Profession social pedagogue where to study. The social educator belongs to the category of specialists

Beginning: 15000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 20000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 30000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is given approximately based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salary in a particular region or company may differ from those given. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in the chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only by the fact that you are offered vacancies in the labor market.

Demand for the profession

New jobs are always in demand. Such institutions as kindergartens, schools, orphanages, social services lack qualified specialists.

Who is the profession for?

Professionally important qualities:

  • sociability;
  • the ability to make decisions quickly;
  • organizational skills;
  • practicality;
  • developed intuition;
  • love for children;
  • psychological stability;
  • cheerfulness;
  • sense of tact;
  • high level of culture;
  • developed analytical thinking;
  • diligence;
  • activity.


The salary of a social educator depends on the level of his qualifications, work experience and the budget of the organization where he works.


  • implementation of social assistance and support for children and adolescents;
  • assistance in obtaining allowances and compensations, targeted assistance to children, material support for orphans, graduates of orphanages;
  • socio-pedagogical patronage of disabled children and children from families at risk;
  • diagnostic, correctional and rehabilitation work with children with deviant behavior and children who find themselves in difficult life situations;
  • the study of the social and living conditions of the child, the characteristics of the family, the microenvironment;
  • diagnostics of social deviations;
  • socio-pedagogical correction and rehabilitation of the personality, interpersonal relations, educational influences;
  • protecting the rights of children and adolescents;
  • organization of versatile, socially acceptable cultural and leisure activities for children and adolescents;
  • Carrying out vocational guidance work with children and adolescents.
Rate the job: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The position of a social pedagogue has now been officially established in the institutions of two departments - education and committees for youth affairs.
In the system of institutions of committees on youth affairs, the position of "social teacher" was introduced into the staff list of 8 types of institutions: courtyard children's clubs, children's art houses, youth hostels, rest houses for teenagers, educational youth centers, career guidance centers, employment centers, children's and youth exchanges labor.
The legal basis for the activity of a social pedagogue in this area is the law of the Russian Federation "On Public Associations".

In the field of education, this position has been included in the staff list of 6 types of educational institutions, the network of which is dynamically developing: preschool educational institutions; educational institutions; general education boarding schools; educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care; special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant behavior; educational institutions of primary vocational education.

Despite the fact that the position of "social teacher" is established only in two departmental areas, the practical need for such specialists is much wider. In fact, this position can be introduced in all social institutions that provide assistance to children in need. Therefore, the typology of institutions in which a social pedagogue can work, based on their departmental affiliation, includes:

educational institutions;
- establishment of committees for youth affairs;
- healthcare institutions (children's hospitals, special hospitals for mentally ill children, drug addicted children, sanatoriums for children, etc.);
- institutions of social protection of the population (social service centers, centers for social assistance to families and children, social shelters, social rehabilitation centers for minors, centers for helping children left without parental care, rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities, etc.) ; - institutions related to the system of internal affairs bodies (reception centers for children and adolescents, special boarding schools and special vocational schools for children who have committed offenses, educational colonies, juvenile courts for adolescents who are taking their first steps in Russia, etc.).

Depending on the conditions of the region (village, city, district of the city, etc.), institutions providing assistance to children can be of a complex interdepartmental nature (family and childhood centers, leisure centers, health centers, etc.). Social educators working in these institutions carry out primary diagnostics of the society and identify children with problems, differentiate children's problems, determine their causes, ways and means of solving them. They should also be well informed about the possibilities of all social institutions of the city, village, township, etc.

If the child's personal problems cannot be removed in the natural environment of his development, the child is sent to institutions with a particular specialization (institutions for the social rehabilitation of children with physical and mental disabilities, institutions for the social rehabilitation of children who have not received general and vocational education, etc. .).
Institutions in which social educators must work may be of a state, public or public-state nature.

In state institutions, the activities of a specialist, his duties, as well as wages are determined by uniform, common for all regulatory documents (qualification characteristics; qualification requirements for teaching staff of educational institutions when assigning qualification categories to them; official salaries and wage rates established by the state).

In public or public-state institutions, the activities of a specialist, his position and salary are determined by the regulatory documents governing the activities of this institution (the law of the Russian Federation "On public associations", the law of the Russian Federation "On charitable activities and charitable organizations", the qualification characteristics of the institution, the charter or regulation institutions, staffing, official salaries and wage rates established by the institution).
In addition, a volunteer movement is emerging in the country, in which social educators provide assistance to children free of charge.

The foregoing shows that socio-pedagogical activity is multilateral and responsible. Therefore, the professional training of a social educator should be based on extensive, evidence-based knowledge and continuous self-improvement.

I work as a social teacher in the Ryazan region at school. Salary 4.5 thousand, i.e. below the living wage. This indicator is brought up to points (stimulating). I work with higher education, I have been working for 2 years. It will be possible to apply for the category 3 years after the start of work, but it will not bring significant changes. Therefore, you will still beg. Lots of work to do, even more idiots to work with. In fact, when you come to work as a social teacher in a school, you take on responsibilities (or rather, they impose on you) that far exceed your strength and job description. And they look at you with surprise and arrogance if you are trying to defend your rights and a reasonable burden. Everyone immediately begins to transfer their duties to you, starting from simple teachers whose lesson was disrupted by some student (“He disrupted my lesson! Do something” ... Send it right away .. because this is the teacher’s problem, but not yours), and ending with guardianship authorities and other organizations that dump their duties on you to the last ("The child does not go to school or comes drunk and in shorts? Well, then have another (thirty-first in a row) conversation with him, this your job" - this is their usual response to your walking around all instances, talking with the same drunken parents and trying to get at least someone to help. With such a volume of work, paperwork, responsibility and nervous tension, this position is paid at the level of cleaners. And the nonsense that you are cheerfully persecuted at the university, that this is such a wonderful and interesting profession, crumbles when you first apply for this job.The maximum that you can take out of this profession and work - look I don’t care what kind of idiots the world is full of, because it’s precisely with such that you will have to deal. Normal students are not your concern and they have nothing to do with you. The advantages of this profession, in addition to surprise from objective reality and terrible disappointment (which, perhaps, will push you to more reasonable thoughts about your future) - you begin to see people through and through and evaluate a person and his qualities in about 3 seconds, then this skill will come in handy in life for sure. What else is positive? - You start to think that working as a cleaner has its advantages, rose-colored glasses fall off, that you can change the world with your love for children, you start to look at things soberly ... And yet, what you study at the university has nothing to do with work. Don't waste your time and money if you are on commercial and point. Zaochka costs much less, manages with fewer nerves, and when applying for a job has the same effect: when they send you the first mentally unbalanced teenager who gnawed out a piece of the toilet bowl with his teeth, you don’t know what to do with him. This is not taught at the university either on the point or on the correspondence course. Then learn along the way. In general, if you have an unhealthy sense of humor, you have someone to support you (husband, parents, lover, etc.) - you won’t earn money there, you have a stable psyche and interest in such individuals who do not fit into the concept in any way " adequate", you have time, the desire to grow up, the desire to see the world in its most unsightly light - go ahead and welcome. If not, this job is not for you.

Previously, this state standard had the number 031300 (according to the Classifier of areas and specialties of higher professional education)



Deputy Minister of Education

Russian Federation

V.D. Shadrikov

State registration number




Specialty 031300 Social Pedagogy

Qualification social teacher

Entered from the moment of approval

Moscow 2000


031300 Social Pedagogy The specialty was approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 686 dated 02.03.2000.

1.2.Graduate qualification - social pedagogue.

The normative term for mastering the main educational program for the training of a social teacher in the specialty 031300 Social Pedagogy in full-time education is 5 years.

Qualification characteristics of a graduate

A graduate who has received the qualification of a social teacher should be prepared for the formation of a general culture of the individual and contribute to the socialization of the student, the conscious choice and development of professional educational programs; use a variety of techniques, methods and means of training and education; be aware of the need to respect the rights and freedoms of students provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Convention on the Rights of the Child, systematically improve their professional qualifications, be ready to participate in the activities of methodological associations and social services, communicate with parents (persons replacing them), comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, ensure the protection of life and health of students in the educational process.

A graduate who has received the qualification of a social pedagogue must know the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on education issues; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; foundations of general theoretical disciplines to the extent necessary

to solve socio-pedagogical, scientific-methodical and organizational and managerial tasks; pedagogy, psychology, age physiology, school hygiene; requirements for equipping and equipping classrooms and utility rooms; teaching aids and their didactic possibilities; main directions and prospects for the development of education and pedagogical science; fundamentals of law, scientific organization of labor; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

A graduate in the specialty 031300 Social Pedagogy is prepared to work in educational institutions of various types.

Types of professional activity of a specialist:

scientific and methodological,



cultural and educational,

correctional development,


1.4.Opportunities to continue the education of a graduate - social pedagogue, who has mastered the basic educational program of higher professional education

The graduate is prepared to continue education in graduate school.


2.1.The previous level of education of the applicant is secondary (complete) general education.

The applicant must have a state document on secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, or primary vocational education, if it contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary (complete) general education, or higher vocational education.


GRADUATEBY SPECIALTY 031300 Social Pedagogy The main educational program for the training of a social pedagogue is developed on the basis of this state educational standard and includes a curriculum, programs of academic disciplines, programs of educational and industrial practices. The requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the main educational program for the training of a social pedagogue, for the conditions for its implementation and the timing of its development are determined by this state educational standard.The main educational program for the training of a social pedagogue consists of disciplines of the federal component, disciplines of the national-regional (university) component, disciplines of the student's choice, as well as optional disciplines. Disciplines and courses of the student's choice in each cycle should substantially supplement the disciplines specified in the federal component of the cycle.The main educational program for the training of a social teacher should provide for the student to study the following cycles of disciplines and the final state certification:

GSE cycle - general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines;

EN cycle - general mathematical and natural sciences;

OPD cycle - general professional disciplines;

DPP cycle - disciplines of subject training;

FTD - electives.

The content of the national-regional component of the main educational program for the training of a social pedagogue should ensure the preparation of a graduate in accordance with qualifying characteristic established by this state educational standard.


Name of disciplines and their main sections

Total hours

General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines

Federal component

Foreign language

The specifics of articulation of sounds, intonation, accentuation and rhythm of neutral speech in the target language; the main features of the full style of pronunciation, characteristic of the sphere of professional communication; transcription reading.

Lexical minimum in the amount of 4000 educational lexical units of a general and terminological nature.

The concept of differentiation of vocabulary by areas of application (household, terminological, general scientific, official, and others).

The concept of free and stable phrases, phraseological units.

The concept of the main ways of word formation.

Grammar skills that provide communication of a general nature without distorting the meaning in written and oral communication; the main grammatical phenomena characteristic of professional speech.

The concept of everyday literary, official business, scientific styles, the style of fiction. The main features of the scientific style.

Culture and traditions of the countries of the studied language, rules of speech etiquette.

speaking. Dialogical and monologue speech using the most common and relatively simple lexical and grammatical means in the main communicative situations of informal and official communication. Fundamentals of public speech (oral communication, report).

Listening. Understanding dialogic and monologue speech in the field of everyday and professional communication.

Reading. Types of texts: simple pragmatic texts and texts on a wide and narrow profile of the specialty.

Letter. Types of speech works: abstract, abstract, theses, messages, private letter, business letter, biography.

Physical Culture

Physical culture in the general cultural and professional training of students. Its socio-biological foundations. Physical culture and sport as social phenomena of society. Legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports. Physical culture of personality.

Fundamentals of a student's healthy lifestyle. Features of the use of means of physical culture to optimize performance.

General physical and special training in the system of physical education.

Sport. Individual choice of sports or exercise systems.

Professional-applied physical training of students. Fundamentals of methods of self-study and self-control over the state of your body.

National history

Essence, forms, functions of historical knowledge. Methods and sources of the study of history. The concept and classification of a historical source. Domestic historiography in the past and present: general and special. Methodology and theory of historical science. The history of Russia is an integral part of world history.

Ancient heritage in the era of the Great Migration of Nations. The problem of the ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs. The main stages of the formation of statehood. Ancient Russia and nomads. Byzantine-Old Russian connections. Features of the social structure of Ancient Russia. Ethno-cultural and socio-political processes of the formation of Russian statehood. Acceptance of Christianity. The spread of Islam. The evolution of East Slavic statehood in X

I-XII centuries Socio-political changes in the Russian lands in XIII-XV centuries Russia and the Horde: problems of mutual influence.

Russia and the medieval states of Europe and Asia. The specifics of the formation of a unified Russian state. Rise of Moscow. Formation of the class system of organization of society. Reforms of Peter

I . Age of Catherine. Prerequisites and features of the formation of Russian absolutism. Discussions about the genesis of autocracy.

Features and main stages of Russia's economic development. The evolution of forms of land ownership. The structure of feudal landownership. Serfdom in Russia. Manufacturing and industrial production.

Formation of an industrial society in Russia: general and special.

Social thought and features of the social movement in Russia

XIX in. Reforms and reformers in Russia. Russian culture XIX century and its contribution to world culture.

The role of the twentieth century in world history. Globalization of social processes. The problem of economic growth and modernization. Revolutions and reforms. Social transformation of society. The clash of tendencies of internationalism and nationalism, integration and separatism, democracy and authoritarianism.

Russia at the beginning of the 20th century The objective need for the industrial modernization of Russia. Russian reforms in the context of global development at the beginning of the century. Political parties in Russia: genesis, classification, programs, tactics.

Russia in the conditions of world war and national crisis. Revolution of 1917 Civil war and intervention, their results and consequences. Russian emigration. Socio-economic development of the country in the 20s. NEP. Formation of a one-party political regime. Education of the USSR. Cultural life of the country in the 20s. Foreign policy.

The course towards building socialism in one country and its consequences. Socio-economic transformations in the 30s. Strengthening the regime of Stalin's personal power. resistance to Stalinism.

USSR on the eve and in the initial period of the Second World War. The Great Patriotic War.

Socio-economic development, socio-political life, culture, foreign policy of the USSR in the post-war years. Cold War.

Attempts to implement political and economic reforms. Scientific and technological revolution and its influence on the course of social development.

USSR in the mid-60s-80s: the growth of crisis phenomena.

Soviet Union in 1985-1991 Perestroika. 1991 coup attempt and failure. The collapse of the USSR. Belavezha agreements. October events of 1993

Formation of the new Russian statehood (1993-1999). Russia on the Way of Radical Socio-Economic Modernization. Culture in modern Russia. Foreign policy activity in the new geopolitical situation.


Structure and composition of modern cultural knowledge. Culturology and philosophy of culture, sociology of culture, cultural anthropology. Culturology and history of culture. Theoretical and applied cultural studies.

Methods of cultural research.

Basic concepts of cultural studies: culture, civilization, morphology of culture, functions of culture, subject of culture, cultural genesis, dynamics of culture, language and symbols of culture, cultural codes, intercultural communications, cultural values ​​and norms, cultural traditions, cultural picture of the world, social institutions of culture, cultural self-identity, cultural modernization.

Typology of cultures. Ethnic and national, elite and mass culture. Eastern and Western types of cultures. Specific and “middle” cultures. local cultures. The place and role of Russia in world culture. Tendencies of cultural universalization in the world modern process.

Culture and nature. Culture and Society. Culture and global problems of our time.

Culture and personality. Enculturation and socialization.

Political science

Object, subject and method of political science. Functions of political science.

Political life and power relations. The role and place of politics in the life of modern societies. Social functions of politics.

History of political doctrines. Russian political tradition: origins, socio-cultural foundations, historical dynamics. Modern political science


Civil society, its origin and features. Features of formation

civil society in Russia.

Institutional aspects of politics. Political power. Politic system. Political regimes, political parties, electoral systems.

Political relations and processes. Political conflicts and ways to resolve them. political technologies. Political management. Political modernization.

Political organizations and movements. political elites. political leadership.

Sociocultural aspects of politics.

World politics and international relations. Features of the world political process.

National-state interests of Russia in the new geopolitical situation.

Methodology of cognition of political reality. Paradigms of political knowledge. Expert political knowledge; political analytics and forecasting.


State and law. Their role in society.

Rule of law and normative-legal acts.

The main legal systems of modernity. International law as a special system of law. Sources of Russian law.

Law and regulations.

The system of Russian law. Branches of law.

Offense and legal responsibility.

The value of law and order in modern society. Constitutional state.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental law of the state.

Features of the federal structure of Russia. The system of public authorities in the Russian Federation.

The concept of civil law. Individuals and legal entities. Ownership.

Obligations in civil law and responsibility for their violation. Inheritance law.

Marriage and family relations. Mutual rights and obligations of spouses, parents and children. Family law liability.

Employment contract (contract). Labor discipline and responsibility for its violation.

Administrative offenses and administrative responsibility.

The concept of crime. Criminal liability for committing crimes.

Environmental law.

Features of legal regulation of future professional activity.

Legal basis for the protection of state secrets. Legislative and normative-legal acts in the field of information protection and state secrets.

Russian language and culture of speech

Styles of the modern Russian literary language. Language norm, its role in the formation and functioning of the literary language.

Speech interaction. Basic units of communication. Oral and written varieties of the literary language. Normative, communicative, ethical aspects of oral and written speech.

Functional styles of the modern Russian language. Interaction of functional styles.

Scientific style. The specificity of the use of elements of different language levels in scientific speech. Speech norms of educational and scientific fields of activity.

Official business style, scope of its functioning, genre diversity. Language formulas of official documents. Techniques for unifying the language of service documents. International properties of Russian official business writing. Language and style of administrative documents. Language and style of commercial correspondence. Language and style of instructive and methodological documents. Advertising in business speech. Documentation rules. Speech etiquette in the document.

Genre differentiation and selection of language means in a journalistic style. Features of oral public speech. speaker and his audience. Main types of arguments. Speech preparation: choice of topic, purpose of speech, search for material, beginning, deployment and completion of speech. Basic methods of searching for material and types of auxiliary materials. Verbal form of public speaking. Understanding, informativeness and expressiveness of public speech.

Colloquial speech in the system of functional varieties of the Russian literary language. Conditions for the functioning of colloquial speech, the role of extralinguistic factors.

A culture of speech. The main directions of improving the skills of literate writing and speaking.


Prehistory and socio-philosophical premises of sociology as a science

. Sociological project of O. Kont. Classical sociological theories. Modern sociological theories. Russian sociological thought.

Society and social institutions. World system and processes of globalization.

Social groups and communities. Types of communities. community and personality. Small groups and collectives. social organization.

social movements.

Social inequality, stratification and social mobility. The concept of social status.

Social interaction and social relations. Public opinion as an institution of civil society.

Culture as a factor of social change. The interaction of the economy,

social relations and culture.

Personality as a social type. Social control and deviation. Personality as an active subject.

social change. Social revolutions and reforms. The concept of social

progress. Formation of the world system. Russia's place in the world community.

Methods of sociological research.


The subject of philosophy. Place and role of philosophy in culture. The formation of philosophy. Main directions, schools of philosophy and stages of its historical development. The structure of philosophical knowledge.

The doctrine of being. Monistic and pluralistic concepts of being, self-organization of being. The concepts of material and ideal. Space, time. Movement and development, dialectics. Determinism and indeterminism. Dynamic and statistical regularities. Scientific, philosophical and religious pictures of the world.

Man, society, culture. Human and nature. Society and its structure. Civil society and the state. Man in the system of social relations. Man and the historical process: personality and masses, freedom and necessity. Formational and civilizational concepts of social development.

The meaning of human existence. Violence and non-violence. Freedom and responsibility. Morality, justice, law. Moral values. Ideas about the perfect person in different cultures. Aesthetic values ​​and their role in human life. Religious values ​​and freedom of conscience.

Consciousness and knowledge. Consciousness, self-consciousness and personality. Knowledge, creativity, practice. Faith and knowledge. Understanding and explanation. Rational and irrational in cognitive activity. The problem of truth. Reality, thinking, logic and language. Scientific and non-scientific knowledge. Scientific criteria. The structure of scientific knowledge, its methods and forms. The growth of scientific knowledge. Scientific revolutions and changes in the types of rationality. Science and technology.

The future of humanity. Global problems of the present. Interaction of civilizations and future scenarios.


Introduction to economic theory. Good. Needs, resources. economic choice. Economic relations. Economic systems. The main stages in the development of economic theory. Methods of economic theory.

Microeconomics. Market. Supply and demand. Consumer preferences and marginal utility. demand factors. Individual and market demand. The income effect and the substitution effect. Elasticity. The offer and its factors. Law of diminishing marginal productivity. scale effect. Types of costs. Firm. Revenue and profit. The principle of profit maximization. Proposal of a perfectly competitive firm and industry. Efficiency of competitive markets. market power. Monopoly. Monopolistic competition. Oligopoly. Antimonopoly regulation. Demand for factors of production. Labor market. Demand and supply of labor. Wages and employment. capital market. Interest rate and investment. Land market. Rent. General balance and well-being. Distribution of income. Inequality. Externalities and public goods. The role of the state.

Macroeconomics. The national economy as a whole. Circulation of income and products. GDP and how to measure it. national income. disposable personal income. Price indices. Unemployment and its forms. Inflation and its types. Economic cycles. macroeconomic equilibrium. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply. stabilization policy. Equilibrium in the commodity market. consumption and savings. Investments. Government spending and taxes. Multiplier effect. Fiscal policy. Money and their functions. Equilibrium in the money market. Money multiplier. Banking system. Money-credit policy. Economic growth and development. International economic relations. Foreign trade and trade policy. Payment balance. Exchange rate.

Features of the transitional economy of Russia. Privatization. Forms of ownership. Entrepreneurship. Shadow economy. Labor market. Distribution and income. Transformations in the social sphere. Structural shifts in the economy. Formation of an open economy.

General mathematical and natural science disciplines

Federal component

Mathematics and Computer Science

Axiomatic method, basic mathematical structures, probability and statistics, mathematical models, algorithms and programming languages, standard professional software.

Concepts of modern natural science

Natural science and humanitarian culture; scientific method; history of natural sciences; panorama of modern natural science; development trends; corpuscular and continuum concepts of nature description; order and disorder in nature; chaos; structural levels of matter organization; micro-, macro- and mega-worlds; space, time; principles of relativity; symmetry principles; conservation laws; interaction; short-range action, long-range action; condition; principles of superposition, uncertainty, complementarity; dynamic and statistical regularities in nature; laws of conservation of energy in macroscopic processes; the principle of increasing entropy; chemical processes, reactivity of substances; the internal structure and history of the geological development of the earth; modern concepts of the development of geospheric shells; the lithosphere as the abiotic basis of life; ecological functions of the lithosphere: resource, geodynamic, geophysical and geochemical; geographic envelope of the Earth; features of the biological level of the organization of matter; principles of evolution, reproduction and development of living systems; the diversity of living organisms is the basis for the organization and stability of the biosphere; genetics and evolution; human: physiology, health, emotions, creativity; performance; bioethics, man, biosphere and cosmic cycles: noosphere, irreversibility of time, self-organization in animate and inanimate nature; principles of universal evolutionism; path to a unified culture.

Technical and audiovisual teaching aids

Audiovisual information: nature, sources, converters, carriers. Audiovisual culture: history, concepts, structure, functioning.

Psychophysiological bases of human perception of audiovisual information. Audiovisual technologies: photography and photography; optical projection (static and dynamic); sound recording (analogue and digital); television and video recording (analogue and digital); computers and multimedia.

Audiovisual learning technologies: typology of audio, video, computer teaching aids; typology of educational videos; bank of audio, video, computer materials; didactic principles of constructing audio, video, computer teaching aids.

Interactive learning technologies.

National-regional (university) component

General professional disciplines

Federal component


Introduction to the profession

Social pedagogue as a pedagogical profession, its role and functions (organizational, prognostic, preventive-profile, social-therapeutic, organizational-communicative, security-protective). professional portrait. Field of activity of the social pedagogue. Specialization at work. Types of social institutions. Development of a modern system of social assistance services to the population.

General foundations of pedagogy

Pedagogy as a field of humanitarian, anthropological, philosophical knowledge. The categorical apparatus of pedagogy: upbringing, education, training, self-education, socialization, pedagogical activity, pedagogical interaction, pedagogical process. Philosophical principles of upbringing and education: anthropological, axiological, cultural, humanistic, synergetic, hermeneutic. The natural nature and social essence of man. Education as a social phenomenon and pedagogical process. Education as a socially organized process of integrating human values. Education as a process of purposeful development of personality. The goal of education is a personality that develops and fulfills itself in harmony with itself, nature and society. The relationship and hierarchy of universal, concrete historical and individual values ​​in upbringing and education. Education as a sociocultural phenomenon. Education as a leading mechanism for the appropriation of social experience. Correlation of heredity and social environment, national and cultural-historical factors in upbringing and education. The concept of nationality education. Religious and philosophical thought about the purpose and purpose of upbringing and education in society.

Theory and methodology of education

The essence of education and its place in the integral structure of the educational process. Driving forces and logic of the educational process. Basic theories of education and personality development. Patterns and principles of education: personification, conformity to nature, cultural conformity, humanization, differentiation. National originality of education. The system of forms and methods of education. The concept of educational systems. Pedagogical interaction in education. The collective as an object and subject of education. Education of a culture of interethnic communication. Functions and main activities of the class teacher.

learning theory

Essence, driving forces, contradictions and logic of the educational process. Patterns and principles of learning. Analysis of modern didactic concepts. The unity of the educational, upbringing and developmental functions of education. Problems of the integrity of the educational process. Bilateral and personal nature of learning. Unity of teaching and learning. Teaching as co-creation of teacher and student. The content of education as the foundation of the basic culture of the individual. State educational standard. Basic, variable and additional components of the content of education. Teaching methods. Modern models of organization of training. Typology and diversity of educational institutions. Author's schools. Innovative educational processes. Classification of teaching aids.

Pedagogical technologies

Pedagogical technology as an ordered set of actions, operations and procedures instrumentally providing a predictable and diagnosable result in the changing conditions of the educational process. Basic pedagogical technologies: adaptive, developing, student-oriented, interactive, modular, contextual, informational, level differentiation of learning, group influence, suggestology, multimedia technologies, game technology, technologies of pedagogical communication. Diagnostics of forecasting, self-development and correction. Task approach as a technological basis for a holistic pedagogical process. Pedagogical situation and pedagogical task. Types of pedagogical tasks. Technology of designing the pedagogical process. Diagnosis, design and planning of the pedagogical process. Technology for organizing developmental activities (educational and cognitive, value-oriented, technical, sports and recreational, etc.). Technology of pedagogical influence on personality. Technology of accounting and analysis of the results of the functioning of the pedagogical process.

Correctional pedagogy with the basics of special psychology

Subject, tasks, principles, categories, main scientific theories of correctional pedagogy. Norm and deviation in the physical, psychological, intellectual and motor development of a person. Primary and secondary defect. Combined disorders, their causes. Prevention, diagnosis, correction of shortcomings in the personal development of children. Deviant (deviant) behavior of children. The system of consultative-diagnostic, correctional-pedagogical, rehabilitation work.


General psychology

Psychology as a science. The subject of psychology. Principles of psychology. Methodology and methods of psychology. The space of psychology and working conditions in it.

Stages of formation of psychology. Basic psychological theories and their relationship.

Theory of activity. activity and psyche. Consciousness and activity. Mind and brain. activity and personality. cognitive activity. Leading activity and psychological age. Activities and training. abilities and activities. Communication and activity.

The problem of personality in psychology. Theories of personality. Man and culture. The structure of personality in various psychological theories. Typology of personality.

Emotions and feelings. Will and will. Cognitive psychology. Cognition and reflection. Mediation in cognitive activity.

Feeling and perception. Their properties. Theories.

Thinking. Theories of thinking. Types of thinking. Thought image. Creative thinking. Thinking and learning.

Image in perception, thinking and imagination. Creative thinking and imagination. Methods for the study of cognitive processes.

Memory. Theories of memory.

Attention. theories of attention. types of attention. Methods for the study of attention.

Pedagogical psychology

The subject and tasks of pedagogical psychology, the concept of the pedagogical process and their psychological foundations. Problems of professional training and personal development of the teacher. Motives of pedagogical activity. pedagogical abilities. Styles of pedagogical leadership. pedagogical communication. Individual styles of pedagogical activity. Psychology of the teaching staff. Psychological foundations of the organization of pedagogical activity.

The structure of pedagogical activity. Psychology of pedagogical influence. Methods and techniques for managing students in the classroom. Basic concepts of the psychology of education.

Psychological mechanisms of personality formation.

Psychological aspects of educational technologies.

Basic concepts of the psychology of learning. Concepts of learning and their psychological foundations. Educational activity. Teaching motives. Psychological foundations of developmental education. The ratio of training and education. Problems of differentiation and individualization of education. Psychological aspects of computerization of education.

Psychological and pedagogical workshop

Solving psychological and pedagogical problems, designing various forms of psychological and pedagogical activity, modeling educational and pedagogical situations. Psychological and pedagogical technologies and methods of diagnostics, forecasting and design, accumulation of professional experience. Development of the intellectual and creative, diagnostic, communication, professional competence of the personality of a social teacher.

Age anatomy, physiology and hygiene

Subject and content of the course. General patterns of growth and development of the organism. Anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. Higher nervous activity. Neurophysiological bases of human behavior. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene of sensory systems. Hygiene of the educational process at school. Hygienic basics of the daily routine of students. Anatomy and physiology of the endocrine glands. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the musculoskeletal system. Hygienic requirements for school equipment.

Anatomy and physiology of the digestive organs. Metabolism and energy. Age features of blood. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs. Hygienic requirements for the air environment of educational institutions. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the child's skin. Hygiene of clothes and footwear. The state of health of children and adolescents.

Hygiene of labor training and productive labor of students. Hygienic requirements for the layout of the school building, land.

Fundamentals of medical knowledge

The concept of emergency conditions. Causes and factors that cause them. Providing first aid in emergency situations. Physiological tests for determining health. The use of medicines. Characteristics of childhood trauma. Prevention measures. terminal states. Resuscitation.

Fundamentals of microbiology, immunology and epidemiology. Measures for the prevention of infectious diseases.

Healthy lifestyle as a biological and social problem. Man and the environment. The "nature-man" system. Health and the factors that determine it. Socio-psychological aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Stages of health formation. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of a healthy lifestyle. The role of the teacher and his place in primary, secondary and tertiary disease prevention.

Life safety

Theoretical foundations of life safety. Ecological aspects of life safety. Classification of emergency situations. Russian system of warning and action in emergency situations. The world. Dangers arising in everyday life and safe behavior. Transport and its dangers. Extreme situations in natural and urban conditions. Natural and man-made emergencies and protection of the population from their consequences. Actions of the teacher in case of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

Civil defense and its task. Modern weapons. Individual protection means. Protective structures of civil defense. Organization of the protection of the population in peacetime and wartime. Devices for radiation and chemical reconnaissance, dosimetric control. Organization of civil defense in educational institutions. Means and methods of protection.

National regional (university) component

Disciplines and courses of the student's choice, established by the university

Subject training disciplines

Federal component

social pedagogy

Social education and socialization of personality Essence, principles, values, mechanisms and factors of social education. Interaction in social education. Vital activity of social education institutions. The family as a subject of pedagogical interaction and the socio-cultural environment for the upbringing and development of the child. Providing individual assistance in various educational institutions


History of social pedagogy

The origins of socio-pedagogical thought and practice. The origin of socio-pedagogical thought in the early stages of human development. Social education in the ancient world. Problems of social education in the Middle Ages. Ideas of social pedagogy in the Renaissance. The development of the social aspect in education in

XVIII century. Social Pedagogy P. Natorp. Theory and practice of social education in Russia after the October Revolution (1917). Pedagogy of the environment. The development of social and pedagogical practice in Russia in the 20-30s. Revival of social pedagogy (second half of the 20th century).

Social politics

The main directions of the social policy of modern Russia. Legal framework. State policy to protect public health; in the field of employment of the population; to ensure the right of citizens to education; to protect the interests of the family; child protection; to protect the interests of women; support for the disabled. Providing social support and social services to the population.

Management of the child welfare system

Socio-economic measures taken in modern Russia to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The content and essence of social protection of childhood. The rights of children and the main legislative and regulatory acts in the field of their social and legal protection. Organizational structure of social work with children. Social service of family and maternity protection. Migration and problems of social work with children. Vagrancy as a social problem.

Fundamentals of social work

Social work as a phenomenon of the modern world and as a professional activity. Essence and goals of social work.

Social worker as a subject of assistance. The client as an object of professional interaction between a social worker and an individual who has a problem at the level of social, mental and psycho-mental ties with society, a group or himself. The client as an object of knowledge of a social worker. Personal problem, its origins, subjective nature, types.

Social work with families, young people, the elderly, single people, the unemployed, migrants and other groups of people and the population.

Methods of social work: communicative technique, legal tools, medical and sociological, socio-psychological, etc. Technology of social work: diagnostics, adaptation, rehabilitation, provision in old age, assistance, service, guardianship, counseling, forecast, innovation.

History of Education and Pedagogical Thought

The history of education and pedagogical thought as a field of scientific knowledge. The origin of pedagogical thought in the early stages of human development. Education and school in the ancient world. Christian pedagogy and its influence on the further development of pedagogical thought. Upbringing and education in the Middle Ages. Pedagogical thought of the Renaissance. Features of education and training in Russia before

XVIII in. European Pedagogy of the Enlightenment. Education and pedagogical thought in Europe in XIX in. The development of Russian pedagogy in the second half XVIII - the beginning of the twentieth century. Foreign school and pedagogy in the first half of the twentieth century. Development of school and pedagogy in the USSR. Leading trends in the modern development of the world educational process.

Pedagogical anthropology

Pedagogical anthropology as an interdisciplinary branch of human science. Man as a subject of pedagogical anthropology. History of the development of pedagogical anthropology in Russia and abroad. Contribution of K.D. Ushinsky in the formation of pedagogical anthropology. The concept of man in pedagogical anthropology. The specifics of human interaction with the space of his being. The category of human development in the system of concepts of pedagogical anthropology. Age as a category of pedagogical anthropology. The interaction of man and culture. The value of subculture for human development. Pedagogical anthropology and humanization of education.

Fundamentals of career guidance

Goals and objectives of career guidance work. Typology of problems in the choice of professions. Planning and organization of vocational guidance work at school. Age features of professional self-determination. Principles of organizing and conducting professional consultations. Criteria for the success of professional activity. Classification of professions. The modern world of professions, trends in its development. Professionalism. Psychophysiological bases of abilities. Types of professional plans. Conditions for successful professional self-determination. stages of professionalization.

Methodology and technology of work of a social pedagogue

The essence of the concepts "methodology", "technology", their hierarchy, subordination and interconnection. Methods of socio-pedagogical interaction in the system of social services. Methodology for diagnosing a child and his microenvironment. Technology of pedagogical conflict resolution. Methods of social prevention, correction and rehabilitation. Technology of rehabilitation of the educational object-spatial environment. Pedagogical bases of club activity and work of children's and youth associations and movements. The social nature of leisure. The main directions and methods of leisure activities. Technology of social planning and management.

Methodology and methods of psychological
pedagogical research

General characteristics of the methods of psychological and pedagogical research. Relationship between subject and method. Classification of methods. Research and diagnostics. Scientific and practical research. Research possibilities of various methods. Requirements for the reliability, validity and sensitivity of the methods used. Ways of presenting data. Methods of statistical data processing.

Experiment and its types. Characteristics of the experimental procedure and requirements for it. Psychological tests and their types. Technology for creating and adapting test methods. Test procedure requirements. Poll as a method of obtaining sociological and psychological information. Specificity of questionnaires, interviews, conversations and group surveys. Requirements for the survey procedure. Observation and its research possibilities. Measures to improve the accuracy and reliability of observation. Development of observation abilities. Psychosemantic methods. Projective methods. Method of peer review. Method of analysis of results of activity.

Processing, analysis and interpretation of research results. Drawing up a conclusion and practical recommendations based on research data. Organization of experimental and research work in educational institutions.

Age-related psychology

Subject, tasks and methods of developmental psychology. Factors determining the development of developmental psychology as a science Historical essay. Development category. Theories of mental development. Sources, driving forces and conditions of mental development. Mechanisms of personality development. Self-consciousness of the individual. Structural links of self-consciousness, their genesis. The problem of periodization of mental development. The concept of age. The main structural components of age. The concept of sensitivity, age crisis. The relationship of training, education and development in ontogenesis. Deviations in mental development: mental retardation, mental retardation, giftedness. Personal development in extreme conditions and in conditions of deprivation. The main stages of human mental development. Mental development in infancy. Psychological prerequisites for the transition to early childhood. Mental development in early childhood. Psychological characteristics of preschool age. Psychological characteristics of readiness for school. Psychological characteristics of primary school age. The problem of transition from primary school to adolescence. Psychological characteristics of a teenager. The main problems of adolescence. Psychology of early youth. Psychology of mature age. Psychology of old age. Methods for studying age characteristics and development problems. Methods of developmental work of a psychologist.

Social Psychology

The subject and methods of social psychology, the main areas of research, a brief historical essay. Theoretical and applied problems of social psychology, the main paradigms of social psychology. Psychology of communication. Content, goals and means of communication. Forms, functions, types and levels of communication. Basic patterns of communication. Influence in the process of communication. Conflict, functions, structure and dynamics of the conflict. Conflict resolution methods. Small group, main parameters and sociometric structure of the group. The structure of social power in a small group. Communicative structure of the group. group compatibility. The problem of group cohesion. The problem of making a group decision, the effectiveness of group activities. Phenomena of intergroup interaction. Mechanisms of group development, the problem of group pressure, conformity. Group development models. Effective ways to manage a small group. Phenomena of large social groups. The problem of group consciousness. Socio-psychological aspects of ethnopsychology. Psychology of mass phenomena. Socio-psychological characteristics of personality. The concept of socialization and adaptation. Psychological mechanisms of personality behavior. The content of the process of socialization. Formation and change of social attitudes of the individual. Socio-psychological diagnostics and the problem of predicting human social behavior.

History of psychology

The role of historical and psychological knowledge in building the image of psychological science. Models and methods of historical and psychological knowledge. Genesis and formation of ideas about mental reality in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Principles of development and structuring of psychological knowledge. New European psychological thought in the formulation of the problem of the interaction of mental and physical phenomena. The concept of mental causality. The formation of the natural science paradigm in psychology. Development of the categorical apparatus and methodological principles of psychology. Methodology and practice of psychological experiment. Psychology in the era of open crisis: the problem of self-determination of science. Scientific schools in psychology. The problem of interaction between theoretical and applied research in psychology. Humanistic paradigm in psychology. Modern trends in the development of psychological concepts and schools: the problem of scientific dialogue. Prospects for the development of psychology.

Fundamentals of family psychology and family counseling

Essence of marriage and family. Family functions (reproductive, economic, communicative, educational, psychotherapeutic, sexual and erotic, primary social control). Features of the modern family, its structure, dynamics.

Family relations: the culture of relations in the family. psychological climate, psychology of intimate relationships, prevention of marital conflicts, legal regulation of family relations.

Peculiarities of parent-child relations. Raising a child in a family: the readiness of young parents for the birth of a child, parental attitudes and parenting styles. Raising children in different types of families, the impact of violations of family relations on the mental development of children. The work of a social educator with the family.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics

A short course in the history of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. Subject, object and tasks of the history of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. Psychological and pedagogical methods. Basic diagnostic approaches. Classification of methods (tests).

Research stages. Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis. objects of diagnosis. Diagnostic levels. Psychological and pedagogical forecast. Methodology of diagnostics: the concept of methodology, the concept of the test. Functions of methods and tests: selection and measurement. Psychometric criteria for the scientific nature of psychodiagnostic methods: validity, reliability, discrimination, representativeness. Standardized and non-standardized psychological and pedagogical diagnostic methods.

The main stages of processing the results. Test norms. The principle of reference from the norm. Curve of normal distribution. The value of the frequency of occurring quantities. The concept of a sign. Feature links. The concept of indicators. Necessary and sufficient number of signs and indicators. Interpretation of the material.

Professional and ethical standards of work of a psychologist. Planning psychological and pedagogical work, drawing up programs, setting specific diagnostic tasks. Principles of professional and ethical standard.

Fundamentals of psycho-counseling and psycho-correction

Theoretical foundations of psychoconsultation and psychocorrection. Goals and objectives of psychoconsultation and psychocorrection. Structural components of psychological counseling. The essence of the psycho-corrective process. Stages and phases of counseling. Techniques and methods of counseling. The main directions in modern psycho-correctional work. Ethics of the teacher-psychologist. Group and individual forms of work. Basic psychocorrectional approaches and technologies. Psychoprophylaxis and its basic principles.

Disciplines of specialization

National-regional (university) component

Disciplines and courses of the student's choice, established by the university


Military training

8884 h.


BY SPECIALTY 031300 Social Pedagogy The term for mastering the main educational program for the training of a social pedagogue in full-time education is 260 weeks, including:

theoretical training, including

research work of students,

workshops, including laboratory 156 weeks;

examination sessions 27 weeks;

practice for at least 20 weeks;

instructive-methodical camp 1 week;

summer teaching practice 8 weeks


complex practice 4 weeks;

socio-pedagogical practice 3 weeks;

psychological and pedagogical practice 4 weeks;

final state certification, including

preparation and defense of graduation

at least 8 weeks of qualifying work;

holidays (including 8 weeks of postgraduate leave) of at least 38 weeks.

For persons with secondary (complete) general education, the terms for mastering the main educational program for training a social teacher in part-time (evening) and correspondence forms of education, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of education, are increased by the university up to one year relative to the standard period established by .1.2 of this state educational standard. The maximum volume of a student's study load is set at 54 hours per week, including all types of classroom and extracurricular (independent) study work. The volume of classroom studies of a student in full-time education should not exceed an average of 27 hours per week for the period of theoretical education. At the same time, the specified volume does not include mandatory practical classes in physical culture and classes in optional disciplines.With part-time (evening) form of education, the volume of classroom lessons should be at least 10 hours a week.In case of distance learning, the student must be provided with the opportunity to study with a teacher in the amount of at least 160 hours per year.The total amount of vacation time in the academic year should be 7-10 weeks, including at least two weeks in the winter.

BY SPECIALTY 031300 Social Pedagogy

Requirements for the development of the main educational program for the training of a social pedagogue

6.1.1.A higher educational institution independently develops and approves the main educational program of the university for the training of a social teacher based on this state educational standard.

The disciplines of the student's choice are mandatory, and the optional disciplines provided for by the curriculum of the higher educational institution are not mandatory for the student to study.

Course papers (projects) are considered as a type of academic work in the discipline and are performed within the hours allotted for its study.

For all disciplines and practices included in the curriculum of a higher educational institution, a final grade (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory or passed, not passed) should be given.

Specializations are parts of the specialty in which they are created, and involve the acquisition of more in-depth professional knowledge, skills and abilities in various fields of activity in the profile of this specialty.

The hours allotted for disciplines of specialization can be used to deepen subject training.

When implementing the main educational program, a higher educational institution has the right to:

change the amount of hours allocated for the development of educational material for cycles of disciplines, within 5%;

form a cycle of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, which should include the following 4 disciplines as mandatory out of the ten basic disciplines given in this state educational standard: “Foreign language” (in the amount of at least 340 hours), “Physical culture” (in not less than 408 hours), “National History”, “Philosophy”. The rest of the basic disciplines can be implemented at the discretion of the university. At the same time, it is possible to combine them into interdisciplinary courses while maintaining the mandatory minimum content. If the disciplines are part of general professional or subject training, the hours allocated for their study can be redistributed within the cycle.

Classes in the discipline "Physical culture" in part-time (evening), part-time forms of education can

be provided taking into account the wishes of students;

carry out the teaching of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines in the form of author's lecture courses and various types of collective and individual practical classes, assignments and seminars according to programs developed at the university itself and taking into account regional, national-ethnic, professional specifics, as well as research preferences of teachers providing qualified coverage of the subjects of the disciplines of the cycle;

establish the required depth of teaching of individual sections of the disciplines included in the cycles of humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and natural science disciplines, in accordance with the profile of the cycle of disciplines of subject training;

establish the name of specializations in the specialties of higher professional education, the name of the disciplines of specializations, their volume and content, as well as the form of control over their development by students;

to implement the main educational program for the training of a social pedagogue in a shortened time frame for students of a higher educational institution who have a secondary vocational education of an appropriate profile or a higher professional education. The reduction of terms is carried out on the basis of the existing knowledge, skills and abilities of students obtained at the previous stage of vocational education. The duration of study must be at least three years.

. Education in a shorter period is also allowed for persons whose level of education or abilities are sufficient grounds for this.Requirements for staffing the educational process

The implementation of the main educational program for the training of a graduate should be provided by teaching staff, who, as a rule, have a basic education corresponding to the profile of the discipline taught, and systematically engaged, as a rule, in scientific and methodological activities; discipline teachers

subject training must have an academic degree and / or experience in the relevant professional field.Requirements for educational and methodological support of the educational process

The implementation of the main educational program for the training of a graduate should be provided with access for each student to library funds and databases, according to the content corresponding to the full list of disciplines of the main educational program, the availability of methodological aids and recommendations for all disciplines and for all types of classes - workshops, course and diploma design, practices, as well as visual aids, multimedia, audio and video materials.

Requirements for the material and technical support of the educational process

A higher educational institution that implements the main educational program for the training of a graduate must have a material and technical base that meets the current sanitary and technical standards and provides for all types of laboratory, practical, disciplinary and interdisciplinary training and research work of students, provided for by an exemplary curriculum.

Requirements for the organization of practices

The practice is carried out in schools, kindergartens, health-improving and educational centers, children's recreation centers, boarding schools, centers for psychological and pedagogical and medical and social assistance, pedagogical schools, colleges. All types of practice are aimed at familiarizing students with the most important types and means of practical psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical activities with children, adolescents and families. As a result of the internship, students should have ideas and knowledge about the main socio-pedagogical and psychological problems that arise in the process of providing professional assistance; have the most important practical skills in various types of socio-pedagogical and psychological work with a child, adolescent and family. Practice focuses students on professional and personal development in order to resolve their own internal problems and activate their personal resources, the formation of a professional position.

SPECIALTIES 031300 Social Pedagogy

Requirements for the professional training of a specialist

A graduate must be able to solve problems that correspond to his qualifications specified in clause 1.2 of this state educational standard.

The specialist must know:

the state language of the Russian Federation is Russian;

be fluent in the language of instruction.

The specialist must be able to:

select methods of diagnostics that are adequate to socio-pedagogical tasks and predict the consequences of making pedagogical decisions;

stimulate the development of extracurricular activities of students, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical requirements for education and training;

analyze their own activities in order to improve them and improve their skills;

perform methodological work as part of school methodological associations and social services;

maintain contact with parents of students and assist them in the implementation of family education.

Requirements for the final state certification of a specialistGeneral requirements for the final state certification

The final state attestation of a social teacher includes the defense of the final qualifying work and the state exam.

The final attestation tests are designed to determine the practical and theoretical readiness of a social pedagogue to fulfill the professional tasks established by this state educational standard and continue education in graduate school in accordance with clause 1.4 of the above standard.

Certification tests, which are part of the final state certification of a graduate, must fully comply with the main educational program of higher professional education, which he mastered during his studies.

Requirements for the final qualification (thesis) work of a specialist

The diploma work of a specialist must be submitted in the form of a manuscript.

The requirements for the volume, content and structure of the thesis work are determined by the higher educational institution on the basis of the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions, approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia, the state educational standard in the specialty 031300 Social Pedagogy and methodological recommendations of the UMO of universities of the Russian Federation on teacher education.

The time allotted for the preparation and defense of the qualification work is at least eight weeks.

Requirements for the state exam of a social pedagogue

The procedure for conducting and the program of the state exam in the specialty
031300 Social pedagogy is determined by the university on the basis of methodological recommendations and the corresponding exemplary program developed by the UMO of universities of the Russian Federation for teacher education, the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions, approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia, and the state educational standard in the specialty 031300 Social Pedagogy.


Educational and Methodological Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation for Pedagogical Education.

The state educational standard of higher professional education was approved at a meeting of the educational and methodological council for

general and social pedagogy and psychology November 24, 1999, protocol No. 6.

Chairman of the UMO Council V.L. Sailors

Deputy Chairman of the UMO Council V.I. Zhog


Office of Educational Programs

and standards of higher and secondary

professional education G.K. Shestakov

Head of the Department of Pedagogical Education V.E. Inozemtseva

Chief Specialist I.N. Chistova


There are different people: there are too simple

And there are too complex on Earth,

There are disabled people, there are very sick people,

There are those who are not sweet in the family.

And give them warmth and care

Not everyone will want, not everyone will understand.

And the social teacher, doing the work,

Help at any moment will come.

But that's not all, that's just a little

He does a great job:

He makes sure that the family does not break up, -

A family where, probably, happiness is not expected.

He defends the rights of young people

Comes to everyone who needs a friend so much.

He will listen, he will reassure

And the heart will save from inner torment.

Yes, this man is wise by nature:

After all, each problem has its own approach.

Answers the request, comes to the rescue

And everyone will find the right word ...

All about the profession "Social teacher"


Short description : A social pedagogue is a person who works in schools, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, orphanages, boarding schools, social services. His duty is to work with difficult, problematic children from dysfunctional families, with disabilities, with those who are lagging behind in their studies, with those who have experienced mental trauma. A social pedagogue controls the learning process, conducts educational and explanatory work, helps to get used to the team, understand and accept the laws of a civilized society. It forms the general culture of the individual and directs the process of adaptation in the right direction.

History of the profession : This profession appeared quite recently, however, in fact, it is not new. In Russia, social assistance was, practically, always, because compassion and mutual assistance are an integral feature of the Slavic people. Charitable organizations and compassionate people financed and built shelters for homeless children and orphans, hired educators to educate the younger generation. The social educator has much in common with the profession of a social worker.

The social significance of the profession in society : The work of a social educator is important for society, because he helps children find their place in life, become a full-fledged citizen. Many problematic, neglected children do not receive the necessary education from their parents. The social educator is called upon to fill this gap and prevent the child's antisocial and illegal behavior. He identifies the problems, needs of the wards, personality and character traits, deviations in behavior, and on the basis of this provides social assistance, helping the child to realize his rights, learn his duties.

Mass character and uniqueness of the profession : A social educator works with children in cases where the usual approach to them is ineffective. He conducts individual educational work, visits families, conducts explanatory work with parents, controls the attendance of children for classes, helps in choosing circles and hobbies. The social pedagogue closely cooperates with the social protection authorities, the board of trustees, the police and, if necessary, turns to them for help. The social pedagogue always and everywhere represents and defends the interests of the child in state institutions, commissions, and administrative bodies.

Profession risks: The work of a social pedagogue cannot be called easy, because it requires a lot of mental strength. He often encounters the indifference and bad manners of dysfunctional parents, with the callous attitude of those around him to the problems of children. In addition, it can be very difficult to reach into the souls of their wards - difficult children are often embittered, they do not trust anyone. But how many positive feelings a social teacher gets when he manages to really help a child to take the path of correction and grow up as a full-fledged member of society.


The material was prepared by the assistant of the department of pedagogy N.N. Zenko