To reveal the meaning of Rosenthal's statement: The use of expressive vocabulary creates an opportunity (USE in Russian).

Compositions for option 1 (text by Y. Olesha)

Task 15.1

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement taken from the Great Reference Book of Russian Grammar ":“Interjections are emotional signals that express the speaker’s reaction to a situation” ...

According to one theory of the origin of speech, the first human words were interjections. It is no coincidence that many of them sound the same in different languages.

Interjections are special words. They express a wide variety of human emotions: delight and amazement, pain and despair. We almost unconsciously pronounce these words-signals, reacting to a particular life situation. I think this is the meaning of the statement taken from Big reference book of Russian grammar.

The special role of interjections can be illustrated by the example of the text Yuri Karlovich Olesha. Pushkin reads a poem dedicated to them to his friends. Quite offensive lines are addressed to Wilhelm Küchelbecker, hinting at the shortcomings of his poetry. As soon as he read the poem, Pushkin remembers: he understands that he could offend a friend, he is ready to do everything for the sake of forgiveness. "Oh, how I despise myself!" he exclaims. The poet's emotions in this case are expressed with the help of the interjection "o".

But Vilenka is not offended. He admires his friend's talent and wants only one thing - to hear a beautiful poem again. And is it possible to be offended by someone whom you consider a “good friend”? “Ah, Pushkin!..” repeats Kuchelbecker. The interjection "ah" in this sentence expresses Vilenka's admiration and at the same time slight annoyance: how could Pushkin think that his friend is capable of offending?

So, interjections really are " emotional signals expressing the speaker's reaction to the situation". We were convinced of this by analyzing the linguistic features of the text by Yu.K. Olesha.

Task 15.2

Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final sentences of the text:“Ah, Pushkin, Pushkin! he repeated. “I know you are a good friend!” …

You can only call a true friend someone who cares about you. This person will never take offense over trifles or prove that he is better in some way: more beautiful, smarter, stronger ...

It is about such friends that he talks about. Lyceum student Pushkin reads a poem containing mocking lines addressed to his comrade Kuchelbecker. However, in the heart of Vilenka there is no place for petty resentment: he admires the talent of the young poet. Wilhelm could also feel that the joke in the poem was friendly, that is, not at all evil.

« 'Cause I know you're a good friend”, - repeats Kuchelbecker, referring to Pushkin. The author of the poem deserves such words. The poet laughed heartily at Vilenka's shortcomings, but he respects him, cherishes his friendship with him, and is ready for anything for the sake of forgiveness (sentence 39). But Wilhelm does not blame his friend for anything. He knows that he is exacting not only to others, but also to himself, because he realizes how high the duty of a true poet is (sentences 51 - 52).

So, a true friend will always tell the most unpleasant truth to your face, but at the same time he will not stop cherishing you. I think this is what Vilenka means when she calls Pushkin a "good friend."

Task 15.3

FRIENDSHIP "What is friendship?"

What is friendship?

Let's illustrate the role of expressive vocabulary with examples from the text Vladimir Zheleznikov. The guys are outraged by the betrayal of Dimka Somov. In their opinion, he deserves contempt and the most cruel punishment. "Hit him in the face!" shouts Shaggy, turning to Lenka. The rough colloquial words "sadani" and "erysipelas" are not only a means of the boy's speech characteristics, they express his sharply negative attitude towards his classmate.

The Iron Button is glad that the "hour of reckoning" for the traitor Dimka has finally come. "Justice has triumphed!" the girl screams. In this case, the bookish word "triumphed" is expressively colored. It conveys the stormy joy of the heroine and expresses a positive assessment of what happened.

So, the analysis of the linguistic features of V. Zheleznikov's text shows that expressive vocabulary really " creates an opportunity to succinctly express the attitude of the speaker to what is being expressed».

Task 15.2

Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “I was at the stake,” answered Lenka. And they chased me down the street. And I will never chase anyone ... And I will never poison anyone ... Kill me! » …

In the text Vladimir Zheleznikov tells about the punishment that the classmates of the traitor Dimka Somov are subjected to. According to the guys, his meanness can neither be justified nor forgiven.

And only Lenka understands how Dimka feels. She herself was in a similar situation, and therefore finds the strength to forgive her classmate. " I was at the stake ... And they chased me down the street”, - this is how the girl explains to the guys her refusal to declare Dimka “the most cruel boycott”. She will not take revenge on Somov, although she herself suffered precisely because of him: “ And I will not chase anyone ... And I will never poison anyone. At least kill". The final phrases of the text characterize Lena as a very noble person.

This is exactly what the heroine of the story does. Rosa Gosman. Lenka, her best friend, behaves dishonestly towards Olga - she tells everyone about the poems that the girl writes and ridicules their absurdity. For the heroine, the betrayal of a friend becomes a severe shock. However, she finds the strength in herself to forgive: “So let your conscience judge you. And I forgive." The heroine, in spite of everything, cherishes Lenka, who still remains her friend.

And in the story of Vladimir Zheleznikov "Scarecrow" Lena Bessoltseva forgives the traitor Dimka Somov, although she once suffered greatly because of his meanness. The girl refuses to take revenge, acting not only as a noble person, but also as a true friend.

The conclusion is obvious: friendship should be valued and protected. Sometimes for the sake of it you have to step over insults and forgive. But it is worth it: after all, it is not easy for a lonely person to live in the world, and one who has friends can be considered happy.

Compositions for option 4 (text by A. Ivanov)

Task 15.1.

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist L. Uspensky: “ Language is an amazing tool through which people communicate their thoughts to each other.» …

A person is distinguished from other living beings by the ability to communicate, during which a variety of information is exchanged. Speaking with each other, we express certain thoughts, and various means of language help us in this. I think this is the meaning that the linguist put into his words L. Uspensky.

The writer nowhere speaks directly about his attitude to the characters, about his feelings and experiences. However, we perfectly understand what the author wanted to say. So, the language can really be called " an amazing tool through which people communicate their thoughts to each other».

Task 15.2

Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: "- After all, he saved us! .. - Luska says in shock.» …

In an extreme situation, the true face of a person is revealed. The proximity of danger makes all sorts of masks unnecessary, and we appear as we are, without embellishment. Some turn out to be cowards and weaklings, others show genuine, saving comrades at the risk of their own lives.

Such a situation is depicted Aleksey Ivanov. Several friends are crossing the Ponysh River on a catamaran. The ship is dragged under the fallen trees, and the guys are in mortal danger. Friends are saved by Ovechkin: he cuts off a tree trunk at the risk of his life and frees the catamaran. Realizing what happened, Luska says in shock: “ He did save us!»

Ovechkin acts like a hero. Saving friends, he acts decisively and with lightning speed (sentences 45 - 46). Ovechkin realizes that he can die. His psychological state is conveyed through the details of the portrait in sentences 49-50: “His face turned white. The veins on the forehead were swollen like a man. However, this courageous man managed to overcome fear, because the lives of his comrades were at stake.

Ovechkin's selfless deed is a feat that the hero accomplished in the name of friends and which, of course, deserves admiration.

Task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word FRIENDSHIP? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay on the topic: "What is friendship?", taking as a thesis the definition you gave ...

What is friendship? This question is answered in different ways. But one thing is undeniable: a true friend will never leave you in trouble, he will sacrifice a lot for you, even his own life.

That is exactly Ovechkin, the hero of the work Alexey Ivanov. While rafting down the river, the catamaran falls under fallen trees - the guys in it are in terrible danger. Ovechkin saves his comrades, although he himself risks his life. At this moment, he does not think about himself at all. The main thing for him is to avert the threat from friends at any cost.

An example of true friendship is the relationship between D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers in the novel by Alexandre Dumas. The Gascon and his comrades are ready to give their lives for each other at any moment. They repeat the words: "One for all, and all for one." That's the motto of real friends!

In this way, friendship you can call the relationship between people capable, if necessary, to sacrifice themselves to save friends. True friendship, unfortunately, is rare. That is why friendships should be valued. After all, it is not easy to live in the world without true friends.

Abdurazakova Marina

The work is a study on a specified topic.









The work was completed by: Abdurazakova Marina Olegovna,

student 9a MBOU secondary school No. 30

Head: Martynova Galina Aleksandrovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school No. 30, Podolsk, Moscow region


Introduction 3

Chapter I. Emotionally expressive vocabulary. Terminology and usage 4

Chapter II. Lexical means of creating expression in modern texts of rock songs 6

Chapter III. Musical experiment "Peculiarities of perception of rock songs by teenagers" 10

Conclusion 12

Literature and electronic educational resources 13


13-15 years old is an age when you want to show yourself how “cool” you are and what you are worth. During this period, teenagers try by all means to stand out from the crowd, just not to be like everyone else. They begin to dress differently, do their hair differently, behave in a way that they are noticed, and also listen to music that is different from what most people like. At this age, teenagers want to appear independent and believe that the idea of ​​them is formed by the music they listen to, and that heavy music, such as rock, is the first way to show their "I".

Rock was discovered to me by my elder brother when I was 7 years old. At first I didn't like it terribly: neither the words of the songs, nor the music itself. It all sounded like a rude and terrible, incomprehensible cry. But at that time I was small, and it was difficult for me to perceive this musical direction. Soon my idea of ​​music began to slowly change. It began to seem to me that everything I listened to (and at that time it was rap and pop music) was a primitive, vulgar and meaningless set of words, half of which I could not even understand. Interest in rock aroused the songs of such bands as Slipknot, NoizeMC, Aria, Korol i Shut, Rammstein, System Of A Down. I still remember how I listened to the voices of these performers around the clock. It is in rock that I now find a meaning that I understand perfectly, it is in it that I look, oddly enough, for calm and a cure for a headache.

I am concerned about the question: why this particular style of music has a significant impact on teenagers? Maybe it's all not only in the rhythms and melodies that a teenager hears, but also in the emotionally colored vocabulary that is used in the lyrics? Maybe it has such an effect on their minds? These are the questions I want to explore in the course of my research. That's how I was bornpurpose of the work: to determine the functions of emotionally expressive vocabulary in the texts of modern rock songs.

The purpose of the study involves the solution of the following tasks :

  1. The study of literature on the topic.
  2. Description of the question about the use of different styles of emotionally expressive vocabulary.
  3. Identification and description of dominant lexical means of creating expression in modern texts of rock songs.
  4. Revealing the peculiarities of teenagers' perception of rock songs.

Object of study:emotionally expressive words in the texts of modern rock songs.

Subject of study:functions of emotional-expressive vocabulary.

Research methods:analysis, generalization, synthesis.

The theoretical significance of our work lies in the possibility of using the material of the work as an additional one in preparation for Russian language lessons, for olympiads. Applied value - in the opportunity to better understand the origins of the youth's passion for rock music and form a tolerant attitude of representatives of different youth subcultures to each other.

Chapter I

Emotionally expressive vocabulary. Terminology and usage

Let's consider the meanings of the key concepts in the title of the topic: "emotional" and "expressive".

In the "Explanatory Dictionary" T.F. Efremova we read:

Emotional - adj. 1) Related by value. with noun: emotions, emotion associated with them. 2) Full of emotions. 3) Subject to emotions, easily excited. 4) Caused by emotion, emotions. 5) Expressing emotion, emotions.

Expressive - adj. 1) Related by value. from dry expression associated with it. 2) Possessing expression.

Expression - and. A vivid manifestation of feelings, moods, experiences; expressiveness.

We conclude that the word "emotional" means: based on a feeling, caused by emotions, feelings. Expressive - expressive, containing a strong manifestation of feelings, an expression of experiences. Therefore, emotionally-expressive is expressing feelings, emotions, expressing a subjective opinion about the subject of speech.

As you know, many words in the Russian language not only directly name concepts, but also reflect the attitude of the speaker towards them. For example, admiring the beauty of the landscape, the author can call it magnificent, picturesque. The positive assessment contained in these adjectives differs from the stylistically neutral word "beautiful". This is what makes them emotional. That is, the author, using this or that word in the context, expresses his attitude, his assessment of the subject, action or feature.

For this reason, emotional vocabulary is often called evaluative or emotional-evaluative.

With the help of emotional-expressive vocabulary, you can express both positive and negative attitudes towards something. Words that have an emotional coloring expressed by linguistic means, curses, interjections have a bright emotional coloring. Such words can often be heard in rock songs.

For example:

Face - mug (song "Battery" group "Nerves")

Head - head (song "Running!" Group "Plan Lomonosov")

The abyss - to disappear (song "In the jaws of dark streets" by the group "KnyazZ")

Nothing - nothing (song "Lyuber" of the group "Different People")

Highly - helluva lot (song "There is cooler" group "Purgen")

The main distinguishing feature of emotional-evaluative vocabulary is the fact that emotional coloring is superimposed on the independent lexical meaning of the word. Such vocabulary expresses the attitude of the speaker himself to the named phenomenon.

In artistic speech, the number of expressive words very often exceeds the proportion of neutral words. This also applies to songs, as songwriting expresses the feelings and emotions of people.

It should be remembered that one neutral word can have several expressive synonyms at once, differing in the degree of emotional stress:run - run - fly. Expressive evaluation is inherent in many words: solemn:dreams, hidden(Lyapis Trubetskoy "I was in Kerch"), poetic: violent, oppressive (Alice "Sky of the Slavs"), ironic (pious, deign, don Juan), familiar: bro, boys (Chizh feat. Trofim "Bro"), disapproving ( arrogant ), contemptuously: false (Nerves "Sadness"), derogatory:papa, mama(Gas sector "Kolkhozny punk"), vulgar: Fraer (Nerves "I would kill you, fool") and, of course, swear words: nerd (Spleen "Get a grenade")

As you can see, expressively colored words can be conditionally divided into words expressing a positive assessment and words with a negative assessment. Expressive coloring is always superimposed on the emotional-evaluative meaning of the word, and in some cases expression prevails, and in others - emotional coloring. Therefore, in practice, it is not possible to strictly distinguish between emotional and expressive vocabulary.

From all of the above, it follows that the author, when working on the text, may well change its emotional coloring, thereby influencing the emotional state of the reader. To do this, he uses emotional-evaluative vocabulary. Thus, if a writer wants to laugh or touch, to inspire, or vice versa - to form a negative attitude towards the subject, he is free to choose in each case a separate set of language tools.

Chapter II

Lexical means of creating expression in modern texts of rock songs

What role does emotional-expressive vocabulary play in the lyrics of rock songs? Which words predominate: with a positive emotional coloring or with a negative one? To answer these questions, let's analyze the lyrics of two songs.

Lomonosov Plan Group»


Street, asphalt...

Sneakers and tights...

Shaved head can be seen far away.

I'm walking through the city

I have nothing to fear.

Left punch, right punch!

I have no control!

Trash on the left, trash on the right

Ancient fun.

Run! (x4)

Squares and yards...

Bottles, cigarettes...

Come ask if you have any questions!

I was born here

I have nothing to fear.

I'm not a bully, but I love to fight!

Left punch, right punch!

I have no control!

Trash on the left, trash on the right

Ancient fun.

Run! (x4)

In this song, we find only two words with a positive meaning: fun and love. In the "Explanatory Dictionary" T.F. Efremova the following interpretations of the word "fun" are given:1. g. 1) Entertainment, fun. 2) unfold What amuses, what amuses. 2. m. and f. Nar.-poet. Beloved, beloved.In the song, this word is used as a colloquial one: the hero of the song enjoys a fight. That's what he calls fun. It turns out that the word fight, fight ), which was initially assigned a negative score, expresses a positive meaning for the hero of the song. The author also combines the word “love” with the word “fight”. In the "Explanatory Dictionary" T.F. Efremova we find several meanings of the word "love". In the song "Running" it is used in the meaning of bto be pleased with something, to be satisfied with something. Fight matters: 1) Arrange a fight. 2) Take part in a fight ( Explanatory Dictionary of T.F. Efremova). Thus, the hero of the song, using a word with a positive meaning, expresses his attitude to the action, denoted by a word with a negative emotional assessment.

In this song, there are other words with a negative emotional connotation:head, bully, fight.

The word "head" is used in the song as colloquial with a reduced stylistic coloring in the meaningthe head as part of the human or animal body( Explanatory Dictionary of T.F. Efremova). Moreover, the author combines this word with the epithet "shaved (head)", which creates an unpleasant image of the hero. The word "hooligan" aggravates the image of the heroa person who engages in hooliganism, grossly violates public order ( Explanatory Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov).

The word “uprava” is also subordinated to the colloquial style, which is used here in the sensea means, a measure of influence on someone, the possibility of curbing, curbing someone's willfulness, arbitrariness, lawlessness( Explanatory Dictionary of S.A. Kuznetsova).The words of the hero "I have no control over me!" once again emphasize his hooligan image.

In addition to colloquial vocabulary, we also meet slang, which is used by the hero of the song. So the word "garbage" in this context means a law enforcement officer ( Big dictionary of Russian sayings)

Slides captions:

MOU DPOS "Information and Methodological Center" CONFERENCE OF SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL WORKS "STEP INTO SCIENCE" FUNCTIONS OF EMOTIONAL AND EXPRESSIVE VOCABULARY IN ROCK SONGS TEXTS The work was done by Abdurazakova Marina Olegovna, a student of grade 9a, MBOU secondary school No. 30 Head: Martynova Galina Alexandrovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature MBOU secondary school No. 30

The purpose of the work: To determine the functions of emotionally expressive vocabulary in the texts of modern rock songs

emotional adj. 1) Related by value. with noun: emotions, emotion associated with them. 2) Full of emotions. 3) Subject to emotions, easily excited. 4) Caused by emotion, emotions. 5) Expressing emotion, emotions. Efremova T.F. "Dictionary"

expressive adj. 1) Related by value. with noun. expression associated with it. 2) Possessing expression. Expression - w. A vivid manifestation of feelings, moods, experiences; expressiveness. Efremova T.F. "Dictionary"

emotional - expressive expressing feelings, emotions, expressing a subjective opinion about the subject of speech.

What words prevail in the texts of rock songs: with a positive emotional coloring or with a negative one? Street, asphalt... Sneakers and tights... A shaved head can be seen far away. I'm walking through the city, I have nothing to fear. I'm not a bully, but I love to fight! Left punch, right punch! I have no control! Garbage on the left, garbage on the right - Old Russian fun. "Run" (Group "Plan Lomonosov")

Fun 1. f. 1) Entertainment, fun. 2) unfold What amuses, what amuses. 2. m. and f. Nar.-poet. Beloved, beloved. To love: to be satisfied with smth., to be satisfied with smth. Efremova T.F. "Dictionary"

"Running" (group "Lomonosov's Plan") Head - the head as part of the body of a person or animal; Ozhegov S.I. "Explanatory Dictionary" Hooligan - a person who is engaged in hooliganism, grossly violates public order. Efremova T.F. "Dictionary"

"I have no control!" Management - coll. a means, a measure of influence on someone, the possibility of curbing, curbing someone's willfulness, arbitrariness, lawlessness Kuznetsov S.A. "Explanatory Dictionary" Garbage - slang. law enforcement officer "Big Dictionary of Russian Sayings"

"Sky of the Slavs" (group "Alisa") Starfall and the roar of lightning. Thunderstorms saddle the horses, But the peace of the Monasteries quietly pours over the earth. And above the gray clouds, Xin is a falcon height. Here, under the cover of heaven We were born.

“The calm of the monasteries is pouring” It is pouring - emitting something, spread, flow (about sound, smell, color)

“We are sharpened by the seed of the horde” To sharpen is to constantly torment, exhaust, deprive of strength. “We are oppressed by the yoke of the infidel” The yoke is a burden, a burden. Kuznetsov S.A. "Dictionary"

What is the opinion of teenagers about rock songs? How do they evaluate and perceive the words of rock songs? 1. "I'm not a bully, but I like to fight" "You turn off the song - this line is heard in your head. She, in my opinion, very accurately reveals the meaning of the whole song as a whole, explains all the other text ”(Nadezhda B) 2.“ Garbage on the left, garbage on the right - Old Russian fun. Begoom!" “To the song, you want to beat the drums so that the next time you sit down for them, they would beat you with sticks. The music is cooler here, because the rhythm of the music is equal to the rhythm of the heart, and therefore it pumps ”(Ivan L.)

3. "Strike from the left, strike from the right! There is no control over me! Rubbish on the left, rubbish on the right - Old Russian fun" "Impression ... I also want to fight like that. Here the words of the song are more effective. Since it is performed in Russian, everything is quite clear, besides, the music is quite primitive (2-3 riffs throughout the song) ”(Mikhail K.)

4. “Strike from the left, strike from the right! There is no control over me! Garbage on the left, garbage on the right - Old Russian fun” “These words were remembered more. Probably because the performer pronounced them with greater expressiveness, emphasized them more with his voice. Well, in the song itself, the melody turned out to be more effective. Why? She just made a greater impression than words" (Alevtina I.)

FUNCTIONS OF EMOTIONALLY COLORED VOCABULARY IN ROCK SONGS TEXTS 1. Creating a vivid image 2. Expressing the attitude of the performer or hero of the song to the object, phenomenon, process, and so on, that is, what he sings about.

Write an essay-reasoning "the use of expressive vocabulary creates the opportunity to concisely express the attitude of the speaker to what is being said"
And Dimka, meanwhile, realized that everyone had forgotten about him, slipped
along the wall behind the guys to the door, took hold of its handle, carefully
pressed to open without a creak and escape ... Oh, how he wanted
disappear right now, before Lenka left, and then, when she leaves,
when he does not see her judgmental eyes, he will think of something,
will definitely come up with ... At the last moment, he looked around, collided
glance with Lenka and froze.
He stood alone against the wall, his eyes downcast.
- Look at him! said the Iron Button to Lenka. Her voice trembled with indignation. “He can’t even raise his eyes!”
“Yes, an unenviable picture,” said Vasiliev. - A little peeled off.
Lenka was slowly approaching Dimka.
The Iron Button walked next to Lenka, telling her:
– I understand that it’s hard for you… You believed him… but now you’ve seen his true face!
Lenka came close to Dimka - as soon as she extended her hand, she would touch his shoulder.
- Hit him in the face! shouted Shaggy.
Dimka abruptly turned his back on Lenka.
- I spoke, I spoke! – Iron Button was delighted. Voice
she sounded victorious. - The hour of reckoning will not pass anyone! .. Justice
triumphed! Long live justice! - She jumped on
Desk: - Re-bya-ta! Somov - the most cruel boycott! And they all shouted:
- Boycott! Somov - boycott!
Iron Button raised his hand:
Who is for the boycott?
And all the guys raised their hands behind her - a whole forest of hands hovered over them.
heads. And many were so thirsty for justice that they immediately raised two
“That's all,” Lenka thought, “that's Dimka and waited for his end.”
And the guys pulled their hands, pulled, and surrounded Dimka, and tore him away from
walls, and just about he had to disappear for Lenka in the ring
impenetrable forest of hands, his own horror and her triumph and victory.
Everyone was for the boycott!
Only Lenka didn't raise her hand.
- And you? – surprised Iron Button.
“But I don’t,” Lenka said simply and smiled guiltily, as before.
- Have you forgiven him? Vasiliev asked, shocked.
"That's a fool," said Shmakova. - He betrayed you!
Lenka was standing at the blackboard, her cropped head pressed against her black hair.
cold surface. The wind of the past whipped her face: "Chu-che-lo-o-o,
pre-da-tel! .. Burn at the stake-e-e-e!
“But why, why are you against it?! – Iron Button wanted
to understand what prevented this Bessoltseva from declaring a boycott on Dimka. - Exactly you -
against. You can never be understood... Explain!
“I was at the stake,” Lenka answered. - And they chased me down the street. BUT
I will never chase anyone ... And I will never poison anyone. Though

When writing his work of art, the author always strives to express his thoughts in a very vivid and emotional way, so that the reader can understand what his thought is and what feelings he is experiencing. To achieve this goal, the writer uses various methods. According to D. Rosenthal, using expressive vocabulary, the writer achieves his goal.

Take, for example, Kaverin's novel "Two Captains". His main character, named Sanya, unexpectedly realizes that the feeling he feels towards Katya is not just an easy love. It turns out that he was visited by a sincere feeling of love - he loves the girl so much that he cannot imagine life without her. Katya has mutual feelings for the character. Foolishly, young people cannot be together, because they do not dare to admit to themselves that they have a fiery feeling for each other.

In order to express this idea,

Kaverin uses various visual means, including expressive vocabulary. The word "burdens" is used during the pronunciation of Nina Kapitonovna's speech. It can be regarded as sublime, through which the transmission of her attempts to negotiate with Katya takes place - such attempts, the success of which even she herself does not prophesy. She informs Korablev about this, and compares the heroine with herself: "I ... I will never tell."

Sanya calls himself the word "fool" on emotions, thereby showing his own remorse for his ingenuity. He could not understand Katya's feelings, as well as his own feelings. The author strives to focus attention precisely on this moment, using the expressive word "fool".

Effective preparation for the exam (all subjects) -

2. Use colloquial vocabulary implies situations of informal communication, therefore its use is completely unacceptable in informational texts and texts of an official nature. Yes, in the proposal FROM50 wagons arrived in the capital today potatoes the colloquial word potato requires a mandatory replacement with a neutral one potato . Similarly, in an official text, it is unacceptable to use the word failed instead of didn't pass the exam.

However, colloquial vocabulary is used in journalistic articles, essays, reports, popular science literature and discussion statements to create an atmosphere of informality and trust. For example, in newspaper articles: Often one or another of the foreign correspondents turn to officials for help; No one knows what a political union should or could look like, and already even more so no one imagines what political order could mean in such an alliance. Spoken word substitution often to neutral often , even more so on the especially leads to a change in the communicative situation: it becomes more official, the conversation with the reader turns into a message, information.

The use of colloquial words in a non-verbal situation requires a certain amount of caution and self-control, since being carried away by them can lead to the fact that informality develops into familiarity.

3. An even stricter approach should be to the use of non-literary vocabulary - vernacular, dialect, jargon. It is used when describing the environment using this type of vocabulary, but requires mandatory explanations and "translation" type as they say in the North, as it is customary to call y .... which, translated into literary language, means as well as graphic and font selections (quotation marks, italics). In this case, the effect of likelihood is achieved and the language norm is not blurred. In other words, non-normative lexical units can be used in normative texts, but in such a way that their non-normativeness is obvious. For example, in a post about a robbery of a bakery and commercial store, it says: The employees of the 68th police department who arrived at the scene agreed that the case "Hanging", that is, practically undisclosed.

4. The use of expressive vocabulary creates an opportunity to succinctly express the attitude of the speaker to what is being expressed. Expressiveness has a part of colloquial and book words. For example, in a sentence ATthose years of his and hid in mental hospital injustice, illegality of the committed actions is expressed in colloquial words hid (put in a place where it's hard to get out) and mental hospital (disparaging); cf. with neutral ... was placed in a hospital for the mentally ill, in a psychiatric clinic. In the phrase ranting deputies the negative attitude towards the deputies is expressed with the help of the book participle, which characterizes the speeches of the deputies as wordy and meaningless. Wed also opposite evaluations in the sentence Pushkin left us Pushkinian, BenediktovBenedictism. In combination apologists version of the hand of Moscow relation to the reliability of this version is expressed by the word apologists , denoting a person who is overly protective or praising someone or something.

Such vocabulary is inappropriate in informative and official business texts. When using ce in texts that allow informal relations between the subject of speech and the addressee, it is necessary to ensure that there are no contradictions between the general position of the subject of speech and the assessment conveyed by the expressive word. For example, from the context of the entire sentence Hour writers are always active invaded in the life of the country it is obvious that the author approves of the activities of writers, but then the word invaded is inappropriate here because denotes violent action and evokes negative attitudes to the person who is doing it. It would be appropriate to use a non-expressive word responded to events. Word epicenter, in addition to the special, it has a general literary significance "The place where something is manifested with the greatest force. calamity, trouble". Therefore, its use in the sentence is erroneous. epicenter holiday became Manezhnaya Square(should: center! ). The phrase is also inappropriate. to contribute in a sentence ATall these organizations made mine contribution to destabilize the situation in the country, because to contribute associated with a positive, a destabilization negative, in the same edition, the combination made their contribution receives an ironic connotation.