Life on loan, how clumsy a person becomes. "new literature"

“You look so happy! Are you in Love?

Yes. In a dress."

“Reason is given to man in order to understand: it is impossible to live by reason alone. People live by feelings, and for feelings it doesn’t matter who is right.”

"Breathe deeply, admire the mountains, thank God for your salvation and think that people much better than you had to die."

"Some people leave too late and some people leave too early, you have to leave on time..."

"The person who is to long life, does not pay any attention to the time; he thinks he has an eternity ahead of him. And when he then sums up the results and calculates how long he really lived, it turns out that he only had a few days or best case few weeks."

"You think I'm throwing away my money, and I think you're throwing your life away."

“Really, in order to understand something, a person needs to go through a catastrophe, pain, poverty, the proximity of death ?!

"The fireworks went out, why rummage through the ashes?"

“I feel like I am among people who are going to live forever. At least that's how they behave. They are so occupied with money that they have forgotten about life.

“Whoever wants to keep, he loses. Whoever is ready to let go with a smile - they try to keep him.

“She knew that the hat that suits you serves as a greater moral support than a whole set of laws. She knew that in the thinnest evening dress, if it fits well, you can’t catch a cold, but it’s easy to catch a cold in the dress that irritates you, or in the one whose double you see on another woman at the same evening ... But she I also knew that in moments of difficult emotional experiences dresses can be either good friends, or sworn enemies; without their help, a woman feels completely lost, but when they help her, as other people help, it is much easier for a woman at a difficult moment.

“Apparently life loves paradoxes: when it seems to you that everything is in absolute order, you often look ridiculous and stand on the edge of the abyss, but when you know that everything is gone, life literally gives you a gift. You don't even have to lift a finger, luck itself runs after you like a poodle (Lilian)"

“After all, a woman can leave her lover, but she will never leave her dress (Clerfe)”

“Who knows, maybe life was given to us as a punishment for those crimes that we committed somewhere in another world? Perhaps our life is hell and the churchmen are mistaken, promising us hellish torments after death.

“You come, you watch a play in which at first you don’t understand a word, and then, when you start to understand something, it’s time for you to leave.”

“If a person has not waited for anyone for a long time, waiting makes him ten years younger. Or even twenty."

"Exceed the speed given to people does not mean to become God.

"I want to own everything, which means owning nothing."

“After all, a woman can leave her lover, but she will never leave her dress”

"Compassion is a bad companion, but even worse when it becomes the goal of a journey."

“You don't always do the right thing, my son. Even if you yourself are aware. But that's the beauty of life sometimes. »

"In a country where money is given affectionate names there will never be fascism."

"Chess is a world in itself, knowing neither fuss nor ... death."

“People are always funny,” Clerfe objected. “And if you realize this, life seems much easier.”

“No one can escape fate. And no one knows when she will overtake you. What's the point of bargaining with time? And what exactly is long life? Long past. Our future each time only lasts until the next breath. Nobody knows what will happen next. Each of us lives for a minute. Everything that awaits us after this moment is only hope and illusion.

"Most simple feelings- this is the most strong feelings. And one of them is jealousy.

"Past mistakes cannot be corrected by any means, least of all by logic."

"Every man, if he does not lie to a woman, is talking nonsense."

“We are all getting old. You just need to be able to arrange your life before it's too late.

"Life is like a sailboat with too many sails to capsize at any moment."

“Strange,” she thought, “how one-sided a person is; he only admits own experience and only the danger that threatens him personally.

“Courage is not the same as the absence of fear; the first includes the consciousness of danger, the second is the result of ignorance.

“This was the tragedy of the athlete: if you don’t die in time, you are destined to pull the usual strap.”

"It all depends on where you look from - these are simple lessons gives us life sometimes

“Do you think that marriage binds a woman more than clothes, and that she will return sooner?”

“In a moment of mortal anguish, it’s good to have next to you loved one. I don't know if he's right; I think that at such moments people are so hopelessly alone that they will not even notice if a whole crowd of close people gather around their bed.

"You should always leave a little free space; you don’t need to completely complete the drawing, otherwise there will be no room for imagination.”

"A person always becomes a prisoner of his own dream, not someone else's."

“The opposite of love is death. The bitter charms of love help us on a short time forget about her. Therefore, anyone who is at least a little familiar with death is also familiar with love.

“How clumsy a person becomes when he truly loves! How quickly self-confidence flies from him! And how lonely he seems to himself; all his vaunted experience suddenly vanishes like smoke and he feels so insecure. »

“After all, these are just words. You juggle them when you don't have the strength to go on; then you forget them again. They are like bursts of a fountain: you listen to them for a while, and then you begin to hear something that cannot be expressed in words.

“A dress is more than a fancy dress. In new clothes, a person becomes different, although this is not immediately noticeable. He who really knows how to wear dresses perceives something from them; oddly enough, dresses and people influence each other, and this has nothing to do with rough dressing up at a masquerade. You can adapt to clothes and at the same time not lose your individuality. Those who understand this are not killed by dresses, like most women who buy their own outfits. On the contrary, such a person is loved and protected by dresses. They help him more than any confessor, than unfaithful friends, and even a lover.”

"Sitting in the sun is almost like talking about love."

“All people on earth, from the dictator to the last beggar, behave as if they will live forever. If we constantly lived with the consciousness of the inevitability of death, we would be more humane and merciful.”

Remarque began to write after he won the First world war. "On the western front without change "- the novel with which Remarque made his debut, gave the impression of an exploding bomb. The story of the "lost generation" was translated into 25 languages ​​of the world, filmed and received all possible prizes from the Academy of Cinematography.

"Life on loan" came out in 1959, later the title was changed to "The sky knows no favorites." In the novel, the writer explores the eternal theme of life and death. Under the gun is the paradoxical observation that for all the transience of life, it is eternal, and death, for all its inevitability, is instantaneous. In Russia, the novel under the first title was published in the magazine " Foreign literature". Based on the 1977 film "Bobby Deerfield", the racer was played by Al Pacino (directed by Sidney Pollack).

Waiting for the inevitable

So, a novel about life and death. Main characters: Lillian and Clerfe. They are united by directly opposite desires: Lilian is ill with tuberculosis, so she madly wants to live, and Clerfe recklessly risks his life, testing it for strength and, apparently, wants to die.

The philosophy of the "lost generation" touched the minds of the main characters of the novel. The meaninglessness of a burning life worries them both.

Here are a few quotes from E. M. Remarque's book "Life on loan":

All of them strive either for adventure, or for business, or to fill the void in themselves with the noise of jazz.

Entertainment and adventure hunting haunt a whole generation of people, because, as the past wars have shown, there are no guarantees in the offensive. tomorrow. The only opportunity to feel alive is to throw yourself into the abyss of life with all your might.

They say that in our time you can deal with money in two ways. One is to save money and then lose it during inflation, the other is to spend it.

At the same time, meeting with Lillian makes Clerfe take a different look at life: from the point of view of a girl for whom every day she lives is a gift of fate.

Another quote from the book "Life on loan":

She is chasing life, only life, she is madly hunting for it, as if life is a white deer or a fabulous unicorn. She is so devoted to the pursuit that her excitement infects others. She knows neither hold nor look back. With her you feel like an old and shabby, then a perfect child.

And then from the depths forgotten years suddenly someone's faces come up, old dreams and shadows of old dreams are resurrected, and then suddenly, like a flash of lightning in the twilight, a long-forgotten feeling of the uniqueness of life appears.

Rally through life

What can in the midst of boredom and routine revive almost dead soul? Only life itself. As soon as a person faces the threat of losing it, he clings with all his might to this ephemeral substance, although he is well aware that this is a temporary state. But why do you want to continue? Really - omnipotent love makes a person live ...

Quotes from "Life on loan" on the subject:

She knows that she must die, and got used to this thought, as people get used to morphine, this thought transforms the whole world for her, she knows no fear, neither vulgarity nor blasphemy frightens her.

Why the hell do I feel something like horror, instead of without thinking, rushing into the whirlpool?

Main character Romana does not immediately trust the flared feeling, because he risks his life too often, it has no value for him. Too intrusive, short and unpredictable, according to Clerfe.

You come, you watch a play in which at first you don’t understand a word, and then, when you start to understand something, it’s time for you to leave.

He is annoyed by any manifestations of insincerity, any falsehood, hypocrisy. The symbol of such an indifferent manifestation of care for him is the attending staff of the sanatorium for tuberculosis patients, where Lilian is being treated.

E. M. Remarque, "Life on loan", quotes:

And why do these health guards treat people who are in the hospital with such patient superiority, like those babies or cretins?

But unexpectedly for himself, he concludes that it is the inevitability of death that makes it possible for a person to experience life:

I realized that everything in which we consider ourselves superior to animals is our happiness, more personal and more multifaceted, our more deep knowledge and a more cruel soul, our capacity for compassion and even our idea of ​​God - all this was bought at one price: we knew what, according to the understanding of people, is inaccessible to animals - we knew the inevitability of death.

On the scales

In the novel "Life on loan" there is no place for politics: the war is over, people have returned to peaceful life and try different ways fix her. In addition to the main characters of the novel, who go against the flow of life. Why? What makes Lillian quickly rush into the whirlpool of life at the first opportunity, leave the shelter, where there may be a chance for recovery.

Thoughts of the heroine in quotes:

What do I know about life? Destruction, flight from Belgium, tears, fear, death of parents, hunger, and then illness due to hunger and flight. Before that, I was a child.

I almost don't remember what cities look like at night. What do I know about the sea of ​​lights, about the avenues and streets sparkling at night? All I know is darkened windows and a hail of bombs falling from the darkness. I know only the occupation, the search for shelter and the cold. Happiness? How narrowed this boundless word that once shone in my dreams. Happiness began to seem like an unheated room, a piece of bread, a shelter, any place that was not shelled.

The death of a friend pushes Lillian to a reckless act: to leave the sanatorium. This rebellion is actually an escape from death, an escape for a dream. Especially she did not hesitate, because the price of life can be known only by living it.

"Life on loan", quotes from the book:

Really, in order to understand something, a person needs to survive a catastrophe, pain, poverty, the proximity of death?!

Clerfe resists, he is used to taking risks, and the meeting with Lillian at first seems to him an adventure with a provincial. Unlike Lillian, he had something to lose, he had a desire to take risks and did not have much desire to live. He resisted until he realized that love cannot be overcome. Love is like death - also inevitable and unavoidable. And he rushes after his beloved.

There is no turning back in love. You can never start over: what happens remains in the blood... Love, like time, is irreversible. And neither sacrifices, nor readiness for everything, nor good will - nothing can help, such is the gloomy and ruthless law of love.

And no plans for the future

To seek solace in everything, to find even where there is none - obsessed with this thought, Lillian flees from death.

I don't have a future. Not having a future is almost the same as not obeying earthly laws.

She is looking for symbols in her surroundings that confirm her innocence. Even St. Gotthard railway tunnel, through which the heroes pass on their way to Paris, seems to Lillian to be the biblical river Styx, which cannot be entered twice. The gloom and darkness of the tunnel is a bleak past, at the end of the tunnel - bright light life...

In inconsolable situations, people always seek solace wherever they can. And they find.

You don't have to face life, you just need to feel it.

Now, like light and shadow, they were inseparable from each other.

Lillian suddenly realized how they are similar to each other. They were both people without a future. Clerfe's future extended to the next race, and hers to the next bleeding.

For Clerfe, finding love meant a new attitude towards life.

He confesses to himself:

I realized that there is no such place that would be so good that it is worth throwing your life for it. And there are almost no such people for whose sake it would be worth doing.

He decides to marry Lillian, proposes to her. He sees charm in what was previously inaccessible and contrary to the worldview of the protagonist.

"Life on loan", quotes:

How beautiful are these women who do not allow us to become demigods, turning us into fathers of families, into respectable burghers, into breadwinners; women who catch us in their nets, promising to turn us into gods. Aren't they wonderful?

In fact, it was a verdict on their relationship. Lillian could not make plans for the future, she knew too well about her illness. She decides to part with her lover, because they can't have any future...

The truth is reversed

Overwhelmed by love, the main characters of the novel forgot that everything in this world is finite and death is already waiting around the corner. But she does not die, waiting for death, but he dies during the races - he decided to live for love.

I want to own everything, which means owning nothing.

After all, it makes no sense to bargain with time. And time is life.

Everything in the world contains its opposite, nothing can exist without it, like light without a shadow, like truth without a lie, like an illusion without reality - all these concepts are not only connected with each other, but also inseparable from each other.

Lillian did not survive her hero for long, she died a month and a half later, returning to the sanatorium. Before dying, she suggests that a person lives only a few days in his life when he is really happy.

Well, Liliane was truly happy with Clerfe. Despite the tragic ending of the novel and the death of both characters, the story is permeated with optimism and faith in the power of love and the inevitable victory of life over death.

The opposite of love is death. The bitter spell of love helps us forget about it for a short time. Therefore, anyone who is at least a little familiar with death is also familiar with love.

After all, the value of life is determined not by its length, but by the attitude of a person towards it - Her Majesty - Life.

  • - Do you think that marriage binds a woman more than clothes, and that she will return sooner? - I want to marry not so that you return, but so that you are always with me.
  • There will always be people worse off than you.
  • Reason is given to man so that he understands that it is impossible to live by reason alone.
  • In fact, a person is truly happy only when he pays the least attention to time and when he is not driven by fear. And yet, even if you are driven by fear, you can laugh. What else is left to do?
  • I feel like I'm among people who are going to live forever. At least that's how they behave. They are so preoccupied with money that they have forgotten about life.
  • - You are happy? - What is happiness? - You're right. Who knows what it is? Maybe keep over the precipice.
  • Courage is not the same as the absence of fear; the first includes the consciousness of danger, the second is the result of ignorance.
  • “I'm happy now,” he said. “And I don’t care whether we know what happiness is or not.
  • "If you want to live somewhere, then you want to die there."
  • - You look so happy! Are you in Love? - Yes. In a dress.
  • Who wants to keep - he loses. Who is ready to let go with a smile - they try to keep him.
  • Really, in order to understand something, a person needs to go through a catastrophe, pain, poverty, the proximity of death?
  • In general, I want to live without reasoning, without listening to advice, without any warnings. Live as you live.
  • "Freedom is not irresponsibility and not life without a goal. It is easier to understand what it does not happen than what it is."
  • Every man, if he does not lie to a woman, is talking nonsense.
  • Life is like a sailboat with too many sails to capsize at any moment.
  • When you see what wonderful buildings people built in the old days, you involuntarily think that they were happier than us.
  • Everything in the world contains its opposite; nothing can exist without an opposite, like light without a shadow, like truth without a lie, like an illusion without reality - all these concepts are not only connected with each other, but also inseparable from each other ...
  • - Some people leave too late, and some - too early, - he said, - you must leave on time ... Thus said Zarathustra.
  • I don't leave, it's just that sometimes I'm gone
  • There is nothing to forgive in love.
  • People have lost respect for death. And this happened because of two world wars.
  • ... How clumsy a person becomes when he truly loves! How quickly self-confidence flies from him! And how lonely he seems to himself; all his vaunted experience suddenly vanishes like smoke and he feels so insecure.

translation from German
quote selection - Maxim Malinovsky

She knew what he would tell her. She also knew that he would be right; but what good is it, even if you know that the other is right? Reason is given to man so that he understands that it is impossible to live by reason alone.

People live by feelings, and feelings do not care who is right.

And why do these health guards treat people who are in the hospital with such patient superiority, like those babies or cretins?

They avenge their profession, - Lillian answered with hatred. - If the waiters and nurses take away this right, they will die from an inferiority complex.

No one can escape fate,” he said impatiently.

And no one knows when she will overtake you. What's the point of bargaining with time? And what exactly is long life? Long past. Our future each time only lasts until the next breath. Nobody knows what will happen next. Each of us lives for a minute. Everything that awaits us after this moment is only hopes and illusions.

I believe in the forbidden. This is also therapy, - said Clerfe. - Don't you believe?

I don't believe in others...

Believe me, - said Richter, - chess gives our thoughts a completely different direction. They are so far from everything human... from doubt and longing... it's such an abstract game that it calms. Chess is a world in itself, knowing neither fuss nor... death. They are helping. We don't want more, do we?

Then I wanted to leave without saying goodbye and write to you from there, but I couldn’t even do that. Don't torture me, Boris...

Don't torture me, he thought. - They always say that, these women are the personification of helplessness and selfishness, never thinking about the fact that they are torturing another. But if they even think about it, it becomes even more difficult, because their feelings are somewhat reminiscent of the compassion of a soldier who escaped the explosion, whose comrades are writhing in agony on the ground - compassion, silently screaming: thank God, they didn’t hit me, I didn’t hit...

Fool, he thought. - I do everything to push her away! Why don't I say with a smile that she's right? Why don't I use the old trick? Who wants to keep - he loses. Who is ready to let go with a smile - they try to keep him. Have I forgotten it?

Life was something great for Lillian, and death was something great - they are not to be trifled with. Courage is not the same as the absence of fear; the first includes the consciousness of danger, the second is the result of ignorance.

To exceed the speed given to people does not mean to become a god. They say that only human brain capable of inventing means by which man transcends his own speed. It is not true. Doesn't a louse, having climbed into the plumage of an eagle, surpass itself in speed?

She descended from the stands, row by row. It was followed by many eyes, like many tiny mirrors. What is reflected in them? she thought. - It's always the same. Emptiness and those desires that these people experience. Then she suddenly stopped, as if overcoming a gust of wind. For a second it seemed to her that everything around her disappeared, like a colorfully painted, decorated with gold leaf theatrical scenery. Lillian saw bare grates - the skeleton of these decorations. For a moment, she seemed to sober up. But the grate continued to stand, and she realized that any decorations could be hung on them again. Probably no one knows this, she thought. - After all, each person lives with a single scenery; he firmly believes that only she exists in the world, not knowing that the scenery has no number. But he lives against the background of his scenery until it becomes old and shabby, and then this tattered gray rag covers him like a gray shroud, and then the person again deceives himself, saying that a wise old age has come and that he has lost illusions. . In fact, he just did not understand anything.

Lillian heard cars sizzle past the stands like torpedoes. A warm wave washed over her.

Wisdom is always young, she thought. - There are many scenery in the world, the game never stops, and one who has seen naked grates in all their terrible nakedness and has not recoiled in fright can imagine an infinite number of scenes with a variety of scenery. Tristan and Isolde never died. Neither Romeo and Juliet, nor Hamlet, nor Faust, nor the first butterfly, nor the last requiem died.

She realized that nothing dies, everything just undergoes a series of transformations. It seemed to Lillian that people should read her new thoughts; for her, the world suddenly became like a hall with golden statues coming to life, which threw far to the constellations the word end, and this word, gloomy and miserable, circles, forgotten by everyone.

As long as you remember the relentless fall, nothing is lost. Apparently, life loves paradoxes; when it seems to you that everything is in perfect order, you often look ridiculous and stand on the edge of the abyss, but when you know that everything is gone, life literally gives you a gift. You may not even lift a finger, luck itself runs after you like a poodle.

How clumsy a person becomes when he truly loves! How quickly self-confidence flies from him! And how lonely he seems to himself; all his vaunted experience suddenly vanishes like smoke and he feels so insecure.

After all, these are just words. You juggle them when you don't have the strength to go on; then you forget them again. They are like bursts of a fountain: you listen to them for a while, and then you begin to hear something that cannot be expressed in words.

A dress is more than a fancy dress. In new clothes, a person becomes different, although this is not immediately noticeable. He who really knows how to wear dresses perceives something from them; oddly enough, dresses and people influence each other, and this has nothing to do with rough dressing up at a masquerade. You can adapt to clothes and at the same time not lose your individuality. Those who understand this are not killed by dresses, like most women who buy their own outfits. On the contrary, such a person is loved and protected by dresses. They help him more than any confessor, than unfaithful friends, and even than a lover.

Lillian knew all this. She knew that the hat that suits you is more moral support than a whole set of laws. She knew that in the thinnest evening dress, if it fits well, one cannot catch a cold, but it is easy to catch a cold in the dress that irritates you, or in the one whose double you see on another woman at the same evening; such things seemed to Lillian irrefutable, like chemical formulas. But she also knew that in moments of difficult emotional experiences, dresses can become either good friends or sworn enemies; without their help, a woman feels completely lost, but when they help her, as friendly hands help, a woman is much easier at a difficult moment. In all this there is not a grain of vulgarity, just do not forget what great importance have little things in life.

Lillian suddenly imagined everything that would happen between her and Clerfe; she thought she saw a long corridor. The corridor is getting narrower and narrower, and there is no way out in it. She cannot walk on it. And there is no turning back in love. You can never start over: what happens remains in the blood. Clerfe will no longer be the same with her as before. So he can be with any other woman, but not with her. Love, like time, is irreversible. And neither sacrifices, nor readiness for everything, nor good will - nothing can help; such is the dark and pitiless law of love.

The place where you live has nothing to do with life itself,” he said slowly. - I realized that there is no place that would be so good that it is worth throwing your life for it. And there are almost no such people for whose sake it would be worth doing. up to the very simple truths you get there sometimes in a roundabout way.

But when they tell you about it, it still doesn't help. Truth?

Yes, it doesn't help. You have to experience it yourself. And then all the time it will seem that you missed the most important thing.

How beautiful are these women who do not allow us to become demigods, turning us into fathers of families, into respectable burghers, into breadwinners; women who trap us in their nets, promising to turn us into gods...

There is no turning back in love. You can never start over: what happens remains in the blood... Love, like time, is irreversible. And neither sacrifices, nor readiness for everything, nor good will - nothing can help, such is the gloomy and ruthless law of love.

Who wants to keep - he loses. Who is ready to let go with a smile - they try to keep him.

Who knows, maybe life was given to us as a punishment for those crimes that we committed somewhere in another world? Perhaps our life is hell and the churchmen are mistaken, promising us hellish torments after death.
- They also promise us heavenly bliss.
- Then maybe we are all fallen angels, and each of us is doomed to spend a certain number of years in hard labor prison in this world.

In moments of difficult emotional experiences, dresses can become either good friends or sworn enemies; without their help, a woman feels completely lost, but when they help her, as friendly hands help, a woman is much easier at a difficult moment. In all this there is not a grain of vulgarity, just do not forget how important the little things are in life.

In the thinnest evening dress, if it fits well, you can’t catch a cold, but it’s easy to catch a cold in the dress that irritates you, or in the one whose double you see on the same evening on another woman.

A woman can leave her lover, but she will never leave her dresses.

In such cases, people always say false words, always lie, because, then, the truth is senseless cruelty, and then they experience bitterness and despair, because they could not part otherwise and because last memories what they have left are memories of quarrels, misunderstandings and hatred.

AT hard times naivety is the most precious treasure, it is a magical cloak that hides those dangers that the wise man directly jumps into, as if hypnotized.

I realized that there is no such place that would be so good that it is worth throwing your life for it. And there are almost no such people for whose sake it would be worth doing. Sometimes you reach the simplest truths in a roundabout way.

So why do I love you?
- Because I'm with you. And because you love life. And I'm a nameless particle of life for you. This is dangerous.
- For whom?
- For the one who has no name. It can be changed at any time...

Everything in the world contains its opposite; nothing can exist without its opposite, like light without a shadow, like truth without a lie, like an illusion without reality - all these concepts are not only connected with each other, but also inseparable from each other ...

You look so happy! Are you in Love?
- Yes. In a dress.
- Very reasonable! Love without fear and without difficulty.
- This does not happen.
- No, it happens. it component toy the only love, which generally makes sense - love for oneself.

They don't understand life, she thought. They stick around in their offices and bend their backs at their desks. You might think that each of them is Methuselah doubly. That's their whole gloomy secret. They live as if death does not exist. And at the same time they behave not like heroes, but like traders! They drive away the thought of the transience of life, they hide their heads like ostriches, pretending to have the secret of immortality. Even the most decrepit old people try to deceive each other, multiplying what has long turned them into slaves - money and power.

A person always becomes a prisoner of his own dream, not someone else's.

Almost no one thinks about death until she comes close to him. The tragedy and at the same time irony lies in the fact that all people on earth, from the dictator to the last beggar, behave as if they will live forever. If we constantly lived with the consciousness of the inevitability of death, we would be more humane and merciful.
"And more impatient, desperate and fearful," Lillian said, laughing.
- And more understanding and generous ...
- And more selfish...
- And more disinterested, because you won't take anything with you to the next world.

You are happy?
- What is happiness?
- You're right. Who knows what it is? Maybe keep over the precipice.

How was your first encounter with the world here?
“I feel like I’m among people who are going to live forever. At least that's how they behave. They are so preoccupied with money that they have forgotten about life.

No one can escape fate. And no one knows when she will overtake you. What's the point of bargaining with time? And what exactly is long life? Long past. Our future each time only lasts until the next breath. Nobody knows what will happen next. Each of us lives for a minute. Everything that awaits us after this moment is only hopes and illusions.

People live by feelings, and feelings do not care who is right.

Reason is given to man so that he understands that it is impossible to live by reason alone.

Apparently, life loves paradoxes: when it seems to you that everything is in absolute order, you often look ridiculous and stand on the edge of the abyss. But when you know that everything is gone, life literally gives you gifts - you don’t even have to lift a finger, luck itself runs after you like a poodle.