Pharaoh's nightmare: the curse of the Egyptian pyramids. Curse of the Pyramids

“Death will quickly overtake the one who violates the peace of the Pharaoh,” says the inscription on the famous pyramid in Giza. Terrible guardians of the secret knowledge of the Atlanteans, hidden in the pyramids, are always ready. In the spring of 1923, many newspapers of world importance published a message about the death in Egypt of the English archaeologist Carnarvon. The latter, together with the Englishman Carter, excavated the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen. I involuntarily remembered curse of the pyramids...

The tomb of Tutankhamen (1400-1392 BC) was discovered a few months before the death of the archaeologist Carnarvon. Egyptologists discovered huge treasures in it, including the famous golden mask. Subsequently, Carter said that after finishing work in the hallway of the tomb, the nervous system of those who worked in it was incredibly tense. Although Carnarvon had heard about the curse of the pyramids, he was still not afraid to enter the tomb of the ancient ruler. However, a few days passed, and he suddenly died. Immediately after him, several more people who were exploring the pyramids suddenly died.

In one of the rooms of the tomb, archaeologists found an inscription that reads: "The spirit of death will twist the neck of the one who enters here, like a goose." The curse of the pyramids was gathering new victims. The American Mays died, then several more people died. The retribution of the pharaoh caught up with the English businessman Wolfe, who came to Egypt to see the tomb. Carter died 16 years later.

In December 1993, the Associated Press reported sensational news: the tomb of Pharaoh Peteti and his wife had been opened in Giza. Her age is 4600 years. But the main thing was the inscription contained there: "The great goddess Hathor will punish twice anyone who dares to desecrate this grave." These words were not an empty threat. The head of the excavation, Zaki Hawass, suddenly suffered a heart attack, which almost led to death. The earthquake destroyed the house of his fellow archaeologist. The next to suffer was the photographer. Ultimately, the train carrying the extracted valuables derailed.

Recently, a group of physicists Luis Alvarez (University of Los Angeles) tried to explore the Great Pyramid using cosmic rays. But the photographs were inadequate. Dr. Arm Gohed expressed the following opinion: "Either the geometry of the pyramid introduces significant interference, or some force violates the laws of science when working inside the pyramid."

There is an opinion that in the tomb of the pharaohs there were spells - psycho-energetic clots sent by the priests by an effort of will into teraph objects. Such teraphs are able to keep spells for many millennia. The famous anthropologist Carlos Castaneda, who studied with two Mexican yogis Don Juan Matus and don Genaro Flores, writes in his book The Gift of the Eagle that in the city of Tulu, the province of Hidalgo in Mexico (the ancient epicenter of the Toltec empire), he was struck by an ensemble of pyramids from four giant columnar figures (five meters high and one across), called "Atlantes", standing on the flat roof of the pyramid. Six meters behind the figures was a row of four basalt columns.

The figures depict women - 4 corners, 4 winds, 4 directions of the pyramid - the number "four" corresponds to the centers of stability and order. The figures of women are the foundation and foundation of the pyramid. Directly the pyramid itself, as it were, corresponds to a man who is supported by his four women and raises them to the highest point of the pyramid.

Castaneda from an unusual side described the mechanism of the curse of the pyramids. He claims that the Atlanteans were clairvoyants - the figures represent the mysterious "order of the second attention brought forward. That is why they are so scary and mysterious. They are creatures of war, but not of destruction. And behind the row of rectangular columns is the order of first attention. They are covered with inscriptions, while being very peaceful and wise.”

There is a special pyramid in Tula, which, according to Castaneda, was a guide to the second attention. She was looted and destroyed. Some pyramids were places where warriors practiced dreaming and mystical second attention. All their actions are depicted in drawings and inscriptions. Subsequently, certain warriors of the “third attention” came, who condemned what the magicians of the pyramid had done with their own second attention, and they destroyed the pyramid and its contents as punishment.

Castaneda explains that the first attention is associated with the consciousness of the physical body, the second - perceives our "luminous body" (perhaps we are talking about the soul). The third attention is the immeasurable consciousness that combines aspects of the physical body and the luminous one. Leaving a long exposition of this peculiar teaching, however, one should dwell on the remark made by Castaneda that these pyramids are especially harmful to unprotected people like us. Somehow, he links them to "evil second-attention fixation." When warriors can focus on the weak side of the second attention, they are able to become "man hunters" i.e. vampires." Castaneda continues that even if they are dead, they can reach the object they need through time, as if they were here and now. Therefore, for a person who has entered one of these pyramid-traps of the second attention, there is a danger of becoming a victim of evil forces. Further description leads to the idea that the author of these words speaks of evil spirits that can really be associated with the pyramids from the distant times preceding the Flood: “... A person can withstand one visit to the pyramid without much harm. On the second visit, he will begin to feel an inexplicable sadness that makes the person lethargic and tired. Such fatigue will very soon turn into bad luck. Through certain time a person can become a carrier of misfortune. All sorts of troubles will haunt him. Our failures are caused by willful visits to these pyramid ruins.

Don Juan Matus, Castaneda's mentor, emphasized that all the historical ruins in Mexico, and especially the pyramids, are extremely harmful to the uninitiated person. According to him, the pyramids are structures that are alien to the expression of our thoughts and actions.

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According to many experts, the largest pyramid of Egypt - the pyramid of Cheops was once crowned with a huge magic crystal that collected the energy of the Cosmos. There are many other versions about the secrets of the pyramids: they say that the most important information is encrypted in them; with their help, the priests made contact with the other world; they served as identification marks for "flying saucers", etc. But today we will talk about only one of the many secrets - the curse of the pharaohs, which, according to legend, overtook everyone who invaded the holy of holies: the crypts of the lords of Egypt.

Clairvoyant Warning

There is a place in Egypt that went down in world history called the Valley of the Kings. This lifeless valley is located on the western bank of the Nile opposite Luxor, where in our time stone columns of destroyed temples stretch to the sky. Life has long gone from here, only a colossal necropolis remained here, in the bowels of which the mummies of the pharaohs were buried.
At the end of 1922, after a six-year search, the researchers were lucky to find here an almost untouched tomb-treasury of Pharaoh Tutankhamen. Luck fell on the British expedition, which included the largest archaeologists of Great Britain, famous Egyptologists and other scientists. The expedition was led by Lord Carnarvon, a famous collector in England, as well as archaeologist Carter.

No one else, no doubt, in the entire history of archaeological excavations has not been able to see anything more magnificent. A striking picture opened up to the eyes of archaeologists: a golden stretcher, a throne, a statue, caskets, heads of wild animals, ritual figurines and much more. But it was only the first chamber. It was followed by the tomb itself with the pharaoh's sarcophagus, a treasury and another side chamber.

Blinded by the innumerable brilliance of the treasures, Carter did not at first notice a discreet clay tablet with a brief hieroglyphic inscription: "THE DEATH FORK WILL PIECE THOSE WHO TROUBLE THE PHARAOHNS." Later, having learned about it, the archaeologist deciphered the inscription and hid the tablet, fearing that the workers would take this warning seriously. However, he did not pay attention to a certain amulet stored in the crypt. On the back of it was found the text: “I AM THE ONE WHO CALLS THE DESERT TO RUIN THE GRAVE DEPARTERS. I AM THE GUARD OF THE TOMB OF TUTANKHAMON.” This was the second warning...

By the way, some warnings were made to Lord Carnarvon before the start of the expedition. Before opening the grave, he received a letter from the English clairvoyant Count Haymon. The psychic warned him not to open the tomb under any circumstances - this is deadly because of the existing "curse of the pharaoh." Haymon attached the text to the letter: “Lord Carnarvon, do not enter the tomb, disobedience leads to death. First, you will have an illness from which you will not recover. Death will take you to Egypt."

The Lord was alarmed in earnest. Friends advised him to turn to a famous fortuneteller named Velma. The clairvoyant, having examined his hand, said that she "sees the possibility of death associated with the curse of the pharaoh." In fright, the lord decided to stop excavations, but it was too late: the preparations for them had gone too far. And the lord decided to challenge the mystical powers...

Harvest of death

There were seventeen of them - those who stepped behind Carter and Carnarvon into the burial chamber of Tutankhamen in February 1923. Shortly after the opening of the tomb, Carnarvon, for some unknown reason, became terribly nervous. The close proximity of the tomb so bothered him that he left without even waiting for the list of found treasures to be compiled.

Six days after the opening of the tomb, Lord Carnarvon died unexpectedly. Doctors attributed his death to the bite of a poisonous mosquito. What happened? At breakfast, the lord felt a slight malaise. The initially mild temperature suddenly jumped sharply, the fever was accompanied by severe chills, and no one was able to help him. In the last minute of his life, consciousness returned to the seeker of Egyptian treasures. Turning to his wife, he said: “Well, everything has finally happened. I heard the call, it draws me." Before his death in delirium, according to eyewitnesses, Carnarvon mentioned the name of the pharaoh: "TUTANKHAMON, TUTANKHAMON ..."

The death of the lord was the first in a whole chain of unexpected deaths. A few months later, one after another, two more workers who took part in the excavations died. They were followed by two more victims - A.K. Mays and George J-Gold. This was the case with Mace. Carter asked to help him open the tomb. It was Mace who moved the last stone blocking the entrance to the main chamber. Shortly after Lord Carnarvon's death, he began to complain of unusual weariness. Increasingly, bouts of weakness, apathy and longing came. All this ended in a loss of consciousness: Mace died in the "Continental" - the same Cairo hotel where Lord Carnarvon spent his last days. Once again, doctors were powerless to diagnose a fatal disease.

American George J-Gold was an old friend of Lord Carnarvon, a multimillionaire and a great lover of archeology. He closely followed all the affairs of the expedition: many of the finds discovered there were in his hands. A sudden chill took him down. The following day, by evening, the millionaire died. And again, the doctors helplessly shrugged their hands ...

In a matter of years, twenty-two people died. Some visited the crypt of Tutankhamen, others examined his mummy. I would like to note one thing: every time the death was fleeting, unpredictable. The death overtook archaeologists and doctors, historians and linguists known in those years, one way or another involved in the study of the tomb. Lady Carnarvon died in 1929. The gossip readers were shocked not so much by the very fact of this death as by the diagnosis: "She died from a mosquito bite." And then rumors spread around the world about the current curse of Tutankhamen. And the pitchfork of death found more and more victims. As soon as the rumor about the death of Batell (one of the members of the expedition) reached London from Cairo, his father, Lord Wesbury, jumped out of the window of the seventh floor of the hotel. When the corpse of the suicide was being transported to the cemetery, the hearse (it is clear how fast this carriage is moving) crushed to death a child playing in the street. The examination showed that the driver simply could not help but notice him ...

In Cairo, Lord Carnarvon's brother and the nurse who cared for him died, and death lurking in the house overtook everyone who dared to visit the sick in those days. Oddly enough, only archaeologist Carter lived peacefully until the age of 67!

Animated mummy

... The evening turned out to be extremely humid and hot. As usual, the sarcophagus room in the National Museum of Cairo was full of visitors. And suddenly, when the light was turned on with the onset of darkness, a sharp, drawn-out rattle was heard from the sarcophagus of Ramses II. People saw a blood-curdling picture: behind the glass of the swaying sarcophagus, Ramses’s mouth, distorted by a mute cry, flashed, his body shuddered, the bandages that pulled the mummy burst, and the pharaoh’s hands, resting on his chest, suddenly hit the glass lid sharply and terribly: fragments of broken glass fell on the floor. It seemed that the mummy - a withered and securely swaddled corpse - was about to rush at the visitors. Many fainted. The crush began. Breaking their legs, arms and ribs, people fell in a heap from the stairs leading from the hall. Some jumped right out of the windows.

The morning editions of the newspapers did not spare colors, savoring this event, interpreting the curse of the pharaoh in every way ... And the mummy, as if satisfied with the effect produced, froze again, bowing her head on her shoulder: her face, hidden by a funeral mask, was turned north towards the Valley of the Kings . She seemed to be asking to return her back to her place and give her peace. Another striking incident occurred with the mummy of the great soothsayer of ancient Egypt, Amenophis IV. Her mummy was in the hold of the Titanic. Under her head lay the figure of the god Osiris with the following inscription: "Rise from the ashes, and YOUR VISION WILL CRUSH EVERYONE WHO STANDS IN YOUR WAY." The mummy was a valuable cargo, and the captain of the Titanic placed it in a compartment directly behind the captain's bridge. It is known that almost all researchers who dealt with mummies later suffered from a clouding of their mind, raved in reality, fell into prostration, lost their legal capacity, etc. Who knows, maybe it was the priestess's magical gaze that struck Captain Smith: his consciousness became clouded, as a result of which the Titanic ran into an iceberg ...

The souls of the dead take revenge

One of the reasons for the curse of the pharaohs, according to many famous scientists, is the use of radioactive elements that Egyptian priests used to prevent mummies from smoldering, and also as protection so that robbers would not escape retribution. But there is another reason. According to some researchers, it lies in the terrible power of the KA, which protected the mummies and everything that was with them. What is this terrible power of KA? Simplifying to the limit the philosophical doctrine of one's own "I" accepted among the ancient Egyptians, one can say that it was reduced to three essences of a person: HAT - physical essence, BA - spiritual and KA - the unity of HAT and BA.

KA is an astral body protected by a multicolored aura. One of its main purposes is to ensure the unity of the spiritual and physical principles in a person. KA is a powerful force, but as soon as it leaves the dead body, the astral can become blind and uncontrollable. From this moment on, the KA becomes especially dangerous if it is not appeased, propitiated. Hence the rituals of offering food to the dead, prayers for the dead, and this is also the main meaning of the tomb images, detailing the appearance of the deceased. Such images served, as it were, as a new refuge for the KA, preventing him from leaving the crypt, otherwise there would be trouble. For if the KA broke out of the crypt, any person or object could become its victim. Among the Egyptians there were sorcerers who knew how to bypass all obstacles and unleash the monstrous energy of the KA, quite purposefully using it, so to speak, as a hired killer.

The people of Ancient Egypt firmly believed that they could become a victim of the machinations of the KA, who left the body of his master, or the magician who knew how to direct this blind force. If we add to this the high rank of a pharaoh or priest lying in a pyramid and the magical power of a word written, for example, on a tablet in hieroglyphs, it becomes obvious that the curse of the pharaohs begins to act both on people and on matter. At one time, researchers were surprised by the behavior of Oremheb, the highest commander, and later the pharaoh, who treated the tomb of Tutankhamun so respectfully. In fact, there is something to marvel at here.

As you know, Oremheb harbored hatred for the deceased, whose name, on his orders, was erased from the walls of temples, from the plinths of monuments and walls. In addition, he was well aware of what treasures were stored in Tutankhamen's mortal chambers. His power was enormous, and he, no doubt, would not have met with any resistance among the priests if he had wished to plunder the tomb. Everything suggests that Oremheb abandoned the idea of ​​plundering the pyramid, because he knew perfectly well that some kind of power was hidden there, which he was not able to overcome.

It is also known that, before immuring the tomb, the Egyptian priests killed many slaves, moreover, in the most brutal way. And the point here is not that the slaves knew perfectly well all the passages and exits from the tomb. It’s just that their collective KA, full of hatred, torment, suffering, despair, was concentrated in an underground crypt, and woe to those who tried to enter the burial chamber! Unstoppable collective spacecraft - condensed hatred, would have dealt with him! Alas, the chain of deaths does not seem to break even today. Adventurers in Egypt, India, South America, who do not know the laws of the subtle world, still break into tombs, hoping to become owners of countless treasures. They die one after another - and again for no apparent reason. However, the reason is known - they are overtaken by the curse of the pharaohs.

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Secrets of the pyramids: the curse of the pharaohs. Part 1

The beginning of the 20th century was marked by numerous newspaper reports about the mysterious deaths of dozens of people who disturbed the peace of the mummies of the pharaohs. These cases gave rise to talk about the curse of the pharaohs. The ancient Egyptians believed that the body that would live in the other world would not survive if the earthly body was not in a normal state. For this, the bodies of the dead were mummified and placed in a sarcophagus. Of course, this was not available to everyone. The sarcophagus, especially among the pharaohs, was made of precious metals and had the shape of a body. Various items were also left next to the deceased, which a person would certainly need after death: money, food, jewelry, weapons, etc. The sarcophagus, in turn, was placed in a pyramid, the construction of which is a separate mystery. The ancient Egyptians went to great lengths to ensure the maximum peace of the mummy. For this purpose, they arranged false passages, failures, collapsing ceilings, closing rooms, falling stones, etc. In addition, during the burial of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, a spell was also used to protect the mummy from the anxieties of the outside world. As history has shown, this spell, now called the curse of the pharaohs, turned out to be very effective. However, this did not stop the robbers, and they still tried to enter the burial places for the purpose of profit.

Once, in one of the tombs of the valley of the pyramids, a human corpse was found, and not far from it was a tablet on which it was written: "the spirit of the deceased will break the robber's neck." The thief was indeed lying with his neck broken because of a stone that had been set in the tomb as a trap that had fallen on him.

The Englishman Paul Brighton learned that many tourists visiting the stone bowels of the great pyramid of Cheops feel bad, and decided to test the rumors about the reality of the spirits there on his own experience. To do this, he entered the burial room of Cheops, and almost said goodbye to life: after a while he was taken out of there in a semi-conscious state. Later, he admitted that he lost consciousness from inexplicable, inhuman horror.

Egyptian archaeologist Mohammed Zakaria Ghoneim managed to discover an unknown ancient Egyptian pyramid with an alabaster sarcophagus, the secret of which is still preserved. The excavations were coming to an end, and it seemed that the path to the tomb was about to be cleared, when a catastrophe suddenly occurred. One of the stone blocks suddenly collapsed and dragged several workers underground. There was a terrible collapse of sand and stones, which buried people under it. In this case, one person died, the rest managed to be saved. However, rumors increased the number of victims by more than 80 times. It was claimed that the entire pyramid collapsed, burying the expedition under it. An investigation began, and excavations were suspended. Not a single local worker now wanted to even come close to the pyramid. The people were terribly scared. After three years of searching, which were subsequently continued by this archaeologist, it was possible to discover the name of the hitherto unknown pharaoh of the III dynasty of Sekhemkhet. However, there was nothing in his sarcophagus! And the curse of the pharaohs was not long in coming, since shortly after his discovery, Mohammed Zakaria Goneim died tragically: he drowned in the Nile.

In the autumn of 1922, a significant event took place in the history of archeology. English archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings. In February 1923, Carter and Lord Carnarvon, who financed his venture, in the presence of several invited persons, opened the tomb. There was a sarcophagus, as well as many different items, including jewelry. It was a triumph not only for a successful archaeologist, but also for an enterprising lord banker and collector. In the room with the sarcophagus lay a tablet with a short and clear inscription, which read as follows: "Death will quickly overtake the one who disturbs the rest of the pharaoh." At that moment, no one knew the ancient Egyptian language, and therefore no one understood what this hieroglyphic inscription meant. Somewhat later, the archaeologist nevertheless deciphered the inscription, but hid the tablet so that the workers would not take the warning too seriously.
Further events developed like this. Even before the opening of the pyramid, the English clairvoyant Count Haimon sent a letter to Lord Carnarvon. The text warned him of the curse of the pharaohs: "Lord Carnarvon, do not enter the tomb, disobedience leads to death. First you will have a disease from which you will not recover. Death will take you in Egypt." The Lord was alarmed in earnest. Friends advised him to turn to a famous fortuneteller named Velma. The clairvoyant, having examined his hand, said that she "sees the possibility of death associated with the curse of the pharaohs." The Lord was frightened and decided to stop excavations, but it was too late: the preparations had gone too far. The Lord nevertheless challenged the mystical forces... And was defeated by these forces! After only six weeks, Lord Carnarvon suddenly fell ill. At first it was believed that his illness was caused by the bite of mosquitoes. Then it turned out that while shaving he cut himself. Be that as it may, but as a result, the lord, at the age of 57, died suddenly for an unknown reason. If you believe the reports of journalists, then the details of the tragedies caused by the "curse of the pharaohs" look like this: at the time of Carnavon's death, the lights suddenly went out for several days in all of Cairo, and in the English family estate of the lord, his beloved fox terrier howled and collapsed dead. It was said that of those who were present at the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamen, most soon died. In particular, death overtook two pathologists who performed the autopsy of the mummy. After these events were published in the press, the mummies of the pharaohs, as well as their tombs, began to be considered a source of mortal danger. Journalist Helga Lippert wrote: “The death of Carnavon marked the beginning of a whole series of mysterious and unexpected deaths. During the year, five more people die quite suddenly. They all visited the tomb of Tutankhamun. Professor of Literature La Fleur, Conservation Specialist Mace, and Carter's secretary, Richard Befil, gave birth to the not unfounded legend of the “curse of the pharaohs.” Mace, who moved the last stone that blocked the entrance to the main chamber, died in the same hotel as Carnarvon. It was not possible to establish the cause of death: he began to complain of unusual fatigue, frequent bouts of weakness, apathy and melancholy. All this ended in a rapid loss of consciousness and sudden death.

The story of Tutankhamen's tomb did not end with these events. Multimillionaire George Jay-Gold, an old acquaintance of Lord Carnarvon and a great lover of archeology, closely followed all the affairs of the expedition: many of the finds discovered there were in his hands. One day he had a sudden chill. The next day, by the evening, the millionaire died, and the doctors again could not establish a diagnosis. In a matter of years, 22 people died, one way or another related to the Egyptian pyramids and mummies of the pharaohs. At the same time, death was fleeting and sudden. The death overtook archaeologists and doctors, historians and linguists known in those years, who were involved in the study of the tombs. Lady Carnarvon died in 1929. Rumors spread around the world about Tutankhamun's curse. When another member of Batell's expedition died, his father, Lord Wesbury, having learned about it, jumped out of the window of the 7th floor of the hotel. When the corpse of a suicide was being transported to the cemetery, a hearse moving at an extremely low speed knocked down a child who was playing in the street to death.

After numerous observations, it was found that almost all researchers who dealt with mummies subsequently suffered from a clouding of their mind, raved in reality, fell into prostration, and lost their ability to act. There have been attempts to explain what is happening. One of them is as follows. Mold spores have been found in the tombs, causing serious lung diseases. It is known that most of the victims before visiting the tombs suffered from pulmonary ailments, and fungi fatally damaged the weakened body. However, this does not explain all cases of sudden death. In some cases, their character is clearly supernatural.

There is evidence that the Titanic disaster is also connected by an invisible thread with the curse of the pharaohs. Shortly before the fateful collision of the Titanic with an iceberg, the experienced captain of the ship, Edward Smith, behaved somehow strangely. For an inexplicable reason, he did not adhere to the set course, the ship was moving at an increased speed, and after the collision, the signal for help was sent with an unacceptable delay. In addition, it was too late for the passengers and the crew to be rescued. With all this, on the Titanic, Lord Canterville transported the mummy of the Egyptian soothsayer Amenophis IV. He transported the mummy from England to America in a wooden box, placed not in the hold, but, due to the special value of the cargo, near the captain's bridge. This mummy was removed from the tomb, over which stood a small temple. The sacred amulets that accompanied the mummy on this journey guarded her peace. Under her head was an image of Osiris with a threatening inscription: "Wake up from your swoon in which you are, and one glance of your eyes will triumph over any intrigues against you." Magical gems lay in front of the mummy's eyes. It is not difficult to guess what danger the crew of the Titanic was exposed to, although, most likely, the mummy was not the determining cause of this tragedy ...

The tragic events associated with the curse of the pharaohs do not stop in our time. Thus, in December 1993, the Associated Press reported that the grave of Pharaoh Peteti and his wife had been opened in Giza. Her age is 4600 years. The researchers opened the inscription: "The great goddess Hathor will punish twice anyone who dares to desecrate this grave." Excavation leader Zaki Hawass suddenly suffered a heart attack that almost cost him his life. The earthquake destroyed the house of his fellow archaeologist. The photographer was injured, and the train in which the recovered relics were transported derailed.

Not so long ago, a group of physicists Luis Alvarez from the University of Los Angeles tried to study the Great Pyramid using cosmic rays. However, the pictures were inadequate. Dr. Arm Gohed said: "Either the geometry of the pyramid introduces significant interference, or some force violates the laws of science when working inside the pyramid." There is an opinion that in the tomb of the pharaohs there are spells - psycho-energy clots sent by priests by an effort of will into teraph objects. Teraphim are able to keep spells for many millennia.

The famous Carlos Castaneda, who was taught by two Mexican yogis Don Juan Matus and Don Genaro Flores, writes in his book "The Gift of the Eagle": “...We can withstand one trip to the pyramids. On the second visit, we will feel an incomprehensible sadness, like a cold breeze that makes us lethargic and tired. Such fatigue will very soon turn into bad luck. After a while, we will become carriers of misfortune. All sorts of troubles will haunt us (which happened in the 20th century). Our failures are caused by willful visits to these pyramid ruins. "Don Juan Matus told Castaneda that all historical ruins in Mexico, especially the pyramids, are harmful to the uninitiated modern man. He described the pyramids as creatures that are foreign to the expression of our thoughts and actions. Every detail, every pattern in the pyramids was a calculated effort to express those aspects of attention that are now alien and incomprehensible to us.

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A team of archaeologists have discovered an ancient pyramid in the heart of Egypt. Oh, you shouldn't have touched it... During the excavations, careless seekers of antiquities released the spirit of the dark priest Zuk Hondo, which brought a curse on the human world.
Now you have to get out of deadly traps, deceive the guard Anubis, find the gates to another world and the Book of the Dead in order to save humanity.
Will you become the next unfortunate ones who died on the altar of otherworldly forces, or will you be able to get out of the tenacious paws of fear and deal with evil?


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  • 12 days ago

    The surroundings and furnishings are well done, the puzzles are not very difficult, I would put two keys. But the whole impression was spoiled by a non-working artifact at the end. In fact, we did not go through the last room, but simply followed the instructions of the operator, because an important element was broken. Perhaps it really happened one game before us, and the staff simply did not have time to think over the actions, but we should not be held responsible for this. We were not warned in advance, we paid the full price, although the final was blurred. The children were upset. Initially, the cost is somewhat overpriced, this is an ordinary escape, but the price is higher (but we have a market economy, I don’t know if this can be attributed to disadvantages).

    Quest comment: Lily, good afternoon! Thanks for your feedback. We apologize for the technical issues. The element was actually damaged during the game before you and there was no real opportunity to fix it right away, so the employees decided not to spoil your leisure time and not cancel the game immediately before the session, but to try to beat the situation. We are very sorry that according to your feedback, this was not possible. Our employee will contact you to discuss compensation. Best regards, Trikvestr

    Lilia Vasilyeva(amateur) Quest Master
  • about a month ago

    Passed the quest with children 11-14 years old. Everyone was very pleased. Despite the fact that at the very end they “lay down”. And it turned out that we kind of did not pass the quest. So be careful and careful when choosing. Everyone was delighted. Decorations are great! Like all quests in this place. Visited 3 out of 5 of their quests. They are all excellent. We are going to visit the rest, which I advise you. The hosts were very pleasant. Special thanks to them for the inspiration!

    Lena Matveeva(newbie)
  • about 2 months ago

    We were 6 adults, most were for the first time, for the first time everything went very well, but! without prompts, it seems to me that it is unrealistic to pass it, although there may be such super-smart people who can easily do all the puzzles) the scenery is cool, at some point it becomes even scary) there is one unsafe moment, at the first stage, a friend scratched his hand a little, better to warn in advance, or right at the moment when the movement of elements begins, what needs to be done so as not to be damaged. But in general, we are satisfied, I want to go to the next quests from this company)

    Daria Peregudova(newbie)
  • 2 months ago

    There were children aged 12-13 and a teacher. Came out absolutely thrilled!!! We plan to visit other quests.

    Olga Mitina(amateur)
  • 3 month ago

    Our search group consisted of 4 children of 12 years old and 2 adult adults. We did not solve all the riddles.)) But we really liked it. everyone joined the game with great interest. The children asked for more, more and more ... We will definitely come to other quests!.

    Anastasia Eliseeva(newbie)
  • 3 month ago

    Quest "The Curse of the Pyramid" was held with six friends. Among us were gurus, amateurs and even those who completed the quest for the first time in their lives :) Stunning scenery plunged us into the times of ancient Egypt. I liked that during the whole quest there was background music, which perfectly complemented the atmosphere. The quest is not linear, because of which we had to suffer a little over some riddles, but it’s much more interesting this way :)) In general, I liked everything very much! Recommended! ;)

    Oksana Podlivaeva(amateur)
  • 3 month ago

    This was the first quest I attended. I am completely delighted, it turned out to be insanely interesting, very beautiful scenery! The riddles were quite difficult, you can hardly do it completely without hints)) but the quest was completed, so everything is super!

    Diana Schukina(newbie)
  • 5 months ago

    The atmosphere is right. The leaders are good. But the complexity does not exactly correspond to three keys (well, two maximum!). This applies to both the number of riddles and their content. Suitable for beginners with a team of about three people. It seems to me that the price for this quest is unreasonably high.

    Natalya Serenko(guru) Quest Master
  • 5 months ago

    I have never attended quests before, and for those who have never been to them either, I advise you to choose this quest. Very beautiful scenery. The first thing I noticed was the beautiful statues. The atmosphere was amazing. They also instructed us, told the rules, everything was clear, also if we were afraid that something would break us or they warned that it could be touched or even use force, or vice versa, it’s better not to touch it. Everything was great!!! I will return there again, but for another quest! P.S. I got a 10% discount for my birthday

    Ksenia Kolemaskina(newbie)
  • 6 months ago

    It was the best quest we have been on. All puzzles are more logical, if you are careful, they are solved easily. We were with children, 6 and 10 years old. They had a place to climb and search. Everyone was not only satisfied, but delighted. I recommend this quest and this company to everyone. They have 2 more quests just gorgeous. And we have experience, it is not unfounded.

    Olga Polyanina(amateur)
  • 6 months ago

    Everything was top notch! Keep it up!

    Sergei Arefiev(newbie)
  • 8 months ago

    (Session on June 22 at 13:00. Two people, 14 years old. Passed in 43 minutes with 2 tips. Experience in quests: one (that's me) went through 19 quests before, and the second 6 quests.) Lisa comes running to me. All out of breath, she can't catch her breath. I ask her: “What is it?”, And she told me: “Ksenia, let's celebrate your anniversary!”. I don't understand what she's talking about. What anniversary? My birthday isn't coming soon... I ask in confusion, "Liz, what are you talking about?" - “So soon your 20th anniversary quest will come! Let's go there together!" Well, if that's the case, then why not. I agreed with her, but we decided to celebrate with her a little in a non-standard way ... My good friend suggested that I go to ... No, not to a cafe, not to a store, and not even to a park, but ... To a pyramid. We have already somehow visited the pyramid with her, but in another, we got out with grief in half. But then there were 7 of us, and now there are only 2 ... Yes, and the pyramid is different, completely unfamiliar, and there are terrible rumors about it ... We arrived, then, in Triquestr. We stand on the threshold of the pyramid, and something becomes scary to me. Some kind of aura... Impure emanates from it. I say: “Lisa, can we retreat? You never know what might be waiting for us there. ”, but my friend is stubborn like a sheep. If she decided, then that's it... We went into the pyramid and-and-and-and... We didn't come out and died a painful death there. End :) Okay, just kidding. How will I write a review for Quest World if I don't leave the pyramid? But seriously, we will like the quest, even though it has some minor drawbacks. But first things first. BEGINNING: The Welcome Zone is quite cool. At least, it is not in the basement, but in the shopping center, but as we were told: “The wiring in this shopping center is bad. That is, if it's hot outside, it's hot here. If it's cold outside, it's cold here." So in the summer it is stuffy here, but the benefit is a cooler with water and glasses. Yes, there is no tea and cookies here, but you came to the quest, and not to the restaurant, but if you suddenly want to have a bite, then there is a very good pastry shop with homemade cakes and a cafe nearby, in which, if you say that you came from " Trikvestr "- you will be given a 10% discount! For me, this is a great substitute for tea and cookies. Check with your administrator about this. ;) The room itself is made in a very interesting style. Dark walls, blue lighting. Magic is in the air already in the Welcom Zone, Lord. We were told the safety rules and the legend, and then the heat went on! ENTOURAGE: We have already been on one Egyptian quest, which is much more popular than this one, but... I still don't understand why. This quest, in my opinion, is the best Egyptian-themed quest in Moscow. Honestly! Although a lot of things can be fantasized on this topic, in terms of riddles, but the plot is too limited to Pharaohs, mummies and all those other things that we automatically associate with Egypt, but there are only 3 really good quests based on this topic. And this one is the best of them, although not the most popular and even though it has a rating of only 9.6. So... In terms of entourage, everything here is gorgeous. That is, the quest from the inside looks like a pyramid, as we always imagine it, but rather adventure films inspired us with such an image of the tomb. But sometimes such a reverent approach to detail is a little distracting. We sometimes took the symbols on the walls as something necessary, but it turned out that they were just drawings on the walls that would not help us in any way. I mean, they're just there and that's it. It's not part of the puzzle, it's not a clue, but it was just distracting sometimes. I did not notice any wires or foreign objects standing out from the background. (I don't take cameras and ventilation into account.) Although even the backlighting here is done masterfully. She adds a piece of atmosphere from herself. These lamps... They fit into the general surroundings so much that I really don't know what to say! By the way, I want to note that here I did not find worn paint, which can be found on almost every quest in which paint is applied over the scenery! Well, not a single clot! Not a single worn surface! Guys, I'm clapping on my hands because it's really impressive. The only thing that upset me was a hole for ventilation in the second room (Well, it would just be worth making it on the ceiling from the edge, against the wall, so that it would not attract so much attention to itself.) And holes in the ceiling above the transition to the second room. There are holes right there, behind which the grid is visible, and behind which, in turn, you can see everything else. (There is actually another complaint about one big machine in your location, because, again, if you look up, everything will be perfectly visible, but there's nothing to be done about it, so let's go.) In general, with the ambience here is great. Move on. RIDDLES: The riddles here, by the way, are not as difficult as I imagined for 3 keys out of 4, but, unfortunately, the assessment form for the "World of Quests" is strange, so here the riddles will be more difficult than for 2 keys from 4. In general, something between 2 and 3 keys, because it is worth sorting out everything and then it will go like butter. The most difficult thing is to understand the essence of the riddle that is required of you. But, I want to note that sometimes we were stupid. Once we were very dull in the first room on the most obvious puzzle and the second time we simply did not notice that the door had opened. And the third time: we did not notice one object. Well, because it's hard to play together. :) There are not very many riddles. 1-3 riddles per room, if I'm not mistaken. Everything. Yes, and they were not particularly difficult, but what exactly the organizers can boast of is their diversity. There are riddles for intelligence, attentiveness, intelligibility and even accuracy! Accuracy, Carl! The organizers surprised us with such a riddle. I've never seen anything like this on a quest! The riddles themselves fit well into the plot thanks to the Egyptian theme, just the same. That is, what kind of tomb without riddles? That's right: none. But there is one drawback - these are some elements of puzzles made of plastic, which did not even imitate stone. What kind of plastic is in Egypt? And especially in ancient times. And especially in the pyramid. And especially in the tomb. At first I wanted to attribute it to the surroundings, and then to the mechanisms, but I will attribute it to riddles, because you don’t immediately pay attention to this. As for example, the scenery can be seen like this, but the mechanisms are already a little different, but not the essence, as it seems to me. The quest is mostly linear, that is, the riddles here go one after another, but there are also elements of non-linearity at the beginning and, if I'm not mistaken, only at the beginning. But you will have to walk around the rooms back and forth, because you may leave something there, and something may be useful to you later. In general, the riddles here are simple and interesting. Let's go further. MECHANISMS: Quest has already made me happy with its non-standard "doors". Here everything is put forward, opens or even drives off! At first, it just made me happy, because it’s usually difficult to make such technological quests, but here in the middle (or even rather at the end) the quest just amazed me! I HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS MECHANISM! When I saw how it all ... Damn, how I don’t want to spoil it ... But at one moment my eyes became the size of soccer balls from what was happening in front of us. For this, I also slap the organizers, but this mechanism is a bit unsafe. (I almost... Well... The administration, I hope, understood what moment I was talking about.) But it's not scary. I'm just warning you, when a mechanism is running, it's best not to move. Just stand and wait. (I advise you to mention this before the quest, because you never know.) This is not a spoiler, because you will guess what I'm talking about now only by visiting the quest! Plot: This is the main feature of the Triquestr company. They immerse you in history. You become the main character and interact with the characters, although there are no actors here. This is very rarely used in quests, because it is quite difficult to implement this, but the organizers, as we have already understood, have a rather rich imagination. And the end is generally not based on riddles, but on interaction with the characters. What he says I will not, because read the description of the quest. :D By the way, the story has two endings! Whole two! And it all depends on your choice. (By the way, I advise you to write this on the site in the "features" section. More people will be interested;)) Because the idea is really cool, and we were even given a chance to watch both of these endings. One of them even has a plot twist. Ma-scarlet so obvious, but povortik. :) I hope I've intrigued you enough. MUSIC: The music plays at what I thought was the perfect volume. From there, it does not prevent you from communicating with your comrades, but puts you in tension. Especially at the beginning, then you somehow get used to it, but still you will not play in absolute silence. But in the last location, I could not hear her well. Most likely due to the fact that I was very scared, and simply did not pay attention to the music, but the silence would certainly have distracted me. DYNAMIC: I am not an athletic person. And usually all sorts of stairs and difficult transitions make me worry, but not here. Here the quest cannot boast of special transitions. Ordinary manholes, but the dynamism is based on the fact that you have to climb back and forth several times, as I wrote earlier. SPACE: The quest is quite cramped. Well, the two of us, of course, felt comfortable, but with five of us it would be problematic in some places. I think the ideal number of players here is 3-4. But it can be an option for a birthday, because everyone will have impressions. SAFETY: As I said, one mechanism here is a little dangerous, and about it 100% it is necessary to warn the players in advance, while not spoiling the plot. That is, if the mechanism works, do not move. Stop and wait until everything stops! All other elements of the quest are not dangerous. Just tilt your head down when you need it, and here you can’t even look at the floor of your leg, because the quest is PRACTICALLY not dark. You won’t stumble here, don’t hit, and the game doesn’t represent anything so extreme, but I warn you again about that mechanism! SCAREERS (just for creepy cowards like me): The quest can get scary towards the end. I will not spoil, but I put aside 5 bricks there for sure. Not recommended for people with claustrophobia at all! Creepy music, as I said, keeps you in suspense, and besides music, there is something else. To be honest, I was very tense, and my brave friend was scared. ADMINISTRATION: Thanks to the girl who met us at the entrance and exit of the quest and showed us the second ending. It was very nice to talk with you. Thanks to our operator, who for some reason did not say goodbye after the game, but I wanted to thank you. :´(Everyone here is smiling and cheerful, even if at least 10, at least 20 teams played in front of you. Thank you again. RESULT: The quest is wonderful. The company really surprises with its unusual approaches to games. You know how to write the plot, I won’t argue... Yes, and I don’t want to. There were a lot of positive emotions left and only one negative one at the end smeared everything. for the game. I will definitely return to you for the third time. (AFTER THE QUEST.): Lisa: "You know, Xen, you and I, of course, are heroes. And we saved the world from the sorceress and escaped from the tomb ... You know, they say, there is more there is a giant nearby, and I just thought ... "Ksenya:" LIZA, STOP "THINKING!!!"

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