Abstract of the lesson in the early development group (preparation for school) according to the program of N. Fedosova "Continuity." The course of developing classes "From the word to the letter.". Plan-summary of a lesson on teaching literacy (preparatory group) on the topic: Summaries of classes on learning

  • development of fine motor skills, finely coordinated movements;


Equipment: audio recording (“ABC for kids”), paper mittens, envelopes with elements of letters, sheets with painted faces (for each child), magnetic alphabet.

Literature for teachers and students: textbook - notebook "From word to letter"

Lesson progress

I. Organizing moment. Goal setting.

II. Work in pairs.

Game "Tie mittens"

  1. Listening a / z.

(p.28 "From word to letter")

(vowel sounds in red, hard consonants in blue, soft sounds in green).

Physical education minute


Bunny jumping on the wall

And winks at me

jumped to the picture

Lingered on a flower.

Danced on the ceiling

Lurked in a corner.

Here he is hiding in a notebook

He plays hide and seek with us

One, two, three, four, five,

Quietly we will continue.

Where is the new sound located, is it hard or soft?

Are they the same or different?

Type the letters on page 29

Physical education minute

Game - exercise "Fingers say hello." Elbows are on the desk. With each finger of the right hand touch the thumb of the left hand

forward and back.

  1. Entertaining exercises.

IV. Summing up the lesson.

V. Reflection.

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“Summary of a lesson in an early development group (preparation for school) according to the program of N.A. Fedosova "Continuity." The course of developing classes "From word to letter." »

Abstract of the lesson in the early development group "Future first grader"

under the program of N.A. Fedosova "Continuity"

The course of developing classes "From word to letter"

Teacher: Yrmak T.A.

GBOU secondary school No. 806 (3)

Theme of the lesson: "Letters H, n"

Purpose of the lesson: introduce children to the letters H, n

Tasks: educational:

    formation of communication skills, culture of communication, cooperation;

    the formation of cognitive motives for educational activities, the desire to discover knowledge, acquire skills;

    formation of the ability of each student to participate in work in small groups;

    formation of the ability to evaluate the measure of one's progress towards the goal of the lesson;

    enrichment of vocabulary, speech of children;


    develop phonemic awareness;

    development of fine motor skills, finely coordinated movements;

    development of voluntary attention and memory, cognitive interests and initiative of students;

    development of general educational skills and abilities;


    fostering a culture of business communication, a positive attitude of students to the opinion of classmates;

    developing the ability to express one's point of view.

Equipment: audio recording (“ABC for kids”), paper mittens, envelopes with elements of letters, sheets with painted faces (for each child), magnetic alphabet.

Literature for teachers and students: textbook - notebook "From word to letter"

Lesson progress

I. Organizing moment. Goal setting.

Check, guys, if you have everything ready for the start of the lesson.

Today our piggy bank will be replenished with new knowledge. We will get acquainted with the new letter, and with which - you will learn a little later. And now let's remember those letters that we already know.

II. Work in pairs.

Game "Tie mittens"

Mittens are distributed to children one at a time, with large and small letters written on them. At the signal of the teacher, everyone is looking for a pair of their mittens. After completing the task, both children come up, attach mittens to the board and say, for example: "We have mittens with the letters L l."

III. Acquaintance with the letters H, n.

    Listening a / z.

Guys, listen to the a / recording and say which letter we will get acquainted with.

2. Work with subject pictures.

(p.28 "From word to letter")

Name the words for subject pictures.

Children pronounce the word, then alternately each sound, paint over the circles that represent the sounds of the word in different colors.

(vowel sounds in red, hard consonants in blue, soft sounds in green).

Physical education minute

- I will release a sunbeam, and you watch him with your eyes and turns of your head.

Bunny jumping on the wall

And winks at me

jumped to the picture

Lingered on a flower.

Danced on the ceiling

Lurked in a corner.

Here he is hiding in a notebook

He plays hide and seek with us

One, two, three, four, five,

Quietly we will continue.

    Working with plot illustration.

Describe who you see in the picture.

Name the words in which you heard new sounds.

Where are they located at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word?

Make up a short story based on this picture.

Draw and color the missing items. What's this?

Where is the new sound located, is it hard or soft?

4. Designing letters of their elements, printing letters.

Consider the block letters you see on p.29.

Are they the same or different?

How do they differ from each other?

Take out the elements of the letters from the envelope, examine them. Assemble letters from elements.

Type the letters on page 29

Physical education minute

Game - exercise "Fingers say hello." Elbows are on the desk. With each finger of the right hand touch the thumb of the left hand

forward and back.

    Entertaining exercises.

Listen and then speak quickly.

On the shallows we lazily caught burbot.

Put dots under the letters you know.

IV. Summing up the lesson.

What letter did you learn in class?

V. Reflection.

On a piece of paper, each child has three people with different facial expressions.

To whom everything was clear in the lesson, they coped with all the classes confidently, draw a smile on the little man.

If you found it difficult to complete tasks, felt insecure, portray the face of a little man as neutral.

For whom it was very difficult to work in the lesson, they could not cope with the tasks, portray the face of a little man sad.

Summary of lesson No10 to the workbook "From word to letter" N.A. Fedosova (part 1, p. 24 - 25)

The abstract was compiled by: teacher Cherkasova Olga Vladimirovna

MBOU CO "Karazey" Kindergarten "Strawberry" With. Karazey, Irkutsk region, Kuytunsky district.

Topic: "Jack Frost"

Educational areas:

  • Cognitive development, speech development,
  • artistic - aesthetic, physical development.

Purpose: To introduce children to the new poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Jack Frost" .

Study of bird tracks in the snow; learn to find the difference and similarity of traces.


Improvement and development of oral speech:

Reading a poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Jack Frost" ; vocabulary work on the text.

Formation of a clear pronunciation of sounds:

[With], [and].

Vocabulary work:

Work with the words hare, bear, fox.

Hygienic rules for writing:

Letter in the limited space of the line.


  • Development of curiosity, activity;
  • the ability to adequately use verbal and non-verbal means of communication; the ability to plan their actions aimed at achieving a specific goal;
  • the ability to work according to the rule, according to the model.


  • To form the necessary skills and abilities;
  • listen to an adult and follow his instructions.

Prerequisites for UUD:

- Communicative:

  • The ability to build verbal statements in oral form;
  • Ability to listen to the teacher, ask questions;

listen carefully to the speaker.

- Regulatory:

perform actions according to a given rule.

- Cognitive:

Highlight common features and differences; establish analogies according to essential features, supplement the subject with the necessary elements.

- Personal:

Have a positive attitude towards work

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction, riddles, tongue twisters, tongue twisters.


- for kids:

Workbook No1, pen, colored pencils.

- for the teacher:

subject pictures; workbook No1.

Plan of the event:

  1. Reading a poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Jack Frost" ; vocabulary work on the text;
  2. Study of bird tracks in the snow; difference and similarity of traces
  3. The game: "Give me a word" ;
  4. Fizkultminutka.
  5. Isolation of sounds in a word
  6. Outline objects
  7. Summary of the lesson.

Lesson progress

1. Reading a poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Jack Frost" ; vocabulary work on the text.

The teacher reads a poem by N. Nekrasov "Frost - red nose" .

What winter phenomenon is the poet talking about in his poem?

Do you know, guys, the frost in winter is the most important?

What does the poet call frost? (voivode) Why?

Why does the frost keep an eye on everything?

How does he get around his possessions?

What words didn't you understand?

What pictures would you draw?

What lines did you like?

2. Study of bird tracks in the snow; difference and similarity of traces

3. Game: "Give me a word" . Then the game is played "Give me a word" . A prophetess, white-sided, And her name is ... (magpie)

4. Physical education.

We walk one after the other
Forest and green meadow.
Wings colorful flicker,
Butterflies fly in the field.
One two three four,
They flew, they circled.

(imitation of movements)

Isolation of sounds in a word

The teacher asks to name the word and highlight the first sound. Make up an answer from the first sounds. Then perform the sound scheme of the word fox.

Work in the limited space of the line

Drawing elements in a limited space (line).

8. The result of the lesson:

What did you like most about the lesson today? (Answer).

And what did you find out? (Answer). What task gave you difficulty? Who is satisfied with their work in class?

Name: Summary of the lesson on teaching literacy "Introduction to the letter K"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson summary, GCD, speech therapist class, Preparatory group

Position: teacher-speech therapist, the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 40" Sun "
Location: Kemerovo region, city of Yurga

Summary of a lesson in preparation for teaching children literacy
"Introduction to the Letter K"
(preparatory group).

Target: introduce children to the letter K.


Improve the ability to analyze a sentence and compose it from letters.

- introduce the letter K.

- exercise in mastering the syllabic way of reading.

- develop the ability to select words for a four-sound model.

- develop attention, memory, thinking, general and fine motor skills.

Organizing time


I say hello everywhere

At home and on the street

I even say hello

I'm the neighbor's chicken.

hello golden sun

hello blue sky

Hello free breeze

Hello little oak

hello morning, hello afternoon

We are not too lazy to say hello.

1. Introductory part.

Speech therapist: Guys, you are already children of the preparatory group. What does this mean?

Correctly! You will soon go to school and become schoolchildren. Today I suggest you play school. Do you agree? Then I will be the teacher and you will be my students.

Well let's go to school

Let's get started!

a) The game "We play with words, we share them with our hands (feet)."

Words: car, house, pyramid, doll, pineapple, lump, circle, pedestrian.

b) Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue (general complex).

Exercises: smile, tube, machine gun, horse.

2. The main part.

Word by picture work(animate and inanimate objects).

Who is it? What's this?

Speech therapist:- Look at the picture (the picture on the board is a girl with a doll) and say - Who is this? This is a girl. Who can ask a question like me? Correctly.

Listen carefully to the question I'm going to ask now. - What is it? This is a doll.

- And why did I ask about the girl - Who is it? And about the doll - What is it? (the girl is alive, and the doll is not a living object.)

3. Drawing up and laying out the scheme of the proposal.

This girl has a name. What is the name of the girl, you yourself will now find out, I will name the sounds for you, and you will make the word [K] [I] [R] [A] - what was the name?

Make up a sentence with this name, looking at the picture.


- How many words are in the sentence? (3).

- The first word -U- is a preposition, note that this is a separate word consisting of one letter.

- Sentences always begin with a capital letter.

- The second word is Kira. We clarify that the words in the sentence are written separately from each other.

- The third is a doll.

A period is placed at the end of a sentence.

Now lay out the proposal.

/____ __________ __________ .

3. Work with cards. The game "Light the word with lanterns." Sound-letter analysis of words.


doll Kira

What is the first sound? What color will we paint over the first sound flashlight?

What is the second sound? What color will we paint over the second sound flashlight? Etc.

  • Dynamic pause. And now everyone stood up together, pricked up their ears and repeated after me.

ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka: this wall is high (children stand on their toes and reach up)

ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka: who came from afar? (they put their right hand on their forehead with a “visor”, look into the distance in surprise).

ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko: let's throw the ball high (imitate tossing the ball).

ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko: we will hear the sound easily (spread their arms to the sides).

ku-ku-ku, ku-ku-ku: here is a cuckoo on a bitch (spread their arms to the sides).

ku-ku-ku, ku-ku-ku: I bake pies for everyone (they bake pies with their palms).

ak-ak-ak.ak-ak-ak: a Cossack rides a horse (jumping).

ok-ok-ok, ok-ok-ok: we jump over bumps and jump (jump from one foot to another).

uk-uk-uk, uk-uk-uk: what kind of knock is this (jumping from one foot to another).

yk-yk-yk, yk-yk-yk: our cat jumps on the carpet! (jump in one place).

  • Communication of the goal of the lesson.

Getting to know the letter TO.

On a straight stick

Checkbox on the right

It still sits there -

The letter K is looking at us.

- The letter K consists of three sticks, we put one large straight line vertically, we attach two at an angle to the middle.

What does the letter look like?

What direction is the letter facing?

The name of the sounds K and KY is the letter K. The letter K is needed to record the sounds K and KY.

The letter K is a consonant.

- Type the letter K in your notebook.

  • Laying out sentences from letters. (Using cash registers of letters).

- Kira is the name of the girl, and the names are capitalized.

Kira has a doll.

  • Syllabic reading.

Letter To decided to get acquainted with the vowels.

Two sounds, a consonant and a vowel, will be pronounced together.

What is formed when two sounds merge? (syllable).

KA-KO-KU-KY-KI (open syllables)

AK-OK-UK-YK-IK (closed syllables).

  • Working with cards. Selection of words for sound models.

- it is proposed to choose words for the model: O O O O.

(solid consonant, solid consonant, vowel, solid consonant).

  • Summary of the lesson.

Thematic planning of developing classes on the course "From word to letter"

Oral speech. Sentence. Word.

We get acquainted with the rules when writing.*

Teaching the correct literary pronunciation, orthoepic norms of the literary language.

Rules for writing. Orientation on paper

Development of the ability and skills of coherent monologue and dialogic speech.

Writing vertical lines.

Teaching a coherent, logical and consistent presentation of the content heard based on illustrations.

Formation of spatial orientation on piece of paper (right, left, center, top, at the bottom)

Formation of the skill to answer questions, ask questions, build short messages.

Adjust the pressure on the pencil, pen.

Learning to draw lines from top to bottom left on the right in a limited space, coloring within the outline of the picture.

Sound. Introduction to the world of sounds. Exercises for the selection of sounds in monosyllabic and two-syllable words.

Learning to draw vertical lines from above down, changing the pressure on the pencil (weak, stronger, strong), drawing in a limited space.

The concept of letter and sound.

Development of hand-eye coordination, sense of space, the ability to observe on the sheet paper direction lines (vertical, horizontal, inclined) by drawing on the model.

Syllable. Dividing words into syllables.

Familiarization with the rules of hatching: draw lines only in a given direction, without going beyond the contours of the figure (square, rectangle).

Sounds [a], [o]. Letters A a, O o. Offer scheme.

Learning to draw vertical hatching, increasing and decreasing line height.

Sounds [s], [y] Letters s, U y. Drawing up a story based on a picture. Offer scheme.

Learning to trace a drawing point by point, without lifting the pencil from the paper, the development of spatial vision.

Sounds [and], [e]. Letters I and, E e. Selective retelling based on the plot picture. Dividing words into syllables.

Learning to draw a wavy line, from left to right.

Sounds [y'a], [a]. Letter I I Sounds [y'u], [y]. Letter Yu Yu. Retelling the read text on leading questions. Dividing words into syllables.

Consolidation of the ability to draw wavy lines, paint over the drawing within the contour

Sounds [y'e], [e]. Letter E e Sounds [y'o], [o]. Letter Yo Yo.Reading syllables and words with studied letters.Strengthening the ability to draw wavy lines, paint over the drawing within the contour.

Sounds [l - l ']. Letter L l. Sounds [m - m ']. The letter M m. Drawing up the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare" according to the plan.


Sound [n -n "]. Letter H n. Sound [r -r '], Letter R p. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok".

Strengthening the ability to draw lines of different types: vertical, horizontal, wavy, dotted. The development of visual-motor coordination.

Sounds [in-in '], [f-f ']. Letters В в, Ф f.

Learning to “unwind” and “wind up” balls along points in the direction of the arrows, forming perception of object forms, visual-motor coordination. Anchoring concept right, left, top corner, bottom corner, top, bottom.

Sounds [z-z '], [s-c ']. Letters Z z, C s.

Formation of the ability to hatch only in a given direction, without going beyond the contours of the figure, keeping the lines parallel.

Sounds [w], [f]. Letters Sh w, Zh.

Skill formation navigate on a sheet of paper, independently draw graphic patterns on the model.

Sounds [b-b '], [ p-p ']. Letters B b, P p. Compilation of a story-description.

Strengthening the ability to draw lines of various types: straight, dotted, wavy, spiral, in different directions.

Sounds [d-d’], [t-t’]. Letters D d, T t. Drawing up a story on a given topic.

Development of the ability to finish drawing and place the image on the entire sheet of paper, to paint neatly within the contour drawing.

Sounds [g-g '], [k-k ']. Letters Gg, K k. Compilation of a story-description.

Skill Improvement drawing.

Sounds [x-x '], [ts]. Letters X x, C c.

Skill Improvement trace the drawing point by point without lifting the pencil from paper, color the drawing neatly, match stroke direction with shape drawing.

Sounds [u '], [h '], [th ']. Letters Щ u, h h, y y. Spring stories.

Strengthening the ability to choose independently the content of the picture, arrange objects, convey an uncomplicated plot, carefully paint over using hatching techniques from top to bottom, from left to right.

b and b signs. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Modeling and construction of objects from elements of letters of various configurations.

Reading syllables and words with studied letters. Games "Pick up words for a given sound", "Guess the word"

Modeling and construction of objects from elements of letters of various configurations.

Game "Journey in the Land of Letters"

Modeling and construction of objects from elements of letters of various configurations.

* - the topics of classes in preparation for learning to write are highlighted in italics.