Beautiful inside people. Inner and outer beauty of a person

In the modern world, much attention is paid to external beauty. But sometimes it prevents us from seeing something more important, inner deep and unique.

There was something in this photo that I had not noticed in this person before. She was beautiful, but not in the way she always was. There were no changes to the face and hair. Yes, and the photo was in the strict Headshot style. I could not understand what touched me so much, but I really wanted to get to this photographer to find out his secret.

While I was arranging a meeting with the photographer, I thought. The concept of beauty is quite relative when it comes to external beauty. It is given to us from parents, maintained throughout life or changed thanks to new technologies. But inner beauty is undeniable, it cannot be questioned. She either exists or she doesn't. We do not evaluate it, but feel and feel it.

Unfortunately, at present, the struggle is for external beauty. Transformation propaganda literally consumes people.

Appearance is important and its importance should not be underestimated. It is much easier to become outwardly beautiful, although sometimes more expensive. But it's not about whether you have the right facial features, whether your hair is naturally lush. And what is behind all this. No achievement can be due to external beauty alone. Even at the Miss... contests, there are other tasks besides showing off your appearance.

Each person can be beautiful and internally, but not everyone becomes so. Only you can make yourself beautiful inside.

Inner beauty is when you are whole, harmonious, happy. It is something deep, something like the divine.

We love images, images, roles. The huge prosperous and developing world of the photo industry shows us masterpieces. But in many photos something is not right. Behind all this variety of colors and colors, one cannot see the real, deep, that very beauty. And not everyone can see the beauty of another. Again - images, roles, image. Or maybe there is no such task at all ?!

I even caught myself thinking that only a truly beautiful person can see the inner beauty.

As I searched for answers to my questions, my impatience grew in anticipation of meeting the photographer.

I was a little late and felt a little nervous. I ran into the studio and tried to assess the situation with my eyes. The makeup artist and his assistant appeared in the doorway. They were polite and caring. I already have photography experience. usually the work began with a careful thought of the image. Inside, everything froze before his choice.

But to my great surprise, nothing of the sort happened. They made me a very light make-up, even easier than in life.

And that there won't even be a haircut? "Well, we'll comb our hair" I heard back.

At that moment, I thought. Here is a paradox: if the inner beauty can go to the outer plane and is reflected, then the outer beauty will never go to the inner one. One way ticket.

According to the law of nature, at an unconscious level, we are looking for an outwardly beautiful partner, friend, we choose a teacher and others. Sometimes it happens that external beauty is enough for a person to live at a certain level.

But for sure you can remember a person who is not very remarkable externally, far from the standard of beauty, but still simply irresistible internally.

A photographer appeared on the threshold, interrupting my reasoning. He was outwardly interesting, friendly and smiling. While preparing for the shooting, he talked to me and occasionally glanced at me. He was interested in my hobbies, my way of life. And he asked about it not out of politeness. In fact, he studied me and even tuned into me.

The photo session lasted about three hours, I did my best, the photographer encouraged me. The result was an ordinary portrait photograph. I saw a completely different me without an image, real, alive, even living this moment. Deep and alluring.

For the first time after this photo session, I thought about inner beauty and why it is not always possible to recognize it. Such beauty has no standard, no what is popular, fashionable or trendy. Everyone has their own inner beauty, and it is unique.

We can broadcast inner beauty to others, but it happens that it is shackled by some life difficulties, another difficult stage, or by the fact that we ourselves are not always able to see it.

It is important to remember that inner beauty does not age over the years, it persists, we can take care of it, it can become bigger. How? Everyone has his own path.

Inner beauty is not a gift from above, where someone is given, but someone is not. This is serious work on yourself. A job that is never too late to start. Go in search of your inner beauty and give it to the world.

We often hear about human beauty. Someone believes that it is only external, but many know that it can also be expressed in the inner world of a person. What is "beauty" really? Can you give it any definition? Not everyone can answer what true beauty is. Many schoolchildren write an essay on this topic, the adult generation talks about it, poets write poems about it, and artists convey it in their paintings. Therefore, it is worth finding out what beauty is.

What is beauty

We all see how beautiful nature is. The fiery sunset, which is replaced by a gloomy sky, makes everyone who looks at the phenomenon admire. The sun, which knocks on the window in the morning, will not leave any connoisseur of real beauty indifferent. But is it possible to say that it can be seen not only in nature, but also in man? Many will answer that it is possible, and this answer will be correct.

Composition on the theme "The beauty of man." What is it

You can often hear: “How beautiful she is!” When a person pronounces this phrase, first of all, he thinks about external beauty. It can be expressed in the correct and beautiful in beautiful clothes, etc. In this case, the outer shell of a person is meant. But what is the true beauty of a person? First of all, it is peace and appearance. If a person is handsome and well-groomed, but poorly educated and tactless, he can hardly be called beautiful. Appearance is just a shell under which a person with an "ugly soul" can hide.

Inner beauty of a person

What is inner beauty? An essay on this topic can be written by every person who knows that it is not only in appearance. Inner beauty lies in the all-round development of a person, in his sincerity, sensitivity and kindness. If he is worried about seeing homeless animals, children who grew up without parents, sympathizes with people with disabilities, can sincerely rejoice for someone, make friends and love, we can safely say that this person has inner beauty.

It is pleasant to communicate with that person who is well brought up, knows how to respect other people, knows how to behave, and knows how to support any conversation. This is inner beauty. This concept includes spiritual content, harmony with the outside world, as well as with oneself.

A person who is angry at everyone around him, cruel, greedy and hypocritical cannot be called beautiful. Even if he is very handsome on the outside, he is not so on the inside. You can never judge a person by his outer shell, which is very often deceptive, since even an ugly person can have a rich inner world, a sensitive soul and a kind heart.

What is beauty? An essay on this topic can help many people realize the truth, which is closed and unknown to many. Beauty is something that presupposes the harmony of the external and internal world.

What is the beauty of people

What is the beauty of a person? Anyone can write an essay on this topic, but everyone puts their own meaning into this concept. Someone believes that beauty is expressed only in appearance, others suggest that the ability to think and speak correctly is the most beautiful thing in a person. Not a single concept can be called wrong. For each person, beauty can be different. However, the truth lies in harmony with oneself.

Composition-reasoning "What is beauty?". Harmony of external and internal beauty

Everyone will answer in their own way the question of what beauty is. An essay on this topic may begin with the words of the author that this concept is individual. The main thing is that beauty is admired. It attracts, carries energy, beckons like a magnet. It can be external and internal, but the true beauty of a person lies in the harmony of these two components.

A handsome man is neatly dressed and thinks clearly. He has self-confidence and dignity. A handsome man sincerely smiles and never hypocrites. He is in harmony with his inner world and outer beauty.

Composition-reasoning "What is beauty?" can help a person understand how a beautiful person should look and think. We should not forget that he must be smart. If a person is smart, then he can be beautiful both inside and out.

The culture of a person also expresses his beauty. It can be expressed in the manner of speaking, in behavior, etc. If a person is unkemptly dressed, behaves incorrectly and uses foul language, this indicates that he is not in harmony with himself and the world around him, which does not make him beautiful.

Undoubtedly, a person becomes beautiful throughout his life. He learns something new, learns to control his emotions, behave in society, speak, think and just live. If a person has a desire to learn something new and positive, he will definitely become better both outside and inside.

Composition-reasoning "What is beauty?" can serve as a start for a person for a new life in which he can achieve harmony with himself.

Oddly enough, but beauty in oneself must be developed and nurtured. A person must know himself and the world around him in order to make himself and others better. If he is beautiful spiritually, he will definitely be able to bring beauty into his home and society.

beauty will save the world

Beauty can be different, everyone sees it differently. Someone can see it even in the starry sky, while other people do not pay attention to it, because they see it every day, and they do not find beauty in it. The reasoning essay “What is beauty?” Written by different people will contain different points. But this concept itself remains unchanged. Beauty is something beautiful that carries a range of emotions and positive energy. It makes people admire and aspire to it.

And this, Harmony with the inner and surrounding world - it's beautiful! Therefore, every person should strive to be beautiful both externally and internally.

Inner beauty is the most important quality in a person. All the actions that we perform in life mainly come from what we are, not externally, but internally. After all, everything we do, all our actions, are largely dictated by what we have inside, our life values ​​and moral qualities.

Have you ever thought about what motivates you to do what you do in a given situation? Is our soul beautiful enough to help people who need our help?

Do you feel compassion for your neighbor when you see his pain and experiences? After all, the ability to sympathize is an indicator of our inner beauty. Our sincere love for the people around us, for everything that is near us, as well as for what our thoughts are occupied with most of the time - these are all indicators of our inner beauty. As for our outward beauty, can that alone be enough to make people gravitate toward us? I think the answer to this question is no.

Of course, a person can easily attract attention if he is well-dressed and handsome in appearance, but this is only for a short time. If he does not have beauty inside, then even a bright first impression of an attractive appearance cannot replace this gap, and disappointment in such a person will certainly and inevitably come, and quite soon.

If we want our personality to shine special inner beauty we need to constantly work on it. Develop positive qualities in yourself, such as honesty, kindness, respect, love for people and nature, compassion, mercy, willingness to help others, etc. quality. It is necessary to get rid of such negative qualities as dishonesty, irritability, greed, hatred, envy, excessive selfishness, etc.

I really like these statements, in my opinion, they very accurately define the concept of inner beauty:

"True virtue consists in doing good even when no one knows whether you have done it or not." (O. Winfrey)

“The most important value in life is not what WHAT you have, and then WHO you are". (J. Ron)

Cultivating inner beauty in oneself is a painstaking and lengthy work, this is one of the most important steps, this is the spiritual side of working on oneself. The development of positive qualities in oneself ennobles a person and brings much more satisfaction than the possession of some physical values. When you work on yourself in this direction yourself and help others in this, peace settles in your soul.

Of course, we cannot become 100% spiritually perfect. However, by working on yourself and setting a good example for others in this, you can make our world a little better. The inner beauty of a person can work wonders!

In simple terms, beauty is objects and phenomena that are pleasant to our sight, hearing and other sensations. But what is the beauty of man? The answer to this question has been given repeatedly throughout the conscious life of mankind, and we have collected for you the most interesting thoughts on this matter.

What is the beauty of a person

Here we can talk about both the external form and the internal content. A harmonious personality is the person about whom they say that everything is fine in him: both soul and body. We often hear that physical health and beauty lead to moral fullness and vice versa - a person who is spiritually healthy should not have any problems in the physical plane.

But if this were so, then beautiful, strong and enduring people would be entirely noble and generous, and the converse would also be true. However, this is very weakly true. So what do we mean by "human beauty"? As for physical beauty, which we will mainly talk about in the next chapter, here we are talking about the correct forms of the face and a strong and beautiful body. The first is more important for women, the second - for men.

Subjectivity of assessments

Note that the concept of external beauty is very subjective. So, what is perceived as beauty by one people can mean ugliness and almost ugliness for another. There are examples when certain peoples valued a certain shape of the head or body. Why go far - remember how many times the ideal of beauty has changed in the same Europe.

The fashion for a miniature, chiseled "ancient" female figure was replaced in the Middle Ages by a fashion for "Rubens" magnificent forms. In the 20th century, there was a fashion for the notorious 90-60-90, and then women began to harass themselves with diets so that the waist was as thin as possible. An observant person understands that this fashion will soon pass as soon as two or three generations change. The same can be said about the fashion for facial features. The most striking evidence is the work of artists and photographers, it is on these works of different eras that you can clearly see how fashion has changed. That is why external beauty is a rather transient thing and is evaluated purely individually.

Inner beauty of a person

We figured out the appearance - there is simply no single ideal of beauty and cannot be, therefore it is enough for a person to simply be pleasant. And here something more important comes to the fore, namely: how pleasant it is for us to be near this person. This means that he must have certain character traits suitable for the one with whom this person communicates. This is very important, because the requirements for inner beauty may vary somewhat.

However, there is a certain set of qualities that were appreciated, probably, at all times. Decency, responsibility, honesty, courage, ability to empathize. It is the combination of these qualities that allows us to talk about a person who is internally beautiful. It is in this that the spiritual beauty of a person, his true essence, is manifested. Note that such virtues are common to almost all world religions and other beliefs.

The true beauty of man

So we come to the definition of what is the true or absolute beauty of a person. Regardless of the opinion of the masses about external beauty, religions - about spiritual beauty. And it turns out that this means maximum naturalness and the absence of pretense, clearly demonstrated in actions.

Naturalness is understood precisely as the absence of lies and hypocrisy, and not at all unbridledness and doing what one wants. Agree, there is a difference between doing what you should and doing what you want. That is why true beauty is simple and artless, and when you meet such a person, it may not be immediately, but it will still become noticeable that he does not seek to impress anyone. His ego has outgrown this stage, which means that the natural beauty of his soul has become visible to everyone who wants to see it and who strives for beauty not artificial, which is our outer shell, but for true naturalness in its highest manifestation. Some say that one can only strive for true beauty, but it is unrealistic to achieve it, as well as to achieve the Absolute. Well, maybe they are right.

  • The true beauty of a person does not depend on his appearance
  • Beautiful is the one who performs moral deeds
  • The most important thing in a person is sometimes impossible to see with your eyes.
  • External beauty is not always a reflection of the rich spiritual world of the individual
  • It happens that people who seem attractive outwardly commit absolutely immoral acts.
  • A person with a truly beautiful soul creates a special, incomparable atmosphere with his presence.


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". As a child, Natasha Rostova, one of the heroines of the great epic novel, was not beautiful. The attention riveted to her is impossible without inner beauty: both in childhood and in adulthood, she was distinguished by her love of life, spontaneity, and a pure soul. Another heroine that should be paid attention to is Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. In appearance, she was clearly inferior to the beauties, only her eyes were beautiful. But people who are able to feel real beauty, appreciated its inner qualities. Marya Bolkonskaya and Natasha Rostova can be contrasted with Helen Kuragin: her beauty was admired in society. But this beauty is only external. In fact, Helen Kuragina is a stupid, callous, selfish, prudent, self-serving person. The external charm of the heroine does not compensate for her immoral behavior.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryona Dvor". Matryona has a completely ordinary appearance. The only part of her appearance that attracts attention is her beautiful smile. But for us, it is not external beauty that is important, but internal. It is not for nothing that the author writes that the face is good only for someone who is at odds with his own conscience. Matryona is a person from whom comes inner light, warmth. This is much more important than external attractiveness.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Svidrigailov, a rather rich and well-groomed man, in fact, does not have good spiritual qualities: he is ready to go to any meanness for the sake of his own whim. Physical beauty and a nasty inner world are in no way combined with each other: at first, in this tyrant and rapist, you can see a beautiful person. The image of Sonya Marmeladova is opposite. Due to malnutrition, poverty, the appearance of the girl suffers greatly: pale, thin, intimidated, wears terrible clothes. But the inner world of Sonya Marmeladova is beautiful, despite her lifestyle and appearance.

O. Wilde “Portrait of Dorian Gray”. In this work, the problem of internal and external beauty is the main one. At the beginning of the work, we see in Dorian Gray a timid, bashful and incredibly handsome young man. Beauty is his source of power: no matter what the hero does, his appearance does not change. All changes affect only the portrait of a young man, painted by Basil Hallward. Gradually, Dorian Gray turns into an inhuman, immoral monster who has committed many nasty things, including even the murder of the artist. He is still as handsome as he was many years ago, only the state of his soul is depicted in the portrait. Dorian Gray wants to do away with a terrible image of himself and dies, plunging a dagger into a portrait. External beauty was fatal to him.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" The wise thoughts of the Little Prince can teach even an adult a lot. Our hero said: “Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes.” And we can say without a doubt that he is right. True beauty is inside a person, in his soul, in his right deeds.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" In the work, we do not see the description of Pyotr Grinev. It doesn't really matter if he looks good or not. All the beauty of this person is expressed in his moral qualities, noble deeds. Pyotr Grinev is a man of honor who did not allow himself to betray his homeland, to leave his beloved girl in danger. His actions are beautiful, which means that he himself is beautiful.

M. Sholokhov “The fate of man”. The fact that it is impossible to judge a person by appearance is proved by the image of Andrei Sokolov, the protagonist of the work. He was called to the German Müller while he was in captivity. Exhausted by labor, hungry Andrey Sokolov could not at that moment be beautiful in appearance. All his beauty was manifested in moral deeds: Sokolov refused to drink for the victory of German weapons, in spite of the enemy he did not start eating, despite hunger and lack of strength. By these actions, one can judge that a person is beautiful in soul.