Lawyer training in absentia. Jurisprudence: second higher education

RPMU offers to get a second degree legal education in Moscow. Training takes place by correspondence form on a paid basis.

To build a career, open your own business and develop it, it is very important to know the legal side of the legislation of the Russian Federation. A large number of universities offer such education, but you need to pay special attention to the very status of the educational institution where you get a diploma.

RPMU - state law university and for a long time has been training qualified specialists in the field of law.

Currently, anyone who wants to gain knowledge in the legal field can enter a university on a paid basis and study in absentia. Graduates of the University receive a state diploma of higher legal education in the degree of bachelor or jurisprudence.

RPMU has branches in the following cities: Moscow, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Voronezh, Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan.

Advantages of obtaining a legal education in a university.

Education, for those wishing to receive a second higher legal education, is structured in such a way that students can combine work and study.

It should be noted, thanks to which it is RPMU that provides such a prestigious higher legal education. Key reasons include:

  • compulsory practice for all students, regardless of whether they study full-time or part-time. It is practice that is important in the assimilation of theoretical material in the legal sciences;
  • participation in international programs related to issues of jurisprudence and management.

University students receive in-depth theoretical training in their chosen direction, this opportunity is given to them by a wide range of disciplines studied. Industrial and undergraduate practice allow you to expand and consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge.

Specialists who teach at RPMU also play a huge role. Most of the teachers are active lawyers and economists who combine their main work with teaching. And in jurisprudence, it is extremely important to always be aware of the current and new laws of the country. It is the majority of RPMU graduates who actively work in the judicial system of the country and are its elite.

Obtaining a second higher legal education at the Russian State University of Justice significantly increases the prestige of a worker in the judiciary, because the RSUE is the only university in this field in our country.

direction of preparation,

Form of study

Training period

030900 Jurisprudence,
Bachelor of Laws


  • state-legal,
  • criminal law,
  • civil law

(abbreviated program

080200 Management

(property management),

Bachelor of Management

part-time education (on the basis of higher
professional education)

(abbreviated program

Correspondence form of education for legal education in Moscow is presented in the form of a weekend group -
all training and control classes (lectures, seminars, tests, exams) are held throughout the year on Saturdays from 9.00 to 17.00.

The list of documents provided by the applicant for legal education in Moscow:

    the original (for viewing) and a copy of the document (in the personal file of the applicant) proving identity and citizenship; a copy or original of a state document on higher professional education with annexes to it;

In addition to the documents, the applicant attaches 4 photographs 3 x 4 cm in size (matte, without a corner) to the application.


Legal education is not only the most popular direction for colleges and universities, but also the most popular choice of applicants. Unfortunately, many people dream of getting an education as a lawyer, but not everyone gets a job.

However, if you approach your studies as a lawyer from the right side, then the results will be expected - you will not be left without a job. And if we take into account the fact that a lawyer is only a common name for a dozen professions and specializations, then for sure, you will definitely find your place in the labor market.

In general, a lawyer is a sought-after specialty, because in a person’s life, in the activities of a businessman, in the conduct of production, there are many issues that need to be resolved in accordance with the laws. And not according to the laws of the 90s, when everything was determined by force, but within the framework of the country's legislation.

And of course, to solve such issues, you need someone who will be competent in the field of law and law. This person is a lawyer.

At the same time, in itself, "Lawyer" is just a word. Legal education cannot take place without specialization. For example, by enrolling in a full-time or part-time college, a lawyer will receive a specialization in jurisprudence. And by continuing his studies, he will subsequently be able to become:

  • a lawyer;
  • judge
  • investigator
  • prosecutor

Study for a lawyer

A graduate of a full school can choose where he wants to go to study law - to a college or university. A graduate of the 9th grade will be able to enroll in law school only in colleges. The courses do not teach such a specialty.

Getting a law degree is just as difficult as getting a medical degree. Studying to be a lawyer requires studying theory as well as practice. Knowing the law is a must for a lawyer. And given that the laws are imperfect and changeable, keeping track of their changes is the direct duty of any jurist.

Fortunately, as a rule, studying to be a lawyer at a university involves specialization and, therefore, he does not need to be fluent in all the rules of law in all branches of jurisprudence. But students of colleges and technical schools are most often given a general specialization that covers both civil law and criminal law. There's nothing you can do about it - you have to learn a lot. By the way, this is why employers are skeptical about specialists who have received a diploma in absentia, although, as they say, they only “meet by clothes”.

What does legal training mean?

Despite any obstacles to employment, getting a specialty "lawyer" is prestigious.

To join the stream of training for lawyers, you need to choose an educational institution:

  1. College is a secondary educational institution that trains practicing lawyers. Teach in colleges and colleges.
  2. The university is a higher educational institution that trains independent lawyers who can work in all areas of jurisprudence.
  3. In some cases, you can also take legal courses. But this is not a legal education, but rather a refresher course. You will not be able to work as a lawyer after studying at the courses. But they can take as assistants.

Lawyer Training Options

There are also several

  1. Face-to-face learning - you can study anywhere. The most popular form of education will be available to graduates of grades 9 and 11 who wish to receive a secondary vocational education. The road to the university is also open to those who have graduated from 11 classes. Today, thousands of colleges, technical schools and universities of the country are ready to accept applicants into their ranks.
  2. Correspondence education - it is not more difficult to enter here. You can also study in absentia as a lawyer in colleges and universities. But graduates of the 9th grade, as a rule, this path is not available. First you will need to finish 11 classes of school.
  3. Distance education is also a great option. Suitable for graduates of 11 classes of school. You can study in absentia as a lawyer in many educational institutions, but you need to take into account the fact that there may be problems with employment.

Distance learning for a lawyer

Despite the many shortcomings of correspondence education of a lawyer, residents of the capital often decide to study as a lawyer in this way. And, of course, many employers, when talking with a young specialist who has received a law degree, pay attention to the name and rank of the educational institution. But not a single employer strongly focuses on the form in which this education was received. It turns out that distance learning for a lawyer in Moscow, although it has drawbacks, these disadvantages are not obvious to the employer.

Distance education is associated with two study options:

  1. Traditional teaching in classrooms, where the teacher is the main one, who determines all the activities of the student.
  2. Distance education (Internet education), which gives scope for independent activity: the teacher only gives assignments, but the distance student himself finds further ways.

Distance learning for a lawyer in Moscow

You can study in absentia as a lawyer in various educational institutions of the capital. Sometimes this system is resorted to by those who already have one higher education, while the second, especially legal, brings more opportunities to get a new job or position.

Moscow universities teach in absentia according to the system of modules. Having received all the tasks for the modules (textbooks, tests, tests in electronic form), the correspondence student needs a certain amount of time to complete everything. Then you need to show tasks and close the module. In this way the course will be gradually completed.

You can study for a lawyer in absentia in Moscow, for example, at the MIEPP, the Law Institute of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, YuI MIIT and many other universities. There will be no difficulties in finding an educational institution. This is a popular specialty and you can literally find a suitable university or college in the area where you live. With distance learning to become a lawyer, everything is also quite good. You can study at Synergy University, the First Moscow Law Institute and many others.

Studying as a lawyer is a rather complicated and stressful process, but at the same time interesting, requiring analytical thinking skills. This is not a simple memorization, but a constant analysis of the material that is remembered for a long time. But due to the fact that the education of a lawyer in absentia is possible in many universities and colleges, this path will be somewhat easier for students to go through. There will definitely be no problems finding a university or college that is convenient for them.

And the result of training as a lawyer is employment. This is where you need to be prepared for the fact that the best places have been occupied for a long time, and the queue of graduates for the worst ones. But with proper preparation and finding a suitable place of practice from the student bench, you can be sure of the result. Maybe not right away, but certainly over time.

The legal profession has always been considered one of the most prestigious and responsible. People who were well versed in the laws were always highly valued and respected. Therefore, many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to obtain a law degree in absentia. In principle, it is possible, but before submitting documents to a university, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances that we will talk about today.

In the following paragraphs, we will consider all issues related to obtaining distance legal education and discuss the specifics of this method of education.

Distance education is a great opportunity for people whose age is as close as possible to the average mark. Some people receive a second or even a third diploma in absentia in order to expand the range of their competence. It is worth noting that students who prefer part-time study have the opportunity to work full-time and do not worry about skipping classes. Therefore, a person who has always dreamed of becoming a lawyer has the opportunity to get a full diploma through distance learning.

As practice shows, today everyone can get a correspondence education - most universities provide such an opportunity. Many young mothers on maternity leave are trying to learn a new profession. And the specialty of a lawyer can be a great help for a future successful career. There are many women lawyers who have reached the heights of their profession.

Women on maternity leave and people who are immersed in work have one thing in common - they have very little free time. And part-time education is a great opportunity for them to get higher education. To obtain a diploma, a student needs only a few weeks a year to attend an educational institution for passing tests and exams. Of course, no one canceled the independent study of the material throughout the year, but this is a personal matter for each student.

If you decide to become a lawyer, but have very little free time, apply for a correspondence course. Almost every university that graduates qualified lawyers provides for distance learning. A person who strives to master one of the areas of jurisprudence can receive a full-fledged diploma with minimal time costs. For some people who plan to get a distance education, a law degree can become a second or even third. Thus, they are trying to expand the level of professionalism and increase their chances of getting a high-paying position.

In addition, on our website you can find information about the possibility of admission to graduate school after receiving a law degree. Usually there is no problem with this. Almost all universities that graduate lawyers provide such an opportunity. That is, if you have received higher education in absentia, then you have every chance to enter graduate school. At the same time, postgraduate study can also imply a correspondence form. For many busy people, this is a great opportunity to earn a degree.

What is the duration of training?

The answer to this question depends on the characteristics of a particular situation. The initial education received has a great influence. For example, if it is the first for a student, then the duration of study will be 6 years. And when applying for graduate school, you can safely add another 4 years. In the case of obtaining a second higher education, the duration of study is only 3 years. At the same time, postgraduate study implies the same period as in the previous version.

Distance learning has other benefits as well. For full-time education, documents can be submitted only once a year - in the spring. And if the future lawyer did not have time to collect all the necessary certificates and did not enter, he will have to wait another whole year. In the situation with the correspondence form, things are much better. Here, students are recruited twice a year - in spring and autumn. If the applicant failed to enroll in the spring, then he can re-apply in the fall. Many students first enter one faculty and, after studying for six months, apply for another specialty.

Often, young people who have not yet weaned from school are not mentally prepared for admission in the spring. They can take a break in the summer and with renewed vigor apply for correspondence forms in the fall.

It should be noted that each university has its own specific recruitment of students for part-time education. This is especially true for legal professions. Before finally deciding which form of study to choose, it is necessary to carefully study the nuances that may arise in the admission process.

If we talk specifically about law faculties, then everyone can enroll in these specialties, while choosing a correspondence form of education. This is a great opportunity for very busy people who can combine work and study.

- it is this form of education that is especially popular among those who plan to combine the acquisition of knowledge with labor exploits, moving up the career ladder already during the period of study and acquiring the desired financial independence. At the same time, jurisprudence is one of the specialties in which interest has not dried up for decades, and its relevance is not lost even today. Moreover, it is the legal direction that is considered one of the most promising.

Training for a lawyer today is offered by almost every university or university - both public and commercial, where you can get an education for the first or second time. And choosing a correspondence department, the student receives such advantages as:

  • less strict conditions for admission than for daytime or evening;
  • the opportunity to save both on the training itself and on daily trips to the university;
  • the possibility of full-time employment from the first year;
  • a full-fledged diploma with a prestigious specialty without excessive effort and energy consumption;
  • the ability to manage your time and freedom of planning.

Programs of study at the Faculty of Law

At Synergy University, you can study to be a lawyer both in college (program "Law and Social Security Organization"), and by enrolling in a bachelor's or master's program - under the programs "" or "".

Mastering the specialty "jurisprudence", the student gets acquainted with various branches of law (administrative, tax, land, labor, banking, family, financial, etc.) and comprehends such disciplines as history, theory of state and law, philosophy, office work, intellectual property, the basics of a notary and others - depending on the chosen direction.

Learning Features

To be a good lawyer, it is not enough to read a couple of textbooks and solve a few practical problems. A specialist in the field of law learns all his life - both through his own practice and through the experience of colleagues. The special requirements that this profession imposes on its owner are the presence of such qualities and traits as analytical thinking, attentiveness, contact, curiosity, good memory, understanding of professional ethics and responsibility.

Most of these qualities can be developed by applying diligence in studies and paying due attention to industrial practice - there are usually a lot of them in the faculty of law. And by combining education and work in starting positions, as happens in the case of admission to the correspondence department, you can not only gain professional experience, but also significantly move up the career ladder.

Application of legal education

To successfully develop in the field of jurisprudence, you must at least acquire initial experience and choose a good direction for applying your professional efforts. Graduates of law faculties are welcomed to the legal departments of private companies and government agencies, as well as to the bar and notaries.