Prich turnover and adverbial turnover. Communion and participle

An additional action performed by a pronoun or noun in Russian is called a participle turnover. The article contains the rules for writing it in a sentence, exceptions to the rules, as well as various options use of adverbial turnover.

What is a participle in Russian?

Dee participial - This is a speech construction consisting of a gerund and words dependent on it. The adverbial construction indicates an additional action that is performed by a noun or pronoun (represented by the subject in the sentence), and usually refers to a verb (predicate). Answers the questions - What do you do? Having done what?

Suggestion example: Without opening your eyes I enjoyed the morning birdsong.

The green line underlines the adverbial turnover, and the red line - the verb-predicate to which it refers.

The participle as a part of speech, as well as the rules for using participles, are studied in the 7th grade.

What is an adverbial phrase in a sentence?

As a rule, in a sentence, the adverbial turnover performs the syntactic role of a circumstance and is separated by commas.

Smoke, enveloping houses, went up (rose up - how? - enveloping houses).
I take notes while reading a book (I make notes - when? - while reading a book).
I thought problem solving (thinking - when? - solving the problem).

Simple sentences with adverbial phrases are usually called sentences with a complicated isolated circumstance.

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Spelling of adverbial turnover

In sentences, the adverbial turnover is distinguished by commas on both sides (separated) regardless of the position it is in relative to the verb-predicate. In addition, adverbial phrases in a sentence are always separated from conjunctions by commas.

I took the book going to closet.
drinking water I quenched my thirst.
We have worked hard and done with business decided to take a break.

Exception. If the adverbial turnover is a phraseological unit, then in the sentence it is not separated by commas. Examples: I ran headlong. They work slipshod.

Note! The adverbial turnover is used only in cases where it denotes an additional action of the same person (object, phenomenon) as the main verb. In other cases, the adverbial turnover is not used. An example of a violation when using a participial turnover: Choosing fruits, I liked red apples(subject - apples, predicate - liked, participial turnover choosing fruits semantically refers to minor member suggestions to me).

Sentence examples

  • He ran out slamming the door behind you.
  • Driver, noticing a traffic light, pressed the brake pedal.
  • Be sure to follow practical tasks, preparing for the exam.
  • Resting in the forest, remember about fire safety.
  • Buying products you should look at the expiration date.

Example misuse adverbial turnover:

Approaching the apartment, rustles were heard outside the door.

The main action is performed by rustles (rustles were heard). But the action of the adverbial turnover (Going up to the apartment) is directed to another object (for example, he or I).


  • generalization and systematization of students' knowledge on the topics "Communion" and "Gernal participle";
  • consolidation practical skill find participles and participles, participles and participles in the text;
  • strengthening the ability to compose a monologue statement on linguistic theme;
  • development logical thinking, skills independent work with text;
  • fostering a sense of mutual assistance, developing interest in reading through analytical work with the text of N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba".

Lesson type: combined lesson on the use of ZUN.

Method: reproductive-creative, visual-figurative.


  1. Table “N.V. Gogol. "Taras Bulba".
  2. Informant card (4 options).
  3. Cards for individual work.
  4. Table " Features participles and participles” (to be filled in during the lesson).
  5. Individual counters for counting earned points.


They [participles] serve as an abbreviation of the human word, containing the name and the verb power.

M.V. Lomonosov

[Gerential phrases] belong mainly to bookish speech. Their undoubted advantage ... lies in their brevity and dynamism. They also have great expressiveness.


During the classes

I. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guys! We have completed the study of the topics “Communion” and “Gerniparticiple”. Today in the lesson we will summarize and systematize your knowledge by compiling a table “Distinguishing signs of participle and participle”. What is such a table for? Firstly, as already mentioned, to systematize your knowledge, because the knowledge brought into the system remains in memory firmly and for a long time. Secondly, perhaps some of you will have to take oral exam in Russian to final certification at the end of 9th grade. In this case, the table we have compiled will help you quickly recall all the information about the sacrament and participle. Thirdly, and most importantly, you will be able to make similar comparative tables on other topics.

At home, you have prepared examples of sentences with participial and participle phrases from N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba", which you will use when compiling the table. Each of you also has an information card from which you can take examples to illustrate one or another provision of the table.

During the lesson, you will independently calculate the earned points. The class is divided into two teams. At the end of the lesson, when the winning team is determined, the one of you who brings the winning team the most points will receive an additional mark.

II. Epigraph.

Epigraphs have been selected for our lesson, but before they appear on the board, determine what they are talking about.

(The teacher reads out the epigraphs, the guys add the missing words: participles, participle turnover.)

III. Compiling a table.

What kind grammatical features do participles and gerunds have? How are we going to compare them?

(Students name a grammatical feature, then tell how it manifests itself in the sacrament and gerund. At this time, the teacher fills out the table on the board. It is better to prepare cards in advance and attach them to the board with magnets.

For each position of the table, the children give examples from homework or from the information card).

Distinctive features of participle and participle
Grammar signs Participle gerund
1. What question does it answer? Which? Which? Which?

Thinking, woven, telling

What do you do? Having done what?

Playing, admiring

2. What does it mean? Sign of the object by action: a person who thinks - a thinking person Additional action: watched admiringly
3. What word in the sentence does it refer to? For a noun: falling leaves; sons who studied in the bursa For the verb: let's go, looking back
4. How does it change? By cases, numbers and genders: looking - looking; looking - looking; looking, looking, looking, etc. Doesn't change
5. What features of the verb does it have? Type, time, return: looking - looking; laughing Type, return: looking, looking, laughing
6. How is it formed (suffixes)? ash-box (looking);

yush-yush (melting);

vsh, sh (builder, carrying)

om-em-im (slave, visible, readable);

enn, nn, t (seen, read, compressed)

and I (seeing, hearing)

in, lice, shi (having supper, stopping, lying down)

7. What member of the proposal is ( syntactic role)? Definition: And they brought Cossacks twisted with ropes to the shaft. Circumstance: Partridges darted under their thin roots, stretching out their necks.
8. How does punctuation stand out in writing? The participial turnover is separated by commas if it is after the word being defined: She clung to the head of the dear his sons lying nearby. A single gerund and a participle are always separated by commas: Sobbing, she looked into their eyes.

VI. A coherent story on a linguistic theme.

One representative from each team draws a ticket and answers the questions: “What do I know about the sacrament?” or “What do I know about the participle?”

During the response, the class listens carefully and reviews the response.

v. Individual work on cards or graphic dictation.

(at the discretion of the teacher)

Summing up the lesson.

The result is summed up by individual counters:

26-28 points - "5";

22-25 points - "4";

17-21 points - "3".

The student from the winning team with the most points receives an additional mark of “5”.


Communion they call the non-conjugated form of the verb with the meaning of an attribute of an object flowing in time. In Russian, participles depend on the type of verb from which it is formed, so four types of participles are possible: real and present participle and real and passive participle.

So, first choose the verb you want from and define its main morphological features: aspect, transitivity, conjugation and tense. Then select the stem from which the sacrament will be formed. Present participles are formed from the stem of the verb in the present tense. To form a real participle of the present tense, use the suffixes -usch / -yushch (for verbs) and -ashch / box (for verbs). To form the passive participle of the present tense, add the suffixes -em () and -im () to the stem. Examples: reading-yush-th, gon-im-th.

From the stems of verbs in the form of the infinitive or, more rarely, in the form of the past tense, past participles are formed. Attach the suffixes -vsh / -sh (for real participles) or -enn / -nn / -t (for passive participles). The suffix -vsh is used if it ends in a vowel, -sh - in a consonant. Examples: see-enn-th, remember-vsh-th.

gerund- This is a non-conjugated form of a verb that combines the features of a verb and an adverb. Answers the questions “what are you doing?”, “what are you doing?” and, at the same time, to the questions “how?”, “how?”. Participles imperfect form are formed from the stem of the verb in the present tense with –а/-я and with the help of the stem of the infinitive with the suffix –va. Examples: summer-I, knock-a, washing-I. Perfective gerunds are formed from the stem of the infinitive with the help of the suffixes -v/-vshi/-shi. Examples: steal-in, return-lice-s.


The formation of all four types of participles from any verb is impossible. After all, for example, real participles can be formed both from transitional and from intransitive verbs, and passive - from transitional.

Imperfect gerunds cannot be formed from verbs: 1) from the main present tense ending in sibilant and with the stem of the infinitive in z, s, st, x; 2) with a base containing only consonants (sew); 3) with a base on r, k and in some other cases.

Helpful advice

If you have difficulties with the formation of participles, refer to the Handbook "Russian verb and its participial forms".


  • About participles and participles
  • how to form times

Communions and gerunds, as well as participial and adverbial phrases, perform different functions in the sentence, perform different roles. They also have pronounced morphological differences.


These past participles are formed using the stem transitive verb past tense and suffixes "n" and "nn" (if the verb ends in "at", "et", "yat"), for example "lost", "read"; suffixes "en" and "enn" (if the stem of the verb ends in a consonant), for example "", "weighted"; suffix "t" (if the verb ends in "here", "nut", "ot" and is monosyllabic), for example "grated", "crumpled". Part of the verbs that end in "st", "sti" form past participles using the stems of the present or future tense.

There are two forms of existence: short and full. If the sacrament is in the first form, it cannot change and is almost always nominal part compound predicate.

Class: 7.



  • generalize and systematize knowledge about adverbial and participial phrases;
  • to develop the ability to find and highlight adverbial and participial phrases; to prevent errors in the use of adverbial turnover;
  • learn to use adverbial and participial phrases in speech.



During the classes

I. Repetition

  • What is called adverbial turnover?
  • How are gerunds and participles distinguished?
  • What is a participle turnover? When is it separated by commas in a letter?
  • What is the difference between adverbial and adverbial phrases?

II. Anchoring

1) Vocabulary work

tamp down

  • give lexical meaning word;
  • form participles and gerunds from the verb;
  • make up the phrase "germs + adverb" with the particle "not", where the main word is the gerund;
  • with the phrase "tamping tightly" make a proposal on the New Year's theme.

2) Spelling dictation

(Non) stopping snowfall, the sound is (not) heard, (not) feeling tired, (not) despairing, (not) going back, (not) coming on time, (not) well traveled path, (not) you will see from afar, (not) frightened birds, strongly (not) thinking.

3) Parsing suggestions

Shining 3 with the majestic beauty of the north, the night quietly slumbers, woven with a thin frosty fog 4 . (Seraph.)

4) Explanatory dictation

  • Designate graphically the adverbial and participial phrases.

5) Construction of sentences with adverbial turnover

  • Replace verbs with gerunds. Write immediately in a modified form, placing punctuation marks.
  1. The moon rises and silvers the ice on the river.
    The moon, rising, silvers the ice on the river.
  2. The sky is covered with clouds and becomes menacing.
    The sky is covered with clouds, acquiring a formidable look.
  3. The joy of communion with nature grows and overwhelms the whole being.
    The joy of communion with nature grows, overflowing the whole being.

6) Perforation control

  • Indicate in the table the numbers of the sentences in which the adverbial and participial phrases met.
  1. Nature, holding its breath, froze.
  2. The snow carpet, changing the usual outfit of the forest, pubescent spruce.
  3. Only the tops of Christmas trees are visible, lonely growing near the edge.
  4. Throwing whirlwinds, birds take off with noise from under their feet.
  5. Night, approaching inexorably, plunges everything into darkness.
  6. The view of young birch trees, turning pink in the rays of the red winter sun, fascinates.
  7. Freezing, you will hear different sounds.
  8. Every person who is in the winter forest experiences an amazing feeling.
Proposal No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
ger. turnover + + + + +
incl. turnover + + + + +

7) Editing

  • Correct (orally) the mistakes in the use of gerunds.
  1. Hitting a branch, she slowly swayed.
    The affected branch slowly swayed.
  2. Suddenly recoiling, my hat flew off.
    I recoiled suddenly and dropped my hat.
  3. The frightened bird flapped its wings and flew away.
    The frightened bird, flapping its wings, flew away.
  4. I followed her flight with my eyes.
    I, following her flight with my eyes, rolled down the hill.

8) Test

I. Find a sentence with participial turnover:

  1. The wind blew along the shore, breaking off dry branches.
  2. The river, cluttered with white hummock, sparkled slightly.
  3. The sun, having sent the last ray to the earth, buried itself in a gray haze.
  4. The clods of snow lying on the branches crushed them downwards.

II. Find a sentence with an adverbial phrase:

  1. Barely illuminating the snow, the day quickly faded into twilight.
  2. Cirrus clouds are visible through the gaps, floating high above the trees.
  3. The storm raged all night, suddenly subsiding by morning.
  4. Long-harnessed horses chilled in the snow.

III. Find a sentence with participial turnover:

  1. In the frozen sky, the last cloud was extinguished, illuminated by a cold sunset.
  2. The fox digs in the snow, scattering snow dust around.
  3. Having stormed during the night, the forest calmed down, drooping with pine branches.
  4. The frosty, burning day blinds the eyes, scattering creaking snowdrifts.

IV. Find a sentence with an adverbial phrase:

  1. Until the very spring, the river, bound by ice, is silent.
  2. Snow-covered huts sparkled brightly in the sun.
  3. Fluffy snowflakes, fluttering and spinning lightly, fell to the ground.
  4. The skies crumbled into snow fluff, filling the entire air with movement.

Answers: I - 2, 4; II - 1.3; III - 1, 4; IV - 3, 4.

9) creative work

  • Composition-miniature "New Year's holiday".
  1. What do you expect from this day?
  2. What is your mood?
  3. What is special about family members?
  4. How do you perceive others strangers?
  5. What gives you the greatest pleasure on this day?
  6. What do you wish for this day?

Key phrases

Expecting something unusual, filled with pleasant chores, joy growing in me, smiling faces, helping everyone, anticipating universal delight, admiring the green beauty, wishing all the best.

You wake up on December 31 expecting something unusual. There is still a long day ahead, filled with pleasant chores, but the joy that grows in me is transferred to others.

Strangers smiling at me seem close.

Helping everyone, I do not forget that I have the most responsible task - to decorate the Christmas tree.

For me it is a great pleasure. Anticipating the general enthusiasm, I try my best.

Mom will hug me, and we will stand, admiring the green beauty. Amazing, funny, a little crazy New year's night ended.

Wishing you all the best, I fall asleep.

III. Homework.

§30-36, write out of sentences fiction 3 sentences with participial phrases, 3 sentences with participial phrases.

In order to give writing expressiveness, use one of the means - participial turnover. Examples of its use can be found in the literature since ancient times. After all, he came from Old Church Slavonic. This explains the use of participial turnover in writing, because Old Church Slavonic is the language of church literature. Our ancestors spoke Old Russian.

Participle turnover: definition

The participle and the dependent words adjacent to it are called a simple phrase - participle turnover. Example: girl jumping rope. Here, jumping rope is a participial turnover. It consists of several parts: the participle itself, dependent words, the word being defined. The participial turnover in the sentence is a separate definition. It is necessary to distinguish between adverbial and participle turnover. Examples:

I finally read the book that had been gathering dust on the shelf for a long time.

The participle turnover “long dusty on the shelf” plays a role separate definition(answers the question: what kind?).

The puppy, frightened of us, ran away.

AT this proposal there is a participial turnover: "being afraid of us." It adjoins the verb-predicate “ran away”, in addition, it answers the question: what did you do? and is a circumstance.

Communion - the main component of the sacramental turnover

The participle combines the characteristics of a verb and an adjective. From the verb, this part of speech took recurrence, aspect, tense (present and past) and transitivity. The participle is related to the adjective by the ability to change by gender, number and case, the possibility of education short form, as well as questions: what? which? For example:

  • thinking(what?) - denotes the one who thinks;
  • turning th (what?) - denotes the one who turned;
  • built(what?) - denotes what was built.

The participle as an independent part of speech is still being debated. Some linguists define it as special form verb.

What else contains participial turnover

In addition to the participle, participle turnover includes:

1. Dependent words. They are asked a direct question from the sacrament. For example:

Table covered with a tablecloth.

AT this case"covered" is an adjective. Answers the question: which one? Denotes a sign by action (the one that was covered). From the sacrament we ask a question to the word tablecloth (covered with what? - tablecloth). Accordingly, "tablecloth" is a dependent word.

2. The word being defined is the one to which the participial turnover refers. Example:

Child running around the apartment.

“Running around the apartment” - participle turnover (“running” - participle, dependent word - “around the apartment”). To this participial turnover, we ask a question from the word "child". What child? running around the apartment. So the word being defined is "child".

Separation rule

Consider the cases in which the participial turnover is isolated (highlighted by commas). Examples, the rule is as follows: if the part of speech we are considering is after the word being defined, then it must be denoted by commas.

The flower growing in the wasteland was very beautiful.

Here the word “flower” is defined, the participle turnover is “growing in a wasteland”. A separate definition is after the word being defined, respectively, it is separated by commas.

Consider another example: The flower growing in the wasteland was very beautiful.

In this case, the position of the participial turnover has changed: the word being defined is after a separate definition, so commas are not needed.

However, there are cases in which commas are necessary:

  1. The participle turnover is always isolated with the defined word-personal pronoun. Example: Anticipating trouble, I tossed and turned in bed for a long time.. The participial turnover “foreseeing trouble” refers to the personal pronoun “I”, therefore it is separated by commas, regardless of the position. Compare: I, anticipating trouble, tossed and turned in bed for a long time.
  2. The added value of a circumstance that has a participial turnover. For example: Blinded by the glare of the sea, we did not dare to enter the water for a long time.. Here the participial turnover "blinded by the glare of the sea" has additional value reasons: from the predicate you can set additional question: for a long time did not decide why? Because they were blinded by the glare of the sea.
  3. Other members of the sentence break the word being defined and the participial turnover. Example: Showing the first rays, a month appears in the sky. Here the participial turnover is “showing the first rays”, and the word being defined is “month”. Between them there are still the predicate “appears” and the circumstance with the preposition “in heaven”. In this case, it is necessary to separate the participial turnover with commas.

When Commas Are Not Necessary

There are times when commas are not required in participial turnover. We have already analyzed one of the options when the participial turnover will not be highlighted with commas: if it is in front of the word being defined.

A sun-soaked world surrounded us.

In this position of participial turnover, commas are not needed.

There are two more cases when it is not necessary to single out the participial turnover. Examples:

1. If it refers not only to the subject, but also to the predicate:

We ran to the tent soaking wet.

In this case, it is possible to ask a question to the participial phrase “soaked through” both from the pronoun-subject “we” (what?), but also from the predicate “fled” (how?).

2. Accusative case of a personal pronoun acting as a defined word. For example:

We found him lying on the battlefield.

The word being defined is the personal pronoun "his" in accusative(whom?).

What conclusion can be drawn from the above? If you do not know whether or not to isolate the participial turnover, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The location of the turnover relative to the word being defined.
  2. How is the defined word expressed and in what form does it stand.