What shows hyperactivity. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a child, treatment

Recently, more and more often you can hear from doctors that your child has hyperactivity, with which something must be done. Such guys differ from their peers with great energy, which almost never dries up. They are constantly on the move, which makes it difficult, for example, to learn new material in the classroom, it is difficult for them to concentrate on the same thing for a long time. The question arises: is this behavior the result of insufficient education or deviation? Let's try to figure out what hyperactivity is in school-age children. Is treatment required or not?

Scale of the problem

Scientists and specialists have been studying this problem for a long time, but the alarm began to sound only when the accumulated data showed its social significance and scale.

According to statistics, hyperactivity occurs almost everywhere in school-age children. Treatment and education play an important role in this problem. We'll talk about this a little further.

It is believed, and it has already been practically proven, that such kids are more difficult to adapt to teams, and in adulthood also then there can be problems. Scientists have calculated that almost 80% of criminals suffered from hyperactivity in childhood.

In our country, the study of this pathology was taken up later, and even now one can note some ignorance of teachers and doctors in matters relating to this disease. That is why most children diagnosed with ADHD are left without the necessary treatment.

And this is fraught with some consequences, for example, these children often have trouble at school, parents at home yell at them for their failures, they do not get enough parental love, and in the end seek solace in the company of friends. And they, as you know, are different, so the consequences can be quite deplorable.

Causes of ADHD

Hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment and causes of this pathology will be considered in more detail. Let's start by finding out what can trigger the development of hyperactivity. There may be several reasons:

  1. Abnormal course of pregnancy:
  • Insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus.
  • The threat of miscarriage at different times.
  • Frequent stressful situations in an interesting position.
  • Failure to follow dietary guidelines.
  • Smoking.

2. Unfavorable delivery:

  • Too long labor.
  • Rapid childbirth.
  • If you had to resort to drug induction of labor.
  • Prematurity.

3. Other reasons:

If there is a combination of several reasons at once, then the likelihood that hyperactivity will occur in school-age children increases. The doctor must prescribe treatment, but, unfortunately, this can not always be seen. Often even parents do not pay attention to this problem and do not go to see a doctor for help.

Varieties of hyperactivity

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment will depend on the type of pathology. And they are as follows:

  1. Attention deficit without hyperactivity. The child is most often absolutely calm, but lives in some kind of his own world, constantly hovering in the clouds, it is difficult to reach him.
  2. Hyperactivity without attention deficit. This pathology is observed much less frequently. The cause is considered individual characteristics or disorders in the development of the nervous system.
  3. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common case. The child not only suffers from attention disorders, but also shows excessive activity.

Each of the cases needs its own approach to treatment, which is simply necessary.

What is the difference between activity and hyperactivity?

Many parents often ask when to sound the alarm. How to distinguish that the child is not just a very active baby, but there is hyperactivity? To answer these questions, you can use the simple comparison shown in the table.

active kid


The child loves outdoor games, but if he is interested, he can listen to a fairy tale or collect puzzles for a long time.

The child does not control himself, he is constantly in motion. When his strength runs out, hysteria begins, crying.

Interested in everything, asks parents a lot of questions.

Fast speech, often interrupts during a conversation, asking a question, the answer to it may not be heard.

There are practically no disturbances in the digestive system, normal sleep.

Difficulty falling asleep, in a dream can talk, cry. Often there are digestive disorders, allergic reactions.

The child understands where you can show your activity, and where you need to behave calmly, for example, at a party.

The kid is practically uncontrollable, prohibitions do not apply to him, he behaves the same everywhere.

Does not provoke scandals, does not show aggressiveness.

The child himself often becomes a provocateur of conflicts, does not control his aggression, while he can fight, bite, use sticks, stones and other improvised means.

These signs of comparison will help parents suspect a developmental pathology in their child and make them see a doctor. To make the correct diagnosis (hyperactivity in a child of school age), only a competent specialist can prescribe treatment. Don't hesitate to visit him.

How does hyperactivity manifest itself?

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, Dr. Komarovsky recommends starting treatment only when it is established that this is a disease, and not a manifestation of the norm. And in order to find out, you need to know the symptoms of the pathology, it can be divided into several groups:

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment (Komarovsky believes so) may not be needed when the disease manifests itself in a mild form. At the same time, a lot of effort and patience is required, first of all, from the mother in order to help the child learn to cope with their problems.

But often it may be necessary, if there is hyperactivity in schoolchildren, treatment. And symptoms other than those listed , the following are added:

If hyperactivity is manifested in this way in children of school age, Dr. Komarovsky advises to undergo treatment without fail. It should be noted that all these signs do not affect mental abilities, but academic performance often suffers, even if the child is smart, so specialist help is needed.

Establishing diagnosis

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment, correction of this condition is required. But for this you need to correctly diagnose. This is done by neuropathologists, who are required to visit if there are appropriate symptoms. It is important to identify the cause of the pathology in order to exclude the presence of more dangerous diseases, and only a specialist can do this.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is detected in several stages:

The diagnosis can be delayed for several months, only after all observations, tests and examinations, hyperactivity is detected in school-age children, treatment will depend on the symptoms and severity of the pathology. Parents have to put in a lot of effort and patience.

Hyperactivity Therapy

It will definitely be required if the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school-age children is confirmed, treatment. And the signs should reduce their manifestation. But therapy will be long and using many methods and directions.

  1. Correct the motor activity of the child. It is undesirable for such kids to engage in sports with competitive elements, as this can provoke an increase in the manifestation of the disease. It is best to give the child to swimming, aerobic training, skiing.
  2. Help is psychological. In the arsenal of specialists there are various methods for working with such children.
  3. The disease of the child cannot but leave its mark on the parents, especially on the one who spends more time with the baby. They become more irritable, nervous, so the help of a family therapist will not hurt.
  4. Relaxation. Special auto-trainings have a positive effect on the condition of children with hyperactivity syndrome.
  5. Behavior correction. This applies not only to the child, but also to adults. Children with hyperactivity are very susceptible to negativity, there are no prohibitions for them, but they respond quite positively to positive emotions. Given this, it will be more effective to praise such kids for good deeds than to scold for bad ones. Relationships should be built on complete trust and understanding, and prohibit only what really poses a danger to him. Parents should control their behavior, avoid rudeness towards each other, especially with a child.
  6. Medication is also required (if diagnosed with hyperactivity in school-age children) treatment. Drugs, for example in the USA, are often prescribed from the group of psychostimulants, but they have been found to have many side effects that negate all the benefits of their use. In our country, such drugs are not used.

Let us consider in more detail some areas of therapy.

Medical treatment

Most likely, if the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school-age children is confirmed, treatment will be prescribed. Drugs should be selected only by a doctor. To get results as soon as possible, stimulants are prescribed, such drugs help the child improve concentration. This group includes the following drugs:

  • "Dexedrine".
  • "Fokalin".
  • "Ritalin".
  • "Methylin".
  • "Vivans".

Specialists often also prescribe nootropic medications, such as:

  • "Cortexin".
  • "Gliatilin".
  • "Phenibut".
  • "Pantogam".

They help improve cerebral circulation, improve memory, the ability to concentrate.

ADHD treatment in Israel

For "hyperactivity" in school-age children, his clinics may offer an alternative to medication. In Israeli medical institutions specializing in the treatment of ADHD, the following alternative treatment method is used.

Or osteopathy. The system of this treatment is based on the fact that the skull is directly connected with the spine and sacrum. Even minor shifts of the skull bones can eliminate or significantly reduce physical ailments and functional disorders. First of all, the physical cause of the pathology is eliminated, especially for birth injuries, and then it is the turn of other specialists to begin treatment.

Most of the children diagnosed with "hyperactivity" after osteopathy sessions are able to study in a regular school with other guys on an equal footing.

One of these clinics is located in Tel Aviv, and is headed by the famous doctor Alexander Kansepolsky. Thus, we see that if there is a diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in children of school age, Israel offers treatment not only with medication.

Traditional medicine against hyperactivity

Therapy of this disease requires great patience from parents. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations if hyperactivity is diagnosed in school-age children. Treatment with folk remedies can also be used, but after consultation with a specialist.

Here are some recipes that will help normalize sleep, the digestive system, and because of this, at least a little, but the baby's behavior will improve:

  1. Has calming properties. To prepare, you need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped roots and pour 250 ml of hot water, boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool slightly and strain. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day.
  2. Hop. For therapy, the cones of this plant are used. 1 tablespoon is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 2 minutes, then you need to insist a little, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  3. St. John's wort is also widely used in the treatment of hyperactivity. It normalizes sleep, promotes concentration, improves memory. You need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped grass, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 5 minutes. When chilled, give the child 1-2 tablespoons three times before meals.
  4. It helps well if there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment with folk recipes. Herbal preparations are used quite often. One of them includes the following components: valerian root, lemon balm, mint, lavender flowers, St. John's wort. 2 spoons of this collection brew 0.5 liters of hot water and insist 4 hours. Give the medicine to the child 50 ml in the morning and evening before meals.
  5. Lavender flowers help to remove too much activity of the child, as well as nausea, vomiting, headaches. 1 spoon of flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 10 minutes. Take a tablespoon twice a day.

It should be noted that in case of a diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school-age children, treatment with traditional healers can help, but only if drug therapy is carried out, the baby visits a psychologist, his motor activity is corrected.

Psychological help

In the presence of hyperactivity, it is advisable not to refuse the help of a psychologist. The specialist has in his arsenal various techniques that help to remove anxiety, increase the sociability of the child, and reduce his aggressiveness.

By modeling different situations of success, the psychologist will tell parents in which area their baby will feel more confident. He conducts various corrective work, in which the parents of the baby must also be involved. Individually for each child, exercises are selected to develop thinking, attention, memory.

Do not neglect the help of such narrow specialists, classes for a hyperactive baby will only benefit.

How to communicate with a hyperactive child

Treatment is important in the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school-age children. Prevention, meanwhile, is also essential. And it should begin even before the birth of the child. The expectant mother needs to provide all the conditions for the normal course of pregnancy.

To prevent exacerbations, if the baby is already diagnosed with hyperactivity, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Help your child learn techniques that help in the assimilation of school material.
  • During class, remove all distracting objects, create a working environment.
  • Support the child, increase motivation to continue classes.

In addition, parents should adhere to certain rules when dealing with a hyperactive child:

  1. It is necessary to praise the baby even for the slightest success.
  2. The child should have his own assignments, albeit small, but he must fulfill them himself and regularly.
  3. You can practice keeping a diary in which all successes are recorded.
  4. It is necessary to set such tasks that are feasible for the child.
  5. It is necessary to clearly define all the boundaries of what is permitted and what is categorically impossible.
  6. It is necessary to remove the orderly tone from the appeal.
  7. The house must follow the daily routine.
  8. Don't let your baby get stressed out.
  9. TV viewing time should be kept to a minimum.
  10. It is necessary to establish a sleep and wakefulness regimen.
  11. Parents themselves must remain calm in any situation.
  12. Parents should help the child choose a field of activity where he can show his abilities.

If your child is too hyperactive, then do not panic and put an end to it. With the modern possibilities of medicine, it is possible to cope with not such pathologies, you just need to pay attention to this in time and visit a doctor. Psychological help, drug therapy, psychotherapy sessions will do their job, and your child will be able to learn on an equal basis with other children and show all their talents and abilities.

Hyperactivity is an overly lively behavior of people, in which the increased excitability of a person is clearly visible. Usually this behavior is due to the inability to control emotions. Therefore, hyperactivity syndrome is observed mainly in children and adolescents. If adults behave in this way, we can talk about the presence of some kind of mental disorder.

With regard to hyperactivity syndrome in children and adolescents, experts have a different opinion. They believe that excessive activity and high excitability in this case are mainly due to attention deficit. Under the attention deficit this case refers to the inability to concentrate on a particular object, sound or activity.

In addition, the causes of such a child's behavior may be birth trauma, any infection, insufficient or malnutrition, poisoning with poisons of chemical origin.

The syndrome of hyperactivity in boys is much more common than in girls. Usually it makes itself felt already in two or three years. To date, increased excitability is observed in almost 10% of primary school students. It is often accompanied by sleep disturbances, speech defects, developmental pathologies, diarrhea, enuresis.


Although the symptoms of hyperactivity in children appear in very early age, they get an appointment with a specialist most often by the age of 8-10 years. This is explained by the fact that initially others consider the child restless or simply do not attach much importance to his uncontrolled mobility. It begins to require increased attention when it becomes a hindrance to studying at school and hinders adaptation in society.

The main symptoms of hyperactivity in children are:

  • Inability to focus on something for a long time;
  • Lack of concentration, inability to concentrate on one subject;
  • Difficulty concentrating on one activity;
  • Unwillingness to solve tasks that require mental effort;
  • distraction;
  • Constant forgetfulness;
  • Regular distraction to extraneous noise;
  • Continuous fidgeting in the chair;
  • Frequent jumping up from a place;
  • Impulsive swinging of the arms and uncontrolled movements of the legs during excitement;
  • Inability to calmly wait for something and listen to something to the end;
  • Constant desire to break away.

If such actions in the child's behavior take place, there is a serious reason to suspect that he has a hyperactivity syndrome. This can have negative consequences, expressed in poor social adaptation and disruption of the normal learning process, excessive irritability and irascibility. Such children cannot concentrate, they experience anger when they have to wait for something and do not realize the consequences of an action at the moment.

Especially risky manifestations of hyperactivity syndrome are in conflict adolescence. Boys and girls with this syndrome have a strong desire for leadership and often commit defiant, bordering on antisocial acts. They start smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs early.

Children with symptoms of hyperactivity require a specific approach in education and supervision. Their behavior is not due to negative character traits, but to a violation of the reticular formation. This is one of the functions of the brain responsible for processing information and for the degree of concentration. A failure in its work leads to excessive brain fatigue and an increase in emotional anxiety, against which an uncontrollable desire for constant movement appears.

Treatment and correction

Hyperactivity in children is not amenable to the usual strict control, since the child in this case is not able to respond to comments and adequately perceive the threat of punishment for his actions. The primary task of correction is to teach self-management. It consists in directing energy in a safe direction. It can be sports or energetic exciting games, combined with careful observance of the daily routine and mandatory walks in the fresh air.

The process of treating hyperactivity does not allow intellectual overwork and prolonged presence of a person among a large mass of people. The child should be protected from stress and emotional shocks. Such children should not be placed too high demands. But being too soft with them is also unacceptable. The nutrition of the child should be correct, with a sufficient content of trace elements and vitamins.

Therapeutic treatment of hyperactivity consists in the use of nootropic drugs in combination with manual methods. Amphetamines are used as psychostimulants, which can be taken once a day. If psychostimulants do not give tangible results, antipsychotics and antidepressants are prescribed. However, the use of such funds requires constant monitoring of the child, as it creates the risk of cardiovascular abnormalities.

Tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and H1 blockers are also used. They are used in cases where other drugs are ineffective and only after a painstaking analysis of the reasons for the failure of the previous treatment. Additionally, to suppress or correct hyperactivity, clonidine and a number of anticonvulsant drugs are prescribed - carbamazepine, valproic acid, etc.

Increased motor activity is usually referred to as ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is a CNS disorder characterized by a chronic course. Manifested by impulsivity, decreased memory, attention, etc.

More recently, it was believed that this is observed only in children. However, to date, scientists have found that a fairly large number of adults suffer from this disorder.

Scientists believe that hyperactivity is caused by hereditary causes, since most patients had close relatives with similar disorders.

How does increased motor activity manifest itself in a child and an adult? What methods of treatment are used, what folk remedies can help? Let's talk about it:

Hyperactivity in a child - symptoms

These kids are easy to spot. They are in constant motion, they cannot even stand or sit quietly in one place for a short time. Such children are characterized by irascibility, imbalance, restlessness. They are inattentive, it is difficult to remember information, they cannot concentrate. Moreover, these signs do not depend on poor upbringing, or the characteristics of the child's character.

Most often, ADHD occurs in boys. It is their parents who most often turn to the doctor with complaints about the increased activity of their child. The examination usually reveals a violation of the neurophysiology of the brain, a deficiency of dopamine and norepinephrine is diagnosed.

The first signs usually appear between the ages of 3 and 6 years. They are most pronounced in school and adolescence. Further, they can decrease and disappear completely by youth. However, if there is a predisposition to the further development of this disorder, most of the symptoms remain with the person into adulthood.

Increased motor activity in an adult - symptoms

According to statistics, every twentieth adult inhabitant of the planet has symptoms of ADHD. At the same time, most do not even suspect that he has this syndrome. Forgetfulness, distraction, irritability, etc., people attribute to the properties of their character, and also sin on overwork or frequent stress.

However, there are characteristic symptoms that help diagnose the presence of hyperactivity syndrome.

In adults, it is indicated by a weakening of memory and concentration, fussiness. Such people often lose small things. They do their jobs carelessly because they don't pay attention to details. They are inattentive to the interlocutor, do not listen to him, often interrupt. These people usually have low education and low income.

They are restless, often irritable, quick-tempered, impatient, prone to frequent mood swings.

Among people suffering from increased activity, a large percentage of smokers, taking alcohol and psychoactive stimulants. Among them are a large number of violators of traffic rules, public order.

However, the symptoms of ADHD should not be confused with temporary manifestations of increased activity that occur for other reasons. In particular, hyperactivity can be caused by taking certain drugs, for example, the antiallergic agent Parlazin, the instructions for use of which have recently been reviewed. One of the side effects of the drug is anxiety, increased motor activity.

But, if the symptoms described above are constantly present, you should visit a specialist and, if necessary, receive adequate treatment.

Treatment of the syndrome

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of this mental disorder. However, there are treatment methods that can significantly reduce the severity of symptoms in both children and adult patients, alleviate their condition and help them adapt socially.

Treatment includes psychotherapy sessions, behavioral interventions, and certain medications. The scheme of therapeutic measures involves the participation of specialists from a neurologist, psychologist and psychiatrist.

In the treatment of children with mild impairment, psychological support is usually sufficient. Moreover, the psychologist works not only with the little patient himself, but also with his parents, attracts teachers to participate. With a pronounced and severe degree, the treatment is carried out by a psychiatrist.

For the treatment of children, adolescents and adult patients with severe and severe forms of ADHD, if they have social maladaptation, along with psychotherapeutic sessions, drugs are used: tranquilizers, psychostimulants, nootropics. If necessary, prescribe antidepressants, such as amphetamine, Ritalin or Amitriptyline.

Homeopathic preparations, medicines based on medicinal plants, necessary in this particular case, are used.

The complex of therapeutic measures also includes sports. Preference is given to single species, as collective competitions are difficult for people with the syndrome and can provoke a decrease in self-esteem.

Folk remedies

With the approval of the attending physician, include folk recipes in the complex treatment. They are able to significantly alleviate the condition, reduce the severity of symptoms, make a person calmer and more balanced.

Here are some popular recipes:

Pour boiling water over heavily crushed, dried angelica rhizomes: for half a liter of boiling water - 1 tablespoon of roots. It is more convenient and faster to cook in a thermos. After 5 hours, the infusion will be ready. Children are given 1 tsp three times a day. Adults can take a small sip.

Combine 1 tablespoon of dried plants: mint, lemon balm and St. John's wort. Add the same amount of lavender flowers and 3 tablespoons of valerian roots, mix. Scald the thermos with boiling water. Pour 2 tablespoons of the collection into 400 ml of boiling water. The infusion will be ready in 4 hours. Take a strained remedy in a small cup (about 100 ml) in the morning and before bedtime. For children, the doctor calculates the dosage, depending on age.

They help to relax, calm down, promote good sleep baths with sea salt, or a decoction of the roots of calamus, juniper and willow bark.

It must be remembered that the hyperactivity syndrome, which we talked about today, is not a severe mental disorder. However, this disorder leads to social maladjustment of a person, makes it difficult for him to live in society. Therefore, do not leave it unattended, seek help from a specialist neurologist. Be healthy!

It often happens that parents complain that their child is restless, does not obey, does not sit still for a second, it is very difficult for him to sit still and do business. Could this be just a feature of the child's character, bad manners, or is it a pathological condition that requires correction?

Often in such children, psychologists as a result of diagnosis determine the presence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Below we will describe the causes of hyperactivity, how this syndrome manifests itself, what are the criteria for diagnosing this pathology, how to treat hyperactivity, and give a number of tips for parents and educators.

ADHD is a persistent behavioral disorder with a debut in childhood, manifested by impulsivity, difficult controllability, decreased concentration and a number of other symptoms.

A bit of history

Back in the 19th century, the German psychoneurologist G. Hoffman first described an overly mobile and active child, calling him “Fidget Phil.” Since the 60s of the 20th century, such a condition has been considered pathological and has been called minimal disturbances in the activity of the brain. In the 80s, this disease received its place in the international classification of diseases and became known as ADHD.

Causes of ADHD

Adverse factors during pregnancy:

Adverse factors in childbirth:

  • protracted labor
  • Rapid delivery
  • Stimulation of labor activity
  • Prematurity (delivery before 38 weeks gestation)

Other factors:

  • The presence of neurological diseases in the child
  • Conflict situations in the family, tense relations between parents
  • Excessive strictness towards the child
  • Heavy metal poisoning such as lead
  • Malnutrition also plays a role.

There is an opinion that injuries of the cervical spine are the cause of ADHD, this is a misconception.

If a child has a combination of several factors in the development of the disease, then the risk of developing hyperactivity syndrome in such children increases.

Classification of ADHD

Depending on the dominant signs of hyperactivity, three types of the disease are distinguished:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity
  • Hyperactivity syndrome, combined with attention deficit - this type of disease occurs most often.

How does hyperactivity manifest?

The prevalence of the disease is 4-5% among children. Boys suffer from ADHD about 6 times more often than girls.

Consider what and at what age hyperactivity in children can manifest itself. Symptoms may first appear before the age of one. At this age, such children may be characterized by excessive excitability, they may react too violently to various manipulations, to bright light, sound. They often have sleep disturbances - they hardly fall asleep, often wake up, the period of wakefulness is increased. In physical development, they may lag behind their peers somewhat (by 1-1.5 months). Speech development may also be delayed.

Similar symptoms can be with many other diseases, so if they are present, you should not independently draw conclusions about the causes of their appearance. You should consult a doctor for timely diagnosis of the disease.

Also, it should not be attributed to pathology if one of the symptoms appears only occasionally. It is quite normal if the child has lost his routine, and he cannot fall asleep at his usual time, or just got carried away by the game and falls asleep. There can be many reasons for whims in a child, ranging from teething to violations in the child's diet.

Already at about 2-3 years old, distinct symptoms appear, but most parents do not notice them or consider such manifestations to be the norm. Naturally, this does not serve as a reason for them to go to the doctor, but in vain, because the sooner the problem is identified, the easier it will be to deal with it. At this age, restlessness may already appear, an excessive number of movements in the child can be noted, these movements are chaotic. The specialist can determine the delay in speech development, and then the presence of "motor awkwardness".

Often it is at the age of 3 years that parents can pay attention to the condition of the child. It is at the age of 3 that the next age-related crisis begins in the child, when he becomes aware of his Self, explores the boundaries of what is permitted, and therefore becomes very stubborn, capricious, this is a normal period of the child’s mental development, but at the same time, in children with ADHD, all signs are exacerbated.

Also during this period, many children are sent to a kindergarten, where other people watch them and they often tell their parents that their child is restless, inattentive, does not obey the teachers, it is impossible to put him to bed. This may be the first call for parents to contact a specialist. At this age, there is an intensive development of memory and attention, in children with ADHD it is slower.

Since the nervous system in a child with ADHD cannot cope with the increase in demands, physical, mental stress, deterioration can be observed in preschool children (at the age of 5-5.5 years). At this time, preparatory classes begin in kindergarten for children, which require concentration of attention, the ability to sit in one place for some time and listen to an adult.

The mental development of such children lags behind, this can manifest itself in low self-esteem, imbalance, irascibility. Such children may complain of headaches, they may have nervous tics, they develop phobias (fears). Some are diagnosed with enuresis.

In children of school age, despite the safety of intelligence, poor academic performance. They are inattentive in the classroom, it is difficult for them to get carried away with something. They find it difficult to find a common language with their peers, such children are prone to conflicts. Due to intolerance, they rarely have good relationships with classmates and teachers. Such children are not able to assess the consequences of their actions, they are very impulsive, often aggressive, which, if not diagnosed and treated, can subsequently lead to antisocial behavior.

The sooner treatment of hyperactivity is started, the less consequences can be dispensed with.

Diagnostic Criteria for ADHD

It is advisable to use them not earlier than 6 years. To establish the diagnosis of ADHD at the age of 6-17 years, 6 matches are sufficient, for people over 17 years old - 5 matches. These criteria can and even should be present in a child with ADHD and earlier.

Criteria related to manifestations of hyperactivity:

  • Restless movements of arms and legs.
  • Sitting on a chair, constantly spinning, spinning.
  • In situations where you need to stay in one place - gets up, leaves.
  • The presence of aimless movements - jumping, running, spinning when it is not appropriate and not necessary.
  • The inability to sit quietly and do something calmly.
  • Is constantly on the move.
  • Too chatty.
  • Answers questions without listening to the end.
  • Cannot wait for his turn or it is given to him with great difficulty.
  • Constantly interferes in someone else's game, conversation.
  • During sleep, he constantly turns over, throws off the blanket, crumples the sheet.

Criteria related to manifestations of attention deficit:

  • The inability to pay attention to small details, makes mistakes in school due to carelessness and inattention.
  • Unable to concentrate while playing or performing a task.
  • When talking with a child, it seems that he is not listening to you.
  • He cannot complete the task, lessons, household chores, and this behavior is not associated with the child's protests.
  • It is difficult for a child to organize independent activities.
  • Consciously avoids any tasks, work where attention is required to be fixed.
  • The child often loses his things.
  • Easily distracted by external stimuli.
  • Differs in forgetfulness in various everyday situations.
  • There is a tendency to destructive behavior, often breaks something, while denying his involvement.

If a child is suspected to have ADHD, parents should contact a neurologist for consultation and examination. Often under the guise of ADHD can hide another serious disease. Differentiation of the diagnosis is carried out only by a doctor.

Treatment for ADHD

Correction of hyperactivity should be carried out using several methods, among which there are drug and non-drug. Non-drug methods of treatment are predominantly used. Medicines are used when all other methods have failed. The main directions of ADHD correction:

Proper physical activity

Children with ADHD should not be involved in sports with competitive elements, as they can exacerbate the manifestations of the disease. Also, games with demonstration performances and with static loads are not recommended. Light aerobic workouts, such as swimming, skiing, cycling, will also be useful.

Lessons with a psychologist

There are various techniques to reduce anxiety, increase the sociability of the child. A psychologist can simulate various situations of success, help choose a field of activity for a child in which he will feel confident. Exercises are given for the development of speech, memory, attention. For severe speech disorders, classes with a speech therapist are recommended. It is also useful to change the environment for the child, with positive changes in treatment, in the new environment a good attitude will be formed faster towards the child.

Family Psychotherapy

The problem of the child leaves its mark on the parents, especially on the mother of the child, who is most often in contact with him. Such women are 5 times more likely to be depressed, they are irritable, impulsive, intolerant. Family therapy can help your child get rid of ADHD faster.


Relaxation auto-trainings have a beneficial effect on such children, as they normalize the activity of the central and peripheral nervous systems, stimulate the reserve activity of the cerebral cortex.

Behavioral correction

Not only the child must change, but also the adults around him. Children with ADHD have a very high threshold for negative emotions, so they are immune to prohibitions, punishments, but at the same time they respond very easily to positive emotions, it is much more effective to praise them for good deeds than to scold them for bad ones. With such a child, prohibitions and refusal should be minimized. Of course, there is no need to go beyond the reasonable. Only things that may be dangerous or harmful to the child should be prohibited. Relations with such a child must be built on mutual understanding and trust. The microclimate in the family is also important. Parents also need to minimize quarrels among themselves, especially not to quarrel in front of the child! It is important to spend leisure time with the whole family. The child needs help to organize the mode and place for classes.

Medical therapy

In the United States, psychostimulants are actively used to correct ADHD. They are very effective, but have many side effects, which is why it was decided that such therapy is carried out when other methods are ineffective.

In Russia, psychostimulants are banned for use in ADHD. Instead, they try to use nootropic drugs to improve the metabolic processes of the brain, but there is no evidence base for the use of nootropics for ADHD.

  • Use a positive parenting model—grab your child more often when they deserve it. Be more attentive, encourage even minor successes, use the word “yes” more often than “no” and “no”.
  • Come up with daily chores around the house for him, do not do them for him (make the bed, wash the dishes after dinner, or take out the trash).
  • Get a notebook where, together with your child, you will describe his progress for the day every evening.
  • Do not overestimate or underestimate the requirements for the child, set tasks for him that correspond to his abilities, praise him for completing these tasks.
  • Define for him a clear framework - what can and cannot be done. A child with ADHD must learn to cope with the usual difficulties for his age. It should not form "greenhouse" conditions for it.
  • Ask the child for something, do not order him.
  • If your child is acting provocatively, it means that he wants to get your attention, but does not know how else to do it. Spend more time with him.
  • At home, there should be a clear daily routine. Not only the child, but also adults should observe it!
  • Do not go with your child to overly crowded places, to shopping centers, to the market. It might turn him on.
  • Protect your child from overworking, as this causes excessive motor activity and reduces the possibility of self-control.
  • Don't let the TV sit for a long time, enter the cartoon mode, how long and at what time, strictly follow it.
  • Any restrictions and rules that you enter must be feasible, before you enter them, think about whether you can definitely follow them. For example, you should not tell your child that he will watch TV once a week, you still cannot always follow this rule and you yourself will be the first to give up. In such a case, everything that you demand, all your rules will be invalidated.
  • Set up a sleep schedule. The child should go to bed and wake up at the same time. He must sleep. Otherwise, the child's self-control decreases, and by the evening you can see him uncontrollable.
  • Teach your child to control himself, to think about the consequences of his actions.
  • Be calm, no matter how difficult it may be. You are an example for your child.
  • It is important for children to realize their importance, to be successful in something. Help him choose some area of ​​activity in which he can reveal his abilities and succeed.
  • Reward the child even for small successes, verbal praise means a lot too.
  • During the lesson, take a minute of active rest a couple of times, get up and do a little exercise.
  • The class schedule must be constant.
  • There should be no distracting objects, paintings, crafts, stands in the classroom.
  • Hyperactive children need an individual approach, you should not treat children as a mass at all, they are all different, everyone needs a different approach, and children with ADHD need this even more.
  • Such children should be in the center of the class, opposite the blackboard, in the first or second rows, they should always be visible to the teacher and be able to quickly attract his attention.
  • Involve such a child in active actions during the lesson - ask to clean the board, collect notebooks or distribute them.
  • Avoid monotony and monotony in the classroom. Introduce a creative element, motivate children, make sure that the lesson is interesting, and not just a mandatory few tens of minutes. This is useful for all children, so the material will be absorbed much better, and the children will want to come to your lesson again.
  • Break large tasks into several smaller ones, control the implementation of each of the parts.
  • Do not overestimate or underestimate the requirements for the child.
  • Create a “success situation” for your child, one in which he can prove himself.
  • Help your child to adapt in the team, teach him social rules and norms, help him to establish contact with peers.