Stalinist anthem of the USSR.

In 1943, Mikhalkov, together with military journalist Georgy El-Registan (Gabriel Arkadyevich Ureklyan), wrote the text for the State Anthem of the USSR, which was first performed in new year's eve 1944. In 1977, Mikhalkov created the second edition of the national anthem of the USSR.

In 1993, by a decree of the government of the Russian Federation, the writer Sergei Mikhalkov was introduced to the Commission (co-chairman) for the creation of the anthem Russian Federation. In 2001, for the third time, he became the author of the text of the national anthem, now the Russian Federation.

Anthem of the USSR. 1943 text

United forever Great Russia.


And the great Lenin lit the way for us.
We were raised by Stalin - to be loyal to the people
He inspired us to work and deeds.

Hail, our free Fatherland,
The happiness of the peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Soviet banner, national banner
May it lead from victory to victory!

We raised our army in battles,
Let's sweep the vile invaders out of the way!
We decide in battles fate of generations,
We will lead our Fatherland to the glory!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
The glory of the peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Soviet banner, national banner
May it lead from victory to victory!

Anthem of the USSR. 1977 text

Union indestructible free republics
United forever Great Russia
Long live the one created by the will of the peoples
One, mighty Soviet Union!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
Friendship of peoples is a reliable stronghold!
The party of Lenin is the power of the people

Through the storms the sun of freedom shone for us,
And the great Lenin lit the way for us:
He raised the nations to a just cause,
Inspired us to work and deeds!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
Friendship of peoples is a reliable stronghold!
The party of Lenin is the power of the people
leads us to the triumph of communism!

In the victory of the immortal ideas of communism
We see the future of our country,
And the red banner of the glorious Fatherland
We will always be selflessly faithful!


Hail, our free Fatherland,
Friendship of peoples is a reliable stronghold!
The party of Lenin is the power of the people
leads us to the triumph of communism!

Russian anthem. 2001 text

Russia is our sacred power,
Russia is our beloved country.
Mighty will, great glory -
Yours forever!


Hail, our free Fatherland,

From southern seas to the polar edge
Our forests and fields are spread out.
You are the only one in the world! One you are -
Protected by God native land!


Hail, our free Fatherland,
Fraternal peoples age-old union,
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
Hail country! We proud of you!

Wide scope for dreams and for life
The coming years open up to us.
Our loyalty to the Motherland gives us strength.
So it was, so it is, and so it will always be!


Hail, our free Fatherland,
Fraternal peoples age-old union,
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
Hail country! We proud of you!

On December 14, 1943, by a resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the State Anthem of the Soviet Union, which is commonly called "Stalin's", was approved.

The music of the anthem was written by the composer Alexander Alexandrov in 1938 for the earlier "Hymn of the Bolshevik Party" to the words of V.I. Lebedev-Kumach. After the victory at Stalingrad in 1943, a new chorus of this anthem was written: “... let it lead from victory to Victory!”

New text The national anthem of the USSR was written by Sergei Mikhalkov and Gabriel El-Registan ( real name- Ureklyan). This text was chosen by Stalin from dozens of texts by other poets who carried out the order of the leader, to the music of the party anthem. Later, composers Dmitri Shostakovich and Aram Khachaturian wrote their melodies to the same text, but Alexandrov's music was preferred.

The memoirs of Sergei Mikhalkov talk about how actively Stalin participated in the creation of the Anthem and in editing its text:

On the first version of the first line "Noble Union of Free Peoples" Stalin makes a note: "Your honor?" At the end of the third line "...created by the will of the people" Stalin's red pencil asks the co-authors again: « People's Will Voroshilov explains to unlucky poets: - There was such an organization tsarist time. In the anthem, everything should be very clear ...— and continues. - Comrade Stalin believes that one should not call him “the chosen one of the people” in the anthem, but to say about Lenin that he was “great”, - this explanation to the second verse indicates Stalin’s real attitude to the significance of Lenin and his personal modesty.

The third verse was subjected to a thorough revision already personally by the leader himself with a new invitation of poets to the Kremlin. Stalin suggested including several important thoughts bypassed in the text. After the couplet was reworked by the authors of the couplet, Stalin impromptu made the last edit:

What invaders? Sneaky? What do you think, comrades?

- That's right, Comrade Stalin! Sneaky! Beria agrees.

- Let's stop there! Comrade Shcherbakov, have this text typed right now.

Stalin's line sounded like this: “We will sweep the vile invaders out of the way!”

In a day solemn approval The anthem of the USSR on December 14, 1943 at the Bolshoi Theater, Stalin, addressing all the numerous participants in its creation, said:

We have adopted a new national anthem. This is big event... Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov created at one time the music of the Anthem of the Bolshevik Party, which was most suitable for the Anthem of the Soviet Union. (Turning to Shostakovich.) Your music sounds very melodious, but what can you do, Alexandrov's hymn is more suitable in its solemn sound. This is the anthem of a mighty country, it reflects the power of the state and faith in our victory. Comrade Shcherbakov! We, apparently, need to adopt a decision of the Council of People's Commissars? And appoint the day of the first performance of the anthem. Can we have time to command our radio to play the anthem on New Year's Eve?

As you know, since 1918 the anthem of the Soviet Union was "The Internationale". For a quarter of a century, fundamental changes have taken place in the country, and the hopes for an early accomplishment of the world revolution and the general abolition of states, glorified in the International, have given way to the construction of a powerful socialist power on a single sixth of the land. The new Anthem fully reflected the new realities, new dreams and aspirations of the Soviet people.

Many people are still amazed why the most various people at the sounds of this anthem, it takes you aback, and for many, the heart begins to burst from the chest? The anthem was created in hardest year turning point in the Great Patriotic War. The deep essence of the solemn victorious fanfare was subconsciously perceived Soviet people- the winner, as a symbol of his highest triumph. The new text symbolized the country's transition from revolutionary stage to a new stage of state building and further development. Capacious and concise formula: "The union of the indestructible republics of the free rallied forever great Russia" reflected the entire millennium Russian history which became the foundation for the foundation of the Soviet state.

The new State Anthem of the USSR was first played on the night of January 1, 1944. On March 15, 1944, the anthem began to be sung everywhere. He contributed to the rallying of the people in the defense of the Fatherland from fascist invaders called to new feats and achievements.

This anthem has gone through several editions. The first edition sings of Lenin and Stalin. 1955-1977 the anthem was sung without words, because Stalin was mentioned in the former text. But the old words of the anthem were not officially canceled, therefore, during the foreign performances of Soviet athletes, the anthem was sometimes performed with the old words. In 1977, Sergei Mikhalkov created the second edition of the State Anthem of the USSR. The second edition glorifies Lenin's party, communism.

... Lenin's party is the power of the people
Leads us to the triumph of communism!...

And yet, time has shown that the Stalinist anthem, born in harsh years Great Patriotic War, and is quite relevant even 70 years later. This anthem is much better suited to the current circumstances than, for example, the established Russian state system.

State Anthem of the USSR (1943)

Union indestructible free republics
United forever Great Russia.
Long live the one created by the will of the peoples
United, mighty Soviet Union!

Friendship of peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Soviet banner, national banner

Through the storms the sun of freedom shone for us,
And the great Lenin lit the way for us.
We were raised by Stalin - to be loyal to the people,
He inspired us to work and deeds.
Hail, our free Fatherland,
The happiness of the peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Soviet banner, national banner
May it lead from victory to victory!
We raised our army in battles,
Let's sweep the vile invaders out of the way!
We decide the fate of generations in battles,
We will lead our Fatherland to the glory!
Hail, our free Fatherland,
The glory of the peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Soviet banner, national banner
May it lead from victory to victory!

And as a bonus: Paul Robeson, National Anthem of the USSR (in English)

United Forever in Friendship and Labor,
Our mighty Republics will ever endure.
he Great Soviet Union will Live through the Ages.
The Dream of a People their fortress secure.

Through Days dark and stormy where Great Lenin Lead us
Our Eyes saw the Bright Sun of Freedom above
and Stalin our Leader with Faith in the People,
Inspired us to Build up the Land that we Love.

Long Live our Soviet Motherland,
Built by the People's mighty hand.
Long Live our People, United and Free.
Strong in our Friendship tried by fire.
Long may our Crimson Flag Inspire,
Shining in Glory for all Men to see.

We fought for the Future, destroyed the invaders,
and Brought to our Homeland the Laurels of Fame.
Our Glory will live in the Memory of Nations
and All Generations will Honor Her Name.

Long Live our Soviet Motherland,
Built by the People's mighty hand.
Long Live our People, United and Free.
Strong in our Friendship tried by fire.
Long may our Crimson Flag Inspire,
Shining in Glory for all Men to see.

Words by S. V. Mikhalkov and G. A. El-Registan,
Music by A. V. Alexandrov

Union indestructible free republics
United forever Great Russia.
Long live the one created by the will of the peoples,
United, mighty Soviet Union!

Friendship of peoples is a reliable stronghold!

Through the storms the sun of freedom shone for us,
And the great Lenin lit the way for us.
We were raised by Stalin - to be loyal to the people,
He inspired us to work and deeds.

Hail, our free Fatherland,
The happiness of the peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Soviet banner, national banner
May it lead from victory to victory!

We raised our army in battles,
Let's sweep the vile invaders out of the way!
We decide the fate of generations in battles,
We will lead our Fatherland to the glory!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
The glory of the peoples is a reliable stronghold!
Soviet banner, national banner
May it lead from victory to victory!


The national anthem of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a symbol of the Soviet socialist state of the whole people, its sovereignty, unity, friendship and brotherhood of the working people of all nations and nationalities of the country. It expresses the voluntariness of the association Soviet republics, historical meaning Russia, great merit V. I. Lenin in the creation of the USSR, leadership The CPSU leading the Soviet people to the triumph of communism.


Listen to the anthem of the USSR:

Download midi versions of the anthem:

USSR anthem chords

C Em F C The indestructible union of free republics Dm Dm Dm G United forever great Russia. C G Am Em Long live the united, mighty Soviet Union created by the will of the peoples F C D G Chorus: C G Am Em Glory to our free Fatherland, F Friendship of peoples is a reliable stronghold. F G C Dm E Am Lenin's party is the power of the people F C D G Leads us to the triumph of communism.

History of the USSR anthem

The national anthem of the USSR was approved by the Soviet government as the official symbol of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1944. Until January 1, 1944, the anthem of the USSR was "International", written back in 1871 and was the anthem Paris Commune. This anthem has been preserved as the party anthem CPSU.

The fundamental changes that occurred as a result of the victory of socialism in the Soviet Union required the creation of a new anthem of the USSR, which would reflect the power and great historical achievements of the peoples Soviet country. Concerning Soviet government decided to establish a new anthem of the USSR - "Unbreakable Union of Free Republics" .

The text of the anthem was written by the poets S. V. Mikhalkov and El-Registan, the music - by the composer A. V. Alexandrov. The words and melody of the new anthem expressed the exceptional role of the Russian people in the creation and defense of the world's first socialist state of workers and peasants, the indestructible friendship of the Soviet peoples, the invincibility Soviet army, inspiring free socialist labor, which overcomes all obstacles that arise on the path to communism.
The anthem emphasized that the victories gained by the Soviet people in labor and in battles are inseparable from the Communist Party, from the names Lenin and Stalin.

We were raised by Stalin - to be loyal to the people,
He inspired us to work and deeds.

Their national anthems also had union republics USSR (the anthem of the USSR was used in the RSFSR). These hymns expressed the idea of ​​friendship between peoples united around the great Russian people, and reflected the features of the republics.

Since 1956, in connection with the debunking of the personality cult of Stalin, the anthem began to be performed in an instrumental version, without words. In 1977, with the adoption new constitution USSR, S. V. Mikhalkov was instructed to change the lines where I. V. Stalin was mentioned. Now they sound like this:

Party of Lenin - the power of the people
It leads us to the triumph of communism!

The anthem found a second life in 2001, when the music of A. Aleksandrov became the basis of the new anthem of the Russian Federation. Sergei Mikhalkov wrote new words to the nationally beloved music of the anthem. From text Soviet anthem only one line passed into Russian: "Glory to our free Fatherland."


  • Legal Dictionary. - M.: Gosjurizdat. Chief Editor S.N. Bratus et al. 1953.

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