Compatibility of different elements of personality. Feng Shui Element: Earth-Yin and Earth-Yang

Do you like those westerns where the law is not the law, but rather its absence? Coupled with the main character standing out from the crowd to give people some love and hope? Then you will definitely like such a type as the people of the daytime pillar of Yin Earth on the Serpent.

The daily dominant Earth Yin on the Serpent includes: Fire Yang (Direct Seal), Earth Yang () and Metal Yang ().

Known as the Element that accepts and nourishes everything (nurturing). But in this case, he is deprived of the element of Water. As a result, it is a dry and hard soil. The sun shines and blazes over her, along with Yang Fire being the dominant Qi from the Hidden Heavenly Stems (Direct Seal). People of this type have a great vision of any situation offered to them by life. This makes them especially savvy when it comes to situational analysis, analysis of the current situation and the state of things. You will not be able to buy them for the standard touching story that most representatives of other earth pillars will buy. These will look for facts, see them and try to get to the bottom of the issue.

But they are also influenced by the Robber (Earth Yang) and Wounded (Metal Yang), who in turn do not like the orders accepted by all, oppose the establishment. They are not afraid of confrontation. Do not hesitate to speak out against people in power. Metal, being an aggressive element, fuels their ability to voice true, undisguised facts.

Since they have both Robber and Wound in their pillar, then, regardless of gender, representatives of the Earth Yin pillar on the Serpent have an innate tendency to reject relationships due to the fact that the Star of Wealth is attacked by the Robber, and Power is attacked by Wound. If there is a person next to you who is concerned that the truth on any issue becomes public, it is difficult to imagine that family life with him will proceed peacefully and calmly.

The snake is a friend of the Monkey, but the Pig is not included in the inner circle! (Ba Zi card)

The snake is combined with the Monkey. It attracts Yang Metal (Injury), Yang Earth (Robber) and Yang Water (Direct Wealth). The males of this pillar look heroic. They are able to captivate a woman (Wealth), but at the same time reject her (Robber). This gives men the image of a "bad guy". You want to be with him, but at the same time you perfectly understand that everything will end only with your broken heart.

The Snake is in conflict with the Pig. This in turn rejects Yang Water (Wealth) and Yang Tree (Right Power). Both husband and wife stars are repulsed, which leads to another drop in the relationship rating with them. You can also say that money and power do not attract them.

In general, we see a strong personality who is trying at all costs to show the world its essence. They are lone rangers who show no fear of any strange situation that comes their way. They sacrifice comfort and family in order to achieve and maintain their vision of life. In times of crisis, they are the best candidates for leadership, but in times of peace, they will only bring you problems, as they cannot sit still and just enjoy success.

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The remaining pillars are considered relative to the daily pillar. We no longer look at exactly what Elements are there, but look at what they are in relation to the Lord of the Day. Details on the main page:

Go to page 60 of Jia Tzu:

Homage to Master Ba Zi, Kevin Chan.

At the heart of ancient Chinese natural philosophy is the idea of ​​life as an endless chain of changes, where two principles interact in incessant movement - an active male force. Jan and passive female power yin- two forces of nature, her Father and Mother, jointly creating Life.

And, apparently, it would be wrong to say that Yang is a positive beginning, and Yin is negative, since it must be remembered that Heaven (Yang) and Earth (Yin), Earth-Mother, Earth-nurse were considered the visible embodiment of this idea. The ancient Chinese “Book of Changes” (“I Ching”) says: “Yin and Yang have common properties, but soft and hard have their own peculiarities. This is the creative essence of Heaven and Earth.”

They are both the same and opposite at the same time. A vivid image of the merging of Heaven and Earth in a creative impulse is a spring thunderstorm.

But the unity of Yin and Yang, Heaven and Earth is the harmony of singularity and plurality. The sky is single and at the same time infinite. Many and finite is the Earth. The image of the merger of Heaven and Earth is very capacious. He is also the embodiment of the duality of Spirit and Flesh, Hidden and Explicit.

The merging of Heaven and Earth gave rise to the "five elements", which make up "ten thousand things." The alternation of these elements - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water- defines all phenomena of the visible and invisible world. It is this sequence of primary elements that is based on the theory of their "mutual generation".

These elements also determine the inclinations and character of a person, everything that is favorable and unfavorable for him. The element corresponding to the heavenly trunk of a person's birthday is considered to be decisive (see below).

Some elements are favorable for a person and bring him good luck, while others destroy his energy and become a source of failure, suffering and illness.

For each element, there are other elements that strengthen or weaken it.

The five elements are in constant interaction with each other. Each element generates, gives strength to another, which, in turn, generates and nourishes the third. So it turns out a vicious circle in which each element gives strength to the next.

For each element, there are those elements that strengthen it (generating), and those elements that weaken it (generated). Each element reinforces itself to some extent.

Just as one element is the source for another, each of them is the destroyer of some element.

Wood- this is the East, Morning, Spring, Beginning (of the day, year, birth of life, etc.), the planet Jupiter. Its symbolic color is the blue color of a clear sky, the blue-green color of sea water, the green color of vegetation awakening in spring.

Among the internal organs, Wood corresponds to the liver (Yin) and gallbladder (Yang), eyes and tendons. Wood people often have a naturally weak liver and gallbladder.

The tree is damaged by anger, its virtue is philanthropy.

The tree is "afraid" of the wind, "loves" sour, in case of illness it is contraindicated in acute.

The tree corresponds to the number eight (8), the sound jiao (note F-sharp), the smell of cattle, among cereals - wheat, among domestic animals - chicken.

The tree corresponds to the shape of a vertical rectangle, plants, objects made of wood, paper.

Wood energy is energy that spreads in all directions. It is expansive and all-encompassing, it can be pliable - like a willow, or adamant - like an oak.

Tree people are outgoing and ambitious. They are experienced in all sorts of subtleties and have a talent for management. They like to plan everything - they usually have several strategic goals that they will certainly achieve. They are highly moral and despise those who do not meet the same high standards. Tree people are good friends as they are generous and generous. However, they often find it difficult to express their thoughts clearly, and this causes them irritation and anger.

The element of the Tree reaches its greatest strength in the spring, when everything in nature awakens, begins to grow and bloom. In summer, this element gradually weakens, and in autumn it loses its last strength. But when winter comes, the element of Wood gradually begins to revive again.

A person who corresponds to the element of a strong Tree (that is, born in the period of the greatest flowering of the Tree - in the spring, and having several signs of the Tree in the pillars of fate), needs to weaken his energy to a harmonious level. The elements of Wood are weakened by the elements of Fire and Earth, and strengthened by Water and Metal. Everything that is connected with Fire (warm climate, red color) and Earth (ceramic products, square shapes, yellow color) is very favorable to him.

For people of the weak element of the Tree (that is, those born during the period of the smallest flowering of the Tree - in the fall, and having only one sign of the Tree in the pillars of fate), everything connected with Water, Wood and Metal is favorable, since they strengthen the element of the Tree. Having strengthened his element and achieved harmony, such a person will be able to achieve a lot in life and find a state of joy and peace. It is favorable for people with a weak Wood element to visit the forest, park, swim in the river, and also wear metal and wooden jewelry.

For the Tree, the element of wealth is Earth, the element of creativity is Fire, the element of authority, responsibility and power is Metal, the element of communication is Wood, the element of support, intelligence and education is Water (see the pillars of fate for the degree of influence of the elements).


This is a very active, harmonious combination. People of the Tree are usually naturally inclined to all kinds of activities, they like to do everything in a row. When two Trees unite, this quality is enhanced and they will have many common interests. Such an alliance from the outside may seem exhausting, but both Trees literally bloom in it. Both of them are patient, trusting, tolerant people, they are always ready to help each other.





The tree gives birth Fire Spring is followed by Summer. Fire is the South, Day, Summer, the planet Mars, its color is red.

Among the internal organs, Fire corresponds to the heart (Yin) and small intestine (Yang), tongue and blood vessels. People of Fire often have weak heart activity by nature.

Fire corrupted by joy, his virtue is decency.

Fire is “afraid” of heat, “loves” bitter, and when sick, salt is contraindicated.

Fire corresponds to the number seven (7), the sound zhi (note la), the smell of burning, among cereals - millet, among domestic animals - a sheep.

Fire corresponds to the shape of a triangle, pointing upwards, fire, heat, light.

The energy of Fire is the energy rising up. Fire can warm and cheer, but it can also burn and destroy.

Fire people are born leaders, as they are emotional and passionate, able to convince and inspire others. They like new ideas and are constantly on the lookout for change. In life, they have many ups and downs, as they rarely think about their plans. They are honest and expect the same from others. This naivete often gets them into difficult situations. They are better at starting than finishing. They are determined and optimistic. No matter what happens to them, they get back on their feet. They are loving, full of enthusiasm and always remain young at heart.

The element of Fire reaches its maximum strength in summer. In autumn it weakens, and in winter it dies. When spring comes, this element awakens again and begins to gain strength.

For people of the strong element of Fire (that is, those born during the period of the greatest flowering of Fire - in the summer, and having several signs of Fire in the pillars of fate), in order to find harmony and happiness in life, it is necessary to weaken the influence of this element. Everything that is connected with the elements of Earth and Metal is favorable for such people - ceramic products, metal products, as well as white, gray, silver, yellow and golden colors. They are contraindicated in excessive sun.

For people of the weak element of Fire (that is, those born during the period of the least flowering of Fire - in winter, and having only one sign of Fire in the pillars of fate), everything connected with Wood, Fire and Water is favorable, as this strengthens their element. Wavy shapes, vertical rectangle shapes, wooden objects are very favorable. They are encouraged to live near a body of water. Walking in the forest, park, abundance of sunlight, swimming are very good for them. A large boost of energy can be given by contact with plants. They are advised to eat as much greens, spices as possible, wear clothes in shades of red and green. It is recommended to have plants in the house, paintings depicting the rising sun, forests and rivers.

For Fire, the element of wealth is Metal, the element of creativity is Earth, the element of authority, responsibility and power is Water, the element of communication is Fire, the element of support, intelligence and education is Wood (see the pillars of fate for the degree of influence of the elements).


Fire/Fire. Fire people are full of enthusiasm and optimism. The combination of two Fires can be an extremely powerful combination. People of fire can bring to life the best in other representatives of this element, which makes such an alliance lasting - none of its participants gets tired of the other.



Fire water.

It is a harmonious combination of elements. The Wood Man gives stability to the impulsiveness of Fire. The energy and enthusiasm of Fire can push the representative of the Tree to greater achievements than those that he would achieve on his own. Both of them are optimists, they like new ideas and concepts.

Fire gives birth Earth. Such an idea could have been formed due to the fact that the most ancient Chinese were farmers. Although at the dawn of their history, the Chinese proper settled only in the basin of the Yellow River, the banks of which are made up of fertile loess, similar to fine, densely packed yellow sand, but in ancient China there were significant forest areas, including on the fertile soils of the banks of the Yangtze River, where the Chinese began to settle widely in the 1st millennium BC. e. and at the beginning of N. e. And since they were engaged in agriculture there, it was most likely slash-and-burn, when the earth was freed from vegetation for the needs of agriculture with the help of fire and fertilized with ashes, that is, Fire gave birth to the Earth.

The Earth in the spatial plan occupies the Middle. This is the end of summer, harvest time, the time when the Earth gives its fruits to people. And therefore its symbolic color yellow is both the color of loess and the color of ripened bread. The planet corresponding to the Earth is Saturn.

Among the internal organs of the Earth correspond to the spleen (Yin) and stomach (Yang), mouth and muscles. People of the Earth often have by nature a weak spleen, pancreas, stomach.

The earth is corrupted by reflection, its virtue is sincerity.

The earth is “afraid” of dampness, “loves” sweets, and sour is contraindicated for her when she is sick.

Earth corresponds to the number five (5), the sound of gong (note re), the smell of incense, among cereals - kaoliang, among domestic animals - buffalo.

Earth corresponds to the shape of a horizontal rectangle or square, ceramic or porcelain products, clay, stone. The element of Earth symbolizes stability and strength.

Earth energy is energy directed to the side. The earth nourishes and restores.

People of the Earth are reliable and thorough. They are patient, caring and strong. They are practical, not inclined to hover in the clouds and have a mild sense of humor. They are consistent and always think about their actions. They are often stubborn and resist change. They are able to start any business and bring it to the end. They are not as resourceful as people of other elements. They prefer to do one thing at a time and do it the right way. They do not need the praise of others at all, since they get extraordinary pleasure from achieving their own goal. The satisfaction of completing a task is ample reward for them. They are willing to work hard and for a long time and often achieve extraordinary financial success.

The Earth element is strongest every third month of every season (according to the Chinese calendar).

A person of the strong element of the Earth (that is, born during the period of the greatest heyday of the Earth and having several signs of the Earth in the pillars of fate), as a rule, is very strong-willed, somewhat stubborn. He is able to lead, but excessive energy suppresses him. It is important for such a person to release excess energy and achieve a level of harmony. The energy of the Earth is weakened by Metal and Water, so everything connected with these elements will be favorable for this person. It is favorable for him to wear metal jewelry, as well as clothes in white, gray, blue and black. It is favorable to have an aquarium or a fountain at home (best in the north, east or southeast of the apartment), as well as a picture of a waterfall or a metal engraving.

For people of the weak element of the Earth (that is, those born during the period of the least flowering of the Earth and having only one sign of the Earth in the pillars of fate), everything that strengthens and nourishes the Earth is favorable. These are the elements of Fire, Earth and Wood. It is very favorable for them to visit the forest, the park, the warm sunny climate. For these people, yellow, red and green colors are suitable. They are encouraged to eat from ceramic dishes, decorate their home with ceramic products, paintings depicting mountain slopes. It is undesirable to wear metal jewelry, stay in the water for a long time, wear blue, white and black clothes.

For the Earth, the element of wealth is Water, the element of creativity is Metal, the element of authority, responsibility and power is Wood, the element of communication is Earth, the element of support, intelligence and education is Fire (see the pillars of fate for the degree of influence of the elements).


Earth/Earth. This is a very positive combination, as both parties will look after the highest standards and each other's needs. Outwardly, such a relationship may seem boring, but in fact they will be deep, strong and passionate. Problems can arise due to mutual stubbornness. However, if both sides show love and good will, a way out of these temporary difficulties will definitely be found.



The tree dries up the Earth, which makes this combination unfavorable. Earth is stable, conservative and cautious, while Wood is progressive, outgoing and expansive. As soon as they decide to help each other, instead of arguing and picking, such a combination can be successful, provided that both are ready to openly express their feelings. Such a couple needs some object of the element of Fire in the house in order to neutralize the negative aspects of this combination.

Earth/Fire. This is a harmonious combination in which the parties stimulate and excite each other. The magnificent imagination of Fire, combined with the sensuality of Earth, determines a relationship that is successful on all levels.

The earth from its bowels gives birth Metal. Harvest time is followed by Autumn. Metal is West, Evening, Autumn, End, Completion, planet Venus. Its symbolic color is white. The oldest explanatory dictionary "Erya" explains this by the fact that in the autumn the snow-white rice grain fills the bins. And if the East symbolizes the beginning of Light, the dawn of the day, the morning, then the West is the evening, the harbinger of the night, the beginning of Darkness.

Among the internal organs, Metal corresponds to the lungs (Yin) and large intestine (Yang), nose, skin and hair. Metal people often have naturally weak lungs and large intestines.

corrupted by sorrow, his virtue is justice.

Metal is "afraid" of dryness, "loves" spicy, and when sick, bitter is contraindicated for it.

Metal corresponds to the number nine (9), the sound of shan (note mi), the smell of raw meat or fish, among cereals - rice, among domestic animals - a horse.

metal corresponds to the shape of a triangle, pointing upwards, fire, heat, light.

The energy of Metal is an energy directed inwards. Metal is usually associated with money. However, it can become a sword or a dagger, that is, it can be both productive and destructive.

Metal people are tough, ambitious and purposeful. They believe in themselves and take themselves seriously. They rarely trust others, preferring to solve their problems on their own. They are naturally independent and do not like to take instructions from others. They are usually lucky with money. They don't like being laughed at.

The element of Metal gains the greatest strength in autumn, weakens in winter and dies in spring. After the Metal's power is depleted, she begins to revive and gain energy again. It happens in summer. By the end of summer, the element of Metal is already strong enough, and in autumn it reaches its full bloom.

For people of the strong element of Metal (that is, those born during the period of the greatest heyday of Metal - in the fall, and having several signs of Metal in the pillars of fate), in order to find harmony and happiness in life, it is necessary to weaken the influence of this element. The element of Metal can be weakened with the help of the elements of Water and Wood. It is very beneficial for such people to eat plant foods, drink as much water as possible, and take a bath more often. The colors of Water and Wood are also favorable for them - black and green. Everything that is connected with the elements that strengthen Metal (Earth, Fire and Metal) is unfavorable for such people - excessive sun, metal objects, ceramics, gray, white, yellow and red colors.

For people of the weak element of Metal (that is, those born during the period of the least flowering of Metal - in the spring, and having only one sign of Metal in the pillars of fate), everything is favorable that gives the strength of its element, that is, the elements of Earth, Metal and Fire. It is favorable for such people to wear metal jewelry, all colors associated with these elements are favorable for them - yellow, white, gray, red. And vice versa, everything that is connected with the elements that weaken Metal - Wood and Water is unfavorable for them. It is unfavorable for them to stay in the forest and in the water for a long time.

For Metal, the element of wealth is Wood, the element of creativity is Water, the element of authority, responsibility and power is Fire, the element of communication is Metal, and the element of support, intelligence and education is Earth (see the pillars of fate for the degree of influence of the elements).


This union is successful, because the parties intuitively understand each other. They will have ups and downs, but they are always ready to help each other for the common good. They get along well with each other and form strong, long-term relationships.

Metal/Water. Such an alliance is very successful, as the parties reliably support each other. Both are guided by intuition and feelings and are able to communicate effectively on a subconscious level. Metal teaches Water not to be too influenced by Others. Water helps Metal to express his feelings more effectively and go with the flow, instead of stubbornly clinging to the past.

Metal/Wood. Such a couple may experience difficulties, as both will strive for supremacy and both will insist that they know better how to act in certain situations. Both of them have a high sense of responsibility. Metal will often despair of Wood's pursuit of perfection. If Metal gives in a little and agrees with Wood's ideas, their relationship will improve, but the parties will often have to compromise.

Metal/Fire. Fire has the ability to melt Metal, which makes relationships difficult for this couple. The representative of Metal will try to impose his will on the other side, which is fraught with disastrous consequences. Fire will gradually destroy Metal. Both of them are prone to fighting and will try to overcome each other. Fortunately, both of them have no shortage of a sense of humor with which to resolve the most difficult situations. They should have some item related to the elements of the Earth in the house in order to somewhat weaken the negative effect of such a combination.

Metal/Earth. This is an excellent combination, since the parties in this union will support and respect each other, experience admiration for each other. The Metal Man is naturally patient, but necessary in dealing with the Earth, which takes time to make any decision. In this pairing, Metal will open wider, more exciting vistas to the Earth. The Earth will nurture the financial ambitions of Metal, which will ensure a secure financial position for this couple.

Metal gives birth Water. What are the origins of this notion? Many hypotheses can be put forward in this regard. The extraction and processing of metals have been known to man since ancient times. And he observed the transition of a metal from a solid to a liquid state, like water. And just as all living things are born in water, so in the molten metal all those objects that the human hand will create from it are already contained in the embryo. On the other hand, the process of metal processing may be accompanied by the release of water or its vapors, which, being deposited, turn into water. For example, metal oxides, which in ancient times were most often identified with metals, are converted into metal salts and water under the influence of acids, and both ancient Chinese philosophers familiar with alchemy and artisans in the process of their work could equally observe this.

So, Metal gives birth to Water. Autumn is replaced by Winter. Nature is asleep. Water is the North, Night, Winter, Peace, Development, gone inward, the planet Mercury. The day of the winter solstice comes - and Light is born in the bowels of the Darkness. The days are gradually lengthening and the nights are waning, the seed of Life wakes up in the Water and begins to develop... Spring is coming. Water gives birth to a Tree, the circle closes...

Among the internal organs, Water corresponds to the kidneys (Yin) and bladder (Yang), ears and bones. Water people often have naturally weak kidneys, adrenals, and gonads.

Water corrupted by fear, her virtue is wisdom.

Water“Afraid” of the cold, “loves” salty, sweets are contraindicated for her when she is sick.

Water corresponds to the number six (6), the sound yu (note si), the smell of rot, among cereals - beans, among domestic animals - a pig.

Water corresponds to a wavy, irregular shape, uneven surfaces, ponds, glass objects.

The energy of Water is the energy flowing down from above. Water is closely associated with creativity and emotions. It may be calm in the pond, but in the ocean it can become destructive. Soft rain nourishes the land, but hurricanes and tsunamis leave devastation in their wake.

Water people are often very musical. Even if they don't sing or play musical instruments, they tend to have a good ear and love to listen to music. They are gentle people, they do not like to hurt the feelings of others. And yet they can, in a soft, unobtrusive manner, insist on their own. They have an innate intuition and instantly notice the nuances that representatives of other elements miss. They are flexible, adaptable and easily influenced by others. They are emotional, sensitive and have a highly developed imagination. Usually these are creative people, but, having many talents, they hardly concentrate their efforts in any one area.

The element of Water flourishes in winter. With the advent of spring, her energy begins to wane. In the summer, the element of Water dies, loses its last strength, and in the fall it is reborn again.

For people of the strong element of Water (that is, those born during the period of the greatest flowering of Water - in winter, and having several signs of Water in the pillars of fate), in order to find harmony and happiness in life, it is necessary to weaken the influence of this element. Water is weakened by the elements of Wood and Fire. Vegetable food, warm climate and plenty of sun, green and red colors are recommended. Everything that is connected with the elements that strengthen Water (Metal and Earth) is unfavorable for such people. Contact with metal products, as well as with earth, clay, ceramics is undesirable.

For people of the weak element of Water (that is, those born during the period of the least flowering of Water - in the summer, and having only one sign of Water in the pillars of fate), everything that strengthens and nourishes this element is favorable. Water is strengthened by Metal, Earth, and also by Water itself. Therefore, everything that is connected with these elements is favorable for such a person - white, yellow and black colors, metal and ceramic objects. On the contrary, prolonged and intense contact with the elements of Fire and Wood, which weaken Water, is contraindicated for these people. Excessive exposure to the forest or the sun can cause such people to have a breakdown.

For Water, the element of wealth is Fire, the element of creativity is Wood, the element of authority, responsibility and power is Earth, the element of communication is Water, the element of support, intelligence and education is Metal (see the pillars of fate for the degree of influence of the elements).


Water/Water. Relationships of Water with Water often seem to be simply heavenly. Both feel a deep kinship and instinctively guess the desires and needs of each other. Such an alliance strengthens the resolve of both and makes them less susceptible to outside influences. Each side draws strength and self-confidence from the other.

This is a very positive combination, since Water nourishes the Tree, helping it grow and bloom. Wood helps Water by giving it stability and a sense of purpose. Water gives the Tree a sense of compassion and helps it express itself. The tree gives strength to the Water, prone to frequent changes in mood. Both are honest, tactful and capable of empathy. An intuitive connection is formed between them, which develops and strengthens over time.

Water/Fire. This combination is unfavorable, because Water extinguishes Fire. However, Water can bring a creative moment to the energy and enterprise of Fire, and representatives of Fire are able to inspire representatives of Water. Although both parties have excellent communication skills, it will be difficult for them to convey their innermost feelings to each other. Such a couple needs to keep some symbol of the Wood element in the house in order to neutralize the negative aspects of such a combination.

This is a difficult alliance, as the parties are likely to hurt each other emotionally. Earth provides stability that Water lacks, but Earth's stubbornness will cause constant irritation to the more sensitive Water. Such a couple needs to keep objects symbolizing Metal in the house in order to neutralize possible conflicts.

Such an alliance is very successful, as the parties reliably support each other. Both are guided by intuition and feelings and are able to communicate effectively on a subconscious level. Metal teaches Water not to be too influenced by Others. Water helps Metal to express his feelings more effectively and go with the flow, instead of stubbornly clinging to the past. Naturally, the symbol is inherent in ambiguity and it is often impossible to simply decipher its meaning. All that exists is the unity and opposition of opposites, their mutual relationship and mutual influence. Heat and cold, hard and soft, creation and destruction, without which creation is impossible, because any new is connected with the breaking of the old. Masculine and feminine principles. The unity of opposites is the main law of nature. Therefore, any element is dual and contains the masculine Yang and the feminine Yin, manifesting itself in these two states.


The principle of the duality of the elements is reflected in the structure of the calendar, because the five elements underlying it have ten cyclic signs or ten heavenly stems, symbolizing the two states of each element. These signs have received certain names. The odd signs of the heavenly stems symbolize the masculine, strong, active state of the elements (Yang), the even ones - the feminine, weak, passive state of them (Yin).

The sixty-year cyclic calendar was born in ancient times in China, and its signs have been used in this country for chronology since the beginning of the 1st century AD.

This calendar shows how, at what time and in what sequence various elements and energies manifest their influence. It can be used to determine what effect the energies have on each person at the time of his birth, and what effect this will have on his fate.

Each year, month, day and hour of this calendar corresponds to a combination of one of the ten signs of the heavenly stems and one of the twelve signs of the earthly branches, each of which refers to Yin or Yang (even - to Yin, odd - to Yang), as well as with five the elements. Signs are combined according to the principle of "Yin / Yin" and "Yang / Yang". Thus, 60 combinations are obtained, which form a sexagesimal cycle.

Sky stems:

Jia (1) Yang Tree (POISON)

And (2) Yin Tree (ID)

Bin (3) Yang Fire (YAO)

Ding (4) Yin Fire (IO)

Y (5) Yang Earth (YAZ)

Ji (6) Yin Earth (IS)

Geng (7) Yang Metal (YM)

Xin (8) Yin Metal (YM)

Ren (9) Yang Water (JW)

Gui (10) Yin Water (YW)

Earth branches:

Zi (1) Yang Water (YW) Rat

Chow (2) Yin Earth (Z) Ox

Yin (3) Yang Tree (Poison) Tiger

Mao (4) Yin Tree (ID) Rabbit

Chen (5) Yang Earth (YAZ) Dragon

Si (6) Yin Fire (IO) Snake

Wu (7) Yang Fire (YAO) Horse

Wei (8) Yin Earth (IS) Ram

Shen (9) Yang Metal (YM) Monkey

Yu (10) Yin Metal (IM) Rooster

Xu (11) Yang Earth (YZ) Dog

Hai (12) Yin Water (YW) Pig

Along with this calendar cycle in China, from ancient times, the so-called twelve-year animal or animal cycle, the Eastern Zodiac, was used for chronology, the system of signs of which is associated with a twelve-year cycle of fluctuations in natural phenomena. The names of animals are associated with signs of earthly branches.

The name of each year is double and is formed from the following components: the first is one of the ten signs of the heavenly stems, the second is one of the twelve signs of the earthly branches. For example, the first year of the cycle is indicated by the signs Jia / Zi (1/1) and is called the year of the Tree and the Rat, the second - I / Chow (2/2) - the Tree and the Ox, and so on. At the same time, five of the sixty years of the cycle bear the name of the same animal. This auxiliary attribute is repeated once every twelve years, and since each year of the same animal has its own color symbol, color symbols are used to clarify its place in the sixty-year cycle.


Since ancient times, the method of predicting fate using a cyclic calendar has been very popular in China. In China, before marriage, the parents of the bride and groom necessarily exchange "eight signs", information about the year, month, day and hour of the birth of their children.

"Eight signs" is a combination of the heavenly stem and the earthly branch of the year, month, day and hour of a person's birth - that is, the Four Pillars of Fate (ming shu).

Of all these elements, the element corresponding to the heavenly trunk of a person’s birthday is considered the main one.

To determine the strength of the element that affects a person, one should know the strength of this element during the year when the person was born. That is, each element has a time when it is most powerful, as well as a time when it dies (see the description of the elements).

You should also take into account the total number of elements in the hour, day of the month and year of birth of a person, which strengthen or weaken his main element.

In addition, every 10 years of a person's life, the influence of the elements acting on him changes. These 10-year periods are called Pillars of Fortune.

If the elements corresponding to the heavenly stem and the earthly branch of the pillar of good luck are favorable for a person, then during this period good luck will accompany a person, and vice versa.

In addition, energy is a very important factor in human relationships. In order to understand whether the energies of people are suitable for each other, you need to consider their pillars of fate and determine how many elements in the pillars of the fate of each person are favorable and unfavorable for another. And if the elements in the pillars of the fate of one person are generally favorable for another person, and the elements in the pillars of the fate of the second person are also favorable for the first, then their union will be very good. For example, if one person is strong Water, and there are a lot of elements of Water and Metal in his pillars of fate, and another person is a weak Tree, and there are many elements of Fire and Wood in his pillars of fate, then the union of these people will help them harmonize their energies. Fire and Wood of one person will weaken the excessive element of Water of another person, and, in turn, Water and Metal of the second person will give strength and energy to the weak element of Wood of the first. If the elements in the pillars of the fate of two people mutually disharmonize each other, then in this case problems are inevitable, and it is quite difficult to overcome them.


(from the book by Vera Volynets "Feng Shui and the famous Millennial Chinese calendar. Four pillars of fate. - St. Petersburg, 2000).

Hour: Wu/Chen (5/5) YAO/YAZ

Day: Jia/Wu (1/7) YD/YAO

Month: Bing/Xu (3/11) YAO/YZ

Year: Geng/Zi (7/1) YM/YV

The element of your personality - Wood.

You were born in autumn, when the energy of the Tree is very weak. In your energy map, most of the elements weaken the Wood element. In order for you to feel your harmony with the outside world and feel happiness, you need to strengthen the Wood element and bring your energy into a harmonious state. Since the elements of Water, Wood and Metal enhance the energy of Wood, the elements of Wood, Water and Metal are favorable for you.

For a person of a weakened tree, everything related to Water, Wood and Metal will be most favorable. It is recommended to visit nature more often, near water, visit parks, forests. You are favored by colors reminiscent of water - blue, blue, black, wavy shapes, colors of the Tree - green and all its shades, rectangular shapes, wooden products; in a small amount - Metal colors: silver, golden, white, round shapes.

When you feel tired and heaviness in the body, it is very good for you to walk through the forest, in a park with fountains, on the shore of a reservoir, as this will energize you. Contact with the forest in spring and early summer has a particularly good effect. Water will give you strength, so it is recommended to take water treatments more often. It is good to listen to the music of the forest and water.

When you are sick, you should drink as much water as possible, herbal treatment will have a very good effect on you. You should also eat as many greens as possible.

Your energy is very yang. Therefore, you are a very active, active woman with an unyielding and decisive character. It is difficult for you to sit still, you always have a lot to do, problems, etc. An activity that requires a lot of activity and mobility is good for you. But your problem is that you don't know how to rest. It is very important for you to learn how to relax and distract your mind from thinking about business for a while, it is good for you to do autogenic training, listen to music, walk more, play sports.

The people around you are determined by a sign related to you - the sign of the Tree. There are no more elements of Wood in your card, except for the one that corresponds to your energy. Therefore, you are not a very sociable person and can often find yourself alone. But you should remember that communication is very useful for you, as it enhances your energy.

Money in your destiny is determined by the sign of the Earth. There are 2 Earth signs in your energy chart. In favorable periods of life, you can quite successfully do business, but at other times it will not be very good for your energy, as it will weaken it even more.

Your ability to be an authority for others is determined for you by the sign of Metal. There is 1 Metal sign in your energy chart, and it is quite strong. Therefore, it is very good for you to take on some responsibility, to engage in leadership activities. This can work out well in favorable periods of life, provided that you make an effort. Responsibility is good for you, as it will strengthen your energy.

Your ability to be creative is determined by the sign of Fire. There are 3 signs of Fire in your energy map. You have a variety of abilities. You are quite a talented person. In favorable periods of time, you can quite successfully engage in creative activities, but you should not be careful, as too strong a return of energy is detrimental to you.

The element of support and resources (gain) is determined for you by the element of Water. Your energy map has 1 strong Water element. You are a smart woman, but intellectual activity is not your calling. In favorable periods of life, you can very successfully use your intellect. Education is good for your energy...

Description: The film tells about the history of the origin of Chinese medicine. Qigong, acupuncture, herbal treatment... Chinese doctors say that we are not treating a disease, but a person. Nowadays, the experience of Chinese doctors has become widespread, and now it is being studied by many clinics, research institutes and practitioners, including those outside of China.

Download from The Art of Chinese Medicine (475Mb)
Download from The Art of Chinese Medicine (475Mb)
Release year: 2004
Country Russia
Genre: Documentary, Video tutorial, Video course
Duration: 00:53:16
Quality: DVDRip
Format: AVI
Video codec: XviD
Audio codec: MP3
Video: 512×384 (1.33:1), 25 fps, XviD MPEG-4 ~1456 kbps avg, 0.30 bit/pixel
Audio: 44.100 kHz, MPEG Layer 3, 2 ch, ~128.00 kbps avg
Archive size: 605 MB

Description: Well-known sinologist, researcher of Taoist traditions Bronislav Vinogrodsky, together with specialists from the Feng Shui Center "Jiu Xing" will tell us about the history and philosophy of the doctrine, its main principles, and reveal the secrets of the practical application of Feng Shui in everyday life.

Download from (605 MB) Feng Shui Space Magic
Year of release: 2000
Country Russia
Quality: DVDRip
Format: AVI
Video: 1.7Mbps 720 x 384 Nero Video Decoder
Audio: AAC 44100Hz stereo 96Kbps
Duration: 32 min.
Russian language
Size: 700 MB

Description of the video course: This program will introduce you to the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is a system of knowledge about the structure of the world, about the laws of space and human interaction with the environment.

You will learn the rules of applying feng shui in everyday life, you will be able to harmoniously equip your home, make the interior of the house such that it becomes a source of strength and success in your life, well-being and warmth of love. Touching the ancient knowledge, you will understand that the inanimate world affects us as much as the living world...

Download from Feng Shui Space Magic (700Mb)
Download from Feng Shui Space Magic (700Mb)


Feng Shui. The great ancient art of harmony
Release year: 2003
Publisher: Media Art
Interface language: Russian
Tablet: Not required
System requirements: OS Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7; Pentium 200 MMX or higher; 32 MB RAM; Video card supporting 800*600 true color resolution; sound device;
Format: iso, rar + 5% for recovery
Total archive size: 287 MB

Description: Feng Shui is the famous Chinese art of creating harmony in the human environment - in the city, in the house, in the garden. But did you know that the principles of Feng Shui apply to you as well? The art of Feng Shui is based on the laws of the five elements - the energies that make up everything in the universe, including man.

Drawing from the wisdom of the science of the elements, you can:

Find out what kind of people you are compatible with;
- improve relationships with superiors, subordinates, lovers, children;
- balance your body, mind and spirit;
- gain personal strength;
- find out what professions, types of recreation, types of housing, seasons, etc. most favorable to you;
- increase your attractiveness and self-esteem.

This series contains 3 discs on the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui: "Feng Shui in the home", "Feng Shui in business", "Feng Shui Tools"

Download from Feng Shui. The great ancient art of harmony (287 Mb)

Release year: 2005
Publisher: New Disk
Quality: eBook (originally computer)
System requirements:
* Operating system Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP;
* Processor Pentium 500 MHz;
* 64 MB of RAM;
* Screen resolution 1024x768 with a color depth of 16 bits;
* Sound device;
Format: exe, rar + 5% for recovery
Size: 146 Mb

Description: The encyclopedia consists of six sections. "Introduction" will introduce you to the origin and historical purpose of Feng Shui. From the "Basics" section, you will learn what is the energy of qi, ba-gua, Yin and Yang, the five elements.

The chapter "Tools and Symbols" tells about the talismans, symbols and tools of Feng Shui. The Home and Environment section provides information on how to plan, furnish and color your home, garden and other elements of your environment.

The "Gallery" contains examples of good and bad Feng Shui. "Dictionary" will help you easily navigate in terms of Feng Shui.

Download from (recommended) (146 MB)
Download from (146 MB)

Yin Earth (Ji) represented by fertile arable land.

Their innate instinct is to protect, nurture, nurture. These people are the most tolerant of all 10 Heavenly Trunks . They are calm, friendly, trusting and caring. But their problem is that they give a lot.

In people yin earth many hidden talents and abilities that appear gradually, like a beautiful flower on fertile soil, grown from a small seed on fertile soil.

In people Earth yin (Ji) there is a penchant for entrepreneurial activity and an innate instinct for money, but very often they have problems with finances due to indecision, excessive scrolling of thoughts in their heads and indecisiveness. They may miss their chances or be too trusting of people.

People yin earth they adapt well and adapt to living conditions. They are very independent and build their future without asking for help.

These are very capable and receptive people, they are creative, inventive, despite their outward calm, and can easily turn any negative situation into a positive one and make something beautiful and useful out of nothing.

For people yin earth it is very important what kind of people surround them and from whom and what they learn. Just as it is important for the soil to be fertilized and cultivated, so it is for Gee- this is a very important moment, thanks to which they can fully show their talents and abilities.

Outwardly people yin earth soft, tolerant and very tolerant, they are not conflict and diplomatic. Just as Mother Earth gives all of herself, nurturing the seed, so do people yin earth want to care for people and serve them. They have a very strong “maternal beginning”.

The whole problem is that others often use people Gee.but themselves Gee it does not bother, they are born to give care and their “motherly” love. Very often the work and efforts of people yin earth remain unnoticed and underestimated, but they really need to be recognized, their self-esteem depends on their significance in the eyes of others.

People yin earth very responsible people and often take on an overwhelming burden of tasks on their shoulders. They need to learn how to organize their work and involve other people in it.

These are very good friends, they can be trusted with their secrets and not worry that they will be revealed.

People yin earth they love order and comfort. Their houses are always clean and pleasant, they are good-natured and friendly hosts, ready at any moment to spread the "tablecloth self-assembly" and warm and feed their guests.

People yin earth they like to learn something new, they are close to art, philosophy, they are interested in scientific research and achievements in the field of culture, technology. They are often fond of collecting, for example, works of art or collect some beautiful, original things or antiques.

In people yin earth intuition is very developed, or as the people call "chuyka". They can easily find a specialist in the area they need, they will definitely choose a great cafe or restaurant to eat and have a good time, they will choose a place of rest that would be both pleasant and not expensive. They intuitively feel what to do at a given time, where to go and what to find. A flexible mind allows them to find solutions to complex problems and tasks that stand in their way.

But like all people, they have flaws. They are owners. And if they become attached to you and show their care and participation, then they do it with such pressure and zeal that you get the feeling that you are being choked with their love, controlled and subordinate to their power. They, like a mother hen, are jealous of their brood, and they tend to pupate what they value and keep strangers close to the subject of their attention. This importunity and excessive care can repel people from them.

People earth yang, despite their desire for a new and beautiful, they remain conservative in their actions and deeds. They prefer to think and act on established principles already established and chosen by them, it is not easy to change the course of their thoughts and actions. They are stubborn and categorical, to convince or change them views are not very simple, especially when it comes to politics, religion, moral principles and the appearance of a person.

Woman of the Earth yin (Ji).

Woman yin earth- this is a true woman. She needs a man, like no other Daily Dominant .with his arrival a woman Gee gets direction, focus, she has more confidence, she becomes more responsible and disciplined.

Woman yin earth usually strive to get married, with the advent of a man, her life generally changes for the better. She tries to equip her house, put it in order and comfort. Caring for others is her life and nature.

She will buy the best for her household, dress, feed and warm. To nurture, nurture and care is the mission of this woman.

Women Earth in You need to be careful about your weight. An increase in body weight may indicate a deterioration in health.

Yin earth man.

The male yin earth usually quiet and modest, sustained. But he has some kind of talent that is just waiting for its time to open up.

Women usually like this type of man, they intuitively feel reliability, support and care in him.

He will never tell you what you need to do, he will lead you to a decision with his behavior and actions.

You can't "push" such a man, he can break. With him you need to kindly, calmly convey what you want from him.

Be attractive, communicate with him, let him take care of himself and he will be your shield and support.

Have fun learning Feng Shui!

Yin Land is a good fertile soil. The character of a person associated with this element is distinguished by softness and complaisance. It is not difficult to win his trust, he is very kind and gives himself entirely for the benefit of others.

Such dedication sometimes leads to the fact that it is simply used for their own purposes. He is easily suggestible and subject to the opinions of others, therefore he is often lost and can end up in bad company. Unfortunately, a Yin Earth person can sympathize and support those whose ideas and plans are not entirely pure. If it falls under someone else's influence, then anything can be molded from it, like plasticine. But if you inadvertently hurt his soul, his suffering will be extremely painful and painful.

Like the Earth of Yin, this person is a storehouse of selflessness and love. He has strong parenting instincts and a sense of caring for others. Such people make wonderful mothers and fathers, and their families usually have many children. In addition to their children, they often adopt orphans, devoting themselves entirely to the educational process, but sometimes they show excessive care.

Such a person is drawn to the earth, he does not accept megacities, preferring to live in small towns. The Yin land loves nature, animals, natural foods and adheres to a healthy lifestyle. The limit of his dreams is to have his own house, where he could plant a garden and plant a flower garden. Since he is not demanding, he can adapt to any situation, being content with little.

A person of Yin Earth is usually intellectually developed, but at the same time conservative. With difficulty perceives new technology and the fast pace of life, preferring to do everything "the old fashioned way". In everyday clothes, he is classically restrained and modest, avoids bright colors, although a good sense of taste is developed. He is absolutely not vindictive, therefore it is easier for such a person to forgive and forget the troubles caused to him than to hatch plans for revenge. He is always friendly and glad to guests, the atmosphere of his house is invariably filled with coziness, sincerity and comfort.

Compatibility of Yin Earth and personalities of other elements

Perhaps no one can destroy the mutual attraction of the Yin Earth and the Yang Tree. These elements are so harmonious in their union that many simply envy the sensitivity, loyalty and dedication that reigns in this family. Their children are treated kindly, and the house is a full bowl. Career, in this case, goes far "to the backyard."

The relations of the Yin Earth with the representative of the Yin Tree are developing quite well, but far from ideal. They are accommodating in everyday nuances, but in personal relationships, a “consumer note” often slips. Partners use each other for their own purposes, resulting in frequent resentment and mutual reproaches.

The most important element in the Ba Zi chart is Personality element. This is the core of a person, his essence, the innermost content.

This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics animal year of birth, but not this indicator.

Imagine that a new employee is hired by the company you work for.

Even at the stage of his hiring, he will be evaluated by competent employees, and a decision will be made whether he corresponds to a free vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is not known whether he will be hired if responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey are looking for a vacancy. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if the company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the laconic Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make a suitable impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes a first impression in accordance with his year of birth.

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him at the first meeting. It matters here what year reigns horoscope. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies for himself. And a person of the Yang Tree, who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person.

Yin Land.

Yin Earth is associated with fertile soil, the land of the garden and vegetable garden, the land on which everything grows. This is a garden with fragrant apple trees, this is a flower garden of extraordinary beauty, this is a vegetable garden that bears fruit.

The earth is the foundation of the foundations. Peace rests on the people of the Earth. If there is no Earth, then there is nothing. The world ceases to be material.

Without the Earth, there would be no plants, no place for water to flow, no place for metal to be born, and the Sun would have nothing to shine for.

Not surprisingly, women with this personality type are considered the best wives, the most caring mothers, and men the most reliable partners and friends.

Many representatives of this type of personality become entrepreneurs and businessmen, because natural practicality, diligence, thoroughness do not allow them to get carried away with something ephemeral, without concrete results, with some ideas and castles in the air. Yin Earth is a materialist and she needs a reliable rear, solid ground under her feet, stability and confidence in the future. The people of the Earth prefer to create this rear for themselves, without counting on anyone else, and without asking anyone for help.

Calmly, slowly, but surely, the Yin Earth is building its Present, while clearly imagining its Future.

Very often around the Earth there are people who use its works. These can be family members who “sit on their necks”, calmly “dangling their legs”, or colleagues who take on part of their duties on the patient Yin Earth.

Or they are subordinates who would never change their place of work because of the loyalty and care of their boss.

And the Yin Land is absolutely not bothered by the presence of a large number of dependents and hangers-on. She has an innate need for an object to take care of. It doesn't matter who it is or what it is, the main thing is to have someone to take care of, to worry about something.

People of this type are very purposeful and persistent. They do not often change their plans and decisions, but before making a decision, they can think for a very long time, weighing all possible scenarios. Such solidity helps them in life, but sometimes they miss opportunities due to long deliberation.

Yin Earth is a jack of all trades. She knows everything, and everything is easy for her. Universal talent helps to achieve mastery in many areas of life, but it is better for this sign to engage in administrative, organizational activities.

This is a master of the household, and it is rare to find a hostess or owner of this type of personality who will have an uncomfortable house and an empty cellar.

This is not an upstart entrepreneur who made a fortune for himself in a short time, and then just as quickly lost it. This is a businessman firmly standing on his feet, who has "alternate airfields" for all occasions. This is a millionaire who has accumulated his fortune through intelligence, determination, hard work and perseverance and who does not boast of his wealth, buying all the most expensive and luxurious. Yin Earth does not like to advertise its true financial condition and splurge.

These are reliable people who can be relied upon and who can be trusted with their secrets. Very often they play the role of mediators and peacemakers, as they know how to listen and fairly assess situations, giving reasonable advice. These are kind and friendly people who inspire confidence and are conducive to crying into their vest.

Of course, they also have disadvantages. A typical Yin Earth can "suffocate" with its care. Jealousy often accompanies relationships with this personality type, as the Earth does not like to share those she cares about with others, even if this care is very burdensome for them.

These people are very conservative, they may categorically reject new creative ideas and trends, even if the benefits of the new are obvious. They don't wear extravagant clothes or get pierced. And very often they show stubbornness and inflexibility in relations with those who do not agree with them.

However, the extreme manifestations of such shortcomings are not often manifested, since high intelligence and peacefulness help to maintain the sincere and comfortable relations of the Yin Earth with all its surroundings.

A few key words to describe the features of this personality type:

kindness, altruism, peacefulness, benevolence, friendliness, reliability, intelligence, talent, objectivity, seriousness, moderation, patience, calmness, harmony, care, enterprise, practicality, realism, emotionality, charm, artistry, tenderness, perseverance, patience, excessive guardianship , jealousy, possessiveness, lust.

Partner Compatibility.

When analyzing how different people can get along with each other, and how favorable their union is for a particular activity, it should be borne in mind that when analyzing compatibility, not only interaction by personality type is taken into account. There are many subtleties for such an analysis. However, if you seriously want to learn how to understand Ba Zi, it is very important to pay attention to these indicators.

If all the elements are more or less balanced in the Ba-Tzu cards of partners, then the possible partnership options given here will most often manifest themselves in this way.

If there is a certain imbalance of energies, then everything, of course, will develop according to a different scenario. For example, the Yin Earth usually does not get along with the Yin Tree, but if the Tree is very strong, supported by related elements and the season of birth, and the Yin Earth is too dense and wet, then such a union can be favorable.

Typical Yin Land loves the most Jan Tree. And the attraction is mutual. Ideally, if in this union the Yang Tree is the husband, and the Earth is the wife. In such a union, the Earth gives herself completely to the service of her husband, satisfying her needs for care and guardianship, and the husband achieves extraordinary heights thanks to the support of the fertile Earth, which provides him with everything necessary for growth and fertility. But in this union, the Earth must be strong, otherwise the Tree will “squeeze out” all the juices of the Earth and deprive it of fertility.

FROM Yin Tree relationships are most often complicated, since for harmony in this union there must be intermediary elements. Most likely, a typical Yin Tree will use the goodness of the Earth, depriving her of strength and peace of mind. The earth is patient, but it is in great demand to endure the ingratitude of a partner for a long time.

Harmonious relationships can be Yin Earth with Yang Fire. But in such an alliance, someone else or some business is definitely needed, which the Yin Earth can take care of and not sleep at night. Yang Fire will not allow the Earth to take care of itself, and rather he will become a support for her. And the Earth simply needs to be a mother or guardian in order to feel happy. So we still need someone to whom the Earth can serve.

Most of the time in relationships Yin Earth and Yin Fire everything will turn out great. For a typical Yin Earth, such an alliance is extremely favorable, since Fire becomes her good friend and helper. The Earth can satisfy its desire for someone to take care of in other areas of life. However, in this union, the presence of the element of Water is important (in the Ba-Tzu map, type of activity, place of residence, etc. Details in the mini-book "How to make up for the missing element?) So that the Earth does not become too dry, like a desert.

Union auspiciousness Yang and Yin Land depends on how much they are supported by related elements. If the Yin Earth is strong, then the additional Earth will make it even more conservative and inert, obsessed with the material side of life. And vice versa, a weak Yin Earth will find a reliable support in a partner, gain calmness and self-confidence.

If two interact Yin Lands, then the trends will be the same as in alliance with Yang Land. A strong Yin Earth should avoid close interaction with another similar Earth, and a weak one will gain additional strength in this union. But in any case, the kinship of souls and commonality of views will be characteristic of two partners of this type of personality.

Union Yang Metal and Yin Earth. Mutual understanding and mutual assistance will rule in the union of these two, if the Metal is weak and needs the support of the related elements of the Earth. Then the Earth will be satisfied in its needs to serve others, and the Metal will receive the necessary support. If the Metal is strong and the Earth is weak, then both will suffer in this union. Such an alliance will not lead to anything good.

Usually Yin Earth and Yin Metal understand each other perfectly. Relationships most often develop according to the principle of Mother-Child, where Yin Earth acts as a mother. Yin Metal in this union most often reaches extraordinary heights, surrounded by the care and attention of the selfless Earth. For the Earth in this union, it is desirable to be strong in terms of the elements, so as not to be left with nothing when the “cut diamond” decides that he can now do everything himself. Most of the time he is wrong.

FROM Janskoy Water In most cases, it is better for Yin Earth not to get involved. Although, usually these two completely different types of personality rarely intersect in life, or at the first opportunity they tend to scatter. If a typical Yin Earth converges with Yang Water, then, as a rule, the Earth suffers more in this union, which loses strength and faith in itself, completely devoting itself to the service of uncompromising Water.

How favorable will the alliance with Iskoy Voda, depends on other indicators in the horoscope. But very often the union of these types of personalities is doomed to failure. Completely different worldviews, different views on human relationships make it difficult to find a common language and build a long-term alliance.

After reviewing this information, do not rush to draw conclusions about the compatibility of certain partners until you understand all the relationships and subtleties of Ba Zi.

Popular people related to the Yin Earth personality type:

Pierre Richard, Bruce Willis, Jack Nicholson, Boris Moiseev, Yulia Tymoshenko.