Summary of the lesson “Journey to Antarctica. Video presentation "Antarctica: flora and underwater world" for children of the preparatory group

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Presentation for children of the preparatory school group "Journey to Antarctica"

Map of Antarctica -Antarctica, Antarctica! You are cold even in appearance, - You lie on a colored globe, an icy spot.

Want to go to Antarctica? - Let's get on the ship, what shall we call it? (Icebreaker) - This is a ship with a strong bow, it splits even the strongest ice floes.

Antarctica is a huge continent at the South Pole, where over 90% of the territory is covered with ice and snow all year round.

In some places, the ice cover reaches 4 km in thickness!

Antarctica has some of the strongest winds on the planet. Sometimes they blow at a speed of 320 km/h!

The average temperature in Antarctica in winter is -60 °C. If you drop a metal bar in such a cold, it will shatter into smithereens like glass!

Scientists are constantly monitoring how the climate on Earth is changing. They believe that environmental pollution on the planet is beginning to threaten Antarctica as well. Due to the fact that the climate on Earth is getting warmer, the ice of Antarctica is slowly melting.

If all the ice in Antarctica suddenly melted, the sea level would rise by as much as 60 m!

Icebergs are huge mountains of ice. They were taken out to sea. Their forms are very different. In sunny weather, icebergs appear colorful and look very beautiful. The largest iceberg in the world was discovered in Antarctica in 1956. It occupied an area of ​​31,000 sq. km.

In the north-west of Antarctica on Victoria Land there is a lake on which ice appears only when the air temperature drops to -50 ° C. This happens because the water in this extraordinary lake is 11 times saltier than the sea.

Antarctica is the sixth continent of the Earth, discovered much later than all the others - in 1821 by the Russian expedition of Bellingshausen and Lazarev.

Inhabitants of Antarctica

Adelie Penguin

In the Arctic fields I hunt all day, The cries of seagulls above me. I dive all day. And my name is (seal). - We are sea animals, For whales it is more dangerous than thunderstorms. We have such fins that are sharper than sharp braids. (killer whales) - Killer whales are predatory dolphins. - The beautiful black house in Antarctica wears it. Ice is transparent and cold. For him, the sweetest of all. He walks into the transshipment, Like an important gentleman. Our clumsy (penguin) catches fish in the sea - Who are the penguins? (these are sea birds). - Are there any other birds? (albatrosses, petrels, skuas)

emperor penguins

Emperor penguin and baby penguins

penguin egg


This is what kind of animal world prevails in Antarctica.

Antarctica is the only part of the world that does not belong to any state. According to the international treaty on Antarctica, only scientific activities are allowed there.


Prepared by:

teacher of MAOU "Progymnasium No. 119

Saransk Republic of Mordovia

Bogdanova Zoya Alexandrovna

Goals and objectives:

To form in children an idea of ​​the features of the nature of Antarctica, to continue to form ideas about the interdependence of living organisms on the environment (polar animals).

Antarctica - the pole of cold and winds

It is the most isolated continent on the planet. Antarctica is covered with ice. The fauna is concentrated in the coastline, so the life of all animals is connected with the sea and they are all marine predators. The most numerous are penguins.

What is the name of our planet? ( children's answers) That's right, Earth. The Earth has two poles. Which? ( children's answer: North and South. The Arctic, which lies at the North Pole, and Antarctica, which surrounds the South Pole.) The Arctic and Antarctica are real icy deserts. These are the coldest places on the planet. There are no plants here, and a few animals find their food in the sea. The air temperature reaches -80 degrees, there is snow all around, large ice floes, a strong wind blows. We have already begun to get acquainted with some features of life in the polar regions. And today we will continue to discover the secrets of the South Pole - Antarctica.

Antarctica is the highest continent. The ice of Antarctica contains the largest supply of fresh water.

The climate of Antarctica is the coldest on Earth. In winter - minus 60-75ºC, in summer - up to minus 50ºC. On the coast - from 0ºC to minus 20ºC. In Antarctica, precipitation is possible only in the form of snow. The fallen snow forms new layers of ice, there are lakes and rivers. They appear in summer, and in winter they are covered with an ice crust. There are many subglacial lakes. Of this amount - Lake Vostok, is non-freezing. The peculiarity of the flora and fauna of Antarctica is directly related to its climate. All animals live only where there is vegetation.

The waters around the mainland are rich in zooplankton, which is the main food for whales and seals, fur seals and penguins. And they also live here ice fish- amazing creatures that have adapted to life in ice water.

The flora of Antarctica is extremely poor. Most of all there are algae - about 700 species. The coast of the mainland and its plains, free from ice, are covered with mosses and lichens. But there are only two types of flowering plants.

colobanthus kito belongs to the clove family, a cushion-shaped herbaceous plant with small white and pale yellow flowers, does not exceed 5 cm.

Meadow antarctic belongs to the family of cereals, grows up to 20 cm, tolerates frost well. It grows only in areas of land that are well lit by the sun.

All plants of Antarctica have successfully adapted to the eternal cold. Their cells contain little water, and all processes are very slow.

Meadow antarctic

colobanthus kito



Do animals live in Antarctica? It turns out they live. This animal is a penguin, but the question is: who is he?




killer whale





The penguin hunts for fish and swims well. May be. This is a fish?

(No. He lives on earth, after all.

  • The penguin is fat, hardly moves on the ground, like a walrus.
  • Could it be a marine animal?

(No, the penguin has a beak and wings, so it's a bird.)


The body of the penguins is elongated, streamlined, the neck is short and thick, the head is proportional in size with a sharp beak. The wings are short, flipper-shaped, and the paws are very short with swimming membranes between the fingers. The legs of the penguins are not located in the middle of the body like all birds, but are carried far back. Because of this, penguins are forced to keep their body upright in order to maintain balance. Penguins are flightless birds, but they dive and swim well, i.e. This water birds. All types of penguins have the same color - the head, back and wings are painted in dark colors (usually black or gray), the bottom of the body is white. Some species have additional ornamentation in the form of tufts of golden feathers on the sides of the head. Feathers in penguins are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the body, while in other birds, they grow in rows - pterylia. The feathers themselves are short and very stiff, resembling scales. The tail plumage of these birds is so strong that penguins can lean on the tail with the whole weight of the body, like woodpeckers.

Golden-haired penguin

Adelie Penguin

little penguin

emperor penguin

Paws with membranes help the penguin row when swimming, and swim quickly. It is on land that penguins are clumsy and clumsy, but in the water they are fast and agile - because otherwise you won’t catch a fish. The paws of penguins are powerful, with rough skin, adapted for walking on sharp ice and snowdrifts.


What kind secrets do waterfowl have?

The paws of penguins are webbed and look like flippers. Why do they look like flippers? (Children's answers: To make it comfortable for these birds to swim.) What birds you know have the same paws? (Children's answers: Geese and ducks.)

Why don't penguin feathers get wet? (Children's answers : They are covered with fat, like geese and ducks.)

Under the skin of the penguin there is a layer of fat, its thickness can reach three centimeters, and this subcutaneous protection does not allow the penguin to freeze either in icy water or on land.


The plumage of penguins does not get wet, otherwise a wet penguin that crawled out of the sea in such a frost would immediately turn into an icicle and die.

Wise nature provided the penguins with several layers of warm, durable feathers that can withstand an icy wind blowing at a speed of more than 110 km / h, at a temperature of -50 degrees. The feathers are arranged in three layers, they look like short hairs, fit tightly to each other and are evenly distributed throughout the body.

How do penguin chicks appear?

1. Like all birds, penguins lay eggs and hatch chicks. In the most severe frost, the penguin lays one egg.

2. Then the father penguin takes the egg and holds it, holding it between its paws, pressing it to the lower abdomen, preventing it from touching the cold icy ground. The father of the family will stand in the bitter cold and strong wind, almost not moving, guarding his future child, the egg is protected by skin folds. During this period, the penguin does not eat anything.

3. When the chick hatches, the penguin returns, and the exhausted male goes in search of food. And now the mother is raising the baby.

4. Chicks are initially covered only with down, so they need constant protection from the cold. They perch on the legs of their parents, under a layer of feathers, where they warm themselves, clinging to the thick body of mom or dad.

Penguin "Kindergarten"

When the penguins stand on their feet, they are sent to the penguin "kindergarten", where they will be among other kids under the supervision of adult penguins.

A snowstorm can bring a lot of worries and troubles. At such a moment, the only way out for the chicks is to gather as closely as possible to each other. ...

Predators lie in wait for penguins in the water, and, as scientists suggest, this is precisely the reason for the penguins' fear of water. They never rush into the water at once, but slowly approach it in a group, and since no one wants to dive first, they trample on the shore for a long time. Often this procedure takes more than 30 minutes, until there is a brave man who is tired of this fuss and he desperately jumps into the water, the whole group will immediately follow him.

While the penguins are in the "kindergarten", the parents go to the sea for food for the kids. In the sea of ​​penguins, dangerous predators guard: sea leopards (seals), killer whales.




Penguins can not only swim quickly and nimbly. They are able. Like a cork, vertically jump out of the water onto the icy shore, avoiding pursuit. Penguins are the most perfect of all swimming birds! In the water, these birds give the impression of fish: they easily and naturally glide in its thickness, periodically jumping out of the water like dolphins. They dive to a depth of 100 m! Penguins feed on crustaceans or fish, and they catch it on the move. In search of food, they can spend several hours in the water, swimming up to 25 km per day.

Another threat awaits penguins on land: skuas and petrels rob their colonies. These birds steal both eggs and chicks. Parents, as best they can, protect and repel their chicks from skuas. Sometimes they succeed. Mortality of chicks reaches 50-70%


Man also contributed to the destruction of penguins. Previously, the colonies of these birds were ruined by sailors and the local population in order to collect eggs and chicks, from which fat was rendered. The Galapagos and Magnificent penguins are now endangered due to habitat disturbance.

If the penguin is in a hurry, he switches to cruising gliding, lying on the ice with his stomach and pushing off with his hind legs.

Penguins move quickly from the mountain, moving down lying on their stomachs.

Moving on their stomachs, penguins can reach speeds of up to 6 km / h.

In order not to freeze, penguins often stand leaning on their tail and heels, while their paws are raised above the ground. On land, penguins move slowly “waddling”, due to the vertical position of the body and short legs, they mince with small clumsy steps. But these birds can also make short jumps, storming the coastal cliffs.


Adult emperor penguins gather in large circles with their backs turned to the biting wind to keep warm. In such a group, they can raise the temperature by twenty degrees. Birds with more wind on their backs move in periodic waves, constantly changing the structure of the group, which allows birds from the outer row to eventually move inside the flock, and then to the middle of the circle. Penguins are constantly changing places, allowing everyone to warm up. A well-coordinated system allows all birds to keep warm. This is how emperor penguins manage to stay warm in their cold homeland. They get so warm that they have to cool down from time to time. Penguins can brush their feathers to cool off a little, spread their wings, exposing their bodies to the cold Arctic winds.



Questions for the lesson:

1. Where do penguins live? 2. What do penguins eat? 3. How are penguins born? 4. Do penguins live alone or in packs? 5. How does a penguin move on land and in water? 6. Why do penguins have webbed feet? 7. Can penguins fly? 8. Why does a penguin need to be plump, with a supply of fat?

Summing up the lesson

Antarctica is an ice-bound continent located in the extreme south of our planet. In 1959, an international treaty was signed on Antarctica, according to which it is forbidden to build industrial and military facilities there. The entire continent is provided to scientists for research, which is why Antarctica is called the continent of scientists. More than 60 research stations have been built in Antarctica. Scientists from many countries of the world work there. The cold pole of our planet is located in Central Antarctica. At Vostok station on August 24, 1960. A temperature of -88.3C was registered. The average temperature of winter months is from -60С to -70С, summer months are from -30С to -50С. VegetationSightseeingAnimals

Scientists have proven that Antarctica used to be a green city. And under the ice are mountains, valleys, plains, channels of former rivers, bowls of former lakes. Millions of years ago there was no eternal winter on this earth. It was warm and green here, forests rustled, tall grasses swayed under the warm winds, animals gathered on the banks of rivers and lakes to drink, birds fluttered in the sky. Now Antarctica has a rather meager flora and fauna. The vegetation here is lichens, mosses and freshwater algae. AnimalsSights

Lichens are plants without roots, leaves or flowers. There are about 300 types of them. Lichens can be found on all ice-free land areas. They grow very slowly, but live quite a long time. According to scientists, some of them are already more than 10 thousand years old. VegetationAnimalsSights

There are about 100 species of mosses in Antarctica. This is a moisture-loving plant. Although mosses may appear delicate and weak, they are actually quite hardy. After all, the Antarctic environment is not very suitable for plant life. VegetationAnimalsSights

Freshwater algae settle in the summer in reservoirs, as well as on the surface of the snow, which melts in the summer under the rays of the sun. Accumulations of microscopic algae in red, green and yellow create colorful spots on the surface. Colonies of microscopic green algae resemble lawns from a distance. VegetationAnimalsSights

There are no land mammals, winged insects and freshwater fish in Antarctica. But, despite this, more than 100 thousand penguins, many petrels, skuas nest near Mirny, various species of seals and sea leopards live in the waters. Also in Antarctica live such animal species as the elephant seal, southern seal, minke whale, Cape dove, white plover, marble notothenia, Antarctic toothfish, white-blooded pike, Antarctic lycod, Antarctic calanus, Antarctic krill, Antarctic starfish. VegetationSightseeing

Adélie penguins are common on the mainland, Antarctic penguins have a white stripe on their nose, and emperor penguins have orange spots on the sides of their necks. The penguin is a sea bird that hunts exclusively in the sea. Not far from the rocky coast, adult penguins teach the young to hunt. They feed on fish, squid and krill. Penguins can drink both fresh and salt water. If necessary, the lack of moisture compensates for the snow. All penguins hatch chicks. Penguins live 7 20 years, some, perhaps more. VegetationAnimalsSights

Seals are well adapted to life in cold seas: their entire body, including a short tail and flippers, is covered with thick coarse hair that protects them from icy water, wind, snow and ice. Under the skin is a thick layer of fat. They feed on fish, as well as squid and octopuses. The largest of them is the Weddell seal, up to 3 m long. In winter, it lives under the ice, breathing through air holes. The most common seal in Antarctica is the crabeater seal, reaching a length of 2.5 m.

The elephant seal is a species of seal and belongs to the pinniped family. Elephants stand out among all seals with their huge size, weight - and trunks (a long hanging nose resembling a trunk, that's why they were called that). Adult elephants can be almost 6 meters long and weigh over 3 tons. An elephant spends most of its life in the ocean. He can hold his breath for more than 120 minutes. A family of elephant seals usually gives birth to one cub weighing from 40 to 45 kilograms VegetationAnimalsSightseeing Home

The killer whale is the largest dolphin. In primitive times, he had a reputation as a formidable predator, but in recent times people have learned to get along with him. The people of this predator were most likely afraid because of its huge appearance. It grows up to 8 meters in length. The body of the killer whale is dark with large white spots. They feed mainly on fish, mollusks, penguins, but they are also able to attack the largest whales, dolphins, sea lions and elephant seals. Therefore, all marine inhabitants, seeing a herd of killer whales or hearing their voices, tend to swim away as soon as possible. VegetationAnimalsSights

"Dry Valleys" - unusual in that the rain did not fall there during, at least, two million years. They do not have any ice cover or snow because the air is too dry (the places not covered with ice in Antarctica are called "oases"), according to many scientists this is the driest place on the planet. Despite their appearance, the valleys support some of the most unusual life forms on the planet. American biologists have found algae, fungi and bacteria living inside the stones here. VegetationAnimalsSights

An iceberg is a large, free-floating piece of ice in the ocean or sea. Icebergs off the coast of Antarctica form all the time. Entire ice fields have been plying the expanses of the World Ocean for decades, until they melt. Icebergs over 300 km long and about 100 km wide have been found in the waters of Antarctica. VegetationAnimalsSights

Mount Erebus is the southernmost active volcano on Earth. Height 3794 m, located on Ross Island, where there are 3 other extinct volcanoes. Erebus volcano was discovered in 1841 by polar explorer Sir James Clark Ross. The volcano was named after Erebus, the ancient Greek god, the son of Chaos. VegetationAnimalsSights

The South Pole is the point where the Earth's imaginary axis of rotation intersects its surface in the Southern Hemisphere. The South Pole is located in Antarctica at an altitude of 2800 meters. The thickness of the ice at the South Pole is 2840 meters. VegetationAnimalsSights

The trip was interesting, bright, and I immediately decided that I would definitely take my young friends to the South Pole as well. But I had no idea what we were going to do there.

Yes, there are penguins there, yes, this is the coldest place on the planet, but can you really go far on such a mean base. But as soon as I immersed myself in the topic of Antarctica, started reading articles about this place, all the questions of what to do at the South Pole disappeared by themselves. This is just an amazing place, very multifaceted, original and absolutely delightful for anyone who is looking for knowledge and adventure. And if you are one of those, then read on, I will tell you everything I know and show you how interesting it is to present new information to children.

1. Presentation and map. Intelligence!

It is better to start all geographical studies by looking at the map, finding the place where we are now and the place where we are going. Just as immediately, it seems to me, it is necessary to acquaint children with the main features of the subject being studied, and this is best done by means of presentation. I prepared a dozen photos on the topic of Antarctica, which eloquently showed everything that I was going to tell the guys soon. If someone needs this collection, then leave your mail in the comments, I will reset it to you.

2. Day-Night! Activity!

As at the North Pole, at the South Pole, day reigns for half a year, and night reigns for half a year. Everyone liked the active running game from the last lesson, so this time I also used it. On the word "day" everyone runs in different directions, and on the word "night" everyone gathers in one place. It is also ideal to turn the light on and off :-)

3. Summer-Winter! Activity, sorting!

Both at the North and at the South Pole, there are only two seasons: summer and winter. Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth, although it seems to be in the south :-) The lowest temperature that has been recorded by scientists is -89 degrees Celsius, brrr...

In summer, the temperature reaches -15 -25 degrees, which is also somewhat cool :-) But it is thanks to the eternal frost that massive glaciers, which are the largest storage facilities, do not melt drinking water in the world.

In order to touch this topic with the children at least a little, I prepared a sorting game. In the bag I had summer and winter cards (I found them in Google for winter bingo and summer bingo, there are a lot of different ones). The task of the guys was to understand what season, for example, a mug of cocoa, a swimsuit or a figure skater, and hang the card on the appropriate level on a clothespin.

4. Penguins! Creation!

The South and North Poles are similar in many ways, including the fact that on both you can observe the aurora - sparkling pictures in the black sky of the night. This fact, as well as the visiting card of Antarctica - penguins, I suggested to the children to beat creatively. The first thing we did was wet the paper with clean water.

We tried to paint without sparing water. And the wet drawing was generously sprinkled with salt.

If you do not overdo it with water, then shaking off excess salt, you can immediately start painting over the templates. I cut out little penguins, and the kids painted over the empty space with black gouache.

Well, the last nuance - white tummies, here - the Antarctic picture is ready :-) Many creators added more salt after the end to make it snow :-)

And here is another idea for an Antarctic craft. Kamilka's homework :-)

5. Penguin eggs! Activity!

It was impossible to part with the penguins so easily, therefore, in order to reinforce the theme a little that they are birds, although they do not fly, they also carry eggs, thus breeding offspring. They live in large families and choose a couple for life. And only the males sit on the eggs. Well, the kids and I played testicle rescue. I drew footprints on a long piece of wallpaper. The task was to follow the drawings one by one (somewhere on one leg, jumping somewhere) and bring a penguin egg (kinder) on a spoon in your teeth to your destination :-) We played a lot of fun!

6. Scientists! Fine motor skills, sensory sensations!

Antarctica, unlike the Arctic, is the mainland, most of the once unified land of Gondwana. This continent is the only one that does not belong to anyone, and on which people do not live. The only people who spend any time in this harsh climate are scientists who come to the South Pole in search of new knowledge, including about that fertile land rich in plants and animals that Antarctica was before Gondwana broke. . The most common way to study is to cut ice cylinders, the study of which can lead to interesting discoveries or unexpected finds.

My kids also looked for secrets in ice icicles, which were made from IKEA silicone molds. In the middle of each was an unusual pebble, for this I froze the ice in two stages. Young scientists thawed their mini-cylinders with warm water, salt, syringes and spoons. And we were very proud of the finds :-)

7. Meteorites! Fine motor skills!

Antarctica is the leader in meteorite finds! And this is not surprising, because it is always easier to notice black on white than, for example, on green or brown :-) Scientists are very actively studying all the finds. So my young researchers took the liberty of delivering samples to the research center. I prepared two boxes of material for them: in one, dry snow from semolina and salt, and in the second, my favorite mixture of starch and sunflower oil. Each box contains a bunch of meteorite stones, you can’t touch them with your hands, you need to use tools. For a dry mixture - sieving strainers from a fixed price for tea, and for a thick one - tongs, also from a fixed price.

And this is our research station - a box with cells, it was possible to fasten several containers for eggs, but I found a ready-made construction from under chocolate hares :-)

8. Volcanoes. Experiences!

Antarctica, despite the cold, is also known for its active volcanoes. Erebus is the largest of them. And this is what I recreated for the kids with the help of wet soda tightly packed in a plastic cup. We caused an eruption with apple cider vinegar tinted with watercolors, first with pipettes, and then scooped with spoons :-) And, of course, this was the most spectacular part of our adventure :-)

9. Dry valleys and astronauts. Activity!

There are amazing places at the South Pole - dry valleys, where, according to scientists, no precipitation has fallen for more than 2 million years. Animals do not survive there, there is bare land and frozen salt lakes. This is the largest and driest desert in the world, even the Sahara is far from it. The unusual climate of this place attracts astronauts here, because it is somewhat similar to the climate of Mars, and it is here that new NASA models are periodically tested. With children, we beat this information with the help of balloons, on which they drew their astronauts. The task was not to let the balls fall to the floor as long as possible!

10. Aurora Borealis! Impression!

Well, the last thing we did with my young explorers was create our own aurora borealis with sparklers in the dark! There was, of course, a lot of squeak, visa and enthusiasm :-)

Our adventure ended, but the game evening continued. The children could not part with Antarctica in any way, and once they felt like scientists, they no longer wanted to part with this role, so they played with snow boxes for a long time, mixed their composition, added them to soda volcanoes ... And most of the children also asked to take the resulting chemical compositions to our house, and we wrapped them pieces of the South Pole in boxes for food :-)))
Here is such a bright journey-adventure we got! I would be very happy if our script is useful to you! Bright games and unforgettable impressions!