Interview with the poet Ksana Vasilenko. “I love Shakespeare, Rozhdestvensky, Blok, Gumilyov, Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva

Sergey Zavyalov made his debut in the Leningrad samizdat of the 1980s, he was a member of Club-81. A classical philologist by education, he taught ancient Greek and Latin, ancient literature, lectured on the history of Russian poetry of the 20th century, including at St. Petersburg and Zurich universities.

Author of six books of poetry, his poems and essays have been translated into many languages. Member of the PEN Club, laureate of the Andrei Bely Prize (2015) and Piero Bigongiari (Pistoia, 2016). Recently, the publishing house "New Literary Review" published a new book by the poet "Poems and Poems 1993-2017".

A new book by Sergei Zavyalov, Poems and Poems 1993-2017, was published in the art series of the Moscow publishing house New Literary Review in 2018.

The book "Poems and Poems 1993–2017" will be presented by the author in St. Petersburg on the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater on May 13 at 19:30; in Moscow in the conference hall of the Nekrasov Library on May 16 at 19:30; in Switzerland with the assistance of the Literary Club in Zurich on May 27 at the Museumsgesellschaft (Limmatquai 62, entrance to the Literaturhaus), starting at 15:00.

You can buy the book by Sergei Zavyalov "Poems and Poems 1993-2017" at this link And if you specify in the browser “Sergey Zavyalov. Poems and Poems 1993-2017”, then search engines will offer dozens of stores where it is easy and convenient to purchase a literary novelty.

  • to give students an idea of ​​the essay-interview;
  • improve the skills of creating your own texts;
  • develop the creative abilities of students.

Equipment: “Dictionary of the Russian language” by S.I. Ozhegov, memo “Correct construction of a conversation”.

During the classes.

1. Actualization of previous knowledge.

Teacher's word.

You are already familiar with the word interview. What does "interview" mean?

Interview of English origin. In the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov, one can find the following meanings of this word: 1) the genre of journalism, a journalist's conversation with one or more persons on any topical issues; 2) in sociological surveys - a conversation of a researcher according to a predetermined plan with a person or a group of persons, whose answers serve as material for generalizations. Therefore, an interview is a conversation intended for publication in the press or for broadcast on the radio.

In the interview, it is necessary to indicate 1) with whom the conversation is being conducted, 2) what is the purpose of the conversation (the opinion of figures on issues of politics, technology, culture, art, literature, etc.).

An interview is a joint work of a journalist and the person with whom the conversation was conducted. A journalist must be highly cultured and knowledgeable. Therefore, you need to prepare for the interview:

  • prepare with literature on the problem;
  • consult with experts in this field;
  • draw up a preliminary list of questions;
  • determine the format in which it is desirable to write an interview.

2. Formation of new concepts and methods of action.

Let's get acquainted with the types of interviews.

Interview-monologue: a question is asked to the person chosen for the conversation, and he answers it in detail.

Interview-dialogue: conversation in questions and answers.

A group interview gives an idea of ​​the opinion of several people on some issue. Such a conversation turns into a meeting or a meeting.

A self-interview is a rare type of interview when the writer himself asks questions and answers them himself.

The questionnaire is a mass type of interview. Wanting to know the opinion of a large group of people on some issue, the editors print a questionnaire and send it out. After receiving the answers, she analyzes them and publishes the conclusions.

An interview-sketch in which the journalist not only asks questions, but also expresses his opinion on the topic, talks about the situation and comments on it during the conversation, reports his impression.

The interview is printed in a newspaper, magazine, broadcast on radio and television for various purposes:

  • report on upcoming tasks;
  • talk about the creative successes and achievements of scientists, writers, artists, production innovators;
  • inform about an upcoming event or provide details of an event that has occurred;
  • explain in detail a fact already known to the reader or listener;
  • to find out the opinion of a political, statesman, public figure on any issue.

Interviewing - conducting a conversation, interviewing someone in order to publish the information received.

Question for the class. Who can be interviewed?

Students response. An interview can be taken from your classmate, from the author of the work, from an inanimate object. Last year we already talked with a droplet, a snowflake, a flower.

The teacher reads sample essays. (Samples are taken from the book Skirgailo T.O. “Composition-interview: Elective course of speech development: Program. Thematic planning”, Moscow, 2006)

Interview with dewdrop.

Dear dewdrop, you are so shining in the sun! Where did you come from?

I was born in the morning, at dawn. And my age is short.

Why do you live so little?

The warm sun will wake up, send warm rays to the ground, flowers, green petals, warm them, and I will turn into steam.

When can we meet again?

Come to this place tomorrow morning. I will wait for you. I like you a lot.

What did you like about me?

Nobody noticed me before, nobody spoke to me. And you paid attention to me, found an interlocutor in me, thank you.

Rainbow Interview.

Hello rainbow. Why do you only show up after the rain?

The rain washes away all the dust in the sky, the clouds become lighter, I become brighter, more noticeable.

Why are you so beautiful?

I have seven colors, using which each artist creates his masterpieces.

Why are you also called a rainbow-arc?

As you know, the earth is round. I make my way from one point, for example, from the direction of the Volga River, and run towards the dark blue forest. This is where the arc comes in. A straight line does not work: ask your geography teacher about it.

Thank you. I want to learn more about you and find interesting information in encyclopedias. And after another rain, we'll talk again.

I'll be waiting for you. See you.

3. Formation of skills and abilities.

How to build a conversation?

The students answer.

First you need to understand why you are interested in this particular person? What do you know about him.

What should you ask him? What is not possible?

How much time does he have to talk?

The question should not be very long, wordy.

You need to pay attention to the beginning and end of the conversation.

The question must be correct.

No need to put pressure on the interlocutor. The interlocutor should be in the foreground.

The teacher distributes handouts "Rules for constructing a conversation."

(The teacher reads and comments).

Conversation rules.

In order to correctly compose questions for the interlocutor whom you will interview, you need to know the rules by which the conversation is built. Let's bring them.

1) The question itself should contain an element of knowledge of the problem under discussion. It is hardly appropriate to start a conversation with a faceless question “How are things going?”. Such a question will lead to an equally faceless, meaningless answer: "It's okay." It is more effective to start a conversation, for example, like this: “We know that over the past three years your school has won prizes in all sports. In the neighboring school, although the conditions are the same, there is no significant progress. What is the secret of your success? Such a statement of the question, of course, will help the interlocutor to be more actively involved in the conversation.

2) Create psychologically favorable conditions for the interlocutor. The creation of such conditions means not only the removal of external obstacles to communication. First of all, a journalist must take into account the state of mind of the person he is questioning. Psychological comfort means creating conditions under which the interlocutor will more clearly and fully reveal the human essence, do it naturally and naturally.

3) Show a directly or indirectly expressed interest in the personality of the interlocutor, interest not only in his official status, social position, social role, but also in his personality and character.

4) Create a setting for two-way communication. Be able to not only speak, but also listen. The ability to listen is not an inborn gift, but a consequence of a highly developed intellect, a culture of feeling. Dialogue is a conversation between two people, and the interviewer must hold the thread in his hands.

5) Focus the conversation on the topic that is most significant for the interlocutor, on the positive motives of his activity.

6) Skillfully use questions of different types: open and closed, basic and non-basic, probing and suggestive, neutral and prompting. Behind the variety of questions lies the variety of relationships that develop during the conversation.

What would you like to talk about with the poets of the Silver Age?

The guys answer.

Remember: you need to know the biography and work of the poet, literary criticism about him.

4. Individual independent homework.

Think about which Silver Age poet you would like to interview. What questions would you ask him. Prepare for an essay-interview with a poet of the Silver Age. Consider the introduction and ending of your interview essay.

At the next lesson, the guys wrote an essay-interview with the poet of the Silver Age. Here is one of the works.


“Eternity is akin to me,” he said about himself. He is a great poet, philosopher, scientist, prose writer, critic, mathematician, mystic. He is a true genius. He is Andrey Bely! His work is a whole world, an enthusiastic world filled with bright colors, imbued with faith, love, dreams. Unfortunately, this truly great man is no longer with us: two months after our conversation with him, he died. It happened on January 8th. This interview with the poet can be called dying...

So, November 1, 1933. Publishing house of the newspaper "Russian Messenger". I am the correspondent of this newspaper, known to you, the reader, more like F.G.

F.G. Boris Nikolayevich, why did you choose this pseudonym - Andrey Bely?

White. In fact, it was not my idea to take a pseudonym, but the idea of ​​Mikhail Solovyov, the younger brother of Vladimir Solovyov. White, in his opinion, is a sacred, comforting color, which is a harmonious combination of all colors. This is the favorite color of Vladimir Solovyov. I agreed, because it was necessary to hide my first literary experience from my father.

F.G. Did your father Nikolai Vasilyevich want you to become a great scientist?

White. Yes, sure! From childhood, he tried to instill in me a love for the exact sciences: mathematics, chemistry, history. It was he who influenced my admission to
Moscow State University.
F.G. Learned quite well. After all, you were given great hopes as a scientist. Is not it?
White. Indeed, I graduated from the university quite well. After I started my scientific activity, but soon I realized that my vocation was literature.

F.G. And when did you finally decide that you would become a poet? Did someone influence your choice of profession?

White. I realized that I needed to create after the release of my first "symphony" - "Northern". To be honest, at that time I didn’t really know what a symphony was. In my opinion, my “symphonies” were more like sonatas. I inherited my love for art from my mother. She was a very sensitive, gentle person.

F.G. You are the creator of the famous circle of "Argonauts", which professed the ideas of symbolism as a religious art. Is it possible to say, proceeding from this, that you are a follower of Dmitry Sergeevich Merezhkovsky?

White. Rather yes than no! There are many religious motifs in my poetry. In general, the themes of fate, life, and death are closely intertwined. In addition, I published a lot in journals that appeared under the direction of the St. Petersburg wing of the Symbolists. Many poems were published in the journal "New Way", the publisher of which was Dmitry Sergeevich.

F.G. Boris Nikolayevich, may I ask you a personal question?

White. If I can, I will definitely answer.

F.G. Thank you. It's no secret that you had a long correspondence with Blok. There was a long friendship between you, which turned into enmity. And the reason for this was a woman.

White. I have the most trembling memories of Lyubov Blok. Of course, because of this drama, I often had suicidal thoughts. But the theme of Platonic love appeared in my poetry, which the reader liked.

F.G. Do you mean to say that you found consolation in poetry?

White. Undoubtedly. It was poetry, creativity, work that distracted me from this drama. I went abroad shortly after this incident. Then he met a wonderful woman A. Turgeneva. It was with her that I traveled through Europe, Africa ...

F.G. Did you go through the period of apprenticeship with Rudolf Steiner with her?

White. Yes. Even after the break with his teachings, my soul was with the Anthroposophical Society. I lived in Dornach for a long time, even participated in the construction of the Göthenaum temple

F.G. The break with Steiner coincided with your separation from Turgeneva. How did you survive it?

White. I went to Berlin for almost two years. These two breakups almost caused me a mental breakdown.

FG What helped you not to give up in such a situation?

White. Of course, poetry, literature. These are the years I consider the most fruitful.

F.G. Your novel "Petersburg" is recognized as your best work. Tell us about the creation of the novel.

White. During the years of work on "Petersburg" I was as if captured by the idea of ​​self-education. And Rudolf Steiner was a kind of stimulus for me then.

F.G. Tell me what poetry is to you.

White. Sound turns into a figure and image, beauty - into a feeling, movement - into a thought!

F.G. That's what genius means! Boris Nikolaevich, a small request.

White. I'm listening...

F.G. I have read a lot of your poems, but I have never heard at least one in your performance. Please read the poem that, in your opinion, reveals Andrei Bely as a poet.

My words are a pearl water cannon
In the midst of moonlit dreams
Aimless, but foamy, -
A capricious bird is flying,
Covered in fog.
My dreams are sighing lies
Glacier of frozen tears
Dawn burning
crazy giant,
Looking at dwarfs.

F.G. Aptly! Thanks to. Boris Nikolaevich, thank you for the conversation.

Andrei Bely played an exceptional role in Russian literature: he was one of the main theorists, critics, poets, and prose writers who lived in his own dimension. “Time in the world of the White was not what we have. He thought in epochs!” - M. Chekhov spoke about him. After all, Bely was a truly great thinker!

"My new city is so colorful, as friendly as you are, uncut.
And all passers-by are strangers, and every hour is a crossroads of destinies.
Facing east. And the sun is blinding. And blind happiness.
Everything will be, will be."

These lines belong to Wandering Moore - such a pseudonym for the wonderful poetess Ekaterina Malofeeva from Ulan-Ude. She is an example of how you can be a successful woman, a happy mother and wife at the same time, and at the same time create heartfelt poems. She does not yet have her own collection, because she is not chasing worldwide popularity. However, Ekaterina leads her poetry public on VKontakte. The poetess still has a small number of subscribers, but she is still glad that she found her readers and met new people.

I talked with Ekaterina to find out how her creative path began, what she thinks about modern poetry, how a poet's lines are born, and much more.

First, tell us about yourself. How can you characterize yourself? For example, it seems to me that you are a positive person and like to joke, despite the fact that your poems contain tension and feelings.

Actually this question got me thinking. Probably, it all depends on the phase of the moon: sometimes I am the sweetest positive creature, sometimes a repulsive hysterical lady. I can write only when I feel bad, when some kind of splinter sits in my soul. Throw out hysteria on paper - you will pull this thorn out of your soul.

For myself, I found a lot in your works, I constantly follow the updates of your public. Where do you get inspiration for your work? Agree that it is difficult to create a high-quality, heartfelt, vital text, although for some everything goes “like clockwork”.

- Thanks, that's great to hear. I think that all people who love creativity know “from what rubbish poetry grows” - these are such little monsters that feed on our fears, pain, blood and tears. In general, the process of writing for me goes like this: first, several clear images appear that spin in my head for several days, then they are overgrown with some kind of canvas and lie down on paper, then the proofreading and editing stage begins, during which it is necessary to remove the flaws in rhythm and smooth roughness. Of course, this is a difficult job, first of all, emotionally, because sometimes, if you write about something intimate, lines are born in pangs close to birth, but resisting their birth is simply useless.

- It is very interesting to know how such a pseudonym appeared - "Vagabond Moore"?

- My maiden name is Muromskaya, so from school days my friends called me Murka or Murom, and I decided to take the second part of the pseudonym, because life gave me many opportunities to travel from Europe to Thailand. I am an interpreter by profession, besides, I am also a shift worker with little experience, I managed to work both in the south of Russia and in the harsh northern conditions. Now my husband has pacified my craving for a wandering life, however, before that he took me away from my hometown, but I am sure that our joint travels are yet to come.

It is always curious how a person began his creative path. And when did you realize that composing something is yours? Has there been a turning point in your life, or did it all start with children reading at matinees and composing short quatrains?

- Second, second, definitely second. It all started with childish naive attempts, probably, like many others, with time and an increase in emotional baggage, she began to change herself and, accordingly, change her creative style. Well, every turning point in life is a new ground for growth.

I know that some creative people do not like their own creations. How do you feel about your work? Is it important to criticize ourselves?

- Of course it's important. Narcissism and intolerance of criticism is, unfortunately, a sign of graphomania. Constructive criticism (both one's own and from outside) is very important for the growth and development of a poet. Here I can also notice that I used to be quite painful about boorish comments, now I let go - unreasonable attacks should be treated more simply. And as for the attitude to my own work, I noticed such a contradictory thing ... sometimes I am satisfied with what is written, because I managed to find the right form to reflect my pain, and the reaction of the readers is quite indifferent, if on the contrary, I wrote and I am sure that the submission is in something wrong, after a while I was surprised to notice that many people like it. Probably, it's a matter of multipolarity of perception.

- Quote a few lines of a poem that is most important to you. And why exactly this?

- Probably, for me this is Anna Andreevna Akhmatova's poem “She clenched her hands under a dark veil” Here are these lines:

Breathless, I shouted: "Joke

All that has gone before. You leave, I'll die."

Smiled calmly and creepily

And he said to me: "Don't stand in the wind."

In my opinion, this is such an excellent illustration of how differently men and women get out of a relationship. We must never forget how alien we are to each other. Only sometimes we build bridges between our worlds for short meetings.

And if it’s about mine, then now, probably, the most important thing for me is “I will learn to love your city” - this line just constantly sounds in the background in my mind, like the soundtrack of my era of change after moving to my husband.

A collection of "Tea lyrics" has recently been released. It contains your poetry. What emotions overwhelmed you when you received your copy?

It was incredibly flattering to receive an offer to publish in Tea Lyrics. I am very grateful to the administrators for this chance (we are talking about the administrators of the poetic group “Tea with the taste of a communal apartment”: the works of authors from this group are published in “Tea Lyrics” - ed.). My main emotions are: “Am I really doing something worthwhile ? I proudly handed my copy to my mother, she is my most important understanding reader.

Tell me, please, have you ever had a desire to move from Ulan-Ude to the same Moscow? Perhaps there you would become popular faster and even release your own collection.

For some time I lived in the near Moscow region, working as a freelancer in one of the Moscow translation agencies, but quickly realized that this was not my thing. Even with a semi-home existence with rare forays into the capital, she could not find the right rhythm, probably too nervous and emotional for a big city. In fact, I'm not chasing popularity. I am very glad that I found my circle of readers and got new wonderful friends when I started to lead a public page. Now that's all I need.

Name a few contemporary poets worth reading. For some reason, many are sure that modern prose and poetry are in a catastrophic decline - this is such a stereotype.

Maybe it seems to people with conservative thinking that things are really bad with modern creativity. I'm sure it's not. Nowadays, Internet platforms provide an opportunity to try your voice and be heard by everyone - this is already a lot. Of course, time dictates its own laws, and modern web poetry has its own style, somewhat casual to the canons, but very heartfelt. In my opinion, this light, torn, painful style was best captured by "Tea with the taste of a communal apartment." It was there that I found my favorite authors: Pryasha, Dasha Sonina, Vladimir Listomirov, Jack Abaturov, Alya Kudryashova, Darena Hale. I can list names for a long time if I'm not stopped.

What are your creative plans?

Live, feel and write a little. Now, probably, I will have to go into radio silence for a while: a few days ago our second daughter was born, and I am so happy that I am not writing yet. But I will definitely be back soon!

What would you like to wish our readers?

To find “your” people in our chaotic world, to find and not to lose, to firmly follow the chosen path and find your sun on the way. Be happy, my dears! Thanks for the interesting conversation!

Interviewed by Anna Mareeva.

Regional competition for young journalists

"A New Look"




Job title:

“How did they grow up, children who survived the war?”

The work of Menshikova Alena Alexandrovna,

10 B class students

MOU Veshkaymskaya secondary school No. 2

named after B.P. Zinoviev

Veshkaimsky district

Ulyanovsk region

School address: 433100

Ulyanovsk region, r.p. Veshkayma,

st. Truda, 6a

Home address: r.p. Veshkayma,

st. 2nd Sadovaya, 3-2

Head of work: Kuzmina Tatyana Ivanovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature


How did they grow up, children who survived the war?

(Interview with the poet V.I. Pyrkov)

War and childhood. These two words are side by side - monstrous, unnatural!

June 22, 1941. War ... Like a terrible curse, it stood across human lives, as if tearing the world into two halves, on one of which is joy, life, happiness, on the other - pain, death.

We, teenagers of the beginning of the 21st century, only read and hear about the Great Patriotic War. It hurts and it's scary.

Maybe you shouldn't read and hear about it? Necessary. So that our souls do not become callous, so that we learn to respond to other people's pain, share it, compassion, so that we understand how fierce the struggle for life was and how hard it was for our people to win the Victory, what a great feat of mercy they performed.

How did they grow up, children who survived the war, survived the war?

I have to tell about my grandfather, V.I. Pyrkov, to interview.

This is important for me, my peers should know about it.

On the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, I met with the poet V.I. Pyrkov, member of the Writers' Union since 1971, author of collections of poems"Scarlet Snow" (1966), "Bells under the Snow: Stories. Poetry"(1970), Light of the Birches: Poems (1976), Mother's Speech: Poems (1980), Lilies from Near Lakes: Stories (1982). For several years, V. I. Pyrkov headed the Ulyanovsk regional writers' organization. After

moving to Saratov, he worked in the Volga magazine as the head of the poetry department.

Now V.I. Pyrkov lives in Saratov.

Much connects the poet with our region.Born in 1935 in the city of Ulyanovsk. In the windows of the house where he lived, the Volga looked all the time with its immense floodplains, shining with innumerable stars of lakes.

I am a journalist.

Vladimir Ivanovich, what do you remember most from your childhood?

I was 6 years old when the Great Patriotic War began.

I remember that on the street where I lived, there was a "red" house with a black loudspeaker. From him then I heard about the beginning of the war.

(I was at Venets, trying to find the house where my grandfather lived as a child.

I remember the constant feeling of hunger. Until now, the most favorite food is potatoes in their skins. This is one of the main dishes of my childhood.

Generous Ulyanovsk land sheltered children taken out of besieged Leningrad. The house of the poet Yazykov became their home. I also remember how the city kids gave slices of bread with a few sweet crystals to orphans - a school breakfast. And the face of one Leningrad boy, looking like a shriveled old man from hunger and grief, I will never forget.

Do you remember the long-awaited Victory Day?

Of course I remember. This was reported by the same loudspeaker. But only now he was entwined with the May rose bindweed. I remember everyone was cheering, hugging each other. And one wounded man with a crutch, not ashamed of anyone, fell and hugged the ground. I remember fireworks on the square near the monument to Lenin - an unforgettable sight! Salute of my childhood.

How was your life after the war?

After seven years, he entered the radio technical school and graduated with honors. Was sent to work at the Moscow Physics Institute named after

Lebedev, and from there - to the scientific expedition of the branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which was deployed in the Crimea. Then he served three years in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

Returning to his native Ulyanovsk, he entered the Pedagogical Institute to study. In my student years, I joined the journalistic work, which determined my future fate.

Vladimir Ivanovich, it is known that the formation of a person's personality is influenced by relatives, close people, family. Who do you have a grateful memory of? Who was an example for you?

My father, Ivan Georgievich. In 1918 he fought with the White Guards as part of Guy's Iron Division. He was buried in a mass grave at the Crown.

My mother, Ekaterina Alekseevna Kabanova. During the Civil War, she worked as a typist for Gimov. She drew beautifully and in her youth she sold paintings on Golubkovsky Boulevard. (I saw this amazing woman with clear, kind eyes only in a photograph).

The family has strong teaching traditions. Mother's uncle, Andrey Sergeevich Kabanov, studied at the teacher's courses organized by I.N. Ulyanov, subsequently prepared his children, including Volodya Ulyanov, for admission to the gymnasium. In 1887, he signed the certificate of Vladimir Ulyanov. Later, when I studied at school No. 1, I was honored to sit at the same desk at which V.I. once sat. Ulyanov (Lenin).

As a mother, I also love to draw. More from life in watercolor. Mostly wild rose, boletus, meadowsweet, June dawns and abundant July dews, old lakes and river backwaters. Yes, and in verses about the same:

Oh, how light the blue of the rifts!

Under the May azure, rushing fleetingly,

Red be the turbulence of life, river,

And - forever!

Vladimir Ivanovich, is there a work that you consider the main thing in your life?

I think this is the poem "House on the Crown". In it, I drew the image of a teacher of the war years:

There is a girl in a protective gymnast,

Bowing his shaved head,

Like others, pitying me,

Hesitating, puts me five.

Still barely recovering from the injury,

She reads to us from Pushkin,

Like the upper room from his poem

All illuminated with amber brilliance.

What are you currently working on?

Above the poem "The Descent of the Iron Division". I write poems.

Thank you. Creative success to you, health.

This is a man with an unusually pure soul. A hungry military childhood fell to his share. But no amount of suffering broke him. He managed to remain a man worthy, modest, hardworking. Even after becoming a famous poet, he is very critical of his life.

“Only now I understand,” he says, how quickly time flies. He can't be stopped. But it can be compacted. Everyday

task. fulfillment of these creative tasks. Looking Back: Released

I have several books of poetry and prose, dozens of articles and essays have been written. And self-dissatisfaction sets in. Could more. Could better. I am going to live under the sign of this dissatisfaction.”

This is the fate of my grandfather, who survived the bitter time of the war, retained a bright soul, full of creative powers.

Interviews are one of the most rewarding types of content.

You select questions, send them to the hero, get answers, format them, and print! Of course, this is a superficial scheme for creating an interview. In fact, this is an independent and bright content format. And in the blog, it looks very advantageous against the background of the usual articles, guides and news.

We have already prepared several materials on the topic of the interview. You can, if you wish, familiarize yourself with them, and. Now we will talk about the most important stage of preparing for an interview - the questions.

Studying the hero, I want to ask him important and sharp questions at the same time. I want the interview to not be boring, banal and typical. I want the reader to swallow it, savoring every letter, every line.

And at such moments, at hand there is a lack of a selection of interview questions that can be adapted to a particular character.

Interview Questions: 60 Templates

  1. Tell us about yourself, your business.
  2. How can you describe yourself in two words?
  3. When did you decide to become _____ and why?
  4. What brought you exactly to __________?
  5. What inspired you to _________?
  6. What were the first steps?
  7. What are the pros and cons of working _______?
  8. Describe your biggest achievement and most impressive failure?
  9. Describe three of your accomplishments?
  10. Are there moments when inspiration leaves you (lose faith in yourself, in your business)?
  11. Describe your work environment?
  12. Do you plan to change _______?
  13. What are your plans in _______?
  14. What is the secret to success in _____?
  15. How did you succeed in _______?
  16. What are your favorite books (movies, meals)?
  17. What would you never do in your life?
  18. Can it be said that ______?
  19. On what basis do you ______?
  20. Did you come to this position yourself or ______?
  21. How have you changed since _______?
  22. Do you love your job (business, product, service, business)?
  23. What do you like to do in your free time?
  24. How to make ________?
  25. What advice can you give to newcomers (employees, readers)?
  26. When did you last _________?
  27. What are you interested in besides ______ and ________?
  28. How do you take a break from ____?
  29. How did you come up with the idea to organize ________?
  30. Did you do _____ on your own or with support?
  31. How often you ________?
  32. What do you think _______ is?
  33. What qualities do you think _____ should have?
  34. Are you being yourself while doing your job, or is it a PR move?
  35. What is the share of luck and luck in your project?
  36. Do you have your own motto, mission?
  37. You have already achieved a lot in your profession, has popularity changed you?
  38. How much time do you devote to ______?
  39. Why do you think such a point of view has been formed in society (in the market, in a company, on forums, on the Internet)?
  40. What was the most difficult for you?
  41. Tell me step by step what needs to be done to _________?
  42. Where to start a newbie if he wants to follow in your footsteps?
  43. What professional advice can you give to those who are just starting to develop in _______?
  44. What are the pitfalls in your field?
  45. Is it difficult to do what brings you money? What does it cost you?
  46. How did you get your first success?
  47. How do others perceive your development (work, changes)?
  48. Where are you looking for your customers (customers, buyers, investors, partners)?
  49. There is no desire to throw everything to the "damn grandmother" and start something completely new?
  50. Tell me the TOP 5 most effective tactics (tips, tricks, tricks, secrets, ways) in _______?
  51. What is your opinion on this question: ___________?
  52. Form your attitude to life (business, family, colleagues, employees) in five words?
  53. What is the main expertise of a person of your level?
  54. Was it difficult to give up _______ (free time, stability, career growth)?
  55. Are you always this open (closed, aggressive, optimistic, quick)?
  56. How would you rate yourself as _______?
  57. Have you ever crossed your principles in your professional activity?
  58. In any case, there are turning points. What were yours?
  59. What prevents you from living, and what helps?
  60. What are you dreaming about?

Of course, these questions are more related to personal rather than professional interviews. But in any case, each of them can lead to a chain of new ideas, which eventually turn into a full-fledged conversation script.

Transform them, twist them, adapt them to the theme of the dialogue. The main thing is that these questions will become your material for work.

Successful interview!