Composition “The life-giving force of the poetry of Rasul Gamzatov.

Topic: “Singer of the native land, I sleep in a close grave ...”


Look forward, strive forward.
And yet someday
Stop and take a look
On your path.

Rasul Gamzatov.

... It is impossible not to love him:

He is warm, like a sunny day in the mountains, he is cheerful, like a swift mountain stream, he is bold, like a winged mountain eagle; kind and gentle, like a mountain deer ...

Eduardas Mezhelaitis.

Office design: 6 tables covered with a tablecloth; flowers, candlesticks with burning (in the final) candles, volumes of poetry; portrait of the poet, sketches of Caucasian landscapes, musical material (audio cassette), instrumental performance (guitar).

At each table there is a presenter, readers, an artist who makes sketches inspired by the poet's poems.

Biographer (teacher): Good afternoon, friends! We are glad to see you in our living room. Today our meeting is dedicated to the national Avar poet Rasul Gamzatov. On September 8, 2003, the People's Poet of Dagestan, Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes celebrated his 80th birthday. A native of a small, seventy sakley, Avar village of Tsada, Rasul Gamzatov was born in the September days of 1923. His father Gamzat was famous in the mountains for his wisdom, honesty and ability to ridicule human vices and shortcomings in public life with a sharp, red-hot word. The name of the native village of Tsada became the surname of Rasul's father, the poet and satirist Gamzat Tsadasa, the national poet of Dagestan.

At the age of eleven, Rasul wrote his first poems, which were published in an Avar newspaper.

After graduating from the Buynaksk Pedagogical College, he taught at his native school, worked in the theater, on the radio, and headed the department of the republican newspaper. The first collection of his poems "Fiery Love and Burning Hatred" was published in 1943.

Gamzatov continued his education at the Gorky Literary Institute in Moscow. For four decades he has been the head of the writers' organization of Dagestan.

His first poetic publications were widely known, and for the collection of poems “The Year of My Birth,” the twenty-seven-year-old poet receives the State Prize.

In the sixties, his poetic talent flourished, new books came out one after another: “My Land”, “Songs of the Mountains”, “Children of the House of One”, “White Cranes”, “Twentieth Century” and others.

Gamzatov traveled a lot around his native country and other countries of the world, met people. He received world recognition by publishing the poem “The Bells of Hiroshima”, in which the tragic events are recreated, and the author’s voice sounds harsh and naked.

Gamzatov’s wonderful prose book “My Dagestan” not only tells about everything he himself experienced, but also gives the poet’s reflections on life, art, the purpose of a person, love for the motherland,

Many of the poet's poems were set to music by composers J. Frenkel, E. Kolmanovsky, A. Pakhmutova, R. Pauls.

The poet's anniversary was solemnly celebrated not only in his homeland in Makhachkala, where representatives of creative unions and the Russian public, friends, and readers came to congratulate the poet. The publishing house "Soviet Writer" began publishing a multi-volume collection of the poet's works. On September 18, in Moscow, the Russian State Library hosted the opening of a book exhibition, which presented numerous books by Gamzatov, as well as publications dedicated to the life and work of the people's poet.

Russian President Vladimir Putin received the hero of the day at his residence and presented Rasul Gamzatov with the highest state award of Russia - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. The year 2003 was declared the Year of Rasul Gamzatov in Dagestan.

But about any poet, his poems speak best of all, they contain pain, joy, hope, and they are the best that the poet has created in his long creative life.

In his poems, Gamzatov talks about the fate of the world, humanity, the appointment of a simple person, his morality, his moral character, love for the motherland, a woman, and friendship.

First table. Leading.

Rasul Gamzatov called himself a poet, "singing the mountains of Dagestan." "Dagestan" - translated into Russian - is a "country of mountains". This republic is also called the “mountain of languages”. Indeed, dozens of multilingual nationalities live and work there, forever held together by a sense of brotherhood and unity. Dagestan in the past resembled a bone thrown to dogs to be torn to pieces ... It is not known what more sweat or blood was shed here. The poet is right when he notes that the history of his people is not written with a pen, not with ink, but with scars from saber wounds and burns from enemy conflagrations ...

For the modern highlander, the boundaries of his native land have expanded immeasurably. Nowadays, people from Dagestan auls work at the great construction sites of the country, in the laboratories of large scientific centers, stand at the border post, even kept watch in space, joining the cares of earthlings on unexplored routes of the Universe.

That is why the poet from the cloudy village of Tsada lived and worked with the invariable consciousness that he was responsible for the entire state as a whole.

Without friendship, my little people would perish,
Great only by the fact that love lives.
We are true friendship and a song about it
More necessary than air, and more necessary than bread.

The poet showed the beauty and wisdom of his people, their customs, introduced proverbs and fairy tales into poetry, that is, he depicted Dagestan “from the inside”. The poet's patriotic feeling is not only filial love for his people, for his native mountains, but also a feeling of inseparable unity with the entire great Motherland. “The Kremlin and the aul are two wings of a bird and two strings of my pandur,” he says.

The poet in his early youth set himself the task of glorifying his humble people, his beautiful Dagestan to the whole world. So that everyone - the whole world, all mankind - knows that on this blue ball there is also such an earthly point, which is called Dagestan and which has made a whole pearl necklace shining like sunny mountain peaks into the treasury of world civilization - its poetic contribution. This was no easy task. But he achieved his goal and could be proud of the fruits of his labor.

Poems (optional):

“I love you, my little people”; “I thank the flinty native land ...”; “Is it for you, my epic Dagestan, do not pray ...”; "My Dagestan"; "About the Motherland"; "Motherland"

2 table - Leading: The fate of the world is one of the main themes in the work of Rasul Gamzatov. “If you want peace, fight against war” is the motto of all the progressive people of the planet. And Gamzatov fought, considering it his duty to defend peace and help people build a happy future. In his poems, poems, the poet reflects on the fate of the world, humanity, they sound a passionate call to stop the arms race, to save the people of the planet from the horrors of war. Poems dedicated to the theme of the struggle for peace, the memory of those who fell on the fronts of the Second World War, will not leave anyone indifferent, because in the Second World War the poet also lost two brothers. Yes, and the bloody past of the Dagestan people makes Gamzatov call for peace, so that his native people would no longer suffer from bloody wars. Indeed, Gamzatov’s lines from the poem “Take care of mothers” sound like an alarm:

I am in the city, where at the sad gathering
All the grief of the world has now gathered,
I am in Hiroshima, in the epicenter of grief,
Here, everything is soaked through and through with death.

Gamzatov, like a great and genuine artist, has a low “pain threshold” and a responsive heart. For him there were no other people's pains, troubles, from which he would brush aside:

Wherever there is a fire, do not get away from the fire,
Wherever thunder rumbles, I perish from the storm.

The poet's soul contained the pain of an offended, destitute person and anxiety for the planet, for its peace and future. That is why he does not accept those for whom the globe of the earth is a watermelon to cut into pieces and shred with their teeth, or a ball for kicks. In the perception of Gamzatov, the globe of the earth is a dear face. And sincerely patronizing feeling:

The globe of the earth for me is not a watermelon or a ball.
The globe of the earth, for me you are a dear face,
I wipe your tears - do not cry,
I wash off your blood and sing over you...

Gamzatov is a poet of a generally romantic disposition, but poems, poems, octaves, inscriptions, even sonnets and elegies are insisted on figurative thought, on an artistic search for the causes and consequences of the alogism of life order, concern for the human race. And disturbing confessions are quite natural for the spiritual state of Gamzatov: “Modern life sometimes seems to me an ongoing concert. Cheerful, tragic, everyday, intoxicating. It sometimes seems to me that that instability, escapades of change, the change of eras, personalities that are happening before our eyes is also a kind of universal unceasing concert, an action with a tragic coloring. This is a premonition of trouble that should be averted. But how? This question, which has risen before the world community, was not guessed by Gamzatov today, but with increasing force it worries today.

Poems (optional)

“The twentieth century frowns severely…”; “The earth is a human cradle”; "Bell of Hiroshima"; "Toast"; “We are twenty million”; “Write on your dagger…”; “The globe of the earth, for some you are a watermelon…”; “In the mountains, horsemen quarreled, it happened ...”; "Piano in Hiroshima".

3 table - Leading: Rasul Gamzatov's love lyrics are an integral part of his work. His poems about love are sincere, pure, noble and full of tender care for his girlfriend. Gamzatov is a unique lyrical poet, a herald of high feelings, a chivalrous attitude towards a woman.

Gamzatov's love poetry attracts us with its humanity, purity of thought, frankness.

Charming, modest lyrical hero, whose feelings are strong and tender. He is truly happy when his beloved woman is happy, he is ready to carefully take care of her, but strives to be unnoticed. The love lyrics of the poet purify, ennoble the hearts of people, and this is its conquering power. Probably, more than one lover read Gamzatov's poems to his beloved, it was not in vain that the poet “feared”:

I'm talking about you, who is dearest to me,
I'm afraid to write poetry. Suddenly someone, loving,
He will speak with another, beloved too,
The words that I found for you

His wife and faithful companion Patimat Gamzatova is the first person to whom the poet read his poems. The poet himself made her a strict judge, she is, as it were, a part of that big thing that is called Gamzatov, a continuation of this big one, its significant branch. The grateful poet dedicated his touching poems to her.

Poems about love sound (optional): Readers:

“Parting is not a problem as long as there is…”; “If my love, my dear friend…”; "Favorite women's names"; "Testament of love"; “I'm talking about you, who is dearest to me…”; “I swore an oath to love…”; “I will light up the stars to please you…”; Sonnet “You stroke the heads of our three daughters…”; Sonnet “I want to proclaim love as a country…”; “You scratch your braid, upset by the fact ...”

4 table– Leading: Like all highlanders, Gamzatov highly appreciates true friendship:

I will say, if they ask: “What is the value of life?”
"The smile of a friend, the tears of an enemy."

About a mentor-friend who was, as a teacher should be, the personification of conscience, a strict judge, the poet writes:

Heavy ice cannot be melted with tears,
Don't call your old friends
They didn't get off their horses alive.
And they did not break the oaths of battle.
Friends are gone, gone forever.
You can't bring them back with a call or a prayer.
And, prematurely becoming grayer than smoke,
I bow my head before you.

Gamzatov has a lot of poems about a friend, a bearer of holy brotherhood, in which there is dignity, love for people, and loyalty to high comradeship, which identified the eternal that is the essence of the Caucasus. With faith in life, in its invincibility, an appeal to a friend sounds:

Soon the songs of the returned flocks
They will ring over the awakened thicket.
It's good that you are near, Mustai,
A true friend and true poet.

And his friends answered him with devoted friendship. Eduardas Mezhelaitis admits: “I love Rasul Gamzatov like a real brother… It is impossible not to love him… The feeling of love flows over the edge of his kind and generous heart. Everyone needs him: his native Dagestan, a working person, a beloved woman, beautiful native nature, the heroism of the defender of the socialist Motherland, our entire great Motherland ... ”

The song “Take care of your friends” sounds in instrumental performance (guitar).

Readers read poems about friendship:

"Legend of Friendship"

"About friendship "

“Comrades of my distant days”

5 table– Leading: The relationship of a person to his mother is the most important theme of Gamzatov's lyrics. Being a caring son, the poet pities forgotten mothers and condemns sons who do not fulfill their filial duty:

It seems to me that the one whose soul has hardened,
Who forgot childhood and dear mother,
Will not sell dear friend and business,
He can easily sell his homeland.

In the poem “A Letter from a Son,” the poet writes about his mother:

I remembered:
I'll run from school
Winter as a child
You meet me
You sit closer to the hearth
And you warm my hands with your breath.

And after the death of her mother, she grieves:

Who will now kindle a fire in the fireplace,
To keep me warm from the road in winter?
Who, loving me, will forgive my sins now
And pray for me in anxiety?

I took the Koran in my hands, embossed strictly,
Formidable imams bowed before him.
He says:
“There is no God but God!”
I'm talking:
“There is no mother but mother!”

Reading Gamzatov's poems dedicated to his mother, you involuntarily think about your mother and want to kneel before the most dear person.

The solemn hymn to all the Mothers of the Earth are the lines from the poem “Take care of the mothers”:

This word will never deceive,
There is a life being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything. He has no end.
Get up! I pronounce it: MOTHER!

Poems about mother sound (optional)

"Mum"; "Mothers"; "Take care of mothers"; "Letter from a son"; “Last date with mom”

6 table -Leading: One of the eternal themes in Gamzatov's lyrics is philosophical reflections on time and man. And “time” is perhaps one of the most frequent words in the poet's poems. Time as a form of being. And time is a century, an epoch. Without rest, without stopping, to keep pace with your time, to be ahead of it, to be a seer, to serve it is the poet's law. Increased sensitivity to the dreams and aspirations of the time, the ability to discover and highlight the “hidden” are extremely characteristic of Rasul Gamzatov. Isn't that why so many arts respond so widely to his poetry - music, cinema, dance? Even a sculpture... In our country there are three monuments to the soldiers who fell in the Second World War, the idea of ​​which was inspired by Rasul Gamzatov's poem "Cranes".

In the eyes of millions of Gamzats, he is almost an inviolable value, a poet, satiated with popular love and treated kindly by the authorities, almost a minion of fate. Judging by the external signs of the biography, of course, one can assume so, draw, imagine a certain image of a “court poet” who was born in paradise and lives in paradise - without worries and sadness ... But is it so? Through surprise and shock, delight and disappointment, gains and irreparable losses, Gamzatov came to the longed-for insight; the poet will not, should not have an easy, successful life and happiness separate from people, that he will have to pay for sins according to the most strict and tough account - his own fate. “I regret a lot,” the poet admitted from the pages of Pravda. - I regret that I did not write what I could write. But a much greater sin: he wrote what he could not write. And this is not a pose, but a manifestation of reckless sincerity, a cry from the soul about unhealed wounds in the heart ...

Gamzatov did not flirt with the crowd in order to look like a hero, and did not take the face of a victim of the system, but remained a citizen and poet of the sovereign faith - doubting, making mistakes, suffering, but never betraying! Maybe that's why it was difficult for him, it was not easy precisely because he remained himself, retained dignity and honor, exacting compromises and simply reckless lines from himself for even unnoticed compromises ...

It is felt that undeserved insults hurt Gamzatov’s heart from the groans and reproaches generated by the Afghan war and the interethnic conflict on the basis of the “Karabakh issue”, although he had nothing to do with it, since he did not impose or sanction anything, and it was not in his power to avert forces. But the blame attributed has the vileness of a poisoned bullet, designed for a slow and long torture of conscience:

I drink the cup of life without knowing it
Maybe she's poisoned...

He knew Gamzatov and the tricks of the century, and human infidelity, and the deceit of loved ones. The poem “Shamil” did not reach the reader in safety, about thirty years in captivity, the poem “People and Shadows” and the poem “Applause” were under house arrest.

Now I know myself for a long time
That the ladder is my lot,
The window shines high
Foot step...
And on which the blow awaits,
We are not allowed to know.

It's a pity that time is running out so fast. He compares it with an indomitable, swift-footed horse, with a mill that grinds human years with its millstones, with a stern accountant or an unkind broom ... “Unnoticed” years are getting smaller and it is difficult to come to terms with the fact that time is slipping away, “robbing us unceremoniously”. But Gamzatov believed that a person does not live in vain. You need to live in such a way as to leave a mark: “a house or a path, a tree or a word”. A person is not able to stop time, but he can serve people, do good, and this remains for future generations.

There are poems about time and man, about the poet himself (optional):

“We are on the ground, and our shadows too…”; “You are in front of us, time, do not be proud ...”; “Not all living things are dragged by death…”; "Poems about time"; "My birthday"; “Hey, young man, you see how the gray-haired old man ...”; “We will all die, there are no immortal people…”; "Time"; “We pass like trains…”; “You, time, are engaging with me hand-to-hand…”….

Bibliographer (teacher): Today we talked about Rasul Gamzatov as if he were alive. Most recently, on September 8, celebrating his 80th birthday, the poet asked fate, God for at least another year of life in order to put his “earthly” affairs in order. But life decreed otherwise... ON NOVEMBER 3, 2003, the restless heart of the famous Avar poet, one of the favorite poets of Russians, whose name is known throughout the world, stopped beating. On this mournful day, not only the Caucasus, but the entire multinational Russia said goodbye to the great son of the Avar people.

The bright memory of the people's poet will forever remain in the hearts of his many readers, for the poet is alive as long as his creations live.

“Let our names, our songs, our honor, our valor and courage not go into the ground, into oblivion, but remain an edification for future generations. Let good people stay in goodness, and bad people become good,” the poet wished.

(Candles are lit, “artists” attach their drawings to the stand - images inspired by the poet’s poems; the first couplets of the song “Cranes” (music by J. Frenkel) sound softly; words sound against the background of music)

RASUL GAMZATOV, an outstanding son of Dagestan, with his mighty talent, truly titanic energy, all-consuming love for his native land, faith in his native people, until the last days of his life, faithfully served the cause of friendship between the peoples of the Russian Federation, the cause of the flourishing of the literatures of the peoples of Russia.

May the grateful memory of the great poet, who found his place in the flying flock of white cranes, be endlessly long. (The music stops, everyone stands up and continues to sing the song in an undertone until the end).

    History of Avar literature.

    Describe the life and creative path of R. Gamzatov.

    What are the main themes and motifs of his post-war lyrics? What are its artistic features?

    What is the significance of the image of the father - the poet Gamzat Tsadas and the image of the mother in the works of R. Gamzatov?

    Expand the theme of the motherland in the work of the poet.

    What are the features of the love lyrics of the Avar poet?

    How is the historical past reflected in the work of R. Gamzatov? Show the development of the image of Shamil in the works of R. Gamzatov.

    What are the artistic features of the book "My Dagestan"?

    Describe the poems written on the basis of the impressions of trips to foreign countries (“The Bells of Hiroshima”, “The Island of Women”, “The Wheel of Life”).

    Tell us about folklore motifs in the poet's work.

    Reveal the features of R. Gamzatov's creativity of the late XX - early XXI century.

    The study of R. Gamzatov's creativity at school.


Dementiev V. Rasul Gamzatov. - M., 1984.

Zabora P. Writers of Soviet Dagestan. - Makhachkala, 1980.

Ognev V. Rasul Gamzatov. - M., 1964.

Khairullin, R. Z. Literature of the peoples of Russia: a textbook for universities / R. Z. Khairullin. - M. : Bustard, 2009.

Khairullin, R. Z. Literature of the peoples of Russia in the XIX - XX centuries. Textbook for grades 10-11 / R. Z. Khairullin. - M., 1995;

Khairullin, R. Z. Literature of the peoples of Russia. Materials for an optional course / R. Z. Khairullin. - M., 1992;

Khairullin R. Z., Pushkin V. N. Writers of the peoples of Russia. Bibliographic reference book. - M., 1993.

Chernoivanenko E. Autobiography and artistic structure of the work "My Dagestan" / / Questions of Literature of the Peoples of the USSR: Sat. articles. - Kyiv-Odessa, 1981. - Issue. 7.

Efendieva T. Lyric K. Kuliev and R. Gamzatov. - Makhachkala, 1981.

Yusupova Ch. Dagestan poem. - M., 1989.

The National Library of the Czech Republic has:

Poet of the village and the planet: guidelines for promoting the work of the national poet of Dagestan, laureate of the Lenin Prize Rasul Gamzatov: (on the occasion of his 60th birthday) / State. rep. young man Library of the RSFSR im. 50th anniversary of the Komsomol; [All-Union. about book lovers; comp. V. P. Alexandrov and others]. - Moscow: GRYUB, 1983. - 44 p.


Gamzatov, R. The Book of Love: [selected poems, sonnets, poems: trans. from avar.] / Rasul Gamzatov. - Moscow: Soviet Russia, 1974. - 334 p.

Gamzatow, R. Talk about Love: trans. with an accident / lyricist R. Gamzatov; comp. V. I. Sviridov. - Moscow: Art, 1983. - 88 p.


Dementiev, V. V. Caucasian notebook: [O. K. Kuliev, R. Gamzatov, A. Keshokov] / V. V. Dementiev. - Moscow: Sovremennik, 1989. - 430 p.

Love Above All on Earth: Songs to Verses by Rasul Gamzatov: for Voice, Accompanied. fp. (accordion) / comp. Y. Olizarov; [ed. foreword Ch. Aitmatov]. - Moscow: Soviet composer, 1983. - 87 p.

Topic 6. The theme of the Great Patriotic War in the stories c. Bykov.

Texts: Sotnikov. Obelisk.

    Creative biography of V. Bykov.

    Moral and ethical foundations of stories: the problem of choice and moral maximalism.

    Features of the plot and conflict.

    The drama of human consciousness, the logic of betrayal.

    The idea of ​​duty and the origins of the heroism of the heroes of V. Bykov.

    Features of V. Bykov's poetics. The role of psychology.


1. Bugaev D. Introductory article // Bykov V. Sobr. op. In 4 vols. M., 1985. Vol. 1.

2. Bykov V. How the story "Sotnikov" was created // Literary Review. 1973. No. 7. pp. 100 - 102.

3. Dedkov I.A. V. Bykov. Essay on creativity. M., 1980.

4. Lazarev L.I. V. Bykov. M., 1979.

5. Lazarev L. Not sparing himself // Literary review. 1979. No. 6. S. 29 - 33.

6. Lazarev L. Overcoming // October. 1987. S. 176 - 183.

7. Lazarev L. The Highest Code of Humanity // Literature at school. 1978. No. 1. pp. 13 – 24.

8. Ovcharenko A. Paphos and the protagonist of Vasil Bykov's books // Friendship of Peoples. 1983. No. 11. S. 244 - 250.

9. Shagalov A. V. Bykov. War stories. M., 1989.

It seems that Gamzatov is all read, thought out. However, it is difficult to write about him. It is difficult because Gamzatov is in constant creative movement, his talent and the course of poetic quests are too peculiar. He is not a slave to any single theme that has turned into an obsession over the years, he is not constrained by genre predilections, he is not notorious for frozen moods. His work is very diverse, but almost every poetic work has a deep philosophical meaning. Through doubts and numerous trials, through painful experiences and mastering the depths of folk morality, he reached the innermost layer of truths. “If the water is rotten, you will not see the bottom, even if the water was no higher than the knee”, “if you do not shoot at the past from a pistol, the future will shoot at you from a cannon”, “there is no direct shadow from a crooked stick”. Gamzatov is convinced that one cannot "bury one's wandering thoughts with straw or sand, one cannot drown out a muffled falsehood with loud excuses." Sometimes the subtle lyrics of seemingly intimate feelings are a clear confirmation of the general worldview, the philosophical thought of the poet. With all his work, Gamzatov proclaims that love is happiness:

No, I do not like poems about love,
When they shout about her, as about misfortune!
No, I don't like love songs
When, as if about trouble, they sing about passion!

Through surprises and shocks, delight and disappointments, gains and irreparable losses, he came to the longed-for insight, achieved a generalized sound of the theme of universal happiness:

To meet people with a smile,
And they said goodbye sad and quiet,
So that children are born without pain,
So that poetry is born with pain.

The main idea of ​​Gamzatov is that a person who carries cheerfulness, love for people, finds happiness himself and gives it to others. The position of the poet is also defined quite clearly: he cannot have happiness separate from the happiness of people. Enriched with the experience of his native folklore and the poetry of famous Russian poets, Gamzatov in his poems reveals in one form or another his own understanding of folk traditions and customs. In the poem "Goryanka", painting a picture of a wedding ceremony that was humiliating for a girl, he says:

That's how they sit in the village
In public and alone
Osman, as a husband, on a chair,
Soup on the floor like a wife

Loyalty to the precepts of the fathers, the principles of high humanism and genuine cordiality, kindness in relations between people, were established in "Poems about Gamzat Tsadas", the poem "Brother". In my opinion, the main goal of Gamzatov's philosophical lyrics is to "make" every person think about their own existence, but at the same time preserve and use the experience of previous generations:

Around flowers bloom and birds sing,
Storms will wash your gravestone.
I'm here, my father!
I am learning to look
To life with your clear eyes.

Did not leave Gamzatov without attention and "the process of shrinking human souls." He grieves from the realization that people are older than snakes and eagles on earth, but later "many of them became eagles, while others turned into snakes." Gamzatov's worldview is alien to straightforwardness, one-dimensional perception and comprehension of reality. The many faces of truth and the consciousness that life reconciles everything and preserves the interdependence of opposites, in his opinion, give rise to a state of duality:

Oh you, my comedy, why are you crying?
Are you laughing, my tragedy?

Reflecting on the tragedy of the classics of Avar poetry, Gamzatov, as it were, peers into his own fate, trying to unravel her destined descent:

I drink the cup of life without knowing it
That maybe she was poisoned

More than one poem by Gamzatov is devoted to time. Life is full to the brim, but time is powerless if the minutes lived are not wasted aimlessly:

The clock is ticking and ticking
What did you do listening to the fight?
Or had to keep them counting the minutes
Wasted senselessly by you?!

The very ticking of the clock is an image that destroys loneliness. Man is never alone, his eternal companion is time:

My friend, we can not live leisurely,
We don't have free days.
The horse is flying! Grab him by the mane
Jump on him, stubborn, on the back.

In many of Gamzatov's poems we hear the voice of Dagestan itself. The poet, with love and gentle humor, introduces us to the life of ordinary people devoted to their native land. In one of his poems he says:

And I'm through the morning haze
I could see in the foggy darkness
How laughter and cry sit in an embrace
On a dark and steep rock.

This bold, simple and visible image was created by the people themselves, in whose songs tears and laughter also live side by side. In my opinion, the main merit of Rasul Gamzatov is that he managed to preserve in his work the mountain originality, the blood connection with the life and fate of his people, to push the national boundaries of his poetry, to introduce something new. The poem "Tsadinsky Cemetery" is unique. The dispute with the idea of ​​death is a new stage in the philosophical thought of mountain poetry.
Summing up, it should be noted that Gamzatov today has reached the climax of his creative take-off. His original poetic word enriches multinational literature and, translated into many foreign languages, has already received worldwide recognition.

For a complete analysis of his work, we used a cycle of lyrical works, these are “My Dagestan”, “O Motherland”, “Highlanders”, “Dagestan, everything that people gave me ...”, “I am everything in the world ...”, “As long as it spins land”, and the story “My Dagestan”.

The freshness of perception of life, the ability to heartily and expressively draw people and the nature of the native land distinguish the poetry of R. Gamzatov. “Poetry without a native land, without a native soil is a bird without a nest,” said the poet. Rasul Gamzatov always wrote naturally and humanely, passionately and passionately, original and inspired, life-affirming and many-sided, bold and accusatory, bold and angry.

The poet explained the choice of his theme as follows: “My theme is the motherland. I don't have to search and choose. We do not choose our homeland, but the homeland chose us from the very beginning. There cannot be an eagle without the sky, a mountain tour without a rock, a trout without a fast and clean river, an airplane without an airfield. Just as there can be no writer without a homeland.

Rasul Gamzatov travels a lot around his native country, and fresh impressions enrich his work with new motives. Among them, the former, eternally alive, international and patriotic feelings are not lost, but strengthened.

The work of R. Gamzatov colorfully adorned the courageous image of Dagestan with a halo of high spirituality and cultural identity. At the same time, it significantly expanded the genre palette of national literature. On this occasion, the prose writer wrote: “Now in Dagestan they don’t wear our national clothes. They wear trousers, jackets, T-shirts, shirts with ties - like in Moscow, Tbilisi, Tashkent, Dushanbe, Minsk.

Now only artists of the song and dance ensemble put on national clothes. A man in old clothes can be found at a wedding. Sometimes, if a person wants to dress in Dagestan style, he rents clothes. His is no longer there. In a word, national clothes are disappearing, not to say disappeared.

But the fact is that for some poets the national form disappears in poetry, and they are even proud of it.

I also wear a European costume, I also don’t wear my father’s Circassian coat. But I'm not going to dress my poems in a faceless suit. I want my poems to wear our Dagestan national form.

With R. Gamzatov, the literature of Dagestan has come a long way and has taken a worthy place in world culture.

The poems and prose of Rasul Gamzatov are dedicated to a man with his inextinguishable passions - love and hatred. His hero, therefore, himself, passionately loves his socialist homeland, treats his mother with boundless love, is unconsciously in love with the beautiful women he meets on his path. But his first passion, first feeling, first love is Dagestan. In this concept, the most intimate thoughts and aspirations of the poetic soul of Rasul Gamzatov are concentrated.

Hatred for what hinders his love, rebels against it, only strengthens this boundless feeling. And woe to him who encroaches on this great passion:

I really like all nations.

And he will be cursed three times

Who dares, who tries

Blacken some people ....

Rasul in Arabic means “messenger”, or more precisely “representative”, he was a representative of a small people, a small country of Dagestan, for example, Rasul Gamzatov explains his name: “When you are asked who you are, you can show documents, a passport , which contains all the basic data. If you ask the people who he is, then the people, as a document, present their scientist, writer, artist, composer, politician, commander ... No matter where fate throws me, I everywhere feel like a representative of that land, those mountains, the village where I learned to saddle a horse. Everywhere I consider myself a special correspondent for my Dagestan. But I am returning to my Dagestan as a special correspondent for universal culture, as a representative of our entire country and even the whole world.

R. Gamzatov's voice was distinguished and heard by his devoted readers, not only by hundreds of thousands of his countrymen, but also by millions of "all-Union", most of whom got acquainted with Dagestan and its culture through his poems.

Dagestan is a country with a rich culture. For the inhabitants of this country themselves, the “culture of Dagestan” has many meanings, it includes the experience of creating the Dagestan peoples, which teaches how to live and work, teaches wise folk professions, the beauty of native speech, melodies and dances, helps to make friends with families, clans, auls, teaches to observe the good traditions of Dagestan hospitality, respect for the person, honoring the elders. The culture of Dagestan is the art of folk craftsmen, it is the harmony, pride and fidelity of mountain women, it is the stamina, courage and kindness of horsemen, it is the wisdom and resourcefulness of aksakals. All this that was listed is reflected in the work of R. Gamzatov. With the beauty of his speech, his talent, he was able to convey the "culture of Dagestan" in his poems for readers of any nationality, any other country.

R. Gamzatov writes fascinatingly, reading his lyrical works, you are completely immersed in the text. In his poems, one can hear how a mountain river flows through a gorge, how a stone, breaking away from a rock, rolls down, one can hear how flowers sing about their native land, how birds sing about what they saw in different parts of Dagestan all over the world:

There are many springs in my mountains,

All of them are beautiful and melodious.

Like twins, flowers in the fields.

And do not guess which is better ... .

With his talent, his rich speech, he describes all the beauties of the Dagestan region:

Green fields and clearings,

The green valleys and the meadow are shining,

As if they were washed by mountain women,

And then spread around.

The most difficult thing for R. Gamzatov was to leave for other countries, let's leave behind his house, aul, Dagestan:

When we went to distant lands,

"Where?" I didn't ask questions

I asked, "When are we going back?" -

My homeland is there.

Being in the distance of the Motherland, he compared his sadness, sadness, boredom with natural phenomena, with life processes. R. Gamzatov did not understand why “flying away, the autumn flock cries so sadly, sings so sadly”, “what are the clouds sad about when sailing away?” groans and cries as if alive? ”, He thought,“ sadness is causeless at the leaves lying in the dust near the roads, about their native branch, their sadness and grief. With age, from the moment he had to leave for other countries, leaving Dagestan behind, he began to understand and feel the pain of birds leaving their nest, flowers that a person picks from the ground, a stone breaking away from a rock, he said: “Now I understand, but before could not".

Wherever R. Gamzatov was, the poet's thoughts were only about Dagestan:

And wherever I live

My song aspires

To native villages,

To the beloved capital ....

Once in other countries, the poet looked for Dagestan everywhere: “I thought about Dagestan, traveling around India… I thought about Dagestan and in the Buddhist temples of Nepal, where twenty-two healing waters flow…. I thought about Dagestan and in Africa ... And in other countries: in Canada, England, Spain, Egypt, Japan - I thought about Dagestan, looking for either differences or similarities with it.

Returning to his native land, “the sun drank water like people”, “drank the stars from mountain rivers”, “greedily drank the sweetest air, infused with clouds”, and turned to Dagestan with the words: “I have seen a lot of lands, but you still the most beloved in the world.

R. Gamzatov's longing and sadness about his homeland turned into joy when he saw drums beating in the mountains of Indonesia like in the Dagestan mountains; a Caucasian in a Circassian coat walked the streets of New York; in London, ceramics were demonstrated at the exhibition - products of the Balkharians, famous potters; in Venice, tightrope walkers from the Lak village of Tsovkra amazed the audience; at a book dealer in Pittsburgh, the poet stumbled upon a book about Shamil. R. Gamzatov said: “From everywhere, from any place, wherever I go, strings are stretched to Dagestan.”

Rasul Gamzatov in 1968 wrote the story "My Dagestan". Kazbek Sultanov, a researcher of the poet's work, called this book a lyric-philosophical encyclopedia of a small people.

The poet in his work shows his Dagestan, with his own eyes. It would seem that Dagestan is the only one for all Dagestanis. Still, each Dagestanis has his own. In the story “My Dagestan”, R. Gamzatov wrote: “I also have my own Dagestan. Only I see him like that, only I know him like that. From everything that I saw in Dagestan, and everything that I experienced, from everything that the Dagestanis who lived before me and live with me experienced - from songs and rivers, sayings and rocks, eagles and horseshoes, from paths in the mountains and even from the echo in the mountains my own Dagestan was created in me.

Rasul Gamzatov is also attached to the highlanders as well as to the village, to the mountains, to the sky, to his native land. Highlanders and Dagestan are one whole for the poet, one without the other loses its values ​​and qualities. Highlanders with their courage, courage will protect Dagestan, Dagestan will shelter and feed. The poem of the poet "Highlanders" shows the values, cordiality, courage, steadfastness, resilience of the inhabitants of the mountains, and what the highlanders are capable of for the sake of honor, love and friendship:

Wider than the Don steppes

Their hearts are in the mountain gorge,

And under the black cloak conscience

Will never turn black.

And no songs, no toasts,

Whoever heard, he will not forget -

These are my high mountains

Wonderful people.

My people are not great in number

But great deeds.

Blood will give a drop for a drop,

So that she rises in flowers.

And he can't be trusted

He is devoted to his homeland

On the steep, on the sharpest

The twists and turns of our lives.

In the lyrical work "I love you, my little people" shows the temper and dignity of the people. Shows that in the most difficult turns of life, he knows how to be persistent:

Are you able to sadness severely

Meet without tears, without fuss ....

Shows the prostate of the people, the purity of their souls:

And without ostentatious fun

Can you rejoice...

Your soul is always open

And it is always wide, like the steppe….

It is impossible, of course, not to appreciate the pride of the highlanders and the strength of character:

Your proud character has not been erased,

And imagery lives in speech.

Oh, how I love the highlander with my heart

You, my little people! .

As the highlanders are tied to their native land, to the mountains, to the sky, so the poet considers himself a part of it, not realizing the meaning without Dagestan, he considered life incomplete without a spacious, beloved land. “If for some reason I didn’t have my native village and its environs, if they didn’t live in my memory, then the whole world would be for me a chest, but without a heart, a mouth, but without a tongue, eyes, but without pupils, a bird's nest, but without a bird," said R. Gamzatov.

The poetry of Rasul Gamzatov is both a river, and a sea, and mountains, and people, and the sky above them. Moreover, thousands of different things and concepts that make up a wonderful name - Dagestan.

With each poem he composed, with each new story about his native land, with each departure, the poet fell in love with Dagestan even more, considered him even more native and unknown to the end. R. Gamzatov noted: “Travelers bring home the songs of the countries they have visited. And only trouble is with me - wherever I go, I bring songs about Dagestan from everywhere. With each new poem, I seem to recognize it anew, understand it anew and love it anew. Inexhaustible and endless for me is my native Dagestan.

Rasul Gamzatov's poems have been translated into dozens of languages ​​from English to Japanese, from Arabic to Spanish. World literature has taken the Avar poet into its honorary rank. “Let at least one person read my book, and I will be glad. I want to tell this man about my small, simple and proud country. Where is it located, what language do its inhabitants speak, what do they talk about, what songs do they sing,” wrote Rasul Gamzatov in the story “My Dagestan”.

The Avar poet R. Gamzatov had a number of state awards: four Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd degree, the Order of Peter the Great, the Bulgarian Order of Cyril and Methodius, many medals of the USSR and Russia. R. Gamzatov did not care how many medals he received, it was important for him that he was heard. In his poems, the prose writer shared his joy with his native Dagestan:

Dagestan, everything that people gave me,

I will share with you in honor

I am my orders and medals

I'll pin your tops.

I will dedicate ringing hymns to you

And words turned into verse

Just give me a cloak of forests

And a hat of snowy peaks! .

The poet Robert Rozhdestvensky said this about Rasul Gamzatov: “He is a huge poet, who made famous Dagestan, the Avar language, and his mountains. His heart is wise, generous, alive. I saw him in many speeches, where he remained a citizen, a wise man, a joker. With enemies he fought without pity, beat them with wisdom. He is not only a Dagestan poet, but also a Russian poet.” Therefore, millions of people feel like citizens of the amazing and unique world of poetry and prose by Rasul Gamzatov.

R. Gamzatov considered his homeland not only Dagestan, but also Soviet Russia. “Two mothers for my people, for my country, for each of my books,” said R. Gamzatov. - The first mother is native Dagestan. Here I was born, here I heard my native language for the first time, learned it, and it entered my flesh and blood. Here I first tasted the taste of water and bread. My second mother is great Russia, my second mother is Moscow. She educated, inspired, led to a wide path, showed boundless horizons, showed the whole world. I am indebted to both mothers. Two mothers are like two wings ... As an eagle during a flight does not know which wing of the two is more necessary and dear to him, so I do not know which mother is dearer to me.

R. Gamzatov devoted many poems to Soviet Russia, the capital - Moscow. “Dagestan has never voluntarily entered Russia and will never voluntarily leave Russia,” the poet once said.

Creativity Rasul Gamzatov could not leave indifferent colleagues, friends, all spoke of the poet with respect. Yakov Kozlovsky noted the poetry of Rasul Gamzatov with the following words: ““The word is more valuable than a horse,” says the ancient wisdom of the highlanders. Rasul strictly adheres to this chiseled rule in his work: his poems do not tolerate fuss, are true to traditions coming from the metaphorical nature of folk speech and the experience of centuries. The brightness of the images, the sublimity and depth of thought, the euphony of the mode merge together in the poet, creating a surprisingly integral harmony of spiritual penetration into life. The poet is alien to both lightweight lyrics and pompous verbose rhetoric. He hates lies and vulgarity, stupidity and malice. Courage and breadth of views, independence of judgment, inner conviction are characteristic features of Gamzatov's poetry and prose. The poet's poems are original, deeply national, aphoristic.

The poetry of Rasul Gamzatov, who passed away in 2003, is a magnificent cultural era. The powerful creative energy of the poet, embedded in his poems, the bright lyricism and deep wisdom of his poetry captivate and enchant everyone who touches it.