Essay English. USE in English

There I gave a small example of an essay for and against in English. In this note, I want to show you a sample of a full-fledged essay, the task of which you may fall for, or EGE. Below is a sample essay for and against" in English, which you can use as a template when writing your own.

From the article you will learn:

How to write a pro and con essay - a quick tutorial

Let's quickly go over the basics of how to write an essay again.

Even if I don't know what to write, I already have an essay template and I can start writing from the end. For example, I know that in the conclusion you need to summarize what has been said or express your point of view again. And all this in 2-3 sentences. Well, it's not difficult and it's written quickly.

Then I take on the introduction - another small part of the essay that is easy to write. In the introduction, you just need to tell where the problem under discussion comes from.

Introduction is done! What to do with the main part? Here, too, everything is simple. Let's break it down into two parts. In the first part we write all the arguments for, in the second - all against. Really, isn't it difficult?

Essay Pet - buy or adopt from a shelter?

Essay topic: "A pet - buy or adopt from a shelter?"

Volume: 450 words

I have highlighted in bold all the introductory words and connecting phrases that need to be used in the essay. You will find more such phrases in the articles "" and "".

Purchasing a Pet or Adopting a Homeless One

It cannot be argued that pets play a significant role in our lives. Cats and dogs have been living in our homes since time immemorial, and now they are kept as pets in more than a half of families worldwide. However, no matter how fun and fulfilling it is, owning an animal is a big responsibility, which starts at the moment you decide to get a new pet. Future pet owners have to answer one important question: ‘Will I buy a pet or adopt a homeless one?’

Purchasing a pet has many advantages. Firstly, it usually ensures that your pet is healthy at the moment of purchase. Secondly, your choice is much wider and you can pick a pet to your liking, including colour, fur texture and, when it comes to pure-bred dogs and cats, even personality. Thirdly, pets are sold at very young age, thus you will get to enjoy their company while they are still adorable kittens and puppies, and it also increases the chances that your pet will become attached to you very quickly and will view you as its rightful owner .

However, there are some disadvantages too. The most important of them is price. Getting yourself a pet can be very expensive, if it is pure-bred. Its health is also of concern. Such animals are more prone to disease and have weaker health in general.

Speaking about adopting street or shelter animals, it has a number of pros and cons as well. On the one hand, taking such an animal home often means saving its life and ensuring its well-being, which is a very good thing. moreover, it usually costs you nothing, and the keeping expenses for these pets are generally lower. Another important consideration is that each pet is unique and has its own appearance and personality.

On the other hand, when dealing with a homeless animal, you can never be sure in what state it is physically and mentally. It is highly likely that it has lasting health problems due to malnourishment and poor living conditions, and its past negative experiences can result in undesirable patterns of behavior that will be impossible to change.

Considering the pros and cons of both approaches, I can make a conclusion that they both are equally valid. The choice between them depends on what a future pet owner wants and sees as more important. Personally, I am inclined to compromise and to purchase an animal that is not pure-bred and, therefore, could be thrown out on the street in the case no one bought it. nevertheless, I am also not opposed to either of the extremes I discussed in this essay.

And at all kinds of competitions, there is a task according to which you must submit your essay to the jury or evaluation commission. It is this work that should characterize you, your perception, your worldview, your knowledge and your potential.

What is an essay? An essay is a prose work of small volume and free composition that conveys individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue. Initially, your own essay is not positioned as a defining or exhaustive treatment of this subject. This is just purely your vision of the issue, which is indicated by the topic of the essay.

BUT ? The essay can be written on a topic that you are offered, or on a free topic that you choose yourself, if the task does not strictly define the topic. If you have to write on a given topic, there’s nowhere to go - you need to try to reflect all your knowledge and worldview in this small piece of text! It seems to me that an essay on any topic of your choice is somewhat easier, since in this case you are free to decide on which issue or problem you understand best, and express your opinion in the proper form.

How to write an essay in English?

Answering the question “how to write an essay in English”, it is worth recalling that any essay consists of several parts. I would identify the top three: introduction, main part and conclusion. In the introduction, it is necessary to indicate the key thought, idea or problem that you will talk about in the main part. It is best if it sounds in the form of some short, but concise, complete statement. By the way, it can be if you manage to pick it up in accordance with the semantic content of this essay in English.

In the main part of the essay in English, it is supposed to present any arguments, evidence or refutation of your main idea, which would express your personal opinion on this issue. You can give examples that will illustrate your point of view. When writing an essay in English, try to avoid abstruse or bookish phrases that will turn your work into a boring creation. In this case, the reviewer may refuse to read this work at all. It is better to use simple, but at the same time good, competent, high-quality English. Use more adjectives and adverbs, but the main advantage of written English in this case is the synonyms of verbs and words in general. Your essay will become memorable, and "beautiful". And yes, mistakes are not welcome!

In conclusion, complete all your reasoning and draw conclusions, which will be the final part of your essay in English. All parts of the essay should flow smoothly into one another, all thoughts should be logically connected. This will help you with special vocabulary, which exists so that you consistently express your thoughts.

For example, when adding, you can use words such as moreover(besides, more than that) as well as(same as, as well as) furthermore(besides, besides). If you want to display a contrast or opposition, please refer to but(but), however(but), on the other hand(on the other hand), yet(even, yet, already), on the contrary(actually, the other way around). Limit with words despite / in spite of(despite), express the cause or result of something with the following vocabulary: therefore(for this reason, for this reason) so(so, therefore) as a result(because of this, thus), consequently(hence therefore) this results in(as a result), this leads to(it turns out). Pay attention to adverbs of order and sequence - then(after), next(then, next time) after(after), finally / lastly(finally).

The main problem in determining the key point is " how to write an essay in english”is the inability to briefly but competently state one's thoughts. As a rule, we try, as they say, "to spread our thoughts along the tree" or "to pour water." This is just not worth doing, since a large volume is not necessary information in your essay in English will not become a virtue of your work, but will be its disadvantage. If you are not writing an essay for an exam, but just preparing for something, ask friends and family to read it and rate it. Re-read it yourself several times to see if you made semantic or grammatical errors, and if present, safely get rid of them.

An essay in a foreign language requires quality content and a good organizational structure, as well as competent language design.

It is one of the most problematic tasks when passing the unified state exam. In terms of complexity, only listening can compete with him. Therefore, training in writing an essay should be especially enhanced and intense.

Since 2012, the time allotted for the entire foreign language exam has been increased to 180 minutes. Since the rest of the exam items have not been changed, we recommend that you spend extra time specifically on the written part (80 minutes). Moreover, the plan for tasks is specified, which can facilitate the task of writing.

In my opinion, cars should not be allowed into the city centers as they add to pollution and poison the air we breathe. We must also think about the people who live in the center and suffer from the noise made by cars. The streets in the center are usually narrow therefore people are moreover often stuck in traffic for many hours and, as a result, arrive late at their destination. Finally-ly, with ho cars in city centers, there would be no need for large ugly car parks, which would allow more space for parks. However, many people believe we would not be able to survive without cars because most of the products for shops and other businesses are transported by cars. Besides, they are afraid that public transport would be overloaded. I am sure it is possible to solve these problems by introducing a reliable high frequency tram service as well as developing the underground. As for goods, we could use electric vehicles for their delivery.

To sum up, I believe that a clean, reliable and environmentally friendly public service would encourage people to use public transport and help smooth the transition to a car-free zone.

Learning a foreign language is the best thing to do in a country where it is spoken. Do you agree

Nowadays people spend lots of money in order to go to an English-speaking country to improve their language skills. But is it really the most effective way of learning a language? In my view, studying in a foreign country has certain drawbacks. Firstly, this way is very expensive as the tuition fee for overseas students is rather high. Besides, when you study abroad, you have to adapt to a very different way of life, which can be quite stressful. What is more, English teachers do not speak Russian so if you don’t know English well, you will not understand their explanation.

It is often assumed that it is better to study a language abroad because you can always use it speaking with native speakers. However, I doubt that we will have lots of opportunities to speak abroad as we do not know many people there. It is also believed that Russian teachers are not as qualified as those in England. I totally disagree with this opinion because Russian teachers can compare two languages ​​and explain grammar rules better.

To sum up, I would argue that the best way to learn a language is to study it in your native country because you can always get the necessary help from your teachers. Moreover, today we have lots of opportunities to improve our skills such as communicating with English pen-friends over the Internet. I think that we should travel abroad so as to practice a language but not to study it.

Foreign languages. Now in schools they study 2-3 languages. Pros and cons

Most people understand that without knowledge of foreign languages ​​it is difficult to survive in the modern world. Therefore they send their children to schools where they can study two or even three foreign languages. However, is it good to study several languages ​​simultaneously? On the one hand, foreign languages ​​are the main part of our culture so they help us to expand our outlook. We cannot broaden our minds if we see the world only from the perspective of our own culture. In addition, learning languages ​​is a good exercise for the intellect. Moreover, if pupils know at least one foreign language, they learn new languages ​​much faster. On the other hand, many pupils find it confusing to learn two or three languages ​​at a time, especially languages ​​that are similar, because children usually mix up lots of words. Besides, some languages ​​are tricky enough to learn. For example, in English there are more exceptions than rules. In this case, children can be overloaded with homework. More than that, some pupils do not know their native language well and learning several foreign languages ​​could prevent them from mastering their own language.

In conclusion, I want to say that learning languages ​​is extremely beneficial and I would like to know different foreign languages. However, I believe children should not learn too many languages ​​at the same time so as not to get confused. They ought to get a solid base in one language before they start learning a new one. 16. Internet. Pros and cons We live in the age of information technology and nowadays the Internet is nearly as common as the telephone. No doubt that it is a unique invention, which has influenced all areas of our lives. However, some people consider the Internet one of the greatest evils of our time. On the one hand, the Internet is very useful, because it lets us access a world of facts, figures and knowledge. In addition, with the Internet, it is now possible to speak to friends and relatives any-where in the world cheaply and quickly. Other services are also available through the Internet such as booking tickets or buying things. Moreover, the Internet allows a lot of talented people to show the world their achievements and makes it easier to find a job. On the other hand, the Internet can become a disaster for our society, because people spend hours in front of their computers and neglect their everyday duties. Another worry is the activities of cybercriminals. For example, hackers can steal your money or even your property while cyberterrorists may ‘attack’ the world’s computers, causing chaos, and making planes and trains crash. What is more, leaders of different terrorist or oppositional organizations can use the Internet to find new followers.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that despite the criticisms by some and the fears of others, the Internet seems to have changed our world to the better and we must try to make the best use of it.

Cloning. Pros and cons

Recent advances in genetic biology have led us to quite a doubtful situation. People all over the world argue whether human cloning research should be controlled by the government as solving problems connected with human cloning is definitely not a piece of cake. In my opinion, human cloning experiments are extremely dangerous because there are huge risks of abnormalities in human clones. if clones have been made, they will obviously have serious psychological problems connected with their unusual birth. Finally, there is no doubt that human cloning will change our perception of what is the value of a human life as we might change from having children to manufacturing them. However, scientists claim that human cloning could be very beneficial as therapeutic cloning could provide stem cells for regenerative medicine and tissues for transplantation. Besides, re-productive cloning will probably give parents who are both infertile an opportunity to have children. I am afraid that this technology is not safe enough to use on humans. It is also possible that clones will age quicker since the cell used in the cloning procedure has already been used in a real life individual.

To sum up, we must question whether human cloning is really worth it when weighed against the problems it raises. From my point of view, human reproductive cloning should be under the tight control of the government and the UN because it is dangerous to interfere with nature and the consequences can be really disastrous.

Books or computers. Who will win in the future

The latest advances in information technology make people think that schools of the future will use computers instead of printed books. Although electronic books have not been widely accepted yet, they have certain advantages over traditional paper volumes. But will they be able to replace printed books? In my opinion, students will be widely using computers for studying in the future. To begin with, computers can store lots of books in their memory and modern software allows us to find quickly the necessary information. Besides, with the interactive programs on computers studying will be much more exciting. What is more, electronic books will not degrade overtime like their printed counterparts. On the other hand, lots of disbelievers argue that computers will not replace printed books because a printed book is better for human eyes than a computer screen. In addition, books are cheaper and easier to use since they do not need electricity or the Internet connection. I cannot agree with this because modern computer screens emit no radiation and allow us to read even in low light conditions. Of course we will have to pay for electricity but I think it will be cheaper than to pay for printed books, which are very expensive nowadays.

To sum up, I think computers and printed books will peacefully coexist for years to come, but in the future technological progress will make it possible for students to carry laptops or even palmtops instead of traditional bags with lots of heavy books.

Computer games. Pros and cons

People have always had different hobbies but technological progress has caused the appearance of computers and computer games, which can keep a child occupied for hours. However, adults consider computer games a complete waste of time. As for me, I believe computer games are more than mindless entertainment. To begin with, computer games can teach people to achieve their aims as they regularly put obstacles and traps in the way of players which are necessary to overcome in order to progress through the rest of the game. Additionally, computer games can be a valuable source of accidental learning that can be applied to school, home, and social events. Moreover, teachers have also started to appreciate educational games as an opportunity to make their lessons more exciting. Nevertheless, quite a few people are against this activity as they find it rather addictive and harmful for children’s health. They argue that computer games make students neglect their school work. However, if we learn to control our computer use and play games for an hour just to relax after a hard day at school, this will not do us any harm. What is more, modern technology made it possible to eliminate the bad effect of computers on our eyes.

To sum up, I believe that computer games have more advantages than disadvantages. They make us persistent, develop our logical reasoning and help us to escape from everyday problems. The thing is to find a right balance between virtual reality and everyday reality.

Space. Pros and cons of space exploration

Space exploration can mean a major leap for mankind. However, it is often criticized because the price for these space experiments is too high, especially while poverty still exists in many parts of the world. On the one hand, space research is extremely beneficial as it advances technology. As a result of this work, we have lots of inventions, which have made our lives much more comfortable. In addition, through the exploration of space, we could find new elements, minerals or even discover new laws of physics and eventually learn more about ourselves. What is more, space exploration will allow us to establish a human civilization on another planet as a hedge against the catastrophe that might occur on the Earth. On the other hand, the benefits of space exploration are not self-evident, no matter how real they are. It costs billions of dollars to fund the projects of space science whereas this money should rather be spent on meeting the needs of the underprivileged. Besides, some of the technology we develop through space science can be used in a destructive manner if it is in the wrong hands. Finally, a travel to space can be dangerous as we may discover something that is extremely harmful for the living beings on Earth.

To conclude, I want to say that space exploration satisfies the human desire for adventure therefore most people are interested in space research. Nevertheless, I believe our governments should find the right balance between social and space programs.

Answering the question “how to write an essay in English”, it is worth recalling that any essay consists of several parts. I would identify the top three: introduction , main part and conclusion . In the introduction, it is necessary to indicate the key thought, idea or problem that you will talk about in the main part. It is best if it sounds in the form of some short, but concise, complete statement. By the way, it can be a quote in English, if you manage to choose it in accordance with the semantic content of this essay in English.

In the main part of the essay in English, it is supposed to present any arguments, evidence or refutation of your main idea, which would express your personal opinion on this issue. You can give examples that will illustrate your point of view. When writing an essay in English, try to avoid abstruse or bookish phrases that will turn your work into a boring creation. In this case, the reviewer may refuse to read this work at all. It is better to use simple, but at the same time good, competent, high-quality English. Use more adjectives and adverbs, but the main advantage of written English in this case is the synonyms of verbs and words in general. Your essay will become memorable, lexically and grammatically “beautiful”. And yes, mistakes are not welcome!

In conclusion, complete all your reasoning and draw conclusions, which will be the final part of your essay in English. All parts of the essay should flow smoothly into one another, all thoughts should be logically connected. This will help you with special vocabulary, which exists so that you consistently express your thoughts.

For example, when adding, you can use words such as moreover(besides, more than that) as well as(same as, as well as) more(besides, besides). If you want to display a contrast or opposition, please refer to but(but), however(but), on the other hand(on the other hand), yet(even, yet, already), on the contrary(actually, the other way around). Limit with words despite / in spite of(despite), express the cause or result of something with the following vocabulary: therefore(for this reason, for this reason) so(so, therefore) as a result(because of this, thus), consequently(hence therefore) this results in(as a result), this leads to(it turns out). Pay attention to adverbs of order and sequence - then(after), next(then, next time) after(after), finally / lastly(finally).

The main problem in determining the key point is “ how to write an essay in english is the inability to concisely, but competently state their thoughts. As a rule, we try, as they say, “to spread our thoughts along the tree” or “to pour water”. This is just not worth doing, since a large amount of unnecessary information in your essay in English will not become an advantage of your work, but will be its disadvantage. If you are not writing an essay for an exam, but just preparing for something, ask friends and family to read it and rate it. Re-read it yourself several times to see if you made semantic or grammatical errors, and if present, safely get rid of them.

Introduction to the topic

In today's world of fierce competition, it is important for young people to get well-prepared for the challenges of the future. Thus the institution of gap year can be regarded as a step in the right direction though it is also not without its problems.

Arguments for"

In its favor, the gap year seems to be useful psychologically as it helps young people understand their needs and interest better before they actually commit themselves to any particular career path. Besides, the gap year has educational advantages because it offers a lot of opportunities to learn about the world and one’s own place in it. For all these reasons, the gap year can be regarded as a positive social institution.

Arguments against"

However, as critics are quick to point out, the gap year can in fact be harmful as it interrupts with the rhythm of learning and often makes it difficult for students to return to their studies. Apart from that, unfortunately not every young person can afford to travel around the world and many of them end up sitting around at home, which can be very demotivating.


All in all, the gap year may arouse mixed feelings, but still thousands of people every year take a year off. One can only hope they will use it fruitfully, minimizing the dangers and taking full advantage of its benefits.

1. Introduction: start with a general introduction to the topic (In today’s world… it is important) and a sentence expressing its dual nature (It can be regarded as… but not without its problems).

1. Introduction: The problem / issue / phenomenon of… is / has always been…, People always say / have always thought / agreed / said / believed…, It is a controversial / burning / hot question…, There is no agreement…

2. Main body: present the arguments “for” (In its favor) and then the arguments “against” (However, critics are quick to point out). As shown in the sample, you can present the arguments for and against in separate paragraphs. Try to present them symmetrically (for example, social, educational and psychological aspects of the problem). Remember that this type of essay requires a balanced argument.

2. Main body:

Typical unions and allied turnovers:

on the one hand… on the other hand; Firstly, To begin with, Secondly, Finally; In addition, Besides, Moreover, What is more, Furthermore; However, despite this, in spite of this; In fact, As a matter of fact; As a result

Other expressions: One major advantage is…, As advocates of…claim / argue, As critics point out / claim…, There are a number of disadvantages / weaknesses / drawbacks / downsides

3. Conclusion: clearly summarize what has been said (All in all) and write a sentence again that reflects the controversial topic, but at the same time expresses the hope of finding a compromise (One can hope ... minimizing the danger and talking full advantage of benefits).

3. Conclusion: All in all, To sum up, In conclusion, In summary, In general; it seems important to add/point out/remind that…, the issue / debate is far from...

Part 1. Appeal
Everything is very simple, any letter begins, of course, with an appeal.
In English written official business language, it is customary to address as follows:

Dear (which corresponds to our "Dear" and does not imply any familiarity) + the title of the person, this can be Mr("Mr", referring to a man), Ms(addressing a woman without specifying her marriage status or age) or Miss and Mrs("Miss" and "Mrs", referring to an unmarried and married woman, respectively). The call can also be used doctor– for doctors or people with a doctorate degree.

NB: You should be extremely careful with the appeals of Miss and Mrs in the light of the current trend towards the feminization of society and fashionable political correctness. Even if you know for sure whether a lady is married or not, the use of these forms may cause her displeasure, because in a business environment her status of marriage is far from the most important thing. Therefore, we recommend that you limit yourself to a strict and neutral Ms if you are not sure what the reaction might be.

The title is followed by the person's last name (e.g., Dear Mr Smith), but never a single name ( Dear Mr John). It is acceptable to use the full name (e.g., Dear Mr John Smith), but this is not typical.
If you are writing a letter to a well-known person with whom you are in a close relationship, you can use after Dear name only, no title (ex. Dear John), you can generally replace the introductory word with Hi or hello or just contact him John. However, keep in mind that these options are very informal.
The address is usually followed by a colon, or a more informal option - a comma, and the next paragraph is the body of the letter with a small letter.
So, the beginning of your email should ideally look something like this:

Dear Mr Smith:

Please inform us if it is possible to...

How to write a letter in English?

Part 2. Farewell
Which phrase you should choose to say goodbye to in an e-mail or in a letter written in English will depend on how formal it is, as well as whether you prefer to use American or British/Australian English.
In American business English, it is customary to say goodbye by choosing the following standard wording, which can be translated into Russian as "With respect" or "Sincerely yours":

Sincerely yours,

Cordially, (slightly less common).

Please note that a comma is placed after the farewell phrase, and then, the next line is the name of the author of the letter.

NB: By the way, if in a letter you ask a person to do something for you, as a sign of gratitude, you can also add something like Thanks in advance.(i.e. "Thank you in advance").

Thus, the end of the letter should look something like this:

Thanks in advance!

Sincerely yours,
Evgenia Smirnova.

In the event that your relationship with the recipient is less formal: you know each other quite well and are approximately at the same level of the career ladder, or he (she) is lower in rank than you, it is quite possible to end the letter with the following expressions:

thanks for the information,
thanks again,
Talk to you later

(after the comma, your name is assumed everywhere)
Or just put a name, without a farewell phrase.
If you are writing a letter to a friend or loved one, it would be appropriate to end the letter with the words:

best wishes,
See you soon

Phrases Regards, (best regards; kind regards,) and Cheers, used in informal British and Australian English, they are not typical for American English. Cheers in the USA it is generally used exclusively as a toast (meaning "Let's be healthy!").

Essay or topic in English - main part written speech. Writing an essay helps to replenish vocabulary and practice complex grammatical constructions. Composing is one of the most important and difficult tasks in English proficiency exams. It is found both in the Unified State Examination and in international exams -, etc. Writing an essay in English is more difficult than a letter or an email message, therefore the requirements for essays are much higher. It should correspond to the style of narration chosen in advance, reveal the topic in detail and be strictly structured, not to mention the fact that grammatical errors are unacceptable in the essay. Depending on the topic and purpose, essays in English can be of several types.

Essay types


Primary goal: describe the main features of an object, process, phenomenon.

This type of essay allows for an emotional, expressive style that includes a lot of detail. When writing such a text, forget about brevity and conciseness. Use your imagination to describe exactly what you want.


Primary goal: analyze and critically evaluate the stated topic.

Among all types of essays, this one is distinguished by an increased requirement for the structure of the text and the logic of the narrative. In an analytical essay, it is important to strictly organize the information and present it consistently. Also important role linking words play here, which will allow the reader to follow the course of your thoughts.


The main goal: to give arguments for and against any position.

The features of this essay include a large number of examples given and the disclosure of different ideas and views. To write such an essay, it is important to conduct a thorough research on the chosen topic.


The main goal: to convince readers of their point of view.

This type of essay involves a correspondence discussion with readers. The task of the author here is to argue his position as convincingly as possible so that readers agree with it. To achieve this goal, it is allowed to manipulate the emotions of readers, but the main tools should be a logical construction and accurate facts.

Comparison and juxtaposition

Main objective: to discuss the main differences and similarities between the selected objects. In this topic, the author has to sort different things or concepts into categories. This type of composition is useful when it is necessary to analyze the difference between objects.


Main goal: to explain how and why certain causes will lead to certain results.

This essay suggests two options for constructing the text: one result and several reasons that caused it; or one cause that led to several results. Often this type of essay is used in topics about ecology and politics.

Essay structure

A standard essay in English consists of different types of information, which are located in special sections of the text. Even in a short topic, three such sections are required: introduction, basic information or “body” and conclusion.


The introductory paragraph of the topic should contain the formulation of the thesis and in general terms make it clear to the reader what the essay will be about. The introduction should end with a word or phrase that takes the reader to the first paragraph of the next section of the essay.


First paragraph

The first paragraph of the essay should contain the strongest argument, the most expressive example, or the most suitable illustration. The first sentence of this paragraph should purportedly continue the introduction. The main idea of ​​the paragraph should be contained there or in the second sentence.

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Second paragraph

The second paragraph should contain the second strongest argument or illustrative example. In terms of content, he continues the first paragraph, supplementing it with new information.

Third paragraph

The third paragraph uses the weakest argument or illustrative example. The main information of the essay is also supplemented here, but it is no longer as important as in the first two paragraphs of the main part. The last sentence of the third paragraph should refer the reader to the conclusion.

Example in English Translation
In a similar way, we are all like Edison in our own way. Whenever we learn a new skill - be it riding a bike, driving a car, or cooking a cake - we learn from our mistakes. Few, if any, are ready to go from training wheels to a marathon in a single day but these early experiences (these so-called mistakes) can help us improve our performance over time. You cannot make a cake without breaking a few eggs and, likewise, we learn by doing and doing inevitably means making mistakes. In a way, we are all like Edison in our own way. Whenever we learn a new skill—whether it's riding a bike, driving a car, or making a cake—we learn from our mistakes. Few, if any, can go from beginner to pro, but these experiences (called mistakes) can help us improve our performance over time. You can't make a pie without breaking some eggs, and besides, we learn by doing, and every action involves making mistakes.


The final paragraph is the last in order, but by no means the last in importance. This is your last chance to convey your thought and position to the reader, so once again try to clearly and logically formulate the main message of the essay. Do not stretch the final paragraph - three or four sentences will be enough.

Useful phrases for each part


This topic discusses This essay deals with...
The definition of … will be given- Definition ... will be given ...
The topic focused on This thread is focused on...
In this essay- In this essay.
The key aspect discussed– A key aspect of the discussion.
Views on … range from- Views on ... fluctuate from ...
The central theme- Central theme.
emphasised are- Emphasized that...


For example- For example
As can be seen in- As seen in...
An illustration of- In illustration...
as demonstrated by- As demonstrated in...
Is observed– Under consideration
Another essential point– Another important aspect
Additionally- In addition
More importantly– More importantly
In the same way- In the same time


In summary- Generally.
In conclusion- Finally.
Briefly- Briefly.
To summarize- Summarizing.
to sum up- Summarizing.
to conclude- Finally
Thus- In this way.
Hence- From here.
It has been shown that- It has been shown that...
In short- Briefly.

Linking words and introductory words for writing in the table

English word/phrase Translation Usage
In order to to Used to begin explaining the purpose of an essay or a particular argument.
In other words other words Helps to express thoughts more clearly, simply, understandably.
To put it another way on the other hand Synonymous with "in other words".
That is to say that is Allows you to add more details to the explanation.
moreover Furthermore
What's more Furthermore Allows for more arguments to support the author's point of view.
Likewise like this Allows you to describe something that confirms the correctness of the author.
Another key thing to remember one more thing to remember A synonym for the phrase "and also", which can be used to add additional details to the description.
As well as as well as A semantic synonym for the union "and", which helps to add new information.
coupled with along with Used when considering two or more parameters at the same time.
However but Used to start a phrase that contradicts the previous one.
On the other hand on the other hand Used to show an opinion that is opposite to what has just been expressed, or to look at an issue from a different angle.
By contrast/in comparison opposite / compared Helps to consider the similarities and differences of compared objects.
Despite this Despite this Used to show an opinion that exists contrary to a previous statement.
Significantly much Used to indicate statements whose meaning may not be immediately clear.

Criteria for evaluating essays in international exams in the table

International exams (on the example of IELTS) USE

In this exam, the essay, which is part of the Writing section, is scored on four criteria.