Ecstasy is a "magic pill" that destroys the brain. Pills Extasy & Pills (types of ecstasy, prices, descriptions)

MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine, better known as ecstasy) - chemical psychoactive substance of the amphetamine group. Slang names - wheels, washers, round. Ecstasy tablets were first patented by Merck Pharmaceuticals in Germany in 1914. In the 1950s, the MK Ultra project conducted research using MDMA, aimed at finding methods to manipulate consciousness. In 1976, the American chemist A. Shulgin synthesized and tested ecstasy on himself. After another 9 years, the drug began to be banned.

The effect of ecstasy tablets

The drug ecstasy is most commonly used in the form multi-colored tablets with embossed patterns. Like other drugs of the amphetamine group, MDMA has a psychostimulant effect. Unlike amphetamines, ecstasy tablets activate the release of serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, and oxytocin, the hormone of attachment and satisfaction. A deficiency in the body of the first causes depressive states and irritability, an excess causes a feeling of boundless happiness and love.

The production of oxytocin naturally increases at the time of orgasm or during labor. It contributes to the emergence of psychological attachment to a partner or infant. Ecstasy use is strong heightens the sense of empathy. A person's communication skills increase, discomfort in communicating with strangers is removed, sensuality increases and the perception of music improves - it seems to make its way into the depths of consciousness and control the body.

What does taking ecstasy lead to?

The maximum concentration of MDMA in the blood is reached 1.5-3 hours after consumption, and the effect lasts up to 8 hours, depending on the dose. Ecstasy, like other psychedelic drugs, mainly causes psychological addiction, but this does not mean that there is no damage to health. For diabetics and people with kidney and heart problems, ecstasy becomes poison. The main danger is a violation of thermoregulation.

  1. Hyponatremia (water poisoning). Due to excessive physical activity a person consumes a lot of water, which, with intense sweating, removes vital minerals and trace elements from the body. Internal organs fail and stop working.
  2. Hyperthermia. During active dancing without stopping in a hot indoor room (and nightclubs often do just that), there is an imperceptible, but dangerous temperature jump to 40 ° C and above. This entails kidney failure, liver failure, and even cardiac arrest.
  3. Death by overdose. The risk of death from ecstasy is quite low. The problem is that only a few take pills in their pure form. Usually, antidepressants, alcohol and other drugs are added to the “menu”. This greatly increases the likelihood of overdose and serious complications.

The devastating effects of ecstasy tablets may take some time to appear. They usually appear in two or three months regular drug use

  • mild hallucinations after high doses;
  • sharp rise blood pressure and increased heart rate
  • spasm of facial muscles, twitching of the lower jaw;
  • inability to concentrate and depression when sober;
  • dizziness, darkening of the eyes, nausea, vomiting;
  • loss of appetite and emaciation, hence rapid weight loss.

Although sale and possession of MDMA is punishable by law, its illegal sale continues to generate multi-billion dollar profits on the black market. Almost always, ecstasy pills are one of the first stages of development

Ecstasy (extasy) is called narcotic substances, which are usually distributed in the form of tablets, crystals or powders. More often it is called "wheels", "washer" or MDMA (mdma).

It has received the greatest distribution among the youth, since ecstasy has a relaxing effect and is not a potent drug. It is believed that in terms of the degree of influence on the body, ecstasy is on a par with tobacco and alcohol.

How long does it take for ecstasy to take effect?

When the drug enters the bloodstream, it promotes the release of adrenaline. A person's feelings of hunger, thirst, fatigue are dulled, he feels a surge of strength and this energy will not end while the drug acts on the body, and the effect lasts, as a rule, from 3 to 6 hours.

After about an hour and a half, the user feels a feeling of euphoria. The action of the drug is manifested in love, a sharp surge of energy, too high spirits, dilated pupils - this is just a small effect of ecstasy. This effect of ecstasy on the body can cause a person to take the drug again and again, which can lead to an overdose or chronic mental disorders.

The consequences can be very different, it all depends on the size of the dose, on the health of the person and on the frequency of use of the substance. If the subsequent dose turned out to be too large, then there may be problems with the work of the heart, hence a sharp increase in pressure, hyperthermia, arrhythmia.

The drug also affects the human brain, which is fraught with dangerous consequences. The hypothalamus is responsible for the functioning of the heart and for maintaining a normal temperature in the human body. Therefore, a side effect of ecstasy can be a high body temperature, and if it continues to rise, this can be fatal.

The consequences of the use of ecstasy include unstable mental condition. MDMA affects the body of each person in different ways. It puts a great strain on the nerves, hence mental instability, irritability. The feeling of euphoria passes, and after it there is emptiness and depression. Then there is a feeling of anxiety and, sometimes, fear.

Insomnia appears, plus, a person who uses a narcotic substance becomes more susceptible to various kinds of colds, as the body is significantly weakened and unable to cope with viruses.

The action of ecstasy, contrary to many opinions, can lead to addiction. As a rule, a person does not think about the consequences, and in fact they are the main danger. With this drug, various toxins enter the body, which adversely affect the body, because it is never possible to say exactly what substances a tablet sold under the guise of extasy contains.

Long-term exposure to MDMA sometimes leads to memory loss, kidney failure, heart failure, psychosis, and brain damage.

The presence of ecstasy in the body can be detected within three days, and it is excreted from the body even longer, about a week. But this is the case if a person uses the substance infrequently. But if the use is delayed for a long time, then the drug will be excreted from the body much longer.

The effect of ecstasy

What they mainly use for is an additional source of energy and bliss. But, in too large quantities, it gives a completely different effect. Actually, like any other drug.

MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine, better known as ecstasy) - chemical psychoactive substance of the amphetamine group. Slang names - wheels, washers, round. Ecstasy tablets were first patented by Merck Pharmaceuticals in Germany in 1914. In the 1950s, the MK Ultra project conducted research using MDMA, aimed at finding methods to manipulate consciousness. In 1976, the American chemist A. Shulgin synthesized and tested ecstasy on himself. After another 9 years, the drug began to be banned.

The effect of ecstasy tablets

The drug ecstasy is most commonly used in the form multi-colored tablets with embossed patterns. Like other drugs of the amphetamine group, MDMA has a psychostimulant effect. Unlike amphetamines, ecstasy tablets activate the release of serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, and oxytocin, the hormone of attachment and satisfaction. A deficiency in the body of the first causes depressive states and irritability, an excess causes a feeling of boundless happiness and love.

The production of oxytocin naturally increases at the time of orgasm or during labor. It contributes to the emergence of psychological attachment to a partner or infant. Ecstasy use is strong heightens the sense of empathy. A person's communication skills increase, discomfort in communicating with strangers is removed, sensuality increases and the perception of music improves - it seems to make its way into the depths of consciousness and control the body.

What does taking ecstasy lead to?

The maximum concentration of MDMA in the blood is reached 1.5-3 hours after consumption, and the effect lasts up to 8 hours, depending on the dose. Ecstasy, like other psychedelic drugs, mainly causes psychological addiction, but this does not mean that there is no damage to health. For diabetics and people with kidney and heart problems, ecstasy becomes poison. The main danger is a violation of thermoregulation.

  1. Hyponatremia (water poisoning). Due to excessive physical activity, a person consumes a lot of water, which, with intense sweating, removes vital minerals and trace elements from the body. Internal organs fail and stop working.
  2. Hyperthermia. During active dancing without stopping in a hot indoor room (and nightclubs often do just that), there is an imperceptible, but dangerous temperature jump to 40 ° C and above. This entails kidney failure, liver failure, and even cardiac arrest.
  3. Death by overdose. The risk of death from ecstasy is quite low. The problem is that only a few take pills in their pure form. Usually, antidepressants, alcohol and other drugs are added to the “menu”. This greatly increases the likelihood of overdose and serious complications.

The devastating effects of ecstasy tablets may take some time to appear. They usually appear in two or three months regular drug use

  • mild hallucinations after high doses;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure and increased heart rate;
  • spasm of facial muscles, twitching of the lower jaw;
  • inability to concentrate and depression when sober;
  • dizziness, darkening of the eyes, nausea, vomiting;
  • loss of appetite and emaciation, hence rapid weight loss.

Although sale and possession of MDMA is punishable by law, its illegal sale continues to generate multi-billion dollar profits on the black market. Almost always, ecstasy pills are one of the first stages of development

Many people know about the existence of such a chemical drug as ecstasy. And some are even familiar with its effect. Ecstasy, however, can not only cheer up and give a feeling of lightness. There are changes in the body. What exactly happens when you take this drug? This and much more will be discussed in detail in the review.

A bit of history

Ecstasy is a drug that is one of the many varieties of a chemical drug. It was developed in 1912. This was done by specialists from the Merck company. The main component of the substance is methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Ecstasy is one of the psychoactive drugs. The drug did not become popular immediately.

The first time was used by the US military. They were trying to determine how effective ecstasy is in psychological warfare. A few years later, the drug began to be used in the treatment of extreme lethargy.

The popularity of ecstasy pills began to gain, starting in the 80s. The drug was used during parties in order to combat depression. They also tried to “find happiness” with the help of the substance. This is what attracted young people the most. Until 1985, the drug was legal. Its use was not limited by the authorities, and distribution was not prosecuted. However, later the action of ecstasy was recognized as dangerous. After that, it began to be distributed illegally.

A new stage in history

Quite often, the concept of ecstasy is associated with MDMA. Many people are not familiar with this acronym. In fact, it is just an abbreviated name for the main component of the drug. At the present stage, drug traffickers label almost all drugs as ecstasy, the effect of which at least slightly resembles this drug.

Narcologists warn that in modern conditions under the name ecstasy, substances of a completely different origin can be hidden. This is heroin, and LSD, and cocaine, and amphetamines, and methamphetamines. Some even make drugs using components such as rat poison and caffeine. Because of this, many die after the first dose of the substance.

Depending on the form of release, two types of ecstasy can be distinguished: tablet preparations and liquid preparations. Ecstasy pills are much more common. To lull vigilance, dealers often place bright pictures on drug boxes that demonstrate the carelessness, the beauty of life - all that attracts young people so much at parties.

The whole danger of such drugs only increases due to the emergence of addiction. And if for the first time a young person can be given a drug with a classic composition, then later they will begin to slip products with incomprehensible and unknown components.

The liquid substance helps to reduce the activity of the nervous system. It can be found in household products that are used to clean pipes, wash floors and degrease surfaces. Usually dealers sell pill drugs.

drug epidemic

False information spread by drug traffickers has led to a near-epidemic of ecstasy use. Its popularity has increased significantly over the past few years. This is largely due to the colorful and vivid picture drawn in the media and the Internet by those involved in the sale of narcotic substances.

Among young people, ecstasy tablets can be distributed under a variety of names. Ecstasy is called "Cadillac", "Beans", "Vitamin E", "Discs", "Love", "Clarity", etc. It is mainly used by teenagers to cheer themselves up. However, the consequences are often more severe.

What happens when a substance is taken?

The effect of ecstasy is aimed at changing consciousness. This effect can manifest itself in different ways.

  1. There is a feeling of lightness, the muscles relax.
  2. The "brakes" disappear.
  3. There is a feeling of warmth.
  4. Ecstasy tablets contribute to the sharpening of perception.
  5. There is a feeling of cheerfulness, consciousness becomes clear, bad thoughts disappear.
  6. A person who has taken ecstasy begins to trust even strangers, shows openness.
  7. Mood improves quickly.
  8. A state of arousal occurs.

The effect of ecstasy begins to appear usually 20 minutes after ingestion. However, it may take up to 40 minutes. After that, the stage begins when the effect is maximum. This will last about an hour. At this time, you can observe slight tingling in the limbs, the heartbeat accelerates, the pupils dilate.

When the action of ecstasy ends completely (after 3-6 hours), depression and emotional emptiness appear sharply, insomnia begins to torment, and convulsive spasms of the jaw occur. There are other negative consequences, which will be discussed a little later.

How does addiction develop?

There is a misconception that ecstasy pills do not lead to addiction. However, this is not the case. Drug use comes with a number of risks.

  1. The use of unknown components can lead to death after the first dose. It was determined that only 10% of drugs have the original chemical composition. The rest contain dangerous toxins.
  2. Dose increase. It should be noted that with each time the effect of ecstasy becomes weaker and weaker. This leads to an increase in dosage. As a result, you can simply die from side effects, or a strong addiction will appear.
  3. Customers need a “hangover cure.” After the pill wears off, patients usually begin to suffer both mentally and physically. To stop such torment, they are ready to use the drug again and again.
  4. Ignorance. For some reason, many people believe that the consequences of using ecstasy simply do not exist, this is a fiction. But it is about them that the conversation will go further.

Serious drug harm

The substance is very harmful. And this has been proven by many scientists who have conducted a variety of experiments. The results were unexpected even for experts.

  1. Taking drugs adversely affects the liver. Over time, it will simply cease to function. And in some cases, even a transplant will not help.
  2. The narcotic substance is a mystery even for specialists.
  3. There is such an effect of ecstasy on the body as dehydration. A heart attack may also occur.
  4. Kidneys suffer from ecstasy, even if the pills were not taken for a long time.
  5. A variety of impurities lead to the fact that people under ecstasy begin to see hallucinations. And not always good and pleasant. Sometimes they lead to suicide.
  6. There is a loss of a sense of self-preservation, coordination is disturbed and body temperature rises.
  7. After taking it, a depressive state appears more and more often, nightmares begin to torment during sleep. Memory is impaired and paranoid tendencies appear.
  8. Cerebral hemorrhage. It happens due to an increase in body temperature up to 42 degrees. Convulsions, protein denaturation and muscle necrosis occur due to hyperthermia.
  9. Decreased sodium content. In this regard, you may encounter such a serious problem as cerebral edema.
  10. Blood clotting increases sharply, which, in turn, leads to the formation of blood clots. This is followed by a sharp decrease in coagulability and death.

Also often there are problems with the skin. Ecstasy can lead to obesity, and in especially neglected situations, reproductive function is reduced.

How do you know if a person has used drugs?

The use of ecstasy is accompanied by some characteristic symptoms. They will begin to appear in 30 minutes. Able to stay for 8 hours. Sometimes the effect lasts for several days. People simply feel cheerful, begin to make sudden movements and are not able to stop at any action. Usually they jump from one task to another. And they do it abruptly, for no apparent reason. People on ecstasy love to socialize and try to get physically close to those around them. Another symptom is the feverish state of the person who has used the drug.

Combining ecstasy and alcohol

The greatest danger is the use of ecstasy and alcohol at the same time. The likelihood of death increases several times. This is demonstrated by the statistics of admissions of people to the hospital. As soon as the drug began to be sold in clubs, the number of deaths increased dramatically. Why are ecstasy and alcohol dangerous?

Such deplorable consequences can be explained by an increase in the load on the heart muscle. In addition, the substance in its pure form is practically not sold. And the use of unknown compounds with alcohol can lead to unpredictable consequences. Up to serious poisoning.

The price of ecstasy can be quite high, as expensive components are used. For example, amphetamine and methamphetamine are cheaper. The wholesale cost of the drug can be $10 (620 rubles) per pill. At retail, the price of ecstasy rises to $30 (1,860 rubles) on average. But this is nothing compared to the consequences that were described above.

False representations

Listed below are a number of misconceptions about ecstasy.

  1. Ecstasy is an aphrodisiac. It is often called the drug of love. And this is what leads to the emergence of the belief that the substance is capable of giving unimaginable sexual arousal. However, the drug, on the contrary, suppresses sexual desire. It evokes, rather, a feeling of childishness and innocence, there is no question of any sexuality.
  2. No negative experience. There is an opinion that a drug can bring happiness without dire consequences. However, everything that has been described above suggests that ecstasy is not a harmless drug.
  3. People on ecstasy are harmless and completely trustworthy. It is believed that drug addicts taking this drug are loving. They will not steal and insult. Violence is alien to them. However, in reality, such people are not at all like angels. The drug reveals in a person all his secret desires. That is why there are so many sexual perverts and criminals among drug addicts.
  4. The best antidepressant. Naturally, the addict will feel euphoria in the first hours of using the drug. But how long does the effect of ecstasy last? In fact, a person will not be in this state for too long. After about 8 hours, instead of euphoria, anxiety, depression and psychosis will come.
  5. The use of ecstasy will not lead to the purchase of harder drugs. This is also a false belief. Over time, the effect begins to weaken, and the addict has to either increase the dosage or purchase other drugs that are heavier.

First aid

The effect of the narcotic substance on the body begins almost instantly. Therefore, doctors may simply not have time to get to the place of poisoning. It is for this reason that it is necessary not only to call an ambulance, but also to independently study the condition of the injured person.

First of all, it is necessary to analyze vital signs. If they deviate from the norm, resuscitation measures will be required. It should be understood that action is required quickly.


  1. Bring the patient to consciousness.
  2. Cover it with ice compresses to lower the body temperature.
  3. Drink plenty of clean water.

Medical workers will begin to bring the patient to life with saline solutions. They must be administered intravenously. At the present stage, there is no universal antidote. There are not even effective drugs that can get rid of the consequences. For this reason, treatment may be delayed. Doctors do not advise taking the drug if health plays an important role for a person.

During treatment, narcologists and psychologists can work with the patient. Everything must happen according to a clear plan.

  1. Motivational conversations. The patient must be convinced that the bad condition is related to the drug ecstasy. Motivation helps to awaken the desire to live and be healthy.
  2. Suggestions and persuasion.
  3. Hypnotherapy will help remove the foci of disease from the subconscious, replacing them with new, healthier habits and beliefs.
  4. encoding methods. They are based on the suppression of drug cravings.

When the main course is completed, it is necessary to undergo rehabilitation. In the case of competent treatment, the outcome is expected to be positive. The main thing is that there are no relapses.


Of course, both the sale of ecstasy and its possession are punishable by law. However, drug dealers are ready to do this, because illegal sales can bring very large profits. What can ecstasy use lead to? The most important negative consequence is that this is the first stage of drug addiction.

Prolonged use of the drug leads to the fact that the addict thinks about the use of stronger substances. And this means that the treatment should be more serious, and the rehabilitation will be longer.

The substance MDMA or methylenedioxymethamphetamine is a psychoactive compound related to amphetamines, which is more widely used under the name "ecstasy". Produced in tablet form and widely distributed among young people. MDMA was first synthesized in 1912, but began to gain popularity in the mid-80s among nightclub goers and rave culture fans. To date, the possession, transportation and distribution of the substance is prohibited and criminalized in a number of countries.

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MDMA Crystals: Uses and Effects

There are several ways to consume MDMA:

  • Oral. The most common method among ecstasy users. It is consumed in the form of tablets or powder, which is slang called "Molly" or "Mundy". In some cases, MDMA is available as a capsule or suspension.
  • In the form of inhalation (smoking of crystals, often in combination with marijuana).
  • Injection.
  • Intranasally (inhalation of the powder).
  • Rectally (in more rare cases).
The size of a single dose taken orally can reach 125 mg on average (1 tablet), while the number of tablets per night varies from 1 to 10 pieces, depending on the developing tolerance.
The effect of ecstasy on the body is very different from most hallucinogens and stimulants. If we compare MDMA with the most similar empathogens, we can see that its effect on the body is the most pleasant and predictable. For this reason, the substance has been holding the palm among synthetic drugs for many years.

The most obvious effects of ecstasy use

Among the most obvious effects of ecstasy use, it is worth noting:

  • Removal of psychological prohibitions and barriers.
  • The need for love, acceptance, intimacy.
  • Feeling of harmony, happiness and pleasure.
  • Deterioration of verbal memory and spatial perception.
The drug begins to act approximately half an hour to an hour after ingestion, while reaching a maximum after 1.5-2 hours. After that, a plateau effect is observed, followed by a reduction in the effect of the drug to a minimum. With systematic use, the drug has a destructive effect on the brain, organs of perception and the central nervous system.

How does MDMA affect the body?

Among the physiological effects of ecstasy are often observed:

  1. Rapid breathing and heartbeat.
  2. Increased blood pressure.
  3. Loss of appetite.
  4. Grinding of teeth and clenching of jaws.
  5. Skin prickling.
  6. Dilated pupils, painful perception of light.
When the body leaves the influence of MDMA within 2-3 days, irritability, insomnia, a feeling of anxiety and paranoia can be observed. Prolonged use of MDMA can lead to the development of tolerance, in which even a multiple increase in dosage does not produce the desired effect.

With a strong overdose of the substance, death, serotonin syndrome and anaphylactic shock are possible. In some cases, death from ecstasy occurs from acute heart failure, severe dehydration, as well as the toxic effects of impurities in the composition of the drug.

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