Verification dictation spring in the forest

Control dictation No. 1 on the topic "Repetition"

We walk along a narrow path by the shore of a large lake. The sun rises over the nearby forest. A blue lake sparkles under the bright rays of the sun. Behind him lay a swamp. It's dangerous to walk here.

We are entering the green space. Tall pines stand in even rows. A rare ray of sun pours through the dense greenery. It's cold under the trees. Silence and silence in the forest.

Fluffy squirrels live in this area. Here the animal jumped from branch to branch, dropped a pine cone. We stood at the edge and went to the village. A steep climb leads uphill. There is the end of our journey.

Grammar task.

1. Parse the composition of the word: along the path, green, walk.

3. Pick up 2 single-root words for the word: coast

1. Parse the composition of the word: forest, neighbor, lay down

2. In the highlighted sentence, indicate the parts of speech.

3. Pick up 2 single-root words for the word: greenery

Control dictation No. 2 on the topic"Syntax and Punctuation"

The weather began to change. From behind the distant horizon, low clouds rushed and approached. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds, flashed in a blue gap and disappeared. It got dark. A sharp wind came up. He rustled with reeds, threw dry leaves into the water and drove them along the river. “It will rain,” Nina said.

The wind blows from new force, wrinkles the surface of the river, and then subsides. The reeds rustled, and mugs appeared on the water from the first drops. The river was covered in bubbles as it began to pour in a continuous stream of rain. Valerka shouted loudly: "Let's run, guys."

But then the wind died down, the sun came out. Rare drops of rain fell to the ground. They hung in the grass, and every drop reflected the sun.

Grammar task.

1.Syntactic analysis of the selected sentence (2)

3.Punctuation analysis of the selected sentence (2nd paragraph)

1.Syntactic analysis of the selected sentence (3)

2. Write out phrases from this sentence.

3. Punctuation analysis of the selected sentence (3 paragraph)

Control dictation No. 3 on the topic"Phonetics. Orthoepy. Graphic arts. Spelling"

It was a hot July day. With slanting hot rays, the sun burned the dry earth. Thick dust rose along the road and filled the air. Clouds united in big cloud. There was a distant thunder.

And now the clouds have covered the sun. It looked into last time and disappeared. Everything in nature has changed dramatically.

A whirlwind swooped in, the aspen grove trembled. From gusts of strong wind, young aspens bend to the ground. Bunches of dry grass fly across the road. By the river, thick reeds rustle dully. Lightning flashed, and there was a deafening clap of thunder. The first big drop of rain fell. The downpour poured down. (85 words)

Grammar task.

    Produce phonetic parsing words: lightning

    Write out words from the first paragraph, where there are more sounds than letters and write a transcription of words (Stood, dry, thick)

1. Make a phonetic analysis of the word: stood.

2. Write out words from the second paragraph, where there are more sounds than letters and write a transcription of words (aspen, young, lightning, first, large)

Control dictation No. 4 on the topic"Morfemics. Spelling. A culture of speech"

The morning breeze ran through the forest. The fog began to move, and the opposite bank of the river appeared with thickets dense shrub.

Suddenly there was a rustle of pebbles. I looked back and saw two shadows. I assumed see people, but it turned out to be moose. They were approaching the river. I fell in love with animals. The moose drank the water greedily. Suddenly, the female sensed danger and began to look in my direction. The water dripped from her lips, and from this circles dispersed along the calm surface of the river. The elk started up, uttered a hoarse cry and rushed to the forest.

At that moment the sun rose. Through the clouds of fog, the outlines of the mountains began to appear, growing on the other side of the trees. (98 words)

Grammar task.

1.Make morphemic parsing words: morning, examined, breeze.

1. Make a morphemic analysis of words: hoarse, ran, through the forest

2. .Select alternating roots.

3. Syntactic analysis of the selected sentence

Control dictation No. 5 on the topic "Noun"

Winter night

Night has come in the forest. Frost is tapping on the trunks and branches of thick trees, light frost is falling in flakes.

In the dark high sky bright winter stars scattered. Quiet, soundless winter forest and on forest snow glades.

But also in frosty winter nights life goes on in the forest. Here the frozen branch crunched and broke. It was a white hare running under the trees. Here something hooted and suddenly terribly laughed. It was the owl screaming. The wolves howled and fell silent. Light caresses run along the diamond tablecloth of snow, ferrets hunt mice. Silentlyowls fly over the snowdrifts.

Like a fabulous sentry, a big-headed gray owlet sat on a bare bough. In the darkness of the night, he alone hears and sees life hidden from people walking in the winter forest.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Grammar task.

    Morphological analysis words: in the sky

    Syntactic analysis of the selected sentence.

    Morphological analysis of the word: over snowdrifts

Control dictation No. 6 on the topic "Adjective name"

We are advancing at a slow pace fording through a shallow forest stream. Finally we go to Sandy shore near the forest clearings.

Only now I notice that the night has brightened somewhat and fog has risen from the ground. Against its gray background, the nearest pine tree loomed indistinctly with its straight bare trunk, and something stern is felt in its stillness.

Suddenly my hearing is startled strange sound and I shudder involuntarily. But then everything calmed down and plunged into the former silence. Suddenly my companion became alert. In his imperturbable calm subtle hearing caught some sounds. We made a few more runs before I heard the sounds made by the playing capercaillie (According to A. Kuprin.) (95 words.)

    Syntactic analysis of the selected sentence.

    Morphological analysis of the word: slow.

    Syntactic analysis of the selected sentence.

    Morphological analysis of the word: into sandy.

Control dictation No. 7 on the topic "Verb"

Young aspens and slender birch trees go down the slope to a wide meadow. Among the trees going full melt water path. A dry footpath winds nearby, and along it we go deeper into the forest.

This is where the real spring is felt! Aspen branches seem fluffy from long earrings. The tops of young birch trees have become completely chocolate-colored. You look at a birch twig, and it is all in large buds. A day or two will pass, the buds will begin to burst, and green tongues of young leaves will appear from them.

Exactly this good time in the forest. It is not yet green, it is transparent and so joyful. And how wonderful it smells of last year's rotten leaves and the bitter freshness of the buds! (99 words)

2. Morphological analysis of the word: descend.

1.Syntactic analysis of the selected sentence.

2. Morphological analysis of the word: seem

final control dictation No. 8 on the topic "Repetition"

The day ends. The sun is already sinking towards the horizon, and its slanting rays are spreading far. Twilight is approaching. We wander through the forest. It seems that the forest glades were filled with thick darkness. It seems to crawl out of the ground, lies at our feet, spreads down along the branches, climbs to the tops of the trees.

The birds are slowly falling silent. Soon it becomes difficult to distinguish the outlines of the branches. The trace of the familiar path began to disappear, but the rays of the sun are still visible through the clearing. The stars shone high above the tree. From time to time, a lonely voice of a bird is heard. It seems that she is surprised at the onset of a mysterious silence. The night touched the earth and spread darkness over it. (93 words)

1.Syntactic analysis of the selected sentence.

2. Morphological analysis of the word: at the feet

1.Syntactic analysis of the selected sentence.

2. Morphological analysis of the word: by branches




Boris has a cat. Barsik rolled a ball. We were in Park.

There are lindens and pines. The zina is small. Zina has a doll.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.

Roma is small. He washed his own hands.

Here are the chickens. Ivan feeds the chickens.

Here is the juice. Lena drank juice.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Alyosha and Kolya walked into the grove. It was hot.

And here is the key. He is clean. Alyosha drank water.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.

Summer has flown by. It's beautiful in the forest. We have paints and brushes.

Nina and Lena painted pine trees. Anton painted bushes.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Siskins sing in summer. Swifts fly. Lilies of the valley bloom in the forest.

Hedgehogs rustle under the spruce. The guys are looking for cones in the forest.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Beavers live on the river. They are excellent builders. Beavers have sharp teeth

like a razor. On the river, beavers make dams from aspen trunks.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


A red cat lay on a tree. The cat had green eyes and tassels on its ears.

Strong paws dug into the trunk. It was a lynx.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We have a big building going on. Syoma and Yasha are going to a new house.

The house has five floors. At the porch of the car. The boys are happy.

Reference words: big, floors, we have.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We had a labor lesson. We made our own toys. Here is a horse and a bunny.

Lyuba and Masha have a doll. Kolya made a Christmas tree out of paper. Our toys are great!

Reference words: we have done.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


A beautiful bush grew in the forest. Bush bloomed bright colors. It was a rosehip.

Nice scented roses! Masha began to pick roses. And there are spikes. Masha has a splinter.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Student Yura Chaikin solved the problem. The task was difficult. Slava Schukin has arrived.

Friends solved the problem together. So Slava helped his comrade.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We live in a new house. Alyosha is my friend. He goes to school.

Reference words: friend, me, in the new.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Our school is new. She is bright and beautiful. Maple and linden trees grow near the school.

We love our school. Our students live together.

Reference words: about, grow up, students.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


In the morning people go to work. Uncle Syoma works at a factory. He is a worker.

The factory makes cars. Uncle Syoma is a good worker.

Reference words:morning, factory, worker.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Aunt Nina and aunt Olya work at the factory. Aunt Nina knits fluffy scarves.

Aunt Olya knits warm sweaters. Smart machines make their work easier.

Reference words: factory, facilitate, labor.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Grandmother Raya takes Lyuda and Nikita to the nursery. The kids love to play there.

Nikita is building a house. Luda has a beautiful ball. There are a lot of toys in the nursery.

Reference words: love, toys, a lot.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


My brother Petya and I lived with my grandfather. We helped grandfather dry the net.

Grandfather Semyon taught us how to repair nets. I loved working with my grandfather.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Seryozha has a cat Dymok. He is small. The cat is gray and fluffy.

The cat's paws are white. Smoke eats fish. He loves to play with a ball of thread.

Reference words: thread.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Beautiful bushes grew in the garden. They were roses. They were raised by Syoma and Yura.

Good roses! The boys cut three roses for their mother.

Reference words: raised.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Dima and Serezha had a grandmother. Grandmother bought a primer for her grandchildren.

They are glad. The boys began to learn letters. Soon they will be reading books.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Here is an elk and a horse. And these are Christmas tree cones. I read poetry about the fox.

Reference words: pictures, read.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.

Me and my brother Igor love my mother. Our mother is kind and affectionate.

Everyone respects mom. She teaches children. Mom loves to listen to music.

Reference words: respect, affectionate, she.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Our yard is big. My brother Alyosha and I made a slide.

Our hill is good. The kids were happy. They quickly rush on a sled down a hill.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Sasha and Timosha left the house. They go for a walk. Here is the yard.

Babies are playing. The boys began to make a slide for them. The kids are happy.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


January opens the year. This is a tough month. Blizzards howl.

The snow covered all the food in the forest. Birds fly to human habitation. You help them!

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Winter. Freezing. Snow covered the stumps and bushes. Thick ice blocked the fast stream.

Snow coats were put on by pines and firs. A fluffy scarf lies on the branches of a cedar.

Here is a snowdrift. The bear is sleeping there.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We are waiting for winter. We called winter. The house has snowdrifts. Olga rolls a snowball.

Tanya rolls a snowball. Here is the snowman. Sasha and Dasha have skis. Everyone is having fun.

Reference words: fun, rolling.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Here comes the winter. Children are happy. Alyosha has a house made of snow. Vanya took the sled.

Petya put on his skis. They go up the hill. Everyone is having fun there.

Reference words: fun, they.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Winter has come. Fluffy snow all around. There are patterns on the windows. Here is the bird feeder.

Zina and Lisa have bread crumbs. They feed the birds.

Reference words: feed, feeders.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Snow. Everyone is happy with the snow. Misha and Yasha went out into the yard.

Olya was waiting for them there. Dad bought her skis. The children go to the park.

Reference words: fell, snow, in the yard.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Fluffy snow all around. He falls silently to the ground. The old stump is covered with snow.

Yura goes to the forest. In the hands of the boy is food for birds.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Here comes the winter. Snow all around. A hare has a white coat in winter.

It is difficult for a fox to find a bunny. He sat down by a bush and slept.

Reference words: snow, it's hard.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


It's a clear day. We are going to the forest. There is snow on the paws of the spruce.

A snowball fell on an old stump. Vanya noticed a hare. The bunny hid in the bushes.

Reference words: stands, noticed, lies.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Winter has come. I am going to the forest. The snow crunches. At the edge of the forest is a spruce.

A squirrel hid in the thick paws of the spruce. A ball of snow fell from the spruce.

Reference words: snow is worth.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Misha, Tanya and Petya lived in the village. They had a dog rose.

Rose lived in the yard. She had puppies. The children loved Rose.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


The school has a big mountain. The whole day on the mountain is a crowd of children. Ilya and Olga have skis.

They run fast down the mountain. Yura has a new sled. He rides kids.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Lived in the forest hare. He built a hut under the tree. There was a fox.

She noticed the hut and knocked. Bunny opened the door. Lisa asked to visit.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Here comes the winter. There are severe frosts. Fluffy snow covered the forest and the field.

The roofs are also covered in snow. Silence all around. Only the wolves roar. They are looking for food.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Snow has been falling since morning. The teddy bear was sitting on a stump.

He lifted his head and counted the snowflakes that fell on his nose.

Snowflakes fell fluffy and white.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


AT large forests deer live. Deer is a very beautiful animal with big antlers.

There is a feeding trough in the forest clearing. Deer come here every evening.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We lived near the grove. It was good there. They sang chizhi. Lilies of the valley bloomed.

We went for a walk in the grove. Our dog Ryzhik liked to scare the birds.

Boys and girls played hide and seek.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Zoya has a cat Murka. Murka has a fluffy tail. Green eyes. Mustaches are big.

Zoya called Murka home. Murka has arrived. Zoya and Murka were playing.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


It's raining heavily. Sick Druzhok lies under the porch.

Ilya tied up his sore paw. The boy brought him bread and milk.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We live in Moscow. Our house is on Zhukov street. In the summer we were in the village of Ilyinsky.

My grandmother lives in the village of Stepanovo. There is a fast river there. We often went to the river to fish.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Shura Lunin and Yegor Chalov are comrades. The boys live together. In the summer, the guys found a puppy in the forest.

He whined piteously. Shura and Yegor took the puppy home. The puppy was named snowball.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Children prepare decorations. The stars are cut out by Misha Luzhin. Flappers are glued by Sasha Chudin.

Lanterns are made by Lena Yashina. Nuts are colored by Anya Chaikova. Tree soon.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


It was a clear day. Here is the park. Fluffy spruces and pines grow here. Lenya and Yana were looking for bumps.

This is bird food. Seeds in cones. A squirrel jumped on the spruce.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We live in Kyiv. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. Our city is big and beautiful.

It stands on the banks of the Dnieper. Kyiv has many streets, parks and squares.

Our house is on Artyoma street.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


A pine tree grew at the edge of the forest. There was an old nest on the pine tree. Crows lived in it.

Autumn came. It's raining. The forest is gray and gloomy. The trees are silent.

Reference words: in it, came.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


I'm skiing in the woods. There are traces of birds and small animals in the snow. In winter it is good in the forest.

Snow glitters on the trees. A large ball of snow fell from a pine tree.

Reference words: glitters.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


A beautiful Christmas tree was brought to the school. We had a labor lesson. We made toys.

Katya has a horse and a bunny. Olga and Dasha have paper beads. Our toys are great!

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Guests came to Kolya Chaikin. The guys were playing chess. Vanya Yolkin played with Kolya.

Andrey Kruzhin followed the game. Then Andrei and Vanya played. Grandmother Klava gave everyone tea.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


A small apple tree grew near the house. rose strong wind. He began to twist and break it.

Kolya brought stakes. The boy tied up the apple tree. Snow fell during the night. Fluffy fur wrapped the tree.

Reference words: about, apple tree, break, tied up.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Autumn. It's been raining all day. Thumbelina was looking for a home for the winter. Beyond the forest were fields.

Bread was removed from the fields. Thumbelina noticed a mink. The entrance to the hole was covered with leaves.

Reference words: Thumbelina noticed.

Dictation on the basis of the 1st quarter

Autumn forest.

Beautiful and sad Russian forest in the early autumn days. Against the golden background of yellowed foliage, bright spots of maples and aspens, painted in autumn, stand out. The leaves that have fallen from the trees rustle underfoot. In some places one can see the cap of the late boletus 4 . The hazel grouse will whistle thinly, the cranes flying in a shoal will cry in the sky.

Something sad, farewell is heard and seen in autumn forest filled with silence. You walk through such a forest, colored with colors, and the soul is filled with a poetic feeling. Indian summer was called in the village this autumn short time. The air is clear and pure, the water in the forest streams is clear. Autumn late flowers are still blooming 4 . Songbirds are preparing to fly away. Sometimes a thrush will crackle in the forest, a woodpecker sitting on a dry tree will knock. Still green stands on the edge of the forest an old spreading oak, dropping ripe acorns to the ground. (120 words)

(According to Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Grammar task.

    Make a morpheme parse:

I option - flying 2, whistle 2

II option - dropping 2, crackle 2

I option - In some places you can see the hat of the late boletus 4. .

Option II - Autumn late flowers are still blooming 4.


    Extract from text:

Option I - 2 real participles _______________________________________________________________

Option II - 2 passive participles _______________________________________________________________

Dictation on the basis of the 1st quarter

Autumn forest.

Beautiful Russian forest in autumn days. On the background... of... the litter... of the leaves emit(...) bright spots of maples and aspens... painted in autumn. Sh ... flatters under the n ... gami l ... stva fallen from trees ... roars ... ev. In some places in ... daylight (...) a hat pos ... him a boletus. Subtly the hazel grouse will call in the sky... the cranes will pass...that... in a joint.

Something (something) sad ... noe, forgiveness ... is heard ... and seen ... in the wasp (nn; n) eat l ... su filled with silence ... no. You walk ... through such a forest, colored ... with colors and poetic ... filled with ... t (...) soul. Indian summer was called in ancient times ... this is autumn (nn; n) her time. The air is transparent and clear, pr... the pupil (...) on the v... yes, in the l... sny streams... yah. Autumn bloom (nn; n) pos ... flowers ... you. Songbirds are preparing (...) for departure ... birds. Sometimes shield in thrush s...knocks a woodpecker sitting on a dry... tree... . Still green ... standing on the edge of the forest, an old ra ... weighty oak dropping ... ripe w ... ludi to the ground.

(According to Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Grammar task.

    Make a morpheme parse:

I option - flying, whistle

II option - dropping, crackling

2. Make parsing suggestions:

I option - Beautiful Russian forest ...

Option II - Rustles underfoot...

    Extract from text:

I option - actual communion

II option - passive participle

    Mark graphically all participial phrases in the text.

Autumn forest.

(According to Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Autumn forest.

Kr ... siv Russian forest in autumn (nn; n) days. Against the golden background of foliage, bright spots of maples stand out, painted in autumn. Rustling under the n...gami l...stva fallen from the trees. One can see ... a cap of a boletus.

Something sad ... is heard and seen ... in the autumn forest. You walk through such a forest, and the soul is filled with a poetic feeling. The air is transparent and clean, transparent ... to the water in forest streams ... yah. The autumn flowers are still blooming. Sometimes a woodpecker will knock a thrush in the forest. Still green, an old oak stands on the edge of the forest, dropping ripe acorns to the ground.

(According to Sokolov-Mikitov.)

1. Make a parse of the sentence:

Sometimes a thrush will crackle in the forest, a woodpecker will knock.

2. Write out one participle from the text.

3. Designate graphically 3 involved turnover in the text.