Modern romance novels top. Romance novels: the best books in the genre

Updated: 11/12/2018 11:37:40 AM

Judge: Emilia Arie

The theme of love is always popular. It is not for nothing that in almost all works, regardless of genre, there is a storyline associated with the romantic relationship of two people. Our rating is made up of the best books in which there are touching feelings and not always reciprocal love, bright heroes who were able to pass all the tests, and characters who did not have the strength to overcome them. In any case, these novels will raise a storm of feelings: they will make you cry and laugh, empathize and worry, sometimes you will be ashamed of your actions, but more often you will be proud of them. Read, enjoy and remember that love rules the world!

Rating of the best love books

Nomination place Name of product rating
Rating of the best love books 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.8
4 4.8
5 4.7
6 4.7
7 4.6
8 4.6
9 4.5
10 4.5
11 4.5
12 4.5
13 4.5
14 4.4
15 4.4
16 4.4
17 4.3
18 4.3

Erica Mitchell, better known as E. L. James, gave the world a bestseller that captivated readers on both sides of the ocean. Its sales rate overtook Twilight. The Russians, too, could not resist the difficult relationship of Christian Gray and Anastasia Steele. As a result, the novel became the best-selling work in our country. Despite enthusiastic responses from readers, the response from critics was mixed.

However, there were many more negative ones. Experts argued that it contained too explicit descriptions, and she would never receive any award. The controversial moment was the presence of scenes with BDSM. Despite all the scandalousness, the film adaptation of the book confirmed its popularity with readers who were looking forward to continuing the erotic story of a modest innocent girl and a handsome young billionaire.

The story is told from the point of view of the main character. The reader can feel all the turmoil experienced by Anastasia, inexperienced in love affairs, and how, having learned about the sexual fantasies of her partner, she gradually overcomes her fear and shame and takes part in his experiments.

English journalist Jojo Moyes rose to fame with her 2012 novel Me Before You. The wonderful story of the relationship between two young people could not leave indifferent even the most notorious skeptics. It helps to reflect on many ethical issues related to life and death. Fate brings an ordinary girl from a simple family with a guy who is completely paralyzed after an accident.

Louise Clark was forced to accept the job of a nurse, as she is located close to home, well paid, and the physiological care of the patient is carried out by a completely different person. Will is 31 years old. He was well educated, surfed, skied, swam, that is, he was an active young man. But the accident crossed out everything, and even his girlfriend is going to marry his best friend. All this could not but affect his character, which leads to constant skirmishes with the nurse.

Gradually, the cheerful and spontaneous Louise returns interest in life to the bedridden disabled person. But soon she learns that Will has signed an agreement with the clinic for euthanasia and soon the due date is coming. The book does not end with a fabulous happy ending. But in our relative world, everyone finds his own happiness. Will received a small, but still piece of joy before his death, and Louise found a new life.

We include in our rating the fourth book by Erin Watt about the wealthy Royal family. Fans were looking forward to the continuation of the Paper Princess cycle, and their expectations were justified. The main character is Easton, who evokes different emotions in readers, but not indifference. He is smart, handsome, enjoys the favor of all the girls without exception, but he is envious of his four brothers and, on the basis of this, rushes into all serious.

Alcohol, sex and constant fights do not bring satisfaction, and he invents new solutions to problems that not only do not calm, but, on the contrary, bring a lot of problems to him and his family members. Hartley Wright is a completely different type. She is different from her classmates, and Easton's attention does not appeal to her at all, considering him a spoiled sissy who needs to grow up long ago. But the "golden" boy is not used to rejection, and coldness and inaccessibility kindle his interest.

It is with Hartley that Easton calms down, but his next thoughtless action leads to disaster. Like the previous three books, the novel has aroused genuine interest among readers who are waiting for new stories about the Royal family.

Another book by the English novelist Jojo Moyes aroused genuine interest among the reader. This is a touching love story of two people who met when they already had an adult life behind them and each of them had their own problems. They are from different worlds, but the feeling overpowers everything, and two people can no longer run away from it anywhere.

Jess spins like a squirrel in a wheel. Her husband left her, she is trying to feed her family, so she has to work two jobs and work odd jobs. Her daughter Tanzi is a talented girl with bright prospects. But for this you need to pay for lessons, participate in mathematical competitions, but Jess cannot afford this. The son constantly gets from local hooligans, as he does not look like everyone else.

Ed is a lonely man who lives in the present and has no idea of ​​his future. And although he is a wealthy man, his ex-wife is trying to sue his money and property. During this difficult period, they met to become support and support for each other. The novel was liked by many because of the reality of the plot. In Jess, many female readers recognized themselves. The author managed to describe the life of an ordinary woman without any embellishments, and the positive ending made many believe that everything is still ahead.

Dana Delon wrote a book that not only entered our rating, but also the world tops of the best works about love. Teenage relationships throughout the story will make you cry and laugh. The author did a good job of revealing the characters of the characters, their true feelings, the relationship with the family. The description of Paris is so realistic that the reader imagines walking along its streets or sitting in front of the Eiffel Tower.

Lea Sanclair is a single girl. Tired of problems at school and family, she hides from everyone and finds solace on the net. One acquaintance in the future will turn her whole life upside down. But Mikael soon stops responding to messages, and the girl is waiting for another blow. Raphael Delion cannot recover from the death of his brother. His computer is password-protected, and a single hint does nothing to help him. But with the advent of a newcomer to his class, absolutely everything changes.

The book is read in one breath. And not only the teenage audience enthusiastically learned about the difficult relationship between Leia and Raphael, but also older fans of the love genre appreciated the author's light and simple style and the intrigue that held until the very end.

Double whammy for innocence

The work of Stella Gray connected two genres: a love story and a detective story. It became a real discovery of 2018, and many readers enthusiastically reread the story of Elena Uspenskaya, the main character of Double Strike on Innocence. She is young and independent of the opinions of others, she has a strong character, so she can rebuff anyone. Elena gets a job as a choreographer in a strip club, where she teaches dancers, but she herself periodically performs, not seeing anything terrible in this.

Her life changes when a certain Klaus comes to the institution and informs her about the legacy left in Germany. The girl immediately flies to Cologne, where she makes sure that this is not a hoax, and that a relative really exists. Having become a rich heiress, she plunges into such a whirlpool of events, from which she barely comes out alive.

Readers enthusiastically responded to the work. Incredibly twisted plot and intrigue, which is revealed only in the finale, made many read it in one breath. If you don't like quiet, cozy love stories and you prefer adventurous writing, then this creation by Gray is just for you.

If you could know

Surely you will like the next book included in our rating. Written by Elchin Safarli, in 2012 it was recognized as the best work about love. Many readers were surprised how the author was able to convey feelings so accurately, because before that only women could do it. The plot is based on the betrayal of a loved one. The main character is going through difficult times, she wants to run away from everything, but, unfortunately, you can’t run away from yourself. It is very difficult to return a life destroyed after parting to a normal state.

But on the illustrative example of the heroine, you can learn to live anew, follow all the stages of her recovery. Over time, she calms down and is ready for a new relationship, without being afraid or hiding. The book is a kind of guide to action and will completely replace a visit to a psychologist in a difficult period of life.

No wonder the main audience is women. Readers rated the work for the highest score. Each was able to see herself and relive the feelings that arise after betrayal and parting with a loved one. Our experts recommend reading this sentimental and touching book-message in order to become happy again and enjoy all the charms of life.


S. Nelson's book was the first of the "Dependent" series. Released in 2016, it was positively evaluated by both critics and readers. The novel tells about the difficult life of Sarah Horton, who is trying to escape from her past, forget everything and start from scratch. Finally, she is given such an opportunity, and she and her best friend move to the city of dreams - Seattle. Gradually, everything is getting better, and the nightmares are not so disturbing, but then a stranger bursts into her life, who has come to the store for shopping.

Alec Dever did not imagine that someone could influence his worldview in such a way. He does not tolerate any relationship, he is satisfied with his position, but it is Sarah who will become the person who will turn everything upside down. But they both have secrets, and can they cross out the past and become truly happy?

Experts advise not to put this book aside and enjoy the wonderful plot, bright and interesting characters, and the difficult relationships of the main characters.

The work of Jojo Moyes became a continuation of the book "Me Before You", which is also included in our rating. In 2015, readers were able to learn about the future life of Louise Clark after the sad events that occurred in the first part. The action takes place two years after Will's death. The girl was never able to recover from grief, she is lonely, her life is more like a routine.

Despite the plans, Louise did not receive an education and again works as a waitress. Due to an accident, she finds herself in a hospital bed, afraid to repeat the fate of her deceased lover and remain chained to a wheelchair forever. But everything turns out to be not so scary, and the girl managed to avoid the worst.

The protracted depression makes her turn for support to the same people who have lost their loved ones. Acquaintance with Sam Fielding gives her a chance for new happiness. But will Louise be able to use it when Will is always there, and she secretly does not stop talking to him and sharing her experiences. Can Sam bring back a girl from the past and make her fall in love and be happy again? You will find the answers to these questions in the fascinating novel by D. Moyes.

The passionate love story of two young people was able to captivate readers, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews and reviews from critics. The book has been compared to the popular novel Fifty Shades of Grey, but it has its own interesting storyline and no less vivid characters. Chloe Mills is a young girl working in a large company. Bennett Ryan is the son of the owner of the corporation. He is rich, arrogant, not used to failures. They are relentlessly drawn to each other, although they are from parallel worlds.

But love does not ask who we want to see as our soul mate, sometimes her choice falls on the wrong people. But that's what love is for, to put up with the shortcomings of others and even make yourself happier from this. When Bennet becomes Chloe's boss, they can no longer contain their feelings. Will this relationship continue, will a rich narcissistic millionaire and a simple girl be able to be together?

The reader has seen similar storylines many times, but Christina Loren was able to capture the attention by creating a special erotic story that is different from others. If you're a fan of passionate romance novels, then "Beautiful Bastard" is your option.

We selected for the rating a work that raises questions of life and death, love and hate, trust and lies, joy and pain. Friends thought they would be together forever. But the Rune family's move to Norway disrupts their plans. Poppy promises to wait, but first love is subjected to such trials that sometimes even adults cannot cope with. The girl ignores the messages, which makes the guy suffer. He does not understand what happened during this time, and why the relationship has changed so much.

Poppy is trying to cut all ties in order to save her beloved from the cruel reality. The author very piercingly showed the experiences of a terminally ill girl who does not want to bring suffering to her loved ones. Will Rune have enough strength to cope with the misfortune that has piled on, and can this love story end with a happy ending?

The tragedy of human lives intertwined with a tender and touching love story of two teenagers. They had their whole lives ahead of them, many dreams and plans. The book is not about death, it is about a real feeling that helps to overcome all trials. Tilly Cole reminded us how important it is to remember that every kiss can be the last and that it should be appreciated no matter what.

The romantic and sad story of Colin Hoover plunges you into an atmosphere of love and suffering. The topic of the student-student relationship has been raised many times by many authors, but this book will be able to captivate from the first page. The plot with each chapter twists and becomes more complicated, and the reader cannot imagine what kind of ending this love story has. Laken - 18. She is having a hard time with the death of her father and the indifference of her mother and brother. Outwardly, she looks quite happy, but those around her do not suspect what is hidden behind this feigned well-being.

Hope for a new life is given by the girl's family moving to another city. A meeting with a charming neighbor turns everything upside down. But can feelings so quickly surging through the trials that fate has already prepared for these two? Will is 21. As it turns out, he is Laken's teacher, and the relationship between them can put an end to his career. Everything will follow: happiness and pain, tragedy and joy.

Romanticism is added by verses that accompany the main characters throughout the novel. Readers who have familiarized themselves with the work and singled it out among many similar ones recommend not to miss it and enjoy all the depth and strength of the feelings of two young people in love.

Another masterpiece of the English journalist Jojo Moyes occupies a worthy place in the rating. Passions flare up around the mansion, which everyone calls the Spanish house. An old dilapidated building becomes a place where the main characters and secondary, no less interesting characters meet. Isabella Delancey is the new owner of the mansion, which she inherited from her great-uncle. After the sudden death of her beloved husband, she and her children move to the Spanish House in order to forget a little and recover from the misfortune that has befallen her.

Isabella hires a neighbor for repairs, but does not suspect that Matt and his wife will do everything to survive her and the children from the house, since they were sure that they would inherit the mansion. Nicholas Trent wants to build up these places with new cottages. Firth, finding himself on the street without a roof over his head, secretly settles in the boiler room. They all have their own plans for the house, but which one of them will come true?

Moyes, as always, was surprised by the famously twisted plot. It evokes diverse feelings in the reader, but we are sure of one thing that this is by no means indifference. We advise you to read this work, which will teach you a lot and help you rethink life values.

Published in June 2005, the book immediately became a super-bestseller, and was read with rapture by men and women, office workers and housewives, youth audiences and people of advanced age. J. Moyes combined several genres into one fascinating story. Jennifer goes on a trip with her grandmother, and in India, seeing an old ship, an elderly relative begins her story, which takes us back to 1946.

The war came to an end, and 600 brave women went on the aircraft carrier Victoria to their lovers from Australia to England. As if forgetting about the heroic military past, it is called the ship of brides. But in fact, they are all legal wives who married in their homeland with British soldiers. They sail into the unknown, because they don’t know if they are expected in a new place, or if marriage was just an opportunity to live their last days in happiness, because one could die at any moment.

Most of all, women were afraid of telegrams: “Don't come. I don't wait." Before us appear four main characters, completely different, but they have to put up with each other's neighborhood and find a common language. The book is based on real events and immerses the reader in difficult relationships, shows the difficult post-war period and the difficulty of adapting to a new life.

Sara Gio is an American writer specializing in sentimental novels. Her books consistently become bestsellers. We also could not miss another masterpiece and are pleased to present it in our rating. The work tells about Emily Wilson, in whose life, as in a rollercoaster: then you fall sharply down, then you fly up again.

A once-lucky girl who imagined her future in the most rosy light faces problems that are difficult to resolve. Leaving everything and leaving for the island, she settles in the house of her great-aunt, next to which tender touching violets grow. Emily's acquaintance with Jack does not please the old woman at all, but for what reason, she does not say. The found diary, dated 1943, helps to evoke revelations from local residents.

The past reveals secrets, and Emily begins to understand a lot. Readers will love the love storyline with a detective element. Together they form a fascinating work that can keep the intrigue until the very end, which will surprise many. Riddles, passions, betrayal, betrayal - welcome to the world of S. Gio.

The second part of Irene Kao's trilogy about the passionate and ardent love of Elena and Leonardo captivated readers and made it possible to enjoy the magic of the feelings of the main characters. The Italian was able to describe the nature, culture and art of her native country so vividly and captivatingly that it is impossible to tear oneself away, and the presence seems too realistic.

Helen moves to Rome, leaving in Venice the memories of the crazy days spent with Leo. New life, new love. It would seem that everything worked out, making a strong, self-sufficient nature out of a woman. She is happy with Filippo, but fate has prepared trials for her to pass. The meeting with Leonardo stirred up a storm of feelings in her, and what to do next and what to choose: family or passion, the heroine does not know.

But having abandoned the reliable love of Filippo, she also loses Leonardo. Elena becomes an ordinary abandoned woman. Readers empathize with her, as many of them experienced the same feelings. The book makes you think about difficult things: what is more important, to live by the principles or follow your desires. The heroine made her choice, but it did not bring her happiness. Elena's further fate can be found by reading the third part of "I love you."

We all remember the fairy tales of Scheherazade, and we believe that Eastern women are just as happy in life. But Alsani Raj's book, included in the rating, tells about the real world, in which they are obliged to follow the harsh Sharia laws, the family chooses their soulmate, and it is almost impossible to marry for love. But in fact, they are no different from Western girls. They love fashionable outfits, study at prestigious institutions of higher education, communicate with men.

The story is told by a friend of four girls from Saudi Arabia. The reader is attracted not only by stories about people from high society, but also by the laws of one of the most closed countries, and the life that we can see from the inside. The author reveals the psychology of men who profess Islam, and gives an opportunity to women who aspire to marry a chosen one from the East to assess their strengths, whether they can adapt to Muslim customs and mores.

Readers will love the design of the chapters, each of which begins as an email telling its own story. Despite the huge gap in worldviews, after this book you understand how we are all the same, regardless of nationality, religion, place of residence.

Guillaume Musso created a bestseller that, from the moment of its publication, excites readers with its intricate storyline, intricacies of intrigue, secrets and the past of heroes. The romantic story is full of tragedy. The denouement is so unexpected that in the first minutes it is shocking. Raphael - a single father - meets Anna and realizes that he is ready to live the rest of his life with this woman. A few weeks before the wedding, she disappears, and the reaction to the photo shown to the groom, with whom they agreed not to have secrets from each other, is to blame.

Rafael, together with his friend, a retired policeman, begins the search, learning new shocking details about the past of his beloved. And everything that happened to Anna seems monstrous and unreal. But thanks to the strength of her spirit, she finds the strength to live on. The detective line has everything: difficult relationships between parents and teenagers, corruption, the intrigues of the powerful, the indifference of the authorities, drugs, alcohol, and the worst thing is child abuse.

"The Girl from Brooklyn" is not a love story, it is a mixture of genres, and the book is not recommended for especially impressionable natures. But if you are a fan of not simple romantic stories, but with thriller and detective elements, then this work will not leave you indifferent.

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 12 minutes


Valentine's Day, of course, is still far away, but a special day is not needed for a book about love. Like a hundred years ago, works about love are read excitedly, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli, with a cup of tea or coffee. One is looking for answers to his questions in them, another lacks love in life, and the third simply enjoys the quality of the text, plot and emotions. Your attention - 15 most romantic books about love!

  • Singing in the thorns. Author of the novel (1977): Colin McCullough. A saga about 3 generations of an Australian family. About people who had to go through a lot in order for life to endow them with happiness, about love for their land, about the choice that one day confronts each of us. The main characters of the book are Maggie, modest, gentle and proud, and Ralph, a priest torn between Maggie and God. A devout Catholic who carried the love of a girl through his whole life. Are they destined to be together? And what awaits the bird that sings to the blackthorn?
  • Loneliness in the network. Author of the novel (2001): Janusz Leon Wisniewski. This novel has become a real bestseller in Russia, plunging readers into a life that is understandable to many modern loners who spend their days on the Web. The main characters fall in love with each other via… ICQ. In the virtual world, they meet, experience, communicate, exchange erotic fantasies, study each other. They are alone in reality and are already practically inseparable online. One day they will meet in Paris...

  • A time to live and a time to die. The author of the novel (1954): Erich Maria Remarque. One of Remarque's most powerful books, along with the work "Three Comrades". The theme of war is closely intertwined with the theme of love. It is 1944, the German troops are retreating. Ernst, having received leave, leaves for home, but Verdun is reduced to ruins by bombardments. While searching for his parents, Ernst accidentally meets Elisabeth, whom they bond with while hiding from air raids in a bomb shelter. The war separates young people again - Ernst must return to the front. Will they be able to see each other again?

  • P.S. I love you. Author of the novel (2006): Cecilia Ahern. This is a story about love that has become stronger than death. Holly loses her beloved husband and becomes depressed. She does not have the strength to communicate with people, and even leave the house there is no desire. A package of letters from her husband unexpectedly arrived by mail completely turns her life upside down. Every month she opens one letter and clearly follows his instructions - this is the wish of her husband, who knew about his imminent death ...

  • Gone With the Wind. Author of the novel (1936): Margaret Mitchell. An intensely social, engaging book set during the American Civil War. A work about love and fidelity, about war and betrayal, ambition and military hysteria, about a strong woman that nothing can break.

  • The Notebook. Author of the novel (1996): Nicholas Sparks. They are the same as us. And their love story is completely ordinary, of which thousands happen around us. But this book is impossible to put down. They say the stronger the love, the more tragic the ending will be. Can the heroes save their happiness?

  • Wuthering Heights. Author of the novel (1847): Emily Brontë. The book is a riddle about violent passion, vibrant life of the English province, about vices and prejudices, secret love and forbidden attraction, about happiness and tragedy. A novel that has been in the top ten for over 150 years.

  • English patient. Author of the novel (1992): Michael Ondaatje. Subtle psychologically verified work about 4 warped destinies at the end of the 2nd World War. And a burnt nameless man who became both a challenge and a mystery for everyone. Several destinies are closely intertwined in a villa in Florence - masks are thrown off, souls tired of losses are exposed ...

  • DDoctor Zhivago. Author of the novel (1957): Boris Pasternak. A novel about the fate of the generation that witnessed the Civil War in Russia, the revolution, the abdication of the tsar. They entered the 20th century with hopes that did not come true...

  • Mind and feelings. Author of the novel (1811): Jane Austen. For more than 200 years, this book has left readers in a state of light trance, thanks to the amazingly beautiful language, heartfelt drama and the author's inherent sense of humor. Screened multiple times.

  • The Great Gatsby. Author of the novel (1925): Francis Scott Fitzgerald. 1920s, New York. After the chaos of the 1st World War comes a period of rapid development of the American economy. Crime is also booming, and millions of bootleggers are multiplying. A book about love, unlimited materialism, lack of morality and the rich of the 20s.

  • Great expectations. Author of the novel (1860): Charles Dickens. One of the author's most read books. Almost a detective story, a bit of mysticism and humor, a thick layer of morality and a fantastically beautiful language. The little boy Pip in the course of the story turns into a man - along with his appearance, his spiritual world, his character, and outlook on life change. A book about dashed hopes, about unrequited love for the heartless Estella, about the spiritual rebirth of the hero.

  • Love story. Author of the novel (1970): Eric Segal. Screened bestseller. A chance meeting between a student and a future lawyer, love, life together, dreams of children. Simple plot, no intrigue - life as it is. And the understanding that you need to appreciate this life while heaven gives it to you ...

  • Overnight in Lisbon. The author of the novel (1962): Erich Maria Remarque. Her name is Ruth. They escape from the Nazis and, by the will of fate, end up in Lisbon, from where they try to get on a ship to the United States. The stranger is ready to give the main character 2 tickets for the same ship. The condition is to listen to his life story. The book is about sincere love, about cruelty, about the human soul, so subtly displayed by Remarque, as if the plot was written off from real events.

  • Consuelo. Author of the novel (1843): George Sand. The action begins in Italy, in the middle of the 18th century. The daughter of the gypsy Consuelo is a poor girl with a divine voice that will become her happiness and grief at the same time. Youthful love - for Andzoleto's best friend, growing up, experienced betrayal, a contract with the Berlin Theater and a fateful meeting with Count Rudolstadt. Who will the prima donna choose? And will anyone be able to wake the fire in her soul?

One of the most sentimental books of the 21st century. Cecilia Ahern's debut novel can be used as shock therapy when it seems like things can't get any worse. The first tears begin to arise after ten pages of reading, by the end of the book the lines are almost unreadable. If this is not enough, then you can watch the film of the same name with the participation of Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler.

"Twilight", Stephenie Meyer

A book about love, which has become a cult for young people not only in English-speaking countries, but also in France, Spain, Scandinavia, Japan and China. A literary debut that critics have compared to Anne Rayet's "Interview with the Vampire" and Barbara Hambley's "Those Who Hunt in the Night". Falling in love with a vampire... Is it scary? It's romantic. It's beautiful and painful. But this cannot end well - especially in the eternal confrontation between vampire clans, where the slightest difference from those around you already turns you into an enemy.

"Delirium", Oliver Lauren

Oliver Lauren's novel "Delirium" has become a real literary sensation and the rights to its film adaptation have already been bought. The plot tells about the near future, in which love is recognized as a dangerous virus, from which every person must be vaccinated. Those who love are punished. But the main character Lina changed her attitude to the world around her and refused to be vaccinated.

Fifty Shades of Grey, Erica James

This novel was written by a British writer in 2011. The novel tells the story of the relationship between wealthy entrepreneur Christian Gray and university graduate Anastasia Steele. The book contains explicit scenes of a sexual nature. After the release, it overtook the speed of sales of "Harry Potter" and "Twilight". The book is the first in a trilogy that also includes Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed.

"Love Story" Eric Segal

The popular plot is incredibly predictable, but still, every time you read or watch a movie, a storm of feelings overcomes. He is a rich and successful student at Harvard, she is an ordinary girl, they meet, fall in love with each other in defiance of everything, and no one is able to separate them except for a serious illness. At the end of the love story, he is left alone again. As soon as this script has not been turned over, it always works flawlessly.

"I do not believe. I do not hope. I love", Cecilia Ahern

Almost fifty years of the life of the main characters fit into this book, consisting of several hundred letters. The second novel by young Irish writer Cecilia Ahern is the story of how long it sometimes takes to find your true love.

"Obsidian", Jennifer Armentraut

This novel is included in the list of the best novels of 2013. The book is written in a love-fiction vein and, of course, will appeal to fans of this genre. The love of the earthling Katie and the alien Damon arises at first sight. But everything turns out to be much more complicated and Damon's family is in danger from outer space. It is difficult to find salvation from this ruthless enemy, but young people do not despair and come to grips with them.

"Diary of Memory", Nicholas Sparks

This book is positioned not as a romance novel, but as a novel about love. About the love of an ordinary man and an ordinary woman. This book has become an absolute bestseller, it touches the soul of readers of all ages. The film based on this novel was a huge success all over the world.

"I'll be back", Elchin Safarli

"I'll be back..." - a true love story of a Russian woman and an Eastern man. Despite the difference in mentalities and the onslaught of circumstances, they overcome despair on the way to each other. This is a novel that recreates the spirit of the times. A novel in which Safarli, through the prism of one story, shows the path of a whole generation of Russian girls who left for happiness in the East.

"Love Lives for Three Years" by Frederic Begbeder

Love lives for three years - this is the law of nature. So says Marc Marronier, familiar to readers from the novels of Begbeder "99 francs" and "Vacation in a coma." But the reason for his divorce from his wife has nothing to do with the laws of nature, just a new love captures him entirely, leaving no room for anything else. However, Mark believes in his theory and therefore, with hidden fear, is waiting for the approach of the fateful date.

"The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffeneger

They met when she was six and he was thirty-six. They married when she was twenty-three and he was thirty-one. Because Henry suffers from a rare genetic disorder called Time Travel Syndrome; his disappearances from Claire's life are unpredictable, his appearances are comical, traumatic and tragic at the same time. This is an incredible story of incredible love, an amazing bestseller, the film rights to which were bought by Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston before the book itself was published; The film was directed by Gus van Sant.

"11 minutes" by Paulo Coelho

An unusual book about love and passion. The story of the main character is non-standard and banal. The beautiful Brazilian Maria, trying to gain independence from her parents, to overcome her everyday life and lack of money, leaves for Amsterdam, where ... she becomes a prostitute. This story would have ended sadly if she had not met an unusual client - an artist who was fed up with social life, deceit, luxury. But until the moment when the couple was finally able to reunite, they had a lot to go through, comprehend, understand.

"A few hasty words about love", Dina Rubina

The theme of the book is love. The heroes greet her sudden appearance in different ways: as a necessity, as a fact, as a mirage. And they inevitably pay for the "hasty words of love." The fact that Rubina chooses the genre of the short story where one can write a novel reflects this modern haste of love. In each novel by Rubina, there is such a concentration of human feelings that one wants to cry. No wonder someone called this collection "the best book for a broken heart ..."

Boiling Chocolate, Laura Esquivel

He loves her, she loves him, but for some complicated reason they cannot be together for many, many years. But then they reunite with such a force of passion that they die in each other's arms. Seasoned all this, to the delight of the reader, with sharp humor. And, to the delight of culinary specialists, endless recipes for dishes prepared by the main character, a born cook, passionate and faithful only love - Tita. Love with pepper - Mexican exotic!

"If you knew..", Elchin Safarli

The novel "If you knew ..." is a story about feelings, doubts, expectations, fears, which most often help to start all over again. A story that can only be told to the snow-white sheets of a diary. I asked before leaving: "Tell me, do you love me?". You were silent for a long time, and then: “I feel good with you. This is not enough?". At that moment, I realized that I was able to embellish absolutely everything in a feminine way: my life, the feelings of a loved one, the world around me. With a brush in hand, women are born artists, and men are just a blank sheet of paper for us - we draw, paint, cover something up. As a result, it turns out that we draw not from nature, but on the occasion of fantasies.

"Just Together", Anna Gavalda

The novel "Just Together" is a wise and bright book about love and loneliness, about life and happiness. She formed the basis of the film of the same name by Claude Berry with Audrey Tautou in the title role.

Runaway, Alice Munro

Runaway is a collection of amazing stories of love and betrayal, unexpected twists of fate and a complex range of personal relationships. There are no banal plots and habitual schemes. From the pen of Alice Munro come characters so alive - women of all ages and positions, their friends, lovers, parents, children - that they could very well be our neighbors. Alice Munro is called the best short story writer in the world, but her books are only coming to our readers now, after the writer received the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Ladies of fashion, which of the following romance novels have you read and what impression did they make on you?

Here are collected the most interesting foreign books about love, which are read in one breath. These are the best modern novels you can find. 😉

Katherine Banner. House on the edge of the night

The beginning of the last century. Lost in the Mediterranean Sea is the island of Castellammare. The once popular abandoned bar The House at the Edge of the Night is once again filled with life - a visiting doctor and a local count are waiting for heirs. This is an exciting story about 4 generations of Dr. Amedeo's family, full of secrets, trials and romance. Farther

Jojo Moyes. See you

Lou Clark realizes that she has no feelings for her boyfriend. The girl likes her work in the cafe. But she does not realize that soon a lot of troubles will fall on her, including dismissal. Will Traynor doesn't want to live after the accident. Neither Lou nor Will suspect what awaits them after the meeting. Farther

Erin Watt. broken prince

Reed Royal is an attractive guy that all the girls go crazy for, and the guys strive to be like. But he does not care about anyone, only family comes first. Money, connections, position. Everything changes dramatically after meeting with the impregnable beauty Ella Harper. Will Reed be able to win the girl's heart? Farther

E. L. James. fifty shades of freedom

A wedding is not the end of the story. Lack of understanding, conflicts and omissions - all this often happens in couples where both personalities are strong and complex. In addition, Christian and Anastasia have an enemy who seeks not only to destroy their marriage, but also to take their lives. But true love will endure any test. Farther

Keeping secrets is not easy. Especially if the revealed truth is capable of causing severe pain to the closest people. But it often happens that sooner or later everything secret becomes clear against our will. Will Eden and Tyler's love overcome all the trials that have fallen to their lot? Are these feelings real? Farther

Reese Annesley's failed date nearly turned into a disaster. But the situation is saved by the stranger Chase Parker, who brazenly sat down at the table of the girl and her boyfriend. Reese decides to look for an unfamiliar impudent person on social networks, but it soon turns out that this shameless, cheeky, but incredibly attractive guy is her new boss! Farther

Lucy is a sweet, charming girl, but all day long she is forced to be in the same office with a man she simply hates. Josh is the complete opposite: he behaves so coldly with others that they are even afraid of him. Once a joint trip in the elevator ended ... with a kiss! Maybe these two don't really hate each other? Farther

A painful divorce prompted Vivienne Walker to return to her hometown after 10 years. In order to somehow distract herself, the girl decides to investigate the disappearance of her great-grandmother, who disappeared without a trace during the flood in 1929. But only one careless step in unraveling this riddle leads to unexpected consequences ... More

The Waverley family home has an incredible garden - it is believed that with the help of apple fruits, you can predict the future. And all the women of this family are special. Claire can make a delicious dinner out of any garden plant, and Aunt Evanelle loves to make gifts, the meaning of which people will learn much later. And what are the talents of Sydney, who returned to her father's house? And what made her run away from here? Farther

All women of the Waverly family have a magical gift. Claire makes candy out of garden flowers, her younger sister Sydney makes life-changing hairstyles and haircuts for a client. And her daughter Bay knows exactly where and what should be. But suddenly a strange stranger appears, assuring Claire that she does not belong to Waverly. Farther

A lot of time has passed since parting with her lover, but Lucy is unable to forget him. The girl closed herself from the whole world, where there is only a place for a fluffy cat. Lucy feels lonely and useless. But one day she receives a letter from... Life. And there comes a time of incredible miracles. Farther

London engineer Ruby Miller is sent to New York for a month. The girl, of course, does not doubt herself, but one of the leading specialists of the company, to whom Ruby has long been not indifferent, also flies on a business trip. A passionate romance flares up between them. But what will happen to their feelings when they return to London? Farther

The Whitworth and Wolfe families have been at war with each other for many years. To end the strife, the Prince Regent decides to make them related by marrying the daughter of the Earl of Whitworth Brooke to her older brother's worst enemy, Dominic Wolfe. If the latter refuses to marry, at least he will be excommunicated from the court. And the Whitworths are on hand. But suddenly Brooke falls in love with Dominic. Farther

On vacation, ambitious Alice meets Joe, a guy who works at a local pub, with no plans for life. Feelings arise between such different guys. But soon Alice goes to study in Cambridge, where the major Lucas begins to look after her. But everything changes as soon as Joe reappears in the girl's life. Farther

Kathy had been beaten up by her police officer husband for many years. But at one fine moment, she nevertheless found the strength to escape to a small provincial town. Here she meets Alex Wheatley. Will Katie be able to trust a man again? Will they be able to build a real family? Meanwhile, Katie's husband continues to search. Farther

Once a popular makeup artist Leroux was attacked, one rude guy came to the rescue. Soon the girl goes to Barcelona, ​​where the wedding of one of her favorite clients is planned. And here she meets the same rude man who turned out to be the groom's brother. Mark intends to upset the celebration. Will he come out? Farther

This scandalous story keeps the reader in suspense from the first pages and does not let go until the last. A young student falls in love with... a psychopath. The girl completely dissolves in his world, full of debauchery and perverted fantasies. They say love makes people better? Maybe. Just not in this case. Farther

She had no idea how attractive the older sister's ex-boyfriend was. And he never thought that one day he would become simply obsessed with the one and only. Being around Evie is all Jeremy needs. And Evie dreams of only one thing: to forget about everything that happened in the past, so that the past disappears like a bad dream. Farther

Rich, unmarried, handsome, lucky. Ricardo Lock is just a dream of many young ladies. But is he really as ideal as it seems at first glance? She is a calm, vulnerable, quiet Anna-Marie Salvarez, who has become the shadow of her own sister. And these two seemingly completely different people are bound by a vow. What will come of it? Farther

Of the 35, only six remain. society elite. Passions are heated to the limit, because the heart of Prince Maxon and the throne are at stake. The closer to the final, the more doubts in the soul of America Singer. After all, a moment with the prince is like a fairy tale. But at each meeting with the former beloved guardsman Aspen, the heart still stops. Farther

These were the most interesting foreign books about love that are read in one breath. If you know any other modern novels about love and the passion of lovers, share them in the comments. 😉