Transit aspects of uranium to the planets of the natal chart. Aspects of the moon and uranium in the natal chart

Various sources for a child's horoscope

Your child often acts impulsively and unexpectedly. He has an extremely strong need for independence, both in thought and action. At the same time, the mood is likely to change very quickly. Rich imagination, intuitive abilities, original fantasy, inconstancy of feelings, strange and unexpected change of mood. Often one thing gets boring and a new one is invented, more adventurous and exciting. Possible - a tendency to obstinacy, eccentricity, whims, irritability.
The child considers his mother to be one of a kind, different from other mothers. May perceive his mother as unreliable in protecting and helping. During one day, the mother may be available to him, and the next day she is out of reach. The mother should strive for harmony with the child.

Het monster. Aspects of

Rich imagination, extraordinary abilities, but unexpected, inexplicable actions, perverted emotions. They abandon one thing to do another, even more adventurous one. Often - unfortunate life circumstances, generally a tendency to accidents. Family disorders. A strong desire to abandon the past.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Opposition, quadrature: such aspects may be associated with a special intensity of emotions, psychological volatility, imbalance. The manifestation of feelings is explosive, there are unexpected outbursts of emotions, often for no apparent reason. The most insignificant occasion can spoil the mood and lead to extremes. A person dreams of peace, the ability to keep his feelings under control, but this is given to him with great difficulty. He may react aggressively to hide his vulnerability.
These character traits often underlie instability in family life (however, the same is often observed with the conjunction of the planets).
The connection can take on the values ​​of harmonious and disharmonious aspects, depending on the favorable or unfavorable aspect.

Absalom Underwater. Aspects of

Square of the Moon: It is necessary to distinguish people whose soul is sleeping from those whose soul has already flown away.
The square of the Moon gives great internal difficulties associated with the Planetary principle, especially when it is perceived. For example, the square Moon - Mars gives a feeling of rudeness and aggression of the outside world in situations where it is not even remotely similar, and vice versa, a person can be aggressive and cruel without noticing it. The square of the Moon makes the ego programs associated with the Planet convex and visible: a person really wants to egoistically consume its principle, but the circumstances of external and internal life develop in such a way that he does not succeed, resulting in severe frustration, resentment against the world, a complex of underconsumption etc. This person has many sharp inner corners in the spheres of the Planetary Principle, he constantly stumbles over them, and the more he pities himself, the worse he becomes. The karmic meaning of this square, however, does not lie in straightforward asceticism and the rejection of the principle of the Planet (this can sometimes lead to illness), but in a detailed and thorough study of the subconscious programs corresponding to the Planet, highlighting egocentric and evolutionary-constructive components in them and establishing an adequate diet : the problem of the square of the Moon lies, in particular, in the fact that the ego wants to eat, directing at itself, the vibrations of the entire Planet, but it succeeds badly, or, if the Moon is significantly stronger than the Planet, then a strong profanation of the latter occurs. For example, the Moon-Venus square can make a person a ruthless consumer of the opposite sex, who is subconsciously perceived (at least in love) as unconditionally primitive and rude, and develop respect (i.e., a skill that prevents conscious and subconscious profanity) for It can be very difficult for the other gender. Elaboration gives a good understanding and subtlety in relation to the Planetary Principle, as well as a vision of its action in someone else's subconscious, which gives good pedagogical abilities in the relevant areas; for example, a well-developed Sun-Moon square is an aspect of a class teacher or elementary school teacher.
Square of Uranus: The talent of the average hand craves a minute of inspiration, the big one - a minute of respite from it.
The squares of the higher planets give the effect of fate, which is useless to fight, more precisely, harmful, since a person can ruin his life (and others) by wrong behavior in the spheres of the Planet that is squared to the highest, a person can be very serious. However, a person chooses a way of relating to what is happening and a way of seeing it, the so-called point of view: both the point where he looks and the point from where, that is, being at what positions, he looks, and this choice mainly determines his elaboration squares of the higher planets and, consequently, fate within the framework of world karma.
For example, the square of Venus - Uranus gives not only an irresistible tendency to eccentric and uncontrollable social behavior in the most inappropriate conditions for this, but also the inability to love a partner for a long time who does not change over time - a person becomes inexpressibly bored. However, in this regard, you can change partners once a month, or you can change your point of view on this instance every day, discovering something fundamentally new in it, although the second option is much harder.
In general, the square of Uranus gives the Planet genius on the verge of the norm (sometimes on the other side of it), but it can be very difficult to constructively implement Uranian ideas and revelations. A person needs to try to understand the meaning of his eccentricity, learn to read the Uranic signs in Planetary manifestations, and then he will begin to partially see the complex pattern of karma that swirls around him, and, perhaps, will reveal to the world something hitherto unseen, incomprehensible and impossible, but, by that no less real. The manifestations of the square of Uranus cannot be understood - you can only get used to them and learn how to use them somehow, but, with all the luck and effectiveness of their applications, a person will have the impression that he is shooting sparrows from cannons, and a target worthy of Uranus remains invisible. The square of Uranus gives wonderful opportunities to put spokes in the wheels of others, and if a person sets himself the goal of preventing evil and involutionary programs, he can become very resourceful in this. Unfortunately, this square is more often used, on the contrary, to disturb the evolutionary flow, to create whirlwinds in it, i.e., karmic knots, in which, of course, the creativity of the Absolute is manifested, but the person through whom this creativity is realized becomes a black teacher. However, for the fate of a particular person, it is not indifferent at what level and how this black teaching takes place, in the role of a critic, an informer or an executioner, therefore one should be attentive to the manifestations of the square of Uranus, since here minor accents (including an internal attitude to what is happening) can have far ongoing consequences.

A. Ryzhov. Health, ASC, Sun, Moon

Causes illness due to nervous tension and accidents. Nervous breakdowns. That is, she barked - Uranus worked. Vitality is zero, no pulse, no respiration, and BP 100/200. These Uranian things, they very, very weaken a person. It is better to give a pumpkin to your counterpart and quietly get off at the next stop. Accidents are all written beyond Uranus.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects of

Rich imagination, extraordinary abilities, but strong emotional perversity, unexpected, inexplicable moods. Often one thing gets boring and a new one is invented, more adventurous and exciting. Often unfortunate, higher circumstances - accidents associated with unexpected bad health, social and natural disasters, or an unstable home situation, frequent change of residence. Extremely harmful violations in the family. Often friends excite feelings or vice versa. They are looking for something unusual, spiritually exciting. They always look at the world with new eyes, a strong desire to abandon the old, the past, which creates excitement.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

Impulsiveness, spontaneity, irritability, heightened sensitivity, eccentricity, extraordinariness, excitability, imbalance, a tendency to extreme judgments and actions, inconstancy, impatience, the desire to immediately satisfy one's desires, lack of patience and endurance, a tendency to break, self-will, self-will, a tendency to suicide. For men - divorces, inconstancy in affections, for women - miscarriages.
The positive side is the desire for spiritual freedom and independence, the struggle against violence, numerous, original interests, a wealth of ideas and plans, an inventive spirit.

For the past two or three months, I have periodically received requests to write a publication about the intense interaction of the night luminary and the first higher planet. For astrologers and people interested in this branch of esotericism, Uranus occupies a special place in the soul. It is understandable, because this planet patronizes astrology, as well as everything unusual, non-standard and unpredictable. Uranus is generally characterized by the particle "not". This is a planet with its own peculiar character, which you clearly feel in forecasting: you expect one thing from Uranus, he will do everything in his own way, not at all what you expect from him. Therefore, people who have accentuated Uranus in the chart through aspects with personal planets or a position in an angular house always have a rebellious disposition, they tend to act only as they themselves want, and not as people around them wish.

What gives the native the aspect of the Moon and Uranus, except for the need for freedom, limited by no one and nothing? Of course, violent emotionality. Extremely stormy. The emotional reactions of such a person are unpredictable, sometimes he himself may be surprised by the feelings that he experiences at one time or another. However, Uranus is a fast planet, and therefore such "outbursts" are short-lived. In my opinion, this aspect, in terms of uncontrolled emotions, is a bit similar to the tense aspect of the Moon and Mars.

Moreover, such an aspect does not give special deep emotionality. Of the three higher planets, Uranus belongs to the category of mental planets, because it is the highest octave of Mercury, and it rules Aquarius. No matter what, Neptune and Pluto - they give strong and very deep emotional reactions, and the latter generally endows the need for intensity of feelings and experiences.

The family life of such a person can hardly be called stable, because a motor is constantly itching inside him, pushing him to non-standard antics, which, of course, is by no means a positive effect on relationships with a husband, wife, parents, and especially with his mother! Mom with this aspect can be an unusual, independent person, and I won’t say that she is especially caring. If the owner of the aspect is a man, then he will be interested in women with the corresponding character traits.

When I studied at the full-time department at the Academy of Astrology, I met a girl in whose chart the Moon was in square to Uranus. So, the girl inherited her interest in astrology from her mother, who works ... as an astrologer! In general, judging by the stories, her mother is a very interesting and unusual person. She cuts her hair like a crew cut, dyes her hair in some bright color. At that moment, Uranus, by the way, formed a tau - a quadrature in her chart, since the natal Moon is located in Libra, so relations with her mother were not that aggravated at that moment, but her mother was clearly eccentric.

Uranus usually does not give a strong attachment to the mother, and parents in general. Yes, and a person will also not experience special sentimental feelings for the place of birth, unless, of course, his Moon is in Cancer or in the Fourth House. It is difficult for a native with such an aspect to take care of his parents, he strives in every possible way to escape from custody. A friend of mine has a Moon in Capricorn conjunct Uranus. He has a very difficult relationship with his mother. In fact, he does not put it in anything, he does only what he wants and is completely uncontrollable. She, as a stellium Aries, is, of course, infuriated by this state of affairs. Therefore, for them, constant showdowns and quarrels, the main reason for which is his disobedience, is a completely normal phenomenon.

In astrology, Neptune is usually responsible for intuition from the higher planets. However, Uranus, through interaction with the night star, also gives a person a sixth sense. Simply, unlike Neptune, Uranus illuminates with flashes - and the native intuitively understands what's what and why. For people born in 1989, and a little later, in general, a very interesting picture - Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were in conjunction, and for some this stellium fell on the Moon. Saturn, of course, has nothing to do with intuition, but the higher planets endow a person with a strong sense of smell.

By the way, let's talk about food. After all, nutrition also correlates with the Moon, and with a tense aspect from Uranus, a person may have unusual taste preferences. For example, my father, in whose map the quadrature between these planets, likes to make a sandwich with sausage, and be sure to pour some jam on top. I can hardly imagine how these two incompatible, in my opinion, products can interfere, so I cannot eat at the same table with my father. This summer, a new thought hit him. He did not eat anything at all for 15 days - that is, such people have a superficial attitude to food.

For women and girls, this aspect is unpleasant because it can give problems with conception, pregnancy and childbirth. It could be premature birth. Miscarriages are not uncommon with this aspect, especially if one of the planets is related to the Fifth House - the house of children. As far as I can tell, these aspects do not affect the number of children. This is not Saturn, which reduces everything, but pregnancy and childbirth, the owner of the aspect of the Moon and Uranus, must be taken very seriously!


Moon conjunction Uranus Story by: Jack London, Carla Bruni.

Moon square Uranus Cast: Michael Jordan, David Beckham, Jessica Alba, Katie Holmes, Audrey Tautou, Gerard Butler, Roman Polanski, Nicole Kidman, Carl Gustav Jung, Vladimir Zelensky.

Moon opposition Uranus: David Copperfield, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Svetlana Khodchenkova.

With love,

Let's consider what astrological influence the quadrature and opposition of the Moon, the planet responsible for our inner world, have.

The meaning of squares and oppositions of the Moon in the natal chart

Square or opposition Moon - Mercury in the natal chart

This man is constantly suffering because of his long tongue. All his secrets are an open secret. The feeling that he is not given rest can bring him to painful states. He is afraid to leave the house - and yet he cannot help but do it. The amount of bad news he hears is amazing. The gossip spread about him by all and sundry is monstrous.

He is defenseless in front of anyone who has a microphone or a pen in his hands. He gets excited when he speaks, and maybe that's why he forgets that he swore a thousand times to keep his mouth shut. He certainly needs to know where everything is, but people never tell him the truth. He always comes last - because he turned the wrong corner and made an extra detour. He constantly loses something along the way and never remembers the direction indicated to him.

Square or opposition Moon - Venus in the natal chart

Unpleasant person. What is called - vulgar. In his appearance, a claim to culture is visible, but this is precisely a claim. Pathologically unable to keep a distance between himself and others, everywhere demonstrating personal interest in what he intends to do together with someone else. People turn away from him - he seems to them greedy for someone else's good.

Eternal victim of injustice. He clings to his own when he needs to get along with others. And he never succeeds in creating beautiful relationships, just like setting the table.

Square or opposition Moon - Mars in the natal chart

Aggressive person. Throws himself at others out of fear. It is dangerous to turn your back on him. His attacks are always unexpected and inadequate, because he takes revenge for past grievances that you have already forgotten about. Resentful. He always acts in a kind of excitement, in a rather pathetic way, and always knows that he is too weak to fight fair.

But what he wants to get seems vital to him, and dishonesty will not stop him. Selfish. And it is very dangerous for those who encroach on his loved ones. Never offend those who depend on him if you want to live to old age. Accumulates resentment, although not for very long. Bites. Hits with what is at hand. Will die in a collision with someone who is holding a real weapon.

Square or opposition Moon - Uranus in the natal chart

This person feels like he is living on a volcano. Yes, while everything is calm, there are no clouds of smoke and lava flows. But he knows that the hour will come - and everything will explode. His behavior turns out to be very non-standard, while everything is calm around. But if there is a smell of disaster next to him, he instantly becomes completely normal, resourceful and nimble.

It turns out that all his oddities were absolutely necessary, because only with their help can one survive now. Of all those who remained prosperous in quiet times, only he remains alive. Because it never happens where it's scary. This means that he is very mobile and does not stay in one place for a minute. Is he paranoid? Tell it to those who lie under the rubble.

Square or opposition Moon - Neptune in the natal chart

Everyone wants something from him. They constantly come to his house to ask for money in debt or to tell about their misfortunes. In the store, it is he who will get expired milk, because he will be distracted by some stupid buyer with his questions. Everyone strives to climb under his wing. There will always be someone who is worse off than himself. He must not swim alone, because then the only one who can drown will be himself, and he will certainly do so. Smells are important to him. His stomach is capricious, and poisonings are quite frequent in his life.

Square or opposition Moon - Pluto in the natal chart

A person behaves as if he is constantly threatened with reprisal in case of disobedience. He will not want to admit that he is a danger to armed commanders, because he is afraid to even think about such things, but he is. He is afraid. But this does not prevent him from constantly being in their rear. He stalks them as the weak stalks the strong, and waits for them to fall asleep to strike.

Because otherwise he cannot get rid of them. The feeling of danger almost never leaves him - that's why he is so careful. His reactions are inadequate, he explodes, reaching almost hysteria - but this does not happen often. In addition, he gets hurt when he behaves like that. Prefers to remain silent most of the time. But it is he who sits in ambush. And no one should forget about it.

What does the Moon in square Jupiter mean?

According to Moon square Jupiter astrology, events often cause you to experience disappointment. As always, you should definitely look at the house ruled by Jupiter in the natal chart to see what effect this unfavorable aspect will have on this area of ​​life.

One of my clients had a new moon square with her Jupiter ruling her eleventh house. Unexpectedly, this aspect turned out to be the beginning of the end of her friendship with an acquaintance. She also embarked on a journey that cost her a fortune but disappointed her because it didn't live up to her expectations.

When a full moon or lunar eclipse is in favorable aspect with Jupiter, you must be careful not to overdo it and not overwork. Overeating, too plentiful libations, too large expenses are not excluded. Perhaps you will make plans for a long trip.

Moon square Jupiter. If you are in graduate school, you may be able to complete your dissertation. You can make a long-term decision about what philosophy and what religious beliefs you will adhere to. With a full moon or a lunar eclipse in square Jupiter, you may feel very disappointed in something.

You can get what you really wanted, but it turns out that in fact this thing is not at all what you thought. It may turn out that someone you were counting on did not live up to your expectations, or a trip that did not live up to your expectations ends.

The character of a person with a quadrature or opposition Moon - Jupiter in the natal chart

  • His soul is wide, but too amorphous.
  • He forgives himself for everything.
  • Nobody takes his needs seriously, and therefore everyone refuses to satisfy them.
  • Everything that he asked, they promised to give him without fail, but somehow they forgot about it behind other worries.
  • He has a feeling that he exists according to the residual principle: on you, God, that we are worthless.
  • He is afraid of poverty, and his idea of ​​​​a minimum that protects against hunger is such that normal people are afraid that he will not gobble up the whole wide world.

On the other hand, he is complacent, even too much. And anyone who seems important to him can get whatever he wants from him.

What Happens When the Moon Squares Saturn

Often the client's parents were cold, critical, and overbearing. Clients with a Moon square Saturn aspect often absorb this energy. They tend to imitate or copy the behavior of their parents.

The task of these people (as well as anyone with complex aspects) is to constructively process this energy and never allow its repeated negative manifestations, while transferring it to a higher level. A person who works on himself will understand the need for this and will try very hard to prevent this from happening.

It is helpful for clients to say, “You will unconsciously gravitate toward this type of behavior. The key to overcoming the situation is to understand when it happens to you and to be able to stop in time.” When Venus is square with Saturn in a client's chart, as a rule, he has problems regarding love, money and self-esteem.

Moon square Saturn. As a child, this person often felt rejected, so he feels different from everyone else, not deserving of friendship and love, and also not good enough.

In many cases, the source of this feeling was an actual lack of love on the part of one or both parents. As a result, such clients are always looking for confirmation that they are worthy people and find it hard to believe that someone loves them. Sometimes they have difficulties when they demand what is due to them, or when they cannot get such love or such money that would satisfy them.

In this case, the astrologer must return to the basics. Venus has a loving nature, while Saturn can be cold, so the feeling of love can be held back and it can be difficult to show love or affection. The barriers erected by these people and their coldness can make it difficult for other people to approach them.

If they feel that others can be trusted or that these people have passed the test, they often relax and allow people to approach them. A person with Venus square Saturn almost always experiences bitter disappointment in love. Even those with mitigated Venus/Saturn aspects may experience belated love and difficulties in love.

Square or opposition Moon - Saturn in the natal chart

Life is short and full of hardships. This person is afraid to show their feelings, but cannot resist it. He's scared all the time. Because his memory is never enough to keep the rules necessary for successful survival. He again forgot to do something due, and this will cause disaster. He seems to love punishment.

He is late. Fulfills exactly as many requirements as allow him to stay alive, but not succeed. I would like to be precise - but it is practically impossible. The situation he's dealing with is never the way it should be - and it scares the hell out of him because he doesn't know how to react to it. He faints when he is called to his superiors with a progress report.

What does the square of the moon with the fourth house of the horoscope mean

According to astrological knowledge, the square of the Moon with the fourth house is more likely to be associated with the completion of some business, while the square with the tenth house rather speaks of a new undertaking. To determine if this square is formed with the fourth or tenth house, rotate the chart so that the planet is in the Ascendant (place the planet on the Ascendant).

Then you will see where the Moon comes out in progression: from the side of the fourth house or from the side of the tenth house. The square of the moon with the fourth house always means the end of the matter, completion. The square with the tenth house leads you towards destiny.

It involves an undertaking, so its impact is less harsh. Trine Progressed by the Moon The best aspect in your chart, as we all know, is the trine. When the Moon in progression forms a trine with a planet, it seems that everyone around is eager to give you a chance.

Square of the Moon with the fourth house. You have talent, skills, or you know something that everyone needs and is in demand by everyone without exception. You are lucky.

If you have health problems, they will disappear. If you quarreled with someone, reconciliation will come. Amazing things will happen to you. The sextile formed by the Moon in progression The formation of the Moon in the progression of the sextile with the planet means an opportunity.

If you want to use her, she will introduce herself to you. Other people may give you a chance. Some choose to use it, others do not.

You can use the opportunity to your advantage, or you can ignore it. Inconjunct Progressed by the Moon Another aspect I'm looking at is the inconjunct, the 150-degree aspect.

Various sources for a child's horoscope

Your child often acts impulsively and unexpectedly. Sparkling ebullient personality, fascinates everyone. He has an extremely strong need for independence, both in thought and action. At the same time, the mood is likely to change very quickly. Intuitive abilities, original fantasy, inconstancy of feelings, strange and unexpected change of mood. Possible - eccentricity, whims.
The child considers his mother unusual, one of a kind, different from other mothers. During one day, the mother may be available to him, and the next day she is out of reach. The mother should strive for harmony with the child.

Het monster. Aspects of

Ability to spontaneously find original solutions. Efficiency when it comes to innovations, inventions. Sparkling, seething nature. Home atmosphere, parents - everything is unusual. Often - occult abilities, interest in astrology.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Connection: sensitivity combined with independence, eccentricity. The personality is somewhat eccentric. He likes to walk the beaten paths and live as he lives. The charms of the family hearth are cool, feelings are strong, but scattered, sprayed, which relieves suffering. Inconstancy of behavior, frequent mood swings.
Trine, sextile: Same meanings as in conjunction, but focusing mainly on freedom of conduct, independence in love affairs, and strong feelings.

Absalom Underwater. Aspects of

Trine of the Moon: Ingratitude is a wall that protects the personal happiness of a person from the disharmony of the world as a whole.
In the spheres ruled by the Planet, it is difficult to emotionally hurt this person for a long time: his ability to restore the balance disturbed in the subconscious is amazing. Trine Moon - Venus gives extreme internal resistance to love experiences, trine Moon - Sun - to any imperative circumstances. When set egocentrically, the Moon trine produces a neat but utterly ruthless vampire in the areas associated with the Planet, ruthless because he is completely unaware of what he is really doing. For example, with an undeveloped Moon-Venus trine, a person can sincerely love and somehow understand art, but his perception will be largely physiological, that is, it will be accompanied by a gross profanation of aesthetic flows. After talking with the artist and sincerely praising his paintings, this person will cover them, and at the same time the creator himself, with a film of banality and dullness, and the artist will have to come to his senses for some time and put his gift in order, cleaning it. On the contrary, the study of this trine gives a man of art, whose every step and gesture can be admired, not to mention his house and the food he prepared.
The trine of the Moon gives brilliant abilities for intuitive learning in areas controlled by the Planet (for example, a trine to Mercury gives the ability to languages, a trine to Mars - sports, to the Sun - to control someone else's will), and at the same time, outstanding laziness in the same directions , which helps to overcome various external and internal troubles or, at a high level, the general spiritual Aspiration, when a person feels the importance of each of his choices and actions and responsibility for them. At a low (and medium) level in the spheres of the Planet, a semi-conscious position is characteristic, like: "If necessary, I can easily, but why try?" and a general, but very sincere egocentric orientation with a subconscious feeling: "Of course, the whole world should try for me, but for whom else?" At the same time, a vast area of ​​grayness with pockets of decay is hidden under a thin film of well-being, but all this is mostly forced out into the subconscious and manifests itself in a general depressive background that makes any constructive work on oneself and in the outside world deeply hopeless and meaningless. The study goes along the path of overcoming laziness and the tendency to profane everything that happens in the spheres of the Planet, and both should be perceived not as their shortcomings, but as direct enemies (i.e., according to the 7th house). In general, it can be said that the trine of the Moon is trying to imperceptibly direct the lower principle of the Planet to serve the ego or, at best, the human family, and karmically it is supposed to be worked out, expanded and improved through the transformed lower programs of the subconscious: a gourmet turns into a cook.
Trine Uranus: Genius, like dullness, is never moderate.
The trines of the higher planets give a person protection and stability of fate on such high planes that most often it remains almost imperceptible. They do not give a specific, as with the trines of the lower planets, but rather a mystical, barely perceptible feeling of someone's benevolent attention, something like a guardian angel with an increased number of wings, and the genus of this angel depends on the specific higher planet that forms the trine.
Uranus gives an unpredictable, original, inventive, but, as a rule, not practical enough guardian angel. That is, this is not really so, but the practicality of the trine of Uranus can only be appreciated by a person who sees karma well: he will see how the formidable dangers arising on the horizon are taken away by someone's firm hand, when none of the ordinary people suspects about it. The visible manifestations of the trine of Uranus are that completely unexpected ideas, emotions, impulses of action and ways of perception come to a person in the areas controlled by the Planet, and most often these Uranian trifles are not only good in themselves (if this is not so, they are easily managed redirect to the outside world and other people), but also give the keys to big breakthroughs in comprehending the principle of the Planet - with consistent and thorough work with the material. If a person is content with Uranian manifestations in the form in which they come to him, he ceases to understand its more subtle (and more meaningful) hints and interpret the signs, and with all the apparent eccentricity and unconventionality, he nevertheless becomes rather banal and boring to himself, not being able to rise to the level of true creativity and insights, and as a result coming to the great Uranian crisis unprepared. An average level of development can give a talented scientist engaged in real science (in the areas determined by the Planet), but mainly within the framework of the traditional approach, without the desire to blow up the foundations and lay them fundamentally anew. At a high level - a special genius in the spheres corresponding to the Planet, which allows harmoniously, almost without destroying the corresponding situation, to build it, however, on new principles, giving a strong impetus to development, or to untie a large karmic knot almost without sacrifice.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects of

The original ability of elemental transformation. Efficiency when it comes to innovations, inventions. Sparkling ebullient personality, charming, energetic, resolute. Home atmosphere, parents - everything is unusual. They are looking for unusual experiences. Often paranormal abilities, interest in astrology and the occult.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

It gives a heightened sense, intuition, clairvoyance, insight, originality, ingenuity, striving for something new, friendliness, altruism, humanity, humanity, fidelity, sincerity.
The negative side of these aspects is too free views on love.

Het monster:
Ability to spontaneously find original solutions. Efficiency when it comes to innovations, inventions. Sparkling, seething nature. Home atmosphere, parents - everything is unusual. Often - occult abilities, interest in astrology.

Catherine Obier:
Trine Moon - Uranus
Connection: sensitivity combined with independence, eccentricity. The personality is somewhat eccentric. He likes to walk the beaten paths and live as he lives. The charms of the family hearth are cool, feelings are strong, but scattered, sprayed, which relieves suffering. Inconstancy of behavior, frequent mood swings.
Trine, sextile: Same meanings as in conjunction, but focusing mainly on freedom of conduct, independence in love affairs, and strong feelings.

A. Underwater:
Trine Moon - Uranus
Trine of the Moon: Ingratitude is a wall that protects the personal happiness of a person from the disharmony of the world as a whole.
In the spheres ruled by the Planet, it is difficult to emotionally hurt this person for a long time: his ability to restore the balance disturbed in the subconscious is amazing. Trine Moon - Venus gives extreme internal resistance to love experiences, trine Moon - Sun - to any imperative circumstances. When set egocentrically, the Moon trine produces a neat but utterly ruthless vampire in the areas associated with the Planet, ruthless because he is completely unaware of what he is really doing. For example, with an undeveloped Moon-Venus trine, a person can sincerely love and somehow understand art, but his perception will be largely physiological, that is, it will be accompanied by a gross profanation of aesthetic flows. After talking with the artist and sincerely praising his paintings, this person will cover them, and at the same time the creator himself, with a film of banality and dullness, and the artist will have to come to his senses for some time and put his gift in order, cleaning it. On the contrary, the study of this trine gives a man of art, whose every step and gesture can be admired, not to mention his house and the food he prepared.
The trine of the Moon gives brilliant abilities for intuitive learning in areas controlled by the Planet (for example, a trine to Mercury gives the ability to languages, a trine to Mars - sports, to the Sun - to control someone else's will), and at the same time, outstanding laziness in the same directions , which helps to overcome various external and internal troubles or, at a high level, the general spiritual Aspiration, when a person feels the importance of each of his choices and actions and responsibility for them. At a low (and medium) level in the spheres of the Planet, a semi-conscious position is characteristic of the type: If necessary, I can easily, but why try? and a general, but very sincere egocentric orientation with a subconscious feeling: Of course, the whole world should try for me, but for whom else? At the same time, a vast area of ​​grayness with pockets of decay is hidden under a thin film of well-being, but all this is mostly forced out into the subconscious and manifests itself in a general depressive background that makes any constructive work on oneself and in the outside world deeply hopeless and meaningless. The study goes along the path of overcoming laziness and the tendency to profane everything that happens in the spheres of the Planet, and both should be perceived not as their shortcomings, but as direct enemies (i.e., according to the 7th house). In general, it can be said that the trine of the Moon is trying to imperceptibly direct the lower principle of the Planet to serve the ego or, at best, the human family, and karmically it is supposed to be worked out, expanded and improved through the transformed lower programs of the subconscious: a gourmet turns into a cook.
Trine Uranus: Genius, like dullness, is never moderate.
The trines of the higher planets give a person protection and stability of fate on such high planes that most often it remains almost imperceptible. They do not give a specific, as with the trines of the lower planets, but rather a mystical, barely perceptible feeling of someone's benevolent attention, something like a guardian angel with an increased number of wings, and the genus of this angel depends on the specific higher planet that forms the trine.
Uranus gives an unpredictable, original, inventive, but, as a rule, not practical enough guardian angel. That is, this is not really so, but the practicality of the trine of Uranus can only be appreciated by a person who sees karma well: he will see how the formidable dangers arising on the horizon are taken away by someone's firm hand, when none of the ordinary people suspects about it. The visible manifestations of the trine of Uranus are that completely unexpected ideas, emotions, impulses of action and ways of perception come to a person in the areas controlled by the Planet, and most often these Uranian trifles are not only good in themselves (if this is not so, they are easily managed redirect to the outside world and other people), but also give the keys to big breakthroughs in comprehending the principle of the Planet - with consistent and thorough work with the material. If a person is content with Uranian manifestations in the form in which they come to him, he ceases to understand its more subtle (and more meaningful) hints and interpret the signs, and with all the apparent eccentricity and unconventionality, he nevertheless becomes rather banal and boring to himself, not being able to rise to the level of true creativity and insights, and as a result coming to the great Uranian crisis unprepared. An average level of development can give a talented scientist engaged in real science (in the areas determined by the Planet), but mainly within the framework of the traditional approach, without the desire to blow up the foundations and lay them fundamentally anew. At a high level - a special genius in the spheres corresponding to the Planet, which allows harmoniously, almost without destroying the corresponding situation, to build it, however, on new principles, giving a strong impetus to development, or to untie a large karmic knot almost without sacrifice.