How easy it is to remember the planets of the solar system. What is the solar system

The new words didn't fit in my head. It also happened that the textbook of natural history set before us the goal - to remember the location of the planets of the solar system, and we were already choosing the means to justify it. Among the many options for solving this problem, there are several interesting and efficient ones.

Mnemonic in its purest form

The way out for modern students was invented by the ancient Greeks. No wonder the term "mnemonics" comes from a consonant Greek word, meaning in literal translation "the art of remembering." This art gave rise to a whole system of actions aimed at memorizing a large amount of information - "mnemonics".

They are very convenient to use if you just need to memorize a whole list of any names, a list of important addresses or phone numbers, or remember the sequence of objects. In the case of the planets of our system, such a technique is simply irreplaceable.

We play associations or "Ivan gave birth to a girl ..."

Each of us remembers and knows this rhyme since elementary school. This is the mnemonic counter. We are talking about that couplet, thanks to which it becomes easier for a child to remember the cases of the Russian language - “Ivan gave birth to a girl - He ordered to drag the diaper” (respectively - Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, Instrumental and Prepositional).

Is it possible to do the same with the planets of the solar system? - Undoubtedly. A mnemonic for this astronomical educational program has already been invented quite a large number. The main thing you need to know: they are all based on associative thinking. It is easier for someone to imagine an object similar in form to a memorized one, for someone it is enough to present a chain of names in the form of a kind of “cipher”. Here are just a few tips on how best to memorize their location, taking into account the distance from the central star.

Funny pictures

The sequence of removal of the planets of our star system from the Sun can be remembered through visual images. First, associate with each planet an image of an object or even a person. Then imagine these pictures one by one, in the sequence in which the planets are located inside the solar system.

  1. Mercury. If you have never seen images of this ancient Greek god, try to remember the late lead singer of the Queen group - Freddie Mercury, whose last name is consonant with the name of the planet. It is unlikely, of course, that children can know who this uncle is. Then we propose to come up with simple phrases, where the first word would begin with the syllable MEP, and the second with KUR. And they must necessarily describe specific objects, which will then become a “picture” for Mercury (this method can be used as the most extreme option with each of the planets).
  2. Venus. Many have seen the statue of Venus de Milo. If you show it to your children, they can easily remember this "armless aunt." Plus, enlighten the next generation. You can ask them to remember some friend, classmate or relative with that name - all of a sudden there are such in the circle of friends.
  3. Earth. Everything is simple here. Everyone must imagine himself, an inhabitant of the Earth, whose “picture” stands between two planets located in space before and after ours.
  4. Mars. In this case, advertising can become not only an "engine of trade", but also scientific knowledge. We think you understand that you need to introduce a popular imported chocolate in the place of the planet.
  5. Jupiter. Try to imagine some landmark of St. Petersburg, for example, the Bronze Horseman. Yes, even if the planet begins in the south, but the locals call the "Northern Capital" Peter. Such an association may not be useful for children, so invent a phrase with them.
  6. Saturn. Such a “handsome man” does not need any visual image, because everyone knows him as a planet with rings. If there are still difficulties, imagine a sports stadium with a treadmill. Moreover, such an association has already been used by the creators of one animated film on a space theme.
  7. Uranus. The most effective in this case will be the “picture”, in which someone is very happy about some achievement and, as it were, shouts “Hurrah!”. Agree - every child is capable of adding one letter to this exclamation.
  8. Neptune. Show the children the cartoon "The Little Mermaid" - let them remember Ariel's dad - the King with a mighty beard, impressive muscles and a huge trident. And it does not matter that according to the plot, His Majesty is called Triton. Neptune, after all, also had this tool in his arsenal.

And now - once again mentally imagine everything (or all) that reminds you of the planets of the solar system. Flip through these images, like pages in a photo album, from the first "picture", the closest to the Sun, to the last, whose distance from the star is the greatest.

“Look, what kind of POINTS have turned out ...”

Now - to mnemonics, which are based on the "initials" of the planets. Remembering the order of the planets in the solar system is really the easiest thing to do by the first letters. This kind of "art" is ideal for those who do not have such a brightly developed figurative thinking, but everything is in order with its associative form.

The most striking examples of versification in order to fix in memory the order of the planets are the following:

"The Bear Comes Out for Raspberries - The Lawyer Managed to Escape the Lowlands";
"We All Know: Yulia's Mom Got on Stilts in the Morning."

You can, of course, not add up the rhyme, but simply pick up words that begin with the first letters in the names of each of the planets. A little advice: in order not to confuse Mercury and Mars, starting with the same letter, put the first syllables at the beginning of your words - ME and MA, respectively.

For example: In some places, Golden Cars were seen, Yulili As if Seeing Us.

You can come up with such proposals indefinitely - as long as your imagination is enough. In a word, try, train, remember ...

Article author: Mikhail Sazonov

To memorize the planets of the solar system, we suggest that you learn a rhyme with the guys that you can compose yourself, or use the work of A. Haight:

All the planets in order
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.

Think back to remembering the colors of the rainbow as a child. With the names of the planets, the same principle can be applied. Construct a phrase, each word of which will begin with the same letter as the planet of the solar system in the order of its location from the sun. For example:

Let's meet
Gonna fly Now
not for long

This is just an example, in fact, you can think of anything, as long as the baby is close in spirit, and he easily remembers the whole sentence in its entirety. Now that we have figured out exactly how to present any information to children, we can move on to the direct knowledge that you will teach your young astronomers.

Finally, an interesting and simple story for children about what the solar system is.
The solar system is all cosmic bodies that revolve around the sun according to their well-defined trajectories. These include 8 planets and their satellites (their composition is constantly changing, as some objects are discovered, others lose their status), many comets, asteroids and meteorites.

The history of the planets
There is no definite opinion on this matter, there are only theories and conjectures. According to the most common opinion, about 5 billion years ago, one of the clouds of the Galaxy began to shrink towards the center and formed our Sun. The formed body had a huge force of attraction, and all the particles of gas and dust around began to connect and stick together into balls (these are the current planets).
The sun as a star and the center of the solar system
The planets in their orbits revolve around a huge star called the Sun. The planets themselves do not radiate any heat, and if it were not for the light of the Sun that they reflect, then life on Earth would never have arisen. There is a certain classification of stars, according to which the Sun is a yellow dwarf, about 5 billion years old.

planetary satellites

The solar system does not consist only of planets, it also includes natural satellites, among which the Moon is well known to us. In addition to Venus and Mercury, each planet has a certain number of satellites, today there are more than 63 of them. New celestial bodies are constantly being discovered thanks to photographs taken by automatic spacecraft. They are able to detect even the smallest satellite with a diameter of only 10 km (Leda, Jupiter).

Characteristics of each planet in the solar system
1. Mercury. This planet is closest to the Sun, in the entire system it is considered the smallest. The surface of Mercury is solid, like all four inner planets (closest to the center). It has the highest rotation speed. During the day, the planet practically burns under the sun's rays (+350˚), and freezes at night (-170˚).
2. Venus. This planet is more like the Earth than others in its size and brightness. There are always a lot of clouds around it, which makes it difficult to observe. The entire surface of Venus is a hot, rocky desert.
3. Earth- the only planet on which there is water, therefore, life. It has an ideal position in relation to the Sun: close enough to receive the right amount of light and heat, and far enough not to burn out from the rays. The Earth has one satellite - the Moon.

4. Mars. Some scientists have suggested that life also exists on this planet because it shares a number of similarities with Earth. But numerous studies have found no signs of life there. There are currently two known natural satellites of Mars: Phobos and Deimos.
5. Jupiter- the largest planet in the solar system, 10 times the diameter of the Earth and 300 times in mass. Jupiter consists of hydrogen, helium and other gases, has 16 satellites.

6. Saturn- the most interesting planet for children, as it has rings that are formed from dust, stones and ice. Three main rings rotate around Saturn, the thickness of which is about 30 meters.
7. Uranus. This planet also has rings, but they are much more difficult to see, they only appear at certain times. The main feature of Uranus is its manner of rotation, performed in the "lying on its side" mode.
8. Neptune. Astronomy today calls this planet the last in the solar system. Neptune was discovered only in 1989, since it is located very far from the Sun. Its surface looks blue from space, which cannot but amaze us.
Until 2006, there were 9 planets, including Pluto. But according to the latest scientific data, this space object is no longer called a planet. It's a pity ... Although, it has become easier for children to remember.
from Birthday at the Planetarium, Cafe "Mars on-line"

The technique of remembering historical dates is one of the simplest in mnemonics. To read pictures from your imagination, it is enough to remember the pictures approximately. If you can read the exact date by remembering the association (satellite - tea, ice, watermelon), then you remember the images clearly enough. Please note that your memory does not recall the spelling of words or numbers, but it does recall the images and sounds of words and phrases well. For example, you don't see the spelling of "Capitoline Wolf" - the symbol of Rome, but when you remember her visual image, you can easily remember her name without special memorization. Thus, mnemonics actively use the property of our memory to quickly associate words and short phrases with images (in the form of speech sounds, but not in the form of letters and numbers).

The technique of remembering historical dates provides lifelong memorization. But each time the information is remembered in the form of a picture, an association (a general view of a card, an invisible cheat sheet), it is read from the imagination in the same way as you read the images visible on the card on the screen.

Methods for encoding numbers into visual images are quite complex. Therefore, in modern mnemonics, a pre-compiled reference book of figurative codes of numbers is given, made in the form of photographs on cards.

The illustrated system of figurative codes, which currently exists only in Russian-language mnemonics, is one of the main memorization methods, along with the “shock method” - the method of forming an artificial association (linking several images into parts of one image).

When using the same images for numbers, names of months and other frequently repeated elements of information, it is possible to quickly search the memory for information with the same elements. For example, the element "ice" is October. If you imagine the image of "ice", the memory will show all the pictures in which there is this image: October 12, 1492 - the discovery of America by Columbus; October 14, 1066 - Battle of Hastings; October 4, 1957 - the launch of the first artificial satellite ... Other interesting memory effects are also described in mnemonics. For example, images can be overwritten in memory. If you remember the date with an error, you can overwrite it. To do this, on the same central image (satellite), on the same parts of it, you need to remember other images. Old images will be overwritten.

The amount of memorization with the help of mnemonics is limited by a rather low memorization speed (an average of 6 seconds per record in the memory of one connection). Mnemonic memorization is similar to figurative note-taking: the most important things are remembered in the form of visual images. Mnemonics may well replace traditional paper cheat sheets. But unlike them, mnemonic "cribs" are invisible, and can be stored in memory for life.


Prerequisites for the appearance

The art of memory was especially important in the pre-literate periods of human history. So priests, shamans, storytellers had to memorize huge amounts of information. Even after the advent of writing, the art of memorization has not lost its relevance. A very small number of books, the high cost of writing materials, the large mass and volume of the written book - all this encouraged memorizing the text. It also affected the long time spent on the road during travels, when it was impossible to read and write and had to use what was in memory.

First texts

The first texts on mnemonics known to us were created by the ancient Greeks. The art of memorization was also developed by medieval monks who had to memorize a huge amount of liturgical texts. In the Renaissance, when knowledge began to be considered power (Francis Bacon: “Knowledge itself is power”, “Knowledge itself is power”), the ability to keep knowledge in the head was also valued very, very highly. For example, books on mnemonics were written by Giordano Bruno. In his testimony to the tribunal of the Inquisition, he reports that he published in France a book on memory called "On the Shadows of Ideas." Considering that King Henry III (King of France) invited Bruno to himself, wanting to find out where he got so much knowledge from, it should be assumed that Bruno was well versed in the art of memorization.

Speech constructions


Alphanumeric alphabet

Its essence lies in the fact that each number is associated with some letters. Several such alphabets are known.

0 . of course the letters H and L in the word " H about L b".

1 . R from the word " R az".

2 . D - « D wa" and G, since this figure most of all resembles this small letter.

3 . T from " T ri" and 3 - by external resemblance.

4 . H from the word " H four "(and, by the way, resembles in appearance), but more often To from the word "square".

5 . P - « P yat" and B, by the similarity of sound (and in appearance).

6 . W - « W is" and AND, also similar in sound.

7 . FROM - « FROM eat", and usually this is enough, since FROM is a very common letter.

8 . AT - « AT eight ”(the external resemblance is also strong) and, sometimes, similar in sound F.

9 . It's more difficult here. Can M from the word " M nogo", since 9 is the largest number.

Use of visual memory

Various external structuring techniques are used to activate visual memory. It can be used to memorize poems, a basic plan, a sequence of actions, etc. Such techniques are especially effective for people with the dominance of visual memory over other types of memory.

Many are familiar with the situation when there was a problem to get some recently formed associations, connections connected with some visual image. For example, remember the name of a person. If the surname was somehow marked (especially if somehow memorable - with some significant, remarkable events, episodes, designs, etc.), then just look at the place of entry (for example, a class magazine) as the desired surname immediately remembered. But if it is known that such a “crutch” for the brain may not be at hand, it is better to make it “artificially” in advance. He will always be at hand.

Reception semantic drawing: a "visual frame (skeleton, plan)" is created, along which you can "walk" in an arbitrary order and from an arbitrary point.

  • Poem memorization
    • Each line (or several lines) is indicated (encoded) by its own explanatory template - "hieroglyph" (graphic symbol, schematic drawing). To encode a process/object (meaning), standard or independently invented associative symbols are used (the first associations associated with the remembered object are better remembered). The arrangement of encoding characters is usually sequential from left to right or top to bottom. When drawing characters manually, motor memory is also activated, which increases memorization. It is better to “place” schematic drawings along a well-known path (using the memory of remembering the area, its objects and relief), for example, the way home (“hang up”, “nail”, “dig in”, put around a corner, etc.). After arranging all such "hieroglyphs", it is enough to mentally "go" along this road and "read" the placed drawings-signs. The situation “encoded” in them should associatively emerge in memory.

Use of ancillary items

The use of some "auxiliaries" makes it easier to remember some important information. For example, to remember whether the phase of the moon is “growing”, you can use a finger “attached” to the crescent in the sky: if you get the letter P - growing, otherwise C - aging (option: P - child, C - old man). There is a similar rule in French: p - premiere (first quarter), and d - derniere (last quarter).

Using Sound Memory

Various external structuring techniques are used to activate sound memory

You can also use the "principle of the plot" - to compose a story (plot) in which memorized words are involved. For example, to remember the sequence of words: “Elephant, house, TV”, we come up with: “The elephant went to his house to watch TV”.

Mnemonic phrases, tricks, stories

Russian language

  • Rustle prim slums seam gooseberries and gluttons
  • Rustle - in the gooseberry, the seam - in the hood
  • girl in a shirt
  • That, something, or, something - don’t forget the hyphen, but would the particles, or, well - write them all separately (let’s separate it already)
  • Were there(whether or not) dreams, doubts and assertions that doubts will dissipate and dreams will come true
  • Not wonderful, not wonderful, but terrible and dangerous letter t write in vain
  • Here, building, health, zgi
Collect, wash, bully - Take a closer look: If the word has the name Ira, So, at the root of the letter and. If after the root - a, at the root will and always. Here's an example, remember: Did you wipe your feet? - Wipe it! Moshe nn ik u harder n ika one n stolen!


If "y" crept into the syllable, Then we write "about". If the vowel is in front of you, We write "about" by itself. They write “about” before a vowel, I know this for sure. And before the consonant they write "o", I'll tell you even at night.


The phenomenon calls on Wednesdays, Having accepted the contract for years, He gave the airport's petition to the escort experts. Like our Martha has striped scarves! They cut down the spruce, picked the sorrel. We ate cakes for a long time - Shorts did not fit! The bell-ringer is ringing, They are ringing the bell, So that you can remember correctly. Don't bring us curtains, we'll hang blinds


  • I can't bear to get married- a mnemonic phrase for memorizing adverbs without
  • A gypsy on tiptoe yelled at a chicken: "Shush"- mnemonic for memorizing words with after
  • tin, wood and glass- "in the school window" (glass pane, wooden frame and tin latch)
  • The girl has someone else's brocade slipper - not good. Saves peppered stew for the night- mnemonic phrases to facilitate memorization, in which cases O and Y are written under stress after hissing.
  • I put on clothes, I put on - Hope- to remember the use of "dress" and "put on".
  • worship the Creator's burning- to memorize the use of the roots "gar" - "mountains", "creature" - "creation" and "clan" - "clone".
  • Aurepairman- all these prefixes are written together.
  • Not a miracle sn oh don't stop sn oh oh oh sn oh and oops sn write about the letter "T" sn o in the words "vku sn oh, inter sn th"- This phrase contains 7 words where "T" is not written between "C and H".
  • Psychia tr and pedia tr go to the theater tr .
  • A poem with which schoolchildren in pre-revolutionary Russia memorized words with yat (Ѣ):
Poor runaway white demon Run for lunch in the forest Belka on the ice he ran, He ate radish with horseradish. After dinner, I made a vow, I made a vow to put on trouble.
  • « usurer Rostislav went to town Rostov to do different industry. On the way he came across sprout, overgrown and boy- teenager"- Exceptions for words with the root "races", "growing up".


Exceptions to the second conjugation (sound in the movie Plumbum, or Dangerous Game):

1) Drive, hold, breathe, depend, see, hear and offend, and also twirl, look, hate and endure. 2) Drive, breathe, hold, depend, see, hear and turn, and look, and hate, and offend, and endure. 3) “Drive, hold, look and see, Breathe, hear, hate And offend, and endure, And depend and twirl. You remember, friends. They cannot be conjugated in -E. 4) To the second conjugation We will attribute, without a doubt, All the verbs that are to be, Exceptions: to shave, to lay. And one more thing: look, offend, Hear, see, hate, Drive, breathe, hold, twirl And depend and endure.

5) Watch, hear everything, see, depend, hate, twirl, hold, breathe, endure, offend, drive.


  • voiceless consonant
    • - STYOPKA FETs, do you want a cheek? (- STEPKA, WANT A CHICK? - Fi!)
    • - Foka, do you want to eat schetz?
  • Media
  • Unpaired voiced consonants
    • voiced laminaria
    • Normal
    • Mineral
  • Unpaired voiceless consonants
    • deafly I clean the workshop
  • Unpaired hard consonants
    • Firmly Walked Fat Chicken
  • Unpaired soft consonants
    • soft pike tail

Cases of the Russian language

(nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional)

« And van (Irina) R Odile D little girl AT ate T protect P spruce". " And me R baby D ali, AT innie T splurge P disbanded." " And van R killed D ditch, AT ate T protect P silt." " And van R killed D ditch, AT arvara T sawdust P eat." " And van R Omani D al AT ite T notebook P win." " And call R parents D aite AT Anyusha T pills P eat." " And van R one D ah AT oditsy - T Yotya P grows." " And vaniha R dressed up D girl AT erochka, T plump, P narrow." " And ra R dressed up D girl AT alusha, T plump, P narrow." " And R dressed up D arya AT anku T thick, P skinny." " And van R omanovich, D aite AT ashu T felling P fumigate." " And van R yesil D horny AT azu T but not P bestow."
  • Name Parents Dali, Winnie Toptyzhkoy Nicknamed(Name Parents Dali - Nicknamed the Accusatory Creator)

Words from

  • At the entrance, the adjutant is waiting for the courier- reminds that after some prefixes a solid sign is written.

Words from fundamentally


The name and order of the planets of the solar system

(Pluto has been a dwarf planet since 2006).
  • We'll Meet Tomorrow, My Young Companion, Near the New Planet
  • We All Know: Yulia's Mom Sat On Pills In The Morning
  • Wise Sorceress Golden-domed Fashionista of the Southern Countries Is Interested in the Newest Poetry
  • The planets are easy to remember for the youngest kid, knowing Venus, Mercury
  • We All Know: Many Young Woodchucks Learn the Names of the Planets
  • Frosty Evening Climbed Young's Mast Aiming To See An Unfamiliar Port
  • You Can Fly Beyond Mars By Jewelery Turning Near Our Planet
  • Mom Cooks Strawberry Juice, And The Young Son Is No Longer Crying
  • Venya measured the land with Marusa's satin and uranium skirt, he is a rogue.
  • Teddy bear ate raspberry ham, nimble gopher stole penknife
  • A gloomy venereal disease can briskly strike a tired nymphomaniac
  • Old Sea Wolf Tormented Young Jung, Completely Tired Unfortunate Teenager
  • Mercury - one, Venus - two, sir,
Three is Earth, four is Mars, Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn, Seven is Uranus, eight is Neptune
  • Least Sees Mary Southern Sun Smile On The Beach
  • Between the Wolves, the Hare rushed about, yelped, stumbled, fell - did not rise
  • Another way is to compare with other - similar words and make a sentence using them.
    • Examples: My friend Venus (Venus) on Earth (Earth) fades (Mercury), because she ate Mars (Mars) lying on the music stand (Jupiter), and threw the wrapper into a full, that is, full urn (Saturn), shouting after that "Hurrah" (Uranus) and not a vocational school (Neptune), but graduated from the institute, then escaping with some rogue (Pluto).
    • Measure of Venus Earth Martian At the St. Petersburg Garden of urns Dropped, Unlucky
  • Remember the acronym: MeVeZeMa USUNP
  • Mnemonics of the planets by Alexey Golovnin: Slowly Carrying the Earth Little Peter; The Garden Is Decorated With Unbreakable Ceiling Lights.

Spectral classes of stars

Spectral types of stars: O, B, A, F, G, K, M



  • mnemonic code, mnemonic (symbolic) notations for commands
  • Mnemonics in HTML, mnemonic character (SGML construct that refers to a character from the document's character set)
  • ISO/OSI reference model levels:
    • in Russian (physical, channel, network, transport, session, views, applications):
      • Football Club Spartak? Only the Weak Used to Win!
    • in English (Physical, Data link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, Application):
      • Please, Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away
      • Peter Did Not Take Suzy Partying All Night
      • All People Seem To Need Data Processing- in reverse order
      • Admin Pinned Sysop You Need Another Ass- in Russian
  • Coding
    • Morse code: the use of sound memory (audio memory), encoding abstract information with sound (singing). For example: − (ay-daa = A, A); − · · · (baa-ki-te-kut = B, C); · − − (vi-daa-laa = B, W).


Pi (number)

  • You just need to try
    And remember everything as it is:
    Three, fourteen, fifteen
    Ninety-two and six.
    - S. Bobrov "The Magic Bicorn"
    • - What do I know about circles? (3,1415)
      - So I know the number called Pi - Well done! (3,1415927)
      - Learn and know in the number known behind the number the number, how to notice good luck!(3,14159265359) - this dialogue was suggested by Ya. I. Perelman
    • She was and will be respected at work
    • Who, jokingly, and soon wishes "Pi" to find out the number - already knows
    • Who, jokingly and playing, desires "Pi" to find out the number - he will recognize
    • I know this and remember it perfectly - "Pi" many signs are superfluous to me, in vain
    • How I want and want to kick myself to hell after these stupid questions that cause severe depression!

E (number)

  • Russian version up to the 15th decimal place (e = 2.718281828459045…): Two commas seven miles not a hook (2.7) + two Leo Tolstoy (Year of birth of Tolstoy 1828) + rectangular isosceles (angles of an isosceles right triangle - 45, 90, 45)
  • Another variant of rule e links to U.S. President Andrew Jackson: 2 - so many times elected, 7 - he was the seventh president of the United States, 1828 - the year of his election, repeated twice, since Jackson was elected twice. Then - again, an isosceles right triangle
  • Word lengths encode the first digits of a number:
    • ""We fluttered and shone
      but stuck in the pass:
      did not recognize our stole

Square root of 2

  • Word lengths encode the first digits of the number (1.4142135623730950488016887242097):
    • I'm Katya, I'm a fool, but I've found the root of the two

Quadratic equation

  • There are various rules for memorizing an equation:,

Double cross product

  • Body stuck in water
    breaks free
    with the power of outflowing water
    body stuck there.
  • If the body is submerged in water,
    then it doesn't sink.
    His rushing from under there
    the strength of the outflowing water.
  • If the body is submerged in water,
    it will not sink forever.
    The power of outcropping water
    get him out of there.
  • Body stuck in water
    breaks free
    with the power of outflowing water
    body stuck there.

2) Remembering the formula: Rozha - In!, and you can also just remember the brand of wine "Rogeve" (RoZheVe)

where is the density of the liquid (gas), is the acceleration of free fall, and is the volume of the immersed body (or part of the volume of the body below the surface)

4) Pre-exponential factor in the Maxwell distribution

remembered as milk for two lousy cats(this option was invented by I. V. Savelyev).

Signs: in the word "anode" and in the word "plus" there are 4 letters each, and in "cathode" and "minus" - 5 each ), “anode” and “oxidation” - into a vowel (the oxidation process takes place on the anode)

7) Mechanical work - A=FS, remembered as the brand of beer "Efes Pilsner" or simply as "Efes".

  • To ak about once AND ak- h vonar G orodskoy With broke f onar.(How Once Jean Zvonar Crushed a Lantern with His Head)
  • To from about slu, and irafu, h aike G blue With sewed f jackets
  • To every about shaper and does h nat, G de With sway f otoshop
  • To wark about circling and arched h anaves G luons, With creating f luids
  • To every day about educated and woman h breakfast G hot With yrymi f ricadels
  • To rejoices about canopy,
    AND macaw h atmila G hollow.
    FROM frost F ujiyama
  • To every about hotnik and does h nat, G de With goes f azan .
To remember Hund's Rule, there is a mnemonic "tram car rule": You take a closer look, deciding to sit down,
To the places of the tram car:
When the rows are empty,
There is no reason to sit down.
see also

Time, calendar

  • Number of days in months of the year
    • On the knuckles. It is necessary to clench your hands into fists and put two fists together, side by side to each other, as if you were holding a pencil with both hands. The months are counted along the protruding knuckles and along the hollows between the knuckles. If a month falls on a bone, then it is long, it has 31 days; if it’s on a hollow, it means short, it has 30 days, or 28/29 if it’s February. January is the knuckle of the little finger, February is the hollow between the little finger and the ring finger, March is the knuckle of the ring finger, etc. The months of July and August fall on the knuckles of the index fingers, there is no hollow between them.
    • Second way:

"ApYunSeNo" - 30 days
Ap - April
Yun - Jun
Se - September
But - November

    • Use the piano keys to count the months according to the notes of the chromatic scale, starting from the note F - the white keys will fall on the months in which there are 31 days.
  • Switching to winter/summer time
    • The order of transferring the clock hands to summer / winter time: is determined by the rule of the first letters: “ BB- spring ahead, OO- back in the fall "(abbreviated:" VV OO ").
    • the second way: “We move the arrows to summer” - in the spring the arrow wants to bring the onset of summer closer and therefore moves forward an hour, in the fall the arrow does not want to say goodbye to summer so quickly and therefore goes back an hour.

Medicine, biology

  • During the day they work with cones, at night they walk with sticks.- to memorize the specifics of the work of the photoreceptors of the retina.
  • On the donkey, the donkey grinds an ax handle, and the fakir, rotating (in the past: narrowing his eyes) wants to howl like a shark- to remember the sequence of pairs of cranial nerves (in Latin): olfactoruis, opticus, oculomotorius, trochlearis, trigeminus, abducens, facialis, vestibulocochlearis (in the past, according to BNA: statoacusticus), glossopharyngeus, vagus, accessorius, hypoglossus.
  • Sunken eyes, Heroic chest, Crown lowered, Gray curls - I Will Make a Portrait- names of cranial nerves in Russian: (olfactory, visual, oculomotor, trochlear, ternary, abducens (eye), facial, auditory, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, sublingual). Also: "The keen-eyed eagle ran secretly from the fox - kick-ass, I'll be home late". And option - Oh, Zinochka! White-winged Dove, You Only I See, Poor Sad Girl(only the "auditory" nerve in this saying is called "vestibulo-cochlear"). And another option - “Smell, See, Move your eyes, Block Triple Retract; Face, Hearing, Tongue and throat in vain do not Fornicate. Add Under Tongue"
  • To memorize the names and locations of the bones of the wrist (the bones are listed in a circle):
In the boat (navicular) with the moon (lunar) Three (trihedral) ate peas (pea-shaped) Yes, they took off the hook (hook-shaped) Fish heads (capitate). Hurry up seeing the (trapezoid) trapezoid (trapezoid)


Table of chemical elements of Mendeleev

To facilitate memorization, a story is invented in which the elements of the periodic table become, as it were, heroes, or are used for practical purposes, for example:

“Native water (Hydrogen) was mixed with Gel (Helium) to Pouring (Lithium). Yes, take it and pour it (Beryllium) into Pine Forest (Bor), where Asia (Nitrogen) peeps out from under the Corner of the native (Carbon), and with such a Sour face (Oxygen) that Secondary (Fluorine) did not want to look. But We didn’t need him (Neon), so we walked three (Sodium) meters and ended up in Magnolia (Magnesium), where Alya in a mini (Aluminum) skirt was smeared with Cream (Silicon) containing Phosphorus (Phosphorus) so that she would stop to be Sulfur (Sera). After that, Alya took Chlorine (Chlorine) and washed the ship of the Argonauts (Argon).

Redox processes

  • O give - O sour AT son-in-law AT stop (words start with the same letters; may be associated with "sour", about the expression on the face of a greedy person, from whom something is taken away, upon receipt - in shriveled up, in stopped).
  • An oxidizing agent is a robber (in the process of a redox reaction, an oxidizing agent gains electrons). A reducing agent is one who donates electrons. Gives to the robber, the villain-oxidizer.

Mixing acid and water

In cases of preparing solutions of strong acids, according to safety regulations, the acid must be poured into water, but in no case vice versa. To memorize this laboratory technique, there are several mnemonic rules:

Pour acid over water
And then not long before trouble!

Poured water into acid - lost beauty.

First, water
Then the acid
Otherwise it will happen
big trouble

Don't spit on acid!

Chemist, remember as an ode - pour acid into water.


To memorize the valency of some chemical elements, the following mnemonic poem exists:

Iron, aluminum, chromium - their valency is three. Sodium, potassium, silver are monovalent good. Sodium, potassium and argentum are not always monovalent.

Molarity - Normality

Often schoolchildren are confused by the concepts of molar and normal concentration of a solute in a solution. It is obvious that they are multiples of each other and differ in the number of equivalents. For example, for hydrochloric acid, they are the same, since it contains one equivalent of protons. Sulfuric acid contains two protons, and orthophosphoric acid - three, therefore, for them, the molarity and normality differ by a factor of three. For redox reactions differ in the number of electrons transferred. Thus, it is important to remember which of the two concentrations is greater. To do this, you can simply compare the positions of the letters M(molarity) and H(Normality) in the Russian alphabet - H later M, and normality is always greater than or equal to molarity.

Aldohexoses - isomers of glucose

  • All Altr uists Gl adly Ma ke Gu m I n Gal lon Ta nks- allose, altrose, glucose, mannose, gulose, idose, galactose, talose



Once you remember the names of the members of the group in this order, it is impossible to forget them (in the corresponding Wikipedia article, they are also listed in this order).

Traffic Laws

  • Two pieces of iron, two waters, hooligans and slaves- for memorizing road signs that are repeated outside settlements: a railway crossing without a barrier, a railway crossing with a barrier (“two pieces of iron”); exit to the embankment, drawbridge (“two waters”); beware of children ("hooligans"); road works ("slaves").
  • Regulator signs and permitted directions of movement:
From sleeve to sleeve and to the right- describes all possible positions of the traffic controller relative to the driver and all permitted directions of movement. The tram runs along the sleeve- describes the movement of the tram on the signals of the traffic controller.
  • Interference on the right - who is right is right.
  • To memorize the rules for using fog lights: at night - only together with low or high beam headlights, and in conditions of insufficient visibility - it does not matter - both separately and with low or high beam headlights:
T dark AT time of day - T only AT place H sufficient AT idity - H e AT important


To defeat the enemy from the first shot (burst), it is necessary to quickly determine and take into account corrections for crosswind and target movement. In the manuals and manuals on shooting, the following corrections are given: for average shooting conditions with moderate wind - 4 m / s blowing at an angle of 90 ° to the shooting plane; for a target speed of 3 m / s for running figures and for motorized targets. It is impossible to remember the values ​​of the tabular corrections for all firing ranges, and there is no need. In real conditions on the battlefield, the speed and direction of the wind, as well as the speed of the target, are determined approximately, by eye. Therefore, the corrections can be taken into account according to the so-called mnemonic rules, which are convenient for memorization and give sufficient accuracy for practice in preparing the initial data for shooting. It is convenient to determine and take into account the crosswind corrections for small arms in the figures of the target. The calculation is usually done in terms of the most typical target - human figures (0.5 m wide). The result is easy to recalculate in the figures of other goals. With a moderate side wind blowing at an angle of 90° to the shooting plane, the mnemonic rules are as follows:

  • For small arms chambered for mod. 1943: The wind carries the bullet in such a way as to discard two from the sight
  • For small arms chambered for rifle cartridges and 5.45 mm cartridges: The wind carries the bullet in such a way as to discard two from the sight and divide by two

foreign words

The use of mnemonic techniques for memorizing foreign words. Usually these are words that “fall out” of memory.

English language

  • Pastime (pastime). Approximate pronunciation (phonetic association) - "pasteim"

Mnemonic model: If several people have nothing to do, then they spend time (time - time) - they pass it back and forth, back and forth. This is where the pastime comes in. Thus, pastime is PASTEIM. Pass time- that's pastime(pass "time" to each other)

  • puddle(

This short note presents material on the topic: the solar system for children. In a simple and understandable language, we described the solar system, the planets that are in it, and many other interesting things.

There are many objects in the Universe, including planets and satellites, stars and systems, as well as galaxies. The solar system, in which our planet Earth is located, is also full of both planets, satellites, and asteroids, comets, and many other interesting objects. To date, scientists suggest that our solar system was formed from a giant cloud of gas and dust. It has 8 planets, which are divided into 2 groups - the inner planets (they are also terrestrial planets). This group includes Mercury, Venus, Earth (the third planet from the Sun) and Mars. And the outer planets or gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Between these two groups lies the asteroid belt. And behind the gas giants are trans-Neptunian objects. The largest of which is Pluto. Previously, Pluto was considered an ordinary planet, but now it is ranked among the dwarf planets and at the same time the largest object in the Kuiper belt.

The Kuiper belt is similar to the asteroid belt, but differs in that it is 20 times wider than it, as well as in its composition.

solar system

How to remember the planets and their order?

Short mnemonic phrases, they are also mnemonics, facilitate the memorization of various information by forming artificial associations.

On this page we have collected memoirs of the planets of the solar system for children, which will facilitate this, at times, not an easy task. The only caveat is that when they came up with Pluto, they attributed it to the planets, and therefore it is present in almost all memos. And as we know, since 2006, Pluto has been considered a dwarf planet, and now, when memorizing, it can be omitted.

Memoirs of the planets of the solar system

You can remember the order of the planets of the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) by the first letters of the words M-Mercury V-Venus Z-Earth M-Mars S-Jupiter S-Saturn U-Uranus N-Neptune P-Pluto in phrases:

  • After all, we know - Yulia's mother sat on pills in the morning!
  • Teddy Bear Bitten Raspberry Ham, Nimble Gopher Dragged Pen Knife.
  • Frosty Evening Climbed Young's Mast Aiming To See An Unfamiliar Port.
  • Mom Always Forbade Me Young Pathfinder to Know the Names of the Planets.
  • The Sea Wolf Tortured the Young Jung, Completely Tired the Unfortunate Guy.
  • We'll Meet Tomorrow, My Young Companion, At The New Planet.
  • Wise Sorceress Golden-domed Fashionista of the Southern Countries Takes a great interest in the Newest Poetry.
  • We All Know: Many Young Woodchucks Learn the Names of the Planets.
  • It is possible to Fly Beyond Mars, Turning Jewelery at Our Planet.
  • Mom Cooks Strawberry Juice, And The Young Son Is No Longer Crying.
  • Venya measured the Earth with a Marusina Skirt, Satin and Uranium, He is an unlucky rogue.
  • A grim venereal disease can briskly strike a tired nymphomaniac.
  • Least Notice Mary of the Southern Sun Smile on the Beach.
  • Slowly Carries the Earth Little Peter; The garden is decorated with Unbreakable Plafonds (the mnemonic of the planets by Alexei Golovnin).
  • Dreaming of Getting Married, Little Skirt Remove - Smile Must and Kiss.

Remembering the order of the planets with the asteroid belt

Masha with a Venik Chalk Land, And Yura Sat By the Spider's Hole.
That is, the letter “A” was added in this phrase - the Asteroid Belt.

Memorization of the planets from the most distant planet (Pluto) to the closest (Mercury) to the Sun

Planets It is not difficult to Remember the Youngest Kid, Knowing Venus, Mercury.

Poems for remembering the planets

Between the wolves the hare rushed about,
slipped, stumbled, fell -
didn't get up.

All the planets in order
Call any of us.
One Mercury, two Venus,
three Earth, four Mars.
Five Jupiters, six Saturns,
Seven Uranus followed by Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row
and quite later
and a ninth planet called Pluto

An astrologer lived on the moon
He kept a record of the planets:
MERCURY - once,
VENUS - two-s,
Three is EARTH
Four - MARS,
Seven is Uranus
Eight is NEPTUNE
Nine is the farthest PLUTO
Who does not see - get out!

Memory verse for 8 planets without Pluto

Mercury - one, Venus - two, sir,
Three is Earth, four is Mars,
Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn,
Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune

Blank verse for memorizing the order of the planets

It is not enough to measure the age of the earth
the youth of the garden is wretched
no fruits

Other ways to remember the order of the planets of the solar system for children and adults

Another way to remember the order of the planets is to compare with other but similar words and make sentences using them.
For example: Fading (Mercury) my friend Venus (Venus) on Earth (Earth). Because she ate Mars (Mars), which was lying on a music stand (Jupiter), and threw the wrapper into a full, that is, a full urn (Saturn), after shouting "Hurrah" (Uranus). And not a vocational school (Neptune), but she graduated from the institute, later escaping with some rogue (Pluto).

Between the two gods with the letter M: Mercury and Mars are 2 women: Venus and Earth. Behind the god Mars is his father - Jupiter. Behind the supreme god Jupiter is a planet unique in its rings - Saturn. In the name Saturn, both Saturn (SAT) and the subsequent planets: Uranus (UR) and Neptune (N) are encrypted. Following them, Pluto is not a planet, but looks like Pluto's dog, looking in bewilderment at the pantheon of Greek gods in front of him.

Acronyms for remembering the planets

Another way to learn the order of the planets is to use an acronym - that is, an abbreviation that is formed by the first sounds of words in a phrase. That is, this is a word that can be pronounced together, while it is an abbreviation. To memorize the planets, you can remember the acronym: MeVeZeMa YUSUNP.

Do you also know any interesting memos or original ways to memorize the planets of the solar system? Write them in the comments.