Choosing the right career is the key to the future. Interview with a psychologist

Unfortunately, our life is short. Even those who are lucky enough to live more than average do not even have 1 million hours. Gleb Arkhanelsky said somewhere that the average person has only 200-400 hours of active time. Agree that it is not so much to allow yourself to do what you do not like too much. Your life goals determine the direction of your development. It is the right goals that give us energy and strength.

Choose weak and dull goals and they are unlikely to push you to achieve any serious heights. Especially if you didn’t like it right away and are imposed from the outside. We see the opposite picture when you choose something that is “absolutely yours”.

Goals can be tactical and strategic, designed for the short, medium and long term. Also, goals can be related to your procession or personal life. Goals can be classified according to a variety of criteria. But the most important and core goals are the life goals of a person. As a rule, these are long-term and highest priority goals. They are so strong that they force you to overcome any obstacles in order to achieve your goal.


Modern society is so structured that it imposes on all of us some standard indicators of success - an expensive car, an expensive apartment, a hefty bank account, traveling to distant lands, and so on. Poor people, due to the fact that they are processed through all media channels, sometimes get so wrapped up with work and current affairs that they forget to think about whether their life is meaningful, whether they even like what they do. That is, a person gets up in the morning, goes to an unloved job on a credit car and talks about an unloved job on a credit iPhone. He did not get enough sleep, it undermines his health. Plus, at work, he has to lick here, lick there, so as not to lose this job. It's good if you got a normal leader and team. And what if they are a real fiend. And these numerous meetings?

I don’t know about you, but for me, this whole standard disgusting lifestyle does not inspire any optimism. After all, this leads to illness, lack of free time and a bunch of other problems.

Many of us are shrouded in false goals that are not true for absolutely all of us. It’s just that they are imposed on us, hammered in, and we, living on a semi-automatic mode, burn our lives for no reason.

We are all very different. Therefore, the life goals of a person will also be extremely individual. For example, in business it is considered a good idea to make a scalable project, attract investors and partners. But personally, it's not like that for me. I like the lack of partners, investors and employees more. I feel that I sincerely enjoy the fact that I work alone and on my own. Many will call this a mistake, but I tried to hire employees and build business partnerships. I lost only time, money, nerves and realized that one of my life goals is complete self-sufficiency.

But yours may be different. If you want to succeed in life, then you need to select goals that:
- match your values;
- are truly your goals, and not imposed from outside;
- well suited to your strengths;
- harmoniously fit into your lifestyle.

Continuing the theme of the author of these lines, I like to wake up around lunchtime. And I like to work around the clock. And even though you crack, I still do it. It would be a fatal mistake for me to get a job where I have to go by 8 in the morning. No, you can get used to everything. And if you wake up for a couple of days in a row by 8 in the morning, then you will inevitably start going to bed on time simply because there will be no strength. All this can be done. But do I need to do this? Probably not.

If you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses and clearly understand what life goals you personally have chosen, then this will become an incredibly powerful driver and you will achieve simply incredible success in everything you touch. The “must do” motivation and the “want to do” motivation are two fundamentally different motivations. And as you understand, “I want” will work better than “I have to”.

Reaching heights in material prosperity, do not forget that this is far from the only area of ​​life that requires your attention. In addition to money and career growth, do not forget about health, personal life and self-development.

But even after choosing the right life goals that truly resonate with your desires, do not forget that any success is the result of hard work. Be a purposeful person, do not give up in case of some life failures. Be persistent and fortune sooner or later will turn to face you.

By the way, many say that striving for something you sometimes get more pleasure than when you have already taken possession of it. Exciting anticipation of something that is of interest to you is a sure sign that you are on the right track. A sign that you are on the right path and have chosen the right goals in life is if you enjoy what you do every day, even if the result is still far away.

In our society, it is considered cool to travel everywhere - hit the road to Greece or an exotic country. And I am thrown into cold sweats at the mere thought that it will be necessary to spend two or three days on a trip just to get to an incomprehensible place. I have no enthusiasm for either the Egyptian pyramids or the American skyscrapers. All this is cool of course, but this is clearly not my life goal.

Ask yourself the following questions: what do you want from life? What is of value and some significance for you personally? Why would you be a happy person? Everything else can be considered secondary goals.

It is best to focus maximum attention on some one main life goal. Its fulfillment will pull the fulfillment of other smaller goals. You won’t even have time to look back, when you become a wealthy person with a family, children and will be able to travel so much that you will become sick of it. You don't have to look far for examples: Gleb Arkhangelsky, Oleg Tinkov and other well-known entrepreneurs. They are known for focusing all their energies on one thing, money, fame and success then literally haunt them.

When you find your life purpose, you will feel it and become a truly happy person. When I first started my career, I thought that I would become a programmer. I really enjoyed writing complex software codes. And I thought that if I started doing this professionally, it would be a real dream come true. But everything crashed against the harsh reality. Literally a year and a half after starting my career as a programmer, I felt that this was “not mine”, although then I worked for some time by inertia.

Look for what "catches" you, look for what is personally interesting to you. Today for me it is the creation of online media. The site site appeared in 2009, and I am still interested in doing it. And today the book about microbusiness is almost ready. This topic has been of interest to me for years. Probably not by chance. By the way, for the sake of this project, I sacrificed quite a promising career. But website development is not just a small business. This is what I personally really like.

If you, like me, find your life goal, then you will raise the quality of life by an order of magnitude. When work is fun and even brings interesting results - it's worth it to look for it. Take a close look at what you do every day. Skip it all through the question - do you like it or not. What do your emotions say about it?

Finally. I advise you to search the Internet for videos and audio recordings of Max Heeger, a successful entrepreneur and thinker. All of this is available for free. And there he tells a whole philosophy about the search for a person's life goals in great detail and in an interesting way. Good luck!

Buying an apartment is a crucial step in the life of every person. After all, even a small living space will cost a decent amount of money. It's good if the buyer already knows what he wants to see a new apartment. However, this is rare, and the decision is often made spontaneously. How to buy a dream apartment?

Realtors have provided a few tips for our site that will help the buyer not only make the right choice, but also make a list of requirements for the place of their dreams. So, what are the main points you need to pay attention to when buying an apartment?

First step. Where to start choosing?

In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, you need to determine in advance the purpose of the acquisition and the amount of money that you are willing to invest in real estate. The answer to this question will depend on the area in which you need to look for an apartment, its size and floor, class of the house. The greatest difficulty arises when choosing a region. A person tries to find an apartment in a place where he is well oriented, if the purchase is not tied to the work or study of the client. If he nevertheless decides to settle in an unfamiliar area, then the main criterion for choosing will be the infrastructure of the place.

Second step. Old or new?

Unfortunately, this question leads many buyers to a standstill. What to choose - a new building in which no one lived, and the price for it is cheaper, or secondary housing, but with which unforeseen problems may arise? The choice depends on the financial capabilities of the buyer. If there is a limitation in money, but there is time to wait, then the best option is a new building. Get a house of modern construction with new communications and a contingent of neighbors about your social status. However, there are some nuances - you will have to additionally invest in repairs.

Third step. Inspection of the acquired property.

It is better to inspect the apartments during the day. You should take your camera with you. Taking pictures, it is possible to evaluate the apartments the next day or show them to loved ones. When inspecting the property, pay attention to its layout: if there are two rooms, then it is better to be isolated; the room itself should be well lit; the presence of a dressing room, a hall. Looking around the apartment, you should collect information about the neighbors with whom you have to live.

We, journalism students, have almost a whole year of study at the Pacific State University behind us, including the first session that seemed so scary at first, which we successfully overcame. In the first months of school, many of us had a feeling, if not disappointment, then at least dissatisfaction. Why? The answer is simple: of all the disciplines that we studied in the first semester, only one turned out to be specialized, so many of us were not in the mood to study mathematics, the concepts of modern natural science, history, and world religions.

And then, finally, creativity began: in March, in the classroom in one of the core subjects, we received the task to interview freshmen like us, but studying at other faculties and mastering other specialties and directions, which, as it turned out, , more than five dozen.

It was a reason to compare their own impressions and feelings with others, and at the same time make new acquaintances. And yet - if the interviews are successful - not only to get marks for practical journalistic work, but also (by the way, this is one of the main desires of most first-year students) to be published in the magazine "My University". True, for this it was necessary to find really interesting interlocutors, and even those representing the most outlandish university specialties ...

What professional prospects await students of the specialty "Oil and Gas Business"? Freshman Tatyana Dneprovskaya (pictured) shared her thoughts and impressions.

- Tanya, why do you choose oil and gas?

I dreamed of becoming an engineer since school, that's why I chose "Oil and Gas Business". It seems to me that specialists in this area will be especially in demand on the labor market in the future. First of all, because Soviet geologists graduated from universities 15-30 years ago, and during this time cardinal changes have taken place in science: today, in order to develop it, young engineers with “fresh” knowledge in their heads are needed. In addition, such specialists are needed in other countries. For a long time, the USSR was a closed country, so the study of English in universities was not given due attention. But for a modern specialist, knowledge of English at the level of “reading and translating with a dictionary” is considered insufficient. PNU teachers understand this and provide us, students, with the opportunity to improve our foreign language outside of Russia: the university offers participation in exchange programs with foreign partner universities from the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, as well as Austria, Germany, USA, Sweden, Italy.

- And why did you enter the TOGU? Do you regret your choice?

In fact, I planned to enter a completely different university. However, my older sister convinced me to submit the original certificate to PNU: she herself graduated from the "Oil and Gas Business" in Politen and now does not regret it at all. I am pleased that I chose PNU: in my opinion, strict but intelligent teachers work here, who are able to provide high-quality technical education. The main thing is not to be lazy and not leave anything “for later”: patience and work will grind everything.

What difficulties do you face when studying your specialty and how do you cope with them?

All the subjects that I study are difficult, but interesting. As a girl, physics and engineering graphics are difficult for me. The latter requires a huge amount of work, which sometimes lacks patience: for example, the outline of some detail takes at least two hours. In general, if something doesn’t work out for me, I know who to turn to: we have a friendly group, and we always try to help each other.

- Successfully passed the first session? It was difficult to?

I have pretty good results: there are no triples in the test - only 4 and 5. The most difficult test was the physics exam. However, I have already mentioned that sometimes Newton and I have disagreements (laughs).

How do you imagine the specifics of your future work? How do you see your professional future?

A specialist of my profile is engaged in the development of the oil and gas industry in modern economic conditions: it develops oil and gas production technology, manages the development of fields, monitors design in the oil and gas business, etc. There are so many opportunities for graduates of my profile - you can’t list them all!

But I still hope that in four years I will not have to travel to the taiga and tundra and participate there in the search for oil and gas fields. I really want to work in the organizational and managerial sphere: to become a chief engineer in a foreign company. By the way, Russian oil and gas specialists are now in demand abroad: in Canada, Great Britain, the USA, in sunny Brazil (smiles).

And how do you spend your free time? Tell me about your hobbies.

I don’t have much free time, but I try not to waste it: I like to learn new things. Today I am fond of nail design. With pleasure I set aside a couple of hours a week to draw a beautiful pattern on someone's nails. My immediate plans also include mastering the art of makeup. My feminine weakness is “to blame” for everything: I like to make people beautiful.

What advice would you give to graduates of general education institutions when choosing a profession?

First, you need to think carefully before choosing a specialty: will it be in demand in five years. And one more thing: is it mine, will the desire to move along the chosen path disappear in the future? You should not wait until your parents decide everything for you: after all, you will have to devote 4 to 6 years of your life to studying in an “imposed” specialty. It is a pity, but according to some reports, 55% of graduates enter the university at the behest of their elders. Often, after graduating from a university, former “slaved students” do not want to work in their specialty and, in the end, conclude that these years of life have been wasted. Secondly, graduates, study natural and exact sciences, especially physics, mathematics and chemistry! Fundamental knowledge acquired at school greatly facilitates the life of a student of the specialty "Oil and Gas Business". Proven in my experience.

Interviewed by Yulia Raitina

On a long break, I had a difficult task: to interview a first-year student. Not easy because I have never interviewed outside of social networks. I was very nervous, I had about fifteen minutes to do everything. My choice fell on my namesake - a student of the Faculty of Automation and Information Technology Georgy Ovcharenko (pictured), who is studying for a bachelor's degree in Information Systems Security.

- George, what is the reason for your choice of education? What interests you about your future profession?
- I chose "Information Systems Security" based on my interests and capabilities. I am fond of innovative technologies and I perfectly understand what the potential of this profession is, because information technologies are developing very quickly.

- What did you know about this specialty before entering the university? How have your knowledge and impressions changed after admission?

To be honest, all my ideas about this direction and profile were only guesses based on its name. To tell the truth, I was going to go to flight school, but I flunked the medical board. So I chose the closest specialty. Over time, in the process of learning, I began to like her more and more, and now I feel needed in her.

Which items turned out to be the most interesting? What are your first impressions of studying at the university?

The most interesting professional subjects are: "Programming and the basics of algorithmization" (this is such a special programmer's magic) and "Informatics". The first impressions of the university were indelible: starting from the appearance of the university and ending with the quality of the education provided. And in general, PNU seems to me a completely “different world” after school. It feels like an important period in life has come.

Was the first session easy or difficult?

It would be much easier if not for my natural laziness! (laughs).

- Do you have any hobbies? Do you manage to successfully combine your hobbies with your studies?

I have two hobbies: fencing and board games. It is possible to combine them, but sometimes there are times when you have to sacrifice something. For example, when there are field competitions in fencing, you have to skip classes, because of which you have to study the material yourself, which does not always work out properly.

- Quite unusual hobbies you have! What board games do you prefer? Among my acquaintances there are a couple of people who really like Warhammer 40,000.

Yes, Warhammer and I love it very much. I also like Dungeons & Dragons, Munchkin, Game of Thrones, Yes Dark Lord and Arkham Horror...

There were only a couple of minutes left before the start of the next class, so I no longer had the right to delay either the interviewed student or myself, and voiced the last question:

- What would you advise, taking into account personal experience, students of the final grades of schools?

Choose a profession that will definitely interest them very much, because if you work without pleasure, it will not benefit either you or those around you.

Interviewed by Georgy Pinchuk

Pacific State University is one of the largest higher educational institutions in the Far East. It is not for nothing that not only Khabarovsk schoolchildren strive to get here, but also children from other cities of Russia. I wonder how our university accepts nonresident children? Evgeny Tarasov, a second-year student of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, helped me find out the details (pictured).

I was born and raised in the city of Yakutsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). At school he always tried to study well, took part in physics and mathematics Olympiads. In total, by the way, he scored the highest number of points among all the participants. He dreamed of getting a higher education in the city of St. Petersburg. But, unfortunately, some life circumstances forced to abandon this dream. Without thinking twice, I chose PNU - a very famous university among schoolchildren of our republic.

How interesting is your fate at such a young age! You're only 17 years old. Do you remember the day when you first came to Khabarovsk? What were the feelings?

It was deep night! On September 1, 2012, at about one in the morning, the plane landed at the Khabarovsk airport. I remember taking a taxi to the hostel for a very long time. They arrived at the scene only at four in the morning. A few hours later I went to the festive line in honor of the beginning of the school year and got lost on the campus.

How did they let you into the hostel at four in the morning? Our guards are strict! Were there any problems?

The fact of the matter is that at such an early time there was no commandant. And the watchman was so kind that she allowed me to spend the night in the gym of the hostel on mattresses (laughs). My countrymen are already there. We got to know each other, so we had a lot of fun the rest of the time.

And how many such fun nights in the gym?

Only one. First and last. As soon as the commandant appeared at the workplace, we were all immediately assigned to rooms.

- What was the first thing that came to your mind when you found yourself in your monastery? In a word.

Comfort (answers without a moment's hesitation).

So your expectations were justified?

Ah, if it weren’t for the Univer series, thanks to which I had a slightly different idea of ​​​​life in a hostel ... But all this has already dissipated, I’m used to it, settled down, thanks to the neighbors for all the fun moments in our lives.

A lot of people complain about dorm life, and you talk about it with such a smile. So, everything is not so bad... Tell me, did you immediately understand the division of the university into the right, left wing and center?

As for finding the right audiences, I was lost, of course. Couldn't find the basement and the 6th floor. But good-natured cleaners always saved us.

- And how were things with studies and orientation in the educational building of the PNU in the first year?

Ltd! The first semester is just awful! And on September 25, I ended up in the hospital, because of which I had to delete a whole month from my educational activities. Result: the first session was closed with only triples. It's a shame! Now the studies are in order, there are no such grades in the record book.

Tell me, if it weren't for the life circumstances that make you here now, what choice would you make? Peter? Or would you still change your mind?

I can say one thing ... I do not regret my choice!

This is what I was waiting for. Zhenya, you are great! Fate now and then throws up all sorts of difficulties, but you courageously cope with them. Perhaps you have a life credo?

- "Fate itself creates everything." I live with this expression. It helps me.

Or maybe success lies in your last name? Tarasov - as the coach of the famous hockey player Valery Kharlamov?

No, nothing connects me and my family with Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov. But I am proud of my surname and our large Tarasov family.

It was on this spiritual note that Evgeny and I ended our conversation. In parting, he wished me and all his friends and acquaintances health, happiness and success in everything. Yes! TOGU has someone and something to be proud of.

Interviewed by Daria Konkina

The Faculty of Economics and Management is considered the most popular at PNU, as evidenced by the annual student competition. Its departments train specialists in various areas, one of which is "Business Informatics". Why it is worth going there, and what kind of study “tastes” there, said Valeria Belyaeva (pictured), a second-year student at the FEU.

- Lera, why did you choose this specialty? Did she have something on you?

The process of choosing a profession was long. Technical specialties seemed difficult, but simple economics or management seemed useless and boring. For the last four years at school, I studied computer science in depth. And the direction of "Business Informatics" is directly related to this subject. And as soon as I found out about it, I immediately realized that it was mine. After all, you can study programming and information technology in the economic sphere in parallel with economic sciences.

- Did you know about this specialty before entering the university?

Before admission, to be honest, it was completely incomprehensible what it is and what it is eaten with. But this only increased interest, especially since many of my parents' acquaintances unanimously said that this was an excellent choice for a future profession. Some kind of sixth sense told me that "hit the top ten."

- What are your impressions now?

After a couple of months of training, it became clear that managers are being prepared from us. Our group's abbreviation is UB, which stands for business management. So, knowing the economy and having an excellent flexible tool in the form of programming skills, you can create your own business at any level, in any industry.

- Do you already have favorite items? What interested you in studying?

As a person who is passionate about computer science, it was very interesting for me to get acquainted with new programming languages: structural (Pascal), object-oriented (C #) and multi-paradigm (Delphi). This is what we did on the subject of "Object-oriented analysis and programming." In the first semester, the emphasis was placed on disciplines dedicated to information technology. At first, I was upset that I had already managed to go through almost all of this at school. But in the second semester, the focus shifted. There were more economic sciences, we began to plunge deeper and deeper into the atmosphere of our specialty. In your first year of university, you discover something new every day. Studying becomes meaningful, and you become more and more excited and willing to learn.

- Was it difficult to pass the first university session?

She was very easy for me. I practically didn't notice her. It is not clear why undergraduates and teachers are so scared of us freshmen with this session. So for the second, which is just around the corner, I'm calm.

What advice would you give to future applicants?

Many freshmen flunk their first session. Why? They skip school, lose interest in their chosen specialty due to the fact that they do not follow their original desire "what to become when I grow up." They follow the lead of their parents, fashion, act “where the girlfriend went” and so on. But higher education is more than just a “crust” of a diploma. This is one of the steps of the "ladder to a decent life." Therefore, I advise high school students to choose exactly what they like, so that their next four years of study can be called an interesting and fun student time, and come to Politen every morning with a smile!

Interviewed by Kristina Myagkova

Every year, PNU comes to life again from the flow of first-year students. Resolute and self-confident, they rush forward, breaking down barriers and every day plunging deeper into the world of Polythene. Four years later, many of them will become highly qualified specialists and masters of their craft, and now they fill out only the first pages of their record books and books of life at the university. Something has already been done, but much remains to be discovered. What? This is what I wanted to ask one of them.

Andrey Seroukhov, who is studying in the direction of "Applied Informatics" at the Faculty of Economics and Management, got into the network of my curiosity. During an informal conversation over a cup of hot cocoa, I asked him a few questions.

- Andrey, why did you choose applied computer science? Why is she interested in you?

The desire to become a programmer was clearly formed in the eighth grade. Due to an unexpected computer breakdown, I had to try myself as a rescue programmer. After a little thought, I began to fiddle with disks and wiring and was soon able to revive him. A year later, I began to write my first program and realized that the world of programs is an interesting field for creativity. Starting with the basics, with the help of a simple tutorial bought in a stall, I moved on to more and more complex things. The world of numbers and codes carried away, began to open up before me. What seemed very complicated became simple and understandable. In our business, to create an advanced, unusual, complex program is a victory. Now this is what I'm striving for.

What did you know about this specialty before entering? And how have your knowledge and impressions changed since then?

I knew everything about my future profession, in principle, because before that I spent a lot of time on the Internet in search of the necessary information. At the university, when compared with school, it is easier to study: teachers are more condescending, they are less demanding and persistent. To learn new things or stay at the same level is the personal choice of everyone.

Which of the subjects that you started studying are more interesting and close to you? What are your impressions of studying at PNU?

Interested in such subjects as "Modern Programming Environments", "Operating Environments and Shells". They are specialized, thanks to them we delve into the practice of programming, learn about many interesting nuances, details and details of our chosen profession.

If I remember the first session, I can summarize: the exams were passed successfully thanks to four sleepless nights alone with textbooks. In addition, I did the right thing by showing myself well at the very beginning of the semester - the image capital earned from teachers during the session worked for me.

- What can you advise, taking into account personal experience, students of the final grades of schools?

- "Follow your dream!" - that's my motto. I think that school graduates should definitely choose a profession to their liking, look for a reflection of their interests, hobbies, talents in it. But you need to look from the other side, the mercantile one - to approach the choice of a profession with a calculation. It is better if your profession is in demand in the labor market, then finding a job will not be a problem. And, in my opinion, you should not neglect the opinion of your parents, I advise you to find a compromise with them.

- Andrey, what profession would you like to try yourself in?

And I'm already trying! I'm going to create my own musical group, to be a solo guitarist in it - this thought has been haunting me for a long time. I started learning to play the guitar a couple of years ago, and at the university I found friends who are close to me in spirit. They picked up the idea and now it is turning from unrealizable into quite real. Perhaps soon our group will set fire to the Politene hall. For example, at the next Student Spring. Later, who knows? - we'll get to the Platinum Arena. Jokes are jokes, but it is necessary to strive for heights. Also, I think I could make a good pastry chef who bakes delicious chocolate cupcakes and cakes.

- Thank you, Andrei, for an interesting conversation. I hope to try your delicious pastries someday.

Interviewed by Anastasia Kuznetsova

What to become if you find sincere joy in studying the culture of another country, in communicating with foreigners? Roman Humenny, a 1st year student of PNU, spoke about his choice (pictured).

- Why did you choose the direction of the bachelor's degree "Foreign Regional Studies"?

Even at school, I became interested in the culture of China, a country neighboring Russia. I think it happened in the history lessons, when the teacher touched upon the issues of relations between the two states. I read a lot about the history of the Celestial Empire, especially about the 20th century. It was this interest that influenced the choice of future profession. I wanted to study for a specialty that would allow me to study the languages ​​and culture of other countries, primarily China. The path to the choice was long: for two years I went through various options and settled on foreign regional studies. Now I am learning more and more about the country that once aroused my keen interest. Each nation has its own peculiarities in relation to life, behavior, culture and much more, these are the distinctive features of the Chinese that I like.

We live in the Far East and neighbor with various eastern countries. Many universities specialize in training personnel in this area, but you chose PNU. Why?

And this choice was not easy. There were several options, but in the end only two remained: PNU or FEFU in Vladivostok. Both universities are good, each has its own merits, each can give what I want. The location of the university played a decisive role in the choice. I don’t want to offend anyone, but I like the relatively calm Khabarovsk much more than Vladivostok, where there is a lot of fuss. Moreover, I got the feeling that people in Khabarovsk are easier in communication and attitude to life. And there are many people here from my native Primorsky Territory.

- What was your first impression of TOGU?

I first visited Politen with my father when I came to apply for admission. He just amazed me with his size!

- What do you see as "pros" and "cons" of your studies?

We do not learn Chinese from the first year - this is the first and last minus that I see in Politen, and for some it can become a plus. But I would like to start learning this difficult language from the first year in order to develop a base. The sooner the better, I think. Of the pluses, I want to say about the subjects that are taught. First of all, about those related to my specialty. For example, I really like the political geography of China. We study the features of individual regions of the Middle Kingdom, both economic and political. A big plus of PNU is a bright and creative extracurricular activity, which all students can freely engage in.

- What can you say about the teachers?

The teachers are very nice. At school, teachers are demanding, and here, of course, we are not allowed to relax either. But teachers at the university allow you to fully open up, you can discuss with them. The teacher in the subject "Concepts of modern natural science" Bernard Borisovich Averbukh was very memorable. This is a man of the old school, he told a lot not only about his subject, but also about the world, life and people. It's nice to know that there are such reliable and smart people nearby, whom you can always approach with a question of interest and get an answer to it.

- There are many circles and sections of sports and creative directions in PNU. What are you doing?

Of course! I love playing KVN very much, and in the future I would like to organize my own team. I was also a member of the faculty team during the Freshman Festival. Students from China, who study at Politen, performed together with us. Thanks to them, we managed to take third place in the competition. I still communicate with them, it is very convenient to do this, because we live in the same hostel. We participate with them in sporting events. I have been playing basketball since childhood, and at PNU I took part in interfaculty competitions. We have only taken fourth place so far. It's a shame.

- You mentioned that you live in a dorm. Did it somehow affect you?

Yes, and very strongly. I have been living separately from my parents for six months, I have become more independent. For example, now you have to cook for yourself. I did this before, but not like here: at home, my mother helped. Now I want to bake cookies, but I do not know the proportions, and it would be great if someone showed me how to do it. When you start living on your own, you learn a lot of interesting things not only about life, people, but also about yourself.

- Wish something to our readers - future applicants.

I wish: if you have an interest in something, there is a desire to do something, then do it! In Politene it will not be difficult.

Interviewed by Daria Makhnova

Someone wants to become a pilot, someone wants to be a gasman, and someone just gives an easel with pencils - and there is no limit to happiness. Ekaterina Sukhoveeva, a first-year student, told me about all the delights of studying at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, telling me what study is like there, as they say, in taste and color.

Ekaterina, why did you enter architecture? Personally, I have heard a lot about how difficult it is to study in this specialty, I know how many guys have already gone into the army because of the heavy workload and poor progress ...

I, unfortunately, do not have a super story about my admission. Everything is simple. Didn't hesitate for long. The choice fell on the specialty "Architecture", and I am very glad that now I have the opportunity to study this profession. Firstly, this is creativity, an opportunity not only to study engineering sciences, but also to develop imagination, a sense of beauty, to translate your ideas into projects. Secondly, this is a sought-after profession, because good specialists in this field are now really appreciated.

And after you have already submitted the documents, have you often heard that it is difficult, that you have to work hard? Has anyone tried to dissuade you?

Almost everyone said so. But you know yourself, someone has more strength, someone has less, someone is lazy, and someone is vice versa. I tried not to listen to anyone, but when I entered, to tell the truth, I thought that it would not be so difficult. Much is required of students. During the semester, you need to pass several projects, and, in addition to this, there are also other subjects that are not in the profile of the specialty. But I consider this a plus, because here you want - you don’t want, but you will try to organize your time. Moreover, such a pace of life becomes a habit, and when there is a lot of time, I want to occupy it with something. Now I often get tired, but it is a pleasant tiredness, especially when you turn in your work, get the result and feel that everything was not in vain.

- Has any object already "broke into your heart" and decided to stay there forever?

Not yet. I try to keep them all in the "friend zone". But I'm lucky - there are no unloved objects. And to be honest, I still like disciplines in my specialty more: architectural design, drawing, compositional modeling.

Probably one of the most incomprehensible questions for students: "How to pass the session successfully?". How did you manage that?

The first session went well, there were no global difficulties. And the secret, guys, is simple: prepared - passed. What I wish and advise you. And the second session, I really hope, will not just go the same way, but fly by. Summer, after all, I want to spend a whole month on summer walks around the city, and not on the road to PNU with drawings.

- What prospects await you in the future? What are your hopes for it?

In the future, of course, I would like not just to work in a team and fulfill "regular orders", but to implement projects on a global scale! But at least I think if you really learn the profession, there will always be interesting work.

- Finally - a few words to the guys who are going to enter the same specialty.

I tell you right away and to the point: “From the first days, organize your new regimen, try not to put off work until later, so that you can get enough sleep at night. Do not waste your time, because during the training period it will increase in value like a euro! And, of course, do not skip."

Interviewed by Nikita Bashunov.

Photos by Dina Nepomnyashchaya, Alexandra Tenetkina and presented by the authors of the interview


Choosing a profession - choosing a successful life path

profession choice success

The idea that the right choice of profession is the key to a successful life path is quite obvious. To illustrate it most clearly, I propose to use the method by contradiction (there is such a method in mathematics).

Suppose a person has chosen a profession that does not suit him. What then?

It would seem that it's okay - you can take it and change it. But in fact, this is not entirely true. Most professions require serious training: you need to study for several years, then work under someone's guidance for at least two or three years to become a real specialist. And when you are 25 years old or even older, you have a family and children, your parents no longer help, and you suddenly decide to change your profession, then what? It is necessary to break the existing way of life, to find money on which you will live, studying, but not working at the same time. You may need to move to live in another city where the university you are interested in is located. This is all very, very difficult. Therefore, it turns out - measure seven times, and cut once.

If changing a profession is difficult, then maybe you can get used to it? This is actually what often happens. However, it is almost impossible to expect that the life of such a person will turn out successfully, and here's why.

Suppose a person has chosen a profession for which he has no talent. For example, an accountant who constantly makes mistakes, or a hairdresser who cuts badly. Such a specialist will constantly be condemned or punished. The business will suffer, and the person himself will be extremely uncomfortable to live. Therefore, in order to achieve maximum success, you need to choose a profession with which a person can not only cope, but for which he has a talent!

It happens that the ability is there, but the desire is not. Taking will into a fist, of course, you can force yourself to do almost anything, but can we achieve an excellent result? Hardly. When a person does something that he does not like, he gets stressed, a desire not to do it at all. And instead of a quick result, worthy of the admiration of others and the joy of the work done, we get something in between, which took longer than usual and did not bring much satisfaction. That is, when choosing a profession, you need to strive to ensure that the future work is to your liking.

But here, it would seem, a person has chosen a profession - one that he likes and at the same time does well. is that enough? Not always. What matters is the income that the job brings and how it relates to the needs of the person. Here, as they say, comments are unnecessary.

Let's get back to the topic of the essay. We have proved that the wrong choice of a profession (that is, one that does not meet the capabilities and desires of a person, does not correspond to his level of material claims) entails such consequences that cannot be called a success in life.

What is a successful life path? Perhaps, how many people, so many answers to this question. It seems to me that this is a life lived happily, if at the same time a person brought the maximum benefit that he could bring to himself and society, and did not harm others.

If we agree with this definition, then Maslow's pyramid will help us determine the components of a successful life. According to this scientist, human needs are divided into basic: in food, housing, security, and social: in recognition, love, self-expression.

A person can buy food, an apartment, clothes or receive it from someone free of charge. The second option is rare: an inheritance, a rich husband (or wife), winning the lottery, etc. If money is not important for a person or he can get everything he needs without earning money himself, then the choice of a profession for this aspect of success in life does not matter much. However, I repeat, in the realities of our life, it is practically impossible to count on such a course of events. Conclusion - it is important to choose a profession that will be in demand (it is desirable that at the same time the demand for specialists exceeds supply) and will bring a stable income.

Work that is done with love, with the ability to do it with high quality, will surely bring recognition and respect from colleagues, customers, students and the whole society. Work is, of course, not the only way to gain recognition. An alternative can be - a successful upbringing of children, a beautiful appearance, cleanliness and order in the house, and little else. But if we consider that we devote most of our lives to work (168 hours a week, about 60 of which we sleep, 50 hours work (with the road and lunch), 58 hours are left for everything else), then it becomes clear how important it is to receive recognition in what you do, it is at work.

Self-expression, the realization of creative potential is the highest stage of human development. Without self-realization, without the disclosure of creative abilities, a person's life is more like a mechanical one, it is poor and uninteresting. Again, you can find a way to implement this outside of work, for example, as a hobby, take pictures, draw, play sports. This is all wonderful and very necessary, but if an element of creativity and self-expression is also present in a person’s work activity, then such a person is doubly happy.

Returning to our definition, we need to remember the benefits. A successful, happy life path is not only pleasure, but also the contribution that a person has made to the life of his relatives, friends, society, country, and maybe the whole world. If a person baked delicious buns, made correct diagnoses, wrote good poems, it means that he brought benefits to society, and his life was successful. If people in our country do their work with great productivity, high quality, and maximize the potential inherent in each, then the country will prosper, providing safe and comfortable living conditions in it. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for us to compete with other countries, and we will be forced to be content with a minimum of benefits, or even completely obey the rules of others. This, I think, should not be forgotten either.

The life of an ordinary person: home - work, work - home. If we evaluate the importance of successful work in the success of a life path, I would define its significance as 40-80% (40% for women, 70% for men, 80% for businessmen), taking into account the social component and the time devoted to it. Accordingly, if you are 50% unsuccessful (you chose the wrong profession and did not achieve anything in it, you bring harm to people by doing poor quality work, plus some failures in other areas), then it will not work to call such a life path successful.

In a Russian person, both Lefty and Emelya are mysteriously combined, and therefore, if the work is to their liking, it argues every now and then, and if the person is not interested in the work, then there will be no result.

I hope I convinced you that the right choice of profession is the key to a happy, harmonious, meaningful life!