physical and mental development of children (see diagram 1).

It is known that for every child the period of transition to schooling is a crisis. The child is faced not only with a new type of activity - with educational activity, but also must get used to a new team of children and adults, and to a new regimen, and to a new environment. For children with special needs who experience difficulties in learning, communication, social adaptation, experiencing such a crisis is especially difficult. These children are in particular need of a gentle approach during the transition from kindergarten to school. Therefore, the educational institution "elementary school - kindergarten" can be considered as the most comfortable organizational form for the education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities. The child has the opportunity to start school life in a familiar, familiar environment, along with most of those children who attended the same preschool group. In addition, primary school teachers, as a rule, are well acquainted with pupils of preparatory groups for school and have the opportunity to carry out an individually differentiated approach to each "problem" first grader practically from the first days of schooling.
Another type of educational institutions where the upbringing and education of children with special needs is organized is an educational institution for children in need of psychological and pedagogical and medical and social assistance, the standard provision on which was approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated
31.07.98 № 867.
Here we are talking about various centers: diagnostics and counseling; psychological, medical and social support; psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction; curative pedagogy and differentiated education, etc. These institutions are designed for children from 3 to 18 years old. The contingent of these institutions is specific - these are children:
with a high degree of pedagogical neglect, refusing to attend general educational institutions;
with violations of the emotional-volitional sphere;
subjected to various forms of mental and physical violence;
forced to leave the family, including due to the minority of the mother;
from families of refugees, internally displaced persons, as well as victims of natural disasters and man-made disasters, etc.
It is obvious that among the listed groups of children there are many children with deviations in mental or physical development. Pedagogues-psychologists, social pedagogues, teachers-defectologists, teachers-speech therapists, medical personnel work with them.

The main activities of such institutions in relation to children of preschool age:
diagnostics of the level of psychophysical development and deviations in the behavior of children;
education of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, the state of somatic and mental health;
organization of correctional-developing and compensatory training;
psychocorrectional and psychoprophylactic work with children;
carrying out a complex of medical and recreational activities.
In our country, there are also various sanatorium-type health-improving educational institutions for children in need of long-term treatment (sanatorium boarding schools, sanatorium-forest schools, sanatorium orphanages for orphans and children left without parental care). These institutions are created to assist the family in raising and educating, carrying out rehabilitation and health-improving activities, adapting to life in society, social protection and the all-round development of children in need of long-term treatment. In accordance with the Model Regulations approved by Government Decree No. 1117 of August 28, 1997, groups for preschool children can be opened in such institutions.
It is not uncommon for children with developmental disabilities before the age of 5 to 6 to be brought up in a preschool institution. To prepare such children for schooling, a number of organizational forms are envisaged. For children with severe developmental disabilities, preschool departments (groups) are created at special (correctional) schools and boarding schools. Educational programs in them are designed for 1-2 years, during which the child forms the prerequisites for learning activities in the necessary correctional and developmental environment. The contingent of such departments (groups) consists mainly of children who have late revealed developmental disabilities, or children who did not previously have the opportunity to attend a specialized educational institution (for example, in the absence of a compensatory kindergarten in the place of residence of the family).
In addition, according to the instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 22.07.97 1 990 / 14-15 “On preparing children for school”, favorable conditions for preparing children for school can be created for children 3-6 years old on the basis of a preschool educational institution, and for children 5- 6 years - on the basis of general educational institutions (schools). For conducting classes, groups can be completed that are focused on the comprehensive development of children in accordance with the tasks of preschool education, advisory groups for children who can attend separate classes with a speech therapist, psychologist, speech pathologist. The number of classes depends on the age of the child.
The selection of children with developmental disabilities in all types and types of educational institutions is carried out by the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission. Parents can independently apply for admission to the PMPK. But usually they come here already with a referral from a medical institution (polyclinic, children's hospital, audiology center, etc.). The commission gives an opinion on the state of the child's psychophysical development and recommendations on further forms of education.

Questions and tasks
1. Describe the current opportunities for preschool education for children with special needs.
2. Compare the current network of preschool educational institutions (groups) for children with developmental disabilities with the network that had developed by the beginning of the 70s.
3. How can the problem of preparation for schooling and the continuity of preschool and primary general education of children with developmental disabilities be solved in the modern system of educational institutions?
4. In what cases can a preschool child with developmental disabilities not attend an educational institution permanently? What organizational forms of preschool education can be provided for such children?
5. Based on the analysis of literary sources, compare the system of organizing special preschool education in Russia with similar systems in one of the foreign countries (optional).

Literature for independent work
1. Children with developmental disabilities: A manual for teachers, educators of mass and special institutions and parents / Comp. N.D. Shmatko. - M., 1997.
2. Preschool education of abnormal children: A book for teachers and educators / Ed. L. P. Noskova. - M., 1993.
3. preschool education in Russia. Current legal documents and scientific and methodological materials. - M., 1997.
4. Correctional education as a basis for the personal development of abnormal preschoolers / Ed. L. P. Noskova. - M, 1989.
5. Mastyukova E.M. A child with developmental disabilities. - M., 1992.
b. Sorokova M.G. Modern preschool education: USA, Germany, Japan-M., 1998.
7. Handbook of preschool education / Ed. A. I. Shustova. - M., 1980.
8. Federal Law “On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

2.3. Special education school system
School-age children with special educational needs
needs, receive education in accordance with special educational standards in various educational institutions or at home.
During the twentieth century. a system of special (correctional educational institutions) was formed, which are mainly boarding schools and in which the vast majority of school-age children with special educational needs studied and are studying in the USSR and Russia.
Currently, there are eight main types of special schools for children with various developmental disabilities. In order to exclude the inclusion of diagnostic characteristics in the props of these schools (as it used to be: a school for the mentally retarded, a school for the deaf, etc.), these schools are named in legal and official documents by their species serial number:
Type I (boarding school for deaf children);
special (correctional) educational institution
Type II (boarding school for the hard of hearing and late deaf
special (correctional) educational institution
Type III (boarding school for blind children);
special (correctional) educational institution
Type IV (boarding school for visually impaired children);
special (correctional) educational institution
Type V (boarding school for children with severe speech disorders);
special (correctional) educational institution
Type VI (boarding school for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system);
special (correctional) educational institution
VII type (school or boarding school for children with difficulties in
learning - mental retardation);
special (correctional) educational institution
Type VIII (school or boarding school for children with mental retardation). The activities of such institutions are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1997 No.
Z 288 "06 approval of the Model Regulations on special
(correctional) educational institution for students,
pupils with developmental disabilities", as well as a letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions II I - VIII types."
In accordance with these documents, special educational standards are implemented in all special (correctional) educational institutions.
An educational institution independently, on the basis of a special educational standard, develops and implements a curriculum and educational programs, based on the characteristics of the psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children. A special (correctional) educational institution may be established by federal executive authorities (Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation), executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (administration, committee, ministry) of education of a region, territory, republic) and local (municipal) self-government bodies. a special (correctional) educational institution may be non-state.
In recent years, special educational institutions have been created for other categories of children with disabilities in health and life: with autistic personality traits, with Down syndrome. There are also sanatorium (forest)
schools for chronically ill and debilitated children.
Special (correctional) educational institutions are financed by the respective founder.
Each such educational institution is responsible for the life of the pupil and ensuring his constitutional right to receive free education within the limits of a special educational standard. All children are provided with conditions for education, upbringing, treatment, social adaptation and integration into society.
Graduates of special (correctional) educational institutions (with the exception of schools of the VIII type) receive a qualified education (that is, corresponding to the levels of education of a mass general education school: for example, basic general education, general secondary education). They are issued a state document confirming the level of education received or a certificate of graduation from a special (correctional) educational institution.
Education authorities send a child to a special school only with the consent of the parents and upon conclusion
(recommendations) of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission. Also
with the consent of the parents and on the basis of the conclusion of the PMPK, the child
can be transferred inside a special school to a class for children
with mental retardation only after the first year of study in it.

In a special school, a class (or group) can be created for children with a complex defect structure as such children are identified in the course of psychological, medical and pedagogical observation in the conditions of the educational process.
In addition, in a special school of any kind, classes may be opened for children with severe intellectual disabilities and other accompanying disabilities. The decision to open such a class is made by the pedagogical council of a special school, provided that the necessary conditions and specially trained personnel are available. The main tasks of such classes are to provide elementary primary education, create the most favorable conditions for the development of the child's personality, for him to receive pre-professional or elementary labor and social training, taking into account his individual capabilities.
A student of a special school may be transferred to study in a regular general education school by the education authorities with the consent of the parents (or persons replacing them) and on the basis of the conclusion of the PMPK, as well as if the general education school has the necessary conditions for integrated education.
In addition to education, a special school provides medical and psychological support to children with disabilities, for which there are appropriate specialists on the staff of a special school. They work in close cooperation with the teaching staff, carrying out diagnostic activities, psycho-correctional and psychotherapeutic measures, maintaining a protective regime in a special school, participating in vocational counseling. If necessary, children receive medical and physiotherapy treatment, massage, hardening procedures, attend physiotherapy exercises.
The process of social adaptation, social integration helps to implement a social teacher. Its role especially increases at the stage of choosing a profession, graduation by graduates from school and transition to the post-school period.
Each special school pays considerable attention to labor. Pre-professional training of their students. The content and forms of training depend on local characteristics: territorial, ethno-national and cultural, on the needs of the local labor market, the abilities of pupils, their interests. A purely individual labor profile is chosen, which includes preparation for individual labor activity.

Special school of the 1st type, where deaf children study, conducts the educational process in accordance with the level of general educational programs of three levels of general education:
(within 5-6 years or years - in the case of studying in the preparatory class);
2nd stage - basic general education (during 5-6 years);
3rd stage - complete secondary general education (2 years, as a rule, in the structure of an evening school).
For children who have not received full pre-school training, a preparatory class is organized. Children from the age of 7 are admitted to the first grade.
All educational activities are permeated with work on the formation and development of verbal oral and written speech, communication, the ability to perceive and understand the speech of others on an auditory-visual basis. Children learn to use the remnants of hearing to perceive speech by ear and auditory-visual with the use of sound amplifying equipment.
To this end, group and individual classes are regularly held to develop auditory perception and the formation of the pronunciation side of oral speech.
In schools operating on a bilingual basis, equal teaching of verbal language and sign language is carried out, but the educational process is conducted in sign language.
As part of a special school of the 1st type, classes are organized for deaf children with a complex defect structure (mental retardation, learning difficulties, visually impaired, etc.).
The number of children in a class (group) is no more than 6 people, in classes for children with a complex defect structure up to 5 people.
Special school II type, where hearing-impaired (having partial hearing loss and varying degrees of speech underdevelopment) and late deaf children (deaf at preschool or school age, but retaining independent speech) study, has two departments:
first branch- for children with mild speech underdevelopment associated with hearing impairment;
second branch- for children with profound underdevelopment of speech, the cause of which is hearing loss.
If in the process of learning it becomes necessary to transfer a child from one department to another, it is difficult for a child in the first department or, conversely, a child in the second department reaches such a level of general and speech development that allows him to study in the first department), then with the consent of the parents and on the recommendation PMPK is undergoing such a transition.
Children who have reached the age of seven are admitted to the first grade in any of the departments if they attended kindergarten. For children who, for whatever reason, do not have appropriate pre-school education, a preparatory class is organized in the second department.
The occupancy of the class (group) in the first department is up to 10 people, in the second department up to 8 people.
In a special school of type II, the educational process is carried out in accordance with the levels of general educational programs of the three levels of general education:
1st stage - primary general education (in the first department 4-5 years, in the second department 5-6 or 6-7 years);
2nd stage - basic general education (6 years in the first and second departments);
3rd stage - secondary (complete) general education (2 years in the first and second departments).
The development of auditory and auditory perception, the formation and correction of the pronunciation side of speech are carried out in specially organized individual and group classes using sound-amplifying equipment for collective use and individual hearing aids.
The development of auditory perception and automation of pronunciation skills continue in phonetic rhythm classes and in various activities related to music.
Special schools III and IV types are intended for the education of blind (III type), visually impaired and late-blind (IV type) children. Due to the small number of such schools, if necessary, joint (in one institution) education of blind and visually impaired children, as well as children with strabismus and amblyopia, can be organized.
Blind children, as well as children with residual vision (0.04 and below) and higher visual acuity (0.08) in the presence of complex combinations of visual impairments, with progressive eye diseases leading to blindness, are admitted to a special school of type III.
In the first class of a special school of the III type, children are accepted 6-7 years old, and sometimes 8-9 years old. Class (group) capacity can be up to 8 people. The total period of study in a type III school is 12 years, during which students receive a secondary (complete) general education.
Visually impaired children with visual acuity from 0.05 to 0.4 in the better seeing eye with a tolerable correction are admitted to a special school of type IV. This takes into account the state of other visual functions (field of view, near visual acuity), the form and course of the pathological process. Children with higher visual acuity can also be admitted to this school with progressive or often recurrent eye diseases, in the presence of asthenic phenomena that occur when reading and writing at close range.
Children with strabismus and amblyopia with higher visual acuity (over 0.4) are admitted to the same school.
Children 6-7 years old are admitted to the first grade of the IV type school. There can be up to 12 people in a class (group). For 12 years of schooling, children receive a secondary (complete) general education.
Type V Special School is intended for the education of children with severe speech disorders and may include one or two departments.
The first department trains children with severe general underdevelopment of speech (alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, aphasia), as well as children with general underdevelopment of speech, accompanied by stuttering.
In the second department, children with a severe form of stuttering with normally developed speech study.
Within the first and second departments, taking into account the level of speech development of children, classes (groups) can be created, including pupils with homogeneous speech disorders.
If the speech disorder is eliminated, the child can, on the basis of the conclusion of the PMPK and with the consent of the parents, go to a regular school.
Children 7-9 years old are admitted to the first class, 6-7 years old to the preparatory class. For 10-11 years of schooling, a child can receive a basic general education.
Special speech therapy and pedagogical assistance is provided to the child in the process of education and upbringing, in all lessons and in extracurricular time. The school has a special speech mode.
A special school of the VI type is intended for the education of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (motor disorders that have different causes and varying degrees of severity, cerebral palsy, congenital and acquired deformities of the musculoskeletal system, flaccid paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, paresis and paraparesis of the lower and upper limbs).
Type VI school carries out the educational process in accordance with the levels of general educational programs of three levels of general education:
1st stage - primary general education (4-5 years);
2nd stage - basic general education (6 years);
3rd stage - secondary (complete) general education (2 years).

Children from the age of 7 are admitted to the first class (group), however, admission of children and older than this age by 1-2 years is allowed. For children who have not attended kindergarten, a preparatory class is open.
The number of children in a class (group) is not more than 10 people.
A special motor mode has been established in the VI type school.
Education is carried out in unity with complex correctional work, covering the motor sphere of the child, his speech and cognitive activity in general.
Type VII special school designed for children with persistent learning difficulties, mental retardation (MPD).
The educational process in this school is carried out in accordance with the levels of general educational programs of two levels of general education:
1st stage - primary general education (3-5 years)
2nd stage - basic general education (5 years).
Children are accepted to the VII type school only in the preparatory, first and second grades, in the third grade - as an exception. Those who started studying in a regular school from the age of 7 are admitted to the second grade of a VII type school, and those who started studying in a regular educational institution from the age of 6 can be admitted to the first grade of a VII type school.
Children who have not had any pre-school training may be admitted at the age of 7 to the first grade of a Type VII school, and at the age of 6 to a preparatory class.
The number of children in a class (group) is not more than 12 people.
Students in a type VII school retain the opportunity to move to a regular school as deviations are corrected, in development, gaps in knowledge are eliminated after receiving primary general education.
If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, the child can study at a school of type VII during the year.
Children receive special pedagogical assistance in individual and group correctional classes, as well as in speech therapy classes.
Type VIII Special School provides special education for children with intellectual underdevelopment. Education in this school is not qualified, having a qualitatively different content. The main attention is paid to social adaptation and vocational training when students master the volume of educational content available to them in general subjects.
Studying at the school of the VIII type ends with an exam in labor training. Schoolchildren may be exempted from the exam (attestation) for health reasons. The release procedure is determined by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
A child can be admitted to a school of the VIII type in the first or preparatory class at the age of 7-8 years. The preparatory class allows not only to better prepare the child for school, but also provides an opportunity to clarify the diagnosis during the educational process and the psychological and pedagogical study of the child's capabilities.
The number of students in the preparatory class does not exceed 6-8 people, and in other classes - no more than 12.
The terms of study at a school of the VIII type can be 8 years, 9 years, 9 years with a vocational training class, 10 years with a vocational training class. These terms of study can be extended by 1 year by opening a preparatory class.
If the school has the necessary material base, then classes (groups) with in-depth labor training can be opened in it.
Students who have completed the eighth (ninth) grade pass to such classes. Those who have completed the class with in-depth labor training and successfully passed the qualification exam receive a document confirming the assignment of the corresponding qualification category.
Classes for children with severe mental retardation can be created and function in schools of type VIII. The number of children in such a class should not exceed 5-6 Human.
Children can be sent to a preparatory (diagnostic) class. During the school year, the preliminary diagnosis is specified, and depending on this, the next year the child can either be sent to a class for children with severe forms of intellectual disability, or to a regular class of a VIII type school.
The completion of classes for children with a severe form of intellectual underdevelopment is carried out at three levels:
1st level - at the age of 6 to 9 years;
2nd level - from 9 to I2 years;
3rd level - from IZ to I8 years.
Children under the age of 12 can be sent to such classes, their stay in the school system until the age of 18. Expulsion from the school takes place in accordance with the PMPK Recommendations and in agreement with the parents.
Children with psychopathic behavior, epilepsy and other mental illnesses requiring active treatment are not accepted into such classes. These children may attend advisory groups with their parents.

The mode of operation of the class (group) is established by agreement with the parents. The learning process is carried out in the mode of passing by each pupil of an individual educational route, determined by specialists in accordance with the psychophysical capabilities of a particular child.
For orphans and children left without parental care and having special educational needs, special orphanages and boarding schools are created in accordance with the profile of developmental disorders. Mostly these are orphanages and boarding schools for children and adolescents with intellectual underdevelopment and learning difficulties.
If a child is not able to attend a special (correctional) educational institution, he or she is educated at home. The organization of such training is determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the procedure for the upbringing and education of disabled children at home and in non-state educational institutions" dated July 18, 1996. 3861.
Recently, schools of home education have begun to be created, the staff of which, consisting of qualified defectologists, psychologists, works with children both at home and in the conditions of partial stay of such children in a school of home education. In the conditions of group work, interaction and communication with other children, the child masters social skills, gets used to learning in a group, team.
The right to study at home is given to children whose diseases or developmental disabilities correspond to those specified in the special list established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The basis for the organization of home training is the medical report of the medical institution.
A nearby school or pre-school educational institution is involved in helping children learn at home. For the period of study, the child is given the opportunity to use textbooks and the school library fund free of charge. Teachers and psychologists of the school provide advisory and methodological assistance to parents in the development of the child's general education programs. The school provides intermediate and final certification of the child and issues a document on the appropriate level of education. Accepted for certification
participation and teachers-defectologists, attracted additionally
for corrective action.

If a child with special educational needs is homeschooled, the educational authorities will reimburse parents for the cost of education in accordance with state and local regulations for funding the child's education in the appropriate type and type of educational institution.
For the education, upbringing and social adaptation of children and adolescents with complex, severe developmental disabilities, with concomitant diseases, as well as to provide them with comprehensive assistance, rehabilitation centers of various profiles are being created. These can be centers: psychological, medical and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction; social and labor adaptation and career guidance; psychological, pedagogical and social assistance; social assistance to families and children left without parental care, etc. The task of such centers is to provide correctional and pedagogical, psychological and career guidance, as well as the formation of self-service and communication skills, social interaction, work skills in children with severe and multiple disabilities. A number of centers conduct special educational activities. Classes in rehabilitation centers are based on programs of individual or group education and training. Often, the centers provide consultative, diagnostic and methodological assistance to parents of children with special educational needs, including informational and legal support. Rehabilitation centers also provide social and psychological assistance to former pupils of educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care.
Rehabilitation centers help educational institutions for mass purposes if children with special educational needs are trained and brought up there: they conduct correctional and pedagogical work and counseling.
To provide speech therapy assistance to children of preschool and school age who have speech development disorders and study in general educational institutions, there is a speech therapy service. This may be the introduction of the position of a speech therapist in the staff of an educational institution, the creation of a speech therapy room in the structure of the education management body, or the creation of a speech therapy center. The speech therapy center at a general educational institution has become the most widespread form. The main objectives of its activities are: correction of violations of oral and written speech; timely prevention of academic failure caused by speech disorders; dissemination of basic speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents.

Classes at the speech therapy center are held both in their free time and during lessons (in agreement with the school administration).
Children with an established diagnosis of mental retardation and students in classes of correctional and developmental education receive speech therapy assistance from a speech therapist attached to this class.
Responsibility for the mandatory attendance of speech therapy classes at the speech therapy center lies with the teacher-speech therapist, the class teacher and the school administration.
In modern conditions of intensive development of the system of special psychological and pedagogical assistance, there is a search for models of special educational institutions that best meet the modern socio-cultural and economic conditions of the country's life and the special educational needs of students, and models that could function effectively in remote regions of the country, in conditions shortage of staff of special teachers and psychologists, satisfying all the existing educational and rehabilitation needs of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.
New models of special educational institutions are being developed, built on the basis of the above-mentioned typical ones. Thus, such a model of a special educational institution is in demand, which, along with the function of education (preschool and school), performs the functions of a psychological and pedagogical consulting center, as well as a center for social services for the poor, a center for educational services in obtaining primary vocational education. Such models of special educational institutions function today in the European territory of Russia (for example, in Moscow, Novgorod, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg), and in the south (in Makhachkala), and in Siberia, and in the Urals (in Magadan, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg) . The needs of children and adolescents in health-improving work are met by the conditions of a special (correctional) health-improving boarding school, where pupils are offered a comprehensive program, including a differentiated
personality-oriented educational process, carried out in close connection with individualized medical and rehabilitation support and social and pedagogical assistance, as well as a favorable psychological climate and a comfortable socio-cultural environment of education in general (Moscow, boarding school No. 65).
There is a model of a modern educational institution for children and adolescents with severe and multiple developmental disabilities. Ten years of experience in the work of such an educational institution (Pskov Medical and Pedagogical Center) has shown the possibility and necessity of including children and adolescents with severe and multiple developmental disorders in the educational space.
There are other options for special educational institutions, created today by enthusiasts of special pedagogy in accordance with the possibilities of local socio-cultural conditions, national and regional characteristics.

Questions and tasks
1. Describe the modern school system of special education in Russia.
2. In what directions is the development of new types and types of special (correctional) educational institutions taking place?
3. Visit some special (correctional) educational institutions available in the city for different categories of children with special educational needs. Describe your observations.

Literature for independent work
1. Innovations in Russian education. Special (correctional) education.-M, 1999.
2. Education of children with developmental problems in different countries of the world: Reader / Comp. L. M. Shipitsina. - St. Petersburg, 1997.
3. On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions of I-VIII types: Instructional letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 48, 1997
4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1997 No. 288 "Model regulation on a special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with developmental disabilities."
5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 No. 867 "Model regulation on an educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance."
6. Typical provision on a speech therapy center at a general educational institution //Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation. Guidelines / Nauch. ed. L. M. Shipitsina. - SPb.. 1999.

2.4. Career guidance, vocational education system, vocational adaptation of persons with disabilities
Life self-determination of a person with disabilities in life and with limited opportunities in choosing a profession, types and forms of work.
The right to vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation", adopted on November 24 1995 G.
This law defines the activities of the State Service for Medical and Social Expertise and the State Service for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled.
In accordance with articles 10 and 11 of the law, a federal basic rehabilitation program and an individual rehabilitation program for persons with limited working capacity (disabled) are provided.
The content of the federal basic rehabilitation program and the procedure for its implementation are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
An individual rehabilitation program is a set of measures (medical, psychological, pedagogical, social) aimed at restoring, compensating for impaired or lost body functions and restoring (or forming) the ability to perform certain types of activities, including professional labor. As part of an individual rehabilitation program, a professional orientation of a person is carried out, taking into account his other, special working capacity.
An individual rehabilitation program for each person with limited ability to work is advisory in nature, not mandatory. In other words, a person can refuse both the entire program and its individual components.
One part of an individual rehabilitation program
is free, the other part can be paid by yourself
the person, institution or organization where he works, or
An individual rehabilitation program is drawn up by specialists of the State Service for Medical and Social Expertise after a comprehensive examination of a person with limited working capacity. Physicians, psychologists, teachers, social workers, representatives of the employment service take part in the preparation of the program.
Preliminary establishment of medical and social expertise,
after conducting a survey, determines the disability group, in accordance with which an individual rehabilitation program is built.
First group disability pr


Pre-school education for children with disabilities

The process of formation of the state system of special education in our country began in the 20-30s.

By the beginning of the 70s. a fairly wide, differentiated network was built preschool special purpose institutions:

· nursery gardens;

· kindergartens;

· preschool groups at nurseries, kindergartens and general-purpose orphanages, as well as at special schools and boarding schools.

In the course of the formation and development of the network of special preschool institutions, scientists and practitioners developed principles, methods and techniques for identifying, correcting and preventing deviations in the development of children, laid down many traditions of correctional education and upbringing of preschoolers, on which the system of special preschool education is built in general and is currently time. The following organizational principles for the construction of special preschool education were laid down.

Acquisition of institutions according to the principle of leading deviations in development. Thus, preschool institutions (groups) for children were created:

Hearing impaired (deaf, hard of hearing);

with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired, for children with strabismus and amblyopia);

with speech disorders (for children with stuttering, general underdevelopment of speech, phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment);

with intellectual disabilities (mentally retarded);

with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Less occupancy of groups compared to mass kindergartens (up to 15 pupils).

Introduction to the staff of special preschool institutions of such specialist defectologists as oligophrenopedagogues, deaf teachers, typhlopedagogues, speech therapists, as well as additional medical workers.

The educational process in specialized preschool institutions is carried out in accordance with with special comcomprehensive training and education programs, developed for each category of preschool children with developmental disabilities and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Redistribution of types of occupations between educators and defectologists. So, classes on the development of speech, the formation of elementary mathematical representations, design, and the development of gaming activities in the part of special preschool institutions are conducted not by educators, but by teachers-defectologists.

Organization of special types of classes , such as the development of auditory perception and correction of sound pronunciation, the development of visual perception, physiotherapy exercises, etc. There are similar areas of work in ordinary kindergartens, where they are included in the content of general developmental classes and, as a rule, are not distinguished structurally in the curriculum.

free . It is known that parents pay some fees for the stay of their children in a regular kindergarten. For children with developmental disabilities, an exception was made - no fee was charged from their parents (see the letter of the Ministry of Education of the USSR dated 06/04/74 "On the maintenance at state expense of children with defects in physical or mental development"). This right is still regulated by this document.

All work in special preschool institutions was subordinated to a single goal - to help families in the upbringing of "problem" children, realizing their potential to the maximum.

A characteristic feature of the Soviet education system were rather strict rules for admitting children with developmental disabilities to preschool institutions. Firstly, such children were not admitted to mass kindergartens. If a pupil of a mass preschool institution had developmental deviations later, in the course of training, then the question of his withdrawal from this institution and transfer to a specialized institution or group was decided rather harshly. As a result, experts, including foreign observers, evaluating Soviet education, noted the extreme closeness, isolation of institutions for children with developmental disabilities, the artificial alienation of pupils from normally developing peers and from society as a whole.

Secondly, a rather extensive list of diagnoses was established, which excluded the possibility of receiving public preschool education. Thus, children with combined, complex developmental disabilities were not admitted to special preschool institutions. For example, deaf-blind, mentally retarded children were not subject to admission to preschool institutions for children with hearing impairments. At the same time, deaf and hard of hearing children were not admitted to institutions for children with visual and intellectual disabilities. Assistance to such children was carried out in individual educational institutions and not in every region of Russia. In addition, children suffering from epilepsy, schizophrenia, psychopathic behavior, children with mental retardation in the degree of imbecility and idiocy, children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system requiring individual care were not subject to admission. Families raising such children had to make do with their education on their own and were often limited to medical measures.

We also note that it was possible to identify a child in a nursery-kindergarten only from the age of 2, and to a kindergarten - from 3 years. Young children were the object of public health attention and had practically no psychological and pedagogical support.

Thus, the established network of specialized preschool institutions made a huge positive contribution to the organization of the universal preschool education system, but turned out to be insufficiently flexible in relation to a large group of children with special needs that do not fall under the selection and staffing standards of these institutions.

Adopted in 1992, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and in 1995 the Federal Law “On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” introduced new state principles for organizing education in Russia, a new typology of educational institutions, made changes and in a number of organizational and legal aspects of special education.

Approved in subsequent years, the relevant model provisions for each existing and new type of educational institutions opened up new opportunities for the functioning of a wide network of educational institutions in which preschool children with special needs, as well as their families, receive the necessary psychological, pedagogical and medical care. social assistance.

First of all, these are preschool educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as preschool educational institutions).

For parents of a normally developing child, a kindergarten is a place where he can communicate, play with other children, have fun while his parents are at work, learn something new. For families raising children with developmental disabilities, a kindergarten may be practically the only place where the conditions necessary for the full development of such children are created.

In accordance with the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 1995 No. 000, the preschool educational institution provides education, training, care and rehabilitation of children aged 2 months to 7 years. Children with developmental disabilities are admitted to preschool educational institutions of any kind, provided there are conditions for corrective work, only with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) based on the conclusion of the PMPK.

Most children with developmental disabilities are raised in kindergartens of compensatory type and in compensatory groupsgroin combined kindergartens. Education and upbringing in these preschool institutions are carried out in accordance with special correctional and developmental programs developed for each category of children with developmental disabilities.

The occupancy of groups is set depending on the type of impairment and age (two age groups: up to 3 years and older than 3 years) and is, respectively, for children:

with severe speech disorders - up to 6 and 10 people;

· with phonetic and phonemic speech disorders only over the age of 3 years - up to 12 people;

Deaf people - up to 6 people for both age groups;

hearing impaired - up to 6 and 8 people;

Blind people - up to 6 people for both age groups;

visually impaired, for children with amblyopia, strabismus - up to 6 and 10 people;

with disorders of the musculoskeletal system up to 6 and 8 people;

with intellectual disabilities (mental retardation) - up to 6 and 10 people;

with mental retardation - up to 6 and 10 people;

· with deep mental retardation only over the age of 3 years - up to 8 people;

with tuberculosis intoxication - up to 10 and 15 people; frequently ill - up to 10 and 15 people;

with complex (complex) defects - up to 5 people for both age groups;

with other developmental disabilities - up to 10 and 15 people.

For children with developmental disabilities who, for various reasons, cannot attend preschool institutions as usual, short-stay groups are organized in the preschool educational institution. The tasks of these groups are to provide timely psychological and pedagogical assistance to such children, consultative and methodological support for their parents (legal representatives) in organizing the upbringing and education of the child, the social adaptation of children and the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities. In such groups, classes are conducted mainly individually or in small subgroups (2-3 children each) in the presence of parents at a time convenient for them. This new organizational form involves classes with different specialists of preschool educational institutions, the total duration of which is limited to five hours a week, (Basic: instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 06.29.99 No. 000 / 23-16 “On the organization of short-term stay groups for children with developmental disabilities).

These kindergartens and groups fall under the modern definition used in regulatory documents - "Special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils, with developmental disabilities."

Many changes in the sphere of domestic education are taking place under the influence of foreign experience. Thus, in developed countries, in relation to children with special needs, different models of integration into the environment of normally developing children are widely used. In the conditions of Russian preschool education, integrated learning is being introduced into practice slowly and carefully, since for its implementation kindergartens of a general developmental type should have a lot of conditions - special personnel and material and technical support for conducting correctional-pedagogical and health-improving work with children. The most realistic application of integrated learning is now seen in relation to children who, despite the presence of one or another developmental disorder, have a level of psychophysical development close to the age norm and psychological readiness for joint learning with normally developing peers. Specialists spreading the ideas of integration believe that it is now easier to create such conditions:

a) in general developmental groups kindergartens of a combined type, where compensatory groups also function;

Type VII special school designed for children with persistent learning difficulties, mental retardation (MPD).

The educational process in this school is carried out in accordance with the levels of general educational programs of two levels of general education:

1st stage - primary general education (3-5 years)

2nd stage - basic general education (5 years).

Children are accepted to the VII type school only in the preparatory, first and second grades, in the third grade - as an exception. Those who started studying in a regular school from the age of 7 are admitted to the second grade of a VII type school, and those who started studying in a regular educational institution from the age of 6 can be admitted to the first grade of a VII type school.

Children who have not had any pre-school training may be admitted at the age of 7 to the first grade of a Type VII school, and at the age of 6 to a preparatory class.

The number of children in a class (group) is not more than 12 people.

Students in the type VII school still have the opportunity to transfer to a regular school as developmental deviations are corrected, gaps in knowledge are eliminated after receiving primary general education.

If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, the child can study at a school of type VII during the year.

Children receive special pedagogical assistance in individual and group correctional classes, as well as in speech therapy classes.

Type VIII Special School provides special education for children with intellectual underdevelopment. Education in this school is not qualified, having a qualitatively different content. The main attention is paid to social adaptation and vocational training when students master the volume of educational content available to them in general subjects.

Studying at the school of the VIII type ends with an exam in labor training. Schoolchildren may be exempted from the exam (attestation) for health reasons. The release procedure is determined by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

A child can be admitted to a school of the VIII type in the first or preparatory class at the age of 7-8 years. The preparatory class allows not only to better prepare the child for school, but also makes it possible to clarify the diagnosis during the educational process and the psychological and pedagogical study of the child's capabilities.

The number of students in the preparatory class does not exceed 6-8 people, and in other classes - no more than 12.

The terms of study at a school of the VIII type can be 8 years, 9 years, 9 years with a vocational training class, 10 years with a vocational training class. These terms of study can be extended by 1 year by opening a preparatory class.

If the school has the necessary material base, then classes (groups) with in-depth labor training can be opened in it.

Students who have completed the eighth (ninth) grade pass to such classes. Those who have completed the class with in-depth labor training and successfully passed the qualification exam receive a document confirming the assignment of the corresponding qualification category.

Classes for children with severe mental retardation can be created and function in schools of type VIII. The number of children in such a class should not exceed 5-6 people.

Children can be sent to a preparatory (diagnostic) class. During the school year, the preliminary diagnosis is specified, and depending on this, the next year the child can either be sent to a class for children with severe forms of intellectual disability, or to a regular class of a VIII type school.

The completion of classes for children with severe intellectual underdevelopment is carried out at three levels:

1st level - at the age of 6 to 9 years;

2nd level - from 9 to 12 years;

3rd level - from 13 to 18 years.

Children under the age of 12 can be sent to such classes, their stay in the school system until the age of 18. Expulsion from school occurs in accordance with the recommendations of the PMPK and in agreement with the parents.

Children with psychopathic behavior, epilepsy and other mental illnesses requiring active treatment are not accepted into such classes. These children may attend advisory groups with their parents.

The mode of operation of the class (group) is established by agreement with the parents. The learning process is carried out in the mode of passage by each pupil of an individual educational route, determined by specialists in accordance with the psychophysical capabilities of a particular child.

For orphans and children left without parental care and having special educational needs, special orphanages and boarding schools are created in accordance with the profile of developmental disorders. Mostly these are orphanages and boarding schools for children and adolescents with intellectual underdevelopment and learning difficulties.

If a child is not able to attend a special (correctional) educational institution, he or she is educated at home. The organization of such training is determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the procedure for the upbringing and education of disabled children at home and in non-state educational institutions" dated 01.01.01 No. 000.

Recently, schools of home education have begun to be created, the staff of which, consisting of qualified defectologists, psychologists, works with children both at home and in conditions of partial stay of such children in a school of home education. In the conditions of group work, interaction and communication with other children, the child masters social skills, gets used to learning in a group, team.

The right to study at home is given to children whose diseases or developmental disabilities correspond to those specified in the special list established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The basis for the organization of home training is the medical report of the medical institution.

A nearby school or pre-school educational institution is involved in helping children learn at home. For the period of study, the child is given the opportunity to use textbooks and the school library fund free of charge. Teachers and psychologists of the school provide advisory and methodological assistance to parents in the development of the child's general education programs. The school provides intermediate and final certification of the child and issues a document on the appropriate level of education. Teachers-defectologists, additionally attracted to conduct correctional work, also take part in the certification.

If a child with special educational needs is homeschooled, the educational authorities will reimburse parents for the cost of education in accordance with state and local regulations for funding the child's education in the appropriate type and type of educational institution.

For the education, upbringing and social adaptation of children and adolescents with complex, severe developmental disabilities, with concomitant diseases, as well as to provide them with comprehensive assistance, rehabilitation centers of various profiles are being created. These can be centers: psychological, medical and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction; social and labor adaptation and career guidance; psychological, pedagogical and social assistance; social assistance to families and children left without parental care, etc. The task of such centers is to provide correctional and pedagogical, psychological and career guidance, as well as the formation of self-service and communication skills, social interaction, work skills in children with severe and multiple disabilities. A number of centers conduct special educational activities. Classes in rehabilitation centers are based on programs of individual or group education and training. Often the centers provide consultative, diagnostic and methodological assistance to parents of children with special educational needs, including informational and legal support; Rehabilitation centers also provide social and psychological assistance to former pupils of educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care.

Rehabilitation centers help educational institutions for mass purposes if children with special educational needs are trained and brought up there: they conduct correctional and pedagogical work and counseling.

To provide speech therapy assistance to children of preschool and school age who have speech development disorders and study in general educational institutions, there is a speech therapy service. This may be the introduction of the position of a speech therapist in the staff of an educational institution, the creation of a speech therapy room in the structure of the education management body, or the creation of a speech therapy center. The speech therapy center at a general educational institution has become the most widespread form. The main objectives of its activities are: correction of violations of oral and written speech; timely prevention of academic failure caused by speech disorders; dissemination of basic speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents.

Classes at the speech therapy center are held both in their free time and during lessons (in agreement with the school administration).

Children with an established diagnosis of mental retardation and students in classes of correctional and developmental education receive speech therapy assistance from a speech therapist attached to this class.

Responsibility for the mandatory attendance of speech therapy classes at the speech therapy center lies with the teacher-speech therapist, the class teacher and the school administration.

In modern conditions of intensive development of the system of special psychological and pedagogical assistance, there is a search for models of special educational institutions that best meet the modern socio-cultural and economic conditions of the country's life and the special educational needs of students, and models that could function effectively in remote regions of the country, in conditions shortage of staff of special teachers and psychologists, satisfying all the existing educational and rehabilitation needs of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

New models of special educational institutions are being developed, built on the basis of the above-mentioned typical ones. Thus, such a model of a special educational institution is in demand, which, along with the function of education (preschool and school), performs the functions of a psychological and pedagogical consulting center, as well as a center for social services for the poor, a center for educational services in obtaining primary vocational education. Such models of special educational institutions function today in the European territory of Russia (for example, in Moscow, Novgorod, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg), and in the south (in Makhachkala), and in Siberia, and in the Urals (in Magadan, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg ). The needs of children and adolescents in health-improving work are met by the conditions of a special (correctional) health-improving boarding school, where pupils are offered a comprehensive program that includes a differentiated personality-oriented educational process, carried out in close connection with individualized medical and rehabilitation support and socio-pedagogical assistance, as well as a favorable psychological climate and a comfortable socio-cultural environment for education in general are provided (Moscow, boarding school No. 65).

There is a model of a modern educational institution for children and adolescents with severe and multiple developmental disabilities. Ten years of experience in the work of such an educational institution (Pskov Medical and Pedagogical Center) has shown the possibility and necessity of including children and adolescents with severe and multiple developmental disorders in the educational space.

There are other options for special educational institutions, created today by enthusiasts of special pedagogy in accordance with the possibilities of local socio-cultural conditions, national and regional characteristics.

One of the goals of education at the present stage is the possibility of full development in childhood. At the present stage, one of the most relevant areas of special pedagogy is early assistance to children with developmental disabilities.

Early care is a rapidly developing area of ​​interdisciplinary knowledge that considers the theoretical and practical foundations of comprehensive care for children in the first months and years of life from groups of medical, genetic and social risk of developmental delay. Such a concept as “accompaniment” is built into the system of early assistance. This is a new type of social assistance for our country, which is non-material in nature, involves individual support in solving family problems and is carried out through the implementation of various socio-pedagogical, psychological, legal protection and habilitation programs.

Currently, the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education is developing a program to create a unified state system for early detection and early assistance to children with developmental disabilities. In Moscow, testing of various models of early assistance is carried out through the system of medical-psychological-pedagogical patronage, in existing psychological-medical-social centers, psychological-medical-pedagogical consultations. The structure of early assistance is represented by the following blocks: 1. Organization of early diagnosis and early medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance on the basis of existing preschool institutions 2. Creation of conditions for the stay of disabled children in preschool educational institutions.

A comprehensive prolonged examination of the child is the initial stage of work. The social block is involved in the work. The problem of pathogenic influences of the social environment at an early age is of great importance, because. this can lead to significant deviations. Equally significant is the medical block. In the process of medical diagnostics, the structure of the leading disorder is revealed, a clinical diagnosis is established taking into account the etiology and pathogenesis, and the timing and methods of medical correction are predicted. The psychological and pedagogical block is a diagnosis of the level of development of the child: 1) general movements, 2) sensory development, 3) speech formation, 4) hand-eye coordination, 5) emotional development, 6) self-service capabilities and skills.

Based on the results of a comprehensive survey, individual development programs are developed. The individual development program contains data on the needs of the child, on the rehabilitation potential of the family, as well as information on the level of development of the child in various areas. It details the main areas of work with the child and the family, lists specific activities for each of them, and also indicates the employees responsible for their implementation. At the final stage of the survey, the development of the child is predicted.

More on the topic Modern system of special educational services.:

  1. 13.3. Educational institutions, their types and organizational structure
  3. 15. Variability of the curriculum, textbooks and technologies of the educational process at school.

Special Pedagogy… an international pedagogical term. The English root “special” (special, individual) emphasizes the personal orientation of this area and pedagogy, its ability to solve complex individual educational problems of a particular person. children with mental retardation - 56 children with speech disorders - 1477 children with neuroses and syndromes - 277 children

Principles for restructuring special education education for all children with special educational needs; early identification of special educational needs of the child; reducing the gap between the moment of occurrence of a developmental disorder and the start of comprehensive care for the child; a variable standard of special education that takes into account the individual capabilities and needs of each child; semantic emphasis on the personal, social and emotional aspect; providing the family with a choice of organizational forms of education; continuous education throughout life; purposeful training of the child outside the image. institutions; the inclusion of parents in the process of correctional education and training; training of specialists of the new generation.

The system of special education of the Republic of Mordovia is represented by the following institutions: MU "City Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Consultation" (GO Saransk); MDOU "Kindergarten 91 of the compensating type" for children with intellectual disabilities (SA Saransk); MDOU "Kindergarten 22" for children with visual impairments (Go Saransk); MDOU "Kindergarten 24" (GO Saransk) for children with speech disorders (Saransk); 7 special (correctional) groups at mass kindergartens for children with mental retardation (SA Saransk); 68 speech therapy groups for children with general underdevelopment of speech and stuttering (SA Saransk); 20 special (correctional) classes for children with mental retardation in mass educational institutions (Government Saransk); Special (correctional) boarding school I-II type for deaf and hard of hearing children (Go Saransk); Special (correctional) school of the VIII type (Saransk) and special (correctional) boarding schools (Temnikov, Insar, Povodimovo, Dubensky district, Krasnoslobodsk) for children with intellectual disabilities; Special (correctional) boarding school for blind and visually impaired children (Ardatov).

The leading role in addressing the issues of timely identification of children with disabilities and determining the forms of their further education and upbringing is played by psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions, the legislative basis for which is Article 50 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and Article 14 of the Federal Law "On the Basics systems for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency”

As an effective means of organizing the education of children with disabilities, especially children with mobility difficulties, it is advisable to consider the development of a distance form of their education using modern information and communication technologies.

Special (correctional) educational institutions of the Republic of Mordovia (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type for orphans and children left without parental care Temnikovskaya special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type Saransk special (correctional) boarding school of the I-II type