They say New Year's Eve. They say everything always comes true on New Year's Eve, even the things that can't be done all year round.

“They say that on New Year’s Eve, whatever you wish, everything will always happen, everything always comes true!” - cheerfully recited to me a familiar doctor with an ambulance, winked and whispered conspiratorially: - And this is true, I myself was convinced.

Noticing my skeptical grin, he hurriedly spoke: “You wait to laugh, I'm not kidding. Happened to me a few years ago amazing case I would even say - mystical. December was no better than this, if not worse. Dirt, slush, dampness. And I, as a sin, galoshes were torn. I have a size, you can see for yourself, scarce, 46th trampled. In the store, even one rude saleswoman told me: “There are no galoshes for elephants!”

Everything, I think, sailed. Boots get wet, feet get cold, and it's not far from pneumonia. There are a few hours left before the New Year, and my mood is below average. I go to challenges, give injections, and I myself feel how an insidious disease from wet feet penetrates into my body, and such anguish took me, even as a wolf howl.

Sniffing and flapping my watery eyes, I called the next apartment. I go in and see a natural Santa Claus lying on the sofa. In a red sheepskin coat, in felt boots, white beards, crimson nose. The nose is clear, why is it purple, everywhere they bring a glass, what kind of health you need to have - I thought with envy.

Grandfather lies and groans, next to a giant bag of gifts. Radiculitis broke grandfather. It is understandable, try to carry such a bag on your back, whoever you want will have sciatica. I undertook to treat Grandfather. Without false modesty, I will say that you can’t drink away mastery. Within half an hour the patient straightened up, and soon he began to dance for joy. Thank you, he says, dear man, ask me for whatever you want. Well, I blurted out: come on, they say, galoshes of the 46th size.

I see that Frost was sad, he scratched his head, spreading his arms. No, he says, I now have such a gift, I didn’t take it with me. I had no doubt that it wasn't. I have long been big enough to believe in fairy tales. I said goodbye to him and went, and Santa Claus catches up with me and says: “Wait, good fellow. Do not worry, you will have galoshes for the New Year. In the meantime, take it, ”and he hands me a lollipop, just like a red cockerel in my childhood. I got into the car, I was driving, I was sucking on a lollipop, and I myself thought: it is a pity that Santa Claus does not exist.

I arrive at the substation, and the dispatcher looks at me with a grin and asks: “Are you all right?” - "No, I say, not in order, I feel, I'm getting sick." - "It can be seen. I even forgot the galoshes.” - "What galoshes?" I was surprised. "Your galoshes. You left them near the control room. We took them to your locker." They scoff - I decided, everyone knows how upset I was that I could not buy galoshes.

I go into the locker room and feel my eyes pop out of their sockets by themselves. Indeed, next to my locker are brand new shiny galoshes.

I grab them and run back. These are not my galoshes! Someone forgot, but you put them to me!

“Don’t play the fool,” the dispatcher besieged me. - Except you, no one wears galoshes with us! Especially the fiftieth size! ”-“ Forty-sixth, ”I automatically correct, and Frost’s voice sounds in my ears:“ You will have galoshes for the New Year! I feel my head is spinning. I sat on a chair, put on galoshes. They sit like a glove. My sizer!

That year I was probably the happiest of people. Later, after analyzing the situation belatedly, I decided that it was our guys from the ambulance who had given me a New Year's gift.

I began to question carefully. No, everyone shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment, and someone even said: “What are you? There were so many calls, there was no time for you! And then why are you so special, they didn’t give anything to anyone - only you? Indeed, why only me? Maybe because only I came to the call to Santa Claus?

Like this magic story, - finished my friend, lovingly looking at the black shiny galoshes. - How many years have passed, but they are all demolished ... "

Dear children and their parents! Here you can read " Verse They say: on New Year's Eve » as well as others the best works On the page Poems by Sergei Mikhalkov. In our children's library you will find a collection of wonderful literary works domestic and foreign writers, as well as different peoples peace. Our collection is constantly updated with new material. The online children's library will become a faithful assistant for children of any age, and will introduce young readers with different genres literature. We wish you pleasant reading!

Read the verse "They say: on New Year's Eve"

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Maybe even the guys
All wishes come true
All you need, they say
Put in the effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And learning does not count
For your pain.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not guess
humble desire -
Perform "excellent"
School assignments.

So that the students
Began to work
To deuce in diaries
Couldn't get through!

Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: one work will captivate you more if you look at it closely, and another if you move further away.

Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is most tempted to replace its own idiosyncratic beauty with stolen glitter.

Humboldt W.

Poems succeed if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish Poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion near a fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

Lovely verse like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us. Telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful verses flow, there is no place for vainglory.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

- ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
- Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! the visitor asked pleadingly.
I promise and I swear! - solemnly said Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them with words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

The poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, for each poetic work of those times, the whole Universe is certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for someone who inadvertently wakes dormant lines.

Max Fry. "The Talking Dead"

To one of my clumsy hippos-poems, I attached such a heavenly tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore drive away critics. They are but miserable drinkers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let the verses seem to him an absurd lowing, a chaotic jumble of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from tedious reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing but pure poetry who rejected the word.

My dear friends!!!
For me, this is already a milestone. I've been in 2015 for three hours now.

Yes, yes, the year of the goat. But you, maybe someone who will need these tips.

How to make a wish on New Year's Eve so that it will surely come true?

The most mystical and magical night of the year. “They say: on New Year’s Eve, whatever you wish, everything will always happen, everything will always come true.”

12 Ways to Make a Wish in the New Year

Start writing your cherished desire on a small piece of paper with the first stroke of the chimes, then burn it and throw the ashes into your glass. Then drink its contents along with the ashes. It is important to have time to complete the entire ritual before the end of the chiming clock.

At midnight, or later, go outside with the guests and light Chinese lanterns (buy in advance, by the way good idea for a gift) and release them into the sky, while making your most cherished wish.

Jump as high as you can (or jump off a chair) and make a wish as you leave the ground. Since this needs to be done quickly, think about the wording of the desire in advance. A variant of a group jump is possible - so the whole company will unite in a joint New Year's ritual, which will be pleasant to remember for a whole year.

On the hem of your festive attire, embroider your wish. Just a few stitches, it is not necessary to be able to embroider skillfully. Let's say it might look like this: "Love" or "Friendship". The moment the chimes start to strike, right hand put it on the embroidery and say your wish out loud at exactly midnight.

On the Christmas tree hang a small box where the wish you wrote will lie. 5 minutes before the New Year, go to her, take in left hand and say following words: "Box, you keep my secret and this is no coincidence, let my desire become a reality." Remove the box from the Christmas tree and hold it in your hand until 12. Then hang it back, but throw the desire out the window.

Write your wish on a small piece of colored paper. Make any toy out of it. After that, tell her about yourself. And after that, put it on the very top of the Christmas tree.

Make lots of paper snowflakes. On each of them write your desires and let the guests write theirs too. After midnight, go out onto the balcony with the whole company and throw them down so that they spin in a magical dance of desires.

The next way to make a wish in the New Year is to draw it. After midnight, grab a watercolor sheet, bright colors, and brushes.

It is absolutely not necessary to be able to draw, the main thing is that you can imagine and schematically depict what you want.

For example, you dream of falling in love - just draw a heart pierced by an arrow, if you want love to be mutual, then draw a double heart with one arrow; or if you want to solve the housing problem in the coming year - draw a house.

If you want to find a couple (get married) - depict a man and a woman hand in hand, if you know the name of the desired man, sign the names under the figures - yours and his, if you want to get married, then draw two intersecting rings; you dream of a rich lover - you draw two naked figures practically merged into one, and next you depict something material - a coin, a bill, gem, car etc. . Turn on your imagination, any desire can be depicted on paper by finding its image.

Just avoid black. The brighter your drawing, the more joy will bring you the fulfillment of desire. And then - nothing to burn, mix and drink. Roll your wish drawing into a scroll, tie it with red ribbon, melt the wax, and seal the scroll so that the wax gets onto both the ribbon and paper. On the still warm wax, scratch your initials.

After that, hang the scroll on the Christmas tree, but warn no one to touch it. Let it hang on the tree for a week. At Christmas (at night), remove the scroll and put it in a secluded place. After the wish is fulfilled, print out the scroll, circle the drawing with red paint and leave it to be stored until you have a new cherished wish. Then the scroll can be burned.

And then - nothing to burn, mix and drink. Roll your wish drawing into a scroll, tie it with red ribbon, melt the wax, and seal the scroll so that the wax gets onto both the ribbon and paper. On the still warm wax, scratch your initials. After that, hang the scroll on the Christmas tree, but warn no one to touch it. Let it hang on the tree for a week. At Christmas (at night), remove the scroll and put it in a secluded place. After the wish is fulfilled, print out the scroll, circle the drawing with red paint and leave it to be stored until you have a new cherished wish. Then the scroll can be burned.

You can also make a wish on the New Year for a new guest. If suddenly a person whom you do not know comes to you (or to the company where you will celebrate the New Year), then you can make a wish that is based on change, that is, not aimed at getting something, but to change your life path.

To do this, seize the moment after midnight and, after making a wish, take this person by the hand. Just remember that a person should be very friendly towards you, and in general his arrival and his behavior should not portend problems and troubles.

But if at first this person behaved perfectly, you made a wish, and then for no reason at all he began to rage, behave inappropriately, beat the dishes or make a fuss, then you should not strive to fulfill your desire, since apart from unpleasant and you won’t get anything in vain, or, according to at least, we must try to protect ourselves from unforeseen difficulties.

Think about what could go wrong in your life if this desire comes true, and act according to the circumstances - abandon your plan or “lay a straw”.

In a similar way you can make a wish on a person you know, if you didn’t expect to see him at all new year's eve, that is, if his visit was unplanned.

Write down twelve of your desires on 12 small pieces of paper. Put them under your pillow. Waking up on the first of January, without getting out of bed, take out the first piece of paper that comes across. The wish written on it will come true in the coming year.

Eat 12 grapes or 12 mandarin slices during the chimes. While chewing them, say your desire.

If you are celebrating the New Year with your soulmate, then there is an unusual and very pleasant method: make love on a festive night, and at the moment of the culmination of your intimacy, say a wish to yourself! After all, during sex there is a large release of energy, which can enhance the process of fulfilling the dream.