Interplanetary revolution. Lenin the Dictator of Soviet Russia: The Times on the Death of the Leader of the Russian Revolution (1924)

January 21, 1924 Vladimir Lenin died. urokiistorii publish a translation of The Times policy article written 88 years ago, immediately after the death of the world's most famous revolutionary. To a modern reader, this material may seem provocative, paradoxical - such an unusual look, devoid of revolutionary romanticism, which often accompanies the conversation about the figure of Lenin in Soviet and Russian journalism. This article partly explains both the West's rejection of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the image of Russia as the USSR in bourgeois Europe in the 1920s.

The Times

(original see in)

Nikolai Lenin, whose death is reported on another page, was the pseudonym of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, the dictator of Soviet Russia. His real name has almost sunk into oblivion. He became famous precisely under a pseudonym, and precisely how Lenin will go down in history.

This extraordinary man was above all a professional revolutionary and conspirator. He didn't know anything else; he lived by the revolution and within the revolution. He devoted time to writing and socio-economic studies, but for him they were only a means of accumulating fuel for a great world conflagration. Dreams of such a catastrophe have haunted this cold dreamer since his school days. This is a striking example of how a strong-willed person from early youth resolutely went towards his goal, not being disturbed by tiring mental hesitation, not stopping before a crime, not tormented by remorse. The goal was a worldwide social revolution... Emotions never played a big role in his personal life. He was guided by cold logic, although he was good at pressuring the feelings of others and transforming them into the driving force that he needed for his own purposes.

Lenin never wrote a first-class scientific work. First of all, he was not a theoretician and not a writer, but a propagandist. For him, articles and books were only means to an end. He found his true vocation only when the Marxists moved from theoretical discussion to the organization of party activities ... From this relatively harmless activity, Lenin began his career as an active revolutionary. Like many others, he was caught by the police, imprisoned and exiled to Siberia. In comparison with many others, his experience of police persecution was very brief, but it is noteworthy that already during the period of Siberian exile, his tendency to deliberately provoke discord between revolutionary parties was clearly manifested ... A man of steel will and unshakable ambitions, he was not scrupulous in choosing means, but in people he saw only material for solving his problems.

During the first revolution, Lenin's name was not particularly known. He was very active in underground activities - he organized, directed, moved things in the direction he needed, noting the readiness of the masses to respond to extreme and undermining slogans, ridiculing any hint of compromise, at all stages pushing the Social Democrats to split with the bourgeois parties. It is curious that he refused to enter the first, short-lived Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Deputies, formed after the proclamation of the constitution. Trotsky played a prominent role in this council. Characteristically for Lenin, he did not accept the idea of ​​soviets until twelve years later, when it began to serve his own purposes.

His name is associated with several cases of "expropriation". Apparently, he himself did not organize these armed raids on banks and post offices, but the significant sums seized during such robberies were transferred to the Bolsheviks, and Lenin used them to strengthen his propaganda at home and abroad. When the fall of the 1905 revolution became apparent, he left Russia and resumed his activities in Geneva. In general, his position among the revolutionaries was greatly strengthened. In the motley crowd of newly minted exiles, who were thrown out of Russia as a result of the failure of the first revolutionary offensive, he found many tools that were suitable for realizing his unprincipled intentions.

In 1912 he moved to Krakow to be in closer contact with his agents in Russia. A notable episode illustrating his contempt for bourgeois morality was the intrigue to split the small Social Democratic Party in the Duma. The idea was developed in collusion with the secret police through a certain Malinowski, who, with the knowledge of the director of the Police Department, visited him in Krakow.

In 1914, when the war broke out, Lenin was in Galicia. As a Russian citizen, he was arrested by the Austrian authorities, but then released when it turned out that he could be useful in weakening Russia. He returned to Switzerland, where he continued to wage defeatist propaganda with the aim of turning the war between countries into a revolutionary civil war within each of the countries. He was joined by defeatist socialists from various countries. Funding for this activity must have been provided by Germany, since the money from the expropriations carried out during the first revolution had dried up.

The revolution that suddenly broke out in Russia in March 1917 provided Lenin with a long-awaited opportunity. The provisional government, formed after the abdication of Emperor Nicholas, proclaimed unlimited freedom and approved the return of people expelled for political reasons. They began to arrive by the thousands. There was some disagreement in the government about allowing such odious capitulators like Lenin to return. However, he returned. He was transported through Germany with the assistance of the German General Staff. Ludendorff considered that this was probably the most effective agent for disorganizing the Russian army and undermining the Russian front. In this he was not mistaken. What he failed to foresee was that Lenin would instigate a violent revolutionary movement that was later to have an impact on Germany itself.

In Petrograd, Lenin was received with all revolutionary honors. The Finland Station, crowded with people, was illuminated by searchlights of armored vehicles. Socialists of all stripes made speeches, but Lenin was not put off by superficial success. He aspired to real power. On April 14, the day after his arrival, he presented his program to a meeting of the Social Democrats. Six months later, he thoroughly implemented this program in his decrees.

Lenin had a compact organization behind him, well funded. The Bolsheviks were extraordinarily active in demoralizing the army and workers, as well as provoking unrest among the peasantry. There was no such force that could curb them ... After Kornilov's attempt to restore law and order failed in August, the general demoralization intensified. The army fell to pieces, and Lenin, taking advantage of this crowd of disorganized armed people, to whom he promised immediate peace, on November 7, 1917, carried out a coup d'état, this time without any difficulty.

Lenin settled in the Kremlin, and from this ancient citadel of autocracy and Orthodoxy began to propagate the world revolution. In appearance, he lived as modestly as when he was a little-known political refugee. Both he and his wife (in the late nineties he married Nadezhda Krupskaya) fanatically despised bourgeois inventions and conveniences. Short and strongly built, with a bald head, a small beard and shrewd, intelligent, deep-set eyes, Lenin looked like a petty merchant. During speeches at rallies, the crowd was impressed by his ill-fitting suit, battered tie, generally devoid of remarkable features in appearance. “He is not from the nobility,” they said in the crowd. "He's one of us."

Never in recent history has any great country gone through such social upheavals as Lenin's inexorable desire to build communism in Russia and then spread it around the world entailed.

In the light of these world-shaking events, Lenin's personality acquired tremendous importance. He retained power. He was the guiding force. He, in essence, was Bolshevism. His comrades were pygmies compared to him. Even Trotsky, who displayed tremendous ability and energy in organizing the Red Army, was subordinate to Lenin. Both the Communist Party and the Council of People's Commissars were completely under his control. It sometimes happened that, after listening to a discussion of two conflicting movements at some meeting held under his chairmanship, Lenin dictated to the secretary some completely different resolution of his own mind. He had an uncanny knack for finding the weaknesses of his opponents, and was regarded with admiration by his comrades as a first-rate tactician. His decisions were non-negotiable.

Ultimately, he is responsible for terror and for all other leitmotifs of the Bolshevik policy... The communist experiment led Russia to the collapse of the economy, famine and barbarism. Under the rule of the Soviets, the Russian people experienced unheard-of disasters. Lenin didn't care. When the famine began in 1921, he remarked with a scornful grin: "If twenty million or so die, it's nothing."

He understood, however, that efforts to preserve pure communism threatened the existence of his government. In March 1921, he stopped the advance. Against the wishes of most of his followers, he proclaimed a new economic policy ... Famine raged. Russia fell deeper and deeper into the abyss... Toward the end of 1921, when Lenin's plans began to rapidly collapse, he fell ill and for many weeks was unable to participate in public events. The nature of his illness remained unclear... There was a short period when Lenin's health apparently recovered, and he made several speeches in which he declared that the New Economic Policy would not go any further and that there would be no more concessions to the capitalists. He could not come to the Genoa Conference, and soon after its closing, more and more disturbing news began to come about Lenin's health ... Paralytic seizures followed one after another, and it became clear that Lenin would never return to business, that his days were numbered. He was taken to a country house near Moscow, where he remained under the supervision of nurses until his name faded into the background, and the party was not engulfed in an open struggle for succession.

Translation by Nikita Lomakin


in Albania. Armed began. uprising in May 1924 in the conditions of the revolution. crisis. It was headed by the "Bashkimi" organization, which was in opposition to A. Zogu's grouping. Ch. the driving force of I. p. was the peasantry. The new pr-in, which came to power as a result of the victory of the rebels on June 10, headed by F. Noli, came up with an extensive program of bourgeois-democratic. transformations: the destruction of feudalism, the improvement of the position of the peasants and their economic. exemption, change in the tax system, reforms in the adm. and military areas, etc. The government announced the establishment of diplomatic. relations with the USSR. Due to the indecision of the bourgeois. the top, as well as the hostile activities of the feudal lords within the pr-va, the program was not even partially implemented, which pushed the people away from him. masses left essentially without leadership. The bourgeoisie proved incapable of carrying through to the end the struggle of the people against feudalism and the threat of nat. enslavement, for the democratization of internal. the life of the country, and the working class at that time was small and did not have its own party. I. R., which was essentially a bourgeois-democratic. revolution, took place in an unfavorable international. situation, during the recession of the revolution. waves in Europe. All R. dec. 1924 armed. foreign by the reaction of the detachments of A. Zogu, to-ry at the beginning of I. p. fled to Yugoslavia, entered Albania. On December 24, after the capture of Tirana, the counter-revolution won, the democratic. F. Noli's government was overthrown. A wave of repressions swept across the country against participants in the I.R.

Lit .: Polo St., Influence Vel. Oct. socialist. revolution against Albania, "Reports and messages of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR", 1955, c. 5, p. 88-98; Dokumente e materiale historike nga lufta e popullit shqiptar pёr liri e demokraci. 1917-41, Tiranё, 1959.

H. D. Smirnova. Moscow.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. E. M. Zhukova. 1973-1982 .

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more precisely - the revolution of 1925-27, - bourgeois-democratic. revolution aimed at the destruction of the imperialist. oppression and domination of feudal remnants in the political. and economic system of China.

In the historical liter-re ser. 50s - early. 60s Dating the revolution in 1924-27 was common. At present, most historians are moving away from this dating, returning to the periodization generally accepted in the 20th - early BC. 50s, when chronological. the framework of the revolution was determined 1925-27.

expansion of the imperialist expansion in China after World War I, continuous armed clashes between various cliques of militarists, intensified exploitation of the working people, on the one hand, the influence of the Great October Socialist. revolution - on the other hand, led to the maturing of the revolution. situations.

In 1924, a single national-revolutionary was created. front. Based on the cooperation of the Communist Party of China (CCP) and the Kuomintang party reorganized by Sun Yat-sen in Guangdong was created with the help of the Soviet military. and political advisers, with the participation of the whale. communists, the core of the National Revolutionary Army (NRA). The trade union and peasant movement grew, the armament began. struggle between revolutionary and counter-revolutionary pro-imperialist. forces. The successes of the national-revolutionary. forces in Guangdong contributed to the formation of a direct revolution. situation on an all-Chinese scale, which after the events of May 30, 1925 in Shanghai (see "May 30" movement) developed into a revolution. Its driving forces were the working class, the peasantry, the urban petty bourgeoisie and the nat. the bourgeoisie, which during the revolution sought to subdue the people. masses to their influence, to limit the scope of their struggle.

The history of the revolution is divided into three periods.

1) The period of the movement "May 30" and the preparation of the Northern Expedition (May 30, 1925 - July 9, 1926). This period was marked by the spread of anti-imperialist propaganda after being shot by the British police. demonstrations in Shanghai May 30, 1925 mass movement to the main centers of China. The most important events of this period were the general strike in Shanghai (June-Sept. 1925) and the 16-month Hong Kong-Guangzhou strike of 1925-26, which contributed to the development of anti-imperialist. people's struggle masses and prepare the conditions for a military expedition of the NRA against the sowing. militarists. On July 1, 1925 (after the death of Sun Yat-sen), the Guangzhou government was reorganized into the National government of the Republic of China and united under its rule by the spring of 1926. Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou. 2) The period of the Northern Expedition (July 9, 1926 - April 12, 1927) - the period of the greatest successes of the revolution. On July 9, 1926, the main forces of the NRA set out from Prov. Guangdong and Guangxi to the North (see Northern Campaign). Victories of the NRA in the process of the North. campaign and the rapid growth of the workers' and peasants' movement led to the liberation of the South and Center. China from the power of the militarists. An important factor in the success of the whale. revolution was the help of owls. people. The number and influence of the CCP grew, and the struggle of the people led by it intensified. masses, a vivid manifestation of which was the three uprisings of the Shanghai proletariat (October 1926, February and March 1927). At the same time, the deepening of the revolution frightened the nat. the bourgeoisie, especially its right wing, whose representative was Commander-in-Chief Chiang Kai-shek. The pressure of imperialism (in particular, the bombing of Nanking by US, British, French, and Japanese warships in March 1927) further increased the vacillations of the nationalist government. bourgeoisie. 12 Apr. 1927 Chiang Kai-shek and his supporters carried out a counter-revolution. coup in Shanghai. 3) The period of the continuation of the revolution in Central China (April 12 - July 15, 1927), when the main content of the struggle of the masses in the territory controlled by the national revolutionary government located in Wuhan (province Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, part of Henan), becomes agricultural revolution. The left wing of the national the bourgeoisie, the upper strata of the petty bourgeoisie and the intelligentsia, frightened by the beginning of the agrarian revolution, under the pressure of imperialism and Chiang Kai-shek reaction, changed the revolution. On July 15, 1927, a counter-revolution was carried out in Wuhan. coup. The revolution suffered a temporary defeat.

The defeat was the result of an unfavorable balance of class forces, which was aggravated by the imperialist. intervention (in covert and open form) and the transition of nat. bourgeoisie on the side of the counter-revolutionary landlord-comprador camp, the uneven development of the revolution, the opportunist. mistakes of the leadership of the CCP.

The revolution gave the Chinese people valuable experience. She showed that the most important condition for victory would be liberation. struggle in China is the leadership of this struggle on the part of the working class and its party.

Most bourgeois historians give a distorted picture of the revolution, claiming that it was allegedly prepared and directed by the "hand of Moscow" (D. Borg, American policy and the Chinese revolution 1925-1928, N. Y., 1947, in others). These fabrications are based on the unwillingness to recognize the regularity of the emergence of the revolution.

In recent years, reactionary historians have tried to create the impression that the Comintern was to blame for the defeat of the revolution. Kuomintang authors in their works on the history of the Kuomintang slander the CCP and try to distort the nature of the Soviet people's assistance to the Chinese revolution (Zou Lu, Essays on the History of the Kuomintang of China (Zhongguo Kuomintang Shigao), vols. 1-2, 1938). Marxist historians expose the falsifications of bourgeois authors and show that the revolution was the natural response of the popular masses to imperialist and feudal oppression.

Source: Strategy and tactics of the Comintern in the national-colonial revolution on the example of China. Sat. doc-tov, comp. G. Kara-Murza, ed. P. Mifa, Moscow, 1934; Li Dazhao, Selected articles and speeches, (translated from Chinese), M., 1965; (Peng Bai), Notes..., trans. from Kit., M., 1938; Deng Zhongxia, A Brief History of the Trade Union Movement in China, M., 1952; Labor movement in China. Revolution 1924-1927 Collection of documents of the trade union movement and other materials, M., 1966; Diiqi gonei gemin zhanzheng shicide gongzhen yundong (Workers' Movement during the First Civil Revolutionary War), Beijing, 1954; Diiqi gonei gemin zhanzheng shicide nongmin yundong (Peasant Movement during the First Civil Revolutionary War), Beijing, 1953; Diici gonei gemin zhanzheng shicide tongyi zhanxian (United Front during the First Civil Revolutionary War), Beijing, 1957.

Lit .: Bakulin A. V., Notes on the Wuhan period of the Chinese revolution, M. - L., 1930; Dalin S., Essays on the Revolution in China, M. - L., 1928; Soviet volunteers about the first civil revolutionary war in China. Memories, M., 1961; Cherepanov A.I., Notes of a military adviser in China, M., 1964; Vishnyakova-Akimova VV, Two years in rebellious China. 1925-1927. Memories, M., 1965; Kazanin M.I., At the headquarters of Blucher, M., 1966; Primakov V. M., Notes of a Volunteer, M., 1967; Myth P., Chinese Revolution, M., 1932; Vyatkin R.V., The Chinese Revolution of 1925-1927. and English imperialism, "VI", 1949, No 3; Berezny L. A., US policy in China during the revolution of 1924-1927, L., 1956; Sapozhnikov B. G., The First Civil Revolutionary War in China 1924-1927, M., 1954; Akatova T. N., Hong Kong-Guangzhou strike, M., 1959; Chesnaux J., Le mouvement ouvrier Chinois de 1919 a 1927, P. - La Haye, 1962.

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Film Document No. 59025 2 stories, Duration: 1:25:44 to the collection Price group B

Story 1 0:26:56

Plot 2 0:58:49

Availability of materials

Scene №1 Revolution and civil war in Russia

Construction of a wood barricade on Palace Square in October 1917.

Peasants plow the land with a plow.

Kalinin M.I. among the peasants.

Faces of Japanese admirals.

Parade of foreign troops.

An armed ship is sailing.

Bridge explosion.

Opened cancer with relics.

Relics thrown from graves.

Demonstration in Yekaterinburg.

Trotsky speaks to the Red Army.

Passes a detachment of sailors.

Sailors on the streets of Petrograd.

Machine-gun crew in position.

An airplane flies.

Soldiers on board the boat.

Loading the wounded on the boat.

The faces of the protesters.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - statesman and political figure Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - statesman and political figure Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin - statesman and political figure Grigory Evseevich Zinoviev - state and political figure Sokolnikov Grigory Yakovlevich - statesman and political figure Trotsky Lev Davidovich - statesman and political figure Lev Mikhailovich Karakhan - statesman and political figure, diplomat Ioffe Adolf Abramovich - statesman and political figure, diplomat Bonch-Bruevich Vladimir Dmitrievich - statesman and political figure Lev Borisovich Kamenev - statesman and political figure Radek Karl Berngardovich - - statesman and political figure Balabanova Anzhelika Isaakovna - revolutionary and political figure Vatsetis Joakim Ioakimovich - commander Hindenburg Paul von - German statesman and political figure Ludendorff Erich - German military leader Nicholas II - ro Russian emperor Kerensky Alexander Fedorovich - statesman and politician Bogaevsky Afrikan Petrovich - military leader Kolchak Alexander Vasilievich - statesman, political and naval figure Clemenceau Georges - French statesman and political figure Kalinin Mikhail Ivanovich - statesman and political figure Wilson Woodrow -- American statesman and politician Dzerzhinsky Felix Edmundovich -- statesman and political figure Lloyd George David -- British statesman and political figure Yudenich Nikolai Nikolaevich -- military leader Rudzutak Jan Ernestovich -- statesman and political figure Zetkin Clara -- international revolutionary and political figure Tchaikovsky Nikolai Vasilievich - revolutionary, statesman and politician Avksentiev Nikolai Dmitrievich - revolutionary and political figure Christensen Parker Paul - American economist Katayama Sen - Japanese revolutionary and politically th figure


1914 11.1917 10.1918 18.03.1919 1919 01.1920 01.05.1920 07.1920 1921 1922 01.1924

Shooting locations

Moscow Petrograd Russia Western Europe Siberia Arkhangelsk Oblast Vladivostok Kyiv Berlin USA

Spring Winter Summer Autumn

Story; Civil War; Revolutionary events of 1917; Political figures; International organizations; The international cooperation; Demonstrations; rallies; Army; World War I

Story #2

Reindeer teams are moving.

Departure of the camel caravan.

Views of the streets of Vladivostok at the beginning of the 20th century.

Views of St. Petersburg and Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century.

Nicholas II and his entourage descend the stairs, the emperor gets into the carriage.

Nicholas II bypasses the formation of one of the guards units.

The officers congratulate the imperial family on one of the holidays, present bouquets of flowers, the Grand Duchesses and the heir Alexei Nikolayevich stand on the steps of the Tsarskoye Selo Palace.

Nicholas II and his wife leave the church after the end of the service.

Solemn events on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.

Nicholas II on horseback.

The officers help the heir to get into the saddle, the heir rides around the yard, gets off the horse, feeds it with breadcrumbs.

Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich with staff officers.

Nikolai Nikolaevich during the maneuvers of the guards cavalry in 1911-1912.

Nicholas II and members of his family during a holiday in Tsarskoye Selo, the emperor takes pictures of the players.

Members of the imperial family play bowls, the officers of the retinue are photographed with the Grand Duchesses.

Nicholas II during a ball game.

Nicholas II and members of the imperial family jump into the water with a run, swim, try to get into the kayak.

Solemn procession with the participation of the emperor and members of his family during the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.

Winter imperial hunting.

Cossack holiday in the Kuban, people dance.

Tolstoy L.N. standing with his wife at the entrance to the house in 1908.

Fishermen choose nets.

Loading grain on barges, women movers.

Women wash clothes in the hole.

Faces of the poor and the homeless.

The arrival of the revolutionary Breshko-Breshkovskaya E.K. from exile in Petrograd in 1917, view of one of the streets of Petrograd.

Demonstration of the Cossack attack on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin.

Nicholas II conducts a review of his convoy, asks questions to officers.

Nicholas II sits in the saddle.

Nicholas II takes the parade of guards units.

Emperor Wilhelm II during the departure for maneuvers.

German machine gun unit during exercises.

Russian infantry is fighting at the beginning of the First World War.

The corpses of dead soldiers, wounded at the dressing station.

The fighting on the fronts of the First World War, the German infantry crawls out of the trench, the tanks go on the attack, horse artillery overcomes the water barrier.

Moving column of Austrian prisoners.

Delivery of wounded Russian soldiers to the hospital.

The corpses of Russian soldiers in the snow, the corpses are thrown from the cart.

Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich and Nicholas II during a visit to Headquarters.

Nicholas II gets out of the car, General Alekseev M.V. gives him a report, Nicholas II talks with him.

Solemn prayers in the troops with the participation of Nicholas II.

Soldiers rewind footcloths and pick up lice from underwear.

Refugees sit at the wall of the house.

A peasant plows the land with a plow, women knit sheaves.

Line for bread in Petrograd.

A woman with a child in her arms.

View of a part of the spontaneous market.

Demonstrations in Petrograd in February 1917.

Nicholas II in front of the formation.

The text of the announcement of the commander of the troops of the Petrograd district, General Khabalov.

Demonstration in Petrograd, trucks with soldiers are passing through the streets.

Revolutionary soldiers on the streets of Petrograd.

View of the hall of the Tauride Palace during a meeting of the State Duma.

Meeting at the Tauride Palace in March 1917.

Soldiers of the reserve battalions of the guards regiments go through the streets of Petrograd to demonstrate.

The soldiers at the building of the Tauride Palace shout "Hurrah", waving their hats.

Chairman of the State Duma Rodzianko M.V. signs the document.

Rally at the entrance to the State Duma, Rodzianko speaks to the soldiers.

Trucks with soldiers on the streets of Petrograd.

Meeting of one of the regimental committees.

People are breaking prison bars.

View of the broken prison in Shlisselburg.

The burning of the archives of the tsarist secret police on the streets of Petrograd.

The soldier knocks down the symbol of imperial power - the double-headed eagle from the facade of the house.

Bas-reliefs with double-headed eagles knocked down from buildings.

The red flag is flying.

Parade of the cavalry unit on foot.

Soldiers demonstrations on the streets of Petrograd.

Faces of Guchkov A.I. and Shulgin V.V.

Nicholas II before the formation of his convoy.

The text of the abdication of Nicholas II.

Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich leaves the carriage.

Text of Michael's denial.

Panorama of part of the rally in Petrograd in March 1917.

Release of political prisoners from prison.

Demonstration of the released political prisoners, the officer delivers a welcoming speech, they start pumping him.

cheering soldiers.

The funeral of the victims of the revolution on the Champ de Mars, people carry coffins to the graves.

Panorama of the mass grave.

Funeral demonstration on the Champ de Mars.

Passes military unit.

Old revolutionaries Zasulich V.I. and Figner V.N. among the participants of the mourning event.

Rodzianko, Guchkov and Milyukov P.N. among the participants of the funeral.

The faces of the leaders of the Menshevik Party, among them - Tsereteli I.G.

Passes a detachment of armed workers.

Purishkevich V.M. speaking at the rally.

Demonstration in Petrograd in support of the Constituent Assembly.

Milyukov among members of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma on the porch of the Tauride Palace.

Meeting of the first composition of the Provisional Government.

Prime Minister Prince Lvov G.E., Minister of Foreign Affairs Milyukov.

Persons Chkheidze, Tsereteli, Avksentieva N.D., Kameneva L.B.

Faces of soldiers, soldiers' manifestations, demonstrations with slogans for the continuation of the war.

Minister of Justice Kerensky A.F. stands by the car, surrounded by officers and students.

Plekhanov G.V. gets out of the car, people greet him, Plekhanov's face.

Chernov's face V.M.

Kerensky speaks from the balcony of the building during one of the rallies.

People greet Kerensky, who arrived at the next rally.

Demonstration in Petrograd, the face of Kerensky.

Demonstration under the slogan for the continuation of the war.

Demonstration on Nevsky Prospekt.

VI Lenin speaks on Red Square during a mourning rally on the day of Sverdlov's funeral.

Panorama of the May Day rally on the Field of Mars in Petrograd in 1917, Kamenev speaks.

Trotsky L.D., standing on the footboard of the car, makes a speech.

A rally in one of the military units.

The officers are walking along the trench.

The infantry goes on the attack.

Bochkareva M. takes the parade of the Women's Battalion of Death.

Demonstration in Petrograd.

Trotsky's face.

Lenin waiting for the car after the end of the meeting of the congress on out-of-school education in 1919, Lenin in the car before leaving Red Square.

Commander of the Petrograd Military District, General Kornilov L.G. hosts a parade of troops on Palace Square in 1917.

The speaker speaks at a rally in Petrograd.

The troops are walking along the streets of Petrograd.

Passing cavalry.

The face of Savinkov B.V.

Rally in Moscow, the face of Kerensky.

Speakers speak at soldiers' rallies.

Face Dybenko P.E., Dybenko speaks to the Red Army.

Speech by a speaker at a rally in the village.

Trotsky speaking.

It takes a detachment of Red Guards.

A woman sticks leaflets on the wall of the house with calls to vote in the elections to the Constituent Assembly, people on the street read leaflets.

Lenin at the window.

Troops of the Provisional Government on Palace Square.

Passes unit of the Women's Battalion of Death.

Patrols at the entrance to the Smolny.

Soldiers and Red Guards near armored cars.

Armored car "Lieutenant Schmidt".

Soldiers of the women's battalion and cadets at the Winter Palace.

Construction of a wood barricade on Palace Square in October 1971.

Lenin V.I. speaks at a meeting of the 3rd Congress of the Comintern in 1921.

Panorama of Palace Square in October 1917, a cadet on duty at a wood barricade.

Trucks with soldiers in the backs drive off from Palace Square during the July events of 1917 in Petrograd.

Soldiers at the front in the trenches, rallies at the front in March 1917, fraternization with the enemy, faces of Russian and German soldiers.

Russian and German soldiers are talking to each other.

Lenin on a walk in the Kremlin in October 1918 after recovering from a wound, talking with Bonch-Bruevich V.D.

Trotsky L.D. at the desk in the office.

Lenin and Bonch-Bruevich talking in the Kremlin.

Peasants plow the land with a plow.

Kalinin M.I. among the peasants.

Arrival of the Soviet delegation to Brest-Litovsk for peace talks with the Germans, Kamenev L.B., Ioffe, Karakhan L.M.

Radek K.B. standing next to the car.

Members of the Soviet delegation at the car.

Trotsky comes out of the car, the German officers greet him.

Members of the Soviet delegation are on the territory of the Brest Fortress in the White Palace for negotiations.

Rallies in Berlin in October-November 1918.

The victims of clashes with the troops, the panorama of the courtyard with the bodies of the executed people.

Pass Hindenburg P. and Ludendorff E., officials greet them.

Hindenburg over the map of hostilities.

Kamenev L.B. among the delegates of one of the congresses of the RCP(b).

Lenin on a walk in the Kremlin courtyard in October 1918.

German troops on the streets of Kyiv in the summer of 1918.

Chairman of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region Tchaikovsky N.V. in the office.

Moves a squadron of warships invaders.

Tchaikovsky talks with the American consul.

Pass American soldiers who landed in northern Russia in 1918.

Unloading sleigh with American flag.

Japanese warships in the port of Vladivostok.

Faces of Japanese admirals.

US President Wilson W. sits in a chair in his office.

US military sailors in Vladivostok.

Foreign invaders in Vladivostok.

Russian and foreign officers descend the stairs.

Parade of foreign troops.

General Denikin A.I. presents awards to soldiers of the Volunteer Army.

Chairman of the State Conference in Ufa Avksentiev N.D. talking to officers.

Ataman Bogaevsky A.P. sits on a horse and rides along the street of the village.

Moves the cavalry unit of the White Army.

Panorama of the Moscow Kremlin, view of the Kremlin cathedrals.

Checking documents at the entrance to the Kremlin.

Emperor Nicholas II with family members and officers of his convoy.

Photos of the Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg and the basement in the house where the royal family was shot.

Trotsky speaks to the Red Army.

Vatsetis I.I. talking to staff members.

Vatsetis stands at the staff car.

General Brusilov A.A. sits at a table over a map.

Kamenev S.S. talking to Trotsky on Red Square during the May Day parade in the early 1920s.

Zinoviev G.E. at the funeral of Uritsky M.S. in Petrograd, the coffin is lowered into the grave.

Dzerzhinsky F.E. in the guard of honor at the tomb of Lenin in January 1924.

Demonstration in Kazan in 1918.

Red Army soldiers with a banner at the train car.

Trotsky and Vatsetis are standing at the staff car.

Trotsky takes the parade of one of the units of the Red Army.

Kamenev L.B., Bukharin N.I., Sokolnikov G.Ya. during a meeting of one of the congresses of the RCP(b).

Old Bolsheviks at the Kremlin wall during the May Day demonstration.

Kerensky A.F. stands at the entrance to the building in 1917.

Clemenceau J. talking with the French generals.

Admiral Kolchak A.V. talking to officers during a trip to the troops in 1919.

Kolchak visits one of the ships of the Siberian military flotilla, Kolchak inspects the ship's gun, walks along the crew line.

Kolchak conducts a review of one of the Cossack units.

Representatives of the Tatar and Bashkir population bring bread and salt to Kolchak.

The priest blesses the soldiers of Kolchak's army, sprinkles the system with holy water.

Clemenceau, Lloyd George D., Wilson V. leave the building.

The invaders are guarding the captured Red Army soldiers, the faces of the prisoners.

The priest speaks to the soldiers of the Volunteer Army, gets into the car.

An armed ship is sailing.

Kolchak leaves the ship ashore.

Kolchak presents awards to soldiers.

The queue for bread and boiling water in Petrograd, there are women with teapots.

The Red Army men let women with bags on their shoulders to the train.

Lenin speaks at a mourning meeting on Red Square on the day of Sverdlov's funeral on March 18, 1919, a panorama of part of the meeting.

Trotsky at the train carriage greets the commanders of the Red Army during a trip to the fronts.

Infantry and artillery in positions.

View of the funeral procession during the funeral of the victims of the White Guard terror, people carry wreaths.

Passing trucks with the Red Army in the back.

Attack of the cavalry in the Kuban, the fighting of the cavalry on the fronts of the civil war.

Bridge explosion.

The officer, standing at the dugout, gives orders to subordinates.

People at the skeletons of burnt houses.

Exhumation of the bodies of people shot by the Bolsheviks.

The soldiers are walking along the walls of the Orthodox Cathedral.

Opened cancer with relics.

Relics thrown from graves.

The soldiers put the relics back into the crypts and shrines.

Fighting infantry and cavalry on the fronts of the civil war.

Demonstration in Yekaterinburg.

General Yudenich N.N. touring troops during the First World War.

Unloading ammunition from the back of a truck.

Armored cars before being sent to the front line, the mechanic closes the hood of the armored car.

Armored cars and motorcyclists ride on the road.

The cavalry unit is preparing to march, machine guns are being loaded onto the horses.

The cavalry is moving, a column of armored cars is marching.

Russian infantry takes up positions and goes on the attack during the First World War.

Armored car on the road, infantry in the trenches firing rifles and machine guns at the enemy.

Trotsky speaks to the Red Army.

Detachments of sailors and mobilized workers go to the defense of Petrograd in October 1919, Trotsky makes a speech while standing in a car.

Checking passes from the sisters of mercy, sitting in an ambulance.

Passes a detachment of sailors.

Russian infantry is fighting during the First World War.

The machine-gun crew is firing, the infantry goes on the attack, the removal of the wounded from the battlefield.

Horse artillery moves into position.

Sailors on the streets of Petrograd.

The infantry is fighting during the first world war.

Infantry chains are advancing through a snow-covered field.

Machine-gun crew in position.

An airplane flies.

Infantry is fighting in winter conditions, cavalry attack.

Trotsky presents the battle banner of one of the Red Army units.

The cavalry and infantry of the white army are fighting.

Landing on the shore of the White Guards.

Soldiers on board the boat.

Loading the wounded on the boat.

The sailors are firing from deck guns, exploding shells on the shore, loading the wounded, soldiers in boats at the side of the ship, unloading horses from the ship.

Trotsky aboard a steamship during a trip down the Volga in 1918.

People are working on a subbotnik, digging the ground with shovels.

The peasants plow up the landowner's land.

Kalinin M.I. on Red Square during the May Day celebrations of the early 1920s.

Stalin I.V. on Red Square during a parade in 1922.

Delegates of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern pass under the arch installed at the Smolny in Petrograd in July 1920.

The delegates go to a meeting of Congress, Zinoviev speaks from the podium.

Zetkin K. is speaking, Zinoviev, Rudzutak Ya.E. are sitting in the presidium.

Sen Katayama among the delegates of one of the congresses of the Comintern.

Kalinin, AI Balabanova, Radek speaking from the podium at the 2nd Congress of the Comintern.

Congress delegates are speaking, a panorama of part of the hall.

Lenin speaks from the podium at the 2nd Congress of the Comintern, Radek is sitting next to him, a panorama of the hall.

The delegates of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern leave the Tauride Palace after the end of the meeting, among them - Zinoviev, Radek.

Delegates on the Field of Mars in Petrograd at the graves of the victims of the revolution.

Lenin V.I. in the Kremlin courtyard, talking with the American economist Christensen P.

The faces of the protesters.

Recruits in the ranks during drill exercises.

Delegates of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern on the Field of Mars in Petrograd.

Delegates laying a wreath at the graves of the victims of the revolution.

Lenin among the delegates of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern at the entrance to the Tauride Palace.

Lenin speaks at a rally on Palace Square in Petrograd during the 2nd Congress of the Comintern, the participants of the rally greet Lenin, panorama of the rally.

Lenin in the Kremlin office during a conversation with the American journalist Eyre L. In January 1920.

Rodzianko Mikhail Vladimirovich - statesman and politician Guchkov Alexander Ivanovich - statesman and politician Lvov Georgy Evgenievich - state and political figure Zasulich Vera Ivanovna - revolutionary figure Figner Vera Nikolaevna - revolutionary figure Tsereteli Irakli Georgievich - state and political figure Purishkevich Vladimir Mitrofanovich - politician Chernov Viktor Mikhailovich - statesman and politician Chkheidze Nikolai Semenovich - politician Lenin Vladimir Ilyich - statesman and political figure Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin - statesman and political figure Bukharin Nikolai Ivanovich - state and political figure Zinoviev Grigory Evseevich - statesman and politician Sokolnikov Grigory Yakovlevich - statesman and political figure Trotsky Lev Davidovich - state and political figure Karakhan Lev Mikhailovich - state and political political figure, diplomat Ioffe Adolf Abramovich - statesman and political figure, diplomat Bonch-Bruevich Vladimir Dmitrievich - statesman and political figure Kamenev Lev Borisovich - statesman and political figure Radek Karl Berngardovich - statesman and political figure Balabanova Anzhelika Isaakovna - revolutionary and politician Vatsetis Ioakim Ioakimovich - commander Hindenburg Paul von - German statesman and political figure Ludendorff Erich - German military leader Nicholas II - Russian emperor Kerensky Alexander Fedorovich - statesman and politician Bogaevsky Afrikan Petrovich - military leader Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich - - statesman, political and naval figure Clemenceau Georges - French statesman and political figure Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin - state and political figure Wilson Woodrow - American statesman and political figure Dzerzhinsky Felix Edmundovich - - statesman and political figure Lloyd George David - British statesman and political figure Yudenich Nikolai Nikolaevich - military leader Rudzutak Yan Ernestovich - statesman and political figure Zetkin Clara - international revolutionary and political figure Tchaikovsky Nikolai Vasilyevich - revolutionary, state and political figure Avksentiev Nikolai Dmitrievich - revolutionary and political figure Christensen Parker Paul - American economist Katayama Sen - Japanese revolutionary and political figure


1908 1911-1912 1914 03.1917 01.05.1917 11.1917 10.1918 18.03.1919 1919 01.1920 01.05.1920 07.1920 1921 1922 01.1924

Shooting locations

Moscow Petrograd Russia Siberia Arkhangelsk Oblast Vladivostok Kyiv Berlin USA Western Europe

Winter spring Summer Autumn

Story; World War I; Civil War; Political figures; Army; The international cooperation; International organizations; rallies; Demonstrations; Revolutionary events of 1917